Life on Mars?

1  2018-07-28 by Bjerken

I've seen much news about Mars, water on Mars and possible life on Mars. Now, I don't have any evidence, but is it possible that there is something NASA and the other space programs are hiding? I mean, they must've known about this earlier when thinking of all the rovers up there. (This is only a theory, but it wouldn't be the first time important information has been kept secret)


I could see an argument being made that the discovery of life on another planet might throw some parts of the world into chaos.

... But it seems like the search for life is the goal of a lot of space stuff. I don't think they'd make it such a prominent part of space exploration if they had no intention of ever sharing that they found life with the public. And of course "life" isn't Marvin running around with a ray gun, it'll be like 1 cell organisms. Still neat though.

Yeah, but they already discovered organisms there a few months back, so I found it strange that they'd bring it up again

In my opinion, the only possible way for extraterrestrial life to NOT be immediately shared with the public and hailed as the discovery of the century, is if

1) the life is powerful, malevolent, and they demand that earth at large remain unaware of them

2) it is uncovered that aliens have been on earth for millennia and have influenced history extensively, and revealing their existence would plunge us into an existential crisis

Good points. I got some bad news for anyone thinking that life on Mars or on Enceladus would mean life is prevalent around the universe. If life is found in the solar system, it could very well have been created by the same existing organisms that created life on Earth. We would have to do some DNA testing to be sure. It takes I guess about four years to get to Enceladus, so we won't know for a while. They also have to find a way to melt through miles of ice and look down deep in there.

But then, if there is life on Titan, it is more interesting for independent evolution due to the totally different chemistry there.

Didn’t they find like frozen water with 1 cell organisms in it on the moon?



They might have thought that the bacteria came from the rovers themselves, so they are waiting on more precise and sterile sensors before coming to a conclusion.

Life on Mars implies Mars is a planet, just like Earth.

I, personally, disagree with this view, as do plenty of other people in r/conspiracy.

So on a very basic level, I don't even believe Mars is a planet we could ever visit. So "Life on Mars" is nothing more than a carrot TBTB have been dangling for some decades now to get us (the pleb) to believe in Aliens and whatnot.

YOu could speculate NASA is hiding Alien life, but I think it makes more sense to take nothing they say for granted, including the shape of the Earth and/or other planets.

They've been going on about life on Mars for a good 50 years now. Nothing ever really happens; if there really is Aliens out there, they seem to be A-Ok with TPTB hiding them, which doesn't make any sense. Hence it makes more sense to me to assume Aliens don't exist, but TPTB love us speculating about it regardless.

Not only would you have to believe in the magical spinny ball planet solar system model, but you would have to believe in abiogenesis, or that simple organisms were carried from Mars to Earth with a meteorite, or some dumb shit like that.

Are satellites real in your model of Earth?

I don't have model of Earth.

Satellites being real seems a very moot point. But sure, there probably are artificial structure (man-made) up in the sky which are performing the technolocial duties of what we think satellites are.

here probably are artificial structures (man-made) up in the sky

Then why do we see the signals from those objects Doppler shifted? They would only be shifted if they moved very very quickly, too quickly to be in Earth's atmosphere.

Then you have GPS which doesn't work unless the satellites are rather far away.

I have to say I'm with you on this. Check out these videos of stars through telescopes. What do you all think of this? Looks just like sound waves going through water.

Is it just some photographically anomaly? Or is this what the atmosphere does to starlight? If so why don't we ever see this especially with how awesome it looks.

Any more vids like this out there?

Loom up the Montauk Project and Mars using astral projection. I think the Pleadians (blonde haired blue eyed asiatics) lived there and it was destroyed by dinosaurs.

Bro you think space Vikings lived on mars and got killed by space dinosaurs??

I just say dinosaurs because I don't know what they are. Also notice I said the blondes were Asian.

So you think mystery space lizards killed Asian space Vikings on mars. I got you bro

Quit trying to make people look crazy. Its an unprovable subject. That's what ive gathered through research.

