I've discovered that i was unknowingly part of a test group for a government programme when i was a child. I found a document containing details of 'Worldwide Milk Fluoridation Programs'. The UK Milk Fluoridation Programme was first tested in my hometown with free milk every day in school, aged 4-11

1  2018-08-06 by LaneDash

We used to receive free milk everyday in school from the ages of 4 to 11. Its disgusting to think that this programme was directed at naive children who have no knowledge of the dangers of fluoride consumption, and no way to know they were part of an experiment.

Heres the document if anyone wants to check if they took part, it has the locations and details of fluoridation programmes that were carried out worldwide. document.

I was researching the toxic chemical fluoride and the reasons why some governments spend a lot of money to make sure its put in the tap water but in some other countries it is banned!

Article - Shocking Dangers Of Fluoride


After reading through that document i i found was shocked to see that my area was targeted in a government fluoridation programme. If you got milk in school it may be worth checking if you were part of a programme too.

You should start a class action law-suit.


Would op actually have a chance to win a law-suit like this?

Short answer: no.

Long answer: nooooooooooo

Exhibit A, this YouTube video...

You need to have damages that you can successfully prove are caused by what you are alleging to have a chance at a case succeeding. What are your damages?

Sorry, I thought my sarcasm was clear. Whenever someone starts telling me about fluoride they always link to some YouTube conspiracy channel so I can educate myself. And they're like "don't believe everything you read! Just believe everything this one guy and the other people in his echo chamber!"

Shit. Sorry! I did not catch the sarcasm at all.

It's okay, I probably should have put it in quotations

Don't know, I'm not a lawyer. In the US I would suspect not, but in the U.K. maybe. At least the negative press might have some positive outcome.

Yes. If he could prove harm.

silico-fluorites shown to fix “oppositional defiance disorder” in children

lol no.

go read the RHSA documents on fluoride, and what they used it for.

Are you not happy that you are teeth are healthier because of it?

Yeah, except that you’d need to drink an Olympic sized pool every hour to get the dosage of fluoride necessary to cause dental flourosis.

At my school they would bring one kiddie pool of fluoride for each kid.

Bubblegum or rootbeer flavored?

I don't know, once they gave us the injection and submerged us below ground everything started tasting metallic

Where are you getting that imformation? Singapore is the only country in the world that fluoridates 100% of their water supplyy, and similarly they have the highest prevalence of dental fluorosis on the globe.

So no, you don't need to consume an Olympic swimming pool-sized volume of fluoridated water to develop dental fluorosis - you just need to consume the standard fluoridated dose daily once the course of your adolescent development. Hell, you don't even have to live in Singapore to develop dental fluorosis. In any country that fluoridates any % of their water supply you'll encounter individuals exhibiting this, just look for the white spots on people's teeth.

Let’s turn that on its head, given that other countries that utilize similar levels of fluoridation have nowhere near the same rate of fluorosis.

Wait, he says Singapore is the only country who adds fluoride at those levels to all drinking water and you say other countries use similar levels?

Do those other countries also apply it to all of their drinking water or just part of it?

Other countries do not use similar levels. I'm not sure where that person is getting their information from, but it is inaccurate.

When I said level I meant percentage of fluoridation overall, which in Singapore's case is 100% of national water supply fluoridation at a level of 0.5ppm (down from 0.7ppm in 1958).

Just because you're incapable of reading context it's no reason to accuse somebody of lying. I've even stated that Singapore fluoridates at 0.5ppm in an earlier comment. Why so aggressive?

So, because there’s a larger (100%) portion of the counter fluoridated, that somehow increases the rate that individuals get fluorosis?

That doesn’t logically follow.

I don't understand what you mean by "counter fluoridated" sorry.

Fixed it.

Other countries use similar levels, including the US.

The US: https://amp.theguardian.com/environment/2015/apr/27/fluoride-levels-us-drinking-water-lowered-splotchy-teeth

.7 PPM

Singapore: https://www.moh.gov.sg/content/moh_web/home/pressRoom/Parliamentary_QA/2010/Water_fluoridation_to_prevent_dental_caries.html

.6 PPM

The difference is, in ~40% of the US, the water is naturally fluoridated enough that it’s not necessary to add any.

Actually water fluoridation has been either banned or discontinued in most countries in the world. That is no other country in the world that fluoridates their water supply at a rate of 100%.

You’re not really correct there.

Also, there are roughly 190 countries in the world. Your list is 13.

That’s not even touching the fact that of the countries you listed,

-Sweden is naturally fluoridated, and doesn’t need to fluoridate water. They didn’t “ban” anything other than adding extra, because some municipalities took it to 1.5 PPM.

-China is also naturally fluoridated, and is “banned” for a similar reason as above.

-Austria never considered it, due to naturally high fluoridation levels.

-Belgium passed laws to allow it, but hasn’t yet done so, due to naturally high fluoridation levels.

-Denmark has naturally high levels, but didn’t “reject” anything.

-France fluoridates salt, but you’re otherwise correct. Again, not rejected so much as not implemented.

-Greece you’re correct.

-India has incredibly high levels of natural fluoridation, similar to China, to the point of needing to reduce the levels. Hardly “rejected.”

-Japan does in school fluoride rinses.

-Latvia you’re correct.

Mexico you’re correct.

Norway has taken no action, not rejected.

The Netherlands you’re correct.

Croatia never did, so it’s not discontinued.

The Czech Republic does fluoridated table salt, otherwise you’re correct.

Finland is naturally fluoridated.

Germany you’re correct, though more to do with the fact that it ended during reunification than a policy plan.

Hungary had technical difficulties starting so they have not done so.

Kind of surprised people here don't know more about the hands of fluoride, even at "safe" doses. While there is benefit to topical application (toothpaste, mouthwash), there is no need to consume it. 50 studies have linked fluoride with reduced IQ in children, including a Harvard study.

If you'd like to know more, please visit the Fluoride Action Network website. Lots of research and scientific data available there. fluoridealert.org

After reading the doc, it doesn’t seem that bad

I think testing the effects of consuming a toxic chemical on children is pretty bad. If they knew there was no danger or negative effects then why did they feel a need to test it on a small group of children, why not just roll it out everywhere

I think that we can split the hair in 1,000 pieces, the substance was known to have good effects on teeth, however, they don’t want a sick population, nor to kill a hood amount of it, testing it on a small scale is the way to go

Did you or your parents agree? Probably not

Did they mess you up in some way? Probably not

Is it bad that they run these experiments on the public? Absolutely

In the end, we shouldn’t over exaggerate on some things

it just sucks being the victim, I know someone (an american) affected by agent orange.

youre crazy this is wrong100% and theres no excuse for it its impossible to over exaggerate


Have a quick google of dental fluorosis, turns out it is actually quite harmful on developing enamel.

Fluorosis is only damaging in extreme cases, and in fact in mild cases it can help fight bacterial decay

They would already know its safe. They would have already tested on animals and for safety in h*mans. They were most likely looking to see if it was beneficial.

No dude the government was controlling us and turning the frogs gay

Or trying to make a chronically ill easily controlled population that can’t afford access to healthcare. Fuck the poor right?

You realize fluoride isn't even remotely toxic in such low doses and was likely being used specifically because low income areas had no healthcare in an attempt to improve dental hygiene, right?

Dental hygiene my ass, why not dump it in humans rather than go through the process of safely disposing if it. Making money slowly poisoning populations with waste, go capitalism go

Who is profiting off anything, let alone nontoxic amounts of chemicals, being freely distributed?

Do you really think the most high level secret businessmen in the world couldn't find a way to sell people jugs of pure liquid fluoride if they wanted to? And that the way they were going to make the most money was by giving it away for free?

They save money by not having to dispose of a waste product safely. Instead give it to your local municipality to pump into your kids and loved ones. Feeling so free

Don't you think there are cheaper ways of avoiding the costs of disposing it safely? Like... digging a deep hole and pouring it there? Or... secretly pouring it in the ocean? Don't those sound cheaper and more practical than setting up a giant scheme in which the entire population of the world is fooled and willfully poisoned...?

They might be ‘cheaper’ if pouring it into the ground or ocean wasn’t extremely harmful to the environment. The lawsuits from people being harmed by it leaking into ground water in higher concentrations or killing natural life in the area. So yes, cheaper to dilute it and pump it into an ignorant population and run a PR campaign to have them thank you for it

That’s a really absurd argument.


They do you dumb fuck. FOR BABIES. GET EM EARLY!

Are you sincerely stupid or just trolling? Did you read the comment you replied to? You only proved my point that the government has nothing to gain by freely distributing fluoride when it could be sold for profit. I even emphasized the world 'FREELY.'

You look really stupid now; especially after calling me a dumb fuck.

Also in case you were wondering, it has been clearly demonstrated that fluoride prevents cavities in the teeth of children, and there has been a remarkable decline in the number of cavities in children in this country since tap water has been fluoridated and fluoride toothpaste has been introduced.

There is evidence of this and research done by professional doctors backing this up and actually none backing up that fluoride is dangerous in any way in such small amounts.

Dumb fuck.

In small amounts? It's in everything. You get a tiny bit in water, in food, in toothpaste, in your shower water, etc. Fluoride doesn't leave the body. It builds up and calcifies in the pineal gland. Dumb fuck.

doesn’t leave the body

That’s false. It doesn’t bioaccumulate.

calcifies in the pineal gland

Except that there’s no evidence to support that claim.

Nice three bs links.

Your first doesn’t prove anything you said, the second is a dead link, and the third again isn’t proving your point.

Link is fixed and they're all medical journals lmao. They're BS because you refuse to accept any ideas that challenge your own opinion/narrative of fluoride. Classic signs of a closed/fluoridated mind.

