With regards the resignation of /u/IntellisaurDinoAlien following a leaked modmail.

1  2018-08-03 by AssuredlyAThrowAway

Hello all,

In the interest of clarification and transparency, over the last day or so part of a conversation with a user in modmail was leaked by a former /r/conspiracy mod (/u/IntellisaurDinoAlien) to another former /r/conspiracy mod (Dusty) by way of an alt account. Prior to this incident, /u/IntellisaurDinoAlien had been a long standing moderator with no history of leaking.

/u/IntellisaurDinoAlien took that course of action because he was under the mistaken impression that /u/aleister was an alt of another mod on the team (/u/JamesColesPardon), after /u/aleister accidentally replied to his own modmail comment in the leaked modmail exchange.

As a result of the accusations made by /u/IntellisaurDinoAlien, he then choose to unilaterally remove /u/aleister from the mod team.

However, before the mod team was even able to take up discussion of the issue /u/IntellisaurDinoAlien deleted his account and left reddit.

As such, the mod team reversed the decision to remove /u/Aleister and we have chosen to make this post in the interest of full transparency. A screenshot of the original modmail exchange which lead to Dino's actions can be found here.

Furthermore, here is the internal modmail discussion wherein Dino admitted to leaking the screenshot and explained his reasoning.

Please feel free to discuss the situation below and we apologize for the delay in regards to this announcement, it took some time to come to consensus as a mod team with regards our shared views.

Regards and thanks,

The /r/conspiracy mod team


So that's what happened, hih?!?! It's too bad, I did enjoy all of the theories over at TMOR. Thanks for the update!

All over a discussion about pork chops.

Pork chops are a powerful food, most consumed meat on the planet... Which always seemed odd, since no one discriminates against chicken.

Pork Farmers are Illuminati.

They control the masses through unclean swine meat.

Pork is the new white meattm

Did somebody find a map that seems pork chop-related?


swinescandal ?

I prefer rabbit tbh.

Too gamey for me. Alligator tail OTOH...

If you don't like rabbit I'll assume you don't like lamb as well. Which means we are on opposite sides of this issue.

Damn politics always coming between us :-/

Lamb done correctly is food of the gods!! Rabbit is good. Alligator tail takes a good, knowledgeable chef to make it delicious. Damn, now I’m hungry.

I make a mean hasenpfeffer. It takes a lot of effort though so it's usually just a fall/seasonal dish.

Last time I bought 4 rabbits and made hasenpfeffer with two and braised the other two with leeks and other aromatics.

That's why difficult meals should always be paired with the correct amount of alcohol.

Ducks are underappreciated.

Mind sending me a recipe? I've tried it a couple times and haven't been able to find the fit for me.

All over a discussion about pork chops.

Rumor has it that the core crew at tm0r don't like pork chops.

They are big fans of pancakes, however.

They are big fans of pancakes

They're Canadian?

In case you actually aren't aware, it's a reference to the TMOR (formerly conspiratard) crew had a subreddit setup where they would laugh at Rachel Corrie, an American activist who was run over by an armored IDF truck in Gaza. They would post memes and gifs of pancakes and laugh about it. These are the types of people we're dealing with.

Oh, gotcha. I just watched Super Troopers 2 yesterday and there were a few jokes about Canadians loving pancakes, so I wasn't exactly sure what the reference was.

As for the actual reference, that's pretty fucking sick for people to revel in that kind of thing. I have no issues with a morbid joke here and there because levity can sometimes ease pain, but there's a big difference between that and relishing it. I'm glad that sub is private because I'm not sure I want to read it.

Yeah, it was pretty nasty. You got to see these guys and their utter lack of compassion and total contempt for people like Rachel Corrie on full display. I'm sure that's why it's private now.

What’d you think of ST2? I loved the first one.

Almost watched it last night but ended up binging the new Sacha Baron Cohen and curling up into a ball of cringe.

There were some really funny parts and some parts that fell flat. It wasn’t as good as the first one, but I think it falls just behind Beerfest in terms of humor. I did like it though and laughed a bunch.

Whoa, that's fucked up

Maybe some are... I can't say for sure...

But there is no D-Nine that at least some of their Core members have been utterly obsessed with pancakes

The reference was explained to me by A_I, and people who revel in that kind of stuff make me a bit sick.

The TMOR hate group was probably frothing at the mouth.

The futures market on oil spiked the other day based on speculation of how much lube TMOR would consume jacking each other off. True story.

TMOR doesn't use lube for their circlejerks, it's mostly sandpaper and "cheese pizza" comet ping pong style

Hey, since you are here do you mind if I ask why you stopped being a mod? You've always been incredibly reasonable so I was happy when you were added as a mod, even if I disagreed with the whole election process.

I had several reasons, but the main one was I found it pointless and a waist of time. It's just a constraint stream of complaints and debates over thousands of mod actions, right wrong or indifferent. It's the last thing I need in my life, and just a major distraction from things like family and work. I come to reddit for entertainment and different views on current events, and being a mod doesn't enhance that. It's selfish and self centered, but hey, fuck it, it's my life.

No, I don't think that's selfish at all. I don't envy the mods of any major subreddits, let alone one as contentious as this one. No matter what you do, someone is going to be mad at you for it.

Thanks for answering!

even if I disagreed with the whole election process.

Out of curiosity, what don't we agree on with regards to the election process?

Just the fact that it was done in secret by a select group of users who we are told are more important and trustworthy than the rest of us. I don't think the rest of us would have even seen the nominations if someone hadn't leaked the screenshots.

The fact that one of the new mods has been suspended by admins, you resigned, and now whatever is going on with this one makes me wonder if this really is the best selection process.

Haha! I see, I thought you meant about the US presidential election process and wasn't sure I had ever expressed my views on our election process. As for your concerns with conclave, they're legitamite conserns.

Ohhh, haha no I was leaving the politics out of this. Sure, our actual election process could probably be improved as well, but it's nothing I would fight anyone here over.

I was busy this morning when I responded, but that part of your comment fucked with me all day, lol. I was driving around like, "WTF did I say that people knowingly disagree about our election process?". Glad I asked! Have you asked to be a member of conclave?

Oh god, sorry! And no, I haven't asked to join. I dislike the whole idea of a secret club, and it's not because I'm not in it. It's the same reason I got annoyed with /r/LegalAdvice. Once you have a special club of "approved" users, they get special treatment and can get away with almost anything. I doubt they'd invite me anyway. Two mods don't exactly like me, and I was included in that persona non grata list the conclave put together a while ago.

Just made you an approved submitter. It really isn't this big secretive thing and membership isn't nearly as exclusive as people think it is. Most people have gotten in simply by asking.

Thanks, but I really did mean it when I said I wasn't upset at not being a part of the conclave. And yeah, it's not quite the nefarious cabal I made it sound like. As someone else pointed out, it's pretty dead and is mostly just talking about brigades and TMOR. But I still disagree with it as a whole. Why have public mod logs but then a separate hidden area where mods and select users can discuss stuff like who needs to be banned? What about keeping it to approved contributors only but then allow the actual discussions to be visible to everyone? Or is that not possible on Reddit?

Well if you don't want to visit the sub you're obviously under no obligation to, it's all good.

Why have public mod logs but then a separate hidden area where mods and select users can discuss stuff like who needs to be banned?

Because it's free of brigading, mostly. Things like rule changes and interpretation, or vote manipulation can actually be discussed without it turning into a huge flame war or being derailed by trolls. Plus I don't really think its existence is hurting anyone. If people are really that curious or suspicious they can just ask to join and if they aren't trolls they'll be invited.

What about keeping it to approved contributors only but then allow the actual discussions to be visible to everyone? Or is that not possible on Reddit?

I'm actually not sure if that's doable but it's not a bad idea. I've just never come across a subreddit with that setup before.

Fair enough - thanks for the transparency.


Weird even a mod can be banned instantly with no checks, balances or discussion.

Just for clarification, no one was banned during the incident (Dino only removed Aleister as a mod).

The way in which mod seniority works on reddit is that any moderator can remove those below them on the list (this is a system that dates back to when reddit first introduced subreddits over a decade ago). However, the check and balance is that such unilateral action will most always be overturned by the mod team at large.

Which is the beginning of what is wrong with reddit. Thanks for the info.

Thank you for posting this. Transparency is appreciated by all.

Agreed, Though I’m guessing not everyone will believe the official story. Hopefully there are more modmail leaks though. A sub, and the mods on it, like this that values transparency should consider that to be a good thing.

If the next leaks contain pork chop recipes I'm down

It did sound delicious.

It did sound delicious. /u/aleister, can we get the recipe?

Now this is irony.

Porkchop flipflop? Can I get the recipe?

I think we should get rid of all the mods that don't actively participate in and thus love this sub. To anyone that has been here for a while it's like who the hell is that, never seen him before, and he was a mod for how long?

cough #5 cough

Mods can sometimes feel a pressure to avoid participating as a user on the subreddit out of a desire to remain as impartial as possible.

Dino was very active in terms of modding the sub (which can be verified by looking at this archive of the public modlog as sorted by indvidual mod action) and would routinely weigh in on modmails and such.

I think we should know who the mods are as a person and the only way to know that is to actually see them around. It's like UN13, I totally disagree with him in most cases, but at least I see him around, know he is a real person, and feel like he likes and cares about this place just because he participates.. Staying in the shadows and just modding doesn't give me confidence. We know conspiracy theorists will always be under attack and thus this sub also.

I agree with you and have said so multiple times here in the past. I like seeing what the mods have to say and contribute, whether or not I agree with them. DronePuppet gave me a big distrust of the mod team for a while due to his antics and alts, so I like seeing what the mods themselves have to say regarding stuff here.

Completely agree.

Like mods stickying their own posts?

With the blatant vote brigading I think some posts need to be stickied if it is a good subject.

Mods can sometimes feel a pressure to avoid participating as a user on the subreddit out of a desire to remain as impartial as possible.

Understandably so, especially here. I don’t really see other subs where the mods are attacked as vehemently as they are here. It’s understandable why some mods might use alt accounts to contribute because their mod accounts seem to have downvote bots waiting to bury every post they make.

Here's the original conversation where aleister replied to himself.


So how does one forget what one wrote within an hour and then reply with such exuberance?

So how does one forget what one wrote within an hour and then reply with such exuberance?

Sounds exhausting really.

