Zionist Israel Is Killing The UNITED STATES, Literally

1  2018-08-09 by T3Baron


Zionist Israel wants to establish itself as the single ruling power in all of the middle east. Number one, they are not strong enough to do it by themselves, and number two, they need someone to take the blame. Enter the UNITED STATES INC.

The author will chronologically line up important dates and quotes from key leaders to prove that Zionist Israel is depleting the USA of it's resources and killing our citizens for their gain.

First a quote from none other than President George Washington. Even back during the 18th century, our founding fathers knew it was paramount to not let other nations meddle in our business. This is proof they still taught world history back then. 

1796- George Washington said;

"history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government".

World War I and the Zionist connection.

In 1914 the Zionists knew they needed the USA in WWI to help with the creation of a Zionist Israel. They made an agreement with the British to stage a false flag event with the help of Woodrow Wilson to bring America into the war. The American public wanted no part of a war. We were an isolationist nation at the time. We took heed of Washington's statement above. But that all changed.

May 1915- Quite possibly the first official false flag for America, the sinking of the Lusitania. The British passenger ship was sunk by the German's when it was purposefully guided into a war zone unattended by British escort. The Germans gave fair warning not to sail into these waters but they did it anyway. 1198 people died including 128 American's.

1916- Rothschild's team draws up proposal for the Mandate of Palestine;

This is the same group of people that created the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. The proposal was submitted in 1919 by the Zionist Organization at the Paris Peace Conference. The proposal would set the tone for the illegal settlement of Israel in Palestine.

April 6th, 1917- President Woodrow Wilson finally declares war on Germany;

It took a while but by using propaganda fueled by mainstream media over the Lusitania incident, Wilson finally declares war with the full weight of America behind him.

November 2nd, 1917- Lord Balfour makes his promise of Israel to Walter Rothschild;

With America in the war, the written Balfour Declaration officially offers Palestine as a national home for the Jews. At this time only 5% of Palestine was Jewish and most did not support the Zionist agenda stated in the previous Mandate. The text of the declaration was published in the press on November 9th in England.

An interesting note;

Besides the Rothschilds, other international bankers were interested in securing control of the area as well. Turns out 5T$ worth of minerals and oil had been discovered in Palestine by a consulting geologist to the British government, his name, Edward Hubert Cunningham Craig. These geological reports were kept secret.

Keep in mind that since 722BC, this area had not been called Israel.

The death of 128 American lives is all it took in those days to justify the bloodiest and most cruel war in world history. 4.7 million American men served in WWI. We lost 116,516 soldiers with approximately 320,000 sick and wounded. Total death toll to allies, opposition, military and civilians are 41 million souls lost.

The story goes as follows-

Political Zionist Louis Brandeis sends a delegation from America to Britain to promise to bring America into the war on the side of the British, provided the British agree to give the land of Palestine to the Rothschild's. The Rothschild's wanted Palestine because they had great business interests in the far east and desired their own state in that area along with their own military which they could use as an aggressor to any state that threatened those interests. As it turned out the Dead Sea itself was worth trillion$ in natural resources. The agreement is made.

1915- Sir H. McMahon fictitiously promises Palestine to the Arabs if they agree to conquer the Ottoman Empire. The Arabs agreed and they followed through.

June 5th 1916- While the Arabs are at war with the Turks, the British, under the command of General Allenby march into Jerusalem. The British move in and take over Palestine for the Zionists, not the Arabs.

November 2nd 1917- With Palestine under British control, Lord Balfour formally promises Palestine to Jews in the Balfour Declaration to Lord Walter Rothschild.

The British had deceived the Arabs in a coup d'etat that rendered Europe an extinguished Ottoman Empire and a conquered Palestine for the Zionists.

Is it no wonder there is political and social unrest in the middle east? Here is a list of wars fought in the middle east. Notice the explosion of conflict starting at the close of WWI. This is Zionism fighting for hegemony of the Middle East. It continues today.

During the next 30 years there would be much tension between Arab's and Zionist Jews, for good reason.

1920- the creation of the British Mandate of Palestine upset both Jews and Arabs escalating into relentless turmoil.

The proposal in 1916 is now law in the eyes of the Zionists. Palestine belongs to the Jews and the war on terror begins. A new design of terrorism was formulated and the world would never be the same.

December 7th, 1941- Pearl Harbor false flag attack brings America into WW2;

Yes, FDR was a Zionist. He was a traitor to America for 12 years. To perpetuate the Pearl Harbor onslaught, FDR positioned the naval fleet around HI just so, making it easier for Japan to destroy and harder for USA to defend. Japan was instructed by the Zionists where and when to attack. FDR was then informed and he followed directions like the obedient puppet he was recruited for. (For more info on this read the book My Exploited Father-in-Law by Curtis B. Dall)

In 1789 Benjamin Franklin said this;

"If they are not excluded from the United States by the Constitution, within less than 100 years, they will stream into this country in such numbers they will rule and destroy us and change our form of government for which we Americans shed our blood and sacrificed life, property and personal freedom". He was right on the money.