Something being published in a scientific journal is not an inherent sign of scientific backing. Especially because biomedcentral is an open-access publisher. It doesn’t do peer-review. The lancet neurology piece is a well-known debunked piece that wasn’t actually published in the full lancet because of the need to retract it.

The last link simply doesn’t prove your claim.

But sure, make a bullshit argument that I’m dumb because I had fluoridated drinking water as a child, instead of actually making a real argument.

Hahahahahahahahha holy fuck the mental gymnastics is so real. It's not legitimate sourcing unless it fits your narrative. It's not a a valid source unless it says fluoride is safe and harmless.

Nice job failing to even read my post.

Here’s one of several examinations of the lancet piece. This is a damn blog post because it was so hilariously wrong. https://now.tufts.edu/articles/fluoride-teeth-public-water-supply

Rule 10.

Thank god someone agrees with me here and has an education...

Rule 10.

Yeah your "Dumb fuck" link is flawed because it implies correlation equals causation... A very popular logical fallacy that has been used time and again to invalidate studies like these

Your second article is about lead, methylmercury, polychlorinated biphenyls, arsenic, and toluene and manganese, fluoride, chlorpyrifos, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, tetrachloroethylene, and the polybrominated diphenyl ethers. Do you know what it says about fluoride after it's mentioned once? Further characterisation of the dose–response association would be desirable. That means they don't have enough information to make a sound conclusion.

As for the last one, that sentence means they couldn't find a specific empirical study on adult men that met the exact guidelines they were asking for. It has nothing to do with fluoride being dangerous. At all.

So you linked one fundementally flawed study that received brutal peer reviews (you can read them on the site) and two irrelevant medical links that looked good without reading them. Alright.

But since you seem to be interested in facts now, here are some actual educational links:



How come the frogs leave all my messages on "Read"

Don't forget to drink your "medicine"

Oh hey, nonsense.

Can't read the document without downloading.

The group of test children consumed 200 ml milk each school day (about 200 days per year), containing 1.5 mg fluoride, while the control group received plain milk.

That's not too bad, really. It's stronger than the fluoride content used in civic water, but it's at 200 doses per year, it's about the same as drinking well water.

I can’t believe anyone would minimize this.

Because I understand fluoridation and how much it takes to cause toxic effects?

Yes, I minimize this because is close to half as much as is found in common toothpaste, or three litres of tap water in most cities, and far less than a treatment from a dentist. Everyone in the study would have been fine.

Sooo why put it there in the FIRST place?

Because they didn't fluoridate water or toothpaste, and not everyone could afford to go to the dentist. Most of these studies are from decades ago.

Fluoride in school milk is a good way to ensure every kids, regardless of economic status, get the fluoride treatment to prevent cavities. A study is done to check results and allow comparison to other methods of delivery. Might as well know if what you're doing is actually helping.

This is all routine. You need to take in quite a bit of fluoride before problems occur, and I'm pretty sure the milk jug challenge proved this delivery method is reasonably safe -- but I reckon tap water is easier for delivery.

I would agree but studies have shown drinking fluoride does nothing to help with cavities. Listen to what you’re saying, drinking a toxic substance and ingesting it in your stomach and bowels ISNT helping your teeth. Yes it may work in the dentist office in small quantitative but you don’t need to drink it. Listen to yourself. Drink a toxin to help prevent cavities? Is that even worth it?

I would agree but studies have shown drinking fluoride does nothing to help with cavities.

Uhh... we just were linked a study saying otherwise by the OP.

And there are tons of studies showing it has a strong effect on reducing tooth decay.

What studies are you citing?

Drink a toxin to help prevent cavities? Is that even worth it?

Yeah. Tooth decay fucking sucks.

It's also only toxic in the same way that everything else is toxic: if I give you a massive dose of nearly anything, it'll have a toxic effect. Water, oxygen, vitamins and minerals, they all will kill you if I give you enough.

I’m guessing we read different papers then, did you not read the dangers of fluoride?




I’m sure you’ll ignore it all and come up with a witty comeback. I won’t argue my point anymore. It’s pointless if you won’t help yourself.


...from a guy selling a book on the subject...

Who died of cancer, while pushing a "natural miracle cure".


An alternative medicine proponent...

Leaving one decent source:


The scientists also found “insufficient evidence” that fluoridation reduces tooth decay in adults (children excluded).

Well, there we go. Now we know why children's milk.

But what the actual study says is there haven't been enough studies since 1975 to determine what the effects of fluoride, starting new fluoride treatments, or stopping fluoride would do.

Really, the conclusion says nothing:

There is very little contemporary evidence, meeting the review's inclusion criteria, that has evaluated the effectiveness of water fluoridation for the prevention of caries.

The available data come predominantly from studies conducted prior to 1975, and indicate that water fluoridation is effective at reducing caries levels in both deciduous and permanent dentition in children. Our confidence in the size of the effect estimates is limited by the observational nature of the study designs, the high risk of bias within the studies and, importantly, the applicability of the evidence to current lifestyles. The decision to implement a water fluoridation programme relies upon an understanding of the population's oral health behaviour (e.g. use of fluoride toothpaste), the availability and uptake of other caries prevention strategies, their diet and consumption of tap water and the movement/migration of the population. There is insufficient evidence to determine whether water fluoridation results in a change in disparities in caries levels across SES. We did not identify any evidence, meeting the review's inclusion criteria, to determine the effectiveness of water fluoridation for preventing caries in adults.

There is insufficient information to determine the effect on caries levels of stopping water fluoridation programmes.

But it's also not saying that fluoride doesn't help.

They are saying there's been almost no quality research on fluoride since 1975.

Wow, simple minded. You made that conclusion for the milk with that evidence? Assumptions.

I’m sure you’ll ignore it all and come up with a witty comeback.

I'm trying to come up with a joke about projection, but I'm wondering if it'll go over your head.

Heh. Get it?

Fucking lol. Get a load of this guy.

Hmmmm, how can we dispose of all this toxic matter without having to spend a ton of money? LETS JUST SLOWLY FEED IT TO OUR POPULATION WITH A PROMISE OF BENEFIT!

And, yeah, fluoride does NOT prevent tooth decay.

And it bioaccumulates in the body so repeatedly taking a small dose is a bad idea.


A large study was conducted in New Zealand. There, the New Zealand National Health Service plan examined the teeth of every child in key age groups, and found that the teeth of children in non-fluoridated cities were slightly better than those in the fluoridated cities. (Colquhoun, J. "Child Dental Health Differences in New Zealand", Community Healthy Services, XI 85-90, 1987).

In 1995, neurotoxicologist and former Director of Toxicology at Forsyth Dental Center in Boston, Dr. Phyllis Mullenix, published research showing that fluoride built up in the brains of animals when exposed to moderate levels. Damage to the brain occurred and the behavior patterns of the animals were adversely effected. Offspring of pregnant animals receiving relatively low doses of fluoride showed permanent effects to the brain which were seen as hyperactivity (ADD-like symptoms). Young animals and adult animals given fluoride experienced the opposite effect -- hypoactivity or sluggishness. The toxic effects of fluoride on the central nervous system was subsequently confirmed by previously classified government research. Two new epidemiological studies which tend to confirm fluoride's neurotoxic effects on the brain have shown that children exposed to higher levels of fluoride have lower IQs.

Your link is just the same as the guy below; it’s total bullshit.

I laughed when I saw at the bottom the page "Source: Holistic Medicine" click it. It's his hook.

You copied and pasted from a dead holistic salesman.

Fluoride doesn't bioaccumulate -- not like lead at least. It comes out over time.

The dose of fluoride for neurotoxicity is much or higher than this.

This is just so untrue and a perfect example of confirmation bias. Try citing something reputable and maybe reading how fluoride actually works in the oral cavity. And just because something is a toxin...doesnt mean it cant be beneficial in low doses. See: Botulism mind you is THE most potent neurotoxin

Chill big dave

thats such bullshit then why not a make a rinse to spit out . you sound crazy

Because someone stupid is going to drink it and poison themselves. Chances are, it'll be a kid.

If we ration it in milk or water, the chances of actually poisoning yourself with fluoride is near zero: you can't retain that much water to overdose on the fluoride in it, and we're only going to give out one milk per day.

brutally naive maybe .. its a poison any amount of it is bad

No, someone told you it's a poison, then probably tried to sell you a water filter or a book about the dangers of fluoride.

It's an element, a chemical, just like everything else. It does all kinds of things. You shouldn't eat a phosphorous road flare, but your body needs phosphorous to live.

ok .. so? plenty of elements are also poisons

Yes. And so is water, if I give you too much.

The key here is too much.

the body requires water it doesnt require fluoride

The body doesn't require caffeine, but I still drink coffee. We don't strictly need antibiotics either, but understanding our these things work, we can make life better than just what nature demands.

You do realize that hospitals use drugs like fentanyl, which take very small quantities to kill a human, as part of their care routine for some patients, right?

Your body has roughy 4 grams of iron in it. 4 grams. Bump that up too much and what do you know, toxic effects!

Dosage is the key.

you keep dodging the point that fluoride has NO good dose the body wants none of it

I don't know why this reminds of a quote from Futurama.

I saw you looking at the atom. So, I look at lots of atoms.

Sodium fluoride (the kind that is added to our waters) is a waste product and is not the same as the naturally occurring calcium fluoride.

What do you think the difference is?

Do you think the fluorine atoms are different somehow?

Do you think sodium is really harmful, in the milligram dosage range?

Calcium fluoride is insoluble: that makes it bad for water treatment. I'm sure the calcium content would also be a problem for modern pipes.

The difference will be huge. It's a totally different compound, that will affect the body differently. No doubt about that. If you think otherwise, you are being severely disingenuous.

Waste products should not be getting put into our food and water. Simple as.

The difference will be huge. It's a totally different compound, that will affect the body differently.