Some times modmail messages aren't easy to follow especially if you have a lot of discussions going at once. I am surprised IntellisaurDinoAlien didn't think about that first.

Sometimes modmail messages aren't easy to follow

he isn't "following" a conversation lol. this guy had to have forgotten that HE was the one who wrote the message he was replying to.

give me a fucking break.

please please please post an example of YOU have "accidntally" replied to your own message hahaha.

...and with such exuberance as well. oh yah... people don't do that.

hahaha, I've never replied to my own messages.

HOLY SHIT! I've never replied to my own messages either. That would take a complete idiot to do.


see!!!! maybe u/JamesColesPardon is right after all!?!

see how easy that is to do???

...I honestly can't tell if you're getting the joke or not.

that's only because you're dumb.

does /s help you out?

Is this modmail?

This is hilarious. It's really pretty obvious this guy thought he was logged into another account. Makes no sense otherwise.

please please please post an example of YOU having "accidentally" replied to your own message hahaha.

I am unable to do so. Additionally, I don't actually know whether or not there was more to IntellisaurDinoAlien's suspicions that we are not being told. Based on my interactions with IDA I wouldn't have guessed that user would interpret replying to your own comment as maleficence instead of a simple mistake. Obviously that wasn't the case and I am still surprised by that fact alone.

I don't actually know whether or not there was more to IntellisaurDinoAlien's suspicions that we are not being told.

this makes zero sense.


Thanks. So the official story is aleister is not also JamesColesPardon? Because this makes that hard to believe.

And what's his official explanation? Because that looks pretty fishy.

His official explanation is in the post, as part of the larger modmail discussion about the incident with the mods. I believe it's that he was drunk.

I'm not saying I believe that excuse, but if it is true I think the mod team has a bit of a drinking problem. How many times did Flytape go on weird midnight rants and ban sprees and then blame it on being drunk? I seem to recall other mods using the "drunk" excuse several times as well. Just my experience, but if I'm getting drunk at a dinner party with my wife and my Swedish friends I'm not going to spend the time Redditing. This whole situation is weird and this explanation isn't really making it any better.

The conspiracy crowd in general, from what I've seen over the years, has a problem with drinking. I believe PLC used to post drunk all of the time here, and I swear I've seen a few others mention being drunk while posting. It's unfortunate, and I can't really claim to be much different because I'm an alcoholic myself even if I no longer drink.

I can't say I blame anyone. When you spend all day discussing the worst parts of the world, it is bound to drive some people to drink.

Especially if you feel powerless to do anything about it, or even get involved in the political bickering/disinformation that happens revolving around some of these conspiracy discussions. I've had to take a step back from this sub multiple times in the past because I felt pulled in and it was negatively impacting my mood.


Dude, drunken shit posting is incredibly fun. So many late nights around here arguing with shills and posting SP's while drinking. Don't knock it till you try it ;)

Drunken shitposting is a lot of fun. Some of my highest rated SP's and comments here were made drunk as hell lmao.

Oh I’m guilty of that too. A few of my top voted comments, like the lobster story and the Lubbock story, were made while I was completely shitfaced.

It's especially fun when you get more upvotes being hammered as fuck than the guy you are arguing with who is more than likely sober lmao.

Yeah, but sometimes it’s really weird when you wake up the next morning and see your Reddit inbox has exploded.

I kinda enjoy that haha. It's like: "Oh boy, time to see who drunk me pissed off!" LOL.

I am drinking now!

Wait I thought flytape was an ultra conservative Jesus freak who was always against drugs and stuff. Did he have drunken rants and banning sprees?

I don't have any screenshots saved or anything, but I definitely remember one case where another mod posted the next day saying "We've discussed it with him and he was just drunk" after Flytape banned a bunch of people one night.

Sounds like "drunk" may just the go-to excuse for bad decisions around here.

Kind of like how celebrities and politicians say "I was hacked!" whenever they accidentally post something offensive or share a link to porn.

Bad decisions? It was a "private" modmail between like ~15 people where some dude got drunk and was really excited about his pork chops and I guess great immigration in Sweden conversation.

I mean, like, if it weren't leaked - what's the conspiracy?

Even if there were mod alts, it would be no different than TMOR or any other sub on reddit.

This is already posted in the OP.

Maybe they are reiterating?

Fair enough, just seems kind of silly when it's already posted.

Certainly looks like aliester and JCP are the same person. I agree with IDA's assessment of what is going on.

But what is a flytape operation?

But what is a flytape operation?

That was an incident when three moderators attempted to stage an ideological coup on the subreddit by removing all of their co-mods. More information on that incident can be found here.

So when IDA said that this smells like a flytape operation, does that mean that JCP and aliester are also flytape? So flytape still has at least 2 mods on the roster, no wonder IDA was pissed. It's almost like everyone on Reddit is flytape's alt.

I don't know what IDA meant with his statement beyond the reference to the above incident, and its partially why I was quite frustrated that he choose to leave reddit before taking the discussion to a conclusion.

I understood it to be referring to Flytape's army of numerous alt accounts.

Even though there's no definitive proof, people have accused Flytape of having alts for years so yes, I'm sure that is what IDA was referencing.

Oh shit, that was actually DronePuppet with the alts, wasn't it? Nevermind! I was one of the people who messaged the modmail about his MAGABolt account, and I'm pretty sure one of you mods confirmed it and said he even admitted it when confronted about it. I just mixed the two mods up in my head since they seemed to be working together on the troll account and ban tactic.

Yep, DronePuppet is the one who was caught running dozens of alt accounts. That's 100% proven and, as you said, he did indeed confirm it himself on multiple occasions.

As for Flytape, lots of people accused him of using alts over the years but there was never any evidence that I've seen and he always denied it.

I just mixed the two mods up in my head since they seemed to be working together on the troll account and ban tactic.

Yeah, they were always friendly with each other and shared some ideological leanings. They were also 2 of the 3 mods who were part of the "coup", or whatever you want to call it. And actually DronePuppet is one of the users who was often accused of being a "Flytape alt", although lots of people have been accused of that. Even I myself have been accused of being a flytape alt once or twice.

Are you flytape's alt? You seem to be eager to defend him.

Assuming you aren't just trolling, no I'm not. I have no need of alt accounts, I barely have enough time for just this one.

Very well.

Anyone remember the "April Fool's prank" where similar shit happened with JCP and they made up a big story about it afterwards? JCP seems like an OK moderator for this sub (so far), but it seems like every damn one of the mods here has been caught doing something shady at one point or another. That and the strange mod elections... Get your shit together guys. Having to read these mod drama things every other month is ridiculous.

Wasn't it a similar thing where JCP responded to something that looked like it should have been from flytape? And they called it an April fool's day joke.


I don't suppose there are any screenshots of this floating around still? I feel like it could be very relevant to this situation.

Thanks, I sort of remembered it but it's nice to have the actual thread! I still don't know what to think about all of this but the "April Fools" explanation back then seems about as convincing as the "He was drunk" excuse this time. If it was indeed a planned prank last time, it sure seems like a lot of people must have been in on it. There are quite a few people upset by it in the comments and pointing out other suspicious details.

How many people do you think needed to be in on it? Just us mods, a few of which said they didn't want to participate and asked to not be mentioned or involved at all.

Quite a few of the users in that thread caught on immediately and called us out for an April Fool's joke and so we just deleted all of those comments to hide them. It wasn't really too tough to pull off.

You can even see my comment in that thread as the top comment. Needless to say, nothing in that comment is or was serious at all. I understand your suspicion but in that case it really was just a prank. We realized afterwards that maybe an April Fool's joke on this sub wasn't a great idea since so many of the users here are suspicious and were freaking out about it, and you'll notice we haven't done any of that again when April comes around.

Well in addition to all of the mods, there are a few recognizable names in there who were either in on it or just believed it so completely that they are posting numerous comments about it throughout the thread. RMFN in particular pasted the same comment multiple times and is acting completely shocked by the accusations. I know he's part of the good ol' boys club and a troll now, but I don't know if that was the case back then.

Yeah RMFN was one of the first to guess it was a joke so since he knows the three of us mods who were involved, and because he likes messing around and having fun, he decided to jump in and play it up too.

likes messing around and having fun

I like that. It's such a cute, playful way of describing someone who constantly posts contradictory, partisan topics to bait people into fighting. One day he acts like a super racist, the next day he accuses people of being horrible racists. One day he rants against religion, the next day he's a religious zealot. One day he's a super progressive liberal, the next he is complaining about how degenerate trans and gay people are poisoning our children.

Fair enough. I'm not going to go to bat for him and I don't pretend to understand all of his antics, but I do believe there's a method to his madness. You're free to disagree with that of course.

Yeah, I'm sure there is a method to it, I just don't understand why it's allowed. He's been banned numerous times, had dozens of comments removed, dozens more approved even though they break the rules, and is not only allowed to keep doing it but is actually one of the so called "trusted members". I also saw the leaked conclave screenshots where he outright admitted to trolling and attempting to break the rules in the most creative way possible. That's why he calls people "chills" and "curly locks" instead of "shill" and "jew", as if that is somehow better. You might claim to not know or understand his motives, but all of the mods who approve of this behavior and allow it to continue sure do.

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Wild leaps in logic to a conclusion that is in no way merited

Sounds to me like you're just attacking the mods without any basis because you want to create suspicion. Whatever your reasoning or intent, you are acting exactly as a psy op agent would act.

I'm attacking the mods by agreeing with one of the mods.

Yeah okay but no.

You know JCP and Aleister do have similar writing styles.

Aleister banned me for 3 days for 'using slurs' by saying Jews had been disliked throughout human history.

I made a comment about it then had two other people DM me about Aleister and JCP banning them for talking about jews as well.

They [He] somehow snaked their [his] way into being a mod and has started trying to sneakily nuke discussion about jews. I could tell he had an agenda when he wouldn't directly answer my questions in modmail.

This is VERY interesting to me. I’m no one special, but I made a point to keep an eye on this sub and I came to this EXACT conclusion. That there is a mod, or multiple, with alt’s on the mod team. I don’t exactly have proof, as I originally came to the conclusion via pattern recognition, but JCP was one of my “suspects” if you will.

I figured that maybe someone had bought his account, though. Someone needs to do a deep dive on both histories of the accounts and find out just what is going on. With that being said, I kind of like JCP, because if memory serves me right, he was the guy I pitched the idea of transparent modmails to. (In order to avoid unjust bans, or mods ganging up on a user or ideas they didn’t like) and that policy was enacted soon after.