They actually changed that site big time. The Seven Brothers (Sons of Thunder) were fair skinned with golden hair and lived in Lake Champlaign. They were enemies of pita and kita skog who were snake like beings. James and John are called Sons of Thunder in the bible and the devil/Satan is called a serpent or reptile. Seven references the pleadies btw.

Did he fucking stutter?

Makes more sense than the 9/11 official statements.

For some reason this archetype is ingrained in humanity's subconscious. Basically the advanced humanoids vs the reptilians.

The lord of the rings had elves and sauron/orcs playing these roles in the universe, while humans and the other races were basically just a mess subcoming to darkness until they destroy sauron's forces.

They say Mars shows evidence of having an atmosphere at one point but it was destroyed by nuclear war and radioactive particles can still be observed on Mars today.

If that is all true, then hey maybe there is some truth to these archetypes and a reason we remember.

The question is what side is good and what side is evil? Or is it more complicated than that. Should we trust either side?

The reptiles are evil. I know from experience.

Not only is it possible that there is something NASA and the other space programs are hiding,

It's a God awful small affair...

The official pronouncement of life on Mars would have to be accompanied by a lot of evidence. NASA may have evidence, but not what they consider indisputable. With all the anal probes I've had at night I can tell you something fishy is going on!

anal probes I've had at night I can tell you something fishy is going on!

Fishy ass is bad bro. Better see a doctor as it could be the start of Assburgers syndrome.

I have assburgers, yes I eat for free;)

Read on ..

>A carved bust photographed in Gusev Crater on Mars by NASA's Spirit Rover in 2008 shows a robed figure wearing a crown, that he could pass for a modern man turns Charles Darwin's Descent of Man on its head, as well it refutes Adam and Eve and the notion men evolved from Ethiopian ape brutes.

* Human Head & Shattered Masonry on Mars, Curiosity Sol 969.

* Martian Salamander, Curiosity Sol 1640.

* Metal Bracket & Flange, Opportunity Sol 4689.

* Disembodied Human Hand & Foot, Curiosity Sol 608.

* Crab on Mars, Opportunity Rover landing site Sol 344.

* Martian Fox, Opportunity Sol 985.

* Live Martian 1, Curiosity Sol 127.

* Live Martian 2, Curiosity Sol 300, there is a carved stone head half buried in the sand middle right.

* Live Martian 3, Parts 1 & 2, Opportunity Sol 1682.

* Forge Welded Steel Spear Point, Opportunity Sol 3756.

* Dead Astronaut 1, Opportunity Sol 4182.

* Dead Astronaut 2, Opportunity Sol 4182.

* Dead Astronauts 3 & 4, Montage, Opportunity Sol 4182.

* Martian Whale 1, Curiosity Sol 1276.

* Martian Whale 2 & Crocodile Head. Curiosity Sol 1281.

* The Martian Bull, PIA16918.

Sources NASA Spirit & Opportunity Rovers, NASA Curiosity Mars Rover.

* Skulls on Planet Venus 1.

* Skulls on Planet Venus 2.

Data returned by the Soviet Venera program that went from 1961 to 1984 which has similarly been kept under wraps, proves there were humans on planet Venus. Link.

>Curiosity Rover landed in Gale Crater which is three miles deep and one hundred mi across, which means the impact that formed the crater displaced some 7,500 cubic miles of volcanic ash, to reveal an ancient surface that is in large part intact!

>The ash blanket that covers much of Mars' surface came from successive eruptions of volcanoes on the Tharsis Shield, which are said to have occurred between "3.7 billion and 500 million yrs ago." Wiki.

>The classical civilization that produced the statues and built the stone platforms predated the Tharsis eruptions, which enlarges the evolutionary time frame out of sight, as well it adds the dimension of space travel.

Take another look at the Martian 1 image returned by the Curiosity Rover on Sol 127, that the Martian bears a strong resemblance to Ernie one half of the Sesame Street Bert and Ernie brotherhood, is evidence manned missions had been to Mars by the time their characters appeared, which predated the NASA Rovers by decades.