Once fluoride is in the water, it's elemental fluoride in solution, plus either trace minerals of sodium, or trace minerals of calcium plus whatever the hell dissolved it. It's not a totally different compound by the time you get it.

I'll stick with the sodium, thank you. I'm a little more concerned about what you'd have to add to avoid scaling with calcium.

There's no difference, except the mineral content of your water. Sodium isn't a problem, our body can deal with that -- even needs some. But it really isn't much -- milligrams per liter.

Waste products should not be getting put into our food and water. Simple as that.

That's not how chemistry works.

It turns out, it doesn't matter once you can figure out how to play with the elements. You can make whatever you want, and it behaves the exact same way.

Sodium fluoride is not the same as calcium fluoride. Two totally different compounds.

Sodium fluoride also is not just sodium. Do you know how compounds work? As my previous message said, I think you are being very disingenuous if you cannot see that the two compounds are different, and will have different effects on the human body.

Waste products should not be getting put into our food and water. Simple as that. It's the only reason it's being added, is due to it being waste. Need to dispose of it somehow...

You seem to be repeating yourself, rather than providing any reasoning. So, I'll repeat myself.

No, there aren't the same. But, once dissolved in water, you get the fluoride all on its own, no matter which you start from. That's how dissolving things in water works: they break into their constituent elements.

And we've been doing things with waste products for centuries, because that's not how chemistry works. And this is the absolute shittiest way of disposing of it, because fluoridation requires absolutely tiny quantities of it.

Fluorine also has value as a feedstock for numerous chemical processes -- they never really needed a place to get rid of it.

I am repeating myself because it's obvious you are not listening to any reasoning.

Sodium fluoride is not the same as the naturally occurring calcium fluoride. They both react differently inside the body, because they are both different compounds with different elements present, so they cannot possibly react the same way.

Sorry but waste products from pesticides should not be getting added to our food or water. Crazy to think it's ok 'because past'...

Thank fuck I live in a country that does not add fluoride to our drinking water. Probably partly the reason we have the best tasting water in the world : )

Sodium fluoride is not the same as the naturally occurring calcium fluoride. They both react differently inside the body, because they are both different compounds with different elements present, so they cannot possibly react the same way.

Okay. But you can't drink calcium fluoride: it doesn't dissolve in water. You'd be drinking elemental fluoride, dissolved in water.

And no, they don't react differently in the body, because sodium fluoride actually dissolves in water, so you get sodium and fluoride seperately.

This is really simple chemistry, high school stuff.

Sorry but waste products from pesticides should not be getting added to our food or water. Crazy to think it's ok 'because past'...

Because past, because future, because reality: if you don't understand the chemistry, then please admit to it. There isn't a difference -- on an elemental level, it's the same isotopes, it's the same thing.

Thank fuck I live in a country that does not add fluoride to our drinking water. Probably partly the reason we have the best tasting water in the world : )

Eh... I don't know about that...

Calcium fluoride is naturally occurring in water. You only get sodium fluoride by creating it from processes like production of pesticides.

Even if sodium and fluoride separate their bonds in water (I find it a bit hard to believe...) then it's still not calcium fluoride then, is it? It's not the same compound as the naturally occurring fluoride, so it's not going to have the exact same reaction!!! Yes, this is very simple and basic high school stuff. Why do you think fluoride + sodium is the same as calcium fluoride and has the same effects??? It's not the same thing. Not in the slightest. It's got an element / half a compound correct, but even you should know that it's two totally different chemicals.

Yeah, my country does not add fluoride into our drinking water : )

calcium flouride is naturally occurring in water

No. Once again, it doesn’t dissolved in water. You can leech calcium from calcium flouride into the water, but that’s not the same thing.

I never said it disolves in water. I said it's naturally occurring while sodium fluoride is not. It's the other poster that says sodium fluoride can be broken apart by water, not me.

Calcium fluoride is naturally occurring in water. You only get sodium fluoride by creating it from processes like production of pesticides.

Once again: no. Calcium fluoride is a mineral found in the ground: it leeches fluoride into the water table.

Sodium fluoride is a pure form of fluoride produced by us. But elementally, there's no difference between the actual fluorine.

I know you're not drinking calcium fluoride, because it's a solid and can't be dissolved in water. You can't drink it, unless you feel like drinking sand.

Even if sodium and fluoride separate their bonds in water (I find it a bit hard to believe...) then it's still not calcium fluoride then, is it?

No. But neither is calcium fluoride by the time it's fluoride reaches you. I can't believe I have to keep repeating this: once dissolved in water, fluoride is no longer bound to the sodium or the calcium.

Yes, this is very simple and basic high school stuff. Why do you think fluoride + sodium is the same as calcium fluoride and has the same effects???

For the reasons I told you over and over again.

I'll say it one more time: once in solution in water, the fluorine is not connected to the calcium or the sodium. There is no difference once it reaches you.

Do you understand now?

Dose makes the poison.

Except you dont swallow toothpaste or flouride treatments from dentists.

No, but it gives you an idea of the scales. If you brush your teeth twice a day, you're going to ingest about this much fluoride, unless you manage to rinse like a champion.

And 3L of water isn't all that much -- not an unreasonable amount to drink on a hot day.

The amount is a bit on the high side, but it's no where close to the dangerous level.

Does that take into account the smaller size of children? 3L seems like a lot for a child.

(serious question.)

That's a fair point -- their recommended water intake would be lower; 1L - 1.5L is recommended for children in the age range for this study.

Based on that: it's a heavier treatment than we use in civic water, but still not enough to get into the ranges suggested by the Harvard study for toxicity.

Yes but then the kids would have to drink more water, which I understand from another thread is potentially riddled with fish pee!

Given that you aren't supposed to rinse when you brush your teeth, just spit thoroughly..

But what if you add that together? Drinks only water, brushes teeth twice per day, then add on this milk?

Most would get washed out with the urine from drinking all the water. Putting it in liquids we drink is kind of self-controlling, but that milk is definitely a bit on the strong side for today.

Unless you're swallowing your toothpaste, you don't need to worry about the fluoride.

No, it accummulates in the body. Gets absorbed into bone, etc.

And it comes out of bone again.

Scientist, or alphabet shill? Serious question

I can read scientific papers and I don't confuse them with advertisements.

This means a lot of the quack nonsense that gets passed off as conspiracy or alternative medicine doesn't take on me. I can tell when someone is pushing a book, useless natural supplements or cheap water filters.

Drink up brother. Some people don't drink the water or volunteer to ingest neurotoxins. Go ahead and do your fluoride smarty pants, but don't add misinformation.

Why? It’s in the drinking water many places.


That it being in the milk is mo different than being in the water coming from the tap

so did it work? hows your teeth?

good? or big book of british smiles?

Wow! Fluoride! ! Try being watched and digitallybmapped on an atomic level your whole life! Woah bro fluoride in the milk! Gtfo.

wtf are you talking about

Something you should know about.

Wow. Thanks for posting.

Your poor pineal gland :(

I’ve heard there are ways to fix that though, I have heard. I don’t have any science here, just friends who have done natural psychedelics who said it woke them up and seemingly opened their pineal gland.

I don’t think psychedelics would help physical damage too much but still a good idea.

Well, I think the idea is it makes new neural pathways that may have fatigued over time. Just like a stroke victim relearning speech, this too might work in this way, and we do know that psychedelics do increase and create new neural pathways. The brain has its ways.

Yes, the potential of neural plasticity and psychedelics is something that needs a lot more research. I’m very hopeful in the ways that they can help us.

Me too. I only recently have been considering trying this, for what I guess the term would be “spiritual” purposes. There are ‘shamans’ or people who assist those in using psychedelics not for recreation but for deeper understanding of the universe type thing in my area. It’s all very wild stuff, but I think I should at least try it to see for myself.

Have you ever taken a psychedelic? I would highly recommend it. I’ve always wanted to have an experience with a shaman as I think it could be very beneficial. Where you live if you don’t mind me asking where you have these kinds of people?

Guides are ubiquitous. Get really dosed and start walking. You'll find one or one will find you.

One time I was tripping on shrooms just walking around and a kitten came out of the darkness randomly and followed me all the way back to my house. Guess, I’ll have to try it again.

One time on shrooms I followed a cat that had been following me. It was skittish at first but eventually it led me down a little path to a riverbank. Middle-of-the-city-creek-like, but strangely quiet; although the road was just there where I'd left it with the traffic and all. As I was considering how my here and now could be so serene given all that surrounded me that cat winked at me. I laughed at myself and my worries.

One of my 3 cat winks at me all the time. It's cute.

Agreed, Shamanic psychedelic experience is a bucket list item, i would love to have one guided trip or ceremony in my lifetime.

Not who you asked however I'm in Florida and in Orlando they have Spirit Quest "church" where you donate money and have an ayahuasca journey with a shaman for 2 nights with a counseling session the mornings after for about 250$

Thank you, very much! I was wondering about this the other day.

I have. It was interesting and very mind opening.

Psyches made me a communist.

Fluoride doesn't damage the pineal gland as I remember, it calcifies it.

I would like to argue against that. DMT helped me with some leg problems, As after "a friend" tackled me seven or so years ago, my ankle went completely out, I popped it back in, no doctor(my mistake), and everything up to my hips went out of whack(but then, again, to be in whack doesn't sound good either, in fact, to be out of whack, is to not have whack, so I think it's pretty whack that we use whacklessness as a means to call things whack), and my other leg slowly did the same too, by weight compensation.

Eventually I got tired of anyone trying to make money off of my pain, or delay healing by not scratching passed the surface of "professional" assumptions.

