YSK about the Overton Window

1  2018-07-30 by KarmaPolice777

The Overton window, also known as the window of discourse, is the range of ideas tolerated in public discourse. From Wikipedia.

“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum....”

  • Noam Chomsky

It's not a surprise that the main stream media strictly limits the range of discourse that is considered acceptable. We are now moving into the meta stage of the Overton Window due to the Internet that has provided a platform for alternative information to flow into the once closely guarded minds of its citizens. But as they say, all good things must come to and end and the good old days before the shilling and the astroturfing are long gone. Even subreddits like this one is no longer safe. I mean who is to say that the same thing that is happening in the MSM(the purposeful limiting of acceptable discourse) isn't now happening here?

Are there topics on this sub that are never discussed or purposely buried? That's probably where we should be looking.


Anything aggressively ridiculed is worth a second, third, and fourth look.

This is why I'm a supporter of Crocs. :)

And why I call myself a communist

The Overton Window is approaching “should pedophiles be heralded as heroes for being ‘brave’, or should they be treated with respect and understanding because they are different?”

I feel as though rash actions like these will end up backfiring on them. The left has been losing a significant amount of supporters exactly due to these types of antics.

I don’t think they have a choice. It seems like they are ramping everything up in an attempt to get things done before something happens.

It's all starting to look pathetic and ridiculous.

I agree. It's like they know what's coming, so they've had to force the issue. It's not going well for them. Child sex will be a bridge too far, even for this culture.

That's an ironic troll campaign from the right, not earnest policy of "the left"

Reminds me of the grab the guns fear mongering, any year now those lefties will round all those up right? .........RIGHT?

Accusing an entire political ideology of ushering in an acceptance of pedophilia is a new low though. Out of all the liberals I know, and that is many, not one have I ever heard support that. Go online though and you would think it's happening tomorrow. Most definitely a troll campaign.

I'm a straight up communist, none of us support pedophilia, we just support they get treatment and/or segregation from society. We also generally don't support gun control, quite the opposite in fact.

It's been bad on here this last week. So many pedo posts. How can these people talk about such a disgusting subject nonstop? Can't be good for their mental health. End up like that poor kid in Seattle that offed his Dad over it.

It's been bad on here this last week. So many pedo posts. How can these people talk about such a disgusting subject nonstop? Can't be good for their mental health

Well, if you look at forums like 4chan and 8chan where these conspiracies start, you also see a LOT of illustrated child porn. I think they're so comfortable accusing everyone else because they're guilty themselves, like a republican caught with a boytoy.

Seriously. They also are massively outspoken against trans people but there is more tranny porn there than you can shake a dick at. The forbidden fruit. lol

Right? That shit made me realize all those h'wacky feminist complaints about fetishization really had something to 'em. It's obvious with trans girls now that I've met and talked to more trans people and seen their creepy obsession/hate in a new light, but that just made it obvious how fucked their views of women in general were. It's a wonderful idea in concept, but somehow it's turned into the dank festering piss corner of the internet.


I’d bet a kidney that you have never owned a gun in your life. And therefore most likely know nothing about this topic other than some MSM talking points you can parrot back. Are you familiar with dissenting opinion in Heller? Are you aware that it was a 5-4 decision? Do you know what would have happened if Hillary had won this past election and gotten two Supreme Court picks?

The only one trolling here is you. And if you’re not trolling, then you are simply incredibly naive and clearly haven’t really put a lot of thought into your ideas on this topic.

Your anecdotal evidence means absolutely nothing. I’d love to go deeper on this topic with you.

I’d bet a kidney that you have never owned a gun in your life.

Owned? No, never bought a gun.

Operated? Enjoyed? Borrowed for extended periods of time? Cleaned? Shot empty gas cans out of the air while drinking beers and yelling like a red neck? Yes. I have absolutely no problem with guns or gun enthusiasts.

I have major problems with politicians and special interest groups that take advantage of those enthusiasts by whipping them up into an emotional frenzy over an invisible gun grabbing boogeyman in the most gun friendly country on the planet so they can secure their votes.

And therefore most likely know nothing about this topic other than some MSM talking points you can parrot back.

