Banned from /r/RACISM for posting Sarah Jeong article regarding racist tweets against white people

1  2018-08-02 by Nigman-Milkensen

Banned for posting an article about a racist Asian lady?

This is ridiculous. Its like joining /r/StarWars posting a pic of Jar Jar binks and getting banned for content they don't like.


SS: I posted an article about racism against white people in /r/racsim and was banned for it. LOL


OP, please remove your direct link to the subreddit in question. You are more than welcome to mention the subreddit, but in deference to the reddit TOS we ask the link itself be removed.

Regards and thanks.

Removed. Thank you for the warning. I hope the discussion here does not end up with calls for brigading. Please watch out for false flag comments that would do this simply to get the thread shut down.

Same thing happened to me. As long as it’s against white people it’s ok to post there.

don't you know by now... you can't be racist against white people.

it's not only allowed... it's welcomed.

That sentence reads weird with the double negative “can’t be racist against”.. but I get what you mean.

uhhh... i think you're reading it wrong. there is no double negative there.

“You can be racist against white people”

I see what you are getting at now but it's not a double negative... it's just sarcasm.

you can, most people just won’t take it seriously if violence isn’t involved

It's these kinds of comments that perpetuate this thought culture.

This is more of a societal problem then a psychological one.

It is pretty hard to go around trying to get people in trouble for racism and other prejudices when the leader of your country sets a pretty good example of a tollerable prejudice. A pretty big double standard. Racism will not stop if it is encouraged.

Did you contact the mods and see what their reasons are?

Ultimately, though, it's their sub and they can ban you for no reason. Reddit admins fully support this kind of behavior.

Could have something to do with the mods named "Yellowmix" and "TheYellowRose" over there....just a guess.

And Yellowpool.

Yeah, why would some racist chink think your an asshole for equating racism against whites the same as racism against minorities...its completely equal against both sides. Its not like our country is currently run by a racist , misogynistic prick or something....oh wait.

The yellow rose is a strip club in Austin Texas.

These pr drives are fucking obvious. Net neutrality, Gunn, now this. They suck at this grass roots shit

You can tell it's a coordinated effort. One or two posts in r/con, oh okay this female said some stupid shit, but now people are literally shilling this information to other subreddits in an attempt to attack a news organization because Trump said they were bad.

Not to mention concern trolling white genocide is a dead giveaway.

But she did say some dumb shit.

That she did.

Straight up bigotry.

Should the organization that hired a racist, and very mean and public one at that, not be called out?

Waa was NYT waa that's how you people sound. Go SJW to someone else

wasn’t Gunn the “other side”?

I got banned from /r/Canada for saying that crime stats will go up in 2 years because we are (trying) to deal with so many "refugees"

I shared the government stats to the mod that banned me and got nothing back.

The censorship is pretty bad. Everything here is paid marketing or circle jerks.

You will barely ever get a reasonable answer back from mods no matter how much evidence you provide.

Canadian here, the mods of r/Canada are complete garbage. I wouldn't leave them in charge of bringing in Justin Trudeau's groceries, never mind our country's subreddit.

Agree! Dual citizen here.. /Canada full of garbage mods.

It's a huge reason reddit will never be the "front page of the i ternet" they try so hard to be, because the mods of almost every sub have an agenda or bias instead of acting like professionals.

said it dot net

How are you able to see the future?

Have you ever examined the past?

Canada isn't the first country to open their doors wide open to "refugees"

We can look what happened at those pioneer countries and if we follow the same path, we'll probably get the same results.

You are definitely not wrong. These "refugees" in Canada have a few ways they fuck the system to undermine everything. Like for example the mosques will buy semi trucks and trailers and then give them to certain guys who will then undermine every trucking company to get work since the mosque only require them to "donate" a small portion back to them. Where the actual hardworking Canadian gets fuck because he actually has bills to pay so he can't bid on jobs so low. As well as for some who want over here you need at least a certain amount of money, $25,000 I believe so you won't be a burden on our welfare, but what they do is the mosques will transfer the money into thier account so that way once they are here they take the money back to give to someone else and then they get on welfare. Its a fucking joke.

Wow that is the first time i'm hearing that. Do you have a source by any chance?

The bank thing I was told to by a family friend who works at a bank and the trucker thing I was told to by a brown guy who proudly told me and my coworker about it.

It happens here with churches too. All religions are tax exempt. I know business that donate their profits to a church to claim that loss and then get an interest free loan from the church for operating costs.

So...anecdotal evidence.

Id joke about how Canadians are all so progressive and non racist and accepting of the multiple genders and all that nutty communist/socialist bullshit but then I realize your country and my country have the same fucking problem and it’s not funny when crazy Fucking liberals and our government mouthpieces spout off the same shit about us. Poor dude. I hope patriots can get ahold of their country if all this shit boils over and shit hits the fans.

They pull all kinds of duplicitous shit like that.

Interview in a pantsuit, show up to work in a burka.

Get hired as a butcher, say you can't work with pork.

Work in women's health care, chop off pussy lips.

Ulterior motives abound.

The entire religion is based in deceit and lies. If you’re kafir (non-Muslim) you’re cattle to them. Anything they wish to do to you is justified.

nice username

The username is not a racist thing, I made it after my favorite movie Black Dynamite.

it is a good movie

Fuck yea it is. Apparently there is a second one in the works!

I got banned for sharing a public Facebook page. They will use any excuse to silence the truth.

I digg you.

If you control information you control behaviour

That used to be true. It doesn't seem to be working for now. Trump is sitting at 50% approval rating despite pretty much all of media running a negative top story about him every day.

Comment is still true. It doesn’t imply total control, just control. Elections are won by a small number in the middle. These people are certainly being manipulated by the media propaganda. Imagine what Trump’s approval, to the extent that number means anything anyway, would be if he had Obama’s media. 80%, 90%?

Shit talking isn't information

[to: John Podesta]

“... And as I've mentioned, we've all been quite content to demean government, drop civics and in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry. The unawareness remains strong but compliance is obviously fading rapidly. This problem demands some serious, serious thinking - and not just poll driven, demographically-inspired messaging.”

The lack of compliance is a problem but the unawareness isn't. Gotta love that.

Source on 50%?

Even the right wing biased polls have him at 40

Yeah, last I checked it was anywhere from 38% - 42% depending on the poll. The only place I saw 50 was Newsweek and they said it but didn't cite anything for that number.

Rasmussen's poll. I skimmed through here. You will find some where he was at 52%.

That’s kind of surprising considering one of the mods there is a known white-nationalist.

Seriously? How do you know??

Ok, so I have to be honest here. The Neo-Nazi stuff is crazy and waaaay out there - definitely.

But there is extensive research that there are demonstrable IQ differences between races. That doesn’t mean one race is superior or inferior, etc. but there is research on this being factual.

The Bell Curve by Charles Murray is pretty much a seminal work on.

So yes I agree that white supremacism or any other ethnic/racial supremacy is not valid, but look into the IQ stuff. It’s pretty interesting

I think you replied to the wrong person.

No, you said the mod was a white supremacist and gave me the link which I looked at. In one of the links he talks about there being OQ difference between the races

I don’t care about that stuff lol. My original comment was only referencing that one of the mods is a known self-admitted White Nationalist. You asked how I know this and I posted the thread in which a different mod leaked a conversation he had with the racist mod.

I got banned from r/Travel for saying that minorities commit more crimes than whites and Asians.

I was so irritated for a couple day -.-

Same as /r/India. It is so bad there is an entire sub dedicated to it: /r/indiadiscussion/

I was banned from Canada for commenting on a story about Sikhs who were concerned with Muslim immigrants. I literally just commented that if anybody in the world is going to have reservations against Muslim immigrants, it's East Indians.

You got banned from the entire country??

If you did, haha jokes on you, who wants to go to Canada! haha /s

We're SUPER cucked here. I'd honestly prefer to go to the States where I'm at least legally allowed to defend myself

I first joined Reddit about 8 years ago, back then I found it pretty rich environment. Endless discussions about meaningful events and topics, and great OC.

These days it really seems like it's all a coordinated political/marketing scheme. Every sub seems to have an agenda (usually liberalism/globalism), which is fine except for the censorship and denial of censorship and bias.

I have known since the 2016 election that there were coordinated political efforts and bots everywhere. There seem to be more now. Most political threads I get on could easily be all bots. I am often accused of being a bot or a Russian spreading propaganda. Although in my mind it is the user on the other end who seems more like a paid shill.

It's fucking crazy out here.

Not all liberals are globalists or statists. I'd say the overall bias here is much like the liberal media bias: pro-establishment, pro-elite, pro-state. Otherwise agree entirely.


This is the best comment I've read explaining what has become of reddit. I no longer comment on any subs anymore because reddit now feels like some kind of sect.

Go to ANY sub and you'll be overwhelmed with the propaganda. This sub for example is brigaded constantly, and it is so obvious.

reddit is now digg

Literally just took a screenshot of his comment because it perfectly conveyed what Reddit has become.

You can save comments my dude

So what's the new reddit?

I haven't really found the best alternative yet... Steemit or Saidit are close, but sadly I don't think we'll see another site like reddit was in the beginning... it will depend on the culture of the site.

I never liked Voat. It's like the deformed child of reddit and 4chan, it had potential when it started (whoaverse) but now it 99% sucks.

Today you've got two kinds of sites: SJW (tumbler, reddit..) or Alt-Right (4chan, voat) ... I hate both extremes. The Obama/Hillary worshiping on this site is exactly as disgusting as the Trump worshiping on 8chan.

We need a neutral ground where people are sensible enough to not be assholes and are able to discuss every and all points... where shill behaviour is shunned, etc.

Nice try, Russian bot.

These days it really seems like it's all a coordinated political/marketing scheme. Every sub seems to have an agenda (usually liberalism/globalism), which is fine except for the censorship and denial of censorship and bias.


I've suspected that the /r/philosophy sub seems to be consumed by those with globalist, atheistic, transhumanist and / or reductionist materialist beliefs, as well as those who lean towards Scientism, and so on.

/r/askphilosophy is far superior with regards to philosophy, amusingly enough. You can ask almost any question there, as long as it's a meaningful and honest one.

The smaller hobby oriented subs are still good

Or it is because there are just more peope, and that just means even more stupid people.

Yea the mods are all stupid kid minded idiots who try and control their lil worlds give a neck beard power and he will abuse it that's all reddit is stupidest platform on the planet

Try Metacanada

Thanks, will do!


Seems to be.

I hate that sub. I got called a russian bot there more that in r/politics.

That's weird. /R/Canada is a well known right wing circlejerk. Let me know if they give you a reason for the ban, I'm pretty curious.

I've seen statistics from Denmark showing that refugees commit LESS crime than natives. Denmark is not Canada but have many similarities.

In Canada the natives are treated differently in the legal system. They have their own rules. Any crimes that are commited on reserves are policed internally.

racism is a weapon used against white people.

lol all the times I got called a nigger must have been my imagination.

Anyone can be racist, some people have it worse off but anyone can be a crappy person and imho anyone who takes the factors of ones birth into account is a crappy person

Anyone can be racist. But not everyone can make a racist decision that effects other people's lives. Its kind of one sided.

Could you elaborate, I don't quite get what you mean?

It would probably be too hard for you to empathize with someone that is now your own kind. I can get that. It's human nature. Although I am sure it happens, there has to be black people who have discriminated against whites for things like jobs, and housing. Just the reverse is more prevalent and documented. That's just the way this country is. I accepted it a long time ago. I am as law abiding as they come, but I get nervous when a policeman looks at me. I always assume any white person I meet hates me. I'm not even bitter about it. We are you guys slaves after all. I do believe there will be a cosmic reshuffling of the game board really soon though.

What do you think the cosmic reshuffling looks like? Also it’s unfortunate that you think all white people hate you... it’s definitely not true

I know all whites people don’t. I just assume. It has saved me a few times.

The cosmic reshuffling is from the Torah. In the book of Deuteronomy, God told Moses that his people would worship other gods and he would take them back to Egypt but this time by ships. And they would have a yoke of iron placed on their neck by a nation (means race of people) who would speak a language and worship gods their fathers have never known. They will be taken for bondmen and bondwomen for 400 years and no one will save them. But he promised to rescue them after the 400 years and they will go from being the tail to being the head. And God will punish the nation that took his people as slaves. So....slavery started in America 399 years I’m just going to wait patiently and see what happens.

Thats definitely interesting.

so do you think the descendants of slave masters deserve to be punished? lots of white ancestors didn't even own slaves. should we punish the children of a murderer?

Oh man, I don't know. God told Moses he punishes to the 3rd and 4th generation. I am too much of a pushover to make those kinds of decisions. Shit I befriended a guy in the Navy who once called me nigger-spic. Last year I prayed on my hands and knees for God to show Gentiles mercy and next thing I knew my neck was broken. God did say he would punish the nation that took Hebrews as slave so that means there is still hope.

The god you propose sounds evil to me. I thought he was all loving? how can he love you when he will punish you for something you cant control?

That's the new testament god Jesus that is all about love. The God I worship, gentiles call the devil. He is the father of Satan and he does ALL evil and good in the world, he even said he takes delight in fucking us up. So the way you feel is exactly how my family feels. My God told Moses that he is a man of war. He is terrible. And yet I praise his name everyday.

Are you Jewish?

No I am a Hebrew.

Isn't that the same thing?

Jews or Jewish people are converts who practice religion and use the Talmud.

Hebrews especially the Levite Priest don’t practice religion. The closest thing I do to that is I keep the Sabbath holy. Holy means separate. Jews typically don’t deal with black peoples. And I am black to the ground.

So does that mean you don't follow the Talmud or the New Testament? Just the Old Testament / Torah?


Interesting perspective. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I was under the impression that this prophecy (Deut. 28:68) was fulfilled when Titus captured Jerusalem.

We will know for sure in 2019. If nothing happens than life goes on.

Definitely interesting, however slavery has been going on for almost the entirety of our worlds civilization. LONG before the United States was a country. Hell, there is still legal slavery in Africa to this day. Yet I never hear about people getting mad at that. Please.... Pick your battles wisely and stop focusing on an issue that is no longer relevant in the USA.

If I am right, slavery will continue to exist. That's why I hold no grudge against any race. If God says it will happen, then white people had no choice but to take slaves.

God gave each person free will. We all can make our own choices. Unfortunately back then, many people were highly ignorant to what they were getting put through. Some even entered into it willingly under the guise of some other opportunity. It is sad. Thankfully now, most of the world has strong education systems and people are being taught what is proper and moral. We can only hope for the best and continue to teach people how harmful slavery can be.

I agree. But, if the Deuteronomy prophecies DO come true and the Gentile are given to the Hebrew, I would protect and treat the ones I am given really good. Its just not in my to be cruel, even to people that hate me.

Of course. I get where you're going with that, but I am also a believer and frankly, that situation is so unlikely to happen. Like bam somehow a group of people are dropped at your front door and you are now their slave owner. Lol Much more would have to take place before anything that drastic can happen.

Ever heard of the Mandela Effect? I saw the stoplights shimmer like a mirage and it went from Green on top, Yellow in the middle and Red at the bottom change to the way it is now. Red on top, green on bottom. At first I thought someone slipped me drugs and I don't even take pain medicine. No one will believe me so I keep it to myself. Now I think God does that all the time. I use to live in Japan for 15 years and now it is soooo close to Korea. Maybe that is how it will happen. One instant we are in this reality and the next Israel is the capital of the world but with black people. Who knows, like I said I will just wait and see.

Slavery lasted about 250 years in America. There were indentured servants to begin with then the first man to officially have slaves was black. The indentured servants were white and black. I mean, there's a lot of history that gets conveniently left out. Let's all just agree that slavery was wrong and it's good that it ended. America and Europe no longer have slaves but Africa still does. I don't buy that whites are going to have to pay for the sins of our ancestors when every race on Earth has done the same terrible things... Their descendents get a free pass on paying for their sins?

It’s not 400 years of slavery. But 400 years of captivity. When the Hebrews were originally in ancient Egypt, the forced labor was like 230 years. We got the image of slavery being like the 10 Commandments who Cecil B. DeMille based off of the treatment of black slaves. But it was more like a job that really sucks as they had quotes of bricks to make everyday. Israel did the same when David was king. He would assign one nation to dig for minerals another was responsible for providing wood, etc..

This is definitely Egypt. It’s on our money. We have pyramids everywhere that are called Indian Mounds. Almost every major city has a capstone or an obelisk. George Washington was presented with a gold brick from England with the word Egypt on it, that is in his memorial now. Egypt means the house of bondage. I even see evidence that the exodus was here. Everywhere Moses went has a location here in places like Utah.

Basically if it happens it happens. No one has power to stop God. Especially me. I am even scared to pray to him. Israelites did not pray to God. Only Priest, prophets and kings did. I said earlier in this thread that if it doesn’t happen, nothing really changes for me. I will still be poor. And still a slave. No matter if Trump, MLK, or Bugs Bunny sits in the white house.

I get nervous when a policeman looks at me.

I'm white. I get nervous when they look my way, too.

I always assume any white person I meet hates me.

That's a rather racist point of view. Allow me to demonstrate:

I always assume any black person I meet hates me.

Care to tell us why your perception gives you the right to invalidate our experiences? Also, do you care to tell us how you assuming all white people hate you isn't a generalization and racist? Is it because you're a minority?

We are you guys slaves after all.

No. You and your generation nor your previous generation were slaves. You know nothing of slavery.

You want to, because you think that gives you reason to hold the views you have but you've never known it and you never will. You get preferential treatment over other races for college acceptance and scholarships, but you likely believe you deserve it for things that haven't happened to you. You get preferential treatment in hiring and managerial promotions, because of your race.

So....slavery started in America 399 years I’m just going to wait patiently and see what happens.

...and you just implied that you hope whites get taken as slaves, but you're definitely not racist, right? You just discriminate against them and hold a prejudice?

I don't hate anyone. I am just telling the truth from my experience. Guy in this thread posting how he experienced racism from blacks. I believe him. We can be the most racist people in the world. We just don't have the power to be that effective at it. But God is racist. And he wrote those words not me. I am powerless. Even if it doesn't happen, my plight remains the same. I will still be a poor, disabled vet dying of cancer. Nothing I can do about it just wait and see. But its in the Torah, plainly. Once again I didn't write it. I'm a worm.

this is what happens when you drop too much acid

I've never tried drugs before. What's it like?

you're mentality is what's holding you back, you keep talking as if you deserve it because god has put this on you. but I think most religious texts are complete shit used to keep people in line. god didn't put you in this position, thousands of years of humans succumbing to human nature is. anyways, my view is that we are god, not something disconnected from it.

I use to think that too, I was pretty much an atheist. But I had a experience that would label me crazy. And that is what it would take for any rational person to believe. But God does things to me, like I haven't worked in months due to an amputation. Which God did to me along with the cancer. But out of nowhere I get a check from the government from overpaying a bankruptcy debt that saved me from losing my home. God has did some fucked up things to me but he has delivered me over and over again. And I don't expect anyone to believe until something supernatural happens to them. As a teenager living in Ferguson I have been shot at almost point blank but somehow the bullets didn't hit me. As a bomb builder in the Navy, I had a bomb fuse's propeller start spinning and smoking and it went off and I only lost a piece of my finger. Life is strange. I have no power or special talent. All I can do is wait.

Don't understand why you're getting down votes. Carry on dude

Anything with God angers some people. My entire family hates me because I wont worship their god, Jesus. I am use to it.

I used to be an atheist too, but now I. pretty sure I'm a pantheist (believing all of nature is god). I'm sorry you had to go through that amputation, but I dont think the things that happened to you were the work of a supernatural being, just the beings that already live on this planet (gov. workers who sent you the check and the doctors that helped amputate u).

Being from St. Louis I recently found out they have been testing poisons on the blacks in the ghetto for generations so that is also true. But I believe it is my God who makes man do things like this. He keeps his promises. He said he would destroy us and bring us to naught.

I wouldn't be surprised about the testing of poisons, reminds me if mkultra. the government is filled with horrible people.

Gods not racist, oh... your 'god' may be... nvrmnd

I've been around plenty of black people, played basketball together, watched games together, served in the army together, in business etc. Never once thought I hate this person because of the their color or think they are my slave.

Most white people never owned slaves btw. I can see it in many black peoples eyes when I meet them socially, they don't trust me because of my skin color, and I can't say I blame them based on history. Just know many and I would say most white people don't harbor those views you mention. I hold the view of live and let live.

Just my 2 cents

I appreciate for sharing that. Understand I don't hate white people. I FEAR them. A small misunderstanding can lead to MY death. Its not a position of hate but of survival. Now I have white people in my life. For the record I don't trust most black people either.

Fair enough mate, I appreciate that you feel that way. The older I get, the less I trust most people anyway. I can't know what you have been through until I have walked a mile in your shoes. I just want you to know there are plenty of white people who respect and appreciate black people, and people of many cultures for that matter.

That being said, nothing excuses some of the racist shit I have seen pulled on blacks by the police. That Sterling Brown arrest in Milwaukee recently, amongst many others, was terrible and needs to be stamped out.