On two separate occasions, I asked, tended to, and focused on the experience as a work order rather than a roulette wheel. Once alone in as private as could be, and once at a music festival(though to this day, I swear that batch, was not powerful, clump powder full of oxide's, instead of pures, just a random tryptamine fest), while the alone time can not be mistaken or replaced by any experience on this earth, the second one probably could have been taken for a low level LSD trip that doesn't take you far past the "glowing trails, HD/4k imagery", but doesn't get you close to the " melting everything" levels a high dose could get you to.

Anyways, the first time was thee most prominent, my feet/leg damages were apparent to me, as I had gone to venues, wanted to dance, but my two left feet refused. Eventually I got a nice batch from a fellow, more yellow white crystals than rusty whites(plus the rusty colored ones happened linearly after the yellow ones, which I believe are the actual DMT-oxides), and was outside in a backyard, listening to some bouncy bass freeform music, and a golden aura took to me and took me out of me in the most peaceful, yet, invigorating stunt I've seen in a DMT trip. Several of me's were split. Not like a disorder, but versions from timelines, but probably not that technical. Anyways it was important to note that while the main me was sitting on concrete, this energy seeped into me, and I felt they were all me, and this warming energy snaked into my leg muscles, and I hadn't felt so energetic since the first time I enjoyed psilocybe mushrooms and ran on those.

To be so connected in that moment without feeling forced to fuse or defuse into anything was what sold me. I had asked, and I had received.

There was no alien extraction like my first trip, meeting a blue skinned lady with a severed headed necklace of fallen men... Wooooo!!! (That one was riveting)

Since then, I'm still not totally untwisted, but I definitely have more flexibility, and was encouraged to "Bruce Lee" myself out of my debilitation. (His spinal injury led Doctors to say he would never be able to walk, etc, again, HE of course, proved them wrong)

Never give up on your goals, aim for uncharted territory, that's the only way we discover what's new anyways!!!

Sorry bro I just took some DMT and I mixed with some mushrooms just to be sure, I got in touch with the higher consciousness and they are saying your theory is incorrect. It was merely a placebo. And by the way I agree with you I'm just passing on the message, they said they are around for a few more hours of you want to dose again they'll meet you at McDonald's if you want

Never once did I say it was a theory.

Relaying an experience doesn't call for your typical placebo downplay maneuver.

Nice try though.


Vitamin K2 helps decalcify all soft tissues, including the pineal gland.

Iodine supplements can help decalcify your pineal gland, as can cutting out meat and dairy from your diet (especially red meat). Couple that with regular exercise, mindful mediation practice, maybe the occasional use of psychedelic compounds to give your brain a "jump start" in the right direction, and you're golden!

Would ketamine do the same thing?

That definitely helps but it's not a fix. Not drinking fluoridated water and not eating food that's been cooked with fluoridated water is easily the best way to reverse any damage done. Also, definitely unscientific, you can sun your eyes within the first hour after sunrise and before sunset. It's perfectly safe to look directly at the sun at those low angles. This, apparently, breaks up the fluoride in small amounts because your pineal gland has photoreceptors just like your normal eyes do. Abd it's actually good for your eyes.

Iodine supplements supposedly help

I would laugh if someone invented a vaccine to prevent fluoride from entering your system. A lot of people wouldn't know what hill to die on. Could name it after Buzz Aldrin just to cover some more bases

Is that even real ?

The pineal gland is real it produces melatonin. Is it the seat of the soul? Eh up for debate.

There are binaural beats to decalcify the pineal gland. The vibration is supposed to vibrate the gland and decalcify in the process.

But if your dad works at Nintendo you can just get the cheat code to unlock the gland

Put a game shark on that gland and call it a day.

That was my first move, but I had problems getting through Airport Security. They said it was the drugs but I knew that was TSA code to send me through the machine for recalcification. I travel by cargo ship mostly now. But I bring plenty of nutrient rich Vitamin Water

Some day maybe you'll be a dad and get cheat codes of your own and can really lean out those plans.

Oh look, this pseudoscience nonsense.

It's to protect your brain from the draco reptoids!

I remember them passing out fluoride every morning in my elementary school. I can still taste the bubblegum flavor...

No you don't. That never happened? It's a bitter taste if anything, not bubblegum. Why are you lying?

dentists have flavored fluoride, i’ve had it, too.

Duh, they put the fluoride in the bubblegum, which has, you know, a "bubble gum" flavour.

Lol you dick

Have you ever been to a dentist..?

Why don’t you shut your cock holster? That’s what I remember you stupid cunt.

I don’t completely understand your statement. “That never happened?”

I’m going to assume the question mark is a typo. You probably were one of those kids that swallowed to much fluoride and toothpaste. It’s funny how something I remember is not right cause YOU don’t remember it that way or your school was even more broke and didn’t give you flavored fluoride. That’s how the world is these days I guess, little bitches whining cause only their opinion matters.

Go drink some more fluoride...

Same here.

What do you mean? Did they force you to take it? Give you a reason to take it? Any context to it at all?

at my school it was for anyone who had well water since they werent getting the municipals "dosages"

Oh yea we had the pink “swish” bullshit. Tastes awful. But by now I’m 31, lived off of city h20 my entire life, go to the dentist twice a year, brush my teeth with fluoride paste. I’m more than likely at least 3%floride. I’m screwed

Sometimes I wonder if it’s why I’m so lazy. But also I may just be a lazy person.


me 2

Could that be a trait attributed to fluoride? Genuinely curious

It can be. They say fluoride is responsible for almost every fluoride conspiracy theory. And the more fluoride you've consumed, the more likely you are to believe it

In my school your parents had to sign a permission slip to let your child do do that.

That was every school.

Even on penis inspection day?

Yep, same here. I think my parents lied and said we were good even though we were on well water.

Oh shit that makes sense, we all had well water where I grew up.

I grew up drinking from an artesian well. I believe the lack of fluoride helped to shape my thought process as I get older. Most people have been consuming fluoride all their lives and appear to be oblivious.


There's only one thing separating me from Einstein, and that's this time when I was younger and accidentally drank from the wrong tap. RIP Free Thought

I still can't believe people can follow and accept the CONSUMPTION of a TOPICAL TREATMENT.

Do people think eating sunscreen or lotion will help their skin health?
Do people think swallowing the eye drops will clear up their eye irritation?

Fluoride kills living shit. It can actually be helpful to oral health. Who the fuck stands at their sink and gargles water to get the benefit? I have never understood how this is ignored. I have seen a product called 'nursery water' for infants. It has added fluoride for oral health. For infants. Without teeth. To ingest. For their oral health...

We were told it was good for your teeth in the 90s. I really hated the taste.

I've never been inclined to look a gift cow in the mouth personally. Flavoured, plain, diet - come to Papa!

Elementary school which was years ago, I don’t remember them telling us anything but I do remember them pushing a cart around with trays of little shot cups of it during the morning announcements.

I was talking to a couple of friends about this the other day, one had never heard of it and the other knew exactly what I was talking about. I just assumed that all schools did this. We decided that it was really just the rural/poor counties that participated. We rotated between bubblegum and root beer flavored.

Portland did it in the early ‘90s. I don’t remember how often, but I clearly remember it in my lower-middle class school district.

We’re also one of the only cities that doesn’t fluoridate the water, so I’m not horribly surprised.


Yeah, Oregon.


We were given a bottle of milk every morning break at primary school in Northern Ireland. Can I safely assume it was fluoride?

normal milk

Half and half

I did it in elementary in well off Orange County.

How old are you because orange wasn't always well off

30s. Orange County, CA... Not Orange County, FL.

Oh shit I grew up near Santa Ana /Orange County city line. Glad my parents homeschooled me during my early years.

I think Santa Ana is in Orange County... But yeah, Santa Ana isn't the greatest... OC definitely has bad areas... But OC bad areas are more like European bad neighborhoods... Not proper bad.

Yeah don't know about the downvotes, my family is from City of orange CA circa 1965 wasn't a well to do area lol

Ahhh back in the day when it was all orange groves lol. I still hear the elders talk about it.

Oh man I remember this. This was back in 2001. I was about 5 or 6. We had a dental health lady come by teaching us how to brush our teeth and floss through song. And then she advertised the fluoride pill and how delicious it is while also strengthening your teeth. All the other kids would brag about how good the cherry flavor is since I forgot to get my permission slip signed. I remember it clearly. She would come by, with her bottle and the kids would line up, one by one she would place a pill in their mouth. I lived in a well off area but there were a lot of lower middle class type apartment homes area where I lived in, so the school mainly consisted of lower income family children.

oh my goodness- the fluoride pill!! I grew up in NC and we were given tons of free fluoride pills

Im from Newport Beach they did this as well early 2000's

I had forgotten, but they did this in my state as well. WV.

What year, curious also in wv

Also waiting for this answer

I would say 90-94.

I’m in rural Maine. Three days a week, swish and spit back in the cup. Bubble gum, root beer, and berry flavors. It makes me sick to think about it.

were you or your friends affected by the consumption?

S. Maine here. What county if you don't mind? I'm starting an investigation on voat if you're interested. Re Maine.


Interesting! its good to hear, share a link

were you or your friends affected by the consumption?

Military too. My dad was stationed in Okinawa in the 90s and I distinctly remember, my first day in class, base elementary school making us do fluoride swishes. I was either in kindergarten or first grade. I swallowed the fluoride not knowing what it was, and that I was supposed to spit it out after a certain amount of time. Needless to say I was sick to my stomach that morning.

Places with public water just add the fluoride directly to the water supply. Rural/poor communities are usually don't have public water and are on wells.

They told us it would stick to plaque on your teeth so you knew who needed to brush better.

Those were the red tablets that came with a free little toothbrush and paste pack at my school. They were pretty tasty- the idea was to chew them before bedtime so you'd see how bad you needed to brush- but by the end of class everybody had red smiles, because...free 'candy'....

