We need to all start a push to outlaw dual citizenship in congress and the Whitehouse. Also make lobby firms more regulated so all donors must be only American citizens. We lose our voice and power over our representatives when their interests are outside of our own.

1  2018-08-03 by showmeurboobsplznthx

The biggest thing about foreign meddling is a country can have a dual American citizen in Congress or the white house then have a string to pull. If you get enough in, you can have pull in America. Back that up with a huge lobby, and you can get a lot done in America. Countries conspire to do this and it needs to stop.




100% agree.

It'll be down voted to hell because of trolls but it's really a huge problem.

I agree entirely, I’m actually a dual citizen as well and I think it’s unethical for people in government to have them. I want to work for the State Dept. so I would give up my foreign citizenship out of principle. I’m heavily considering doing it since I feel no connection with my country of birth - I’ve been here since I was 3. But my mom... would start a dumpster fire haha

But to be honest, haha I went to Russia with my other passport without having to pay the $250 visa fee for Americans and I was awesome haha.

I think you should have to renounce it to serve. You must also remove yourself from debate on that country. You can give testimony, but not advocate towards their lobby

Most definitely. When I found out Ted Cruz was Canadian I nearly flipped my shit. How he was allowed to run for President is totally besides me. He wasn’t even born here.

Lol I was extremely confused about that. Did they change the law or was he just being a troll?

Haha no... they gave a bullshit technical answer. They claimed that the citizen act of 18382 (whatever year it was, 18something) transferred birth right nationality to the children of US citizen even if they were born abroad. Which I totally stand behind, that makes sense. You adopt the nationality of your parents - cool.

But in the constitution it’s written in such a way that it basically spells out that you have to be born here to qualify to be president. But he claimed that he was a natural born citizen through his US mom and that he could in fact run. Which I call bullshit, you have to be born here and that’s the way it has always been interpreted up until 30 minutes ago... haha one thing you have to give to Trump was his nicknames - Lying Ted hahaha.

Nice. Yea Ted is a turd. But Obama was really born in Hawaii. I lived right up the Manoa hill from the hospital and a guy in his 80s that walked his dog by my house brought it up that his wife was there and went to the same church as obamas mom.

It's also to note that the birther movement came from an Israeli report questioning it because Israel didn't like obamas stance on regional politics. Search Israel Obama and you'll see. It was an AIPAC cronies who started it all based on a report the Aman gave him questioning it.

Ahh good info! When this whole birthed thing came out I was still believing MSM 100% so I assumed they were giving him a hard time because he was black - not that I saw racism at every corner or anything but it came to my mind. Then a couple months ago I saw this video on it: https://youtu.be/2DEntS_iM3c and it seemed pretty interesting. I never did much research but it opened my eyes on “the other side” of you will.

I had a negative experience with AIPAC and this congresswoman i interned with. It was during the Iran Nuke deal and this congresswoman wanted to hold a debate about it and AIPAC called saying that if she held the debates they would protest her and call her out so she obviously backed out. Every since then, they’ve left a nasty taste in my mouth. Regardless of what you think about the Deal, we should debate it and talk about it without being threatened

Interesting video.

I know!! He has pretty good content but he can be a little too “slit my wrists and watch us all die” for my liking but he’s got good material.

No more gifts, trips, meals or cash from the lobby. Let them advance their objectives with presentations.

They need an elections channel. Make the candidates wear body cams to promote themselves. Force all campaign money into an open account that ever American can see money in and money out. We wouldn't ever have a fuck ass again.

This is an incredible idea. Nobody should be in a government leadership position with dual citizenship.

No dual citizenship.

No lawyers or anybody who has ever been in corporate management in political offices.

No lobbyists.

Death sentence for any person who breaks those rules.

There, I just fixed 99% of America's political problems.

62% upvoted, who would have guessed that securing our political climate would be so controversial.

It's Friday. Everyone's having fun except those getting paid or in foreign online influence rolls lol maybe not but it's funny to see everyone bitch about foreign involvement then blow this off.

I would have guessed it. I have seem numerous posts suggesting that political contrubutions be banned be downvoted into the oblivion.

100% agree

Why not ban all lobbying and political contributions? These processes exist to allow the will of the people to be bypassed.

Ding-ding-ding. You've hit the nail right on the head, which is why your comment will brigaded.

Then you probably don't want to start looking into who owns the Federal Reserve.

Cool it with the anti-Semitism, homeboy.


Semites are Arabs jews and Christians. Semitic are people who speek Arabic Hebrew and other Levant languages. So technically, trump is antisemitic by attacking Arabic speaking people.

I know. I get it.

I dropped the /s for this very reason!

Lol I was extremely confused about that. Did they change the law or was he just being a troll?

I know!! He has pretty good content but he can be a little too “slit my wrists and watch us all die” for my liking but he’s got good material.