I put very little stock into what the media has to say but thanks for talking down to me. You shouldn't dismiss another persons opinion as irrelevant because it's different than yours. That's how we never learn. I disagree with your stance on the gun grabbing but I respect that opinion and don't dismiss it out of hand.

Are you familiar with dissenting opinion in Heller?

Yes. Fail to see any gun grabbing in it. The second amendment was upheld, as usual. As always in this country.

Are you aware that it was a 5-4 decision? Do you know what would have happened if Hillary had won this past election and gotten two Supreme Court picks?

She didn't win. Enjoy your guns. The Courts upheld the 2nd amendment like they always have and always will.

If they ever stopped selling guns here the entire economy would collapse. Never mind the complete impossibility of ever being able to physically take them away from the population. There's just too many out there.

The only one trolling here is you. And if you’re not trolling, then you are simply incredibly naive and clearly haven’t really put a lot of thought into your ideas on this topic.

I'm an old man, I've been listening to the gun debate for longer than I can remember. I just don't buy that they're ever coming for them. Let me know if they do though, I could be wrong and am willing to admit that. Are you?

Your anecdotal evidence means absolutely nothing. I’d love to go deeper on this topic with you.

I wouldn't give you the satisfaction since you don't seem to respect differing opinions. It would just be an exercise in frustration for both.

And yet, there are scores of Republicans lawmakers who have literally been caught molesting children.

I don't condone this activity from anyone, but saying that this is a "leftist" problem is incorrect.

And if you think this sounds crazy, then you haven’t been paying attention.

This has been a theory pushed for decades, started as a way to block gay marriage (if we let gays marry then kids will be next). Pretty sure at this point it's just everyone's imagination but it's a handy false dichotomy to keep people bigoted

Yes it's a known fact it's a disorder right? Did you go through those links because that's not about letting them act out but finding ways to let people be able to live a life with the condition so I guess there's a difference on what acceptance can look like. From the NYT article:

These people are living with pedophilia, a sexual attraction to prepubescents that often constitutes a mental illness. Unfortunately, our laws are failing them and, consequently, ignoring opportunities to prevent child abuse.

I don't see that as going towards a direction of letting pedofiles molest kids but total demonization doesn't open any avenues for a pedo to seek any help. If it's even possible to help them that is. But the articles were about the system in place isn't doing enough to prevent the abuse from happening in the first place like it says in the vice article:

She said if pedophiles were less stigmatized, they might be able to get counselling before acting on their urges.

"How are we going to understand these sorts of people if we don't talk to them?... If they're too scared to speak up and say anything, how is it going to be prevented?"

Is this the right way to go? I'm not sure, but I'm not sold that there is some covert movement to let minors be sexually abused

bro try not to be blinded by your love for fags. even if it isn’t a coordinated effort to push pedophilia into the overton window (doubtful) it’s still happening. plugging your years and screeching about how much you love queers won’t change that.

Who do you think is making it happen?

Removed. Rule 1.

This is a troll campaign that I've seen brewing for years on 4ch/8ch. I know plenty of leftists and none of them consider pedophilia acceptable, they recognize the problems with the power dynmics of it and that's why they're leftists. I've even seen leftists vigorously attack cp cartoonists on twitter and say shit like "all pedos get the wall". Which is likely mostly ironic, I'm sure they'd like to get them help or at least contained where they can't hurt people.

Ok to copy this and share on GA?


Yes, there are shills all over the internet. Corporate marketing departments, PR/reputation management, think tanks, lobbyists, political action groups, non-profits, NGOs, media companies, intelligence agencies, military intelligence, other law enforcement and government, and all of the individuals who are dependent on the aforementioned groups for their livelihoods (post online about this, or else). Not to mention all the collusion between the shills and those who run the online communication platforms and publishing outlets (Reddit included).

The good news is that even trillions of dollars worth of shilling can't cover up all truth.

Both parties are the same. Vote with you $ by boycotting companies, people, travel to countries that undermine our constitution / freedoms.

No one on this board should be sending dollar one to the likes of comcast, amazon, use facebook / google, etc. Starve the beast is our only real action, yet it gets downvoted and ignored. :/

After reading/listening to 'wagging the moon doggie' I've been surprised by the lashing out of any questioning of the Apollo narrative