November 29th, 1947- United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine;

The ongoing tension between the Arab's and the Zionists finally erupt into civil war following the adoption of the UN PPP, which planned to divide Palestine into three areas: an Arab state, a Jewish state and the Special International Regime for the cities of Jerusalem and Bethlehem.

Up to WWII the Zionists promote Israel as the new home of the Jews. It turned out that most Jews did not agree with the progressive views of the Zionists.

Reuter- August 16 1947 "The Kingdom of Israel (Greater Israel) map allegedly found by the Germans in a Rothschild house during the war, was stated to show a kingdom stretching from the Nile to the Euphrates".

May 14th 1948- Israel, with the help of FDR and the UNITED STATES, Israel  becomes a nation. The Zionists win and Palestine is now officially the home of the Zionist's. Since then, occupied Palestine has grown exponentially while the Zionist's displace millions of Arabs.

The net result of WW2 declared Israel a nation. It also poured 40B$ of profit into the pocket of the Federal Reserve shareholders (Zionists). The international bankers made out on both ends as usual.

July 2 thru July 27, 1954 - The Lavon Affair

Israeli terrorist bomb U.S. and British civilian targets in Egypt. Not until 2005, did Israel finally admit responsibility for this false-flag terrorist bombing campaign. The false-flag terror bombings were carried out by a covert terror cell composed of about one dozen Egyptian Jews under the command of Israeli intelligence agents, Mossad. They blamed the killing spree on the Egyptians to incite American discontent.

This excerpt from Christopher Bollyn's Solving 9-11;

The Lavon Affair, or "the shameful affair" (Esek Habish) as it is known in Hebrew, was an Israeli false-flag terror bombing campaign against the United States and Britain that was carried out in Egypt in 1954. Israeli military intelligence had set up a terror cell of sleeper agents in Egypt, which was activated in July 1954 to blow up U.S. and British targets. The Israeli operation was code-named "Susannah." The false-flag terrorist bombings were meant to be blamed on Egyptians in order to alienate the U.S. and Britain from President Gamal Abdul Nasser and prevent Egypt from nationalizing the Suez Canal. Israeli terrorist cell, Unit 131, was reportedly responsible for the terror bombings.

This was all just another chapter in the story to create Greater Israel.

October 29th, 1956- Israeli Suez War;

In the Knesset former Prime Minister Ben Gurion announced his political and military reasons for Israel initiating the war, being for the restoration of the Kingdom of David and Solomon to its Biblical [Old Testament] borders. The Biblical borders of the land of Israel, which rabbinical authorities interpret as ideally belonging to the Jewish state. Included are the following areas: in the south, all of Sinai and a part of northern Egypt up to the environs of Cairo; in the east, all of Jordon and a large chunk of Saudi Arabia, all of Kuwait and a part of Iraq south of the Euphrates; in the north, all of Lebanon and all of Syria together with a huge part of Turkey (up to Lake Van); and in the west, Cyprus.

Although the US didn't have much more than political involvement in this war, the Lavon Affair obviously took it's toll.

June 8th 1967, Israeli/Syrian 6 Day War;

In order to get the UNITED STATES involved, Israel bombs the USS Liberty with complicity from then sitting US President Lyndon B. Johnson who states "I want that ship on the bottom". This false flag attack which is formulated to look like an attack by Syria, brings the UNITED STATES INC into the war.

The Israeli's attacked the USS Liberty with French advanced Dassault Mirage III jet fighters that killed 34 U.S. servicemen and wounded 171.

"The (Israeli) ground control station ordered the aircraft to attack and sink the target and ensure they left no survivors," Steve Forslund, a former USAF intelligence analyst told the Chicago Tribune.

One of the objectives of this war was to steal the Golan Heights from Syria which would  provided Israel with fresh water. This is a pretty good indication that fresh water was far more precious to them than oil reserves.

Lt. James M. Ennes, Jr., an officer on the bridge of the USS Liberty, wrote his first-hand account of the Israeli attack in a 1979 book entitled Assault on the Liberty. Lieutenant Ennes' book is documentary evidence that the Israeli attack was deliberate and not an accident of war. Ennes describes how Israeli torpedo boats repeatedly machine-gunned Liberty sailors fighting the napalm fires on deck and shot her life rafts in the water while an oversize U.S. flag flew from its mast.

"U.S. intelligence documents indicate the Israelis attacked the Liberty deliberately. They feared she would monitor their plans to attack the Golan Heights in Syria - a move the United States opposed for fear of provoking Soviet military intervention," James Ennes said.

Steve Forslund, an intelligence analyst for the 544th Air Reconnaissance Technical Wing in 1967, saw the transcripts from the Israeli pilots and their ground control as they came off the teletype machine at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha. "The ground control station stated that the target was American and for the aircraft to confirm it," Forslund recalled. "The aircraft did confirm the identity of the target as American, by the American flag. The ground control station ordered the aircraft to attack and sink the target and ensure they left no survivors." Forslund said he clearly recalled "the obvious frustration of the controller over the inability of the pilots to sink the target quickly and completely." "He kept insisting the mission had to sink the target, and was frustrated with the pilots' responses that it didn't sink."

Remembering LBJ's demand; "I want that ship on the bottom".