I remember them shits too lol

OMG I remember the red tablets! They came in little bluish green cellophane wrappers.

It wasnt every morning for us... more like once every two months and you didnt swallow it you swished it around like mouthwash

At my school it wasn't every morning, (that was the pledge of allegiance!) but they'd regularly roll out a cart, a big pump bottle of flouride 'swish' and paper cups for everyone in the class about once a month. I don't remember any kids not doing it or any option to decline or get a written opt-out. I hated it. It ground the day to an intrusive distracting halt. It was creepy and 'forced'as far as I recall, and how I felt about it.

Our 'mouthwash' was sickly green and vaguely mint, but not in a cleansing way. Yes, we were rural country kids all on well water, but none of us had bad teeth. There were other programs in place to give us free toothbrushes and toothpaste too, so why we did this every couple weeks just totally reeks of a mandatory poisoning/intelligence-inhibiting program to cover young people not getting fluoridated.

Hell I remember kids straight up drinking the stuff. You were supposed to swish for like a full minute or two(!) then spit it back into your cup and someone would collect them in the trash but so often kids would not have anything to spit out.

I hated it. And remembering it makes me uncomfortable as hell

Wtf was the alleged advantage of doing this?

They say now it was because rural kids with well water didn't get the 'advantage' of fluoridated city water, or that we were a bunch of cave people that didn't brush our teeth, but to be honest we were never told why as kids other than 'it was good for us'

Because you were children?

Plus if they figured it was harmless, kids would be wondering "how come he has to drink it and I don't? Is the government trying to poison the people who are a tax burden? Is that why don't have good health care system? Are they keeping it inefficient for the masses in case they ever need to do a large scale "cleansing?" If only the internet was invented, I'd go watch some conspiracy videos on YouTube."

The actual advantage is lowered rates of tooth decay.

which is paid for by paying customers, no advantage for US govt to reduce tooth decay.

dentist lobby would prefer more tooth decay too. and that is how US govt policy is dictated. by money influenced lobby groups.

what and where is the method by which fluoride influences mouth bacteria.

no advantage for US govt

Ever heard of any social program ever?

that is how US govt policy is dictated

Nowadays. Not nearly so much in the 1940s, when fluoridation became standard practice.

what and where is the method


This is exactly how it was when I was in elementary.

Interesting to see my personal recollection get downvoted now and then.... I guess there are some people that consider this program fine and normal, both when it happened and in retrospect? Government always knows best to some I guess, but I didn't think that was the case here at r/conspiracy

It's not really a conspiracy as an implemented government program that you were ignorant of. They didn't give you AIDS in your milk to see how the disease would progress under the guise of fluoride. They gave you fluoride for your teeth. I have a number of dentists and hygienists in my family so getting fluoride didn't really come off as a covert government operation to us.

"Because that's just the way it is done" is never an acceptable answer to someone that feels misled and violated. You guys know now that it doesn't actually have a benefit right?

Except that it does, though?

It’s almost like dosage is a thing. Hmm.

oh it is... if its in the water, in the drugs, in the mouthwash, in the toothpaste, in the cleaning supplies, in the "wood preservatives" how much contact do you think you come into? now imagine already being prescribed to the drug.

slow toxicity is a thing. the outside environmental factors are not taken into account in a lab controlled experiment, let's not fuck around.

That argument only works if it bioaccumulates, which it doesn’t.

so it winks out of existence? does matter disappear? or does it sink down into the aquifers?

No, but that doesn’t make it accumulate in the body.

it does if it sinks down into the aforementioned aquifers, which we use daily, in one form or another for cooking, cleaning, eating, drinking and bathing. are you being intentionally obtuse, i wonder?

No, it doesn’t. That’s not how biomechanics work.

that's not how refutation works

we are being trolled

Nah man it's pretty well established the very low levels of fluoride in our water help your teeth. And be more pissed at your parents then the government for participating. They didn't just not tell people they were doing this hence why it isn't a conspiracy. You're entitled to your feelings lol, I'm just saying this does not fit the literal definition of a conspiracy.

This is EXACTLY how it was in my school growing up. It was during morning announcements and most of the time it was the nurses who pushed the cart around of little shot cups of it. They told you to swish it around for 1 minutes then spit it out. All of us were on well water.

Geez, it makes you wonder if doing it in the morning may have been a way to numb or dull you to be more docile throughout the day. Say your pledge and drink the fluoride. I certainly don't remember the swish happening at my school every day- it was a little spaced out but felt random enough that we were always surprised when it happened- it was spaced out but felt random enough that we were always surprised when it happened- but I would be interested to know if there were schools where that happened daily. My school was in such a Podunk nonexistent Georgia town that probably this (and other programs we didn't even know about) or ways to guarantee federal or state funding. Shit, people still don't believe me that square dancing was a mandatory part of PE class. That and dodgeball. First you get paired up by the state and then you get whittled down into factions based on physicality.

My school sounds like yours, we did square dancing, learner how to drive a tractor in middle school, our PE teachers were the varsity football coaches so we did anything that would be considered violent the days lol. Playing bulldog, dodgeball, wrestling, etc. I actually am thankful for all that but fuck the fluoride regime.

Learning to drive the tractors sounds cool – I guess there was 4H club for that where I was. Our PE teacher was also the football coach, and I remember he would literally hit and throw kids around if they weren't dancing properly. It was whispered around by the girls that he may have been a molester as well, but he died before any of that came out.

As for farming, I wish they had taught us more about it – I see the importance in it now.

Yeah, no. It’s not dumbing you down.

And square dancing was mandatory in PE.

We had a toothpaste experiment - "Free toothpaste!"

It was called "Castle toothpaste" - with a purple castle logo on it. In the UK, Wales I think.

Back then they were probably trying to turn the frogs gay - I think they worked it out.

I totally forgot they used to do this. Every morning. Those little plastic shot glasses.

Holy shit... I lives in rural MN in the 90s and I remember them passing out these tubes of flavored toothpaste type shit with bubble gum, grape and other weird flavors. Memories just came flooding back.

what? They gave it to you every morning? What year was this?

My dentist had bubblegum flavor flouride but he literally would say that it was bad for you and only recommended a rinse once every 3 visits or so... this was as long as I can remember so like 25+ years.

I feel like it was every other morning to be honest, but I do remember times where it happened more than one day. This was about 24 years ago so I can’t remember fully but I know for sure it wasn’t everyday but like a spurt of days. Now that I think of it, it’s kind of scary to think about.

Crazy- I've watched the votes on your simple statement swing up and down over 40 points in the last 30 mins. Why is your memory so divisive to some?

No idea, they are the ones that swallowed the fluoride probably.

Oh grow up.

Correct the Fluoride Record! Put it in the food pyramid.


I remover this at public schools in rural Ohio, they called it “swish”. We weren’t lucky enough to have bubble gum flavoring, I remember it being a bitter green substance. I transferred to a less poor school and none of my new class mates had ever heard of such a thing.

They were just passing around some home brew to slow you down

Wtf... drinks iodine frantically

injects black pepper diluted into RO water

Fluoridation of water under the guise of added dental protection is what we get suckered by here in New Zealand. We also have that free milk for schools but New Zealand dairy products are the best in the world but I will be looking into this to see if it is indeed fluoridated milk.

Fluoxetine is the drug name. There is Fluorine in there, but saying it is the main ingredient is disingenuous.

The town I was born in had fluoride in the drinking water. Was great for my teeth, but once we moved away I started getting cavities.

I found that growing up w flouridated water, it was easier to avoid cavities than without flouridated water. I don't think there is a rebound effect.

I lived in Texas with fluoride teeth did great, soon as moved to California cavities started. It might rebound.

Wow! Fucking fluoride against your will. Although this neurotoxin calcified the pineal gland, I would highly recommend research and trying ormus aka monoatomic gold. It helps with decalcification amongst other things.

lol purestrain gold

This is nonsense.

According to you?

No, basic science.

This is nothing, if you where around in the 70's they tested chemical weapons on the public !

I have always consumed fluoridated tap water, personally I prefer it. However, I don’t think it’s okay to give it to the unwilling, even if it’s safe. I’m sorry you didn’t know about it at the time :/

Yeah it's safe and good for your teeth, at the proper dose. As someone said above, it's the dose, not the flouride itself thats the issue.

Are you sure? There have been studies indicating fluoride in water doesn't help.

There’s plenty that say it does, and usually from more reputable sources.

Why look at the reputable sources when there are less reputable sources that will confirm what I already believe to be true? That way I can say I'm a free thinker - I'm free to think what I want so basically I believe everything that guy said in the YouTube video I watched a couple years ago and don't remember the details of.


This data comes from the CDC and the WHO. Yes, the data, not the CDC's biased conclusions. By the way, the CDC also supports circumcision with flimsy evidence. They are not impeccable.

That link shows that correlation between fluoridation and reduced cavities does not equal causation, because countries that did not fluoridate had the same reduction in cavities. It's probably from greater access to dental hygiene over time as that is a common factor.

Authorities are not God. They are men, corruptible, fallible men. When we integrate their unbacked or poorly backed claims as truth, we let them decide for us the content of our own minds. Why not just ask questions and think on your own? You don't have to disbelieve authorities, just question them when you think they might be wrong, even just privately. How can you look like a fool to your own self alone?

The clowns who are demonstrably wrong? Join them if you don't want to think. They could use some advice on looking more intelligent without the actual attribute. Just trust authority and blame authority when they turn out to be wrong rather than trying to fix their errors. It keeps you looking intelligent without the expenditure of mental effort. Look at how well it works on reddit.

(You is rhetorical and not intended to target anyone specifically)

Luckily flouride is relatively harmless in low doses and I really hope they didnt put enough flouride in the milk to be able to harm, especially a child's drink. Hopefully very well diluted.