That policy came right before the “coup” led by that flytape fool, and thankfully due to having transparent modmail /r/conspiracy was able to see EXACTLY what went on. Which allowed the mods to fix everything without too much of a problem. However, one of the actions that implicated flytape and made him look guilty as fuck was his attempt to move the discussion of the “coup” to his own subreddit where modmails weren’t transparent. That sort of “proved intent” and that flytape was trying to subvert the sub. So if mods are using alts to communicate outside of this policy, that should also raise a ton of suspicion.

This is all really fascinating to me! I originally started keeping my eye on things after I suspected that Flytape was still on the mod team via an alt; now look where we’re at!

You are special, we all are, every conscious being is.

Well thanks, internet user. I truly appreciate that and how you are spreading the message far and wide!

Keep being you, okay?

Could you provide an example of your analysis?

This should have been part of the "transparency" post.

Fucking wow

shakes fist angrily at pork chops

This is why we can't have nice things

This whole situation has been very odd.

Thanks for the update.

Seeing how the number of mods has dropped recently and the community is growing, will there be a new wave of adds?

I nominate WarSanchez to be mod!

I don't

Need some good ol' boys like northblizzard, yellowsnow2 and RMFN amirite?

Certainly not any socialists, that's for damn sure.

(unless I'm thinking of a different user)

Fairly certain none of the current mods are anything close to Socialists.


I think that depends on what you define as a "Socialist". Some people would consider me a Socialist, because I believe in Universal HC and College/Trade funding- but I don't advocate for government control of the economy. There's a middle ground to be reached, and true Socialism (or Communism, for that matter) will never come about before the advent of automated post-scarcity and a societal shift towards a more social direction, imo.

2nd. If he'll take the job and was offered it would go a long way towards killing the meme that this is place was taken over by the_Donald users.


The Donald brigades too. Most of the new mods were picked in a secret place to be against TMOR.

But okay the only brigades are the ones against your personal ideology.

Most of the new mods were picked in a secret place to be against TMOR.

I'm a member of the conclave, so it's a bad idea to misrepresent what goes on there. Why do you appear to be defending a reddit that openly harasses and brigades r/conspiracy?

But okay the only brigades are the ones against your personal ideology.

Nice word twisting completely unsupported by anything you just said. Why are you changing the topic away from vote manipulation and brigading and making ridiculous leaps in logic to do so?

YOU'RE right. The liberals are out to get you. Be so afraid.

If you are a conclave member then I seriously questions the motives of that sub. You regularly break rules and accuse others of brigading your personal enemies.

Why is it you bend over backwards to defend clear corruption of the conspiracy subreddit? Bend over backwards to defend the president. Bend over backwards to attack people for your narrative.

You're one of the most obvious propagandists on this subreddit.

Your accusations mean shit when you're protected because you can screech TMOR bad

Attempts to redirect conversation into politics Attempts to redirect conversation into private subreddit that they know absolutely nothing about Attempts to redirect conversation to talk about Trump Personal attacks and butthurt abound

Why do you continue to refuse to talk about vote manipulation and brigading on reddit?

And why are you defending a subreddit that harasses us?

Are you a member of topminds?

Why do you refuse to talk about the cult of Trump brigading this sub daily with liberals are evil posts?

Why do you defend a subreddit that viciously uses propaganda and weaponized pedophilia accusations to demonize their political opponents?

Are you a member of greatawakening?

Why won't you stop talking about vote manipulation and brigading by topminds, and start talking about something divisive that will steer the discussion off course! REEEE!!


Nice deflection. The Donald and greatawaking brigade this sub.

Right after you stop deflecting and fully acknowledge the shilling efforts of western intelligence, David Brock, and the topminds brigades, I'd love to see whatever proof you think you have.

First of all there is no proof David Brock ever touched the conspiracy Reddit page.

I think you're mad that TMOR does brigade but get away because it's a bunch of banned users who aren't brigading but breaking the "rules" to participate with a new account.

I fully expect T_D and greatawaking people to do the same.

It's obvious you won't acknowledge the right wing anti liberal paid propaganda efforts because it's "your" side.

I don't see T_D or greatawakening doing anything to expose fuckery in conspiracy .

First of all there is no proof David Brock ever touched the conspiracy Reddit page.

Yes, there is. We've all seen them. And you're using the well-known disinformation tactic of denying the proof that Brock was active on reddit, and demanding the impossible proof of an article from a mockingbird media outlet describing which subreddit they were on.

I think you're mad that TMOR does brigade but get away because it's a bunch of banned users who aren't brigading but breaking the "rules" to participate with a new account.

Among other things.

I fully expect T_D and greatawaking people to do the same.

You expect or can prove that?

It's obvious you won't acknowledge the right wing anti liberal paid propaganda efforts because it's "your" side.

Implying that I lack critical thinking skills and am controlled by political partisanship without even attempting to prove this claim. Strange because you are the one showing lack of clear judgment caused by political affiliation because you can't stop talking about Trump and the right when it has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

You won't even acknowledge T_D and greatawakening brigade this sub. Your propaganda is a joke.

You mean a new wave of SPLC infiltrators?

Bad idea man.

The mod team messages read like the highschool student council drama. Would love to see if there can be some type of 3rd party (perhaps some /r/conspiracy users) to read through modmail and get to the bottom of this. A mod quitting out of the blue as well as accusations of sock puppetting is disconcerting.

Some sort of special council...

TMOR catches a lot of hell around here (often times rightfully), but they have no shortage of posts regarding shady things the mods have been accused of. So for anyone paying attention to other conspiracy related subs, this isn't "out of the blue".

TMOR catches a lot of hell around here (often times rightfully), but they have no shortage of posts regarding shady things the mods have been accused of. So for anyone paying attention in other conspiracy related subs, this isn't "out of the blue".

It is smoke and mirrors from TMOR, they are trying to overthrow honest mods here and replace them with their shills

so it's clear and proven this MOD is using another alt to MOD as well right?

this is considered a proven fact?

Not at all.

so what gives? it def looks pretty bad lol.

Looks like we got rid of a leak to me.

Aren't leaks good though? This is a sub with a lot of users that value transparency.

Aren't leaks good though? This is a sub with a lot of users that value transparency.


But when screenshots are misconstrued to look like what they are not, and spread to the mocking and brigadr subs as such as a form of Targetted Harassment, I would have to disagree with you.

I can agree with you on that being the case, with small samples being used in misleading ways. IDA seemed to feel that they were correct in their assumption, though with them gone who knows what else they might have to say on the subject. It sounded like they were trying to be a whistleblower, whatever the truth of the situation.

The larger mod discussion posted here shed a lot more light on it and gave more context to the reasoning behind what was going on, though obviously it won't be enough for some posters. If there were more leaks people might see more transparency and feel less distrustful, especially when there are things like /r/conspiracy_conclave that have made a lot of users wary.

Personally I hope for more leaks for similar reasons to wanting more leaks of emails and communications from politicians and lobbyists.

How exactly is the screenshot in question being misconstrued? Were the screenshots manipulated in some way? Are we missing some vital piece of the context here?

You only think /u/aleister forgot to seitch accounts is because thats what you've been told.

What it actually shows is him just replying to the most recent message in modmail - which happened to be himself.

But when you sprinkle in some doubt and post lies to tge subs that laugh and ridicule this place - it's a little easier to see what's really going on.

Do you have me confused with someone else? You claimed that the screenshot was being misconstrued, and I am wondering what exactly you mean by that.

All the other threads yesterday about this.

But reddit is for headline readers, not criticical thinkers.

I'm hoping the users here are willing to emtertain a couple of thoughts on this issue.

He replied to his own comment about having the same dinner as himself. Which looks a lot like someone who forgot to switch accounts.

You're trying to play it off as "what you've been told". And then you sprinkle in some doubt by saying you sprinkle in some doubt...

Come on man...LOL

What it actually shows is him just replying to the most recent message in modmail - which happened to be himself.

So you are suggesting he not only replied to himself... he forgot that HE was the one who posted the reply?

Come on man. This seems like you are giving the benefit of the doubt to the point of absurdity.

To be fair, I witnessed it when it happened and it looked shady as shit then. Nobody had to tell me it looked shady when it actually looked shady.

What it actually shows is him just replying to the most recent message in modmail - which happened to be himself.

So, we have mods here that can't remember or even recognize their own posts an hour after they post something? That doesn't seem like a good quality for a mod. How do they remember what they are doing on a day to day basis, much less adding the extra stress of modding a huge sub?

This was a shitty ban appeal modmail where I was immediately attacked for chiming in and I chose to deflect by talking about my dinner (if you actually read it).

This was between 4-7 pm on a random weekday where we do actually eat dinner and sometimes have a glass or two.

You seem to be under the impression that we work here.

We are an amalgamation of independenr contractors who happen to aparently mutually love the other white meat.

But believe what you want. We both understand it doesn't matter.

But believe what you want. We both understand it doesn't matter.

That's lovely.

It's great when the mods basically admit they won't be listening to the members

With all due respect. This is a borderline insulting answer.

A lot of folks here, myself included are seeing this for the first time today, and based on the screenshot it looks really suspicious.

Implying that the only reason for the overwhelming majority of users here feeling the same is because they were told to feel this way by another sub that nobody likes makes this seem even more suspicious.

Regardless of what the truth boils down to, it doesn't seem like establishing and maintaining the trust of the community here is a priority.

Sounds like you missed the last 48 hours and should try and catch up.

Guess I don't spend enough time on tmor to know what's going on around here

Nobody's perfect.

Regardless of what the truth boils down to, it doesn't seem like establishing and maintaining the trust of the community here is a priority.

This. And just in case you weren't certain this was true, /u/JamesColesPardon makes it incredibly clear in replies to this comment alone.

Look at the upvotes dude. You are absolutely right.

Moderator of r/Conspiracy is says "looks like we got rid of a leak".

Apparently there are things they don't want us knowing about?

Just wait until they tell us "it's a matter of national security" LMAO

Welcome to the heart of the conspiracy.

but didn't the leak show that you are using an alt account?

i'm genuinely curious. if definitely looks like that.

have you addressed the optics of this?

but didn't the leak show that you are using an alt account?

No. It just shows /u/aleister replying to his own comment in modmail.

i'm genuinely curious. if definitely looks like that.


have you addressed the optics of this?

