How did Conspiracy go from critical thinkers to Trumpists?

1  2018-08-09 by Krayborn

I thought the point of this sub was to pay attention to the info most reject, to find whatever slivers of truth exist between this societal illusion. Look, change is going to come but it's not going to come from any billionares, puppets, or corporate beasts It literally Must come from us people. This is why the world cleverly maintains division tactics. They are fully aware that when people really understand where wealth inequality is at right now. We won't feel comfortable under the boot-heel anymore. We will never take platitudes like "sure we would Love to offer you health care, education instead of indoctrination, livable wages, but where would we get allll thaaat money?" The government has no right to claim such things until they account for all 21(?) TRILLION dollars they just can't seem to find. Here, please watch this. Trump is not the person to change this, he's in massive debt to Russian banks associated with a certain dictator I know while campaigning he said just about one of evwrything, parroting Hillary and even Bernie's talking points when he saw the people responded well to them.

Look, I don't blame you for wanting a mythic hero of yore show up to town and cowboy everything into order, but It's time we start thinking again like conspiracy theorists. We the people, are the only heros we could possibly count on.


S.s Mega privelleged folk don't often challenge the structure that priveleges them

By all indicators, Trump is challenging the world stage; the world economy; the status quo. Is he not? He may be failing miserably but don’t look past the fact is shaking Things up

Only in the sense that a president was elected who doesn't actually understand the job or what powers it grants

Challenging thw status quo? The list of people around him that are getting busted for the business-as-usual swampy behavior grows by the day. How own damn lawyer is corrupt.


Oh, fuck off.

What about the idea that the rich have their own set of rules triggers you? I mean I'm pretty upset about it but the concept itself isn't what enrages me, it's the reality.

Thanks for labeling the sub Trumpists. Very mature.

I mean, I could have said fascists to be more general. But fascism takes the form and symbols of the country in which it arises. Some key charactoristics of fascism are overly pro violence and war. The enemy is depicted as weak, but we definitely have to fight them. Sexism/racism/xenophobia in general are common threads.

Here: thoughts that aren't mine, well presented.

You could have said fascists, but you still would be wrong.

No I wouldn't. Child stealing and caging is a distinctly fascist activity.

I don’t think this sub supports that, and discussing cause and effect does not equal support.

Don't waste my time friend. To support trump today, after the kidnappings, is to morally support his authoritarian violence. 9/11 convinced the world that islam is a boogeyboogey and his brand of populism reinforces that. "Immigration ban" vomits If Trump was on "our" side he'd not reaffirm the lies and damage inflicted on us by the CIA all those years ago.

CNN much?

Wouldn't know dont watch tv

So this idea that forcing immigration laws is a fascist activity, that's all you?

Violent capture and seperation of families*

Violent in some cases, I guess. So, in your mind, what's the alternative for separating the adults(who is not always the childs parents, many cases of child trafficking going on) from the children during processing?

When you slither around and try to justify this you reveal your true colors. Where'd you learn that? Sources? I have personally run into info suggesting that CPS and other child "help" groups are actually helping to run child trafficking, so you won't find an ounce of trust in me for governmental child aide. Here's a source, waiting for yours.

Google "child trafficking mexico border" and pick your own source. Are you going to offer me some alternative to separation, then?

Sure but I hope you don't expect some line-toting, narritive garbage. I will give you my raw uncensored alternative. Borders and classifications of seperation should be organically abolished by a dissatisfied global population.

We're here, so I shoulsn't have to explain too much how most every world government is connected by a predatory economic system. All hooraaraa about this vs that is manufactured, and world governments maintain the illusion of seperation. Reality is the political and corporate structure are an oroborous that threatens to devour planet earth instead of itself. So SS Countries are a committed fiction, much like the value of money. Nobody should be illegal based upon where they are and where they were born. Maintaining that quo helps the misleaders control us.

I mean, you're ignoring the fact where mass immigration brings with it real problems. Trafficking of children, drugs, weapons, poverty, cultural clashes, crime, etc etc. Your utopia where no man, woman or child should be classified as an illegal immigrant just because that sounds cruel or something, doesn't exist. Sorry.

If we made global reforms based upon the people governing themselves I don't think the problems we surely would face, would be even remotely familliar to our problems now.

Maybe. Though, that sounds pretty utopian aswell. Sure we could work towards such a system, but we cannot ignore real world problems in doing so. That's my thinking.

You're confusing fascism and Chitty chitty bang bang.

China are the real fascists, but liberals would never admit this

There's way too much defending of him on here. Conspiracy theorist should be wary of those in charge. Especially someone with a track record of Donald. Instead there's a lot of posts in this sub defending him or attacking those that are looking into his campaign. To deny that these kind of people are here is intellectual dishonest.

To paint the entire sub as Trumpists is as well.

I would agree but there's defiantly a strong support for him and if you go through the mod log in depth you'll see more of it.

I don’t really bother with mod logs, modding ain’t easy. I feel bad for them, can’t please everyone and clearly there is a concerted effort to delegitimize them and the rest of us.

If you went through the mod log, you might see a pattern of those speaking against Trump getting banned for no reason.

Maybe. Perhaps. I'm not saying it does or doesn't happen. But something you may want to explore for yourself.

When the ridiculous trolling and brigading subsides I might give it a look, until then I’m not falling into the trap.

When the ridiculous trolling and brigading subsides I might give it a look

I appreciate your optimism, but I'm not sure Pandora's Box will ever be closed again in this sub.

Maybe trap isn’t the right word, but the goal of all of this seems clear and I’m not falling for it.