Chief Petty Officer Stanley W. White, president of the Liberty Veterans Association, said, "The Israeli planes and gunboats spent more than one hour hitting us with rockets, napalm bombs, torpedoes, cannon and machine-gun fire. They machine-gunned our firefighters on deck and they shot our life rafts out of the water
I don't know of a single member of our association who believes that attack was an accident."

The fact that Israeli political leadership and military command decided to launch a vicious attack on an unarmed, defenseless U.S. reconnaissance ship off the coast of Gaza and kill every man on board illustrates that the Israelis are fully capable of committing such atrocities in their attempts to blame their enemies and achieve their strategic goals. - Solving 9-11

Lyndon B. Johnson; "I want that ship on the bottom", get us into that war so we can give the Golan heights to these Israeli bastards-I don't care how many American service men die as long as we achieve our objective for "Greater Israel".

November 22nd 1967, UN Resolution 242

Unanimously adopted, R242 specifies the withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from occupied territories. These include the Golan Heights, Gaza, the Sinai, and the West Bank, including Jerusalem. It doesn't happen. The Zionists ignore the resolution and are not punished for it. LBJ sits back in his easy chair and grins.

Enter the 1980's. A new form of terrorism has taken hold and suicide bombings are now a common occurrence.

Benjamin Netanyahu calls for a global "War on Terror". Only thing is, Bibi is the terrorist, and with the help of Ehud Olmert,Ariel Sharon and Shimon Peres, they will commit bloodthirsty acts of Israeli born terrorism against America and blame it on the Arabs.

The ultimate goal of these men was to create US animosity toward the Arab world, Muslims in particular, in order to create "Greater Israel". The Zionist's called it the "War on Terror".

At this time, Iraq was the most powerful and advanced Arab nation. The destruction of Saddam Hussein's army was all just part of the Greater Israeli plan but they didn't have the manpower. So, again, they needed to enlist the US military. But how to do it?

October 23rd, 1983- The Beirut bombing of the US Marine barracks;

241 U.S. Marines died when a Mercedes truck packed with explosives demolished their barracks at Beirut International Airport.

According to Victor Ostrovsky in his book on the Mossad, By Way of Deception;

In the wake of the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon, President Ronald Reagan sent 1,800 marines to Beirut to act as "peace keepers." Ariel Sharon and the Israeli leadership, however, resented the interference and used the U.S. presence to commit a false-flag operation that killed 241 Marines.

The purpose of the false flag terror bombings in Lebanon was to create U.S. animosity toward the Arab world and align the U.S. with Israel. There had been an earlier car bomb at the U.S. Embassy in Beirut on April 18, 1983, which had killed seventeen Marines. The bombing compelled the Marines to move offshore and President Reagan ordered them to be withdrawn from Lebanon on February 7, 1984.

The following, events leading up to the 9-11 false flag attack on NY City.

May 1993- Ariel Sharon formally proposed in the Likud Convention that Israel should adopt the Biblical borders concept as its official policy as stated in 1956 by Ben Gurion.

In 1999 Israel's Environment Minister, Dalia Itzik, declared a state of emergency concerning the country's water supply.

Now more than ever the Zionists need the help of the US.

September 11, 2001- The 9/11 false flag attack on Ney York City USA.

Israeli forces mastermind an attack on the World Trade Center towers USA. G.W. Bush declares national emergency- Proclamation 7463 of September 14, 2001. Israel brings the UNITED STATES INC into it's war against Afghanistan and Iraq. It's running out of water. George W. Bush announced the War on Terror on September 20, 2001, in a speech to Congress. "Our war on terror begins with al-Qaida, but it does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped, and defeated." Here we are 2018 and the war still drags on adding $2 trillion to the US bottom line.

Of the 9/11 attack, during a conference at Bar-Ilan University Bi Bi stated; "We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq," - "swung American public opinion in our favor."

Directly after 9-11, Israel immediately escalated the Israeli/Palestinian conflict in the West Bank and Gaza.

Ariel Sharon and Shimon Peres, who both have long histories of terrorism, headed the Israeli government in 2001-2002

To this day, not one of the alleged hijackers, masterminds, their family or friends have ever been questioned, interrogated or charged with crimes related to 9-11. There was never and official charge against Osama Bin-Ladin, ever.

The Zionists got their wish, US INC was in Iraq. 17 years later, over 2T$ of American taxpayers money wasted and millions of lives lost, the war has not ended. Israel stands to gain everything at the expense of American and Arab blood and money.

The extent of Zionist control over the US Inc mass media, including the Internet, has effectively prevented most people from understanding who is really behind the false flag terror attacks of 9-11.

September 2016- The United States and Israeli governments signed a new 10 year Memorandum of Understanding where the UNITED STATES INC pledged to give Israel $38 billion in military aid over the course of 10 years (FY2019 to FY2028). This new MOU replaces the current $30 billion 10-year agreement signed by the Bush Administration that will expire in 2018.

December 6th, 2017- President Donald Trump recognized the holy city of Jerusalem as the eternal capital of the State of Israel. He signed his name and our nation to the declaration. More power to "Greater Israel".