All goes according to plan so far.

not going to lie dude.... it looks sketchy as all fuck.

people don't reply to their own messages as if they are having a back and forth conversation.

why does this interest me? because it's sketchy looking and the MODs are supposed to be on the look out for this shit - not participating in it.

All goes according to plan? What plan is that?

You are raising more questions through your answers here. You've been unhelpful.

All goes according to plan so far.

Well THAT'S not shady at all. Damn dude.

Like William Binney?


Why though? Do you think there's any sub on reddit that doesn't have mod alts? Even this one has several bot accounts, which are also...mod alts. Nothing in reddit's TOS indicates that you can't have alts, only that you're not supposed to ban evade with them as TMOR does.

Why though? Do you think there's any sub on reddit that doesn't have mod alts?

normalizing this is wrong. it also shows that use of alts is probably widespread. if this guy is going to use alts to banter (with himself) about making dinner... I'm positive he abuses the mod powers in other ways as well.

Aren't you also flytape?

No, but I got you all to think that at one time.


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I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

To be fair, that screenshot says April 1st. That's 1 chance out of 365 for there to be a good excuse, and it was because it was April fool's day. I remember when that happened.

Ya know, whether you are flytape or not, the fact that you admit to manipulating users on this sub seems very unbecoming of a mod.

That was an April Fool's prank 2.5 years ago.

That was just an April Fool's joke. This is just a drunk accident. Next time is, what, a nephew that got hold of your phone?

That was an April Fool's prank 2.5 years ago.

That was an April Fool's prank 2.5 years ago.

oh yah lol - you're a fucking genius pulling the wool over our eyes.

you think that gives you more credibility in this?

you are caught. admit it. you look like a huge liar.

Maybe this isn't the place to ask, but what the hell is TMOR? I see it mentioned a lot and have popped over there but could never make sense of what it was supposed to be.

Its a subreddit which is dedicated to briagding communities like /r/conspiracy on a 24/7 basis; mostly to undermine the ethos of free discussion which they feel has no place on reddit.

Setting aside the irony of their view in light of reddit co-founder Aaron Swartz's vision for the platform, they have crossed the line in terms of harassment and brigading so many times that the site admins have banned them from being able to use username pings in their comment section (which they would often user to harass users they disliked from other communities).

TMOR puts people they don't like on lists. I have been accused of being an alt of a r/conspiracy mod. Reddit obviously knows what is going on as the lists get passed around by the cool kids who mod dozens of defaults.

You guys have done a good job to combat brigading but when TMOR has lists there is not much you can do.

I have been accused of being an alt of a r/conspiracy mod

Me too! I'm on a couple of those lists, apparently.

I take it as a compliment, really.

Ok, that's pretty much what I had gathered but it seemed too pathetic for the amount of effort they seem to collectively muster.

"the site admins have banned them from being able to use username pings in their comment section (which they would often user to harass users they disliked from other communities)."

Oh my, I can only imagine the drama of impotent rage when that happened.

It's one of many astroturf subreddits with links to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)

r/TopMindsOfReddit (TMOR) and related subreddits were setup to explicitly target r/conspiracy with brigades.

Read this post:


Moris Dees is a founder of SPLC. Read these threads and articles they link to:


Interesting, I'll. Heck all that out.

Here's info about astroturfing, if you don't know what that is. (basically paid messaging)


I'm familiar with astroturfing but until more recently I never really believed it was actually effective. I think the consolidation of the internet (most people use mainly reddit, FB, Twitter, and Instagram, rather than the thousands of niche forums they used to frequent) is making it far more effective.

Well there's more to it than just astroturfing. That component is hidden paid messaging intended to influence and shape opinion.

There's another component though. Consider Reddit as a whole, admin of the site, then individual subreddits, autonomous communities where mods have complete and total control. The Admin and mod positions have ability to curate and remove content to promote content they want visible.

That power if not controlled by honest people is open for abuse. Hence the degradation of Reddit over the past 5+ years. As Reddit have grown larger and more popular, outside influencers have successfully infiltrated or bought mod positions on subs. These people are political operatives, public relations, and reputation management professional that are literally paid to push messages and protect clients all day long.

Not the SPLC, not even the Clinton Foundation, not even the Koch Brothers have the budget of the group that has already been busted astroturfing Reddit. The Pentagon. Yet they NEVER make the astroturfing suspects list. Why?

It's not paid, how about you focus on this subs conspiracy instead of making up your own?

Please feel free to discuss the situation below

The rules of this sub basically stop a free and open discussion from happening. Much like the "No Meta" tag stops lots of discussion because so few of us know what "No Meta" actually means and how it will be interpreted.

This isin't a no-meta thread though?

Also; we do certainly expect folks to follow the civility guidelines and other rules on the sidebar, but those rules exist to encourage discussion more so than anything else (as otherwise threads become nothing more than personal attacks and hostility, therein making reasoned discourse almost impossible).

The statement is two parts.

1: The rules of this sub basically stop a free and open discussion from happening.

2: Much like the "No Meta" tag stops lots of discussion because so few of us know what "No Meta" actually means and how it will be interpreted.

those rules exist to encourage discussion more so than anything else (as otherwise threads become nothing more than personal attacks and hostility, therein making reasoned discourse almost impossible).

It isn't the existence of the rules that is the issue. It is the perceived unequal way in which they are applied. Personal attacks are technically not allowed but the enforcement is rather spotty sometimes.

Rules 2,5, and 10 stops anyone from providing examples of this as linking to the posts of others has been considered by some to be staling in the past.

I recommend this sub have make a stickied sub in which anyone, including new posts, can post without worrying that they will be attacked for what they say.

Wow you didn’t use personal attacks or accuse them of supporting Trump. What’s wrong? Feel ok?

Where have I used personal attacks or accused people of supporting trump in the fashion that you are implying?

I believe he's saying that it's pretty wild you were able to form a rebuttal without doing any of those things.

Cool. I see that now. Thanks for smacking me in the head! :)

Any time :)

Interesting turn of events. Thanks for the update!

Never a dull moment eh?

LOL. No.

But they want us dulled, for sure.

Look at all the normal comments not criticizing the mods that are all sitting at -4, coincidentally the number where they disappear from view of those with default settings. And then notice how all the comments criticizing the mods have 50 upvotes.

The frauds are so cute when they're losing!

So, Jamescolespardon and alesteir are the same person, right? This thread is kinda confusing but that's the general story I'm picking up.


Dude, it's right there, we can all read. It's kinda weird you think we're here, on Reddit but we can't read. That would be pointless. The evidence clearly shows that you replied to yourself before switching accounts. Shit, I've done it too. We all have. You got busted. At least own it. You're a power mod who cheats with alt accounts. Your whole side does so no biggie...

Why lie? Oh, wait....

Dude, it's right there, we can all read. It's kinda weird you think we're here, on Reddit but we can't read. That would be pointless. The evidence clearly shows that you replied to yourself before switching accounts.

It shows aleister replied to his comment. Modmail is weird - oftentimes I reply to the most recent messagw to add to the conversation, not necessarily as a reply to the specific mod.

Shit, I've done it too. We all have. You got busted. At least own it. You're a power mod who cheats with alt accounts. Your whole side does so no biggie...

I don't have any alts.

Why lie? Oh, wait....

Edit:. Careful...make sure you're logged into the correct account before your reply...

Quoting for prosperity.

No. You replied to aleister comment, thinking you were logged into your Jamescolespardon account. Your mistake was that you were still logged in as aleister.

Unfortunately, as that DJ says

" Congrats, you played yerself "

You replied to aleister's (your) comment, thinking you were logged into your Jamescolespardon account

In no universe does that make any sense at all.

Yet somehow he's still being upvoted...


Stop the upvotes AT ALL COSTS!!

Is that the kind of shit you guys say in the Discord chat? Your projection is pretty revealing lol

In case you didn't notice... there's not army of users downvoting you after I called you out. But me and the user above sure keep getting downvoted.

you keep getting downvoted because you are playing fucking dumb.

anyone else caught doing this shit would be banned. using alts is actually "against the rules"

but here you are making excuses for someone too dumb to switch accounts before they answered themselves.

everyone here who has read the exchange knows what happened here.

stop playing so dumb.

A. I’ve 100% drunk reddited before and not remembered posting.

B. I’ve 100% accidentally replied to the wrong person before on mobile.

(And most importantly) C. I’ve been here for many years. Pretty much daily. I’ve interacted with most of the mods many times over the years. I’ve been a fan of JCP as a mod since the time I was just a lurker here, and consider him one of the best mods we have. I also know aleister. They are very different people. Different writing styles, different points of view. Not to mention, what in the hell would be the benefit to having two mod accounts? What would even be the end game?

The fact that you automatically jumped right to thinking I’m simply “playing dumb” should tell you something. Which one of us do you think has more background information to evaluate this situation, me or you? Which one of us is basing an opinion simply reading two chat logs? Which one of us is truly the one “playing dumb” here?

You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.

A. I’ve 100% drunk reddited before and not remembered posting.

B. I’ve 100% accidentally replied to the wrong person before on mobile.

(And most importantly) C. I’ve been here for many years. Pretty much daily. I’ve interacted with most of the mods many times over the years. I’ve been a fan of JCP as a mod since the time I was just a lurker here, and consider him one of the best mods we have. I also know aleister.

Ok so let me dissect this.

You are a drunk and you are equating replying to the wrong person with having a back and forth conversation with yourself... without noticing that you did it.

You "know" these people online yet you are equating that with knowing them as different people in "real life".

Pretty funny shit if you ask me.

I know exactly what I'm talking about. Nothing you have posted means shit to me and not a shred of it qualifies as "proof" of anything.

You are basically saying "trust me" and guess what? I don't owe you anything and you haven't earned my fucking trust.

I know what I read... and other users here know what they've read... this isn't a drunken mistake.

Please (for all of us) make a repost of you replying to yourself... you know... maybe scour your drunken posts? You are ridiculous.

You sound like a very miserable person.

because i don't feel like making dumb excuses for a clear liar?

that makes me miserable lol?

you've run your mouth attempting to "prove" this isn't what it appears to be... and you look silly for doing it.

just as a fun note - I've apparently upvoted you 56 times in the past so we agree on more than a few things... but you're wrong on this and it's a much bigger deal than you are making it out to be.


What exactly have I lied about that makes me a “clear liar”??