Huh, okay. I'm not sure what the "goal" is other than to have a transparent and full picture of what actually goes on around here, but I get some people prefer to stay in the dark. Guess this falls under "You do you."

Transparency huh, like scrubbing your comments regularly?

Not that clever friend, sorry to break it to you.

What are you talking about?

You tell me, it’s your account.

Well, since you've checked my account history you should see that I've already addressed this question numerous times. So as they say around here, "Look harder".

I didn’t read all your comments, and don’t really care to.

And I don't care to address half a dozen times or more why my account history is what it is. You care enough to look, take the time to read the comments. Otherwise, move on.

Definitely keep your eyes closed. Waaay easier to keep thinking the way you have been if you ignore all evidence to the contrary

You are right I apologize there are still some critical thinkers left here, we haven't been squeezed out quite yet, but the fact that someone could pay a visit to this sub and could reasonably assume this is some kind of trumppy hangout club made me feel this was necessary to post.

I think that same person could reasonably assume this sub suddenly became infatuated with MSM narratives and now supports the official narrative.

Tough times in the sub. Given all the anti-conspiracy rhetoric coming from MSM and being promoted in this sub the pro-Trump stuff isn’t nearly as concerning. We are all being attacked for not participating in group think. Trump will fade, but once alternative thoughts are censored they aren’t coming back.

we haven't been squeezed out quite yet


Well I have many disagreements with Trump and I get labeled a "Trumpist" by people like you because I simply repeatedly state that I haven't seen any evidence of "Russia collusion" or even "interference" outside of 1mil of Facebook ads shown mostly after the election and find the hysteria around Russia akin to a neo-Mccarthyism.

Oh that's an easy fix, click on the link by title of "themoscowproject", then turn on your reading eyes. You may catch just a whiff of that evidence

I would never call someone a Trumpist. I might think it to myself but labeling peolple while having a discussion about issues doesn't help anything.

I haven't seen any evidence of "Russia collusion"

What do you think of the Trump tower meeting? Is that considered any evidence?

or even "interference" outside of 1mil of Facebook ads

And what about this? The U.S. official in charge of protecting American elections from hacking says the Russians successfully penetrated the voter registration rolls of several U.S. states prior to the 2016 presidential election.

There is no evidence that any of the registration rolls were altered in any fashion, according to U.S. officials.

from your article.

how do you guys make the mental leap about the electoral college? I mean he lost the popular vote?

I think if someone is penetrating voter rolls that would classify as interference but your welcome to disagree. It's obvious though that they were up to more than just Facebook ads.

how do you guys make the mental leap about the electoral college? I mean he lost the popular vote?

I didnt. We aren't taking about that we are talking about how Russia interfered.

yeah, that's what I'm talking about.

the narrative here is that they somehow hacked the election and got Trump elected right?

So again, how did the Russians get to the electoral college?

that's what I'm talking about.

Cool. Well I'm not.

If you don't like it then leave.

Nah I don't think so. Instead I'll be an advocate for truth justice and transperancy as well as calling out hypocrisy when I see it. No safe space for you.

Instead I'll be an advocate for truth justice and transperancy

Then stop trying to silence other's opinions.

as well as calling out hypocrisy when I see it.

You should probably be able to recognize your own before telling others about theirs.

No safe space for you.

I'm not advocating for a safe space, but that's exactly what you are doing by advocating to censor others.

I already called 911, they`re sending an ambulance and preparing the burn unit for u/ljout

Thanks for adding to the discussion.

Then stop trying to silence other's opinions.

Calling things how I see it is hardly silencing. Anyone is welcome to say what they want but if something smells like bullshit it should be called out.

You should probably be able to recognize your own before telling others about theirs.

How am I being hypocritical?

that's exactly what you are doing by advocating to censor others.

Again please explain how I'm try to silence anyone.

Still curious how I'm censoring anyone. I know this is everyone's favorite thing to accuse people of now.

Yes everyone must agree with me or else their Trumpists.

That's not true nor did I say that. There is a subset of people in this sub that think he can do no wrong and he's some kind of white knight here to save America.

was to pay attention to the info most reject

So Trump then?

Sure great, and what aspects of Trump info do neither blues and redds both agree should stay burried? Epstine anyone?

I don't look at the blue and red to know what tptb don't want me looking at

I'll go look at their propaganda arm, the MSM

And boy they don't like Trump for some reason

Except it's only one side of the MSM. Fox is MSM. It's bigger than the other news corps combined.

So therefore I have proven that you do look at red and blue and you decidedly make the red choice no matter what.

There's a bunch of peeps that hate Trump at Fox

There's also a bunch of people that hate Trump in alt-media

Makes you go hmmmm

There's also a bunch of people who love him in those circles. Revere him into a messiah that only he can save the world. Hmm indeed.

Possibly a product of Operation Paperclip. It's time to discuss John. G Trump

A man born in the USA, a product of paperclip


It's well know John Trump worked with some of those scientists brought over after the war.

He touched Nikola Tesla and Nazi scientists while his nephew makes it to the presidency.

The deep state is fake tho right?

It's so funny coming here and seeing people bitch about Trump. Like you already don't have at least 4 major subs that already approve that behavior.

If you don't like the demographicd of this sub, GTFO!

Stop trying to mold it into how you think it should be

Well, to be fair, this sub in the past has always been suspicious of presidents/those in charge in the past.

So it's natural to be a bit confused when a large number of people in this sub seem to support instead of question authority.

Every President since Reagan was a globalist.

Trump is a globalists worst nightmare.

That is the difference and why he has support even from some people on this sub.

It's not everyone, but you act like it is. You're not confused by the large number of supporters, you're upset, and it's absolutely pathetic how you cry to this board about it expecting sympathy upvotes as if this sub should become yet another 'fuck Trump no matter what' sub.