You cannot say most white people owned slaves, this is because NO WHITE PEOPLE OWNED SLAVES. Everyone who owned slaves has no skin because it rotted off them as they are dead. Racism is not dead, but the more good people out there the closer we will be to that.

You couldn't be more wrong, i am very empathetic. I would refuse to treat you any different because of your skin color. If you would rather people treat each other differently based on skin color you are a trash person. I do not agree with the notion that it is ok for anyone to treat anyone differently i assume everyone holds the same stance however i do realize there is evil in the world and my assumption is sadly far from the truth.

I’m not in a position to judge anyone. I will say it again. I don’t hate white people I am fucking afraid of them. A small misunderstanding can lead to me being killed. I have not been made to feel welcomed here just barely tolerated. I saw that man get killed last week for pushing the white guy to the ground. Wouldn’t anyone react that way, walking out of a store and seeing your wife being yelled at by a stranger? But right here on reddit people were saying she shouldn’t have parked in a handicap spot. There is no regard for human life in this country. Sorry if that offends you. That has been my experience. I know several black people that believes racism is over. It’s human nature.

Reddit is a white space, man. You'll get eviscerated for saying that. White people are the personification of cognitive dissonance when it comes to understanding racism.

Looking at how i’m being downvoted for not only being honest but understanding, it seems you are right.

White people will call themselves liberals and keep telling themselves that they know everything, but they don't really give a shit about black people. They never did, and that legacy is still strong with them.

They literally created the concept of racism as it exists today, having had their boot on black people's necks for centuries, but if anyone dares to express that either through cool logic or unhinged anger, the response is always the same: you pushing back means that white people are the victims now, and non-white people are the racists.

It must a be a special kind of pain white people are experiencing, crying atop their pile of ill-gotten generational wealth and power.

Except, you live in a free country that gives you every opportunity in the world to succeed. You are given preferential treatment in getting scholarships, getting into college, and getting jobs. The media hardly ever reports on black criminals anymore, if they do, they won't dare mention the race of the perps, even if the police is still searching for them. White perps, they do say the race of. Black on white violent crime is extremely high in comparison to white on black violent crimes. Many white victims are targeted just because they're white. We all know who George Zimmerman is and Treyvon Martin.. but there were revenge killings in Treyvon's name that never made it to the national news.

So yes, white people can be the victims of racism too.

My God says a sign that this is the end of days, there will be riots everywhere, nation vs nation. Nation biblically means race of people. Its the reason there is so much black on black crime. Not all black people are the same nation. Each nation has a different god that the Most High assigned to the people. In the ghetto you have all these black people that are told they are the same. Some are indigenous to America, some are Amorites, Egyptian, Cushite's, etc...and they will clash. I have looked another man who had the same skin color at me and it was on. My God told Moses that he is a "man" of war. Hebrew Israelites are a nation of warriors and thieves. Everywhere we went God told us to go destroy the entire city and take all their shit. So actually racists are right. We are violent thugs. Yet that is not evil to my God unless we do it to each other. The 10 commandments that Christians hold on to so dearly doesn't belong or apply to them. That is a hard thing to be told, that the God you have worship all your life doesn't care about you. So when people find out that the God of Israel is not only black but also no one is going to Heaven and only those from the line of Adam (red dirt) has a soul.  And there is no salvation for anyone except the Hebrew, its going to collapse society. There is going to be so much killing and destruction. Once again everyone this is not my words. God didn't consult with me when he made the Torah.

you're not making truthful statements, what else do you expect?

If you think so. Nothing I can do about that.

White people are the personification of cognitive dissonance when it comes to understanding racism.

and yet here you are thinking you cant be racist toward an entire race.

that cognitive dissonance certainly does exist just not where you think

but I get nervous when a policeman looks at me.

im white and feel the same way.

I always assume any white person I meet hates me.

that's a personal problem

I'm not even bitter about it. We are you guys slaves after all.

No youre not

I do believe there will be a cosmic reshuffling of the game board really soon though.

it already happened. it was called the civil war

I hear similar arguements used quite often...

Say a POC is in a hiring postion and they chose to hire another POC because they are a POC. Would this be racist? They are in a position of power.

t not everyone can make a racist decision that effects other people's lives. Its kind of one sided.

You mean like the institutional racism that will deny a white persom admission to a school or employment to a job in favor of a minority even though they are more qualified?

that can of life changing effect?

What color is the person who makes that decision. How many black people own the institution? I am sure it has happened but probably not.

What color is the person who makes that decision.?

depends on the company and who was hired.

How many black people own the institution? I am sure it has happened but probably not.

IDK, but thats irrelevant anyway. You cant expect 50/50 split when the population isn't a 50/50 split. It also sounds like you think equality means there needs to be a 50/50 split. equality means an equal opportunity

Well if you feel like you have been been discriminated against or had blacks be racist to you...i’m sorry. I know how that feels. It sucks.

anyone who takes the factors of ones birth into account is a crappy person

The Olympics and professional sports are therefore crappy, as they discriminate in favor of those who have innate athletic abilities.

Also, a violonist with such gift (talent) for her instrument that she can make you cry by playing it, must be crappy.

Nope, you clearly have never played an instrument. It requires years of practice and dedication, especially violin, it doesn't even have frets. Now that aside, I meant as far as skin color. Abilities and skills are not factors of one's birth in my opinion, there must be some genetic component yes, but I believe you could raise any small child to be above average at any sport if you put them under the right conditions.

On the other hand you know what I meant, I meant skin color...

you know what I meant

Yes, I do. My comment was not construed as an attack against you.

never played an instrument

I graduated from the Conservatoire.

Abilities and skills are not factors of one's birth

For sure, skill is a function of hard work. Still, you cannot ignore/deny the existence of talent; in other words, for an equivalent time invested in training/exercising, people will tend to develop vastly different skill levels.

Nobody is "equal" to the next; each human is infinitely different from every other human. That's what makes racism absurd, not that humanity is one, homogeneous, uniform blob.

Dude, what did you play thats awesome and congrats

erm wouldn't really use the word weapon. pretty sure more minorities have died violent horrible deaths at the hands of racists than people have died from being called a racist.

Whites are 12x as likely to be killed by blacks than the other way around. Is that racist?

Whites enslaved and murdered blacks fpr over 400 years. Is that racist?

First, every race has been enslaved throughout history at one point or another.

Second, no one is alive who was ever a slave and lots (lots) of whites also died freeing said slaves.

Third, you didn't answer my question which applies to this present moment in history.

You will never get a response because there isn’t one. They can’t handle facts and statistics, so they will just call you a racist.

You can jerk each other off in this echo chamber all you want but the facts remain that outside of reddit nobody is going to agree with or sympathize with your purely fabricated white plight.

Hey look he still didn’t answer the question 🧐😅

they're not using facts or actual statistics though, they're making shit up

twice as many white people are killed by black people than the other way around, not 12 times.

but since they number so much higher overall, white people are less than half as likely to be killed by black people than the other way around, not 12 times as likely.

Have you not heard of the prison industrial complex and war on drugs? Plenty of people are slaves as we speak and most of which are black and hispanic.

So do you think black people should be given more liberty and leniency when it comes to killing white people than white people should for killing black people?

I mean.. That is what happens already.

Factually, black people are given harsher punishments for the same crimes that white people also commited.

White people kidnap, murder and imprison minorities at a much higher rate and are often given complete immunity (police) from their crimes.

Yep, there it is. The truth getting downvoted.

This this The_Donald 2.0 I don't expect anything less fron these braindead degenerates

Whites enslaved and murdered blacks for over 400 years. Is that racist?

Yes it is, its also irrelevant today

It's still happening today with the prison industrial complex and war on drugs.

we are all slaves then if you want to look at it that way

i mean, according to the 13th amendment prisoners are legally allowed to be used as literal slaves though

not being a slave is just a civil right in the US

Look at crime statistics, blacks are murdering, raping and assaulting whites at much higher rates than vice versa. Should that be addressed at all or should we keep talking about something that ended 150 years ago, that none of us were a part of?

Whites murdered and enslaved entire races and stole their land and now you're trying to play victim lmfao cowards.

You're missing the point, all races of humans have enslaved and murdered others. Do you think whites are the only ones? You need to study history. Or pay attention to current events. But I think you're just looking for a reason to justify your own racism.

Not what I'm talking about at all. I'm talking about racist white people killing black people violently in confirmed hate crimes and how claiming the word racist is being used as a weapon against white people is making light of the black people who actually died at the hands of racists, when all your talking about is words.

12 times as many whites are killed by blacks than the other way around. Who is committing hate crimes? What are you even taking about?

Oh my god do you what a hate crime is? Just because one person kills another person and the killer is black and the person who is killed is white does not make it a black on white hate crime, the same goes if the roles are reversed. Hate crimes must be proven with evidence and are not inherent in the fact that the two people differ in race. Also, last I checked there are a lot more white people than black people in this country so is that statistic even adjusted for population numbers? I'm honestly at a loss as to why this statistic is so important as were you not aware that people kill people? When you cherry pick what race kills what race at what percentage/rate you can paint any picture you want. Black people are most likely to be killed by other black people, and apparently they more likely to kill white people too, guess black people are just all murderers.

Who cares why someone is murdered? Hate crime is a made up distinction that is virtually impossible to accurately track since it involves things like mind reading, which is impossible.

Even if it were possible, murder is murder and it doesn't make someone's death worse if it resulted from "racial hatred" or if it was gang related, or if resulted from a fight over samples at Sam's club, it's still murder and yes to answer your last statement blacks are more violent as a group and that is a fact that needs to be addressed within the black community... like yesterday, but if we as a society continue to just excuse poor behavior (which is completely predictable given the shitty self sustaining culture of the group) we can never hope to progress as a whole now can we?

Simply excusing or ignoring statistical sociological and criminal trends, because they are uncomfortable, does no one any favors least of all young vulnerable black youths who are being chewed up and spit out by a culture that tells them all the wrong messages and then encourages them to blame and hate when they find themselves miserable and constantly in want.

Is it all their fault? Of course not!!!

.. but absolving then of all blame, of denying them the dignity of holding them to an equal standard is truly racist... It is the bigotry of low expectations played out every time someone turns a blind eye to subhuman behavior perpetuated in black neighborhoods all over the United States as if it shouldn't break our hearts just as much the awful things they do to themselves.

Hate crime is a made up distinction

Are you kidding me? So when the KKK was killing black people they weren't killing them because they were black? No one's saying one death is worth more attention than the other, which is a concept btw it's called the "less dead" which refers to people who die that no one cares about like prostitutes it's very interesting, what I am saying is statistics alone do not tell us everything and can easily be used to tell contradicting stories.

Other than that I agree.

blacks are more violent as a group and that is a fact that needs to be addressed within the black community... like yesterday

Pretty ironic to see you saying this on stolen land taken from murdered natives by white people who continue to wage war against brown people overseas. You really need to brush up on your history.

That's our government waging wars overseas and last I checked all races are represented in the military.

Whites have stolen 10,000,000 times as much land and enslaved and murdered 10,000,000 times as many natives as blacks than the other way around if you want to keep score.

i feel like y'all should be focusing on the fact that he's literally making up statistics instead of trying to tie them back to systemic causes

Whites are 12x as likely to be killed by blacks than the other way around

12 times as many whites are killed by blacks than the other way around.

the hell are you talking about? these mean different things, and they're both wrong.

twice as many whites are killed, but white people are 4.5 times more numerous in the US than black people. Which means they're actually less than half as likely to be killed by the opposite race.

that’s uh, not the case. I’ve seen them FBI stats

but yeah chances are SOME of those people were racist

In fact it is the case

It's definitely false bullshit

According to the FBI's most recent stats, the chance of that a white person will be killed by a black person is .000207806%.

the chance of that a black person will be killed by a white person is .000508823%.

While both risks are insignificant, it's a little over a 2:1 ratio, not 12:1.

Ok, now adjust for population size.

That is adjusted for population size.

Dude, blacks commit 51% of all homicides. Black males are 6% of the population. How bad at math are you?

Blacks are more likely to be on either end of a murder than .

How bad at English are you?

White people are 65% of the population. Blacks are 13% of the population. It’s not surprising you’re more likely to be killed by a white person

At least you’ve accepted it

Oh good you’re following along now. Now following me this direction...

If whites and blacks were the same representation in population, 13x more whites are killed by blacks than the other way around.

Makes sense dummy, like I said. 51% of homicides, 6% of population...

yes very true, but we are talking about the current climate

violent horrible deaths at the hands of racists the State


What state?

Racism has been far more harmful to black and brown people than it has been to white people.

So shoukd we swicth the trend or stop it?

The trend hasn't switched even 1%. White people are still in full control of government and the police and military forces. Pretending you are somehow victims of any institutional racism is purely delusional and wrong.

Not from the US so I don't have the same simple mental schematic of a harmful racial dichotomy you seem so proud of.

Again, switch it or stop it?

Lmao this has to be parody. Right?

Has to be. Nobody could be that dumb.


Cause its the dumbest shit ive ever read. Only your average 1488 stormfront reader could actually believe something like that

Maybe you dont understand what the words "weapon" and "used" mean?

Racism is a weapon that whites have used to genocide natives and enslave black people.

Ok, so we have established that racism is a weapon! Now were making some progress.

It is a weapon that can be used against white people? Think of maybe a place like South Africa right now. Or maybe inner US cities.

You mean South Africa where those European colonists stole the land from the black people that lived there? Or the US where other European colonists stole land from the natives?

Youre being willfully ignorant. Have fun with that.


Lol silly goy, you can't be racist against your fellow whites!

Incorrect, brainwashing can do amazingly terrifying things to the human mind.

Welcome to the anti-racism community on Reddit, a safe(r) space for People of Color

This is from their sidebar. Sub isn't meant for racism against whites. Look at the subs they link to "/r/women, /r/radicalqueers, r/feminisms, r/antira"

The mods have an agenda over there.

Its funny they want to stop racism but don't bother to encompass all racism under that blanket. Their movement is doomed to fail and may actually be doing more harm than good in regards to dividing the country.

"may actually be doing more harm than good"

Ding ding ding!

That is the entire point of that movement, the boots on the ground touting it are just the useful idiots being manipulated.

"Useful idiots" Stalin would be proud

flips pink hair It's a Soros thing, you wouldn't understand!

Its funny they want to stop racism but don't bother to encompass all racism under that blanket. Their movement is doomed to fail and may actually be doing more harm than good in regards to dividing the country.

That's the Big Game Plan.

Whether the mods and participants in that particular sub are willing tools or simply fools who are following the Pied Pipers of Divide and Conquer is questionable, but they are serving the agenda, in any case.

I’ve come to this belief. Real issues historically such as racism or sexism are being pushed or manipulated for ends of power and politics.

Poor, white males are the most under-represented minority there is.

What does under-represented minority have to do with anything?

Globally, yes, quite the minority actually

World wide whites are definitely a minority. We must give them institutional privilege across the globe to make up for the oppression they experience from being a minority. It is only just.

Someone said whites can't experience racism because of their "status",

2-10 I was called honkie or cracker by someone everyday. Always older people on the block. When I moved to redneck villages GA I became a n@#$er. And was called that many times a day, by cops,random pussies yelling it out the window, classmates. I had friends in school I could not talk to in public because their klansman fathers said I was a "no good yankee n$%er". I am an Uncle Skylar cause those experiences made me hate whitey. I am older now and I just distrust them.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

So I had never been to the racism sub before, and I just casually looked through it, and one of the first thing I saw is that a tag exists called "white fragility".

What the fuck?

Sounds like we all need to start hammering reddit to ban that sub for 'hate crimes'.

Come on now don't be unreasonable. Actual racism isn't as bad as people making fun of fatties! /s

I love getting slurred, sure I'm white but I find it hilarious. Sensitive people just want to be angry about everything and really they should all just learn to the a good noose and hang themselves

Have you seen r/T_D and r/braincels? If reddit wont ban those subreddits but will ban r/fatpeoplehate, what in the fuck makes you think they will ban r/racism?


Just letting everyone know you can see what comments are deleted in a thread by using Ceddit. Go to a thread with removed comments. Instead of, make it

/r/news thread on Sarah Jeong:

See the removed comments:

Sometimes you have to wait 5 seconds or so for the comments to appear.

You can also see the removed comments this way if you're lucky enough to find an archive. This is the same thread before a lot of comments were removed:

Here is the /r/news thread on this that they removed first for "editorialized title." The website changed the headline after it was posted. Normally the mods there will tag it "site altered headline" and leave the post up, but this time they claim it was an editorialized title for some reason.

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Wow some of that is just blatant censorship.

Welcome to Reddit

Been doing this shit for years mate. Nothing new here.

And people still think that this site doesn’t push agendas

But muh russians

Literally nobody thinks that.

Maybe not on this sub

What's the alternative to reddit? Where else can I go?

This is awesome. Definitely a conspiricy to control the narrative going on here. This thing is really gaining traction though and I hope most rational people will see it for what it is.

Just downvote every agenda post you see. It’s not much, but I think it’s all we can do. Or just migrate to a new site, which isn’t an option right now.

Thanks for showing me this. Much appreciated.

Wow intense! Thank you.

How do they censor comments in 2 seconds or less? Is it a keyword/automod thing?

Yup I commented about me thinking the mods learning their lesson after pulse nightclub in that thread and that it wouldnt be deleted.

Minutes later the comment purge began and the thread locked.

the ceddit page is blank, i see the subreddit banner and the sidebar but there's only a white background where the thread should be. also pacman in the corner.

Holy shit. This is actually unbelievable. I would've expected most of the deleted comments would've been offensive or off topic, but damn, the moderators genuinely removed fair comments. It's a shame to see this in a sub that people will just follow expecting unbiased behaviour. This isn't what reddit should stand for.

She was a tech writer for her previous employers. She's been offered a seat on the NYT editorial board.

LOL they're actually removing relevant facts.

Somebody give gold to this post to keep it visible to everyone. This hypocrisy needs to stop.

God, as an overweight guy always struggling between being thin and overweight, I miss the fuck out of fatpeoplehate

It's still around on voat. The community has been growing there slowly

Rules for thee but not for me.

Topmindsofreddit mod removes post about a liberal because "its boring"

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Perhaps, but the majority is always sane...

Reddit contains tons if violence, gore, rape, hate and other awful things, but as long as the content isn't mocking Hilary Clinton it will stay up unquestioned

Lol you never been to T_D??

Well, if you do, idiots will use it as an excuse to invoke logic fallacies and ignore your comment (just for posting there, that's it)

Yea I got banned from commenting after arguing with some guy. He basically said the the "left" lived in an echo chamber...he said this in can imagine what I pointed out for him ;-)

Nah, if it was fair, the_dipshit would have been banned by now. None of you care about racism anyway, so shut up.

Start with banning n8thegr8 or w.e his /u/ is

How do we do this?

How do you get a sub banned if the mods are all racists too? Genuinely asking, I'd like to know how to report it. Thanks!

Contact the admins. On reddit. By email too.

And start bothering any company you see advertising on reddit.

"Hey it's cool you advertise on a racist site! I hate $race too!"

Sorry, that won't work. You'll be banned from Reddit by IP address. You can't point out racsim against white people on Reddit. It's in their unwritten ToS that they can make up and change on the fly to suit needs. I'm part of one of the smallest native minorities in the US and I still get called a Russian troll or white supremacist if I in any way defend a white victim of blatant racism.

Snowflakes are soft and white and easily broken. So clearly "white fragility" is referencing snowflakes. But like the mighty faggot, which is far stronger than the individual sticks, an avalanche of snowflakes can cause catastrophic damage.

First time I've ever read that word in that way

Clearly you've never read Lord of the Rings.

I am all for being truely equal.. sincerely trying to identify, and thwart racism is important. But this type of shit holds this community back.

You're gunna be an ignorant homophobe, and an asshole in one swing to make a point about people being offended.. because you are offended by people not recognizing racism toward you. So fucking toxic

O.o what? I made a Simpsons reference and pointed out how the people who are "offended" by the term white fragility are only proving it to be true. But I also left a warning that snowflakes in great numbers are a serious threat because they blanket all actual discussion of the topic.

Can you be racist to white people? Of course. But how impacted are white people by racism compared to most minorities? Mean words vs loan denials, racial profiling, neglected communities... I could go on but if you don't already see what I'm saying, you're not likely to.

What race are you?

White, but why should that matter? It doesn't change what I am saying.

Just curious. Thanks

Every time a College accepts applications based on race, everytime a company hires based on ethnic background, every time that the best candidate for the job is over looked in order to appease the diversity quotas, someone is being racially discriminated against. The West was built on meritocracy, and if that is not maintained, we can expect mediocracy to follow.

Have you ever taken a look at interracial violent crime statistics? Find the FBI statistics on who is killing who, who is raping who, who is robbing who and who is assaulting who, and get back to me.

Look at the percentage of homicides solved in minority communities. Look at the number of police brutality cases against minorities. Look at the difference in incarceration rates between minorities and whites for the exact same crime.

Go ahead and do a little research and tell me if you think minorities and white people receive equal treatment in the eyes of the law.

