“Republicans are traitors.”

1  2018-07-27 by VaticanAssassin383

This meme has steadily been increasing momentum on reddit, and I believe it to be a concerted effort behind its creation. The council on foreign relations would love nothing better to have the right be diminished into insignificance so a one party system can come into being. Are republicans great? Well, for the most part no, they aren’t. I’ve actually disagreed and even despised many of them since I started questioning authorizes since 2001. Regardless, there is not even close to enough hard evidence to prove that they are actually controlled by Russia. Did Russia help them? Maybe so, but does that make them culpable? Simply put, I believe the powers that be are trying to convince the left that the right is not only racist and elitist but also completely controlled by Putin. How he did it doesn’t seem to be important, but the idea that he somehow has direct control of half of our government is spreading like wildfire. Folks, first conspiracy theorists and republicans were lumped together when Alex jones endorsed trump, now trump and Russia are colliding because trump didn’t put sanctions on them and asked them to find Hillary’s emails. This is not quite enough evidence to convict him of treason in real life, but on Reddit it seems to be a settled conclusion. I believe we are witnessing an attempt to make USA a one party government that will inevitably lead to a authoritarian regime posing as the Democratic Party.


This is not quite enough evidence to convict him of treason in real life,

Sorry, but it absolutely is. He conspired with a hostile foreign government to influence the election. Now he's asking that government how he should run our country. I, for one, remember when the GOP actually despised Russia and Nazis. Now they're proudly conspiring with Russia and choosing Nazis as their candidates. I'll probably get downvoted for this comment but Trump conspired with Russia. That's a fucking actual conspiracy and most of the users in r/conspiracy don't care. Wtf?

So what hard evidence do we have that he conspired with a hostile foreign government? He’s a nazi too? Oh boy. You just think I’m on his side because I do t think he’s a nazi. If he did conspire what is the smoking gun evidence that has convinced you?

just buy guns. this is only going in one direction.

I'm not a Democrat. I'm an independent. My problem with the Republican leadership is that they're falling in line behind Trump no matter how much it hurts their constituents. Fucking McConnell has voted against bills he proposed as soon as Democrats agreed to them.

So what one piece of evidence has thoroughly convinced you that trump takes orders from Russia and should be tried for treason?

Did you watch the Helsinki "Surrender Summit"? Go watch that on repeat until you see what everyone else sees.

We didn't see anything that you guys saw because we're not brainwashed. Trump and Putin cooperating is a great thing, and the way the shills are freaking out about it makes that even more obvious!

Surrender Summit


!Sorry, but it absolutely is. He conspired with a hostile foreign government to influence the election.!< Citation needed?



It wasn't me under the impression I'm meeting with a Russian govt lawyer. So yeah it was hilarious to see these traitors get busted!

“If it's what you say I love it”

lmao how low IQ do you have to be to think that is evidence of any sort of illegal collusion?

When every single agency, broadcasting company, politician and political action committee agree with you it’s not a conspiracy. It is the establishment narrative.

Or maybe every journalist and reporter worth their salt wants to get in on one of the biggest happenings in American history: the POTUS has committed treason against America and her people and the ruling political party is likely complicit. No shit they're going to all report the same thing!

It's like if meteors were going to hit Earth and every agency/politician/news channel talked about it, does that make it an establishment narrative? No, you fucking idiot. It means it's a big happening that will shape the future of the entire world for decades to come.

Anyone who hasn’t seen the shift in quality of reporting of so called professional journalists within the past few years is intentionally ignorant and a completely ideologically driven individual.

No, you fucking idiot. Wow way to sell me on your bullshit.

Awww, so close to self awareness...

Professional journalism went out the window with Smith-Mundt and the consolidation of corporate media to a handful of companies.

Yeah but what about Hillary's emails?

It's Neo-McCarthyism.

Red scare 2.0.

Trump is an outsider who isn't part of a big globalist cabal. The US population didn't vote in the pre-selected candidate (Clinton). Rich people pulling the string of the Democrat Party (and RINOS) turned their resources to marginalize and undermine Trump in every possibly way.


Seems even this sub has bought into the left right paradigm and sees no problem with a one party system taking over some day.

Genius the republicans have already taken over! How have you not noticed. No joke and I know most wont believe me but I’ve been a life long republican but that shit is over. I’m now an independent because the left isn’t that great either tbh

Step 1 is always to dehumanize your opposition.

This paper details it all. Titled "Humor and Ridicule as a Weapon of Statecraft" PDF https://www.iwp.edu/docLib/20060209_RidiculeasaWeapon2.2.1.pdf

Just walkaway

What you are seeing is a cabal underneath a cabal that hedged their bets a little too far to one side.

Ill just leave this here:


Add on the additional facts about all the hacks being directed at Trump's political opponents, Trump allies attempting to obscure their conmections to Russia even before the issue got hot, Papadopolous bragging to an Australian ambassador about dirt from Russia then lying to the FBI about it, the living red flag known as Paul Manafort, and a extensive list of other facts and events i dont have time or space to list here and you have a pretty good case for a wide-ranging conspiracy to commit treason for political gain.

Sounds like if the GOP is complicit in this treason, then they have truly earned the title of traitors.

A good example of the type of propaganda that OP is concerned with. Its a shame that so many gullible people fall for articles like the one you linked.

How is it propaganda? It’s a literal recording of Paul Ryan.

A recording of the obviously Establishment Paul Ryan which is used by the sheep as "proof" that Trump is on Putin's payroll. Hopefully you aren't so brainwashed that you can understand that, since I have to explain it to you.

I'm more concerned with the more concerted effort to characterize anyone who doesn't buy the MSM narrative as republican/conservative. And then maybe start worrying about the traitor stuff.

We have people on a conspiracy sub that tell us we are retarded for not buying the regular media haha. Can't make this shit up. I hope to god most of them are making money, but there are a fair bit just deluded idiots who have found their way here for whatever reason.

And that is kinda tragic.

Pathetic even.

All democrats have left is projection and hypocrisy.

The noose is closing in slowly.

No puppet! No puppet! You’re the puppet!

They also have votebots, as threads like this make apparent.

Let's see if they are targeting me here.

dude.. r/conspiracy might as well be r/ShareBlue. Been this way since the r/pizzagate days. I don't know of a good ACTUAL conspiracy sub that isn't political these days. Divide and conquer... Dems andnrepubs work together? Nope, divide and override.

damn I got -50 for being skeptical smh