Just fuck off and let the sub be. Stop complaining about it.

Damn dude, aggressive much?

It's not everyone, but you act like it is.

Where the hell did I ever imply this? Does "large number" to you mean "everyone"? If so, I suggest you go back to school to learn the difference.

You're not confused by the large number of supporters, you're upset, and it's absolutely pathetic how you cry to this board about it expecting sympathy upvotes as if this sub should become yet another 'fuck Trump no matter what' sub.

Where have I ever "cried to this board" or "expected sympathy"? Way to get unhinged on a fucking topic, man. And yeah, I'm absolutely confused by the support Trump receives from this sub, it makes absolutely no sense from a conspiracist viewpoint.

Just fuck off and let the sub be. Stop complaining about it.

I'm sorry, I must have missed your Gatekeeper badge. And let's be real - who's the one whining and complaining here?

You're not confused by the large number of supporters, you're upset, and it's absolutely pathetic how you cry to this board about it expecting sympathy upvotes

So true.

When I look at this sub, I see a bunch of people saying that this sub has been infiltrated by T_D, but then, I don't really see this "mythic hero" mythos you guys are talking about. It seems to me like this is a narrative that several people have been promoting since 2016 that still isn't true.

Most of the time i see people saying things like "both parties are the same" and "the media lies"...

Maybe you could point me to a few examples of this "mythic hero of yore"?


so what does that have to do with this sub and that "r/con is T_D" narrative you are espousing?

When I look at this sub, I see a bunch of people saying that this sub has been infiltrated by T_D, but then, I don't really see this "mythic hero" mythos you guys are talking about.

Look at any thread critical of Trump and you'll see many users defending him with every comment they make, not once acknowledging that he could ever make a mistake. There are some users who do the same thing with Obama and Hillary or the Left in general, but it seems to be more common with the people who in this sub who support Trump.

surely you have an example of this that you could easily link to, since it's so prevalent here.

He's attacked constantly, and some people don't like it when anyone defended him.

He kind of brings a shit-ton of it on himself.

Plus the decades of being a complete and total crapball of a sociopathic human being that people just completely excuse.

and some people don't like it when anyone defended him.

But they're in a conspiracy forum. Why would anyone defend the head of the US government in a conspiracy forum? If it's true that nobody becomes President without TPTB wanting that person to be President, it makes no sense to defend Trump. If it's not, then TPTB aren't actually as all-powerful as many proclaim them to be.

Look at any thread critical of Trump and you'll see many users defending him with every comment they make,

Maybe because they regularly use false talking points to attack Trump.

Trump re-evaluating asbestos....turns out it was the Obama admin's EPA

Trump's zero tolerance policy separating children.....turns out Operation Streamline (zero tolerance) started in 2005

Trump tower Russian lawyer meeting.....Turns out the russian lawyer worked for the firm hired by the DNC.

and just on and on and on.

Maybe because they regularly use false talking points to attack Trump.

What constitutes a 'talking point'? Is it that it's talked about by MSM? If that's the case wouldn't it make sense that Trump supporters here are using 'talking points' as well, since Fox News regularly says things they agree with?

A talking point is a rumor being spread, usually by MSN, that is provably false. This also includes the many many miss quotes and out of context quotes.

What constitutes a 'talking point'?

Specific manipulative rhetorical attacks crafted by Shareblue Media and passed on to their paid shills who then come here and brigade posts in a fantastically obvious manner to influence public opinion in a way which benefits the shadow government.

Truth is subjective nowadays, depends on the media you consume, echo chamber you've fallen into, victim card usage, race/identity politics you adhere to. If you are attacking/defending anyone in politics now, it just means you have fallen prey to the divisive strategy that pits the majority against each other while the minority(socioeconomic) excels. It's pretty hard to avoid, weaponizing politics really has consumed every facet of every-day life.

No one is saying that Trump is perfect or incapable of making mistakes, and make no mistake, you can't change anything, particularly anything as complicated and convoluted as the situation that the US is currently in without making some mistakes in the process.

Trump has and bears no responsibility whatsoever for the way things presently are. That all belongs to the politicians in both parties that have been sitting in the Senate and the Congress the longest and their back-room strategists and key financial backers. No one should have to tell anyone that on this forum.

There isn't much public doubt about the existence of a very deep and deeply corrupt and self-serving "swamp" in DC, or that wouldn't agree that it's basically sold-out and disenfranchised America's middle-class and just about everything that went with it.

Moreover, that sold-out and disenfranchised middleclass was completely powerless to prevent that from happening and it was quite deliberately done with the full expectation of that happening to them by their very own government.

Trump became a symbol for those people, both among the Republican delegates who took a chance on him because they had nothing to lose and were set to lose anyway if they didn't and then again for the public at large who you could say the very same thing about.

Trump became the champion of their lost cause who'd carry their banner and most likely go down to a crushing defeat in a hopeless situation.

The only way for those solid working-class people and what had been done to them to gain some recognition and attention to their plight would be by whatever amount of numbers they could muster to back him up. There was no real hope of him ever winning and no reason to believe he ever could.

It was simply an opportunity to stand-up and be counted, to don a baseball cap and go out in public and be recognised, perhaps for the very last time as "formerly a proud member of the American middle class who no longer is".

The upset at the election when it came was akin to a miracle and Trump's supporters were as genuinely shocked and rocked at it as any of Clinton's and the media that solidly backed her who couldn't and still can't believe it, refuse to believe it, and refuse to accept it.

