You've been programmed to accept it, just give in, it is outside of your control

1  2018-08-02 by curiousorganelle


The thirteenth episode of Family Guy season 3 first airing November 30th, 2001

I'd ratherbe a free man in my grave, than living as a puppet or a slave.

Will you sign the petition and spread the word to other free minded people?


then your statement above is a pointless gesture meaning nothing but rhetoric

It's song lyrics, but yeah, means nothing.

at least you're honest in your apathy

Mmm hmm.

I guess the title is apt in your case, sheep be true

You've been programmed to accept it, just give in, it is outside of your control

That user refused your vague conditions. Your title failed to be true in that case.

Will you do anything to prevent massive private 24/7/365 surveillance?

Even something as simple as adding your weight to a petition?

I wonder how many people the title applies to, even subscibers to this subreddit

Do you really think a collection of signatures holds any weight? You point out that surveillance has increased, suggest individuals sign a petition, then castigate them for opting out of making it even easier to be counted as a malcontents. Let us know what you yourself are doing, maybe you can lead by example.

If no one will even sign a freaking electronic petition, what else would'nt they do?

You think I can tack more onto my call for action? Wanna come to my street protest? Nope?.. Didnt think so

I crafted the whole petition, edited it, cited it, researched it. Thanks for nothing as they say. Hope you like being surveiled like a zoo animal

When you end the surveillance please message me back, I'll be in the front of the line to kiss your ring.

I'll try, it would be nice to have some support though. Have a good one

im being a "malcontent" for not wanting to be spied on for the rest of my life they life of my decendants, you sir are fucking dumb as a bag of sand

Sure but you aren't dumb for making such a sweeping judgement. Good luck with your petition, that should do it! Change the world with a paper form.

Got any advice for how to stop it from starting? I'm open to ideas

whats vague about it? im suggesting that the world has been primmed to accept this monitoring, this thread is proof that nothing will be done to prevent it.. and that im right

can't say i'm surprised i half expected "edgy" wise asses to flood this post. Im surprised there aren't more of your kind

As if petitions aren't pointless. :/

tommy robinson is free, something must be working somewhere to affect change

Are you talking about the petition or...?

I guess we are like bugs, aren't we? Powerless. Easily stepped on, divided and crushed under heel. enjoy the zoo your now part of it, monitored forever as it occurs, like prisoners in a global prison.

"The people look like ants from up here!" "They are ants, Michael; they are ants."

Seeing as how everyone here is just rolling over on this issue in this sub means that there is validity to this statement.

But that is disparaging to ants in my opimion, at least they fight back when the colony is threatened.

The link to my petition has been successfully forum slid btw good work guys

I wonder how long until they remove the claim that it’s unfiltered.

If no one will even sign a freaking electronic petition, what else would'nt they do?

You think I can tack more onto my call for action? Wanna come to my street protest? Nope?.. Didnt think so

I crafted the whole petition, edited it, cited it, researched it. Thanks for nothing as they say. Hope you like being surveiled like a zoo animal

im being a "malcontent" for not wanting to be spied on for the rest of my life they life of my decendants, you sir are fucking dumb as a bag of sand