Where I live, people never see anything even though everyone actually saw it. They never talk to police, not because they’re afraid of the police or fear retaliation, they just don’t think it’s right to “snitch”. Yet the people who refuse to be witnesses or do even the simplest thing to stop crime in their neighborhoods are the same ones always bitching about how police don’t care about them because crimes in their communities often go unsolved.

Well duh, of course lots of crimes are unsolved because you idiots intentionally hinder investigations in every possible way. And it’s not a race thing at all, there are people of all races in these communities. So until you offer proof that crimes go unsolved because racism, I’m going to believe my very own eyes over this tired bullshit you’re peddling here.

So you go from talking about being in the neighborhood, how everyone behaves because of some understood agreement that has no real basis in logic or reason, and then you turn around and start talking about "you idiots." I thought you were in the 'hood bro? Shouldn't you be saying "my idiotic neighbors" or "our idiotic community"? Or were you just projecting the way you see minority communities from the outside?

As for proof, there's a plethora of data here:

Most people would acknowledge that we all have a responsibility to be good citizens or that it’s a shame when we could help prevent crime but choose not to act. Most people would agree that neighbors who help crime flourish are idiots. Doesn’t mean there’s no racism in the world, it just reminds us that not all problems are because racism.

But you ignore all of that and go right to accusing a complete stranger of being a racist despite zero evidence of racism? So being condescending & dismissive of other people’s experience then judging them despite a total lack of criteria is what? I mean, that’s not racism since you don’t know my ethnicity but it’s certainly no better. Kinda seems like you’re just projecting your own shallowness and tendency to label others.

Where did i accuse you of being racist? I accused you of being ignorant.

And you will continue to be, based on this asinine response. "Oh crap, he called me out for making shit up. I better try and accuse him of things because I can't take responsibility for my own actions."

Btw, did you look over the data you asked for? Or was that request only made because you were so confident that you knew better and no such data might exist.

I would like to see the data on incarceration rates by race. Do you have any links for that? Did they factor in repeat offenses?

Still, you've not acknowledged the disproportionate crimes against white people.

No mention for repeat offenses being factored in. It just shows a disproportionate number of black people vs white people based on 2010 census data.

Now are you looking at straight numbers for your "disproportionate crimes against white people" claim, or is the demographic's population taken into consideration? Because one would assume that the majority demographic would have a higher overall number of crimes committed against them.

One would think that the majority population would be committing more of the violent crimes, but they are not. While the majority is being attacked more often by minority blacks and Hispanics. That's what I mean by disproportionate.

Incarceration and arrest rates are higher among minority perpetrators than whites for the same crimes. So just because there is a higher percentage of a minority population is prison, it doesn't mean that demographic is committing more crimes. Also, most of the crimes that result in incarceration are drug offenses, so looking at the demographics of prison populations does not directly reflect the demographics of perpetrators of specific crimes.

Most violent crime in intraracial, so the demographic that represents the biggest threat to white people is white people.

Yes because white people are forcing a black person to sell crack on the street /s

Where's the pesonal responsibility nowadays?

Look at the difference in incarceration rates between minorities and whites for the exact same crime.

What part of that involves selling crack? What in that even refers to a specific crime?

And how does personal responsibility factor in to institutional discrimination?

Ah. I did not know that was a Simpsons quote, my bad. Lack of context on my end lol

No worries. d-(_)

You do realize he's using the word correctly, right? If not, perhaps you need to look up the definition

You’re wrong.

Don't go to school tomorrow everybody, u/jubway and his friends are going to shoot the place up

Oh fuck off with this racist BS.

He said it not me.

He said no such thing.

Sounds like a Columbine niceguy preparing for catastrophic damage to me!

Sounds like Lord of the rings to everyone else.

So you're saying antifa has a chance?


So wise

nice take but snowflake is meant to make fun of the blue hair feminists that think they are unique individuals (like a snowflake)

That's... Racist....

That's... Racist....

Racism is plus power. Can't be Racist against white people because they have all the power.

Except...Asians tend to do better than white people on almost all possible measures: IQ, SAT scores, tech jobs, ect.

Which means she's punching down


No, racism is the belief in the inherent superiority or inferiority of one race compared to others.

You know, like believing that all white people hold power.

That's racist.

(that's the joke)

Yeah, I always forget about all Asian-American presidents and Supreme Court Justices the US has had. I mean, surely there's been at least 10 Asian-American senators, right? (Spoiler: there's only been 9, and a third of those are in office now). Institutional and systemic power is based off more than just SAT scores, it turns out.

How many white senators in China?

A) I'm not trying to argue that China doesn't have its own racism problems to address; nice non-sequitor, though.

B) China's population is less than 0.5% white; if you takeout non-citizen resident foreigners, it's well under 0.1%. China has over a dozen locally relevant ethnic groups in more urgent need of government representation than whites.

C) China isn't exactly where I'd point to demonstrate how governments and societies should work.

Right, it's the racism of high expectations.

Only the majority white western civilizations that have done well are expected to have moral duty.

Maybe some of these other nations need to get their shit together.

Why would your average Asian bother becoming a politician when they can instead get high-paying tech jobs?

The median US household income has "Asians" at the top with $20,000+ more than white people. And I would assume that this includes all of your white politicians.

And I would challenge you on your implicit assumption that it's the politicians of the world that actually have institutional power.

Come on now. Are you really going to discount all of these folks that have served in the US Congress?

This guy was my favorite.


Pretty disappointing that we live in a time where it isn't obvious, eh?

I hope you’re not serious with that. If so, please kindly fuck right off.

Not serious in the sense that I do not personally believe the premises of the argument; but I am definitely serious in the sense that I believe the conclusion follows necessarily if one makes this kind of intersectionality argument. She appears to be a bigot no matter which "popular" definition of racism one choses, given that one doesn't ignore the reality that Asians have seemingly more white privilege than white people.

That is the thought process of many liberals.

Although many liberals also think that it is racist to not believe in everything other liberals believe in and to think for themselves.

Racism =/= institutional racism

institutional racism doesnt exist in first world countries

Affirmative action is pretty institutionalized.

good point

I've heard this argument made before and though I think you are not being serious I think the serious response is that both racial prejudice and power iniquity are each bad by themselves and so it is essentially redundant to try to redefine racism to also require power.

Also this argument of needing power doesn't work for other kinds of prejudice such as ageism, where the older people do a actually tend to have all the power yet are the ones discriminated against.

Furthermore, I don't think that the right way to deal with racism is with even more racism. So while I understand the frustration and anger people are feeling, trying to justify racism by redefining it to include power is not wise. Simply resist power, regardless of race. The powerless need to unite against the powerful, the powerful use racism as a tool to divide the powerless and prevent them from uniting.

Also, the problem with intersectionality is that it is infinitely divisible until every individual is in their own category alone, and therefore is useless.

Actually, that's not even the true kind of just made that up... "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."

That isn't what racism is though lol

No, racism is racism based on race.

tend to do better than whites

examples provided

You: Asians are not better at everything!!!!!!!

Learn to read you soggy dingleberry.

Wrong reply?

yeah wtf indeed.

Yep. Racist as fuck but so "progressive" it's no longer racist to be racist. November will show these losers that they are going down the wrong path.

Racist as fuck but so "progressive" it's no longer racist to be racist.

The horse shoe effect

So that's how its called. I was looking for the name for days

It's actually called the Horseshoe Theory, although it seems like a fact at this point in time

Basically this. I used to vote democrat, but after this racist garbage and sjw garbage, I’m probaably voting third party or republican, depending on the candidate. When the Democrats want to reject the extreme left, then maybe they can start winning elections again. Until then, I’m probable done with them.

So voting for the politicians that forsake everyone to appease the rich because some people who vote Democrat are reactionary racists?

It’s because the left is doing NOTHING about them and not rejecting them. The right overall separates themselves from the racist groups and doesn’t run a platform based on those groups. Meanwhile you have the left that not only doesn’t say anything against the SJWs, they actively include them in the discussions and appease them.

The left needs to handle the SJW/racism problem or expect to loss more elections.

I'm really liberal and that sub is embarrassing.

You're not really liberal

uh yes. yes I am.

What we have here kids is a rare encounter. A liberal agreeing that r/racism is sometimes full of shit. Almost as rare as a gay redneck. I salute you, sir.

Like those guys on Brokeback Mountain?

I just looked at that sub it has 11k subscribers. Thats nothing. Why would you think that is representative of mainstream liberal views?

Compare to TD with 650k subs.

Jesus christ, its terrible. Why do people suck so much?

You deserve a cookie!

I'm so weirded out that society has demanded we have to stick in our ideological boxes.

Being liberal has no connection to being an SJW. Yet somehow if you're liberal, it's demanded that you be one

For now, you think that. Within five years, you'll be beating that drum as well.

No way. Once those people are old enough to vote they will hopefully be thinking more realistic

I certainly hope so. But the rest of the left doesn't seem to share that sentiment.

isn't it abundantly clear by now that "diversity" is code for "anti-white", anti-european/western, and everything associated with that? ex. traditional morality, cultural Christianity, Euro descended individuals seeing themselves as "peoples", etc.

I don't think so. I'm non white and I don't believe my simply being allowed to exist peacefully is code for anti white or anti western. Plenty of whites are being anti western lately by siding with Russia over NATO allies, so you don't need to browbeat people like me for being alive while not looking like you like it's some kind of intentional slight.

Look up the Kalergi plan.

Nice but I'm not an immigrant. I'm Innuit. My ancestors lived here for thousands of years, their bones are buried into the Canadian Shield.

Remember when this sub was about conspiracies instead of white nationalism?

Who is saying anything about you for existing ?

White people apparently. They believe diversity is anti white and anti western. But I can't help being diverse, and I've never been a threat to anybody.

You aren't diverse. Unless by diverse you mean non-white.

As well as non male and non Christian. But supposedly if I'm allowed to exist around white people they'll be destroyed by my anti whiteness.

Non-male eh? You're from the dreaded and very diverse other 50%?

Are you trying to say that 'diverse' is precisely anything non-male, non-white, and non-Christian? Or are you still claiming that is what 'white people' think? Even within the group of white-male Christians I can see lots of 'diversity', but that word has a different meaning now when talking about ethnicity- doesn't it? Why? Who is it that is claiming white-male Christians are not diverse, white-male Christians? 'Diversity', as it has been used lately, is a propaganda term. You seem to be upset at the people who are using the term to mock it- they are not the ones who designed what that word implies (and you seem to know well what it implies). The term is appearing casually and unironically in media mostly pertaining to 'white'-majority societies, so it has cast down into everyday conversation. Are you aware enough to wonder why, or are you aware why and are happy with its use?

In your eyes, Ghana should not be a diverse country and Japan should not be a diverse country, but I'm not so sure you'd agree with that because they are non-white. In my eyes, those countries have many small ethnic groups which together form the larger identites of Ghanaian and Japanese. The same goes for 'white' people. All of the races are already diverse, so why does Europe (even non-colonial countries) need 'diversity'? Why/how is this subject so prevalent?

Do you want to live around white people? If so, I can understand why. If not, I am fully in support of 'your people' having a sovereign nation exclusive to themselves.

If you wanted a pure white nation you should have stayed in Europe instead of trying to colonize non white countries.

That has nothing to do with what I wrote to you. Thanks.

I don't have anything against white people, whatever that even means. I just happen to believe trying to build a homogenous white nation on a predominantly non white continent seems horribly ill conceived. Especially when Europe was right there the entire time. If white settlers had moved to Switzerland or France or Belgium you'd be a lot more at ease right now.

History is littered with terrible circumstances brought about by people wanting more territory. What can be done about that? Would the world be better today if Europeans had not engaged in colonial imperialism? It's tough to say. If everyone had simply stayed in the lands they came from and never engaged in wars of conquest, then yes that would probably be better. But Europeans were not the only conquerers of history. People have been warring with each other since before agriculture was invented. There have been empires in every corner of the world since ancient times. There have been conquerers of every color and creed. There is nothing that distinguishes white people from the other races in that regard. It is the very definition of racism to judge the white people of today, and exclusively white people, for the crimes of (not all) white people of yesterday.

Europe is not pure white though. A wave of refugees is changing it. Look at London. Paris can feel like Africa sometimes...

No, it’s not clear at all. What’s clear is that people who have been conditioned by their society, even in ways that don’t seem obvious, to believe they are superior to others, not by personal achievement, but by being part of the group that is most powerful and most mainstream in society, are very uncomfortable when it appears they might have to cede even a millimeter of their self-asumed superiority.

I’m not trying to lay blame and guilt. I don’t even think most people in the “elite” groups are aware of how much of their dominance is fed to them. And I’m not even sure that most institutions deliberately try to push a narrative of superiority. It’s more like following the well trodden road is the easiest thng to do - why would you think of plunging off, through the brambles, to parts unknown when you don’t need to?

I suggest you pick up a newspaper - even a fairly liberal paper like the New York Times. Now go through all the editorial pictures published in that edition and count how many people pictured are male and white and how many are not. Overwhelmingly, those pictured, particulrly in the political and business section will be white and male. In the international section you might have a slight bit of diversity, but even there, you’ll see mostly middle aged white guys in suits. You will also find some faces of color and women in investigative journalism pieces, as these tend to cover negative isses in society - violence, poverty, disease, etc. Lifestyle sections will have a few more women and people of color, but still, probably more than half of those pictured will be white and male. Sports will invariably have the most pictures of non-whites and some females who play tennis or ice skate.

You may say this proves nothing, but try to imagine a New York Times where nearly all the pictures of business people and politicians are non-white, or all female. You’d probably feel that something was wrong, even if you couldn’t put your finger on what made you uncomfortable. If this happened over a period of weeks, months, years where white males were the token minority - not just in newspapers but in all media - you would begin to feel just how disempowering it is to look around at images of important, glamourous, wealthy, successful, powerful people - and rarely see someone who looks like you.

And that’s just images in media. I’ve heard people disparge women’s studies and african-American studies. To be truly equal and diverse we should have white male studies, they cry. But you’ll realize nearly every book you hold, over newspaper you glance through, every film and show you see is already a study of white male history, power, and intersts - if you take the time and effort to try to find anything more than a token side role given to anyone else - and even there those images are conditioned - blacks are sporty and musical and say funny things in funny ways, women like pretty things and things that smell nice and love cleaning, asians are good in science and study alot, hispanics have big loving families. On the extremely negative side blacks are crimlnals, women get beat up and whine about it, asians are dorky and take all the spots at top universities because their parents are so strict, hispanics are domestic servants and mow lawns.

Is it any wonder people are interested in broadening roles? And would it be so terrible to not carry the world on your shoulders and strive to be “alpha” at every moment? To not feel inadequate if you can’t live up to the idealized image of “great and powerful white male”? But the first step is to realize that someone else’s actualization is not gained at your expense. You are not less than you were because someone else now has a voice.

Nobody is interested in controlling anyone’s voice but YOU. You don’t see individuals, you see black people and white people and Asian people. You don’t acknowledge ideas, you acknowledge black ideas and white ideas. People like you are obsessed with race.

I’ll tell you what else. You think white people are superior. You see, someone who isn’t a racist...they believe all people should have an equal opportunity. Just merit, nothing else. You don’t want that, you don’t believe it’s possible. You say that minorities need a savior like you to hoist them up from their doomed existence and place them amongst Gods chosen.

You hate what I’m saying but people are waking up to the truth that I speak.

Also called Virtue Signaling

YES! The true racist people, aka SJWs, see "minorities" as less-than-capable.

I always liked the opening monologue by Irish mobster Frank Costello (played by Jack Nicholson) in The Departed movie:

I don’t want to be a product of my environment. I want my environment to be a product of me. Years ago we had the church. That was only a way of saying – we had each other. The Knights of Columbus were real head-breakers; true guineas. They took over their piece of the city. Twenty years after an Irishman couldn’t get a fucking job, we had the presidency. May he rest in peace. That’s what the n*****s don’t realize. If I got one thing against the black chappies, it’s this – no one gives it to you. You have to take it.

Glorifying organized crime as a way to gain equality 🤔🤔

the blacks are already halfway there!

The problem isn’t someone else of a different ethnicity having a voice. The problem is people like you who sit and whine about racism and stereotypes, but at the same time are happy to be hypocritical and use their voice to be an anti-white racist in the same breath. People like that are just as bad as the racists they claim to be fighting against.

Who the fuck is thinking they are superior? All I am seeing is people wanting equality.

I suggest you pick up a newspaper - even a fairly liberal paper like the New York Times. Now go through all the editorial pictures published in that edition and count how many people pictured are male and white and how many are not. Overwhelmingly, those pictured, particulrly in the political and business section will be white and male.

In a white majority society, one should fully expect every field of work to be mostly white.

More telling is to count the Jews on staff, in management, and ownership of MSM and lesser media outlets. I assure you, they're far more represented than the 2-3% of the population of the U.S. they make up. Including many of the people you're calling "white."

isn't it abundantly clear by now that "diversity" is code for "anti-white", anti-european/western

it's pretty clear that this is code for "Americans and Europeans should be white supremacists"

Sounds like you've never heard of it.

Turns out it’s a sub for being racist, not for calling out racism.

Yeah that sub is a joke.

Even the moderators are openly racist towards whites

I can guarantee majority of the Mods are self-hating whites.

Thank you for not using the word "cuck"

Its almost as bad as "woke"

It's pretty accurate though. Sitting back and watching your culture getting fucked and applauding instead of fighting for what is yours.

what culture is that?

Western culture.

That old thing...

You know the one that created electricity, cars, planes, the internet, anti-biotics...

The entirety of the modern world lol?

Guy responds to a comment referring to "self hating whites" and says

Watching your culture getting fucked and applauding instead if fighting for what is yours."

White culture is not a thing

Well looks like you are part of problem or an idiot.

Whites certainly have a culture of their own, with my varietys. Whites from New York are different than whites from Alabama and thats just talking America.

What lol. If you're going to call someone an idiot it helps to make sure your comment isn't riddled with typos.

People from New York and Alabama, regardless of their race, are going to have cultural identifiers based on that location. Saying white culture is lazy, the "white culture" you're talking about goes back to specific groups of people, English, German, Irish and Scottish for example.

All white cultures you listed... Im confused here. You said they did not exist, then listed 4 distinct ones...

Riddle me this wise one, how is there a 'black culture' when africa is comprised of many nations? If you consider that to exist then white culture most also exist...

Did you try to say some edgy shit and it blew up in your face?

No, I said saying "White culture" is lazy. It doesn't exist as an umbrella term, well shouldn't. Food, art, music, and tradition are part of what makes a culture. German and French cuisine is obviously different, you wouldn't look at a plate of pork schnitzel and say "that's white culture", you'd just describe as German.

Black culture exists and is different. Honestly I can't believe I have to explain this to you, but I can tell your pretty stubborn so it doesn't surprise me that it hasn't crossed your mind.

A black man with an Irish last name probably doesn't have any ancestors from Ireland. It's called "The Slavery Wall" and it's a problem many African Americans face when trying to research their ancestry. It's difficult to find out which of those "many nation's" their family comes from, since slaves were considered property and census data wasn't recorded.

This is why black culture in America exists in it's current state. It's also why saying "black pride" is okay and "white pride" is for skin heads.

So no, nothing blew up in my face.

Sounds like you just hate white people to me lol

Saying white culture doesnt exist is disingenuous at best. You are a liar and not my worth time listening to your cultural bullshit that's been repeated ad infinitum

Its just as difficult being a descendent of an irish indentured servant finding ancestry. Immigrating when NINA signs were prevalent.

Why do i have to explain that white Europeans assimilated culture from others and created a "white culture"? Im not denying your culture, but you are mine.

"white pride" is for skin heads.

Why strive to make this racist connection?

Why is American culture a thing? Thats the white culture referred and one you dispise.

The major difference is we went to work and didnt complain about shit from 200 years ago, is what I have noticed. How is such a small subset the biggest crime plague to our society? Why does the same subset continually underperform in educational tests?

Im just tired of hearing the same tired bullshit. Dont care anymore. Out of all this what are you looking for? Another fucking handout.

Now talk about lazy.

Oh okay, I see now. You actually are a racist piece of shit. Goodbye.

Nothing coherent to say now? Fascinating.

Sounds like you just hate white people to me lol - Thats the white culture referred and one you dispise.

I won't even entertain those notions.

Its just as difficult being a descendent of an irish indentured servant finding ancestry. Immigrating when NINA signs were prevalent.

This is no way, by any stretch of the imagination similar to enslaved Africans in America and the difficulty in finding your ancestry. Please read about Irish indentured servants.

On white pride:

Why strive to make this racist connection?

If I have to explain to you how the term "White Pride" is for skin heads, then just stop reading now.

The major difference is we went to work and didnt complain about shit from 200 years ago, is what I have noticed. How is such a small subset the biggest crime plague to our society? Why does the same subset continually underperform in educational tests?

Im just tired of hearing the same tired bullshit. Dont care anymore. Out of all this what are you looking for? Another fucking handout.

Now talk about lazy.

Now this is the part that pains me because I can tell you're not a troll. I've met countless people who have regurgitated almost verbatim, like it was script - what you just said. I"ll try and give you a different perspective like I do anytime I meet someone who shares those same sentiments, but it already feels hopeless.