It was a close call in terms of the popular vote but not when it came to the individual states, themselves. It's a false argument to maintain that Clinton should have won on that basis of a few million more votes to her credit because if that was the only basis for deciding the outcome everyone else could have simply stayed home and let the people of California and New York dictate who their next president ought to be.

Trump is the president that was chosen by the largest number of states and that's what he is, and is supposed to be, the President of the United States of America and that "United" part means that the states that didn't choose him accept and go along with the verdict that majority of states has determined.

The ongoing efforts to try and undo that choice, to find some way to be rid of Trump and dare I say it... to put all of those who supported him in their place...needs to be seen for what it is.

It's nothing short of an open assault on all those who've been unceremoniously stripped of their middle-class existence and what still remains of those who are still struggling to hang on to it.

It's not simply a matter of defending Trump. It's a matter of defending what he symbolized and still does, irrespective of whether he lives up to it or not. He is a symbol that a change in course is still possible and as long as that stands that means that an even more meaningful and positive one is as well.

That's "the baby" and I'm afraid that Trump is "the bathwater" and no one has been making that distinction in any of the discussions about what is at stake or what in fact is being defended.

Obviously if he can be overthrown then those who voted for him will realize that it's over for them. That the system is sufficiently rotten and rigged to prevent them from making a difference or ever making their lives any better than they are.

You just claimed the POTUS has no responsibility for anything that is happening? WTF

The same few users come through and systematically defend trump. Im sure youve seen them. Trump russia, while not completely stifled, seems to get the same about of airplay as seth rich theories do( these days, seth rich got way more play here when the stories were still freshly baked)

Curious. Is defending Trump against blatant lies being a "Russia shill" to you?

Yup. You're supposed to pick sides as if this were some mindless sports competition.

Them: Either you love the Raiders, or you are a Broncos fan! The Broncos fuck puppies, or so I heard! You're not a puppy fucker, are you?

Me: "I'm pretty sure the Broncos don't fuck puppies"

Them: You twisted little puppy fucker..."

Depends. Seems like anything negative about trump gets characterized as a blatant lie.

That isnt the case.

i found this sub at the time of the boston bombing. at that time i didnt notice any political leaning. i stayed a few months. then i came back when the vegas shooting happened and the sub was completely and utterly over run with TD users. it was ridiculous and even the mods, or a mod, were banning/deleting anti right posts. stayed a shorter amount of time then because the trump bias was unbearably overwhelming and dishonest. now ive popped in a few times again and i would say there is a clear political divide, driven by the TD people, participated in much more equally by the left and right, but the lefts take on things appears much more honest, willing to criticise the dems (hillary) when its due. the right (trump supporters) blatantly rely on denying facts about trumps words and actions, ignore the fundamental corruption and dishonesty of the republicans.

QAnon (Bannon?) claims Trump as a hero sheriff bringing instant justice

You are missing that fact that people in this sub dislike Trump and Clinton equally, nice trolling

Speak for yourself. I wrote this post because I was uncomfortable with the pro-trump tides that washed into this sub right around Q blowing up

If your such a dedicated theprist you would be salivating at the community's efforts to bring down the deep state.

There by making you a candid trump supporter-

The facts were our nation was highjacked by a criminal empire guilty of treason, with malicious intent to further the globalist agenda.

We are seeing real signs of a man struggling to undo years of corruption tied to illegal immigrants/ migrating and destroying our constitution; as well as a vast revamping of civic infastructure, and givernment accountability.

Just because we are theorist, whom consider that there is 'more to a given situation' (then deduced at first glance) in no way makes us 'anti government'.

If you want to be a anti-soldier. Be our guest- Most or us are proud that our hard work is actually being accounted for (with this administration)-

Don't get me wrong, Trump is a great wrecking ball for exposing the system's glaring flaws. It's not going to be Trump's changes that better things, It's going to be our reaction to it that might.


October Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative or We-Fi, fosters entrepreneurship among women headed by Ivanka Trump Consumer Sentiment in U.S. Surges to 13-Year High 63.1%: Participation Rate Reaches Trump-Era High Unemployment down to 4.2, wages rise .5% New entrants from outside the labor market made up 3.2 Manufacturing Expands at Fastest Pace in 13 Years Dow posting first eight-quarter winning streak in 20 years Home builder confidence at 12-year high Manufacturer confidence at a 20-year high September Tech giants pledge millions to Trump initiative Q2 GDP up 3.1% Sales of new U.S. homes rebounded in August Federal Reserve: Household Wealth in America at record high of $1.7 trillion – Rising property values and Financial gain Surging stock market powers U.S. wealth to $96.2 trillion Food Stamp Usage Has Fallen Every Month Under Trump Wages rising faster than prices Median Incomes Climbing for First Time Since 2007 US Census Bureau: American median income is increasing for the first time since 2007 Trump has signed a $15 billion relief package for Texas in the wake of Hurricane Harvey Jobless claims drop to 240,000 – hottest streak in 43 years U.S. Consumer Sentiment Rose in August Recovery Is Finally Trickling Down to Least-Educated Workers U.S. Job Satisfaction Highest Level Since 2005 American manufacturing expanded in August at fastest pace in six years August Donald Trump Ends Obama Effort to Waive Work Requirements for Welfare Consumer confidence strengthens in August, second-highest level since late 2000 President Trump Cuts More US Debt for a Longer Period of Time Than Any President Pennsylvania coal company to open a SECOND coal mine Summer Youth Unemployment Falls, Level Since 1969 Shortage of illegal labor has caused construction worker wages to increase by 30% in Texas In Trump era, American corporations are seeing their best earnings in 13 years US trade deficit narrows as exports hit 2-1/2-year high Milestone for Trump: 1 million new jobs in six months National unemployment rate at 4.3% (lowest it’s been in 16 years) July 13,000 jobs being created in WI – largest job announcement in WI history (Foxconn) June Black Unemployment, Lowest Level in 17 Years Gas prices at a 12-year low Some states are experiencing their lowest unemployment rates in their histories Trump Announces $200 Million in Apprenticeship Funding U.S. has record 6 million job openings, 6.8 million Americans are looking for jobs CEO confidence highest since 2014 U.S. jobless rate falls to lowest level in 16 years Trump signs bills that helps Veterans and Police officers by giving them Priority and Training May Government spending as percentage of GDP down 1000s of jobs being created through pact with Saudi Arabia Executive Order on the Establishment of the American Technology Council April USA’s small business confidence is spurring a hiring and spending spree Alibaba Takes First Step To Fulfilling Jack Ma And President Trump’s ‘One Million U.S. Jobs’ Promise March Slashing job-killing regulations left and right Creating thousands of more jobs for immigration officers and border patrol February Signed a resolution encouraging women in entrepreneurship and STEM Executive ordered all federal agencies to create task forces to cut regulations that hurt the economy US Manufacturing Index at a 33-year high Coal Miners are WINNING. Cut Regulations/Create Jobs/New Plant US Economic Confidence Surges To Highest Level Ever Recorded By Gallup January 45th PRESIDENT of the United States of America, DONALD J. TRUMP TRUMP DEFENSE DEPARTMENT