I didn’t try to “prove” anything other than the fact that I wasn’t “playing dumb”, I’m simply basing my opinion on more information than you are. That extra context changes the story, unquestionably.

Can you please explain to me why this is a much bigger deal than I’m making it out to be?

That extra context changes the story, unquestionably.

LOL maybe for you. No one believes you or the horse shit you are presently peddling.

Why is it a big deal? Uhhh maybe because as a MOD you are in a position of enforcing rules here. You know... the same rules this MOD is breaking himself.

This isn't rocket science.

You sound like a miserable person.

you sound like a crying idiot.

Rule 4.

You sound like a crying child. is that better u/JamesColesPardon lol??

Removed. Rule 4, 5.

First warning.

Why would someone bother self-replying about a meal though? There's no karma to gain from it, there's no agenda to push...


Oh. my. god.

JCP and IDA are deep-pork.

You're asking the wrong person. Ask Jamescolespardon / aleister. He's right here in this thread. He fucked up, not me.

Hey man, just trying to make a joke. We keep things too serious around here sometimes.

No. You replied to aleister's (your) comment, thinking you were logged into your Jamescolespardon account. Your mistake was that you were still logged in as aleister.

/u/aleister is not my account.

Unfortunately, as that DJ says

" Congrats, you played yerself "

Edit: This is absolutely fantastic watching someone lie their asses off in a fit of panic, like it has any effect on changing the truth. Lol!

You're never gonna believe this James Cole's, or aleister's...but no fucking joke, I HAD THE SAME MEAL AS MYSELF LAST NIGHT, TOO! This is getting weird.

Sounds like you're one of my alts, too.


Your whole side does so no biggie...

My curiosity is piqued. What is the side that you claim to be on?

The truth side. Cheating with alt accounts to Mod entire sub-reddits is not truthful.

It's cheating.

Isn't that the side everyone claims to be on? It's more of a cliched cop-out than an actual answer at this point.

Is it?

Did you make the rules for what's acceptable and what's a non-answer? Who are you even? Some lame-name guy on Reddit gonna judge my answer? Lol!

Here's the thing...as much as you hate it, it's my answer. It stands. Cry more. Or, get angry and insult me cause that'll prove your point.

Why would I insult you? I just commented on the cliched cop-out answer you gave to explain why you decided to attack another user here. You're allowed to stand by whatever answer you want, no matter how trope-ish it sounds. You have a wonderful day.

Attack another user? Is that what I did?


Yup, that's what it looks like. However, we're done here. I'm guessing getting the last word is important to you, so I'm more than happy to oblige. Feel free to post whatever silliness you want in response because I'm happy to allow it. Again, have a wonderful day.

The truth side. Cheating with alt accounts to Mod entire sub-reddits is not truthful.

It's cheating.

What I don't get is leaking a mod mail conversation to TMOR. That raises a flag in my mind and makes me question if the mod that did that was a paid plant.

SPLC is the anti-thesis of truth. They are the definition of cheaters with paid messaging and brigades intended to subvert discussion.

oh fuck me. your reasoning is akin to John Podesta's reasoning.

don't look at the leak - look at why it was leaked - right?

give me a break.

I looked at the leak.

I also question why leak to TMOR. TMOR is not an honest group, they are astroturf.

agreed about TMOR.

I don't think why or where it was leaked nearly as important as the leak itself.

do you agree with that?

From what I've seen, TMOR is the only place to discuss the mod abuses that happen in this sub. So I don't think the mod was a "paid plant", just a mod who tired of the bullshit.

you replied to yourself before switching accounts. Shit, I've done it too. We all have.

What? I've not done that. I'm guessing most users haven't. Maybe I was just missing the sarcasm? If so, I apologize.

I thought the same thing. You don't make multiple accounts unless you are fucking with the system.

I don't have two accounts either. Is that like a "thing"?

who cheats with alt accounts. Your whole side does so no biggie...

Me thinks thou doth protest a little too much, with a quick look at user profile.

After reading the modmail I'm not completely convinced of shenanigans. I've self-replied in private discussion with others before (not modmail) when i didn't get a fast response. Replying to yourself isn't conclusive proof of an alt.

Could more than 1 person in the world have had pork chops for dinner on the same night?

I've written comments like yours before barados and been banned instantly for "attacking the mod team" Nothing against you but you should be perma banned for that comment. I have been for less.

Please would you be kinda to point out the banable offence? Maybe copy it as the reply, to point which part of my response was anything other than the honest truth?

Your offence would be basically questioning a mod has said. Just saying, you can be banned for it.


You pussies are pathetic. Pick the argument and stick with it. You want mods to censor of you don't. You said that or you didn't.

It. Not. Hard.

No I didn't lmao. I don't want the mods to censor either, cunt. But the rules should be applied equally. If I get banned questioning a mod, you should be too.

You SHOULD be perma banned based on my experience on this sub. Get my point yet? Wasn't hard to see through my comment..

I should be? Or you SHOULDNT have been?

Are you your own person or you need a Mod to decide?

You cant even have this discussion in good faith. You edited your comments after the fact.

If you didn't cheat would you cry?

Yeah, I edited because I missed the word "what" in a sentence.

Do you think there's any sub on reddit that doesn't have mod alts? Even this one has several bot accounts, which are also...mod alts. Nothing in reddit's TOS indicates that you can't have alts, only that you're not supposed to ban evade with them as TMOR does.

This is my first on this sub and I have read the exchange thoroughly and tried to read each comment individually. I noticed they both spell pork chop differently and aleister seems lackadaisical in the reply, but then aleister returns to the thread sloshed, (but with perfect grammar) a recollection of the Swedish couple's discourse turning palpable and making the evening odd. Whatever to all that. My main issue is- if in a casual thread where each person can choose to reply or even partake: what would JCP be getting out of having a literal conversation with himself? Unless I'm missing something. It's either aleister or someone else who forgot to switch????

No, I don't see why you are getting confused, the explanation is in the OP

Jesus fuck be a sockpuppet replying literally every fucking post in the thread more.

Rule 4.

No abusive/threatening language.


For a sub where people are supposed to question everything, I find many people waaay too open to accept a shitty explanation just because they're told it's the truth.

Expand your horizons. You're looking at surface issues and missing the forest for the trees.

Expand your horizons. You're looking at surface issues and missing the forest for the trees.

That most of the mods appear to be shady as hell?

Think bigger. I'm not going to spell it out for you because that's not my place to do so. But consider recent leaks, TuMOR, CC, and all associated drama...there's bigger things going on.

So, Jamescolespardon and alesteir are the same person, right?

Are you the same person as all the other accounts that got a 50 upvote boost saying this exact same talking point? Or are you all brigading together?

I upvoted him/her. So only 49 or so are from a brigade.

I've also been having people DM me about these two banning them for talking about jews.

I myself was banned for 3 days for saying Jews have been disliked and banished throughout human history because Aleister claims Jew was a slur and against the rules.

These guys need outed.

Rule 10

Why am I not surprised.

How can this sub claim to keep transparency when we can't even openly discuss the shit going on in here?

I've modded with both for some time now and when this came up I did investigate it to see whether what Dino was saying was true or not. I came to the conclusion of no, they aren't the same person. I used the mod log and also looked at a private sub of ours to determine that /u/JamesColesPardon was in no way instrumental in him becoming a mod to begin with.

Also aleister is quite the techie and programmer while James never has shown any technical prowess.

Far as I can tell Dino was simply wrong about this.

Also aleister is quite the techie and programmer while James never has shown any technical prowess.

Shots fired!

I feel like I'm as effective as I need to be with a Nexus 5.

Can you imagine if I started getting some certs?

You can get a certification for knowing how to use a smart phone?

Sounds more like a participation trophy.

Is it possible that aleister is the alt account of the user in the modmail and not an alt of one of the mods? Maybe he was trying to reply to himself on his alt and messed up.

I believe Dino was a great mod. Sorry to see him leave. Ill bet he'll be back under alt. I hope so.

We're all Dino's alt. Most of all, you.

Plan A or B?

Pork Chop Gate

A nothingburger

Removed. Rule 6.

If you're trying to make a hashtag, type \#ThisIsAHashtag to get #ThisIsAHashtag.

Interesting. I've never got the impression aleister and JCP were the same, but bears watching.

IDA was one of the worst mods, useless and abusive, and he will not be missed.

I've never got the impression aleister and JCP were the same, but bears watching.

Same here, and also agreed.

Is there going to be any attempt to get aleister's drinking under control? If this is the official explanation of what's going on here, in addition to his bias as shown in the mod logs when it comes to enforcing the rules, that doesn't seem like a very great person to have in a mod role on this sub.

Says the guy with 1 post karma, 18 comment karma and has never posted to this sub until this very thread.

I post a bit but I was a lurker for a couple years. I don't think being a prolific poster means your opinion is more valuable.

30 points in an hour tho.

That's 1 up vote every 2 minutes. Is that an unreasonable pace on a subreddit with several posts a day hitting 2k+ upvotes?

And on a post that is literally stickied to the top as well.

I guess explains why OP is at a whopping zero.

There very well could be some users brigading, I'm not denying that. I'm just saying 30 points in one hour in a stickied post is not proof of a brigade. If that's all it took then you could be in every single front page post complaining about brigades.

Who happens to be need after the little symbol next to jamescolespardon's name.

What was his bias?

I know he would enforce bizarre interpretations of the rules. For example, a SS with 2 sentences, rather than 3 or more, he closed the thread. He closed the thread on a SS with two rhetorical questions rather than 2 sentences.

I can't remember if it was him or another mod who closed my thread where I had altered the title of the thread of the article I was linking to (ie. the mod was enforcing a r/politics rule).

But yeah I wonder whether drinking is an excuse for mods with agendas to ban key influences they don't like by arbitarily enforcing bizarre interpretations of the rules to antagonize said users.

And of course its against the rules to even call them out on this.

I think aleister has done a pretty fine job modding for this community. I liked them as a user before they were a mod and was happy to see them and the others brought in in the same mod cohort.

Not sure what bias you are referencing.

I liked them as a user before they were a mod

Is this an attempt at making a joke because of his multiple accounts?

I like it, take my updoot.

Nah. It's a genuine statement. Downvote all you want, I genuinely dgaf ;)

Puzzleheaded...something. Alts indeed. There's only one instance where using alts is banned on reddit, and that's for ban evasion.