Complain about shit 200 years ago

Brown vs. The board of Education was in 1954, this isn't ancient history and it wasn't an imaginary finish line that when crossed racism and oppression ceased to be. The little Rock Nine in Arkansas in 1957 had to be escorted to school by the U.S. military. It took ten years for New Orleans school to fully integrate. Ruby Bridges is one of the more notable figures from that school, she's 63 today.

Redlining is a well documented systematic denial of loans targeted at minorities that lasted through 60s, 70s and 80s. This resulted in landlord abandonment, lower property values and a shortage of new business opportunities. Neighborhoods were left in disrepair with vacant buildings that were haven for drugs and illegal activities. In turn generations that were victims of redlining became targets for predatory loans, resulting in low credit scores and a lack of home-ownership.

We literally created the state that minorities find themselves in today. This was not 200 years ago.

Now I know I'm probably not going to change your outlook on the world but it doesn't matter. The people who think like you are a dying breed, you'll lose in the end.

Its funny to think that you are so adamant about making this an issue today citing segregation from 50 years ago. Most likely happened in neither of our lifetimes. None of this is still the case today is my point. Pretty moot point to me.

Yet poor test scores are very true, those folks cant read or write. But keep blaming something else, like whites, racism, or the best, actual tests being unfair.

Racism does exist, and more importantly it's not always a white on black only situation that you see perpetually shoved down your throat.

What strikes me is this:

Now I know I'm probably not going to change your outlook on the world but it doesn't matter. The people who think like you are a dying breed, you'll lose in the end.

No, citing well known landmark desegregation cases does not bring anything new to the table. Its always selective information provided. Why not state as well that Massachusetts outlawed slavery in 1780?

Nothing to win or lose here, so I ask again what is the purpose of all this whining and complaining? What do you want to get out of this highlight of social injustice?

What goal do you achieve by saying black culture exists and white culture is lazy?

I throw my hat into the nothing or handout category.

Replace White with Black. Do you still stand by it?

It's too simplistic. It implies that a person should be limited to where they can move based on the color of their skin. It plays into the collectivists' narritive. Cultures change with time, but each individual is their own sovergn entity.

Now, i should never be forced to pay for someone to move here, or to subsidize their poverty through taxation, which is what the collectivists want.

No the people you interact with day to day dont believe in this stuff. This is a narrative being pushed online and by the mass media to create division. Just like most political topics.

Don't let them take you down this rabbit hole. Of course there are outliers and extremists but they are the minority. This stuff is pure insanity and mostly fabricated by wealthy interests trying to erode what freedoms we have left.

Im a woke cuck who loves m'lady.

Racism is a social structure. Minority’s CAN say and do things that discriminate against whites. But since racism is a social structure and whites are on the top, whites have society on their side. So a minority can not oppress you the same way a white person can oppress a minority.

By definition, that’s not the case.

Look the fuck around dude. NYT just knowingly hired an abhorrent racist and then defended her. The only institutionalized, sanctioned racism is against whites. I guess you have a point though that it’s mostly perpetrated by other, racist white liberals.

openly racist towards whites

it's not simply racism at this point, it's excitement. the articles about white birth decline are out, the articles about whites being a minority are out. they smell blood in the water and are getting into a frenzy. they want us all dead and they can no longer hide their excitement.

Black fragility..... how does it hang in the air when the race is changed? Not a good look /r/racism.

So the racism sub is full of racists. Makes sense.

/r/racism, INDEED.

the irony...

Asian fragility.

Hispanic fragility.

Negro fragility.

Jewish fragility.

Homosexual fragility.

Transexual fragility.

Poor, poor oppressed white people!

It’s a term anti white racists use. Unsurprisingly, racism is yet another far left racist sub masquerading as one against it.

Sounds like you could post a link to this post and it would be white fragility, but actual racism isn't racism when minorities do it.

White fragility is an actual thing

Check out the header of your browser window. I just went there and was amazed at this.

the several front page posts about this random lady's mean tweets are a perfect example of "white fragility".

Other races get really mad because white people froth at the mouth when something negative is directed at their race, but a lot don't bat an eye when there's racism vs. others that's been going on for decades.

Gotta look at what got us here, none of this happens in a vacuum.

They don’t actually care about racism. It’s just a sub that they can talk about whites to their detriment using a couple racism examples and self victimizing individuals who are white. Basically a second BPT

I think they are having internal panic re this. Next step would be either acknowledging racism isn’t bad in this scenario which is sjw suicide or condemning that hog for being a trash bag.

liberal BS

Let me break this down for you - Reddit is the enemy.

The jewish owner of reddit

Mr shelelstein


I wouldn't say enemy. Just a collection of echo chamber with very very few subs with actual discussion.

Reddit bans subreddits, and bans those from reaching /r/all that it doesn't like. It is owned by Advance Publications which is one of the largest media companies in the world. It is the 5th most visited website in the US iirc. It is being used to push an agenda.

Reddit is the enemy

You can leave anytime, I hear Voat is going great!

Oh please.. what are you doing wasting your time here then? If this place is 'the enemy' to you, then isn't continuing to post here or look at content here a tacit admission that you're utterly powerless to control your own media consumption? Such victim mentality.

Just doing my bit :)

The enemy infiltrates these formerly effective places for discussions and leaves us little alternative but tiny, less polished back alleys on the Internet.

I got banned from europe because I worry that there is getting way too many mena migrants.

i mean that does seem kinda racist ijs

It's only racism if it's done by people who cannot be racist, obviously.

You can't be racist against white people

You are not allowed to notice or discuss this fact

You are not allowed to acknowledge fault in minorities

Thanks be to equality


All praise to the neo-marxism gods

the fuck is “neo-marxism”

Jordan Peterson's nightmare. Hobsian neo-marxist nihilists with messy bedrooms who get all the ladies. What does it actually mean? It seems to change ever so slightly depending on who Peterson is trying to feel superior to at the moment.

One of those buzz words right wingers use of which nobody really know what it means. It's used to describe modern progressives, even though they have very little to do with Marx

Too many right wingers here to properly rebut your point, downvotes will be received instead.

How is this post incorrect?

Look at how the term was just used. Does that not support the point he is making?

the point he's making isn't clear, but Marx wasn't really into race politics

Neo= new. Marxism=Marxism.

For further information you may have to click 'new tab' in the top right corner of your chrome browser and type the word 'google.' You can put any question you have into the blank box and answers and definitions will abound. Google is your friend.

This has nothing to do with Marxism or Neo-Marxism for that matter.

You might be thinking of capitalism.

Whites are only allowed to talk about race when they are cutting down whites.

Hm. Why is it people go nuts over anti-white bigotry but they'll defend to the death comments from Roseanne?

Makes no sense.

not to mention a half dozen topics about this even though we already had a big thread for it, all to peddle the same "muh white genocide" rhetoric here.

Notice some of the groups and key players are the same ones who are anti-immigration but suddenly want open borders when they hear white people in South Africa might be the ones in trouble.

An awful lot of the people pushing this are full on racists 1488er's looking to score some sweet sweet victim points.

They have a valid problem with this crazy racist writer so they're milking it for all its worth to try and sell their brand. They've been on the move the last few months to try and build support, using the growing discontent of people to peddle their subhuman ideologies.

It's plain as day.

Well it was a perfect storm. An Asian bigot works for NYT... sheesh. This Asian woman gives me a headache.

thank christ, this guy gets it. i've been watching the sub get flooded all day with unfamiliar users posting the kinds of reactionary, outrage feeding comments we usually see in subs like politics or td.

some folks around here used to call this shilling, but crickets today...

this whole push is just one big dog whistle hoping to perk up a couple of impressionable ears and incrementally grow the white nationalism movement.

and guess what is coming up in a little over a week? the fucking unite the right rally in d.c., on the goddamn anniversary of the charlottesville fiasco.

make no mistake - the white nationalists in the US have lots of practice playing the long game and drumming up support (in slow, incremental steps) in internet forums. today they're just starting a new push.

Yup. The downvotes speak to how we struck a nerve for the simple crime of making observations.

They're not nearly as subtle as they think they are, and every stunt like this makes more people aware of them rather than side with them.

We're in a thread tearing down someone for being racist, what makes them think they won't be torn down too?

Damnit I enjoyed having rational discussions on here. It's really turned into a cesspool of 13 year olds with victim complexes, its exhausting

Probably for the same reasons that people will demonize Roseanne for racist jokes but defend James Gunn for hundreds of jokes about raping children.

Yeah but you don't see a professional brigade for people defending James Gunn. Just people saying there's no proof the guy is a pedophile.

What are you talking about and what do you mean by "professional brigade"? Are you assuming that people who defended Roseanne were paid to do so but people who defended Gunn did it organically? How do you even prove that? In my opinion neither of them did anything wrong and neither should be punished.

Roseanne isn't racist, and she thought the woman was white. She doesn't look black to me either.

Maybe so. But extremely antisemitic as Arabs are Semites. Like a lot of Jews.

I mean who accuses someone of being in the Muslim brotherhood? That is deranged.

because they're racists

Curious if the admin works for the Times.

I'm sure they're part of the same cabal

The top post right now is about these tweets but the op switched white with black. In the comments they say she was joking and responding to a troll lol. Racism is racism. The mods there probably just want to cause more division and radicalize users.

Not jokes as much as parody. She says that she was satirising racist tweets by copying them, but switching the ethnicity with white. Do you believe her?

Well for one, burning in the sun doesn't make much sense that way

There was a Battlestar Galactica post in there as well that doesn't really fit that narrative...

No, I don't.

Oh wow, can we get 20 more posts up on the first page of an asian being racist? This is super important

So I just messaged the mods and politely asked 'why did you ban someone for posting a woman's racist tweets about white people?'

I got this reply

'Why don't you get your head out your ass'

I've been muted by them now.

It's clear they're just hard left nuts. I'd leave it. Sad really.

Wow that's pretty ridiculous! Thanks for trying!

These comments tho....congrats on experiencing everyday life as a minority! 🤷🏾‍♂️😂

Give us the top 5 that bother you the most?

Oh look, a professional victim.

Every minority is a victim to y’all!

Who's y'all? And no, no minority is a victim because i'm not dumb enough to be influenced by this media narrative. To YOU every minority is a victim, must be sad living that way

Dawg. These are facts! Do ya history! Let’s not get into this!

I'll bet you were the first one out in the spelling bee.

“do ya history.” you’re really helping out the stereotypes here, buddy.

These guys are a bunch of fragile 13 year olds with a victim complex. Damn they must spend a good chunk of their day looking for things to get offended about to justify being racist.

Doesn't that take a lot of time?

Isn’t white all colors? Scientifically whites reflect all color which means you would be a “person of color”.

When dealing with light yes. Take all your paints, dump them on the table and smear em together. Did you just make white?

I get your point though. We all just need a blunt I think.

On Reddit inconvenient truth's = BAN

I never have been in that sub. Someone had posted the same thread you did OP minutes ago, just wrote waiting for this to get deleted ,and after 2 minutes I was banned.

You can't be racist again white people because.... uh.... well because "progressivism" says so. Didn't you know that?

You don’t get that it’s the Truth if the universe, and you are a Nazi for suggesting otherwise! Omg

Can't say mean things about the white puritan shitmen in power because it's racist? So then the way to fix it is to cry louder about mean words said about those in power rather than better empathize with those without power. Because they might be white too...

You know, I remember pre-obama it was taboo to even talk about race so at least this is what could be considered progress. I guess.

Can't say mean things about the white puritan shitmen in power because it's racist?

Mean things? No you can't leverage their race to disparage them or that's racist. Not really rocket science.

Also, your entire narrative is retarded. You should look up the ethnicity of people that run the biggest companies. Google, Microsoft, Adobe and Blackberry, to name a few, all have Asian CEOs.

Retarded? RETARDED. You're gonna come at me while disparaging mentally disabled people? Or do you mean slower people? Please, I really want to hear more from you. I'd ask you more questions but I don't want to overload you on a Friday you piece of human garbage.

And you can't say I'm racist cause I don't know your race but if I had to guess, someone with the name Tom times 2 is whiter than Casper in a Starbucks.

That's it. Fall back on your politically correct doctrine.

"Retarded? That was like.. 4 words ago! Look everyone.. this guy doesn't even know what words we've been telling him to use".

Offer a real argument or gtfo. Spare me your appeals to politically correct dogma, retard.

politically correct doctrine

Isn't that the very definition of a "constitution"?

I got banned for saying yellow folk have a reputation for being racist, which they do. But really its a reddit combating specifically white perpetrated racism, the reddit name is just (purpousfully?) misleading

Hahahah fuck i didn’t know this would happen so fast! I hot banned in seconds for pointing out the fact that the afghani guy that was being deported from Sweden was coming out of a prison sentence for assault...pathetic

Ask for a reason and post the respond if you get one

Hello all,

Just a reminder that cross-subreddit brigading is a violation of the reddit TOS. While we have not seen any calls for such behavior in this thread up until this point, we will be monitoring the thread for any such calls going forward.

That said, there have been reports to modmail asking us to censor this discussion. Although we do not take an official position as to the legitimacy of the claims raised by the OP, we will most certainly not censor discussion so long as it occurs without violating the reddit TOS with regards to brigading.

Thank you for your attention to this important announcement.

Explain TMOR.

This very thread right now is directly linked over on TMOR........

As mods, we report all instances of cross-subreddit brigading targeted at /r/conspiracy (we even implemented rule 9 as a way to ensure those engaging in such brigading were not able to participate in /r/conspiracy after doing so).

On the whole, reddit admins have shown somewhat of an unwillingness to punish communities that discuss content in other subreddits (a policy most likely adopted in the interest of free and open discussion, which is perhaps for the best). In that way, some hate subreddits exploit such loopholes to not simply discuss incidents in other subreddits, but instead target those subreddits on a near 24/7 continuous loop. I suppose, in some ways, its a paradox that reddit CEO kn0thing spells out quite succinctly;

So long as content on Reddit is legal, we will let people use it as communication platform for people to share links and have discussions... The curse side of it is sometimes those ideas are extremely offensive. I can live with that paradox..

In that regard, while some communities may abuse the stance adopted by the reddit admins with regards discussion of content on other subreddits in order to brigade, on the whole I think reddit is better off as a platform by having that central ethos of open discussion to begin with.

Also, when hate subrddits like the one you had mentioned above do engage in targeted behavior that crosses the line (such as daily username ping spamming) the admins will usually step in and remedy that pattern of abuse quite quickly.

So how many times before the admins do step in?

How many times do you copy and paste this? Why did I know the first comment on your post would be about tmor?

Inquiring minds want to know.

So how many times before the admins do step in?

I'm not sure what it will take for the admins to put a stop to the 24/7 brgiading occurring in that hate subreddit, but I do hope they eventually choose to act based on the persistant and unending nature of the attacks.

How many times do you copy and paste this? Why did I know the first comment on your post would be about tmor?

I'm not really following here, as my first comment above doesn't mention said hate subreddit. It was only after a user asked about that subreddit that I provided an answer. Also nothing above was copy/pasted beyond the quote from kn0thing, which further added to my confusion (and also lead me to believe you were being less than sincere in your remark).

Understandable. Acknowledgment of the problem is big in itself. Feigned ignorance kinda makes the community frustrated. Though if was banned as suspected tmor that's a good sign.

Mistakes happen.

TMOR members rarely post from the same account that they visit TMOR with. They have an innocuous looking alt account with mainly posts to subs that get easy upvotes to build their karma. Then that person suddenly decides to get political.

Also, when hate subrddits like the one you had mentioned

Lmao. It's a hate subreddit why AATA? Because you got your feelings hurt that they called you out for your hypocrisy?

Kick rocks

So...who moderates the moderators? Is it in violation of a sub call r/racism to censor obvious racism? Asking legitimate questions will get one banned?

Reddit is controlled by globalists and the far left with no neutral arbitration. I got banned from News for calling the recent Toronto terrorist a Jihadi (which he clearly was) not even calling him a Muslim.

Reddit needs to overcome their political bias or it will soon become an echoechamber abandoned by the right (half the population)

Imo globalists are actually Zionists, playing both sides of the aisle. The Globalist poster boy George Soros is built on Rothschild money.

Agreed that Reddit has a heavy left bias, and it will be their undoing.

  1. You're demonstrably wrong. Soros is an anti-Zionist. He funds anti-Israel NGOs such as the New Israel Fund in order to turn Israel into a Non-Jewish state. So much so that Netanyahu recently favoured Hungary over Soros when Hungary's PM was falsely accused of being "anti-semitic" for opposing Soros:

  2. What you're describing is the Frankist conspiracy against Jews:

  1. The Hungary stuff is interesting. Soros also funds J Street. But who funded Soros' Quantum fund? Israel needs enemies, but I'm not convinced Soros is one.
  2. I'll check it out.

J Street is for BDS

I know these things aren't straightforward but Soros is a Frankist

J-street seeks to appear superficially pro-Israel when it is infact against Jewish Nationalism. Granted Zionism has evolved from its Socialist origins to its current ethno-nationalist right wing position.

You're certainly correct that there was a conspiracy as I write about here:

We also know that many of the Young Turks were literally Sabbateans so the plan was multi pronged eg

These interesting points, but you don't address any of Soros' Zionist connections that I brought up. I'll read your links anyway.

I'm an Nationalist. I also support Nationalism elsewhere.

Here is my Middle East Peace Plan:

Well I don't think we resolved the globalist vs. zionist debate, but it was a good chat.

Zionism was Socialist eg Globalist but it's morphed into ethno-nationalist

Добро пожаловать в Reddit. Пожалуйста, прекратите вмешиваться в выборы и пытаться разделить наших людей. Мы сильны и едины, чем вам за это. Возможно, есть мелкие онлайн-аргументы, но я знаю американцев. У всех нас есть больше общего друг с другом, чем с любым из вас. В общем, мы искренне любезны друг другу по большей части. Не трахайтесь с Америкой.

It’s bridgading to ask questions?


Brigading is an online harassment tactic where a group of people rally against an individual (or occasionally against a small group of people) in a coordinated, sustained and organized way.

Asking questions about removal of a post doesn’t seem to fall into the official definition.

So this seems pretty Orwellian.

Going from one subreddit into another (be it to ask the mods a question, make a post, comment, or vote), per the standards imposed by the reddit admins, is considered brigading.

That’s sad. Basically reddit subs are now safe spaces. That’s really fucked up. I feel it’s time for all of us to mass exodus to a better platform.

That may be your definition, but it's not a correct one.

Weam compelled to use the definition as laid out by the reddit admins (and enforced via precedent) or the sub itself could be put at risk.

I understand your excuse but this type of shit (different rules for different people) is ruining this website.

So we can go between subreddits freely, just not if we know anything, have a purpose, or have a question? That's asinine beyond compare, but I'd expect nothing less from leftists.

It's kind of necessary to fulfill the mission of reddit as a platform. It's a platform for free discussion, but each individual subreddit is not a platform for free discussion. Each individual subreddit is designed to be an echo chamber where only a restricted range of discussion is allowed, so as to cater to a specific kind of social environment. I don't agree with it, but this is one factor that separates reddit from, say 4chan. What most of the platforms have opted to do (at the behest of whom, I don't know, probably people that have complained enough, or people with money that have a say in how reddit operates as part of reddit's revenue generation process) is create social platforms that adhere to certain ideologies which have come to characterize the platforms. Often that is political correctness. Other times that is politically or ideologically aligned science, or history, etc. you get the point, all platforms are usually aligned with leftist ideologies. The other restriction on speech in these subs, and this seems more universal to all subs, perhaps a top down decision by administration, is the restriction of speech regarding disclosing the usernames, or social media accounts, or personal identities of people or personas involved in particular kinds of speech. Reddit does not want to be responsible for causing someone to kill themselves because some tech savy people found that person's personal information and disclosed their identity, or place of living, or place of work, etc. It's probably a liability concern, I'm sure people have sued, or threatened to sue, or reddit's legal team advised this process to protect reddit from liability.

then why does tmor get to do it? plz respond aata, id love to hear your round-about logic here

Subs like the one you mention along with others in the site's history liek SRS) have often been rewarded hands off treatment for various reasons.

This is mostly to do with advancing a given viewpoint held by the admins (the subreddits blacklisted from the official admin slack channel are a good insight into that viewpoint), but the hands off treatment can also be a reward for solving a specific "problem" for the admins; such as when the goons from Somethingawful created /r/preteengirls, filled it with actual CP, emailed Anderson Cooper about their own subreddit, and then got CNN to run a story on "reddit's jailbait problem". That in turn resulted in doxxtober, and the admins were able to remove a "free speech problem" without compromise on their ardent commitment to the free exchange of legal ideas in the site's earlier days).

In that regard, the structure of soft power on reddit is actually quite fascinating in some ways (although it is also frustrating and highly disappointing that most folks who tend to garner standing in such an arena are often times quite corrupt and willing to sell themselves for ideological or monetary ends. In that way, the culture you see manifest on subs like tmor and others like it are actually the veiled views of most folks who operate in (and are in charge of) what's called the reddit metasphere. By way of their social/political networks (which are screened and kept highly secure) they are able to both navigate the complex set of rules on reddit in order to push the boundaries of the site wide terms of service while also having a degree of protection afforded to their actions by way of their friendships behind the scenes (as I said, certain moderators are given a direct line of access to the admins on slack, but there is a blacklist and mods from subs such as conspiracy are on it).