October U.S.-Backed Forces Capture Raqqa from ISIS ISIS facing imminent collapse in Syria’s Raqqa Gen. Mattis breaks down New Afghanistan Strategy – NO RESTRICTIONS on Air Power” September US-backed fighters ‘seize 80% of Raqqa from Islamic State’ Mattis sees need for new DOD space programs Trump calls for Increased Military Spending: Senate passes $700 billion defense policy bill US shares technology with India. Enlisting them to fight in Afghanistan August Mattis vows US support for Ukraine against Russian ‘aggression’ U.S. Cyber Command will be elevated to a “Unified Combatant Command” July Mattis decides to withhold U.S. cash from key Pakistani military fund ANALYSIS: ISIS facing knockout punch in Raqqa after losing Mosul Mosul liberated from ISIS May Mattis: ‘Annihilation Tactics’ Being Used Against ISIS US, Gulf countries form new group: ‘TFTC’ to stem flow of terror financing NATO weighs new ‘Counter Terrorism Post’ following Trump’s demands March ISIS leader ‘admits DEFEAT in Iraq and orders militants to flee or kill themselves in suicide attacks’ February Mattis Gives White House Tentative Plan for Rapid Defeat of ISIS James Mattis threatens to ‘moderate’ US backing for Nato over budgets


October FLOTUS Slashes Staff in Half – Saving Millions of Tax Dollars Senate Passes Budget Resolution Clearing the Way to pass Tax Reform with a Simple Majority Trump’s HHS defines life as beginning at conception Iran Deal: DECERTIFIED Trump: ‘We are stopping cold the attacks on Judeo-Christian values’ Trump administration abandons the Obama-era clean power plan aimed at reducing global warming School Choice tops the list of Priorities U.S. Education Department Grants Trump Signs Healthcare Order, Expands Choice and Access through associations US and Israel withdraw from UNESCO citing “anti-Israel bias” Trump has written 46 Executive Orders September Executive order enabling Treasury Deparment to target companies doing business with North Korea August Trump has signed 53 bills into law Ending many of Obama’s useless Executive Orders Trump Signs Order Rolling Back Environmental Rules on Infrastructure 11,000 government jobs slashed under Trump – downsizing government UN Security Council unanimously imposed new sanctions on North Korea Senate confirms 65 Trump nominees for various positions U.S. Small Business Administration opens assistance center July 800 Obama regulations cut – Saved over $200 billion EPA’s Pruitt moves to roll back over 30 environmental regulations in record time Cut the White House budget – Saved taxpayers $22 million June Haley Tells Congress US Assuming More Assertive Role at UN Trump’s EPA To Repeal Obama’s ‘Waters Of The US’ Rule Eliminated 1200 man hours of wasteful paperwork requirements including Y2K preparedness President Trump Announces “Massive Permit Reform” Push Trump Lays Out Plan to Privatize Air Traffic Control System Statement by President Trump on the Paris Climate Accord May Treasury to call for rolling back banking regulations Trump orders a Voter Fraud Commission to investigate 2016 election Fired corrupt and incompetent FBI Director James Comey HHS to Rescind Birth Control Mandate in Obamacare April Appointed conservative Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court Ben Carson Finds $500 Billion (Billion!) In Errors during Audit of Obama HUD March President Trump’s executive order will undo Obama’s Clean Power Plan rule U.S. Will have Free but Fair and Balanced Trade: Mnuchin Executive order to reduce operating costs of the Federal Government Fired all 46 attorney generals hired by Obama February Purging the State Department of Obama loyalists January Fixing lobbying laws – 5 year lobbying ban on White House officials Put a regulatory freeze on all federal agencies Cutting regulations in government agencies (add 1, take out 2)

I am not playing your game today. Prove any of them as false and I am happy to remove them...

Until then, have a nice day-

I'll be happy to do so shortly once work is out of the way for the day. Shouldnt take too long. Keep an eye out.


