Conspiracy shower thought

1  2018-07-29 by tiberius_regulus

What if the Georgia guide stones says "maintain humanity under 500m" because the Earth's real population is less than 500m? What if the overpopulation and depopulation agendas are just hoaxes?


Is a good theory

Thanks! Maybe it could coincide with cultural layer as well?

Certainly doesn't contradict my own suspicions. I would say the essence of "cultural layer" is less of a unified theory at this point and more of a method of deconstructing the official narrative using logic and satire.

I was thinking more along the lines of how they could get away with covering it all up. No way of mass communication, almost complete illiteracy and far less people. They literally could've conjured up anything and called it "history".

"They literally could've conjured up anything "

That certainly seems to be the case

Everyday I find something that doesn't add up.

Whoa, thanks for the link!

Everyday I find something that doesn't add up.

Same, friend. Once you've gone far enough, if feels like an ant hole and not a rabbit hole.

You should check out Extinction on Netflix

with all due respect, that is not a shower thought... that is a stoned off your fucking ass thought.

fair enough lol. This is something that is extremely well documented though, all you need to do is travel and see for yourself (which I've done quite a bit the last few years)

Can numbers be exaggerated, absolutely....but not to the level you're suggesting. To those Downvoting a lighthearted comment, pretty petty but whatever makes you feel better

Im not sure how this is possible? Are you saying a lot of people are not real people or something?

Im not sure how this is possible? Are you saying a lot of people are not real people or something?

Are you saying a lot of people are not real people or something?

No. I'm saying they are lying about the numbers for whatever reason. Here is an article for you.

If they could lie about some of the numbers, whats to stop them from lying about all the numbers but one?

Truly a can of worms. I just want people to think about it.

Have you ever thought you might be the only human?

Thought about it, then got a booty call from the love of my life. Now I have a child and here I am talking to you. The ant hole is deep but don't let it destroy you. Your soul. I reject simulation theory like the plague.

Great answer. My own two children kept me from the very bottom of that soul hole as well.

And yeah I think many things are simulated, and overall its useful model, but not how it all actually works.

The very best of wisdom, love, and luck to you and yours, sir.

Philosophical zombie? always found that interesting.

Yes I think thats a pretty good model on how an all seeing “spiritual simulation” would function.

The whole world’s a stage.

I think that at least some "people" out there exist solely to make life miserable for others, if they are simulacrum, philosophical zombies (etc) or not, I cannot say for certain as I truly don't know. My beliefs on the subject are based primarily on the feelings I have which I know is a bad way to approach things but it's not as if I can find concrete evidence to prove it one way or the other. I've considered it for quite some time now and even as a Christian I'm convinced we are in some sort or simulation, be it fully or partial, again I don't know. Just fun to think about.

Im still holding out and hoping for a partial sim at least, while given the particle/visual system is full, my children and what we had was reality. Although in what way we were piped into each others existence is an open question. My guess is at least some on the outside of the sim have full control of spacetime and thats pretty damn scary tbh.

I urge you to visit London. The overpopulation is very real I assure you.

You can't see over 500,000,000 people at once in London. Just saying... Playing advocate of teh devil

Empirical knowledge, my friend. I don't need to see billions to say with full certainty London is overpopulated. And going from empirical to logic, I very much doubt the OP's hypothesis of 500m. Unless they all live in and around Hammersmith.

How can anyone really verify this?

We can't. They want us to rely on the UN and others which is a major component in the NWO. Funny how people pick and choose. Not saying you, just people in general. Normaltons and CTs alike.

We also can't verify most things individually, it kills me how people are so quick to believe everything as gospel.

Flat Earth for instance sounds crazy, but what can the average person actually verify?

RE your clarification with the you; this sub has changed so much hey? Haha

Start counting boys, I'll be #1

I'm #2

3, we're well on our way.

But, why?

Control and fear?

I’m less easy to control if I think there’s a lot more of “us” then there are of “them”.

Reverse psychology.

to gain popular support for eugenics and depopulation agendas (club of rome, agenda 21)

Had anyone been to China? India? Mexico city?

I've been to all. Have you?

You think there is less than 500 mil on earth?

Lmao México City is so big it’s mind blowing. I fly in there for work, the metropolis extends literally as far as your eyes can see.

haha come look at the number of people on indian streets, overpopulation is definitely a problem

That was something Max Spiers said in interviews. He said the world population is closer to one billion.

There's a reason but that's not it.

You’re suggesting that every census taker globally and throughout history have been in collusion to skew population data based random interpretation of one person’s writing for little to no actual gain.

Faulty logic going on here

That’s just... logic. The regular kind.


The hierarchical structure of that type of data collection lends itself quite well to corruption

lies, damned lies and statistics

If anything it's higher than what the statistics say.

I buy it, we all know Finland doesn't exist so who know if India is really there

You can't see over 500,000,000 people at once in London. Just saying... Playing advocate of teh devil