In any event, the hands off treatment is, more so than anything else, a reflection of how the systems of soft power on reddit can be manipulated and controlled by a very small social cricle able to operate effectively in the backrooms.

There's a reason why Yishan compared that structure on reddit to a new form of government, and I always thought it was quite distressing that many simply laughed off his insight as what he was really talking about is exactly the nuanced and subtle mechanisms of control I laid out above.

Where does the sense of entitlement and superiority that mods all seem to possess come from? Let me be clear, you're a comment moderator of a glorified chat feature, and IN NO WAY does that equate to one iota of "power" in the real world.

That's the problem right there. Mods always come off as weak, bored, boring, miserable people that exercise the ONE outlet of personal power that they have in the entirety of their existence.

Try working out, it'll give you some actual strength, and ACTUAL power. Until then, waste endless hours pouring though comments, trying to "catch" bad actors, while others live their lives fully.

I don't think protecting the subreddit from being banned is anything even close to entitlement or superiority.

Also; I am fell disabled during grad school and am now homebound sadly (which is why reddit provides such a helpful escape from an otherwise difficult existence), but thanks for the workout tips.

What are the exact parameters of brigading? I don't want to create or partake in any group actions on this... but am I prohibited from personally and individually taking any actions? I mean, I'd like to message the mod(s) and ask them "wtf". Would that end up harming this sub?

I'm getting attacked here in conspiracy for even posting about the issue. Sorosian tactics in full effect.

I mean... what's the conspiracy here? everything seems to be out in the open.

The standard for what qualifies as a conspiracy on this sub has reached a new low

Just because it is posted here does not immediately qualify it as a conspiracy. It is posted more so to discuss the possibility of there being one.

This story is being removed left and right today in other subs. This is one of the few where it can be discussed.

Discuss what? Seriously, user breaks subs rules, get's post removed and banned. Please feel free to let me know if I've missed anything.

take it to SRC

100% guarantee you were banned by that one guy named something rose. That's basically all they do is ban people for bullshit reasons, that and act like they aren't just some white guy pretending to be something else online.

Racism towards white people definitely exists

If you're a white person you're less likely to understand what racism really is because you've never experienced it. Also, it's not in your interest to understand it.

When's the last time you, white person, have been to an anti-racism protest or read anti-racism literature or joined an anti-racism forum? Don't lie. The answer is never. Because you simply are not the victim here.

If you're a white person you're less likely to understand what racism really is because you've never experienced it. Also, it's not in your interest to understand it.

How does that make any sense? Go find a white rapper from the 90s that didn't experience racism. Steph Curry, a superstar athlete whose father was a black nba player experiences racism for being half white...Your comment is borderline racist

When's the last time you, white person, have been to an anti-racism protest or read anti-racism literature or joined an anti-racism forum? Don't lie. The answer is never. Because you simply are not the victim here.

He, and I, are literally talking about it right now and it bothered you so much you felt the need to downplay what he was saying...

Do you think everyone who has experienced raciam goes to a protest or dwells on it so much they read books about it? Do you think white people dont grow up in the same family and poverty situations as minorities?

lmao huh? you do know that across North America and Europe there are tens of millions of white people living in predominately minority areas right? And you're telling me NONE of them know what racism is is?

you're less likely to understand what racism really is because you've never experienced it.

You're Prejudice

I beg your pardon. I am white and went to a school that was 95% minorities. I experienced racism.

If you were a dog I’d name you Dumb Cunt

Nice argument you got there

I see it’s the only argument you have a rebuttal for. Probably because your opinion on this matter is wrong and racist in itself.


Yeah keep avoiding actually supporting your shitty views. It’s making them look even weaker and I love it.

"Shitty views", aka "Views white people don't want to hear"

Views no sane person wants to hear. But definitely views race baiting bigots like yourself engorge yourselves with. You want racism to end? How about stop being fucking racist.

You know literally nothing about racism. Read a book about it

Yes, it's called racism.

So much fragility here.

Change all the times she says "white" to the word "black." ??? Profit?

she would be fucking lynched by every media outlet and wouldn't be able to find a job anywhere.

isn’t that what she did but in reverse

Its ok I am banned from a few subs and shadow banned on a few others because I assumed reddit was still liek the old internet, and not this sensored moderated mess of totalitarian ideologies of the few power tripping mods. Also, when freedom of speech is under threat, they weed out those who speak out first.....

I spoke out and I have been moderated out of the discussion. First signs that freedom is at stake is having pressure not to speak your mind, or getting sever reprocussion for saying anything. Freedom of speech around the world and on the internet is now under threat. Before people had a choice to just ignore it and call it out. But now with bots and shills and multiple fake accounts, anyone can make anything seem popular and legitimate, and the rulers of webpages know this and mod/admin powers are one example of controlling the freedom for the safety of the community.....

Well duh, democrats can't be racist lol.

hahahahahahahahahahahah the poor poor ypipo. This sub is just an extension of /r/iamgoingtohellforthis .

After seeing this, I will never spend another dollar to support reddit. I’m also going to start using ad blocking software.

Yes, I'm totally on-board. We need to spread this amongst the conspiracy community so as to challenge reddit to consider it's choices.

oh no poor ypipo are doing conecern trolling now hahahahaha. Thsi si now a 'conspiracy'. Disingeneous and disgusting lol.

Don't you know the postmodernist agenda has redefined and reclaimed the word 'racism' for their own? The term apparently now means that only those "in power" are able to be racist, and since "white people" are in power, only "white people" can be racist.

Is an editor at NYT not in power?

no, it’s just idiots try to apply the sociological definition of “racism,” which refers to systemic racism, to every day use, even though that’s not something individuals can commit

and then at some point tumblr distorted that further, because apparently the concept of systemic racism was too complicated for some people

It's great being part of the race that's in power.

Given that the banks, major corporations and most of the power structure is run by white men and I'm a white man all those guys in power look out for me.

After all, those in power care about everyone of their same race. When I get my "white dividend" check every year, I'm glad to be so lucky.

/S (since it seems to be necessary to point it out)

I hate yellow journalism

That's racist.. or clever.. or both

Racism against Whites is completely acceptable. It’s so acceptable that entire articles are written about it.

entire articles are written about literally every retarded perspective.

Can we see what you posted? I’d like to see the wording just so we have both sides and it’s fair. I’m not saying I don’t believe you but with stuff like this transparency is your friend.

Here is a screenshot of my post. It was a simple link with the actual articles headline as the title. There were no statements or comments made by me in the thread or anyone for that matter.

Maybe it's because of your user name? NIGman-Milkensen It's entirely possible they have a bot that autobans if any part of forbidden words are snuck in.

What if he's black?

Aren't they allowed to say that word and any if its iterations.

Or it's short for Nigeria Man.

The autobanbot sees no color.

Then there shouldn't be a bot in control

I think its perfectly okay to have an unbiased bot remove things based on criteria such as words that arent publicly acceptable to say.


I hear blacks say nigga every day

I hear it all the time, but crucifying someone using it based on their skin color doesnt make a whole lotta sense to me.

Racism against whites doesn’t happen, are you stupid? /s

Reddit mods seem to often make decisions based on what they like and agree with vs what’s relevant and/or discussion-worthy.


I don't understand what the big deal is... who cares what she tweets.

If I don't give a shit when trump does something racist I'm not going to care about this.

Roseanne got fired for a racist tweet

James Gunn got fired for old pedo joke tweets

Sarah Jeong gets defended as 'being harassed' for her racists tweets

If I don't give a shit when trump does something racist I'm not going to care about this.

This is the most retarded thing I've ever read. u/nithrock

Give me your top 3 “Trump being racist” references, please.

Here's a good start

Page doesn’t exist.

Lmao. The same twisted and manipulated news stories. This type of slant piece doesn’t even deserve a reply, but I’ll help you out a little.

Trump’s real estate suit included numerous other real estate firms, in the govt’s attempt at correcting what they deemed an inequity for blacks in the housing market. The case settled out of court, without guilt ever being found.

The craziest thing for me, however, is how you guys still can’t differentiate immigrants from illegal immigrants. It’s really not complicated. Trump, and most people with a brain, believe in merit-based, legal immigration. Saying Trump is racist because he does not enjoy illegal immigrants is like saying I hate pizza because I don’t like pepperoni.

Weird how Trump won an Ellis Island Award, too. I hear they love giving those out to racists.

If you can't see how Trump's actions and words are perpetuating bigotry and xenophobia in America then I don't know what to tell you. The guy has clearly made some racist remarks recently and in the past. When you've got white supremacists rallying behind you there's probably something wrong with your message.

Not sure why you brought up immigrants but it's less about how they're getting here and more about how they're being treated once they are here.

The article in the post to which I was replying brought up immigrants. If you think Trump is equivalent to extreme hate groups, I don’t know what to tell you. Please, cite for me these “clearly” racist remarks that he’s made. You’re full of shit and deluding yourself to believe the “he’s hates brown people!” narrative.

anti white racism is the only form of "tolerated" racism.

So much so that they refuse to acknowledge the fact that it's racism. I remember some chick on twitter (years ago) telling me there's no such thing as "reverse racism" because, apparently, it only applies to non-white people.

This is what is meant by "tolerance" and "acceptance". Tolerate your subjugation and accept your placement on the social totem pole.

And sometimes Asians defending on the situation. Asians are white or minorities when they need to be.

these people literally can't say 1 negative thing about any other race. its laughable.

LMAO you ever hear of the 13th Amendment? Modern day slavery and guess the fuck what-it ain't mostly white people they're locking up.

So maybe calm down with the "white racism is the worst" since you're able to even post this after having to hear such mean, nasty words from some asian bitch.

If I went to China or an Asian country as a white person and spoke this way I'd be chased out of there like Frankenstein's monster. Fuck these entitled immigrants.

I doubt Frankenstein had many friends irl either.

So you're saying it's because of free speech? Well in that case I'll copy what I said and post it again because fuck that and fuck them. I'm not going to censor my farts.

But why fuck immigrants, exactly? You're talking about the RICH immigrants and yet we hate on the poor immigrants because...? Lock up the poor ones and literally steal their children or give all those benefits to stranger's kids cause they say they have a lot of paper money their parents also said they have. Supposedly.

If I go to a country built by a specific racial group, I respect that group and don't act like a spoiled child with "rights" I never earned or deserve in the first place.

Even if that culture encourages the genocide of anyone who doesn't adhere to the strict rules of that racial group? Which would include you.

No culture encourages that in Western countries accept most recently the Black Power and Sharia Arab movements.

Did you really just imply BLM and Sharia Law advocates are the same?

How? Could you elaborate? I'd argue the BLM is the only movement that could save us from any more of a Handmaid's Tale situation we've got going from this sadsack of a white puritan congress currently molesting the dignity out of this country.

Black Lives Matter movement is just anti white racism guised as social activism disrupting modern life because they are clinging to the failed Black Panther movement of the 60's.

Sharia Law which is possibly the most anti female movement in the world is SUPPORTED by liberal feminists.

Neither despicable movement has any place in a modern society.

You replied to my comment far too quickly. You're either a bot or you're copy and pasting your hate speech from before or, god help us, you fervently slammed into your keyboard or phone that incredibly sad and ignorant way of thinking sans cause & effect.

You wanna tell me which American Institution I can trust that is diametrically opposed to BLM and liberal feminists then? I hope you say reddit.

You asked me to elaborate or respond to your anti white hate speech. As a proud, accepting, honest, lawful white person in a white country I follow the laws of the land and respect my fellow citizens, even if they're confused and lost in a delusion I respect their human rights as a beast roaming in a strange place they don't understand due to their barbaric ways.

In my small town Saskatchewan we're actually openly racist against fins...

Like shark fins? The soup? I think fins are banned in most places here aren't they?

Finish people. Listadians to be more exact. They all have 20 kids, don't watch tv/movies, don't drink, and try to leverage the entire town to do the same due to their numbers.

One of them is currently Mayor and has strong armed the local rink to cancel a junior game so they could have ice time we've already said they couldn't have.

ah. Sounds like what the Muslim communities are doing to our schools in the city I live in. Pushing their beliefs on everyone else and calling it their human right in this host country after they fled for their lives.

Honestly I'm on the fence. All the fins are high school educated and just go into labor jobs, like they have a monopoly on construction and the like around here. But they are all assholes in large jacked up trucks that roll coal at every opportunity.

Reddit is trying hard to bury this story.

I am a pretty left leaning guy. But this shit is pushing me further away everyday. There is no defense of what this women wrote. Yet the left is finding ways to make her a victim. As a middle aged white guy I am real fucking tired of being told it's my fault for all the ills of the world.

Hello middle aged white guy. I’m young white guy. I just got here not long ago and I’m already getting blamed for shit. Don’t worry too much. It’s whitey. Whitey is the devil.

Hey young and middle aged white guys. I'm turning 30 soon white guy. I feel for you.

Fellow 89er here!!! I feel you

Woah woah woah chillll. I'm a young black male and I feel for you guys. I think this has become a manufactured issue with the intent of divisiveness. You'd be surprised that the black community on average supports you as an individual. What I only stress is that you don't feel the need to be an 89er because of the perception of a brigade. I don't think there will be any concrete effects that will come the way of white America because of this attack on the mind. Which is all it really is. Be fed up with being accused, but dont let it turn to hate for someone in the same boat as you. Just remember who the real enemy is, which we remind you of everyday on this subreddit.

Dude, just got called "almost middle aged". I am disappoint.

Hello almost middle aged guy.

Heyo I'm a white chick and I'm from a southern state and I have never heard race mentioned so fucking much in all my life.

The United States doesn't have a race problem. It has a recently manufactured "race problem".

Sadly even if I agreed with democrats on a majority of issues, I really couldn't vote for a party that supports open racism and hatred towards me for nothing other than the color of my skin. Take notice people.

I'm from a northern state, specifically an epicenter of hyper neo leftists. I voted for Bernie but over the past couple years I am being super alienated by my "peers". Most recently I was told, literally that "Logic and western science are racist in favor of white people." I shit you not. I work in a research lab so I was especially horrified.

There's so much wrong with that sentence. Logically and grammatically. Was it from a lab assistant or technician?

Also former Bern out. I can't believe how much I loved him and that I ever considered myself a hardcore progressive. I cringe thinking about it. MAGA 2020

me too brother!

People are in such denial about how many there are just like us. They don't bother to dig a little deeper than what is presented to them to understand the cross appeal between ex Bernie supporters and current Trump supporters

How can you support Trump?

I've had this conversation too many times

The United States doesn't have a race problem.

Judging by this yea it does

Okay Becky

Obama fostered this starting with Ferguson.

What about when he said, “Trayvon could have been his son?”

I'm a straight, white, Christian male.

I used to work at a Fastrip on the graveyard shift and see people proudly sporting swastika and SS tattoos coming in. When I left I felt I had to warn the manager that she probably shouldn't put any of the black employees on that shift, because I wouldn't feel fucking safe if I was them. Hell, I didn't feel too safe as it was.

It's great that in that southern state you've never heard race mentioned, race has never been a big deal, all that. I'm really happy for you. I live in California. Still racists here. I encounter them. A lot. I see their kids at the school I work at, repeating the same shit they hear at home. They're not a majority or anything, but it's still just... repetitive.

To reiterate, I'm a straight, white, Christian male. I live in California and have a bunch of liberal friends. Of those, exactly one girl that I knew from college has said something bigoted about one of those things. I had a brief moment of, "Wow, that sucks, she used to be kinda cool." And then I moved on with my life, because most people aren't like that. They're just loud. Maybe people need to stop being so damn sensitive.

Um. False. Just incorrect on so many levels.

Which ones, Sarah? You are never specific

Hi do you remember slavery?

No, I don't. I wasn't around for that time, fortunately. I went to school and have worked and befriended many ethnicities and peoples of all shapes colors and backgrounds.

I'm turning 30 soon white guy as well! Hope things are going well for you. I pools.

Hey fellow white guys, I am also a white guy. And I want other people to accept my devilish skin so I will chastise you for things you haven't done, as is the way of the world.

Shame! Shame!

Hey other almost 30 year old white guy! I’m another almost 30 year old white guy who grew up poor in Detroit. So after living it, I’m still somehow too blame!

Remember it’s all a rich mans trick.

Hey guys, you are doing it wrong, just go to your local government and request your white male privilige card. There is a form to fill out and bring ID just in case (the fact you are a white male is usually enough).

Once they issue it, head to the bank for your free money, flash it to your boss for a promotion, or better yet, head on over to the place you really want to work and show it there for your uncontested, highly paid dream job.

You guys have been struggling in the so-called "real world" needlessly. Time to reap all those benefits and see why everyone hates and blames you!

What's the alternative to reddit? Where else can I go?

I’m trying to find that myself. I’m surprised a outraged sub hasn’t banded together to make a new reddit esque platform.


walkaway? More like 1488

Can’t tell if sarcasm or if I should downvote.

He's making fun of the fact that some are trying to paint #WalkAway as a russia/nazi/Trump/altright (take your pick) ploy.

Gotcha thanks. Sometimes it’s just so hard to tell

but it is tho

it is

The dude is a holocaust denier. He's not "making fun" of jackshit.

I love the mental gymnastics people employ when I ask them to explain how Trump is a Russian Nazi

Go through his comment history. It's not sarcasm.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. What would be sarcastic about that?

Man I am so glad I downvoted you. Get the fuck outta here with your Nazi bullshit.

Why do you hate white people and their ability to pursue an existence of their culture and their heritage?

I don’t hate white people, I hate white supremacists. There’s nothing wrong with being proud of your cultural background, but white isn’t a culture.

Now, if you said something like you’re proud to Irish, Finnish, German, etc., that’s fine. There’s nothing wrong with being proud of your ancestry but skin color is not a culture. Whiteness is not a heritage.

Supremacist? Where have I said a word about racial supremacy of any kind?

I think it comes down to your comment history as to why people said that.

But tell me. Say if whites, being the Anglo-Germanic kind here, were to become supermajority in the US again what would be your opinion of minority groups, these being traditionally Christian types like Filipinos or Spanish, and their freedoms if they seek to fully integrate with conservative American culture and value systems?

I'm a nationalist. I believe in nations of people's. The intent of our founders was a nation of European people. 60 years ago America was still 90% white. As that homogony has ended so too has the place America was. I have no ill feelings toward the people you've mentioned, but they too should live in their homelands where possible. Japan, Iceland, Hungary, Israel- all nations that intended to keep their racial existence intact. Japan is a nation that exists because and for the people that are racially Japanese and it's a beautiful thing. People living and existing with their own people is the way the world always worked. What we see now is a browning of the once white nation's. We're mixing all of the colors to the point where all we'll have left is brown. No different than a painters pallette. Once all of the colors have been mixed there is no more diversity and there is no going back.

I certainly agree with a chunk of what you say. The laws of the US are written in English and in the system of English Common law. I fully support the idea that English is the ur-language of the US and should be prized here.

But I would think that American exceptionalism is what set America apart from Europe and the Founding Fathers wouldn't completely be set on total adherence to European customs and tradition. Americans battled their way across the heartlands and adapted to things along the way. American Manifest Destiny was certainly violent, yes, but I think it's what cemented American exceptionalism. The values of Americans are now based on actions and beliefs and individualism rather than traditions and feudalistic submissive attitudes of people without a will to power, like the Old World peoples.

Which is to lead to the crux of my argument. Since exceptionalism is a keystone of the United States, would it be reasonable to amend your belief about having a minority population living in the States? Rather than mass immigration as is the case now, it would only be the highest performing people from those nations allowed to come. In some ways that's what the case was pre-1965. Exporting American democracy will always be more difficult than importng the brightest minds. Would you be opposed something like this?

I will continue to be opposed to policies that by there very nature create an environment of white replacement. Why would you want merit based immigration? There are like 2 BILLION Indians & Chinese, based on sheer volume alone you could bring a million here each year of their top IQ's and then we would become a little Indo-Chinese colony.

Ah I see. Well I suppose I was thinking in more of a quota limit. For example, in 1947 only 100 Filipinos were allowed in annually but that was because of their fighting under the American military and adoption of the English language and education. I suggested merit based immigration with quota limits because there's little to doubt about the benefits of contact with new ideas from different peoples, and keeping good relations with other nations by allowing some of their people to come live here and share our culture and ideas with theirs back home. And the limits are to prevent replacement.

And to the other part of what of you said about IQs. The Indian and Chinese popolations that we have here in the US are essentially their cream of the crop. The ones too poor or dumb stayed behind. In fact the majority of their people are dumb and poor. They're not smarter than us, it's just that the smartest came here, which is why they're educated and speak English. Opposite of that of course are those crossing illegally from south of the border. There are no intelligence limits, just finding routes that allow access into the country. Which is why they are not educated and only speak Spanish.