October 397 Arrested 84 Minors Rescued in Underage Sex Trafficking Crackdown Justice Department Announces First Ever Indictments Against Designated Chinese Manufacturers of Deadly Fentanyl and Other Opiate Substances Jeff Sessions Delivers Remarks to the Executive Office for Immigration Review Sessions outlines broad exemptions for religious freedom Human Trafficking Arrests SURGE: Trump Cracks Down on “Modern Slavery” September 3,800 Gang Members Charged in Operation Spanning United States and Central America DOJ files suit against company for not hiring Americans Sessions says U.S. will intervene in campus free speech cases US Marshalls Seek Unregistered Sex Offenders, Arrest 12 Department of Justice Awards Nearly $59 Million to Combat Opioid Epidemic August DOJ Halts Operation Chokepoint, Which Targeted Firearm Dealers DOJ Halts Obama’s Operation Chokepoint, Which Targeted Firearm Dealers More than 1,000 arrests in sex trafficking operation Four charged with leaks from Trump administration as attorney general vows crackdown July Big increase in cocaine seizures Jeff Sessions announces new crackdown on ‘so-called’ sanctuary cities Justice Department announces takedown of AlphaBay, the largest dark web market Sessions’s New Civil-Forfeiture Rules Jeff Sessions: 400 medical professionals charged in largest health care fraud takedown The Department of Justice Stands by Texas’s Voter ID Law June 238 arrested in sweep of suspected child sex predators Jeff Sessions Declares Fight Against Elite Pedophiles A Top Priority May Charges: Sex traffickers took hundreds from Thailand to US The U.S. attorney general is bringing back the harshest sentences for low-level drug offenses March Sex Trafficking Arrests Soar Under Trump; MSM Completely Ignores Sessions reassures senators: No pot crackdown imminent 3 WAYS TO SUPPORT MAGA PILL

Bookmark this Amazon Link and use it anytime you are going to Amazon to make purchases. Become a Patron for $1 a month. Share this site with your friends with the floating sidebar on the left. president_donald_trump_accomplishments_list_updated_daily President Donald Trump’s Accomplishments List What Donald Trump has done in less than a year is truly amazing. Yet you wouldn’t know that if listen the “Main Stream Media”. How long do you see Positive Trump news stay in the headlines? The 5% of news coverage that isn’t negative… It’s almost like seeing a shooting star. You have to be in the right place at the right time and then it’s over just as fast as it began. MAGAPILL was created to preserve President Trump’s Legacy and to archive the Trumpism movement’s progress toward achieving their ultimate goal: Make America Great Again If we don’t do it, who will? The Trump news list is growing but there is more work to be done. When you see something that should be added to the list please bring it to our attention, we will add it. So why is saving Trump’s accomplishments so important?

There is one thing that the establishment Republicans, Democrats and the establishment Media all have in common. They want President Trump to fail. The establishment Republicans, who are actually Democrats with an ‘R-‘ by their name, are refusing to implement the MAGA agenda. The Democrats don’t have an agenda that they can say out loud without getting completely rejected so they are just in obstruct mode. The establishment Media has become a political arm. All of the journalists have left the building and we are left with political operatives telling you how to think about their slanted stories. They are trying their hardest to paint a picture of failure and disaster. We can’t let them succeed in doing that. If we don’t capture and archive what’s really going on, you are leaving it up to the MSM to define Trump’s Presidency and his Legacy. Can you afford $1 a month to support and expand this project? Become a Patron today. president_trump_New_strategy_on_iran_peace_in_the_middle_east​ President Trump Announces a New Strategy on Iran OCTOBER 21, 2017 0 melania_trump_does_it_better_than_michelle_obama Melania Trump Does it Better than Michelle Obama OCTOBER 21, 2017 0 budget_resolution_passes_2018_budget_resolution Senate Passes Budget Resolution Clearing Way for Tax Reform OCTOBER 20, 2017 0 fbi_child_trafficking_underage_sex_predator_crackdown_operati​on_cross_country_no_tricks_no_treat 397 Arrested 84 Minors Rescued in Underage Sex Trafficking Crackdown OCTOBER 19, 2017 0 donald_trump_renegotiate_nafta_fourth_round Trump Fights for ‘America First’ as 4th Round of NAFTA Negotiations End OCTOBER 19, 2017 1


October Deportations From the Interior up 34% DACA Renewals Drop 21% 30-foot concrete slab prototypes erected along border September ICE has conducted a MASSIVE raid on sanctuary cities this week – 498 illegal immigrants arrested Trump has updated his travel ban, includes these 8 countries – Chad, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Syria, Venezuela, Yemen, Somalia – NO EXPIRATION DATE Crossing The Border Illegally Is Harder Than It’s Been In 50 Years Withholding Federal Funds from Sanctuary Cities – Must allow ICE access to jails and notify befor release $1.6 billion down payment to start building the wall Trump cuts off visas for countries that refuse deported immigrants Rescinded DACA August Extreme Vetting’ for some green cards Deportation orders up 31% nationwide under Trump Deportation Orders Up 30% Miami has removed its “sanctuary” status ICE raids targeting families net 650 arrests July Denver To ICE: Stop Arresting Illegal Immigrants At Courthouse. ICE To Denver: Not A Chance. 17 Texas sheriffs approved to partner w/ICE ICE chief wants smuggling charges on leaders of sanctuary cities New crackdown on ‘so-called’ sanctuary cities Raids to target teenaged suspected gang members Army Corps starts pre-construction work on border wall Deportations in LA are up 60% alone 80% jump in illegal targets Illegal immigration arrests up 40% nationwide Feds taking over Texas National Guard mission along border Border Patrol Morale at Highest Level Trump Admin Preparing Texas Wildlife Refuge for First Border Wall Segment Christian refugees admitted now outnumber Muslim refugees admitted Bill allocates $1.6 billion for Trump’s border wall Memo reveals ICE officers have free rein ICE crackdown scaring some families back to Mexico June No Sanctuary For Criminals Act – deny federal grants to sanctuary cities – Passed House and Senate Kate’s Law – harsher penalties for previously deported criminals – Passed House and Senate Number of refugees taken in is down 50% Rescinded DAPA May Workers install final panel in upgrade of border fence US agency raids Indian IT firms April Raids turn Oregon city into ghost town Ending “catch and release” immigration policy March Silicon Valley Staffing Firm Charged in H1B Fraud Unshackling ICE – told that they can take action against ALL illegal immigrants – increasing presence in sanctuary cities


