4chan is down and its most controversial boards are empty.

1  2018-07-30 by rapboi

I'm not an avid 4channer, but I do check it for obscure news and opinions. Today I checked in to find that /pol/ is not displaying any posts and neither is /r9k/. What's weird is that /b/ is still displaying posts, albeit frozen. I was always expecting TPTB to shut down 4chan, but I haven't heard of any huge news like a mass shooter posting on one of these boards before the act (which is why they sometimes shut the boards down). Could be maintenance. Any anons here know what's going on?


Pretty strange outage.

Nothing from my side either. Weird!?


Yes everything but pol works Great info there

Nah, tv mu and tg are down. Cant access anything. Maybe they just froze people active on pol


Other boards are offline too and those that show posts can't be replied too.

Wrong - g, k, m, o, vg, vr, r9k, s4s, aco, asp, biz, co, diy, fit, his, int, jp, soc, tg, tv and x are currently blank.

What about the most important one, /b/?

b may very well be what caused it, I avoid that like a plague

I agree. It’s such a disgusting cesspool

Where did you see this?

Could be 4chans shitty servers shitting the bed again.

But seems more like a DB connection issue if some boards display older posts and some nothing.

but /fit is offline too. Maybe the manlets finally have enough and DDOSed the servers.

I remember when reddit's servers would shit the bed constantly. Those were the days.

That was last week. :)

Ah memories!

It's here then...Imminent destruction of the NWO...

We're gonna crash this Luciferian system with no survivors.

How? I’m just wondering, and I’m not saying it won’t happen. But most people aren’t aware/conscious enough to “care”, and no one even knows the intricacies of the issue. Plus there’s the fact that our own species is a mess anyway.

No they care. This is the unironic rapture - the exposure of these people will be the thing that decides whether you are damned for eternity or saved.

No where in the Bible does it say salvation comes from believing the luciferian system is evil. For by grace are ye saved and that not of yourselves.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

Somebody on 8ch said they were discussing whopi Goldberg, robin Williams, Cory Feldman, not sure if this info is good or not

Links still there? Anybody got anyth8ing?

Not sure, just loads of posts asking why it was shut down

Well this is after the Hollywood insider leak, the "Sarah Silverman selfie" and some 'northern LA mogul' posted his tax returns to pol; buying out the mods etc.

Definitely something brewing there. That said they were just going over old info. Everyone knows about the 2 cory's history. Nvm Cornell and his friend. Robin William's is interesting though.

At one point I even remember kurt Cobain being connected through Courtney love's label/lawyer

yep someone posted a nude of whoopi and apparently the internet took itself down

That explains a lot.



You should have listened...

You should have clapped!

Bag of dicks... where's my ray ray gun!?

/pol/ is up for me, Top post:

Im so fucking tired guys. Monkeys invading the west for welfare and shit every fuckin day. Politicians sucking some juicy jew cocks and we are sitting and complaining on our computers.

>what do

Everything looks normal.

fucking depressing.

In its truthfulness?

In its idiocy. In its treason of our core values. In the way the sacrifice of our ancestors is treated like shit by lazy bums too angsty to be useful in any way.

((((((our))) (((core))) values )))


keep trying Israel Zangwill

ive never seen someone emphasize words with a lot of lopsided parenthesis before

Triple parenthesis around a group of words is a dogwhistle in white supremacist circles to call the thing out as having something to do with Jews, without saying it directly so only the people that "get it" know what you're talking about.

Completely unrelated, it is also used sometimes in bird memes.

See and that is the difference: a migrant might discard the core values of the enlightenment and the universal human rights - you just made sure that you discard them completly, all while growing up with a Silver spoon.

All those opportunities and you chose to be afraid of competition.

See, that is where you are wrong. I work with all foreigners and minorities, and grew up jewish. They do shit work, and put 100% more time and effort into doing it, usually incorrectly. They don't compete, they degrade, creating more noise and fake ass social issues than solved problems. If you don't see that, then you are happy they degraded whatever field you are in down to your level and you feast off a false sense of moral uprightness. If you think I want to "succeed" in a world that selects blind selfish assholes disconnected from Nature, then you are an idiot. Instead, I'll spend my time figuring out how to exterminate, not evacuate, every last one of you and your friends.

Universal human rights are a crutch for incapable and lazy assholes. So stop projecting your bullshit.

Which core values would those be? That of a small and limited government which respects both individual and property rights?

> Which core values would those be? That of a small and limited government which respects both individual and property rights?

First of all those of the french revolution as formulated in the declaration of universal human rights. Everything else is up to discussion.

People with darker skin than you arent monkeys, sorry

But the truth is, that /pol/ is always right.

/pol/ is edgy 16-24 year old white guys with a burning hatred of anyone that doesnt think black people should be deported in mass back to Africa

And it's beautiful

/pol/ is edgy 16-24 year old white guys

Out of the many people i know that are regulars on that forum, about 20% of them are white males.

Just so you know, racism on /pol/ and while superiority started as a legit meme - it is normal for people to make self depreciative posts about how unhappy they are being a 'shitskin' or how great it is to be 'white'.

that's hilariously typical

You have to admit he has a way with words.


unironically taking Pol serious

Idk why but that really cracked me up. Thanks man

4chan never ceases to crack me up.

imdb is/was down today as well

back up

sorry you guys I'm sorry. i slept through my alarm. but I'm up&running again so feel free to continue posting nsfw shit on /b/

I just went through the pol catalogue and got to a post that said ‘this picture was posted and the boards went down’.

The thumb nail had what looked like a group of ayys snapped by a night vision camera, when I tried to view it it had been 404’d



if you check 4chan for news you're a moron

It is Shia exacting revenge.... nope, spam filter fucked up.

link also dropped in price during the outage.

This happens every once and a while. Probably isn't anything

Ive read assange or some wikileaks anon posted a deencrypted deadmans switch and a link to the hidden wiki onion

Not sure, just loads of posts asking why it was shut down