If Assange is about to be arrested, will he activate the deadman switch? Over in 4chan they're claiming "Someone posted Assange'e Blockchain deadman switch file unencrypted". Right after, the site went down.

1  2018-07-31 by Tha_Dude_Abidez

Links to originating threads a) boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/180593253 b) boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/180600414 c) boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/180609679 d) boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/180621873

I know alot of times these can be LARP threads so if you spend any time reading them know that ahead of time. Sometimes they're actually legit though. These are interesting regardless.


what (exactly) is "NSFW" about this post?

Probably just 4chan in general.

Mainly posting to 4chan as there's alot of racism, sometimes porn, gore, etc scattered on replies. /pol/ is not as bad as /b/ but sometimes you'll see something you may not want open in front of your boss etc

Maybe if he wasn't already dead.

That's a theory that I've probably not investigated enough. I do remember how there was some pics up of Police with rifles outside the embassy, there was an outage, then something happened at the airport to cause an evacuation of some terminals.

Thanks fam!

One of the best people on our side is no longer with us and hasn't been for a while. We should mourn the loss of jullian assange. Have a memorial service

definitely dead

has sarah harrison said anything lately? this article uses all past tense "worked for wikileaks" https://www.refinery29.uk/wikileaks-sarah-harrison

This is posted every six months.

A deadman switch is one that activates by inaction. It's a switch that is regularly unarmed and triggers if that action is not taken. So the question is... is there a deadman switch? And if so, what will it do?

Apparently drop 6TBs of shit

He's like Raymond Reddington then. If they kill him, it will trigger something.

Man I need to finish that show.

You know, I really feel you could watch the first 3 seasons and be done. Another show is Person of interest to consider. Both shows seem to be "showing off" the corrupt US government. I like Person of interest, a lot of what goes on is very plausible and probably happening now. The whole show is about constant surveillance of the American people through a "Machine" (NSA), and backdoor access for predicting crimes. It's just a show though, it can't happen for real right?

Need to finish person of interest as well lol. I'd say the "Samaritan" is real. Maybe not as powerful as in the show but you never know

You should.

Julian Assange is a punk bitch.

Thanks for weighing in, Podesta.

Whatever, assange is a Russian shill and wikileaks works for trump.

This was posted maybe 20 minutes ago but the thread seems to have disappeared: https://imgur.com/a/roHmZBe

Can anyone confirm these codes?

10/10 bait post

Need to finish person of interest as well lol. I'd say the "Samaritan" is real. Maybe not as powerful as in the show but you never know