So a guy broke the rules to expose a rule breaker and the other guy gets reinstated? Please explain how it's not better for the community that the original rule breaker receives no punishment at all?

So a guy broke the rules to expose a rule breaker and the other guy gets reinstated?

This isn't correct at all, I suggest re-reading the OP.

to expose a rule breaker

a self-reply isn't conclusive proof of an alt. It does look a little weird though.

What does look weird is a mod leaking modmail to TMOR, a sub affiliated with SPLC, which is known to brigade and infiltrate other subs.

a self-reply isn't conclusive proof of an alt. It does look a little weird though.

Especially if you take into account his other behavior.

Has the SPLC helped anyone get out of poverty, or are they too busy trying to label people?

I think you know the answer.

Given this is sitting on -5, seems they are likely here with us now and have been offended by your comment

My most controversial comment this month

It's interesting the parallels. Instead of being outraged at the action it's who leaked the information in the first place. It's exactly like democrats ignoring the DNC bias and attacking the source of the leak instead of the content.

I think both are equally important. The leak and what was leaked.

I'm pointing out that a r/conspiracy mod leaked to an astroturf subreddit affiliated an NGO known to infiltrate and target other subs.

That's a far cry from public info.

It would have been leaked to r/conspiracy but you know it would have been taken down.

Dusty exposed himself in his early days as a mod here, joining the enemy at critical moments, then trying to act as one of us again after. Seems like he has given up acting now posting on TopMinds, where he has probably been posting for years under another name. At least this now proves that people on this sub are not simply paranoid about infiltration, as the the TopMinds narrative goes

So a guy broke the rules to expose a rule breaker and the other guy gets reinstated?

No. And why are all of the top comments attacking the mods and all sitting at about 50 upvotes regardless of position on the page, age, or quality of comment?

Because there has been no shortage of weird mod behavior in this sub. It seems those that call it out are sometimes banned shortly thereafter, so this seems like an appropriate time to discuss without that risk.

Unless everyone in this thread gets banned (which wouldn’t be the first time such a thing has happened.)

Getting the exact same number of upvotes on a bunch of comments saying the exact same thing is perfectly normal

Take the gaslighting elsewhere.

TopMinds are with us up to their usual tricks

Because the explanation of I was drunk doesn’t really wash so about 50 or so more people upvoted it than downvoted it. It’s not like this sub doesn’t have a history of Mods with alts.

Because the explanation of I was drunk doesn’t really wash so about 50 or so more people upvoted it than downvoted it.

No. That's not why. Are you unaware of vote manipulation on reddit or are you defending or deflecting from it?

I’m aware that vote manipulation is a thing that happens. Are you aware that not everything you disagree with is astroturfing?

Are there some TMOR people here, sure. No doubt. Did I still upvote the comment because I don’t buy the mods explanation, you’re damn right I did. Upvotes don’t make me any more wrong or you any more right, but I’m not surprised a conspiracy about the mods is getting upvoted here. Maybe if they didn’t have their own private sub, or a history of multiple accounts, or a history putting things into contest mode unnecessarily, or some sketchy stickies from time to time they’d get more of a benefit of the doubt.

Are you aware that not everything you disagree with is astroturfing?

Now you're lying and saying that I think everyone who disagrees with me is astroturfing. Why are you lying?

Why won't you simply talk about the topic without using multiple disinformation and misdirection techniques?

You don't sound like a realr user here at all. If you are one, I suggest you read the disinformation handbook and stop acting exactly like the people who come here to disrupt, misdirect, and lie.

I didn’t lie, I asked you a question.

And don’t tell me to stay on subject, literally every comment of yours on here isn’t on the topic of the mods and is complaining about brigading. And then when I address your direct statements about brigading, because you won’t stay on topic (topic being mods explanation of a shady situation) you accuse me of lying and changing the subject. Christ man, I couldn’t be more on topic, while you seem to only care to deflect away from the mods.

So yes brigading happens. And this thread very may well be brigaded, it’s stickied, it’s meta, it’s about TMOR, it has all the earmarks if outside votes. You win. I also think the mods are sketchy here sometimes and things like the JCP Aleister thing doesnt help.

Also I’m not going anywhere no matter how much you want to be the gate keeper here.

Since you brought it up, and it’s a common retort in this sub, would you care to explain what a “real user” is?

Remember this? Unelected mods with no term limits or accountability ... what could go wrong?

Each day, r/conspiracy makes r/topmindsofreddit more powerful.

Please do not link directly to hate subreddits of that nature.


Implying that the problem is with us, not the COINTELPRO hate group that gang stalks and harasses people who have opinions they don't like.

When they get into mod positions is when he have a real issue. We need to out them asap

And replace them with who?

How do we really know a person isn't a deepstate shill or TMOR troll?

We won't. but if we keep getting rid of the deepstate shills and TMOR trolls, hopefully we'll be left with something better.

Shit, how about a vote to throw out corrupt mods?

Sure, there may be some good mods thrown out too, but judging by the downvotes in this thread, I'd say we have a pretty good chance of getting rid of the obvious ones.

The problem is that vote will never happen.

The power structure leaves the users with exactly dick all power except to try to get posts exposing bullshit to the front page, but even then, mods can just delete posts and perma-ban.

Huge problem. I hope Q fixes it.

A fire can't spread if it doesn't have any fuel.

Continuing to blame us by implying that if we didn't give them "fuel" they wouldn't bother us.


Lmao you giving me a definition of gaslighting... is you gaslighting lmfao

Continues string of comments accusing me of what you are doing

Did you have an actual point to make or are you just harassing me to defend topminds? Because that's definitely not welcome or allowed here, and you're a good deal more obvious than you seem to think.

The point was made when this thread was created. Lol I'm harassing you? You commented on my comment first! I wasn't defending tmor, either. Lol you just love to play the victim. Have fun.

Lol I'm harassing you?

Yes. You just sent me a private message that said

Fucking child. Grow the fuck up.

Care to explain why you're continuing to harass and make personal attacks here even when repeatedly redirected to talk about matters of substance?

Okay, Israel.

What's really funny is how other "normie" subs like r/insanepeoplefacebook will ban users just for commenting in r/Conspiracy or r/GreatAwakening.

Mods here could easily do the same to TMOR users and it would actually solve a problem.

IMO it's outright evidence and proof the mods don't give a shit about the sub.

Their post exposes their own guilty demeanor and they did it to themselves.

I'll take my perma-ban now.

IMO it's outright evidence and proof the majority of mods don't give a shit about the sub.

You lost me here. And then you went further

Their post exposes their own guilty demeanor and they did it to themselves.

So, you're claiming that mods don't care about the sub because they allow people to post here. But not only do they not care, it's intentional, because they have a "guilty demeanor" as proven by their awful act of... not banning everyone who posts on another sub.

The reaching here is Goebells-tier.

Your guilty demeanor comes from ALL of your actions and words, this is just one example of many.

There's a reason this stickied post is at 0, and it isn't because of some misunderstanding.

You fell for my bait, and attacked my strawman.

I didn't know if you were one of the "good mods" and it was an easy way of finding out.

You think we're stupid because we don't use fancy words to confuse the plebs, and you guys actually made a sticky post showing everyone how immature the mod team is.

I have to thank you for red-pilling the whole sub on Reddit corruption and manipulation.

The days of stupidity are numbered.

The autists want their world back.

Not only am I not a mod, but I can't stop laughing at the contortions you're making here to try to find some reason to avoid talking about the blatant vote manipulation and topminds brigade in this thread. Thanks again for giving concrete examples for the people who chalk this nonsense up to hapless trolls or idiots and not concerted efforts to divert the discussion.

Yeah somehow I thought you were a mod earlier.

Sorry for the misunderstanding.

I don't have any problem talking about TMOR or vote manipulation.

I've been trying to get that shit exposed for like 3 years.

I've posted hundreds of screencaps of graphs from RedditInsight's [Trackpost](www.redditinsight.com/#trackpost).

There are definitely some kind of shenanigans going on to keep the good red-pills off the front page.

There is some kind of algorithm that controls the score of certain posts or possibly ALL posts. Votes are weighted. New votes will show up on the graph in realtime until Reddit's "vote fuzzing" kicks in, which was explained by Reddit as a way to thwart bots trying to fuck with vote scores.

This also allows them to hide ALL new, because the graph goes +1 -1 every 2 seconds. Votes can easily be canceled out in realtime because they can always blame the -1 on the "vote fuzzing".

Lot's of problems here. Admins AND mods are implicated in corruption.

I brought this up the other day and some dude said.

"So you're of the school of flytape did nothing wrong"

So I looked into it and it looks like he tried to remove all the mods for this very reason.

Holy shit, flytape tried removing all other mods?

Can't say I blame him, if true.

At this point, the only one you truly know isn't compromised yourself.

This is a great idea. Why hasn't this been done yet?

Lol, getting rid of IDA eliminates 25% of the TMoR friendly mods.

True, that is a good thing. I honestly didn't know who he was til today.

Wouldn't it be a good idea for the mods to at least know each others' real identities?

Some of us do.

I'm thinking, maybe you should all know who all of you are. Especially in a sub like this one that attracts a certain level of paranoia, it might help you avoid these kinds of conflicts.

Is this the part where you tell me I shouldn't be paranoid about potentially beinf doxxed?

I get death threats on this site all the time (and moreso since they started Masstagging us).

Would you do that if our positions were swapped?

Well, no, but I'm a coward. I wouldn't even be a mod pseudonymously, and I avoid leadership positions IRL because I don't want anyone to notice me.


That's a shame because your name says you genuinesly want to explain and express yourself.

You’re absolutely right...I want to help people and I want to have an impact on my community, but I have a lot to lose, and I just don’t want to be hated by strangers. Maybe I’ll get over that some day.

Late response.

Hey man, i hear ya. Consider this though. At no time in this life is it your responsibilty to take care or ensure that everyone.....especially people you don't know, to have them all accept you.

That is not at all a reasonable expectation or requirement for you going on in life.

Strangers be damned! Besides you come across lime you're greatly concerned with that idea. You probably are very personally critical of yourself and you would probably conduct yourself just fine even though you over think it.

I think I know how you feel because I think I went through that similar process. Now, I have made my peace with the idea that I do not.and cannot possibly expect that I can please everyone. I definitely cannot please people I don't know and haven't even met. Those people do no think of me in any capacity.