We probably agree more than we disagree. I believe that America should have made every effort to remain a homogenous nation. 90% European minimum, with an allowance for quality immigrants.

It feels that way. I suppose to conclude the argument would be something of a synthesis, at least on my end. For now, total ban on all immigration. Enforcement of laws to cull illegal immigration. Strict mandatory English language use requirements in all businesses and local goverments.

I think most Americans would agree with this while things get settled down and under control. While (other factors) still run rampant, there's little to be done from those outside forces if laws are enforced.


in b4 Brockroaches show up to call us all Russian bots

I understand but I would question changing your fiscal beliefs based on being annoyed by social matters.

That is easy. I am not a socialist. Other peoples wealth is not my concern. I do not believe anyone should be forced to do anything with their money. I do not believe the government has an obligation to provide anything other than national defense and foreign diplomacy to us. And mail service of course.

Not even the mail. The government Fucks that up enough as it is.

Postal service is guaranteed in the constitution. So I want it by god.

You said you were left leaning, I’m confused. In what ways do you lean left?

hes not left leaning is my guess, just wants to make shit shit talking of the left more credible

That’s exactly why I was asking for clarification.

Social issues mostly. Though I tend to agree with the democrats on foreign policy. I firmly believe in the rights of the individual. While I am not a big fan of tax cuts for the wealthy I think the economics of the left are insane. It is not your god given right to free everything just because we live in a modern rich country. My taxes should not pay the medical bills of anyone. Higher education should not be free for all. That is a choice for the school itself to make. Cultural diversity should not be forced upon us by anyone. Because we are different. It can does occur organically just fine.

What I see is a country where a very large,young and tech savvy generation is being fooled and they are falling for it. Of course Trump took russian money....but so did Sanders. And plenty of others on the left have as well. The Russians have been very shrewd in their ongoing operation. The country is the most divided that I can recall in my lifetime. But we just want to fight. The gun nuts are just about to bust their nut thinking anew civil war is coming. The left is no better screaming NAZI at anyone who is right of Obama...who is very much a centrist. Because that is me they are talking about. I live in a very racily diverse neighborhood and city. Yet I see none of the evils I read about on here. Yes we have tensions but it tends to be stupid stuff.

This is going to end in widespread violence. And we will only have ourselves to blame.

Something like 5 people own as much wealth as the bottom 50% of the country. You can’t say everything is fine. This system being “organic” is a buzzword that doesn’t inherently mean good or bad.

I felt I was liberal for most of my life (I’m 36 soon, so do the math, obviously the first 10-12 years maybe don’t count for much) but the last 2 years there is NO FUCKING WAY I would identify as that. Not even close. I’m pretty down the middle. Do what you want as long as it doesn’t affect me or others. I just can’t get on board with the agendas the left has been pushing.

Pretty much sums up my views as well.

im right there with you friend.

can i ask what agendas you speak of that are changing how you identify yourself on a political spectrum?

  • I don’t like ANY of the SJW stuff.

  • I hate the word “appropriation”.

  • I think “illegal” immigration should be treated as such - it’s a slap in the face to people who do the process the right way.

  • I’m sorta down the middle on abortion. I think it’s a viable option for some, but I think it’s a sticky situation getting the general public to pay for it. I have had the fortune of not having to decide to get one ever, and honestly I don’t think I would be able to get one - or want my partner to get one. I personally feel there is a fine line between what is a life and not. I’m not sure what that is, and again, I’m glad I haven’t and won’t have to decide to get one. But if they found one molecule of water on mars - what would we call it? “Just cells?”. I’ve had friends who have gotten them and I’ve supported them through them, but I don’t necessarily think they got them for the right reasons, but wouldn’t ever make them feel bad for having done it.

  • I believe in the free market. Dollars or whatever makes the votes. And you can even apply that to say Milo speaking at a campus - he should be allowed to, and whether or not there is an audience for it will dictate it’s success. Will he do another, etc. Heck - I’m actually probably fine with a restaurant saying “no white people” if that’s what they choose - I don’t think it would last long because of the free market, but that’s their prerogative.

  • I actually believe in free speech. Related to above.

  • there are 2 genders. It’s absolutely fine if you feel like dressing up as the other one. It’s absolutely fine to be homosexual if that’s what you want (sorta separate). But I don’t think any of those things mean you’re a different gender because of it.

  • I don’t think ethnic diversity needs to be a goal. For a job for instance - the best candidate should get the job. If your criteria for best is “most diverse” I mean that’s up to you, but I doubt that’s sustainable.

  • I don’t believe in white privilege.

  • America is the most diverse country on the face of the earth, it doesn’t need to be “more” necessarily. And it would 100% be fine if it was 100% white if that so happened organically say. I’m not sure how. I’m just talking in extremes. I don’t think it’s inherently bad.

You sound pretty much on the leaning right side to me... At least how I see it. We agree on everything you listed here.

Yeah I agree. I think I’m in the middle. But a little more right leaning. But slightly.

It's basically the Libertarian platform. Socially liberal (Government shouldn't be involved in what you do as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else) and fiscally conservative.


Everything he listed could have been considered the normal run of the mill Democrat of the 1990s. The left has moved further away.

I won't deny this because idk. I was to young to give a shit then.

I find it interesting though that the common thread among all those things that he/she listed came from the diversity industry.

It's the hottest topic recently though. Has been reoccurring for a long time with no real change.

Thanks very much for writing all this up, i'm always curious to hear a variety of what are essentially wedge issues for people who can articulate them..

Ive been rattling your answer around in my head since you posted it wondering how to best respond being that I agree with a lot of what you are saying while being apathetic/neutral to others.

I never liked self identifying labels (i'm a gun-owning, motorsport loving, skeptical yet empathetic American just like many other libs & cons around me), but certainly prefer more 'leftist' politicians/policy as I believe they represent workers better than the 'rightest' policy makers apparently more focused on owners/investors. My primary wedge though is likely protecting our commons/env., something I feel gets sold out at any opportunity. I dont like either party and wish we had 2 different labor parties to focus on a sustainable plan for after the singularity occurs over trying to regain our strength by diminishing the strength of other nations. I called myself libertarian until i realized how isolationist and nationalistic most are.

For instance I agree with your gender statement, but really dont care how people want to self identify. At the end of the day we are just a mash of chromosomes and chemicals and some of us get the wrong ones, so I can empathize with the identity struggles of these people. I dont have to change my language to suit anyone unless i am in their house and trying to show respect. I don't believe people who want to dress like another gender is more likely to abuse children in a bathroom than straight people, so what do I care what bathroom they use?

I completely agree with your last statement as well. I grew up in an affluent whitebred town and quality of life was great as it was. On the same front I do really value diversity both in my new neighborhood and as a manger/leader - it brings color, conflict and with that opportunity and exposure to new ideas. I also think it makes storytime much more interesting hearing what living/growing up in other countries is like compared to us. But i dont hear left leaning politicians demanding more diversity in the US, as much as that may end up being part of the net impact of managing immigration/refugees. I also dont hear anyone except a minority of extremists who are asking for an open boarder. Most americans dont take this seriously left or right ive talked to including bluedog members of my family.

Regressive news stations giving a platform to extremists doing anything to survive are causing a lot of harm misrepresenting the majority of liberal beliefs in my opinion.

I do disagree with your statement about white privilege having seen Asian friends get cars impounded while i get a slap on the wrist for doing the same thing (driving a lowered sports cars) literally getting pulled over right along side them. All of us were respectful, had $ and could pay our way out no problem but they got the punishment for whatever reason. Anyway, i know that is totally anecdotal, and privilege can be very abstract as we all have varying degrees of it (i cant grow to 6 feet tall). Really $, health and education is privilege more than anything and whites can be just as poor/uneducated. But where I really think i believe in it is from studies like this Word Gap, then considering the fact whites have higher held positions/greater affluence, there is typically a greater chance for a white kid to do better in school/business, especially over a child raised by those not born here. But whites faced the same struggles through time in waves as they moved here. My italian family got a lot of persecution/struggled a lot dealing with irish-american nationlists in NY when they came here. White privilege isn't applicable to all for sure - if you are raised by shit parents who molest you, you aren't privileged.

anyway, dont know if you care about any of this, just wanted to reply with something... you would be an interesting person to have a beer with. it seems healthy to have these talks rather than jumping to wanting to kill eachother over labels. cheers

Lol no worries.

I hate to break it to you but I think the Democratic party has left you. Your views now will be labeled as "alt-right". Don't feel bad though, there are many like you.

That's, coincidentally, exactly my political stance. Just out of curiosity what is your opinion on weed legalization and gun control?

Weed should be legalized. And I think you should be able to responsibly purchase guns. I don’t personally know what is all involved in owning a gun (I’m Canadian), but there SHOULD be rules to follow, and as long as you follow them, you’re good. I don’t believe responsible gun owners are the ones shooting up schools or whatever.

I think most Americans fall somewhere close in line with this. We have a country that can agree and get along and function.

We have a leadership that is failing us. Trumpism is not about party. It is about America and ALL of us as citizens taking care of each other first, and then the world.

America is the most diverse country on the face of the earth, it doesn’t need to be “more” necessarily. And it would 100% be fine if it was 100% white if that so happened organically say. I’m not sure how. I’m just talking in extremes. I don’t think it’s inherently bad.

Are you talking ethnically diverse? If so, America ranks 85th in the world.

I’m sorta down the middle on abortion. I think it’s a viable option for some, but I think it’s a sticky situation getting the general public to pay for it.

It's true that some tax dollars fund abortions (about 24% of the cost), but almost 75% of the tax dollars come from state funding. I think states should have the right to decide on this.

I believe in the free market.

Please define free market. Will your definition include market distortions? Will marketing and advertising (which is basically psychological manipulation) be considered a market distortion? Will you consider externalities like environmental destruction into your pricing? How will you account for information asymmetry in a truly "free market"? How will people know if the products they're buying aren't toxic and won't give them cancer in 20 years (or will label regulation laws be okay in your free market)? Likewise, how will you account for power asymmetry? Or do you truly believe that all participants within a market have equal opportunity?

I think “illegal” immigration should be treated as such - it’s a slap in the face to people who do the process the right way.

I think it's a slap in the face that America was the mastermind behind NAFTA, illegal immigration skyrocketed after its passing, now it's crying foul.

What happened in Mexico with NAFTA? Corn subsidies ended, corn tariffs were removed, ejidos (communally owned farms) were removed (this allowed large multinational agricultural corporations to buy the land), intellectual property rights were strengthened (so GMO corn could be patented). What happened with GMO corn you ask? It somehow found its way to smaller farms owned by mexicans and when Monsanto scientists ran test on their corn and found GMO genes in their corn, they could sue them and take their farm. Millions of farmers were forced to find new work. You can guess where they went for that work.

there are 2 genders. It’s absolutely fine if you feel like dressing up as the other one. It’s absolutely fine to be homosexual if that’s what you want (sorta separate). But I don’t think any of those things mean you’re a different gender because of it.

I think you're confusing biological sex with gender. Sex is the genitals (biological) you were born with, gender is a societal role. And while it's true that what sex you were born as has a pretty large influence: career interest, empathy, grip strength, interest in casual sex, and so on, studies have shown that male to female transsexuals have, on average, more feminine traits (before they transition) than your average straight male. After undergoing hormone treatments, these traits are enhanced.

To be honest, you don't sound remotely liberal. What liberal policies do you support?

Don’t bother he frequents the Donald

Thanks, I didn't check myself but that makes sense.

Mexico is a democracy and they decided to sign the NAFTA, they should be hold accountable for the consequences. The US has a lot of things to pay up in Latin America (as meddling in eleccions in the past), but lets not blame them for everything for free

I doubt the Mexican citizens had any idea what the effect would be, especially the farmers. American corporations are by far the biggest winners with free trade deals.

Are you considering all the different effects? The north of Mexico industrialized / modernized thanks to the trade agreements, thats why Trump thinks is a bad deal actually.

Yes, it has been beneficial in some areas but I think it's dubious as to how much NAFTA is playing a role in improving things there. Mexico's economy is doing much better now after some economic reforms over the last 5-10 years. This is mostly why illegal immigration has been going down quite a bit. But many economists aren't so sure NAFTA is a major reason for this and they think the internal reforms and giving more independence to its central bank are the larger influencers.

But it still doesn't change my point that NAFTA was extremely hard on Mexico's farmers. I don't think any of those farmers would have wanted to join NAFTA had they known what was coming.

I said I no longer identify as a liberal, correct.

Agree with you on everything except the last one. America is NOT the most diverse country on the face of the earth.

I do agree that it is fine the way it is and it will be fine to become whatever it becomes organically - however different that composition may be from what it is today.

Fair. I’m not passionate about that “diverse” claim. And I’m Canadian. 😃

But I guess my main point was that America doesn’t have a diversity “problem”.

Nazi /s

Nazi /s

I don’t disagree with the basic sentiment of your post, but I personally don’t see the validity in some of these points.

If they found a molecule of water on mars, they would call it a molecule of water, not a cell. A cell is alive, water is water. And mars has a shitload of ice.

It’s a nice sentiment to think that taxpayers shouldn’t have to pay for an abortion, but it’s a lot cheaper than having a young mother raise a child she can’t afford/take care of. The burden on the taxpayer is significantly higher in that case. You’re gonna be paying for that child either way. A lot of pro life people are ‘pro-life’ until the actual moment of birth, then they think the baby born into poverty should pull itself up by its bootstraps. Kind of hypocritical if you ask me.

In my book, people can identify as whatever gender they feel, since it doesn’t hurt me. You might want to check the difference between gender and sex. Sex is biological, and there are only two sexes. Gender applies more to the idea of masculine or feminine characteristics. Some people are a certain sex but feel their gender and identity don’t fit their sex. It’s not really a matter of opinion. You can have an opinion on whether or not trans people should be allowed to use their bathroom of choice or whatever, but there’s no denying how trans people feel, and that they exist.

Disclaimer: this is just my two cents.

You sound pretty Libertarian actually.

I said I am pretty in the middle. Correct. Which is “not liberal anymore”.

I just want more people to take the Libertarian party seriously. It's the Linux of American political parties.

"There are literally dozens of us!"

Yes!! ALL these points!!

A note on abortion:

I personally feel there is a fine line between what is a life and not. I’m not sure what that is, and again, I’m glad I haven’t and won’t have to decide to get one. But if they found one molecule of water on mars - what would we call it? “Just cells?”

Yet when Beyonce announces she's pregnant suddenly its NOT just cells right? The media and people refer to her fetus as a person, an heiress, a bad bitch, ETC. Complete hipocrisy.

Thanks very much for writing all this up, i'm always curious to hear a variety of what are essentially wedge issues for people who can articulate them..

Ive been rattling your answer around in my head since you posted it wondering how to best respond being that I agree with a lot of what you are saying while being apathetic/neutral to others.

I never liked self identifying labels (i'm a gun-owning, motorsport loving, skeptical yet empathetic American just like many other libs & cons around me), but certainly prefer more 'leftist' politicians/policy as I believe they represent workers better than the 'rightest' policy makers apparently more focused on owners/investors. My primary wedge though is likely protecting our commons/env., something I feel gets sold out at any opportunity. I dont like either party and wish we had 2 different labor parties to focus on a sustainable plan for after the singularity occurs over trying to regain our strength by diminishing the strength of other nations. I called myself libertarian until i realized how isolationist and nationalistic most are.

For instance I agree with your gender statement, but really dont care how people want to self identify. At the end of the day we are just a mash of chromosomes and chemicals and some of us get the wrong ones, so I can empathize with the identity struggles of these people. I dont have to change my language to suit anyone unless i am in their house and trying to show respect. I don't believe people who want to dress like another gender is more likely to abuse children in a bathroom than straight people, so what do I care what bathroom they use?

I completely agree with your last statement as well. I grew up in an affluent whitebred town and quality of life was great as it was. On the same front I do really value diversity both in my new neighborhood and as a manger/leader - it brings color, conflict and with that opportunity and exposure to new ideas. I also think it makes storytime much more interesting hearing what living/growing up in other countries is like compared to us. But i dont hear left leaning politicians demanding more diversity in the US, as much as that may end up being part of the net impact of managing immigration/refugees. I also dont hear anyone except a minority of extremists who are asking for an open boarder. Most americans dont take this seriously left or right ive talked to including bluedog members of my family.

Regressive news stations giving a platform to extremists doing anything to survive are causing a lot of harm misrepresenting the majority of liberal beliefs in my opinion.

I do disagree with your statement about white privilege having seen Asian friends get cars impounded while i get a slap on the wrist for doing the same thing (driving a lowered sports cars) literally getting pulled over right along side them. All of us were respectful, had $ and could pay our way out no problem but they got the punishment for whatever reason. Anyway, i know that is totally anecdotal, and privilege can be very abstract as we all have varying degrees of it (i cant grow to 6 feet tall). Really $, health and education is privilege more than anything and whites can be just as poor/uneducated. But where I really think i believe in it is from studies like this Word Gap, then considering the fact whites have higher held positions/greater affluence, there is typically a greater chance for a white kid to do better in school/business, especially over a child raised by those not born here. But whites faced the same struggles through time in waves as they moved here. My italian family got a lot of persecution/struggled a lot dealing with irish-american nationlists in NY when they came here. White privilege isn't applicable to all for sure - if you are raised by shit parents who molest you, you aren't privileged.

anyway, dont know if you care about any of this, just wanted to reply with something... you would be an interesting person to have a beer with. it seems productive to have these talks rather than jumping to wanting to kill eachother over labels. cheers

I appreciate the thoughtful response. I’ll take a bit to absorb all that but I will quickly say - the gender thing, I actually don’t really care either. Call yourself whatever, I don’t care. I’d appreciate a person not being too sensitive if I get it wrong or something. I wouldn’t be sensitive if I was in their position. I guarantee that. What I don’t like about the gender thing is what I feel is the push by the media to normalize it, when I truly feel a very very small percentage of the population can be put under that umbrella. And then further. Actually going through with surgeries and the normalizing of that does concern me. And statistics do tend to be in my favour on that. But I mean again - to each their own. Overall, I’m on the side of do what makes you happy, and don’t worry about how it’s perceived as long as it’s not somehow affecting someone else (in an obvious way).

But yeah - likewise. Would be a good beer conversation with you - seems like it would be a great conversation. I guess most importantly is that I am displaying that I am open to different view points. And I think my change from feeling “liberal” to no longer sorta shows that. I am always in search of what I feel is most true. Period. And I’m okay with that.

I like you.

Yeah. I fall liberal on some things and conservative on others. Ive since rejected partisan politics and prefer to just be a rational and logical thinking human being.

I agree with this. I can’t imagine you align with ALL of any other person or groups beliefs. I love my wife, but we disagree on things and that’s fine. How the fuck am I to expect to fully agree with any public official? You always just gotta pick the one that you agree with most at any given times. Or that aligns with your values most.

What agendas specifically?

I felt I was liberal for most of my life (I’m 36 soon, so do the math, obviously the first 10-12 years maybe don’t count for much) but the last 2 years there is NO FUCKING WAY I would identify as that. Not even close. I’m pretty down the middle. Do what you want as long as it doesn’t affect me or others. I just can’t get on board with the agendas the left has been pushing.

+1 only I'm 31.

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." -MLK

The sad thing is that the left believes that this is bringing them voters. It's only pushing their base farther and farther away.

Amen. So out of touch.

Look at the polls since the D's have started their massive social media campaign. They have dropped almost 10 points since 2016 among young white males, yet establishment presence online seems to be the dominant view. All this money in controlling narratives is having the opposite effect desired. Who knew folks despised being belittled and gaslighted. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

This is propaganda driven by the Russians and their #Walkaway movement. Mods, please remove.

Sippin' vodka as I type this.

Lol. I was just shitposting to see if they actually would

I know I know!

That is because they're not left, and haven't been since Clinton.

Letting people do what they want and be who they are is true liberalism and progressivism. That’s what I believed in and believe in and that’s what I felt the Democratic party was about for years. Hence I was a strong Democrat, supported Obama, etc.

Now it feels like the liberalism has just become a neo-racist anti-white ideology.

I agree.

All the “progressive” people I know right now, I truly feel they have so many issues that they’re not even considering. Might even be actually racist. But I don’t really care to throw that term around. But they’re just so manipulated. Anyway. I agree.

Hey man, 32 year old white guy here. Lifelong Democrat until 2016 due to the constant hypocrisy and “reverse” racism of the left. Shit like this story just cements how bad it’s gotten.

It is incredibly frustrating for me as well. Look I think Trump is a clown and did not vote for him. But the solution is not for the democratic party to turn even further left. Progressive is just a polite way of saying communist.

The Democratic party keeps heading further right. There are maybe 4 democratic senators that are left of center.

We need to separate economic liberalism from social. Does anyone on the left seriously suggest the state should control the means of production?

Some do sure. And they are gaining power.

Socialism is when workers control the means of production or at least it should have been historically and social democrats are not socialists they exist within capitalism and use socialism not to replace capitalism but to counter some of its negative effects.

Until you realize that the "Trump is a clown" mentality was fed to you by media propaganda. I used to think the same way, and was a huge Bernie supporter.

