I have a proposal for r/conspiracy - one day a week as a no Trump thread day. No twitters, no leaks, no gossip, no speeches; no threads which introduce a Trump topic.

1  2018-08-06 by chocoladna

Either Saturday or Sunday might be good as most of the paid political posters here generally have weekends off anyway.

No Trump, no nothing, for one day a week. Just one day. We can do this!

What say ye?


Extend that to no politics for a day

All conspiracies are political in one way bbq or another.

I would be fine with political. Partisan is what boils my blood.

I am here more now for the Politics, and I 100% agree. We could all use a day off, and maybe look at some of the otherthings going on. The problem being is how quickly things can turn political, so I would suggest maybe no political topics for a day? Unless current events need immediate discussion.

We have been literally saying this for 2.5 years now. It will not happen.

Or just a weekly round up, if you must get political.

Can you name any important conspiracy that isn't political?

Annunaki? Religion? Vaccinations?

Vaccinations are under attack because state governments require them for school attendance, right?

Freedom to worship is not under attack from the government in the U.S. though Sessions has announced a new commission for Religious liberty so it looks to become part of the Trump administration.

What do you think the conspiracy about religions is?

And thanks for replying.

Im not going to debate you if all you do is cut me down. This whole fucking world sucks and it needs "change". I hope today isnt my last on this earth

If people survived 8 years of Obama posts you'll do fine.

Censorship isn't worth it.

No one is talking about censorship, you can put that horsewhip away.

I'm suggesting a one day Trump-free discussion zone every week. So that's just 52 days a year, and the slow days at that, weekends.

I was on /conspiracy during Obama and he was barely on the back burner here. He just wasn't a big topic.

I was on /conspiracy during Obama and he was barely on the back burner here. He just wasn't a big topic.

Drone Strikes, Birther Movement, Michelle being a man, Migrant Crisis, you really wanna lie about what was posted on here daily?

Again, you'll be ok. Post good content to help improve the feed.

I was on /conspiracy during Obama and he was barely on the back burner here. He just wasn't a big topic.

Really? I think it depended on a few things. There were certainly times where we saw Obama day in day out for months. Then a lull then back to Obama.

If Trump does something conspiracy worthy then it should be dissected no matter what day it is.

yay, are we back ton concern trolling again now?

Yeah. They got nothing else.

No Clinton shit too

No politics for a day.

Why not you just don't click on links with the word Trump in them. Your problem is solved by your own actions then and you don't have to bother anyone else.

No! Censor us!

I think that might be a huge work load for the mods here who probably have better things to do on a Saturday or Sunday.

The political discussion isn't going away here until after this whole mess is over with. Depending on who you talk to we're living through either the biggest government conspiracy scandal/coup in American history, where democracy dies, or a savior is about to win the government back for the people.

It's just way too hot of an atmosphere to not expect people to want to post their opinions.

if the community got behind it, we could easily ignore the one that didn't abide.

I agree and would support a day off but there are too many political posters for it to actually stop.

I was genuinely going to post about a politics free Saturday or something of the sort a few weeks back but got distracted by this and never came back to the thought. We need something like this to slowly eat away and the bullshit divisive your side or mind garbage that attempts to pull the strings here.


Rejecting your Rejection.

Show me on the doll where Trump is hurting you

If you show me on the same doll where you took it from him.

So is it in your brain? Is that where the orange bad man is hurting you?

This is going to be hard, to be honest outside of TD a lot of threads are about POTUS, no escaping it

If we can do it for a day, then we can surely do it for two days, no?

Good luck dude

If you can get Trump to stop tweeting on weekends, I’m willing to stop reacting to those tweets

So is it in your brain? Is that where the orange bad man is hurting you?