Weaponized Coffee
1 2018-08-10 by KarmaPolice777
Maybe the pesticides maybe something more nefarious but I have a hunch that they may be deliberately tainting our coffee beans. The same way they decided to poison toothpaste as it is something that people are guaranteed to ingest daily, it would make sense that a popular drink such as coffee wouldn't be safe.
1 tiberius_regulus 2018-08-10
Nothing is really virgin these days. It's pretty evil and there's really no way getting around it. Do you have a solution?
1 KarmaPolice777 2018-08-10
For Coffee, I guess one option is to give it up and switch to tea(or quit caffeine all together). With toothpaste, I always use fluoride-free. With fruits and veggies, buy local and organic. Buy meats from a local butcher as well. I see your point that at the end of the day, it's impossible to ingest some type of unnatural caustic substance. I guess the aim then becomes minimizing its intake to the best of one's abilities.
1 tiberius_regulus 2018-08-10
Tea herbs can still be saturated with chemicals as well though. Whether pesticides or the crap they are spraying in the air.
That's how you will get your throat slit by me. Stay away from my caffeine! lol jk, but seriously I need my one cup in the morning. The older I get, it seems like the less caffeine I desire or need. That's kind of interesting right?
I do agree with you and 100% promote healthy eating. I was just saying regardless, we are kind of screwed regardless. It's sad but the truth.
1 KarmaPolice777 2018-08-10
I just try to have the best attitude I can have about life. To accept personal responsibility for things that are within my control and to be at peace with things that are beyond.
1 Shibbian 2018-08-10
breath of fresh air, my friend! much obliged
1 hinzmo 2018-08-10
This is true. Even people that are aware and consciously avoiding chemicals and unnatural additives are still ingesting them in one way or another. You can drastically limit your intake, but we are indeed all screwed either way.
1 Bruce_de_Balzac 2018-08-10
Most teabags contain plastic :( So loose tea & a tea ball is now prudent.
Then there's the whole "roaches in ground coffee" thing, which may account for some of the pesticides in ground.
I've cut way back on coffee [once or twice a week], and tea just doesn't give me the giddyup, so I go through a lot of it, but both black and green tea are supposed to be good for a bunch of things. The only thing is the fluoride in tea, which is the natural kind & not the toxic stuff they put in toothpaste and water, yet I'm aware. Tea also has high oxalic acid content, though, and that can cause stones/kidney problems, so I'm weighing those things against the benefits and monitoring for any signs of issues.
I've more or less learned to work & do things differently, in a more relaxed way. And that's a plus, I'm more patient, content, easy-going, happier. I personally know the highly-caffeinated, fast-paced, multitasking work 'ethic'/expectation part of our society was detrimental for me - probably many. I now have better focus, do better work, and sleep better.
1 BassBeerNBabes 2018-08-10
I buy beans anyways because I actually like coffee.
1 Bruce_de_Balzac 2018-08-10
Me, too, but are they certified pesticide free? I think that's the main thing. Very hard to find that info listed on any beans. There are places, but they usually don't & have no clue.
1 sackajahweeda 2018-08-10
That escalated fast....poster is serious about their caffeine!!
1 Deaconblues18 2018-08-10
Give up caffeine? In the immortal words of Charlton Heston: “From my cold, dead hands!!!”
1 kummybears 2018-08-10
There were studies done decades ago that showed toothpaste doesn’t do shit. Brushing your teeth without it cleans them just as well. Doesn’t taste minty but it does just as well for cleansing purposes.
1 digdog303 2018-08-10
Why would tea be safe in this vague hypothetical situation?
1 Dunkh 2018-08-10
Pre-roast or post-roast? If pre-roast wouldn't roasting burn off anything they added?
1 IMA_Catholic 2018-08-10
Such questions aren't as welcome in these parts as they used to be...
1 LurkPro3000 2018-08-10
What? Why wouldn't his question be welcomed?
1 IMA_Catholic 2018-08-10
Some get upset when people ask questions about that I am sad to say. They appear to not like it when questions are asked that they haven't thought up answers to.
Is it most people? No. But those that act that way are sometimes very vocal.
1 g9g9g9g9 2018-08-10
How come the caffeine itself doesn't get "burnt off"?
1 Dunkh 2018-08-10
Depends on the roast. Darker roasts have less caffeine than lighter roasts.
1 Kendle_C 2018-08-10
MSG is in Starbucks, an excitotoxin. But you're right it probably has loads of pesticides and petroleum byproducts, many batches are sourced from farms that employ slave labor where the beans are roasted in used steel barrels over the cheapest diesel or bunker oil.
1 phillylotus 2018-08-10
I buy organic coffee from Trader Joe's bc I think you're right (same with toothpaste-non flouride).
1 mountainwampus 2018-08-10
TJs has the BEST toothpaste! Especially the propolis fennel & myrrh flavor.
1 useless_aether 2018-08-10
stop using it. coffeine shortens the telomeres
1 mountainwampus 2018-08-10
I'm a coffee addict. I gave it up cold turkey but noticed undesirable results. Eventually I got back into it, in lesser quantities and my undesirable results reversed. I swear, coffee is healthy. I don't want to get into too many details but the gist of it is that coffee keeps me living life to the fullest and less concerned with eating. I won't be abstaining ever again.