July 19th, 2018- Israeli parliament proclaims Nation-State law;

The basic law: Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People approved by the Knesset on July 19 affirmed that only Jews have the right to self-determination in Israel. It also downgraded Arabic to a language with “special status,” among several other controversial measures that affect the Israeli Druze.

The nation-state law is designed to alter the application of the Basic Law on Human Dignity and Liberty in court rulings, and permits judges to give priority to Israel’s Jewish character in their rulings. Accordingly, the State of Israel is the national state of the Jews only.

Israel's most giving philanthropist, Dame Vivien Duffield, says in a rare interview with Haaretz;

“Do I like Israel at the moment? No, I hate Israel. I think it’s a strong word, but I disapprove of everything. The vote in parliament [for the nation-state law] was appalling, absolutely terrible. It’s apartheid! You see, for the English, who remember South Africa, this is South Africa! This is one rule for one group and another rule for the other".

Her full interview here.

The controlled media has also left Americans with an extremely distorted view of the Middle East, Zionism, and the history of Israel in general. This is by design.

The sons and daughters of the original Zionist terrorists have either occupied or controlled the highest positions of power in the Soviet, American and Israeli government since the Bolshevik Revolution.

Zionist Israel is a Godless faction hiding behind an iron curtain of deception. They are using the good name of the American people just as they are using the good name of the Jewish people to perpetuate their satanic war on peace and Christianity.

The New World Order is no longer "new". This new order of things is on, it's the One World Order from here on out. One world for the Zionists.

This is how things are going to go. The Israeli Zionists are in control and their coming for all of us!

Dare to help stop the madness? Stayed vigilant. 

Believe nothing, believe everything.

Baron- T3



roman catholic king of spain filipe VI, holds the official claim of king of jerusulem.... the holy lands..... jews don't control isreal

At least learn how to spell before you go making asinine claims.

From the wiki you provided.

Note: Titles in Pretence marked with * are historical titles which are only nominal and ceremonial.

King of Castile, of León, of Aragon, of the Two Sicilies* (Naples and Sicily), of Jerusalem, of Navarre, of Granada, of Toledo, of Valencia, of Galicia, of Majorca, of Seville, of Sardinia, of Córdoba, of Corsica, of Murcia, of Menorca, of Jaén, of the Algarves, of Algeciras, of Gibraltar, of the Canary Islands, of the East Indies and the West Indies* and of the Islands and Mainland of the Ocean Sea*;

they say my queens role is purely ceremonial too

I think there's a bit of a difference.

which is?

I don't see a lot of Spanish influence in Israeli policy. Could you cite some?

the house of bourbon has ruled a lot more than just spain


rome always had, and always will have more influence....

house of bourbon is roman catholic, and claims title of king in holy land.... house of bourbon > any israeli s(elected) politician

"roman catholic king of spain filipe VI, holds the official claim of king of jerusulem.... the holy lands..... jews don't control isreal"

You should post that in /r/Israel. They could use a good laugh.

You are using the wrong arguments because of your obsession with nobility. Felipe was trained by the Jesuits. You should have instead mentioned for examole how Shimon Perez and the Israeli government have been working to undermine Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem in favor of the Vatican.

my argument is not valid?

that's another thing about you, you only expose the jesuits, even though there is so many more aspects to it, like smom, koc, masons, mafias, and various other cults that are all linked together under roman rule

The argument is ineffective and the responders told you exactly why. It is an honorary title, and he is just one claimant. I expose all of those groups, you are lying about me because you are butt hurt. Suit yourself though. I have already mastered these people. You can take the advice of a winner or leave it.

a winner doesnt say things like butthurt

please cite your posts, on koc, smom, mafia, masons, etc.....

you act as if taking down the jesuits would solve all the problems, but fact is, there are many different groups that make up rome while also saying these bloodlines that have been around for 1000s of years, have no power in this world

the problem is bigger than just the jesuits, although i agree they are evil

This reads like a manic rant of someone with BPD and forgot to take their meds.

Not really.

Is it because it isn’t a 200 character tweet with some nice capital letters to emphasize how you should feel?

Yeah, that's it.

Needs more SAD and other emotional response cues

Um, no.

It's because in the post, OP sets up "zIoNiSt iSrAeL" as a boogeyman that all conspiracy theorists should be scared of. It basically boils down to "ONOZ SATANIC EVIL ZIONIST ISRAEL IS COMING FOR YOU IT CONTROLS EVERYTHING BE SCARED BESCAREDBESCAREDISRAELISRAELFALSEFLAGFALSEFLAGAAAAAAAAAAA".

^ 0 conspiracy posts, bunch of random submissions to random subreddits, now defending Israel in this thread. Too bad for rule 10.

I'm sorry that I have a diverse range of interests and don't spend all my time consumed with a single topic.

"This reads like a manic rant of someone with BPD and forgot to take their meds."

Congratulations on yet another astoundingly thorough and scholarly rebuttal, GBP.

Concise too!

Is it really worth my time to even attempt that? OP clearly would not listen. I'm still waiting on you. Taking on two people entrenched in their beliefs with no room for diverse opinions just seems tedious.

Is it really worth my time to even attempt that?