You don't personally sit at home and stew about all the people you haven't met and would probably dislike and disavree with, do you? No. You.....like me....still have our own personal things you focus on and the vast majority of people who would be worthwhile speaking to.....won't be either.

Besides that....even if you managed to piss off some goofball you could speak to that person and clarify yourself and ensure there was no miscommunication.

I think I see what I went through and still worry about....but less so. I just like to say the things that helped me get on with life. I hope it applies and if not....well...its just some text on screen.

Take care out there.

What do you mean with a long standing history of not leaking, that sounds like there's a lot of stuff you don't want leaked, and are grading mods on their integrity like a msm news outlet would grade their "journalists".

I think it's a good question, deserves a answer.

I'm not thinking you mods are corrupt, just asking what I think a lot of people are thinking.

Ok, thanks for replying....

Another obvious brigade by TMoR

Pathetic and too obvious.

You mean aleister and jcp are not the same person D:?

Lol nice damage control, might aswell change your position to crisis actor

Reason #8309 why Reddit is circling the drain. Moronic, incompetent, power tripping, idealogue, probably mostly paid-off mods are out of control everywhere, clamping down on free speech and pushing their own narratives in its stead. This kind of Mod drama occurs regularly, subs get taken over and we have zero idea what is really going on or who these people are.

Regular users have zero recourse. We can't remove them when they tyrannize, selectively enforce their own rules, and hand out bans for anyone who attempts to call them out.

A handful of people have taken over and ruined this place, and conspiracy is no different. The mods refuse to do anything about the obvious brigading going on in here, and all of this constant mod shuffling and infighting is sketchy as fuck.

You presume this (or any) "public forum on private property" was ever anything but a controlled Department of Defense operation. Controlled opposition, controlled debate, controlled consensus, controlled narrative.

Reddit was started by 2 guys in their dorm room. It only became that way later once people started telling too much truth on it.

The very first post on reddit was a conspiracy post!

Ironically, some years later, it came back up, and someone left this fitting comment:

I no longer believe that Reddit can enrich my life. People can find better news, entertainment, and discussion elsewhere. Reddit is too full of low effort content, gross censorship of both useful and non-useful discourse, and the worst kinds of arguments. I advise everyone to leave and do something more productive with your lives.

Go read a book, learn a language, talk to a stranger, walk around your neighborhood, take a class, cook a meal, or play with your pet. If you're anything like me, you won't look back and consider the time on Reddit to be life well lived. I hope to see you out there.

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Reddit was started by 3 co-founders; Alexis Ohanian, Steve HUffman, and Aaron Swartz.

The site was incubated by those 3 co founders under the umbrella of a company called not a bug inc, which was itself being incubated by Paul graham thought a ycombinator summer camp in 2006.

This is a backup of the site for the company (as it was sadly taken off line recently)- https://web.archive.org/web/20071008183711/http://notabug.com/

Also here's a quote from Alexis himself, from a story that now seems to be scrubbed from the internet on its original URL (https://web.archive.org/web/*/startupstories.com/2006/11/29/passion-for-your-users-will-come-back-alexis-ohanian-co-founder/*), confirming Aaron Swartz was a co-founder of reddit;

"Paul wanted to give Aaron Swartz, another YC founder, a birthday gift in November. More than anything else, Aaron wanted co-founder so Paul suggested the 'merger'. Merger is probably a bit hyperbolic for what actually happened, Aaron basically moved in with us and we made him a co-founder."- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20339

This looks a lot like an alt account. Extremely shady.

after /u/aleister accidentally replied to his own modmail comment in the leaked modmail exchange.

Nobody's buying that this happened 'accidentally'. Nobody ever 'accidentally' replies to your own comment. How is a conspiracy sub supposed to function when the mod's themselves are conspiring against the sub? Seriously what the fuck if this sub had ANY integrity or deserved any respect before this it's all gone. This place has never been the same ever since it got The_Cancer.

How is a conspiracy sub supposed to function when the mods themselves are conspiring against the sub?

It does often seem that way.

This place has never been the same ever since it got The_Cancer.

Nice attempt at demotivation and division. This is a lame 2-year old talking point and it's never going to work. If you think this place sucks so bad and you're not just trying to demoralize everyone, prove it by leaving and never coming back.

There seems to be a lot of confusion as to how someone could possibly respond to their own message. Default modmail format is ordered chronologically and does not look like a comment thread out here. Mostly when I’m responding to modmail I reply to the last message that was made, regardless of who made it.

No one gives a shit how modmail is formatted. It's still ridiculous to reply to your own comment, especially in this particular context.

Since you moderate for this sub I'm sure you are aware of the context in which he replied to his own comment. It was obviously done on purpose.

/u/IntellisaurDinoAlien took that course of action because he was under the mistaken impression that /u/aleister was an alt of another mod on the team

Prohibited behavior

"Creating multiple accounts to evade punishment or avoid restrictions"

How many of the mods have alternative accounts that are known about?


Note that at least two of the moderators, /u/istilllkeme & /u/AssuredlyAThrowAway are the same person. Does he also have multiple alt accounts on the mod team of /r/Conspiracy?

Some of his accounts that were shadowbanned for vote manipulation are:






Proof of multiple shadowbans for vote manipulation:




Yet he's still a mod of /r/conspiracy. WTF???

What happened to the other reply that was here? It had a lot of upvotes.

... Ah, found it.

Do you think there's any sub on reddit that doesn't have mod alts? Even this one has several bot accounts, which are also...mod alts. Nothing in reddit's TOS indicates that you can't have alts, only that you're not supposed to ban evade with them as TMOR does.


Logged into a rarely used alt just to say this:

So a mod on here is obviously using an alt, and the mods are concerned that another mod leaked modmail. That's fucked up.

Shit like this is why I needed an alt. So I could say things like this.

This sub really needs to get its shit together.

Really, like, is there some content they are restricting from your view? What else is it this sub owes you exactly?

All involved should be removed.


I haven’t followed the mod drama over the years but holy shit looking into it some today it just looks like a bunch of partisan fighting and bickering that has gone on for awhile. The bias goes both ways and that’s not what you should get from a neutral mod team just enforcing the rules. The mods opinions come out way to strongly and the only way to stop it is to make a big change.

But that's not going to happen. This is reddit and no one owes anyone shit. You would prefer this sub to all be people that agreed with one another? Where would you find these perfectly politically neutral (and this is all about politics, it always is with your team) that all agree with each other to run this sub?

I don’t care if they fight or cuddle but when it comes to enforcing the rules they should be impartial. What they say and do outside of their duties is their own business. It sure looks like they mix their bias into their mod duties and that’s wrong.

Just move to r/greatawakening folks. This sub sadly, is infiltrated and compromised.

I've said this before on too many forums that have a similar theme. Yall complain about whatever individuals or groups that you don't like being corrupt in their positions of perceived leadership. Yet #you #cant #run #an #online #forum #without #being #corrupt #yourselves. I'd guess some would say "As above, so below", but to a degree I'd consider that a cop out. If you fancy yourselves leaders, act like it.

It's a Co-Co-Co-Co-Cointelpro World.

Where is the screenshot?

even if hes not alting... how can someone that cant recognize his own comment be trusted with mod powers? how long before the wrong comments get deleted or wrong people get banned?

What's this, 246 comments and 0 upvote balance. 48% upvoted. Very curious.

Timestamp 4:48 PM EST August 3 2018

Comparison of post times for the last three months. I don't see obvious patterns.


Hm, that's interesting. Would it be possible to do something similar with other mods, to see if there is an obvious alt? No idea if that's possible/not a huge waste of time.

I think we gonna need a subreddit to go more in depth with something like that. I'm thinking... r/conspiracy_council

A sub like this already exists

Really? What is it called?

I double checked, and the mods have publically talked about its existence. /r/conspiracy_conclave

Well this new one will involve zero conspiracy moderators.

Not a bad idea. I support all non rule breaking efforts to keep mods honest and to otherwise save this sub.

Only their alts?

PFT. The r/conspiracy moderators told me they don't have alts. C'mon would they lie?

This is weird. IDA never gave me an impression of TMOR though.

He's been missing forever right?

I suppose I can see how he may have mistaken for replying twice. But the weird Swedish anti-muslim propaganda is exactly what is expect from the mid who is going to ban me one day for his partisanship. It's nice to see what he thinks of others.

It’s not really propaganda. There’s even documentaries about Europeans saying parts of their home city don’t look like what it used to. Not really controversial or inciteful. People came over they ate and made statements.

Damn. The explanation for this seems sketchier than the offense and straight out of Westworld.

That doesn't look like anything to me...

Wasn't aleister the same person that was saying they would remove creq from the sub?

Can any mods confirm these screenshots.


I think I saw a removeddit version of those comment, so I am pretty sure they are legit.

I was there during that, no screenshots but I dropped into the digging a hole flytape YouTube stream when this discussion occurred.

Lol, this is advanced buisness that can't be discussed because of rule 10. Just do what you're told, k?

I am the user BayAreaFlyer that is mentioned in this conversation. They banned me for calling out a user in a thread. I was given no warning. The hypocritical mods have no business running this sub. We need new leadership and need it now!!!

Just tried to appeal my ban for blasting my name on this thread. Here is my message with response from awesome mod JamesColesPardon

re: You've been banned from participating in r/conspiracy to JamesColesPardon[M] via /r/conspiracy sent 12 minutes ago

Wow! Looks like you are popular!!! Thanks for blasting my SN everywhere. Your whole mod team should be disbanded, you more than anyone.

re: You've been banned from participating in r/conspiracy from JamesColesPardon [-14][M] via /r/conspiracy sent 3 minutes ago

You're welcome. Have a lovely weekend.

I don't know what this is about but lots of people get banned here. They make it public in the mod log


They banned me for calling out a user in a thread.

I gave you the benefit of doubt and checked your posts.

Get the fuck out of here and go back to your favorite subs r/politics r/Liberal r/The_Mueller. Fucking lowlife liberal scumbag.

This post hurt a lot of liberals feelings. Can't you losers go back to /politics and have your circle jerk there.

Your ban was 100% warranted and a comment like that would get anyone banned from most subs on Reddit. Being extremely toxic and calling it 'calling out a user' is lame.

If you think that's bias, try saying things like that about conservatives on here, you'll get banned as fast, if not faster.

Thanks for the transparency. I still have faith in you guys. The users, ehh.