Bernies treatment by the media made me realize they were slandering Trump even worse. Now I'm voting Trump 2020

How can you support him? Why do you feel like he has anything but his own best interests at heart?

I think the issue is overblown and mostly limited to a handful of asshole online

Well that’s just like, your opinion man

you were never a democrat

I’m actually still registered Democrat bc I’m lazy and haven’t changed it but definitely getting more conservative these days.

Make up some more stuff though, if it makes you feel better

The Democrats don't think they need your votes anymore. They'll happily import them from Central and South America. 54% Democrat to 11% Republican in their voting block last I heard.

Ah yes, the I'm very X but I hate X very much, argument.

Go fuck yourself you shill.

The funny thing is she's Asian. Asians are more privileged than whites. You can always play that card.

Better start standing up for yourself soon, before all whites are conditioned to hate themselves in our wonderful educational institutions.

Yeah I don't think that is gonna happen.

Its been happening for decades and obama put his foot down on the gas

How does this stuff even get associated with the left though? I vote blue because I want universal health care, environmental protection, equal rights for lgbtq, etc. I don't see how that stuff got caught up with this SJW bullshit. Every one of my liberal friends hates these SJW types just as much as anyone. I wish people didn't assume that the entire left supports this shit.

Well the progressive left knows this as well. So they have decided to hijack a major political party hoping to win that way. Because no matter how great they think their ideas are they just do not win elections. Bernie Sanders had no intention of winning. He just wanted control of the party platform. It is now "progressives" who control the party. Do not be surprised by more losses this fall.

It does seem like they do everything possible to lose.

No, it's still the same forces that controlled it before, those who have contributed the most money, just like the GOP. The parties have different sponsors at times and when they share the same sponsors, we get bipartisanship.

This is why dem leadership has GOT to change. The party left me. I just can’t get on board with current leadership and right now the GOP is the best we’ve got to keep from the country from circling the drain.

They have done a pretty good job hiding this story. I had to search google to find any unlocked threads to read discussions. Sucks that this is pretty much the new normal.

I am still confused, was she hacked? Because any sane and rational person will indeed agree thats racist.

I don't think reddit's trying all that hard to hide this story. I'm a left leaning guy and this bitch is blatantly racist, and the posts on the front page about it are filled with people who agree with us. What do you mean the left is making her a victim? Where did you read any of that?

woman* but I agree.

Just vote third party or Republican and give them the middle finger. I voted democrat before, but probably not voting for them until they reject this sjw/racist part of the left. They have yet to do that and appear to be doubling down after the election. I think they need to lose another election to see that people are sick of the sjw/racism.

Hello middle aged white guy. I'm a middle aged Indian guy (from India) and I feel for you.

Equality is not something that can be enforced by doing the reverse of what happened in the past generations ago. Being anti white is as racist as being anti black/asian even though there is a past where white people held black people as slaves.

There is only one way to have equality - treating everyone equally. Period.

I am not saying there are not disadvantaged families and individuals. But that there are disadvantaged families and individuals from all races and they should have equal opportunities available to them that are proportionate to the disadvantage they have.

And if we truly want to make this an equal world, then there is no space for anyone racist. Tolerating racism like Sarah Jeong's will only lead us to a more divided world.

Yes. I just treat others how I wish to be treated myself. Race does not play into that. I live in a western state in a very diverse area. I grew up in a rural part of the same state. Racism is real I have witnessed it all my life. And for a time when I was younger I was very racist against Mexicans. But that brought me nothing and when I had children I did not want them raised as I was. My views evolved.

Yet the past few years have worried me greatly. Division is being spread by outside actors all across America. Far to many younger people and useful idiots are falling for it. The State can not force me to love thy neighbor any more than it can force me to hate. But it can be used by all sides to further divide us. That is also a world I do not want for my children and future generations.

Unfortunately, it is becoming more divided, and the tech driven social platforms are only expediting that!

you're clearly not alone, mate. White people are the most tolerant around, pretty much to a fault. We all get sick of this shit eventually.

I am just tired of being blamed. I am and have always been poor white trash. I grew up in a small town where not only was I a minority but English was not even the dominate language,in middle America. I get it.

I have watched for years as my peers have have been promoted strictly due to race,gender and now sexuality. When I wanted to go to college after high school I was too poor to afford it and to white for financial aid. In 2008 when greedy white men crashed the economy I lost everything and was out of work for a year. But I was a single father not a mother so no assistance for me. I am just tired of paying the price for past wrongs committed by men who are everything I stand against.

i've been there too. I remember once I was applying for public housing and was basically told because I didn't have a criminal record I was lower on the standing to get a house. I asked if I walk out of this building and smash your windows, will I move up? She actually said yes. It's a joke.

I understand white men, some, a tiny minority of us, have great jobs, but for the rest of us we are expected to sit on the bottom of the ladder and let everyone else shit on us for our skin colour. There are so many levels to it all too. Like you mentioned college and uni having funding for minorities and yet not us, who paid the tax to fund that funding. Housing is the same. Jobs are the same. Media is the same. The more you notice it, the more it eats away at you and you see it everywhere. Mention it to people and they call you mad, but keep mentioning it, eventually everyone has to accept you are right because it is so blatant. I've changed so many peoples minds on this subject and its so easy with time because they can see it for themselves, they've just never noticed.

But you can't complain about it, because somehow that makes you racist (see Tommy Robinson). And then they have the balls to turn around and say you can't be racist to a white person. When you have Nothing and people are unwilling to help entirely based on your race and gender.

Our tolerance is killing us.

What you just said & the anti-2A stance most Democrats have adopted in order to shoot themselves in the foot are why I'm being pushed away. When you get called a baby-killer for defending the Constitution, you know that you're about to have a debate based around facts, not feelings, right?

You have to understand the young men that grow up in mostly non white areas have to hear all this and deal with an enraged group that either believes it or uses it anyways. Enough is enough.

White people may be responsible for many of the ills of the world, but they're responsible for much good as well. Strangely, the good stuff, like pretty much everything we have today in this glorious, scientifically advanced society of ours, is hardly mentioned, and I have a feeling, if it was all tallied together, the good would outweigh the bad by a large margin. But we shouldn't keep score, because that's not what humanity should be about. Individuals should be judged or praised on their own merits, not as undistinguishable members of large, similar looking groups.

And discrimination is discrimination. You can't condemn bigots for unjustly railing against minorities while in the same breath justify bigoted remarks against whites. Either it's all racism, or it's not racism at all. Can't have it both ways.

I just went to for the first time and saw most of the deleted comments.

I don't understand why any criticism is being hidden by the mods.

It's so funny because this is the kind of shit that made Trump win. Trump 2020 looks more realistic every day...

I am a pretty left leaning guy but I don't let narratives change my ideology. It is fucked but Jesus Christ... pushing you away? Really? Your beliefs are that weak?

The DNC is no party for white men. They don’t care about you or the things you value. That’s why the traditionally left Rust Belt went for Trump. He cares about working class issues, a traditionally leftist policy. Instead the DNC has abandoned the working class in favor of unifying various client groups in opposition to the straight white male.

Democrats and leftists aren't the same thing. Socialists arent interested in identity politics.

Walk away.

Don't let them make you abandon your values. These media outlets are not actually liberal, they're spouting the same exact filth as the far right, but with a shiny liberal coat of paint (see: horseshoe theory). You won't escape it by running to the right, you will only escape it by refusing to play their petty game.

My employer sent us to a class on white privilege. Spent an entire day being told how much better we have it and so on. Pretty fucked up that this is considered the norm now.

It's why #walkaway nas become a thing.

ABC fired Roseanne because they did not want to associate themselves with a racist

Disney fired James Gunn because they did not want to associate themselves with a pedophile, or someone who would make light of pedophilia in such a disgusting manner

So I guess the NYT not firing Jeong and even defending her means they proudly stand with racism? These tweets are racist, bottom line. I ultimately think its the company's choice to fire whoever they want, but its a bit shocking the NYT is condoning such vile racism.

They're justifying their hiring by calling the outrage "targeted campaigns of harassment"...

This is an extremely common excuse. It's practically a meme at this point.

"stop calling me out for harassing white people! youre harrasing me"

No. It was the other way around. People on this sub love a good circle jerk with no context so, please-have some lube.

So it's cool to be racist as long as someone was racist to you first?

Awesome, I'm sure there's no way this can go wrong!

Sometimes people have to have a dose of their own medicine to see why something is wrong. Because people are stupid as fuck.

This is not at all how human psychology works

Oh it isn’t? My bad, I thought for the last decade, people have had to explain why consent is important and rape is wrong to men by saying things like “what if it was your sister?” Because, again- people are so stupid they can’t understand why something is wrong until you make it personal.

Well that would news to me, and it's certainly not how I came to understand the concept of consent.

Your analogy is faulty as well, since in your scenario Jeong's hateful posts would be more akin to literally raping their sister to get the point across, not simply acknowledging it hypothetically as you presented it.

I really think the method you describe isn't effective for really getting through to people anyway


"Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"


"Hate begets hate"

Nice people get fed up. That’s human nature.

Certainly, but acting reflexively at that point isn't likely to yield very positive results

Yep, and you can look at this thread and the overall reaction to her tweets to see nice people getting fed up.

So basically a victim.

per usual

Thats the left version of fake news imo.

They aren't condoning racism against minorities, they are condoning racism against Whitey. Which is very hip nowadays.

She seems to be doing very well despite all this racism keeping her down.

Haven’t you heard? You can’t be racist towards whites people silly.

Roseanne's tweet was not even racist. She compared someone who, for all intents and purpose, is as white as the next white person, to a character on "Planet of the Apes"

If you hear "Planet of the Apes" and the first thing you think of is "Black people".... YOU might be the racist.

But... whatever.

Exactly, there is white people who literally look like gorillas also

We all look like gorillas

... I'm a sexy gorilla.

Remember the picture of George W Bush's facial expressions being compared to that of a chimpanzee?

Also Rosanne didnt know she was black. Neither did I.

Apparently its also racists to not accurately diagnose the race of a person.

Valerie Jarrett is not black. She is Iranian

This is why I couldnt be famous


She was born in Iran. Her ethnic background is European and African

One detail wrong. Point is in this climate you have to do a DNA analysis on somebody to find out if there is any African in them before you make a joke about them or you're a racist!

46% black and 49% European. It's so hip to hate white people that you can take your less dominant ancestors and claim it to be superior to your European decent.

I don't mean the word claim in an actual sense. It's just weird she didn't pull the native card or is 5% too low?

It's certainly a higher percentage than would show up in Elizabeth Warren's DNA analysis. And she is "proud" of her Native heritage and claimed to be a minority in the Association of American Law Schools directory.

But yet, she is refusing to take up Trump's million dollar challenge to take a DNA test.

Wow i never read about trumps challenge. I want to know more about it

Just something he said at one of his pep rally things. $1M to the charity of her choice if she takes a DNA test and it shows any detectable Native lineage.

So far she has refused and turned the issue into a bizarre condemnation of using DNA testing to verify whether the kids separated at the border were in fact related to the adult they were with.

Thats also relavent here

Also, she totally looks like Helena Bonham-Carter in Planet of the Apes.

Has anyone gotten a statement from Helena Bonham Carter on this? We may be burying the lead on this. Who's the real victim?


NEVER! assume a bitch is white

yaaaaz, I love Roseanne

That's the funniest part about the "racism" these days, most of the people that talk about racism all day are ironically the racists themselves. It envelops every aspect of their lives.

Her exact tweet was "Muslim brotherhood & Planet of the Apes had a baby=vj"

She is acusing her of being part of a radical religious/terrorist group. I'd say it's a small step to calling her, somebody who I'll admit doesn't look 100% black but certainly looks mixed, a ape. Knowing damn well the racial undertone behind calling a black person that.

ABC was looking for a reason to drop Rosanne per reports. I am willing to bet the decision was made to cut the show before the relevant people read the tweet.

i had this hunch as well

But the revival was doing great though and renewed before the season aired. Why would ABC want her gone.

Why? It was one of if not the most watched sitcom on TV around that time...

And Dan Harmon got 70 more episodes...

That's the thing. They are taking a hard line that all SJWs have been pushing for years. You apparently can't be racist towards white people, which is in and of itself, textbook racism.

Sjws jump through mental hoops by saying this isn’t racism because only white people can be racist...

Daily reminder that NYT boss Mark Thompson covered up for pedophile Jimmy Saville when he was chief of BBC.

Disney needs to fire RDJ so they arent associated with a former drug dealer

Someone else made a post with just one of her quotes over there, and the mods don't seem to give a shit. Have you spoken with them about this? If so, have they given you a response?

The sub rules state that the subreddit is a safe space for minorities experiencing racism. No white people allowed because all racism supposedly only comes from white people.

Well, the mods locked and deleted that other post I mentioned, and then banned me for asking why they hadn't done it yet. I honestly find it kinda funny.

One of those mods is on an angry power trip.

Could be. Still find it funny, though.

I'm a minority and I got completely banned for trying to discuss it. Is there a process to file a complaint for being censored?

The irony of the "white fragility" displayed here will be lost on most posters. The same feigned ignorance over and over. This isn't the same as Roseanne. Racism is bad.

Sounds like something I would hear on /r/politics...

You are almost as lazy as Trump with your pathetic repetitive insults. I can't believe that anyone who unironically posts at T_D is capable of logical, rational or critical thought. You are exactly the fragile ego, reverse-SJW, "screw political correctness" until it becomes a convenient weapon, unjustly entitled type of asshole I'm referring to. You're the biggest snowflake in the room, crying about all of the snowflakes.

Based on that little rant I'm going to make a guess that I post a lot less to T_D (I very rarely post there - most of the time being critical of posts that are inaccurate) than you do to /r/politics.

Explain what "white fragility" means please? I'm hearing this term more and more from the sjw crowd.

I agree, this isn’t the same as Roseanne. These tweets are far worse than what Roseanne said. You can throw around your made up terms all you want, but this is a textbook display of racism. You don’t get to pick and choose what’s racist based on the color of the subject. You’re contributing to the exact same thing that you claim to be fighting against and it’s entertaining.

I got banned from r/racism a week after I joined reddit because they were being douchey hypocrites and I jokingly pointed that out.

TIL you're not allowed to rationally discuss this nationally trending example of racism in /r/racism. FYI: don't even bring this story up or you're banned.

Making jokes about white people isn’t the same as making racist jokes about black people, or Asian people, or Jews, or gay people, or any other historically oppressed minority. This is a very simple principle, but one that many aggrieved whites find difficult to accept. You can’t say, “Well, imagine if you replaced ‘white’ with ‘black’ in those tweets,” because those two things are not equally replaceable. As much as you might find it desperately oppressive to not be able to use the n-word when you sing along to rap songs, there has never been a government-endorsed legal or societal campaign of oppression against whites. White people can be oppressed by other means, such as through gender or economics, but whites in the U.S. have never been systematically oppressed on the basis of their race alone.

In fact, white people in the United States have had it comparatively super good in large part because of their oppression of other races; when you, a white person, express or act upon your prejudice towards oppressed groups, you are taking part in that oppression. You contribute to the project of belittling, keeping down, otherizing, and exploiting historically oppressed minorities. When a member of an oppressed community complains about white people, that is different, because it is the whites who are doing the oppression. It is just different, which things often are.

First of all, anyone that is unfairly judged or condemned based solely on the color of their skin has a grievance, because that is the very definition of racism. Today there is no "government-endorsed legal oppression" of people based on race. There is no justification for racism towards another because of events that happened decades ago.

In fact, you're generalization and assumption that all white people are somehow benefiting from historical events, is inherently racist. You're argument is absolutely ignorant and absurd.

Soo what you're saying is, if something bad happens to me, but not you, and it involved some of your distant ancestors, I get to treat you like shit? Nevermind about trying to progress society as a whole, this is about my personal vendetta against you and everyone like you because of the color of your skin.

Your public education has failed you

I too just got banned from r/Racism for trying to talk about the same subject:

You've been banned from participating in r/racism

subreddit message via /r/racism[M] sent 4 minutes ago

You have been banned from participating in r/racism. You can still view and subscribe to r/racism, but you won't be able to post or comment.

Note from the moderators:

context / sub rules / sidebar / site rules / cat

WhoDat4ever, this submission may have fully or partially contributed to your ban:

New York Times fires white female editor for years old racist tweets but stands by asian female editor for years old rasicts tweets.

If you have a question regarding your ban, you can contact the moderator team for r/racism by replying to this message.

Reminder from the Reddit staff: If you use another account to circumvent this subreddit ban, that will be considered a violation of the Content Policy and can result in your account being suspended from the site as a whole.

then when I tried to ask why:

You have been muted from r/racism

subreddit message via /r/racism[M] sent 2 minutes ago

You have been temporarily muted from r/racism. You will not be able to message the moderators of r/racism for 72 hours.

So now what? lol

Racism. rules for thee but not for me.

Im telling you its Asians!

So in short it's another one of those old fashioned cases of a guy too (willfully?) ignorant to get the differencies between racism directed towards whites and other races quarreling with some other dudes who are too (willfully?) ignorant to understand the relevance of anti-white racism, both of whom are being tightly mentally restrained by crippling ideology?

It's a difference between people who believe in the definition of racism, and those who believe in their own definition of racism that allows them to be racist.

I suppose so, yes. Actual racism benefits from the choices of both contrahents here. If we truly want to work against racism we need to seriously try to avoid being more stupid then necessary.

This comment is a steaming pile of shit.


Lmao why the fuck is there a whole sub dedicated to racism

what are you serious

White people is a socio-economic term when used in these types of contexts. PoC can be wypipo. Looking this defensive isn't certainly helping stereotypes. I don't know why I subscribed to this sub, I expected better.

Does that idiot not realize that she has a White first name , has to complain on a White Man's invention in a White Man's language, is able to do freely so because of a White Man's government system. You have to be a real crazy piece of shit to complain about a group of people who made your lives 100x easier.

asian invention most likely

she is so obsessed with white people, I wouldn't hire her as a 7/11 cashier.

I was banned for commenting on a similar post on that sub. The post appears to have been taken down as well.

i just got banned. wasn’t that hard. no conspiracy. just close minded idiots.

Roseanne told a bad joke: fired.

James Gunn told bad jokes: fired.

Sarah Jeong made racist statements but anyone speaking out against her is part of the online harassment campaigns that need to stop!!

Well she was just mimicking the people who were being racist to her /s. There's a chance that if that is true then her and her pals may have tried to get John or Jane doe fired at their job

That’s a bullshit cop out.

Yeah it was a year of performance art

Most of her racist tweets were just out of the blue, like she was out in public and got irritated and posted something to vent her racist frustrations.

I just hate this phase of the internet so much right now.

Maybe you should stay off for a while and learn to not take the internet serious.

Roseanne told a bad racial joke: fired.

Why can't people get it through their head that it wasn't a racist joke. She didn't call the person a monkey because she was black. She said she looks like the character from Planet of the Apes WHICH SHE DOES.

Reddit is inherently a platform to bash white people and conservatives. The sooner people realize that the better.

Reddit censorship is absurd.

you haven't heard? only white people can be racists.

Replace white with black in the same sentence and see what happens.

This sub isn't /r/Racism its more like /r/WeHateWhitePeople

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

It’s not racism if it’s against white ppl everyone knows that

"Woof, Woof, woof"...

Oh wait, that's right, that pooch only goes after racist comments.

Yeah, like the tweets she sent and OP was banned for posting

do people have white skin? yes.

Is white a skin color? yes.

if you hate a certain skin color, what does that make you? a RACIST.

Lol I got banned from r/news for asking why the thread was locked and telling them if they dont like Trump they shouldnt accept any racism.

Lmao they should call it /r/leftism

It could have something to do with your username.

Reddit is circling the drain. Really showing its true colors now.

Massive astroturfing, censorship, all around negativity.

It's beyond time to burn this shit to the ground.

I see the story on r/news is locked too. Seems like some racism is ok if against white ppl


Well it says it’s for “Color people and its supporters” it doesn’t mention anything of racism against white people lol

People of Color--White Supremacy

Upvote for jar jar

Anybody who thinks the Jew York Times is going to fire someone for being anti-white is crazy. Their entire agenda is anti-white.

dude the NY Times is staffed almost entirely by white people

yeah if you consider jews white people

Jew is not a race.

i know

Ashkenazi jews are definitely white, yeah

This sub has become trash with all these 13 year old victims flooding this place, goddamn

Lets report the sub guys, this sub is pure discrimination!

Why do people surround themselves with negativity by subscribing to subreddits like /racism ?

Because being a victim is so "in" right now and they don't understand how damaging that mentality is.

People are still surprised that Reddit has a crippling, hypocritical liberal bias?

4 years ago when I signed up I couldn’t see it as much now being blocked from commenting on 80 percent of the subs I visit let’s me know and understand


wait, am i doing this right?

how is that a “conspiracy”

I've never visited that sub and I got already banned. lol wanted to share this

Is that Patton Oswalt? =D

From facial characteristics does not look like him.

Amazing how popular this sub has become over night. And so many Donald supporters. It's almost like an organized attack.

This sub has been popular for 6 years minimum

Wow what a conspiracy. You are such a victim OP...