That depends on what your motives are.

Are you interested in expanding your knowledge on the subject matter? Or in correcting any misrepresentations that may exist by pointing out inaccurate, incomplete or false information? If so, then it would not be a waste of time. You would be doing us all a service, no?

OP clearly would not listen.

OP is not the only one reading the information, and how do you know they would not listen?

I'm still waiting on you.

For what, pray tell? Did our last chat go unfinished?

Are you interested in expanding your knowledge on the subject matter?

The irony in YOU saying that is almost too much to digest. You folks here in this sub sure are a colorful bunch.

All that aside. For the majority of this sub, I could provide peer reviewed, thoroughly objective, scholarly information, and I'd probably get a response like: "look at this zionist shill peddling propaganda. Doesn't he know that academia is controlled by the Jews?" Even though I'm willing to bet I've spent more time in Palestine and seen what is happening first hand than most here.

"The irony in YOU saying that is almost too much to digest."

Oh, please.

"You folks here in this sub sure are a colorful bunch."

Be careful, you too are part of this "colorful bunch".

"All that aside. For the majority of this sub, I could provide peer reviewed, thoroughly objective, scholarly information, and I'd probably get a response like: "look at this zionist shill peddling propaganda. Doesn't he know that academia is controlled by the Jews?"

Lol! Why not try posting some worthwhile, well-referenced arguments then? Or is mockery and thinly veiled references to the mental health of others more in your comfort zone?

If so, I can think of another sub where you'd be more appreciated.

"Even though I'm willing to bet I've spent more time in Palestine and seen what is happening first hand than most here."

Having spent time in "Palestine" does not qualify you to deduce whether or not the information presented in OP's post is accurate.

And I'm sure there is little doubt as to which side of the Separation Wall you warmed with your presence, or what "Nationality" is printed on your Israel-issued identification card.

Having spent time in "Palestine" does not qualify you to deduce whether or not the information presented in OP's post is accurate

A bunch of wikipedia links to the general topic discussed not even come to the point of relevancy of information. I have been arguing with people like you and OP on reddit for going on 9 years now. At this point I can judge pretty well what peoples intentions are and what their capacity for opposing views is. You have demonstrated repeatedly that you are not perceptive to them.

As for your sentiment about my time in Palestine, I can't say I care one way or the other what you believe.

"A bunch of wikipedia links to the general topic discussed does not even come to the point of relevancy of information."

Well then, you should jump right in and kick his butt! Right those wrongs!

If you successd. you'll be hailed as a "hero" when you go back(?) to the Land of Zion. If you get humiliated, they'll at least give you a Purple Heart and a pension, no?

"As for your sentiment about my time in Palestine, I can't say I care one way or the other what you believe."

Given your expressed political proclivities, I must say that I am shocked that you would refer to the region as "Palestine" at all. Be careful, they may deny you entry if they find out.

If you’re shocked that I refer to Palestine as Palestine and Israel as Israel. You comprehension is even lower than I thought, and you have a fundamental misunderstanding of geography. That’s the crux of the issue though isn’t it? You’ve presumed to know my stance, but in one of your many acts of hypocrisy; admitted you don’t have the slightest clue. Why? Because you don’t listen. You just submit your pre conceived canned responses.

No. Yid.



I commend you for at least being open about your antisemitism instead of hiding behind thinly veiled word play like the rest of this sub. That takes gumption, and for that I respect you.

naming the jew is antisemitic?

Yeah, the accepted nomenclature to avoid any issues to day is: Zionist. But you keep doing what you're doing. Its refreshing.

"I commend you for at least being open about your antisemitism instead of hiding behind thinly veiled word play..."

AHEM! You, from above:

"This reads like a manic rant of *someone with BPD and forgot to take their meds.*"

Classy indeed.

All I was suggesting is that maybe he has some issues that need to be worked out. Long-winded rants usually don't just manifest themselves in even-keeled individuals.

But to make you feel better, lets equate antisemitism with mental health. I'm sorry OP, for my insensitive comment. POLTICAL corrector, I'm glad this guy had the balls to do it. He doesn't hide like some people.

All I was suggesting is that maybe he has some issues that need to be worked out. Long-winded rants usually don't just manifest themselves in even-keeled individuals.

Wow. Then going by your standards the guy who wrote Social and Religious History of the Jews (15 Volume Set) Hardcover must have been a raving lunatic, no?

"But to make you feel better, lets equate antisemitism with mental health."

Are you implying that anyone who expresses opposition to or criticizes Semitism (AKA Zionism/ Jewish Nationalism/Supremacism/Exceptionalism etc.) is "mentally unhealthy"?

What about those who oppose other "ism's"? Are those who express views associated with anti-communism, anti-capitalism, anti-Nazism (etc) also "mentally unhealthy"?

I'm sorry OP, for my insensitive comment.

"POLTICAL corrector, I'm glad this guy had the balls to do it. He doesn't hide like some people."

That's Apolitical. Look it up.

And who is hiding from what?

You are about as apolitical as you are genuine. Real nice defending the guy using antisemitism though. Really shows your true colors.

Pointing out hypocrisy /= "defending", GBP.

