Why are the top 7 posts on this sub right now all anout the racist NYT reporter keeping her job but no one said anything about white MLB players keeping their jobs after racist tweets showed up in the past week?

1  2018-08-03 by AlleganySmallmouth

I find it hard to believe that all of a sudden people really deeply care about some tech reporters racism. It seems like a concerted effort to make a story out of this because it hurts the left (liberal media) when people clearly dont care about this issue as a whole


The baseball players tweets were when they were like 13. The nytimes girl was an adult calling for white genocide.

Tweets from all ages. Sonny Gray was in the minors when he made his. I don't thubk they're all that relevant or important, judt wondering why the rest of this sub doesn't care given how twisted their collective panties have gotten over this NYT writer.

I also feel like she is in a different position to influence people. Those baseball players will never write article for the nytimes that millions of people could read.

I also feel like she is in a different position to influence people. Those baseball players will never write article for the nytimes that millions of people could read.

Number 1-he is baseball player he has no control over how stories are portrayed

2-he was 14 when he tweeted his racist tweets and i rhought i heard they were lyrics from a hip hop song

3-she os editor for the Fn nyt dont you think that is a job that a racist shouldn't have.Do you want racist controlling our largest newspapers.

4 i dont know why tou weren't smart enough to bring up Trumps tweets

Who is the "he" you're talking about? There are at least 5 players who had racist tweets surface, some from when they were already professional players.

Anf Trump is a bad comparison because people do care about his racist tweets,they do make it to the front page.

Can you identify a “racist tweet” from Trump?

Oh yeah the one where he tweeted a fake "black crime" graphic made by an actual neo-Nazi was definitely racist.

But I've got a feeling that you, the guy in the other thread complaining that you weren't allowed to use racial slurs, will find some reason to claim it's not.

What was racist about a graphic about black crime?

It wasn't a graphic about black crime it was a fake graphic with all fake stats. You know, racist stuff.

So it’s racist because it’s (in your view) incorrect information?

I've seen you have this exact conversation before. You know that it's fake information, that the stats are totally fake trying to make it look like blacks are white-killing monsters. You just think it's ok because you're openly racist too.

The stats are totally fake? Would you like to present the correct stats?

No because that's got nothing to do with this conversation. You want to look at black crime stats so you can say "See, they are judt violent heathens" instead of admitting that Trump is racist. I know this because youre openly racist and youve had this exact conversation before.

Here’s some more “totally fake” stats (because you wish it to be fake), compiled straight from NYPD data, in case you care to refute it


Yeah, exactly what i said you were trying to do. We all get it, youre openly racist and you're not really trying to defend Trumps racism because you like it

I don’t give a shit about Trump. I’m trying to identify the amorphous and fluid definition of racism that people seem to have. First you said he was racist for tweeting “fake” crime statistics..... but it turns out that even if they’re slightly wrong, blacks are hugely over represented in real crime statistics and objectively commit more crimes per capita than whites. So you call him a racist for being slightly incorrect? Or for possessing knowledge of black crime? It just seems like racist is a magic word that shitlibs think they can evoke to cast a spell on someone saying things they don’t like.

"It's ok that Trump is racist because I think racism is ok"

I like how someone openly racist like you tries to complain when other people call them out for being racist. Such a victim mentality all the time.

Except I’m not complaining and don’t give two shits that you’re calling me a racist. You can’t define what you even mean by it. It’s just a mean word that you fling in a puerile rage, like a 6 year old would say “poophead.”

Man, do all racists get this whiny when people point out they're racists? You've got that victim mentality thing down to a T.

I really can’t tell why anyone thinks the NYT story has anything to do with a conspiracy - it’s just typical outraged reactions to identity politics. Waste of the front page for this sub...

Cultural marxism is the conspiracy.

Lol you're joking right?

A major media publication hiring some advocating for genocide isn’t a conspiracy? What about them claiming it’s only racist trolls who are upset?

You post on T_D constantly, are you telling you can’t recognize a shitpost/troll when it’s staring you in the face?

Lots of you folks in here concern trolling tonight, which is funny considering it’s a practice that gets you banned over there.

I’ve made maybe 6-7 comments on t_d all critical. Not my fault you have no reading comprehension.

Yeah because the front page is usually so interesting and not disinformation bullshit.

All the good posts get hotter and locked at Zero in the new queue

It's a MASSIVE story because it proves true the propaganda fake news outlets hire shit people who support the anti-white conspiracy which is being pushed by Jews.

2 massive conspiracies being proven true has gotten a shit ton of attention. We are in Brave New World though, and it'll blow over by Saturday

I think this little fiasco shows us this sub is being manipulated, how is this woman even a topic in /r/conspiracy she would have been blogging about smart watches and dumb shit

People care because distrust of media is at an all time high and the NY times hire of jeong reaks of conspiracy.

Definitely a concerted effort. The brigading is huge.

Lol you're joking right?