I got banned from r/news just now for commenting in the threads about this racist

People, you can't be racist to white people. Only every other race, ethic group, religions, nationality, certain animals, /s

Do you have a link to the tweets? This is the first I have heard of this.

r/WhiteTears 😂

Downvotes come to me.

It’s snowing in these comments with all these white snowflakes 😂

Wow, I'm not white and this is so wrong. It's not only racist it's sexist. More of a pussy pass to me.

Pretty plain and simple agenda. It is a old communist agenda. Split the majority of the population against each other through the school system. Then attack the economy when the country is in distress. Buy everything up and the country should assimilate.

anti-white is normal.

I forgot how retarded this sub is.

you meant "that" not "this" right?

Blacks are more racist than whites tbh

that’s... kinda racist tbh

sure, but its also truth

i'd have to at least see some kind of figures tbh

i know that racism from blacks tends to be more openly tolerated in high population centers, but that doesn't really reflect on which group has more racists or worse racists overall. for the latter, it almost suggests the opposite, even

I agreed because of twitter. I have no actual numbers. On twitter there is plenty of incredibly racist blacks there and nobody complains, while as soon as some kid like Milo trolls some e celeb, everyone calls racism and people get suspended no questions asked.

Its just another example of hypocrisy and double standards. Nothing to do with blacks actually, its all fueled with left partisanship. Whoever white liberals chose as their pet, is allowed to do bad things to evil nazis.

On twitter there is plenty of incredibly racist blacks there and nobody complains

people complain about em all the time. plus most of what you see on Twitter is fake anyway

Well shit it wont even let me cross post it back to them....

I mean making jokes about somebody's race is prejudice, sure, but it's definitely not racism. This is the problem. People have different definitions of the word racism.

well “racism” more traditionally just refers to racial prejudice though

people are really bad about trying to use the sociological definition

Very true i think most people tend to think of it in that traditional prejudice sense. Like there's nowhere near the level of outward racial prejudice there was in the 60's. People should focus on the fact that we're still using laws from questionable eras that were concieved/implemented by people who thought they were superior

i think people should focus on those as well, but use the adjectives "systemic" or "institutional" when discussing such racism outside of an academic discussion, and not try to push a simplified, memeified version of the sociological definition as the only correct one.

Seriously the layman does not understand these terms and the effort involved in defining them is 100% not worth it. Change the rhetoric or nobody will ever understand the points.

Bo Bice syndrome is poppin today

I was banned from Changemyview for posting pro-gun topics...

To be fair....



Notice how these comments are completely against her and reddit, yet watch how sometime in the near future newer accounts will "organically" begin to make excuses for her and reddit, and downvote any criticism.

What is the nyt defense for all this?

that it happened in the past and that he knows better now. Also that this tweets are taken out of context, and that she was just writing this in response to other racists who harassed her.

Its quite hilarious if you compare this tweets to what Roseanne said and how outraged they were about that one single tweet, yet here they have 10+ tweets that are racist on another level and... crickets...

R/racism has got to be biggest circlejerk ever.

I have never posted (or even visited) that sub yet I'm banned.
They actively ban people when they encounter them elsewhere and they read something they don't like.
Classic leftists...

Tl:dr r/racism is a sub FOR racist. Not about them.

It's all good. #6 on google trends... She's all but finished.


She is not a ‘lady’, OP. She is a sociopath.

I don't want to concede the territory of reddit to hypocritical Marxists but I also hate rewarding a platform that doesn't value free speech. I was banned the other day from r/videos for saying "Why? He dindunuffin." I realize that may be considered a low energy, brainless comment... but I don't see that as hate speech. I hate that I constantly feel the desire to qualify factual statements with, "I'm not trying to sound racist but..."

that place is an echo chamber. I commented that white guilt is dumb and got banned in under 5 minutes.

I just got banned too. They really hate white people. And im not even white....

Racism is based on power indifferences. By posting a problem concerning white people you are apart of the problem. You must be kicked out of the sub by someone with more power than you, rendering your opinions invalid. Tell me who has the power problem again?

Racism isn't based on pwer, it's based on prejudice. Simole

Wow, never been to r/racism before. That place is a joke.

That's not conspiracy, that's just plain boring and stupid hypocrisy.

Man I don't come to /r/conspiracy to see 3/4 the front page just full of SJW triggered posts about a racist. Jeez.

holy shit i read the original post eariler. wtf?!?!?!

safe space retards this people are disgrace for human intellect
sometimes I think that we and them are completely different kinds of people its like we dont even speak same language

we all get banned from subs. It's usually fine if you get downvoted for your controversial opinion but if you post something that goes against the grain that gets upvoted, you are out.

There should be a /r/bannedfrom sub for people to moan about within rather than constantly coming to conspiracy though. its not a conspiracy. mods are just bellends and reddits full of edgy teens who cant have their feelings hurt. its tragic.

There's a very clear line here. All Humans are created equal and should be treated and judged the same. Either that is your moral compass or you're insane. There's no middle ground here.

You either have a balanced sense of justice or you're a lunatic in my eyes.

and now you're crying in your racist safe space /r/conspiracy

Lol wut

Why not just change the name of this sub to r/letsbitchaboutpolitics .so tired of everything on this sub being about politics. This sub has gone downhill really fast.

They are guarding her case VERY CAREFULLY, across all platforms. She called white people "fucking assholes", twitter doesn't flinch- but I call HER an asshole, and I get banned. HHHHHMMMMM.

Hmmm... on the front page of /r/racism there's an NYT story about Muslim anti-antisemitism in France. It's been up for 6 days with just 2 comments, both shadowbanned... looks like it's just a sub for condemning certain types of racism.

So what's the conspiracy here? Reddit is anti white? WHY I NEVER! XD

you can't be racist against white people. they invented the term "racism" to disenfranchise white people.

Well friend I got banned from r/socialism for saying that Chavez was better than Maduro.

Mods can't take any opinion other than their own.

I think this thread (the evolution of it) has convinced me enough to delete my account and veer away from reddit once and for all.

Think I’ll tell my friends and family.

She was being trolled by right wingers on Twitter, so she thought it would be funny to reverse it on them and post some hateful memes in retaliation. These tweets taken out of context are what you're looking at here. Insterestingly if you look at Edwars Snowdens twitter he's been defending her against these accusations. Theres more than meets the eye to this story, someone wanted to ruin this womans reputation and this is how they are doing it.

Why are none of them in responses then? Why is the only evidence she can show two random tweets from 2014?

That should not surprise you. /r/Racism is only about white-on-other-races racism. It is an inherently anti-white subreddit.

you didn't get the memo? she is the victim now !!! libtards are pure evil.

That sub is a cesspool of anti whiteness. Never visited until I saw this post, won’t again. Folk have lost their senses of irony and hypocrisy.

Are you sure it's not because your name is "nigman" and they assumed you were a troll?

Shit, I replied to a post about Sarah Jeong with the following:

You could've at least linked to the tweets, or give her name, so everybody knows what's going on...

I know who you're talking about, and I agree though. It's very strange that she has not been fired over this. Double standards.

And was also banned. Just for that.

What a sad, sad subreddit. Black moral knights.

When asking the mods for clarification, I was muted for 72 hours. Lovely people, open for discussion.

Why can't We brigade? They do while we are censored and banned. That is what Reddit is FOR!!

I guess you can’t be racist against white people

It seems like that r/racism is full of white hate and that’s about it. A subreddit made “to end racism” is all about bashing whites and encouraging other races to be racist

“Welcome to the anti-racism community on Reddit, a safe(r) space for People of Color and their supporters.”

This is their motto. Don’t be surprised.

Its because it was FAKE

Try posting about the attack on the white farmers in South Africa.

Cause WE, the people, are to blame, not the oligarchs of course!

They ban anyone who acknowledges racism against white people.

Your first problem was going to R/Racism. Imagine living in 2018 and still believes R/Racism isn't a hate sub, much like ADL and SPLC, which are both the biggest hate groups in the US under the guise of tolerance combating "nazis".

I agree they are hate groups, but biggest? NYPD is bigger.

You could just read their side bar

Racism In order to have a common language, we require all participants to work with the definition of racism as a system of oppression and a system of power, and racist action and ideas as that which propagates, reifies, and upholds the system of white supremacy. White supremacy targets People of Color.

It’s ok to be racist towards white people, don’t you know that?

Going through a similar event in the Iowa sub...but not THIS bad! lol

One of the Mods posted a joke about sex child trafficking, and i tried to ask the sub if that is appropriate for a Mod, but my post is on day 4 on not being view-able to the public, yet wasn't removed either...hmmm

Look at these fragile whites.


I have met some incredibly racist asians in my life.

1) It's typically RICH leftistists that shout "BUT WHITE PRIVILEGEEE11!" the loudest. Seriously, go lookup debates with these people and you'll start to see a pattern of coming from rich families where they went to private schools and such WITH the white people they are against. The SJW leftists NEVER recognize their own "privilege".

2) I don't see why places like Europe need diversity--especially with all the refugees. Would you say the same thing about Japan?

3) You CAN be racist against whites. I don't get this whole mentality of "I want to be in white spaces" yet take jabs at all the white people once you are in that space? Makes no sense. Instead, go empower spaces of your own race. The ironic thing is that MLK wanted INTEGRATION and NOT SEGREGATION yet all these new wave SJWs are all about segregation....sad actually.

My post was trending.

It got 14 upvotes in only 50 views and less than an hour and was at the top of the frontpage of the subreddit.

The majority of comments agreed with me.

I was banned from the subreddit as well. All comments were deleted except for one that had a long explanation of saying why it isn’t racist because its white people.

I never thought people actually believed you couldnt be racist to white people... holy shit.

They recently posted an article with a headline "Did the NY Times hire a racist" and I just replied "Yes". 5 minutes later, I get this plus the thread being deleted.

Yep! Just tested it. Made a post asking if it was a sub about actual racist discussion or only white male racism and i got banned :)

someone better light up jeongs wiki page with a controversy section, im surprised shes even "notable" enough to have a wiki

i cant because im banned for repeatedly contributing "unnoteworthy" content... fuckin wiki mods

Somebody tried that yesterday and got banned from wiki and their updates were removed

I got banned from there like a year ago. Those guys don't support minorities, they just want to use minorities to boss people around.

Malcolm X warned us about the use of this modern day Trojan Horse

Ugh why does this sub care so much about a NYT writer? THIS is a conspiracy? How many threads have we seen on this?

Is this thread locked?

edit: NOPE.

That analogy though... Lol

Also the mods of that sub are treating any mention of her and any posts regarding her as "trolling and brigading" calling all dissenters "troglodytes".

You can see this from viewing Ceddit for the entire sub and looking at the deleted articles

I was just banned for contributing to a conversation on r/racism - the question was ‘what is racism’ I contributed and gave my own experiences to verify this and then I was banned.

It sounds like the person is charge is most likely easily offended or offended by everything. So I wouldn’t take it personally.

Yeah... sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but r/Racism is, ironically, run by racists.

I was banned from r/racism for posting about how the black kids in my school were more racist than the white people there. It’s obviously pushing there own agenda and the reddit isn’t about discussing racism. As long as it’s against white people it’s ok tho.

Let's not get things slanted. This wasn't some harmless gobbledygook. It was racism of celestial proportions. We need to nip this racism in the bud. Otherwise we risk exposing a chink in our collective armor of cultural cohesion.

Every minority is a victim to y’all!

flips pink hair It's a Soros thing, you wouldn't understand!

walkaway? More like 1488

Pretty much sums up my views as well.

im right there with you friend.

This is an extremely common excuse. It's practically a meme at this point.

in b4 Brockroaches show up to call us all Russian bots

Looking at how i’m being downvoted for not only being honest but understanding, it seems you are right.

Sounds like Lord of the rings to everyone else.

Incorrect, brainwashing can do amazingly terrifying things to the human mind.

can i ask what agendas you speak of that are changing how you identify yourself on a political spectrum?

Yeah. I fall liberal on some things and conservative on others. Ive since rejected partisan politics and prefer to just be a rational and logical thinking human being.

White people are the personification of cognitive dissonance when it comes to understanding racism.

and yet here you are thinking you cant be racist toward an entire race.

that cognitive dissonance certainly does exist just not where you think

Woah woah woah chillll. I'm a young black male and I feel for you guys. I think this has become a manufactured issue with the intent of divisiveness. You'd be surprised that the black community on average supports you as an individual. What I only stress is that you don't feel the need to be an 89er because of the perception of a brigade. I don't think there will be any concrete effects that will come the way of white America because of this attack on the mind. Which is all it really is. Be fed up with being accused, but dont let it turn to hate for someone in the same boat as you. Just remember who the real enemy is, which we remind you of everyday on this subreddit.

Dude, just got called "almost middle aged". I am disappoint.

One detail wrong. Point is in this climate you have to do a DNA analysis on somebody to find out if there is any African in them before you make a joke about them or you're a racist!

Not all liberals are globalists or statists. I'd say the overall bias here is much like the liberal media bias: pro-establishment, pro-elite, pro-state. Otherwise agree entirely.

This is the best comment I've read explaining what has become of reddit. I no longer comment on any subs anymore because reddit now feels like some kind of sect.

Go to ANY sub and you'll be overwhelmed with the propaganda. This sub for example is brigaded constantly, and it is so obvious.

reddit is now digg

Fair enough mate, I appreciate that you feel that way. The older I get, the less I trust most people anyway. I can't know what you have been through until I have walked a mile in your shoes. I just want you to know there are plenty of white people who respect and appreciate black people, and people of many cultures for that matter.

That being said, nothing excuses some of the racist shit I have seen pulled on blacks by the police. That Sterling Brown arrest in Milwaukee recently, amongst many others, was terrible and needs to be stamped out.

It does seem like they do everything possible to lose.

46% black and 49% European. It's so hip to hate white people that you can take your less dominant ancestors and claim it to be superior to your European decent.

I don't mean the word claim in an actual sense. It's just weird she didn't pull the native card or is 5% too low?

So basically a victim.

per usual

Nice try, Russian bot.

What agendas specifically?

It’s snowing in these comments with all these white snowflakes 😂

dude the NY Times is staffed almost entirely by white people

Nobody is interested in controlling anyone’s voice but YOU. You don’t see individuals, you see black people and white people and Asian people. You don’t acknowledge ideas, you acknowledge black ideas and white ideas. People like you are obsessed with race.

I’ll tell you what else. You think white people are superior. You see, someone who isn’t a racist...they believe all people should have an equal opportunity. Just merit, nothing else. You don’t want that, you don’t believe it’s possible. You say that minorities need a savior like you to hoist them up from their doomed existence and place them amongst Gods chosen.

You hate what I’m saying but people are waking up to the truth that I speak.

I always liked the opening monologue by Irish mobster Frank Costello (played by Jack Nicholson) in The Departed movie:

I don’t want to be a product of my environment. I want my environment to be a product of me. Years ago we had the church. That was only a way of saying – we had each other. The Knights of Columbus were real head-breakers; true guineas. They took over their piece of the city. Twenty years after an Irishman couldn’t get a fucking job, we had the presidency. May he rest in peace. That’s what the n*****s don’t realize. If I got one thing against the black chappies, it’s this – no one gives it to you. You have to take it.

The problem isn’t someone else of a different ethnicity having a voice. The problem is people like you who sit and whine about racism and stereotypes, but at the same time are happy to be hypocritical and use their voice to be an anti-white racist in the same breath. People like that are just as bad as the racists they claim to be fighting against.

Look up the Kalergi plan.

Just doing my bit :)

that it happened in the past and that he knows better now. Also that this tweets are taken out of context, and that she was just writing this in response to other racists who harassed her.

Its quite hilarious if you compare this tweets to what Roseanne said and how outraged they were about that one single tweet, yet here they have 10+ tweets that are racist on another level and... crickets...

These days it really seems like it's all a coordinated political/marketing scheme. Every sub seems to have an agenda (usually liberalism/globalism), which is fine except for the censorship and denial of censorship and bias.


I've suspected that the /r/philosophy sub seems to be consumed by those with globalist, atheistic, transhumanist and / or reductionist materialist beliefs, as well as those who lean towards Scientism, and so on.

/r/askphilosophy is far superior with regards to philosophy, amusingly enough. You can ask almost any question there, as long as it's a meaningful and honest one.

Who is saying anything about you for existing ?

Who the fuck is thinking they are superior? All I am seeing is people wanting equality.

That old thing...

The smaller hobby oriented subs are still good

NEVER! assume a bitch is white

No, it's still the same forces that controlled it before, those who have contributed the most money, just like the GOP. The parties have different sponsors at times and when they share the same sponsors, we get bipartisanship.

The enemy infiltrates these formerly effective places for discussions and leaves us little alternative but tiny, less polished back alleys on the Internet.

Whites murdered and enslaved entire races and stole their land and now you're trying to play victim lmfao cowards.

This sub has become trash with all these 13 year old victims flooding this place, goddamn

I felt I was liberal for most of my life (I’m 36 soon, so do the math, obviously the first 10-12 years maybe don’t count for much) but the last 2 years there is NO FUCKING WAY I would identify as that. Not even close. I’m pretty down the middle. Do what you want as long as it doesn’t affect me or others. I just can’t get on board with the agendas the left has been pushing.

+1 only I'm 31.

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." -MLK

The sad thing is that the left believes that this is bringing them voters. It's only pushing their base farther and farther away.

This is propaganda driven by the Russians and their #Walkaway movement. Mods, please remove.

Or it is because there are just more peope, and that just means even more stupid people.

Yeah keep avoiding actually supporting your shitty views. It’s making them look even weaker and I love it.

Thats the left version of fake news imo.

yaaaaz, I love Roseanne

Black Lives Matter movement is just anti white racism guised as social activism disrupting modern life because they are clinging to the failed Black Panther movement of the 60's.

Sharia Law which is possibly the most anti female movement in the world is SUPPORTED by liberal feminists.

Neither despicable movement has any place in a modern society.

Sounds like you just hate white people to me lol - Thats the white culture referred and one you dispise.

I won't even entertain those notions.

Its just as difficult being a descendent of an irish indentured servant finding ancestry. Immigrating when NINA signs were prevalent.

This is no way, by any stretch of the imagination similar to enslaved Africans in America and the difficulty in finding your ancestry. Please read about Irish indentured servants.

On white pride:

Why strive to make this racist connection?

If I have to explain to you how the term "White Pride" is for skin heads, then just stop reading now.

The major difference is we went to work and didnt complain about shit from 200 years ago, is what I have noticed. How is such a small subset the biggest crime plague to our society? Why does the same subset continually underperform in educational tests?

Im just tired of hearing the same tired bullshit. Dont care anymore. Out of all this what are you looking for? Another fucking handout.

Now talk about lazy.

Now this is the part that pains me because I can tell you're not a troll. I've met countless people who have regurgitated almost verbatim, like it was script - what you just said. I"ll try and give you a different perspective like I do anytime I meet someone who shares those same sentiments, but it already feels hopeless.

Complain about shit 200 years ago

Brown vs. The board of Education was in 1954, this isn't ancient history and it wasn't an imaginary finish line that when crossed racism and oppression ceased to be. The little Rock Nine in Arkansas in 1957 had to be escorted to school by the U.S. military. It took ten years for New Orleans school to fully integrate. Ruby Bridges is one of the more notable figures from that school, she's 63 today.

Redlining is a well documented systematic denial of loans targeted at minorities that lasted through 60s, 70s and 80s. This resulted in landlord abandonment, lower property values and a shortage of new business opportunities. Neighborhoods were left in disrepair with vacant buildings that were haven for drugs and illegal activities. In turn generations that were victims of redlining became targets for predatory loans, resulting in low credit scores and a lack of home-ownership.

We literally created the state that minorities find themselves in today. This was not 200 years ago.

Now I know I'm probably not going to change your outlook on the world but it doesn't matter. The people who think like you are a dying breed, you'll lose in the end.

That is because they're not left, and haven't been since Clinton.

I suggest you pick up a newspaper - even a fairly liberal paper like the New York Times. Now go through all the editorial pictures published in that edition and count how many people pictured are male and white and how many are not. Overwhelmingly, those pictured, particulrly in the political and business section will be white and male.

In a white majority society, one should fully expect every field of work to be mostly white.

More telling is to count the Jews on staff, in management, and ownership of MSM and lesser media outlets. I assure you, they're far more represented than the 2-3% of the population of the U.S. they make up. Including many of the people you're calling "white."

I agree they are hate groups, but biggest? NYPD is bigger.

The article in the post to which I was replying brought up immigrants. If you think Trump is equivalent to extreme hate groups, I don’t know what to tell you. Please, cite for me these “clearly” racist remarks that he’s made. You’re full of shit and deluding yourself to believe the “he’s hates brown people!” narrative.

Blacks are more likely to be on either end of a murder than .

How bad at English are you?

Letting people do what they want and be who they are is true liberalism and progressivism. That’s what I believed in and believe in and that’s what I felt the Democratic party was about for years. Hence I was a strong Democrat, supported Obama, etc.

Now it feels like the liberalism has just become a neo-racist anti-white ideology.

Wrong reply?