Re: "apolitical", well, at leat you learned a new word today, so look at the bright side! :)

And here’s one for you!


I will wait while you try and twist this to not defending. It was only a matter of time before you slipped up. I have to tell you though it’s a thinly veiled charade. Part of the reason I expect you never leave this echo chamber.

The definition at your link:

hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group

But is that realistic? Is the part following the "anti"+ hyphenation meaningless sans the pre hyphen "anti"?

Let's this compound word down and see what happens:



one that is opposed [to]



2 policy or predisposition favorable to Jews

Recombine: Anti-Semitism:

one that is opposed [to] policy or predisposition favorable to Jews [over non-Jews]

In other words, opposition to bigotry that favors Jews over non-Jews -- such as is found the official policies of Israel, or in the core tenets of Zionist/Semitist thought.

You are going to argue with the dictionary definition of it. Wow. That was a bold move. It didn’t pay off though.

You are going to argue with the dictionary definition of it. Wow. That was a bold move. It didn’t pay off though. It’s fun reading people like you desperately grasping at straws after they’ve been exposed.

Exposed as what, GBP? Someone who opposes bigotry? Okay, I can live with that.

Let's continue a bit further with dictionary definitions, synonyms and the like:



2 often not capitalized : a person favoring or disposed to favor the Jews

Does that shoe fit Israel? Does it fit Zionists? Does it fit YOU?

Favoritism - Definition


the favoring of one person or group over others with equal claims; partiality

Favoritism - Synonyms


noun bias, -- partiality; discrimination; inequity; nepotism; partisanship; unfairness; inclination; preference; one-sidedness; preferential treatment

You were saying, GBP...?

Reading your continued attempts to dig yourself out of this hole is genuinely entertaining. Yes, ignore the literal definition of antisemitism. Make repeated attempts to justify that. It will just keep getting better. I can’t wait to read what you have to say next.

I will ask why you evaded the question, obviously.

I have already proudly acknowledged that I am opposed to bigotry -- yes, even to pro-Jewish bigotry (taboo these days, I know, but I can live with that)

But the question you are evading is: Are you a Zionist? A Semitist?

Do you harbor proclivities that tend to favor Jews and their perceived interests over non-Jews in Israel? In general?

No I am not a “semitist”. I enjoy people of all colors race and ethnicity; Clearly unlike you I am not a bigot. I prefer not to have to make massive semantic twists to feel better about myself. Being able to frame logical fallacy as fact is a great defense mechanism though, which you’ve clearly mastered.

So you are an anti-semite then?

You are clearly bigoted against people that discuss Zionism in any fashion, in any regard.

In order for your line of reasoning to make any logical sense, some can only either be for something, or against something, which ties right back into your logical fallacy that completely ignores the definition of antisemitsim which is widely known to be a term for people who hold bigoted beliefs towards Jews. I know you know that though. And you’ve already gone too deep: you can’t backtrack to antisemitism doesn’t equal antizionism. You’ve already been exposed. This is truly awesome. I knew you would crack eventually, but not this hard. Like I said, I’ve been arguing with people like you on reddit for a long time. You all use different terminology, but the message is the same, so it’s easy to debunk.

Yes, you are "cracking" everyone, obviously. Exposed, oh my! As what? Uh on, call the SPLC.

I never argued anything that you stated. And you can be bigoted without hatred...you don't know your definitions well enough.

Yes, you are "cracking" everyone, obviously

Crack is a hell of a drug.

The poor chap got himself so worked up that he's functionally flabbergasted, shooting at shadows, disoriented in his delusions.

Don't take it personally.


LOL...I like the idea of his comment being like shadowboxing...jab, jab, KO...I am the greatest. Meanwhile, his opponent isn't down...someone just turned on the lights. :)

Woah, slow down there, GreenBackPack, you've twisted your knickers into a knot, worked your frustrations into such a frothing lather that you don't know who you're responding to.

Take a break, bro.

Oh let me tell you it has been a doozy of a night.

Hey, it's all Cool bro.

Just lie down for a while.

You can always lie UP again tomorrow.

Thanks for the advice political corrector. Much appreciated.

“Jews domination in the state seems so assured that now not only can he call himself a Jew again, but he ruthlessly admits his ultimate national and political designs. A section of his race openly owns itself to be a foreign people, yet even here they lie. For while the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb Goyim. It doesn’t even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organization for their international world swindle, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.”

That quote reminds me of you.

So, who are you quoting?

Are you going to provide an attribution, or are you quoting yourself?

Don’t act like you don’t know a quote from your bible when you see it.

Ah, okay, so you forced me to search, an I found the quote -- on the Jewish Virtual Library, no less.

So you are saying that the quote from Hitler's Mein Kampf reminds you of ME?

Well, I must say that I do not appreciate the comparison. I am much taller than he was, and much better looking. Also, I grow a fuller mustache, AND I still have 2 testicles, lol!

That said, I do like dogs (woof woof!), and it is said that Hitler liked dogs, so there's that... FWIW...