1 devils_advocaat 2018-08-10
I was the exact opposite, although I was drinking capsual coffee.
Maybe I'd be ok if I only drank well sourced, high quality coffee.
1 BassBeerNBabes 2018-08-10
Buy beans, I get mine from dispensers at my local grocery store. I can see the beans, taste and smell them before I buy. They're self service kiosks.
1 devils_advocaat 2018-08-10
This is the practical answer. The paranoid would want access to the entire supply chain.
There is still the possibility that the bad side effects of coffee are being hidden (compare with tobacco).
1 legalize-drugs 2018-08-10
I have a similar story. Nasty coffee addiction in my mid-twenties, kicked it entirely for many years, Eventually felt something was missing, and I started with espresso shots again, and they feel great. But that's enough caffeine for me, so I stick with an espresso or latte in the morning, and it helps with concentration and confidence and provides some euphoria too.
I say go with independent producers and small local coffee shops.
1 mountainwampus 2018-08-10
Coffee is just damn enjoyable. The flavor is amazing. It gets you moving. Gets your blood moving. It makes it easy to fast or maintain a healthy diet and that probably has benefits that outweigh any caffeine health risks. It may shorten your telomeres, but that's probably not a permanent problem with all these new age procedures like NAD precursors and IV treatments. Either way, I don't see as much value in a life without coffee.
1 devils_advocaat 2018-08-10
It would be very easy to taint Coffee Capsules. Remember, Nestlé (nescafe) do not have a sparkling reputation for customer interest.
*As an experiment, try giving up coffee for 3 months. *
If your immediate reactions to that statement were:-
Then maybe you should question your motives for drinking. Are you actually addicted? If you are feeling proud of being a coffee junky, question why you are feeling like that. Have TV and adverts made you believe that such a situation is normal, or even a sign of affluence?
As an aside, I started drinking 2-3 capsules a day and my shoulder muscles started aching for no reason. I also got hot flushes and red cheeks after drinking. The final straw was the smell of my own breath. I decided conforming to the social norm wasn’t worth the cost.
1 IMA_Catholic 2018-08-10
Yes I am addicted. However I enjoy the taste and the increased alertness it gives me.
1 devils_advocaat 2018-08-10
Not surprising. Coffee is more addictive than heroin (but less harmful).
1 g9g9g9g9 2018-08-10
Uh, citation needed, you might be thinking of nicotine. I'm a very occasional coffee drinker and I get no "cravings".
1 devils_advocaat 2018-08-10
It does depend on the definition of addiction.
Generally, most people assume that hard drugs like cocaine and heroin are the most addictive of their kind when in fact, they aren’t. While the addictive properties in these drugs are intense, potency isn’t the only factor that plays into addiction; availability and frequency of use are important too.
1 g9g9g9g9 2018-08-10
People suck dick for heroin, no one ever sucked a dick for a cup of coffee.
1 devils_advocaat 2018-08-10
The availability and frequency of caffeine is higher, therefore the cost is lower.
It's socially acceptable to buy the homeless a cup of coffee, but not to give them a bag of smack.
1 theawesomethatis 2018-08-10
Don't NEED to taint coffee. It already is. Has been for a long time.
Most of the beans are grown in countries that still use leaded gasoline or just recently quit.
Cocoa beans too.
1 jje5002 2018-08-10
1 sackajahweeda 2018-08-10
There is always the "trust us we are from the government" concept that scares the shit out of me...How do we know that the "organic" stuff isnt actually more dangerous as the non organic in some kind of haha your bad spent more money and died anyway pay back? I dont know maybe the redpill has made me somewhat skeptical but Organic what? Organic next to a farm that isnt? Organic near some kind of accident that makes it tainted? Paid to be recognized as such and not even? I mean when I saw monsatan suing farmers over patent infringement over seeds that literally blew on to their property and grew WITHOUT THE FARMERS CONSENT OR DESIRE I knew that there was some serious fuckery afoot!!! Just saying..
1 theawesomethatis 2018-08-10
organic mostly means 'a form got filled out'.
the checking is minimal and completely open to abuse just by lying and misdirection.
And what checking there is mostly stops at our border.
1 sackajahweeda 2018-08-10
Exactly!! I try to buy it "just in case" but I believe that companies are banking on that and could be selling the same stuff different package and laughing all the way to the bank about it.
1 nayrev 2018-08-10
don't do this to me - fuck!
1 mountainwampus 2018-08-10
TJs has the BEST toothpaste! Especially the propolis fennel & myrrh flavor.
1 jje5002 2018-08-10
1 sackajahweeda 2018-08-10
There is always the "trust us we are from the government" concept that scares the shit out of me...How do we know that the "organic" stuff isnt actually more dangerous as the non organic in some kind of haha your bad spent more money and died anyway pay back? I dont know maybe the redpill has made me somewhat skeptical but Organic what? Organic next to a farm that isnt? Organic near some kind of accident that makes it tainted? Paid to be recognized as such and not even? I mean when I saw monsatan suing farmers over patent infringement over seeds that literally blew on to their property and grew WITHOUT THE FARMERS CONSENT OR DESIRE I knew that there was some serious fuckery afoot!!! Just saying..
1 g9g9g9g9 2018-08-10
Uh, citation needed, you might be thinking of nicotine. I'm a very occasional coffee drinker and I get no "cravings".