Problem: He's drunk enough to not notice he's replying to himself... but not a single typo? IDA might have jumped the gun, but Aleister is suspicious as fuck.

So is jcp

This will 100% be brigaded.

Dino's hounds were on the right scent but were heading in the wrong direction.

Wait. Is this news to this sub? Y’all need to pay more attention to TMOR.

This is the silliest shit I’ve ever seen so many people take seriously.

It says IntellisaurDinoAlien deleted his own account twice....

Lol. Is that possible??

OMG, this is like suspicious! Like OMG! Totally not cool. You mods are doing something fishy. I can smell it! Looking at you Donna!

Removing /u/aleister for replying to himself seems extreme. Instead, he should be removed for using trivial or fictitious Rule 10,12, and/or 13 violations to promote the same agenda as the astroturfers that are attempting to destroy this sub.

I've been a member of r/conspiracy for 11 years. This sub has never been more compromised than it is now...and I get a sinking feeling that there are mods who are involved with it. The brigading here has never been worse. I have messaged mods during times of severe brigading when it was painfully obvious a received back bitchy replies telling me to prove it...WHAT!?...prove the obvious?? The mods ALLOW brigading to take place and destroy posts. They made no rules to combat it. Any mod worth their weight in salt KNOWS these threads are getting trashed by outside subs...but, at the same time they're gung ho on banning solid legitimate posts for the stupidest shit imaginable...Oh, ONE word in the title was all caps...it "reminded" them of a meme...if a mod has a personal problem with a post, they'll declare it's spam when it clearly is not.

So...not surprised at the drama and the personal mod agendas and manipulations...THAT is obvious too.

What specifically do you think we should do about brigading? We've reported it to the admins many times and received lukewarm/canned responses at best. We've experimented with locking threads, setting threads to contest mode, etc. reddit doesn't really provide many tools to fight brigades with.

When it becomes apparent that a post is in process of being brigaded, switching to contest mode or a mode that immediately shuts off the accumulative vote counts for the thread that's under attack would leave the thread of the post that is under attack in a more realistic perspective...rather than letting it go on to morph into some perverted version that TMOR would highly approve of.

There is a war against the truth...whether you want to believe it or not, r/conspiracy is one of the most highly surveilled forums on the internet... it is constantly under attack. I've been here over a decade and I've seen good times and bad times here. I've had pm's threatening me to shut up or else years ago...now, TMOR is fucking up r/conspiracy the same way they fuck up the conspiracy groups on digg....and just like then, the mods are letting it happen.

We've experimented with contest mode quite a bit over the last year or so. Personally I think it sucks because it makes actually tracking discussions/arguments very annoying to do because you constantly have to uncollapse comment threads, but we have tried it with varying levels of success. As far as switching it to "a mode that immediately shuts off the vote counts", what mode is that? All anyone has to do in order to get around it is turn off subreddit styles - there isn't any way to actually hide vote counts or prevent upvotes/downvotes.

There is a war against the truth...whether you want to believe it or not, r/conspiracy is one of the most highly surveilled forums on the internet... it is constantly under attack.

I do believe it. I've been a mod here for 3 or 4 years and was a user for a few years before that, I've seen it first hand for a while now.

and just like then, the mods are letting it happen.

How are we "letting it happen"? What solution do you have in mind?

Maybe you guys can tag a post as such when it becomes apparent that it is being brigaded. It's not right to leave an attacked post stay if it's making a joke of our sub! You have tags and rules for everything but brigading, I don't understand why the mods don't confront this issue when it's been such a serious ongoing problem..,that's why I'm suspicious.

We do tag posts sometimes but ultimately what does that really accomplish? The brigades are obvious when they occur, as you yourself have admitted, so who is the tag really for? I think most users of the sub who have been around for a while can spot a brigaded thread from a mile away whether we tag it or not.

Not to mention that tagging a thread doesn't actually do anything to prevent or slow down a brigade. I don't think that's much of a solution at all to the problem.

what is brigading?

Maybe you guys can tag a post as such when it becomes apparent that it is being brigaded. It's not right to leave an attacked post stay if it's making a joke of our sub! You have tags and rules for everything but brigading, I don't understand why the mods don't confront this issue when it's been such a serious ongoing problem..,that's why I'm suspicious.

It did sound delicious.

It did sound delicious. /u/aleister, can we get the recipe?

If you don't like rabbit I'll assume you don't like lamb as well. Which means we are on opposite sides of this issue.

Aren't leaks good though? This is a sub with a lot of users that value transparency.

but didn't the leak show that you are using an alt account?

i'm genuinely curious. if definitely looks like that.

have you addressed the optics of this?

In case you actually aren't aware, it's a reference to the TMOR (formerly conspiratard) crew had a subreddit setup where they would laugh at Rachel Corrie, an American activist who was run over by an armored IDF truck in Gaza. They would post memes and gifs of pancakes and laugh about it. These are the types of people we're dealing with.

Maybe some are... I can't say for sure...

But there is no D-Nine that at least some of their Core members have been utterly obsessed with pancakes

I'm not saying I believe that excuse, but if it is true I think the mod team has a bit of a drinking problem. How many times did Flytape go on weird midnight rants and ban sprees and then blame it on being drunk? I seem to recall other mods using the "drunk" excuse several times as well. Just my experience, but if I'm getting drunk at a dinner party with my wife and my Swedish friends I'm not going to spend the time Redditing. This whole situation is weird and this explanation isn't really making it any better.

Where have I used personal attacks or accused people of supporting trump in the fashion that you are implying?

Why would I insult you? I just commented on the cliched cop-out answer you gave to explain why you decided to attack another user here. You're allowed to stand by whatever answer you want, no matter how trope-ish it sounds. You have a wonderful day.

Yep, DronePuppet is the one who was caught running dozens of alt accounts. That's 100% proven and, as you said, he did indeed confirm it himself on multiple occasions.

As for Flytape, lots of people accused him of using alts over the years but there was never any evidence that I've seen and he always denied it.

I just mixed the two mods up in my head since they seemed to be working together on the troll account and ban tactic.

Yeah, they were always friendly with each other and shared some ideological leanings. They were also 2 of the 3 mods who were part of the "coup", or whatever you want to call it. And actually DronePuppet is one of the users who was often accused of being a "Flytape alt", although lots of people have been accused of that. Even I myself have been accused of being a flytape alt once or twice.

Like William Binney?

I had several reasons, but the main one was I found it pointless and a waist of time. It's just a constraint stream of complaints and debates over thousands of mod actions, right wrong or indifferent. It's the last thing I need in my life, and just a major distraction from things like family and work. I come to reddit for entertainment and different views on current events, and being a mod doesn't enhance that. It's selfish and self centered, but hey, fuck it, it's my life.


Need some good ol' boys like northblizzard, yellowsnow2 and RMFN amirite?

I thought the same thing. You don't make multiple accounts unless you are fucking with the system.

The frauds are so cute when they're losing!

I don't have two accounts either. Is that like a "thing"?

Continuing to blame us by implying that if we didn't give them "fuel" they wouldn't bother us.



Note that at least two of the moderators, /u/istilllkeme & /u/AssuredlyAThrowAway are the same person. Does he also have multiple alt accounts on the mod team of /r/Conspiracy?

Some of his accounts that were shadowbanned for vote manipulation are:






Proof of multiple shadowbans for vote manipulation:




Yet he's still a mod of /r/conspiracy. WTF???

Conspiracy conclave. Where they conspire against r/conspiracy

even if I disagreed with the whole election process.

Out of curiosity, what don't we agree on with regards to the election process?

Just the fact that it was done in secret by a select group of users who we are told are more important and trustworthy than the rest of us. I don't think the rest of us would have even seen the nominations if someone hadn't leaked the screenshots.

The fact that one of the new mods has been suspended by admins, you resigned, and now whatever is going on with this one makes me wonder if this really is the best selection process.

Oh god, sorry! And no, I haven't asked to join. I dislike the whole idea of a secret club, and it's not because I'm not in it. It's the same reason I got annoyed with /r/LegalAdvice. Once you have a special club of "approved" users, they get special treatment and can get away with almost anything. I doubt they'd invite me anyway. Two mods don't exactly like me, and I was included in that persona non grata list the conclave put together a while ago.

What happened to the other reply that was here? It had a lot of upvotes.

... Ah, found it.

Do you think there's any sub on reddit that doesn't have mod alts? Even this one has several bot accounts, which are also...mod alts. Nothing in reddit's TOS indicates that you can't have alts, only that you're not supposed to ban evade with them as TMOR does.

First of all there is no proof David Brock ever touched the conspiracy Reddit page.

I think you're mad that TMOR does brigade but get away because it's a bunch of banned users who aren't brigading but breaking the "rules" to participate with a new account.

I fully expect T_D and greatawaking people to do the same.

It's obvious you won't acknowledge the right wing anti liberal paid propaganda efforts because it's "your" side.

I don't see T_D or greatawakening doing anything to expose fuckery in conspiracy .

You presume this (or any) "public forum on private property" was ever anything but a controlled Department of Defense operation. Controlled opposition, controlled debate, controlled consensus, controlled narrative.

It's a Co-Co-Co-Co-Cointelpro World.

I didn’t lie, I asked you a question.

And don’t tell me to stay on subject, literally every comment of yours on here isn’t on the topic of the mods and is complaining about brigading. And then when I address your direct statements about brigading, because you won’t stay on topic (topic being mods explanation of a shady situation) you accuse me of lying and changing the subject. Christ man, I couldn’t be more on topic, while you seem to only care to deflect away from the mods.

So yes brigading happens. And this thread very may well be brigaded, it’s stickied, it’s meta, it’s about TMOR, it has all the earmarks if outside votes. You win. I also think the mods are sketchy here sometimes and things like the JCP Aleister thing doesnt help.

Also I’m not going anywhere no matter how much you want to be the gate keeper here.

This was a shitty ban appeal modmail where I was immediately attacked for chiming in and I chose to deflect by talking about my dinner (if you actually read it).

This was between 4-7 pm on a random weekday where we do actually eat dinner and sometimes have a glass or two.

You seem to be under the impression that we work here.

We are an amalgamation of independenr contractors who happen to aparently mutually love the other white meat.

But believe what you want. We both understand it doesn't matter.

Since you brought it up, and it’s a common retort in this sub, would you care to explain what a “real user” is?

Nobody's perfect.

...I honestly can't tell if you're getting the joke or not.