Its not right that you were part of a study unknowingly though. There might be some legal recourse available...worth a show if you can afford a lawyer consultation.

No children should consume any quantity of neurotoxin. I don't care the dosage wait till they are older and not as susceptible to development disorders.

Neurotoxins like sugar.

That’s a meaningless and incredibly dumb statement.

Oxygen is a neurotoxin at high enough levels.

Almost nowhere is it more evident that the benefits provided by oral fluoridation far outweigh the health risks of the fluoride used.

Facts don't care about your feelings.

Lead is relatively harmless in small doses. I really hope they didn't put enough lead in paint/petrol/etc to be harmful, especially in children's toys. Hopefully well diluted.

It's not just about dilution. It's also about repeated/prolonged exposure.
It's not just the fluoride in the drinking water, but also the fluoride in the toothpaste, in the food you eat (in the meat that was reared drinking fluoridated water and eating plants that were watered with fluoridated water, and later had fluoridated water added to it to increase the weight before going to market), in the shower water that gets absorbed into your skin as the heat opens up your pores, and in every other method and way that fluoride/fluoridated water can make it into your system.

No, because lead isn’t absorbed by the body, and excreted. Fluoride is.

Proof that fluoride is excreted?
Also, would you be happy consuming neurotoxic chemicals just because some guy on the Internet told you that you poo them out in the end so it's fine, despite their being no real long-term benefit to the consumption of it in the first place?

Fluoride doesn’t bioaccumulate, so yes, it is excreted.

That’s basic level science.

neurotoxic chemicals

Lol. Fluoride at the level that’s present in drinking water is no more neurotoxic than the formaldehyde in an apple.

no real long-term benefit

That’s just a blatant lie. Decreased rate of tooth decay to a massive degree is a solid benefit.

Thanks for the source on that claim /s

Oh, you mean the link in the post?

Yeah water is flourided here, and nobody is sick from it. Very low concentration. Good for your teeth. However they should not be giving it to kids secretly.

When you get the big flouride wash from the dentist, they put a suction tube in so you can't swallow it because that much could make you sick.

Yeahhh just because it’s not being attributed to fluoride yet doesn’t mean the harm is non existent. Lived with fluoridated water in my childhood and my family developed many auto immune diseases and hormone imbalances. Felt so much better personally after moving to a town that doesn’t fluoridate their water

There are many other possible causes you may be ignoring. Anecdote=\=Causation

Yeah thats true, but are all anecdotes irrelevant? No. No need to be patronizing about a disagreement, drink fluoride if you believe it to be safe, but there are consequences

No one was patronizing but you. Pointing out a fallacious argument should be a sign that I'm trying to contribute. Please don't misunderstand.

Thanks, you too! Prior comments shouldn't matter. Each should be evaluated for its own merit. No patronization intended. Apologies if it came across as such.

Was the original post on this thread not anecdotal enough for you to comment?

Good for your teeth.

show us the scientific studies.

The Nazis didn't use it, thats been debunked.


And yes the website is terrible, I apologize beforehand.

Luckily flouride is relatively harmless in low doses

how low is the dose when its in your drinking water, toothpaste, milk, and any food you cook with that tap water?

It’s still hilariously low.

At the level that’s present in water, you’d need to drink an Olympic pool’s worth of water every hour for roughly 70 years, or whatever the current expected lifespan is. It’s somewhere near that.

must be why so many other countries are banning it

Oh hey, more falsehoods.

It actually is banned in many countries or just not used, so its not a falsehood, some nations beleive it does nothing for tooth decay and that other ways of stopping tooth decay naturally.

Some countries it depends on the area also, some are strictly against it, some just don't see a reason to add it.

The countries that use it outweigh the countries that don't but him saying many have banned it isn't a far stretch since in the last couple years some have actually, google it.

That’s simply not a true statement.

Not used is not the same as banned.


Continental Europe’s the only major group that doesn’t, and it’s because they put it in milk instead.

Belgium, China(30 years it has been banned here), Germany, Denmark, Sweden, etc...some have rejected, some have banned, like I said most have not but many have.

depends on areas also: http://fluoridealert.org/content/communities/

It's a pretty big debate in many areas, I am not for or against as I am unsure myself, I would have to do a lot more research before I came to my own conclusion.

A lot of those places have flouridized salt...

Belgium, Germany, and Sweden all have fluoridated milk instead. Not really a difference there. Not sure about Denmark.


China has high levels of fluoride in the water already, to the point of needing defluoridization.

Still not even close to toxic levels. There's iron in just about everything too and too much iron is toxic yet no one thinks iron is poisoning the masses


Remember the dose makes the poison. And while I'm not a huge supporter of fluoridated water supplies, I do think there is little harm based on the low amount actually used. Now the question is, what were the doses used in all the milk?

what's the point of including it at all then? theres no benefit to it

Yes, there is. Reduced rates of tooth decay.

it softens your teeth..

If you overdose on it, it can cause streaking, but not softening.


Scientific fact.

Saying those words doesn't remove that fact that it's false dogma.

Yeah, that’s a website for a guy who’s selling a pseudoscience book. Some others have already tried citing it. It’s nonsense.

Your link contained no science. Just unsubstantiated dogma. You're attacking the messenger, which is intellectually dishonest. No surprise there, as anyone who wishes to "mass medicate" without permission of your victims is without morals or ethics.

Now you’re simply lying, so I don’t see a reason to continue pointing out the facts.

Nice try.

Fluoridation is UNETHICAL because:

1) It violates the individual’s right to informed consent to medication.

2) The municipality cannot control the dose of the patient.

3) The municipality cannot track each individual’s response.

4) It ignores the fact that some people are more vulnerable to fluoride’s toxic effects than others. Some people will suffer while others may benefit.

5) It violates the Nuremberg code for human experimentation.

Water fluoridation started at a time when asbestos lined our pipes, lead was added to gasoline, PCBs filled our transformers and DDT was deemed so “safe and effective” that officials felt no qualms spraying kids in school classrooms and seated at picnic tables.


Unethical? Lol.

  1. Yeah, no. In many places, it’s naturally occurring in the water anyway. That’s a bs argument.

  2. That’s absurd. You cannot physically drink enough to make yourself ill.

  3. Meaningless argument due to the low dosage.

  4. [citation needed]

  5. That’s not even close to a thing.

And did you read your Newsweek piece? The woman who decided said she willfully ignored the doctors and refused to let even people who wanted it to have fluoridated water.

No, actually, the CDC and some other trusted authorities just look no further beyond the assumed causation from the correlation between fluoride and tooth decay. Comparing fluoridated and nonfluoridated countries shows this causal relationship assumption to be in error. The data comes from the CDC and the WHO.


Yeah, that’s a great source that totally has no bias.

It's the CDC and the WHO.

Admit you just bow before perceived authority. They are citing the data from authorities you trust, yet you cannot be bothered to look at it unless an authority you trust presents it to you with their own conclusions about it.

I am not at all surprised by your predictable response. I saw it coming and tried to word my post to prevent it, but alas, you can lead a man to data, but you can't make him think.

Are you now going to claim that the data is inaccurately cited without evidence?

It's so easy to do. We're all waiting for you. Let's go!

Nah, I don’t have to.


What the CDC failed to mention is that tooth decay rates have “precipitously declined” in all western countries, irrespective of whether the country ever fluoridated its water. Indeed, most western countries do not fluoridate their water and yet their tooth decay rates have declined at the same rate as the U.S. and other fluoridated countries

Is a blatant lie. So...

Um, no, you lie. Three I worked just as hard as you.

We had the bubble gum flavored stuff passed out at school back in 06-08, back when I lived on a military base

Could be worse, you could live in a country where you bathe in it, cook from it and drink from it.

You mean a good one?

Fluoridesville, OH

try doing some solar-gazing to decalcify your pineal gland. godspeed.

You are mentally ill.

Or damage your retina and overall eyesight. Might need a source on the pineap photosynthesis


holy fuck I drunk this too

I dislike articles like the one linked, not because any of the sources they use, but because they feel the need to use sleazy sentences like: "fluoride is toxic. In fact, the number one reason for poison control calls concerning fluoride are for children who’ve eaten toothpaste"

Let's break down why the author wrote that sentence. At first glance, to someone skim-reading the article, the point appears to be that the most frequent calls to poison control are from children consuming flouride.

But actually, all that's being said is of the calls to poison control which involved flouride most of them were children who had eaten toothpaste. Of course this will be the case, as concerned parents will rightly call poison control if their future-nobel-laureate child eats an entire tube of toothpaste, and children are unlikely to be exposed to toxic levels from any other sources.

So, if the facts are as solid as the author claims them to be, they should stand alone without any literary trickery.

yeah I agree. I'm immediately turned off by articles with a blatant agenda/bias.

I subbed here because I have interest in MK Ultra or 9/11 and more evidence based conspiracies but it seems 99% of the posts here are are from people holding "THE END IS NIGH" signs while shouting THE WATER IS TURNING THE FROGS GAY... all while using the people saying THE LIZARD PEOPLE ARE CONTROLLING SPACE as valid quotable researchers and evidence.

I mean is "testing" the medical effects of safe completely nontoxic doses of fluoride in kids without consent fucked up? Yeah, arguably. Why can't we leave it at that though? Does that mean the government was trying to shut down their third eye and block their chakras? fuck off.

He did not mentioned if his mother has consent.

That's true; someone on this thread said the students at his school needed permission slips so it fully well could have been consensual anyway.

Not arguably, it is fucked up. And with how little humans know of the pineal gland and spirit, perhaps you should fuck off. People are being used as guinea pigs for toxic chemical waste disposal without consent

It's a small endocrine gland that produces melatonin and is basically the brain's clock. Anything more is just a pseudoscience with zero evidence to back it up.