But it is also worth noting that, in the quote you provided, ol' Dolphie specifically mentions Zionists, and their plans to create a Jewish State in Palestine... which is a rather interesting statement, as the book, Mein Kampf, was published in 1925, some eight years before Hitler and his Nazi party seized power -- during a time when, on the whole, the Jews living in Germany were doing quite well, especially when compared to their ethnic German (non-Jewish) neighbors, as Germany was crushed under the weight of the arduous terms forced on them under the Treaty of Versailles -- and the resultant and ruinous hyperinflation it bred.

But I digress: The fact that Mein Kampf was published in 1925 -- and that it specifically addresses Zionist designs on Palestine debunks the widespread fallacy that Zionism was born from defensive reaction to the Holocaust, because it's publication preceded the Holocaust (and the Nazis rise to power) by many years.

Of course, both you and I have long known that said fallacy is bullshit -- propaganda pushed by deceptive historical revisionists -- but many people continue to labor under the illusion of this falsehood... the continued propagation of which (coincidentally), serves the agenda of the Zionist State and its supporters.

Imagine that.

Okay, so you've already insinuated that I am an "Anti-Semite", and tried to compare mot Hitler... so the question is, what ad hominem insult will you throw at me next?

While you ponder, I'll make popcorn. Is salted and buttered okay?

Mossad Did 9/11

People are watching "The Occupation of the American Mind"


The right-wing still eats this stuff up. One of my conservative christian co-workers said that we must go to war in the Middle east to fufill the prophecy of Armageddon. What a nutjob.

I actually work for a woman of this same mindset. She is the definition of brainwashed Zionist Evangelical Christian if I ever knew one.

It's sad to see someone justify war and killing in the name of Jesus Christ or any religion.

Jesus only got violent once and it was with the bankers.

Good job repeating islamic propaganda!

Glad you're awake.

islam is the sword of Judaism

That is not correct, Islam hates Judaism. They both trace back to Abrahams 2 sons, Ishmael (first born but not with his wife, not the son God promised) and Isaac (born to abraham and his wife, the fulfillment of Gods promise). Ishmaels descendants became the hill people/arabs and Isaac's descendants became the Jews. The Koran calls for Jews to be killed many times.

Im sure the average muslim hates jews but look at the foreign policy and goings on of the last 100 years and you should be able to make a case that jews control muslims

Its weird how the right wing is divided into those who completely support Israel and those who completely hate Israel and even Jews for that matter

It goes much deeper than that I saw some documentary about how some Jewish Zionist literally wrote in a theology book a bunch of dogma on supporting the state of Israel. Theres a documentary on vimeo -Wikileaks linked it. Most Christian pastors love war. Most of them wrote letters of support and many if not all that did did not express any concern to the Iraq ear aftermath. There is a big movement of Orthodox jews against the Palestinian genocide, but obviously its not on the news and gets little media attention.

There are many crypto-Zionist pastor's preaching in our Christian churches everyday. They purposely give false interpretations. They love to brainwash the kids.

this is winning, we are winning!!!

The Zionist strangehold over the US is essentially supported by both parties. In recent years Zionism has come to be associated with republicans, but all partisanship is thrown out the door yearly at AIPAC and when it's time to legislate for Israel. The democrat constituents are finally turning on Israel, but their representatives aren't acting this way yet.

both parties and their supporters, how much would that be lol. almost everyone. which is really why at times i just lol when i hear the mantra on the evil 1%... all of them whether they realize it or not, just contribute and are part of all this. does your ignorance really excuse you from your ..

This is a spectacular post that should be used to show people what zionists actually do to the world


Muslims are working over time today on their jihad.

Are the Sauds muslims too or do we call them something different since Trump respects them and sells them weapons?

Basically every one of your posts is anti-Israel, anti-US, pro-muslim, pro-palestinian..

Working hard for those virgins, eh?

Bro there's muslims in congress! You'd better tell Alex Jones and Breitbart stat! Rally the old white and yellows for Murica!

Of course an inbred goat fucker would take that is a compliment.

At least you aren't denying it so hopefully so people will see what is really going on here and see who their real enemy is.

Muslims have never attacked America. Trump's Zionism is the enemy because it gets Americans killed while they fight wars for Israel.

Muslims have never attacked America

LOL ya except for the biggest terror attack in US history.

Muslim lies never stop. It is amazing.

9/11? An inside job, please try again.

Muslims did 9/11. You aren't fooling anyone that matters.

By that you mean our terror ally Saudi Arabia which we failed to investigate? If our ally did it and we allowed it, that's an inside job.

the Saudi royal family are jews

I thought they called the Jews cousins. Either way it explains a lot.

Zionist Israel is a Godless faction hiding behind an iron curtain of deception. They are using the good name of the American people just as they are using the good name of the Jewish people to perpetuate their satanic war on peace and Christianity

This isn't a war on Christianity, it's a war on Islam (or both), and always has been. Top tier demons give riches to those that fuck with muslims and the reputation of the religion. Palestine has the best muslims, taking that away from the world makes it easier for satan and his minions to dominate and make way for the antichrist.

or both

Mcmahon actually promised the Arabs independence from foreign influence, he didn't promise them Palestine, they just had a conflict after it because they didn't like the creation of a Jewish state. Not sure why I should believe anything you say when your reading comprehension is bested by the first paragraph of Wikipedia.