October United States Announces a New Strategy on Iran September Trump Administration Announces ‘Extreme Vetting’ Plans Trump cuts Obama’s refugee target in half, takes more Christians than Muslims New Order Indefinitely Bars Almost All Travel From Seven Countries UN Security Council unanimously steps up sanctions against North Korea Fewest Monthly Refugee Arrivals in August Since 2002 August Trump to stop travel from countries that refuse to help Homeland Security America has withdrawn almost $300 million in foreign aid to Egypt


October Trump Fights for ‘America First’ as 4th Round of NAFTA Negotiations End August Crude oil shipment from Texas opens new vistas in India-U.S. ties Argentina agrees to allow first U.S. pork imports in 25 years Trump orders probe of China’s intellectual property practices New memorandum to protect American IPs from China – Potentially save Billions of dollars and millions in jobs July Coal exports up 60% China opens rice market for US exports for first time ever U.S. makes final finding rebar exports from Taiwan Renegotiating NAFTA with Canada and Mexico in order to make better trade deals – May terminate June United States and Mexico finalize sugar trade deal First U.S. Natural Gas Shipped to Poland May Trade agreement clears way for Moody’s, Fitch and S&P to rate onshore bonds Signed an Arms Deal worth more than $350 billion and various other investment agreements with Saudi Arabia China, U.S. reach trade agreement on beef, poultry and natural gas April Trump orders a study on abuses of U.S. trade agreements – WTO Trump slaps tariffs on Canadian lumber imports Increased tariffs on Canadian lumber by 20% (worth $1 billion) China buys more U.S. coal, sends North Korea Trade deficit falling faster than expected March Trump Administration Issues Trade Policy Agenda Focusing on U.S. Sovereignty and Jobs January Trans Pacific Partnership TERMINATED TRUMP TRADE POLICY

October Trump Fights for ‘America First’ as 4th Round of NAFTA Negotiations End Crude Oil Shipment to India Highlights Expanding Energy Partnership August Crude oil shipment from Texas opens new vistas in India-U.S. ties Argentina agrees to allow first U.S. pork imports in 25 years Trump orders probe of China’s intellectual property practices New memorandum to protect American IPs from China – Potentially save Billions of dollars and millions in jobs July Coal exports up 60% China opens rice market for US exports for first time ever U.S. makes final finding rebar exports from Taiwan Renegotiating NAFTA with Canada and Mexico in order to make better trade deals – May terminate June United States and Mexico finalize sugar trade deal First U.S. Natural Gas Shipped to Poland May Trade agreement clears way for Moody’s, Fitch and S&P to rate onshore bonds Signed an Arms Deal worth more than $350 billion and various other investment agreements with Saudi Arabia China, U.S. reach trade agreement on beef, poultry and natural gas April Trump orders a study on abuses of U.S. trade agreements – WTO Trump slaps tariffs on Canadian lumber imports Increased tariffs on Canadian lumber by 20% (worth $1 billion) China buys more U.S. coal, sends North Korea Trade deficit falling faster than expected March Trump Administration Issues Trade Policy Agenda Focusing on U.S. Sovereignty and Jobs January Trans Pacific Partnership TERMINATED TRUMP GOOD DEEDS

Trump officially donates $1 million to Harvey relief efforts

Trump donating his President’s salary to various causes

Trump wins battle to fly a YUGE American flag at his resort

Trump helps terminally ill woman

Trump takes over NYC’s disaster Ice Rink project and finishes under budget

Trump Saves Ed McMahon’s Home from foreclosure

Trump files lawuit against town for discrimnating against African Americans

Trump saves woman’s farm from bank auction

$10,000 from from Trump was presented to the hero bus driver who brought a woman on the brink of suicide to safety.

Trump quietly helped Marine out of a Mexican jail that Obama ignored

200 Stranded Marines Needed A Plane Ride Home, Trump’s plane made 2 round trips

Trump intervenes in a mugging, stops man from being assaulted with a bat

Airlines Refused to Fly Critically ill 3-Year-Old to Doctors so Trump sent his Boeing 727 to fly him from LA to NY.

Ya, hes kinda a busy guy; which makes EVERYTHING you said Extremely BIAS-

You sir, are delusional.

Until you experience your own personal paradigm-shift, this will always be the case my friend...

I am comfortable with seeing a world in which you will never understand-

Nah, I dislike the Clintons way more. Trump is a useful idiot. The Clintons are monsters.

Useful for who?

Rich men.

How the fuck is Trump any more noble than the Clintons?

Even if I think he's worse, If pushed I could at least admit there on equal grounds of shady behavior. Trump has been screwing people over whole life (businesses and Trump U), lying for his own ego like it's a bodily function, and his behavior with women is at best on equal footing with Bill.

Well, the Clintons are mass murderers, human and organ traffickers, rapists and pedophiles, and also ran the largest charity fraud in history. Trump is just your average scumbag businessman.

All the usual unprovable crap.