It's amazing how you conspiracy people will believe anything you read online with zero evidence to suggest it's true (like the pineal gland being a third eye and holding the spirit) yet if someone says fluoride is medically safe and even helpful in small doses (backed up by research btw) then that person should fuck off

Lol ‘you conspiracy people’. Be more elitist, I’m sure you’ll find someone who enjoys your lack of free thought, or maybe you won’t

I have free thought... but it's based on evidence. Believing everything you hear just because it goes against the mainstream is just as brainwashed and stupid as believing everything that's mainstream just because it's mainstream.

Here’s an article for you to use that free thought power reading. Or you could use that thought power to ignore searching further and instead insult me. Free world, I don’t care what you do.


An anecdotal article with no sources aside from other anecdotal articles and random blatantly biased books on amazon. How about use a medical journal as a source?

Figured you wouldn’t care, that’s fine. Chug fluoride if you choose

Throwing more pseudoscience bs doesn’t make you any less wrong.

You’re entitled to your opinion. You come off as lazy and patronizing for not contributing to discussion though. Why even comment?

You cited an archive link because you’re citing a debunked scientific piece. Yet I’m the problem?

Debunked by whom? Provide the debunking and I’ll give it a read. You’re the problem because you’re not contributing to the discussion, contribute.

Fair enough. Here’s an ADA link that should not require a paywall, and I’ll find the Tufts paper I remember reading about this.

Thank you, I’ll give it a look

I can’t find the tufts piece right now, but when I get home I’ll see if I can get it with a look at actual research, rather than my phone.

No rush, I appreciate the effort

you conspiracy people

So, why are you here?

I should have phrased that as "hardcore conspiracy people" or something along those lines. I couldn't think of a better word at the time to group the general population of this community who believes things with absolutely zero evidence in their favor yet pushing against mountains of medical journals and years of research.

I'm interested in conspiracies but I lose all interest when pseudoscience or paranormal activity gets involved because in my opinion that is just silly.

same as it ever was.. "whatever ridiculous thing i decide worthwhile to study is fair game, everything else is just silly. also, i like gatekeeping."

I've heard plenty of people talk about the pineal gland, but nobody said it holds the spirit. You don't have to like their speculations, but do cite them properly. They think it is a special organ that facilitates connection and communication with an unseen aspect of reality. It's never been proven, but the speculations have been around for a long time.

"I subbed here because I have interest in MK Ultra or 9/11 and more evidence based conspiracies but it seems 99% of the posts here are are from people holding "THE END IS NIGH" signs while shouting THE WATER IS TURNING THE FROGS GAY... all while using the people saying THE LIZARD PEOPLE ARE CONTROLLING SPACE as valid quotable researchers and evidence."

This is gaslighting.

I had to google what that meant and if you feel gas-lit because you believe there are actually lizard people then I apologize for that gas lighting message and this one

There it is again. Are you a professional at this?
Stop making declarative statements on things you don't conclusively know. Can you link to the 99% of posts which say those things that you quote?
You're trying to convince the casual readers that the majority of users on this sub act a certain way while you paint yourself as the "standard user". It's like you're saying you're all for discussing conspiracy theories, but only so long as they're the conspiracy theories you want to talk about. It's subversive.

Donald Trump personally pays me a lot of money to light gasses online, you caught me.

And you are right; I can't conclusively say lizard people are real. But I also can't conclusively say that we're not all just really large alien coconuts plugged into the matrix controlled by giant bananas.

Also the things that I quoted are called exaggerations. They are used for a slightly comical effect in the English language.

Also I am a standard, casual user. You don't need me to try to convince other casual readers that a lot on this sub is borderline silly. The hardcore people like the ones in this thread who think bloody fluoride is the separating line between reality and being brainwashed are doing that already.

And I am all for discussing conspiracy theories but at a certain point they get out of hand (in my personal opinion). In my opinion the conspiracy is that kids may have been secretly given a chemical. To some people, the conspiracy is that the government is trying to encrust the third eye in order to prevent people from having free will.

I’m triggered

I don't know why you're getting downvoted. I very much agree with you, and even regardless of how much a post may be "THE SKY IS FALLING", everyone deserves to have their opinions and thoughts heard. If we start censoring our posts because they're outlandish we will no longer be a conspiracy community.

Having said that, I firmly believe a lot of modern emotional/psychological/physical problems have their roots in what we eat and drink. Flouride is one of those things that is very unnatural in terms of quantity-consumed. (And Xylitol is actually significantly better in almost every way, except that it's a laxative at higher doses. But you almost never see anyone advocating for that).

Again, totally agree with you. This is not a Lizard-People scandal. This is a chemical we can see and confirm is added into our water supply, and even though it might not affect everyone, there's bound to be people more sensitive to this stuff. I suffered from Flouride Overdose for a few months at college; everything tasted like soap so I stopped eating as much, headache all the time, completely exhausted (thought I had Mono, but nope, that soap-taste is one of the hallmarks of flouride overdose). I had to look everywhere for a good bottled water too :( Flouride is in everything.

I agree that everyone deserves an opinion and has the right to have it heard but at the same time myself or anyone else has the right to think it's going overboard or disagree. I don't want anything censored at all, don't get me wrong, I just don't like the amount of pseudoscience that people assert as fact and that is my personal opinion.

And I agree that there is conversation to be had about fluoride being tested on youths without consent, but when people start saying the government is doing it to control the masses by sealing their third eyes like it's some kind of world domination scheme, or that you can counteract the effects of fluoride by staring at the sun and feeling the earth's energy, I have to disagree..

I'm not saying that some of the conspiracies posted here aren't a bit nutty, but I don't think it's fair to compare the addition of Flouride into the water (by, yes, city/state governments, though more likely to "better peoples' health" than "mind control") to LIZARD PEOPLE FROM SPAAAACE. Like u/Leuan1996 said, that kind of comparison--to make it seem like governements/companies testing or distributing Flouride is as outlandish as FLAT EARTHers etc, in this case--is a common form of manipulation and shuts down the dialogue that we could be having.

I don't, personally, think Flouride was added for mind control, and, nor do I really like that article because it's text was intentionally written in a biased and misleading manner. But, from my own experiences, I don't think Flouride is the most healthful thing to consume, and I think it should be an opt-in in terms of tap water rather than the other way around. I think we should have discussions about that, and the reasons to or not to have flouride in water, instead of likening and discrediting something we can see/prove (flouride is added into drinking water) to something outlandish like XENO IS BRINGING THE END OF THE WORLD.

As a side note, after I told my dentist I was trying to avoid flouride, one of the hygienists literally said "you have to have flouride! It's the best vitamin for your teeth!" A vitamin! If nothing else we really need to restructure nutrition and basic chemistry classes. And being a biologist/wannabe nutritionist, I died a bit on the inside from that comment.

about the gay fish thing.... it's about this, i already posted it in this threaed, but you brought it up specifically... https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10937404.2011.578559?src=recsys&

Yet you still blatantly disregard the fact that a neurotoxin was and still is being introduced to people without their knowledge. Which team are ya on guy.

Iirc, Flouride is in natural streams and water but tap, and most bottled, water contains 20x more than any natural source. And for people with a struggling thyroid, it can put you right over the edge and cause thyroid failure which is not pretty. Not pretty at all my friends.

Yet you still blatantly disregard the fact that a neurotoxin was and still is being introduced to people

I acknowledged it when I said "nontoxic doses of fluoride," implying there are indeed toxic doses. But the toxicity of it is irrelevant in such small quantities and there are only dental benefits at that level (with literally zero health repercussions of any kind)

...was and still is being introduced to people without their knowledge

It's kind of hard to tell but actually I even acknowledged that it's arguably fucked up to do that without consent when I said "is "testing" the medical effects of safe completely nontoxic doses of fluoride in kids without consent fucked up? Yeah, arguably"

Also, it's pretty common knowledge that fluoride has been in most public water for a while now... It's not really a secret. You can check your local water's fluoride levels at nccd.cdc.gov

Also there aren't really teams here; as I said, my opinion is just that it's not good to give people any kind of chemical without telling them what it is and what it does first but I don't think the government was trying to masterfully brainwash the masses through pseudoscience.


ITT: people defending fluoride.

if you ever needed to see that this sub has gone to shit...

Is this /r/nosleep

You need to give a 'PDF Warning' when linking to PDFs.

I live in Moscow. We had fluoridated water when i was a child. Since then i have white spots on my front teeth. In general i have a lot of problems with my teeth.

They probably used too much. It's very easy to have too much flouride.

They probably did yes. But it didn’t help my teeth...

Because they used too much.

On the off chance it would give the Russians superpowers. Worth it

Ummm I know I'm in this sub

But people here aren't dumb enough to think fluoride consumption is dangerous right?

Oh who am I kidding

please shill...

Oh no I'm off the clock, my last sheckel payment bounced 🤷‍♂️

my last shekel payment bounced.

(((Sounds about right)))

Man people on this sub believe way crazier shit than that

Yrah that's what I mean

This is something that's so easy to research and prove wrong

The way way crazier shit, its.... Almost understandable how you can believe it lol

We had to line up and swish flouride in grade school, it was mandatory. We lined up every day before PE and had to swish a cup full of it then spit it into a trash can.

Is there anyway I can check if I was in this? We got free milk from the ages 4-5 but I remember not really liking milk and sticking to water, I think I eventually gave in and started drinking milk.

A little bit of fluoride is actually really good for you. This is the reason it is in tap water and toothpaste so I don't really get why you are complaining about free milk with a tiny amount of fluoride in it.

So you're cool with your government surreptitiously testing compounds on you? Right...

As long as I know about it and what compound it is, I'm fine with it.

So in this example, and my comment, you would not have known about it - so in this context, your comments make no sense.