I guess you decided to believe me.

Or they can continue to secure us as an ally and make themselves essentially untouchable

Yawn so bored with the Israel posts on r/conspiracy.

It looks like this Benjamin Franklin quote might be fake, but thanks for the great post. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin_Prophecy

It could be fake, but don't trust Wikipedia to tell you the truth when shills sit at computers manipulating it all day.

"The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube."

Snopes and this wiki link are controlled. Remember these people control the media and the internet. This is deep my friend. One thing to remember. The colonialist knew of the Jewish problem. It has been waging since Adam and Eve. Our American forefathers discussed extensively about this. Even if this quote is unfounded, it's still true and makes a point. It really doesn't matter who said it. It bares fruit.

I'm glad you liked the post.

Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves. Former Prime Minister Of Israel Menachem Begin

The spokesman for the master race is clearly a raging psychotic.

is there a source that he said this

I was unable to find one, but found another discussion on the quotes origin. https://en.m.wikiquote.org/wiki/Talk:Menachem_Begin

if I could upvote you twice, I would. thanks for the link.

No, but there are sources that say he never did:


Seems that someone just made it up.

thank you! ya, that quote seemed suspect.

Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior race.

Jokes on him, he wants to rule shit...

"Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away."

Prime Minister Of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu

is there a source that he said this

His actions speak louder than your ability to sow doubt about those being his words.

sow doubt? fuck off. it's called providing evidence to back up your claim.

not sure where in that video the quote is. don't get wrong, the group of ((())) fucking over everyone needs to be stopped, just not with fake quotes. especially when there are enough real quotes of these fucks admitting they think they're the master race.

thanks but that quote isn't in the video you linked. unless the translation is wrong. dunno, I don't speak the language.

thank you! damn, it was a c_a agent who overhead him say that. now I'm at a crossroads. as much as nety and his minions are cunts and are not to be trusted, I can't trust the c_a either. hard to tell if it's propaganda from the u.s. side or he really did get ballsy enough to say it.

Amazing post

I consider what's happening in the US to be the modern incarnation of the Bolshevik Revolution. Even if the numbers of 65 to 100 million dead Russians at the hands of the Bolsheviks are to be believed, I think, when it's all said and done, the death toll in the United States and Europe will be much higher.

You are right on. Trump is Stalin. The progression is eerily similar. Boom.....now waiting for the BUST. It's the same playbook. They use it over and over again. Hitler was the SAME PLAYBOOK. They don't teach history in school anymore. No-one could forsee this. Wake up people.

WOOOSH, that went right over your head. I think he meant that the Russian revolution wasn't Russian at all. It was planned in a bagel shop in Brooklyn by everyones favourite big nose people

Well, my comment actually went over your head. Unless you understand history, you understand nothing of current life.

which history? I never was indoctrinated into western public schools I started learning about history my self online from usenet in the early 90s. The version of history that I believe to be true is going to greatly differ from whatever version you are claiming I don't understand

Upvote and chuckle for the "favourite big nose people." Made my day.

great post

Capitalism and imperialism are killing the world 🙃

Thank You for such a great post.

Since this is r/conspiracy and anything goes, this is in line with what Christian preachers on YouTube and churches everywhere are using to indicate a sign of the end of days:

“I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars--I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.” Revelation 3:9

Israel’s nationalism is also pretty similar to those of the Jews in Galilee when Jesus was being persecuted. John 6 talks details how these Jews spoke to Jesus.

Galileeans: “We heard the goods news! You’re going to restore glory to Israel, right? Just like Moses and our amazing forefathers did?”

Jesus was like, “nah, that’s child’s play, fool. Y’all are talking about glorifying a people, and I’m I’m talking about believing in me. That’s how you get to Heaven. Which, to Hell with Earth – Heaven is pretty much the best thing in the history of Ever. Also, Moses didn’t give you jack shit, my Dad worked through him so that y’all would believe.”

So the Jews kept murmuring “who does he think he is?”

And Jesus hears them and says, “I’m the son of G-d, believe it or not.” And he turns to the disciples who witnessed and this and said “y’all wanna leave too?”

The disciples responded, “I mean... we’ve seen your work, where are we gonna go?”

So Jesus responds “I was right to pick you 12...” right before throwing shade. “But one of you is a backstabbing bitch,” referring to Judas Iscariot.

Folks these days are also drawing parallels between the temple construction outlined in Revelation 11 and the current rebuilding of the third temple on Temple Mount: http://www.christiantruthcenter.com/third-temple-prophecy/

Revelation is a trippy book, man.

“Jews did 9/11”

You are right on. Trump is Stalin. The progression is eerily similar. Boom.....now waiting for the BUST. It's the same playbook. They use it over and over again. Hitler was the SAME PLAYBOOK. They don't teach history in school anymore. No-one could forsee this. Wake up people.

Jesus only got violent once and it was with the bankers.

sow doubt? fuck off. it's called providing evidence to back up your claim.

Im sure the average muslim hates jews but look at the foreign policy and goings on of the last 100 years and you should be able to make a case that jews control muslims