I guess all the unprovable stuff with Trump is true too. I just decided he definitely raped Ivana, definitely had a lot of "fun" with Epstein, definitely walked in on naked teenage pageant contestants, definitely sexually assaulted all of those women (including a a 13 year old girl) and has definitely been lusting over his daughter since she was a child.

That's fun.

Well, the Clintons are mass murderers, human and organ traffickers, rapists and pedophiles, and also ran the largest charity fraud in history.

Where is the proof for any of that? If you're gonna say that someone is a murderous pedophile, you must have some pretty baller sources to back up your claims.

Search bar brah.

Sources brah, do you have any?

Not your research assistant.

Something tells me this would not be said to my face, and is therefore a broad generalization based on the OPs own personal issues, views, or agenda.

Got any more concealed adhominem? C'mon, make an assumption about my weight or gender or something.

I'm just playing your game homeslice.

/u/krayborn it's not up to you to complain about content you don't like.

This is a forum for free thinking and discussing issues which have captured the public’s imagination. Please respect other views and opinions, and keep an open mind. Our goals are a fairer, more transparent world and a better future for everyone.

Some people like the president, some people don't.

If you don't like the content, don't upvote it and move on.

Making a post complaining is just immature.

Or its a tactic to 'flip' voters prior to midterms-


User appears to be only pressing a narrative-

Brigading in thread-

Defending clinton-


Ya, this is what we call a larp-

Believe it or not but the President does have genuine supporters. And a lot of people believe that the Trump Russia narrative was concocted by criminal elements within the Government namely the CIA, DOJ and FBI under the Obama administration. The same people who were caught spying on congress, the supreme court and every American.

Conspiracy visitors, not all but a substantial amount. Do believe that Trump is the central part of a conspiracy topic.

One side thinks he is a victim.

The other thinks he is a villain.

Take your pick, but both sides are welcome here.

the mods banned critical thinkers

This place was taken over a **LONG** time ago with the chans.

Yeah, this place has had that familiar reeking stench for a while now.

sidenote to those born after 1995, the chans were the original formatting of the internet. we had forum threads, aka chans, and we had chat rooms, not aol. mIRC. we have always been here, you are just now noticing.

I thought the point of this sub was to pay attention to the info most reject, to find whatever slivers of truth exist between this societal illusion.

Didn't you answer your own question? Have you watched the news? Have you been on Reddit? It's so fucking anti Trump it's insane. That's all anyone very talks about. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump.

Let's rewind a few years. Let's go to the mid 2000's. War on terror, Aaron terror, Afghanistan, Iraq, wmd's war on terror.

Now I ask you, what is your thoughts on the legitimacy of the actual threat of terrorism versus controling resource rich land.

Translation: That one sub isn't as negative about trump as it should be! reeeeeeeeeeee!

Clean aged reddit accounts are outraged!

Am I the only person who automatically dismisses anyone using the term “reeee”?

I agree. People should be open to the idea that even someone as great as a manhattan silver spoon billionaire with mafia ties both domestic and abroad may be trying to fleece the country for his own benefit.

I know its a stretch that a guy as great as Trump might be self interested, but its our job to maintain an even keel and look critically at all people in power

Lies and gaslighting ITT. As usual.


It's also very telling what OPs stance is based on their choice of words...

What a crock of shit.

I hear this every single time, and have been labelled as a Trumpist as well by people who have read nothing in their lives about geopolitics other than what headline they've seen on WaPo or the NYT.

Most of the people (like me) bashing the Trump-Russia conspiracy is about it distracting from the actually important corruption in our own system and scapegoating the evil, evil Ruskies for everything. We know full well Trump is in bed with the Neocons and Zionists and corporations and banks. For fucks sake, he put the Rothschild-connected Wilbur Ross in his administration who bailed him out of bankruptcy.

We are seeing headlines screeching about the Russians "underminding our Democracy" even though the CFR has been staffing its members in every presidential admin since Woodrow Wilson. We are expected to believe that Facebook memes and "hacking" (which has been given absolutely no evidence other than a cherry-picked NSA assessment) somehow had more influence than the billions in free publicity the MSM gave Trump (colluding with the HRC campaign for their pied piper strategy).

Oh, and the people "investigating" are corrupt pieces of shit as well. Mueller has covered up for 9/11, the IRA scandal, illegal search and seizures, and pushed for the Iraq war by going in line with the WMD scare.

Journalists, researchers, and intellectuals who have been right time and time again - Greenwald, Pilger, Hersh, Chomsky, etc. - share the same grievances. The people pushing this narrative are, once again, exclusively Neocons, spooks, and their warmongering corrupt friends.

So stop with this bullshit, overused strawman that we are "worshiping" Trump like he is a "mythic hero," get your head out of your ass, and actually read something for once.

As a rule of thumb I downvote any post which tries to rally the conspiracy sub against Trump. Not because I'm a Trump supporter, but because if you're actually seeking the truth you will realise very quickly that politics is two sides of the same coin. All politicians are bad.

Trump is the govt. Conspiracy theorists are usually very anti govt. Why does trump get a pass?

Anything that challenges the leftist narrative is consired trumpist. You need to irrationally just hate anything that isn't on the left or you're automatically labeled an alt-right trumpist...That is literally the definition of having no critical thinking.

lol anytime someone posts about what evil leftists are doing (Soros or Antifa) they are automatically called Trumpers and downvoted.

I hope you guys don't support that black bloc bullshit, you guys are evil then and no better than TPTB

Transparency huh, like scrubbing your comments regularly?

Not that clever friend, sorry to break it to you.

Nah I don't think so. Instead I'll be an advocate for truth justice and transperancy as well as calling out hypocrisy when I see it. No safe space for you.