The school and his parents would have known. Anyway, it's only a tiny amount of fluoride that won't cause any harm to anyone.

Eat some apple seeds and tell me a small amount of something can’t harm

Eating apple seeds is fine as long as you don't eat hundreds

Fluoride is an element not a compound. Burn.

Ingesting fluoride has no benefit to you whatsoever. Topical application to teeth, sure.

didnt happen to me but i was raised in howard county, md

TY for speaking up. The attocities of governments upon their peoples can not go unnoticed aany longer. good work internet. keep us strong.

"the waters turning the frogs gay"

Wait what the hell, is this literally what that whole 'drink milk it's healthy' thing was when I was a kid?

No. That’s calcium.

Damnit, they were just trying to double down on calcifiying our pineal gland. Well they'll never get me! I buy human milk off the dark web.

Nah I meant they had this drive where everyone got free milk cartons in Reception and Nursery.

are your teeth at least better than most brits?

Wait til upu hear about what they put on deodorant.

You know, that filmy substance that you smear on the skin right on top of two important lymph nodes

Pro-tip: don’t use antiperspirant.

What to do to stop the stink though?

Deodorant, but not antiperspirant.

there's a difference?

Yea, deodorant itself just helps with the smell. Antiperspirant contains aluminum and I guess that clogs your pores so they don't sweat. (Or something) most brands have a deodorant and antiperspirant version


That was heavily enforced at my elementary school. The teachers were pushing wearing deodorant hard. Everyday. "Now make sure you get and wear deodorant." We were in third grade, probably 20 years ago.

I thought it was because of the one smelly kid we had in class.

I bet you have great teeth.

They also put it in baby water at the grocery store. You can buy purified water with nothing in it but in the baby section with a pink cap they have purified water with fluoride and minerals “for taste”.

Have you taken any time to understand the benefits of Fluoride to oral health?

as a kid my parents were told from my dentist that we should also brush with Flouride after using normal toothpaste, I hated the taste and so i would fake it almost every time. i would put it on my toothbrush but use the faucet to wash it off and id just brush with water...im so happy I was lucky enough to accidentally not flouridate myself

Lol wut.

That's kind of crazy. As another person mentioned in here, did your parents give authorization perhaps through a school slip or something?

I personally don't use fluoride but it's been so long since I came to the conclusion that I don't recall all the imperial evidence. I told my dentist I didn't because she was pushing me on it and then she looked at me like I was a holocaust denier or something. Lol dog.

I remember hearing that there was fluoride in the tap water growing up?? What's the deal with that...

There’s fluoride in your tap water.

Gov’ment says it’s to make muh teef shiny.

LOL thats what I'd always heard, too. Muh teefuses look niiiice.

I actually had a science teacher back in high school that introduced me to that little fact haha.

Yea i always remember adults telling me this when I was 5: "there's fluoride in the water. It makes your teeth look good."

But now, at 32, I'm wondering if it's actually true...

I remember the nurse would come around daily, and give us fluoride tablets. Kids who didn't like it would throw it away or give it to kids who liked the taste.. how insane

Daily? BS.

Daily, as in each day at school.

Are you permanently damaged by this , did you have any lasting effects from the fluoridated milk ?

It crippled his critical reasoning skills and made him trust click bait articles apparently.

Does it taste good?

I, for one, welcome our new Fluoride overlords

So what does fluoride do to us?

Affects your pineal gland in the brain, in essence pickles your brain. Creates fatigue ,lethargy suppresses ambition and emotions. Also is a neurotoxin that causes cancer in lab rats.(and humans)

Thank you.

Is it true that they gave Jews fluoride to make them apathetic?

Yeah, fuck the government for making sure I have strong and healthy teeth. Those assholes.

And this is why you should homeschool your kids.

Having had Flouride Overdose (even though I avoid it as much as possible), and going sick from that for a long time before I figured out what was wrong, this makes me angry.

My dentist still thinks i need flouride every time I go in, and random family members keep pushing it on me. Thankf for the article friend!

I've said it before, but table salt is fluoridated here in Latin America:


Centrally treated water is uncommon, so I guess they have to dose the people somehow. And yes the people still think eating it is somehow good for their teeth.

I recall something similar. I was born in 80, graduated 98. We also had free flouride mouthwash rinses 4-5th grades.


Fluoridation of milk sounds like it may be a good idea. Only problem is there still may be some of the lower SES class that still won't have enough access.

Your shocking dangers article is written by someone who doesn't even hold a medical degree. He has a chiropractors degree and while it's technically correct to put Dr. In front of his name the article literally discloses that this should not be a substitute for medical advice. Go ask a doctor.

I remember getting those drops, think you were meant to take 5 a day or something, must have been about 7 or 8 so around 1982-1984 in Glasgow. I remember we also got the little quarter pint cartons of milk too, then there was Maggie the milk snatcher as I recall she was called!!

Isn’t fluoride good for our teeth?

but bad for everything else, it is poison, just check any chemical data, for example: https://www.sigmaaldrich.com/catalog/product/sial/01151?lang=en&region=GB

I get that and I’m definitely not one to blindly trust the govt but the same can be said about pure oxygen being deadly

Studies have shown it has no effect on cavities when compared to groups that have no exposure to it.

Interesting. I remember being told that the reason brits were known to have bad teeth while Americans had good teeth is that Americans put fluoride into their water much sooner. Any basis to that? Just wondering not trying to pick an argument

Interesting I thought brits had genitcally bad teeth, years ago when they would go exploring to tropical islands by ship they would often dump their more precious cargo for limes (vitamin C) because they suffered from scurvy causing tooth decay among other sickness hence the nickname "limeys" they were mocked for traveling all that time and distance only to return with limes. Indegionus peoples all over the world including Canada studies found had an even lower amount of cavities compared to flouridated citys/populations.

Here's a one-size fits all TOPICAL TREATMENT to improve your oral health.

Injest it.

at least you wont get mercury almalgrams put in your teeth to make you mentally retarded

No such thing as free milk, innit.

I remember seeing something about Grand Rapids being a testing area.

Free milk now free vaccines hmmm.


Slim odds of winning i suspect! unless it was a class action or group lawsuit but i think you'd need to track down a lot of people and many of them probably wont want to be involved

You also have to prove damages to succeed.

The whole good for your teeth thing I just don't understand. Why would the government give a fuck about good teeth? Since when do they care about our wellbeing??

For anyone who has the ability to read and understand research, this isn’t as big of a deal as you making it out to be. Also, you provided a review article. It would have made more sense to provide the article of the research you were actually involved in. It kind of makes me think you don’t really understand the scientific process and shouldn’t be making posts with such a sensationalised title.

Research has since then become much more ethical and it takes a lot of work to get a study approved. Besides, if you want shocking unethical research, just YouTube the Milgram experiment.

I think that we can split the hair in 1,000 pieces, the substance was known to have good effects on teeth, however, they don’t want a sick population, nor to kill a hood amount of it, testing it on a small scale is the way to go

Did you or your parents agree? Probably not

Did they mess you up in some way? Probably not

Is it bad that they run these experiments on the public? Absolutely

In the end, we shouldn’t over exaggerate on some things

Sooo why put it there in the FIRST place?

Except you dont swallow toothpaste or flouride treatments from dentists.

They would already know its safe. They would have already tested on animals and for safety in h*mans. They were most likely looking to see if it was beneficial.

No, someone told you it's a poison, then probably tried to sell you a water filter or a book about the dangers of fluoride.

It's an element, a chemical, just like everything else. It does all kinds of things. You shouldn't eat a phosphorous road flare, but your body needs phosphorous to live.

Dose makes the poison.

You are mentally ill.

But what if you add that together? Drinks only water, brushes teeth twice per day, then add on this milk?

Or damage your retina and overall eyesight. Might need a source on the pineap photosynthesis


That was every school.

Don't you think there are cheaper ways of avoiding the costs of disposing it safely? Like... digging a deep hole and pouring it there? Or... secretly pouring it in the ocean? Don't those sound cheaper and more practical than setting up a giant scheme in which the entire population of the world is fooled and willfully poisoned...?

They might be ‘cheaper’ if pouring it into the ground or ocean wasn’t extremely harmful to the environment. The lawsuits from people being harmed by it leaking into ground water in higher concentrations or killing natural life in the area. So yes, cheaper to dilute it and pump it into an ignorant population and run a PR campaign to have them thank you for it

It’s still hilariously low.

At the level that’s present in water, you’d need to drink an Olympic pool’s worth of water every hour for roughly 70 years, or whatever the current expected lifespan is. It’s somewhere near that.

Scientist, or alphabet shill? Serious question

Something being published in a scientific journal is not an inherent sign of scientific backing. Especially because biomedcentral is an open-access publisher. It doesn’t do peer-review. The lancet neurology piece is a well-known debunked piece that wasn’t actually published in the full lancet because of the need to retract it.

The last link simply doesn’t prove your claim.

But sure, make a bullshit argument that I’m dumb because I had fluoridated drinking water as a child, instead of actually making a real argument.

Eating apple seeds is fine as long as you don't eat hundreds

Even on penis inspection day?

Your link contained no science. Just unsubstantiated dogma. You're attacking the messenger, which is intellectually dishonest. No surprise there, as anyone who wishes to "mass medicate" without permission of your victims is without morals or ethics.

Now you’re simply lying, so I don’t see a reason to continue pointing out the facts.

Still not even close to toxic levels. There's iron in just about everything too and too much iron is toxic yet no one thinks iron is poisoning the masses

You need to have damages that you can successfully prove are caused by what you are alleging to have a chance at a case succeeding. What are your damages?

so it winks out of existence? does matter disappear? or does it sink down into the aquifers?

we are being trolled

The pineal gland is real it produces melatonin. Is it the seat of the soul? Eh up for debate.