The Ashkenazi IQ myth
1 2018-08-11 by GrimTiding
Interesting factoid: Every time the Ashkenazi have been asked to undertake a double-blind IQ study, they've declined. Why? Because they have already created their narrative, using a study which only measured the IQs of post-grad Ashkenazi college students.
Israel is not even in the top 25 nations in terms of avg IQ, and yet they have the same proportion of Ashkenazi to other as the US has white to other, whereas the US has an avg of 100. Also of note is the fact that Israel, other than Ashkenazi, is comprised largely of Arabic people, who rank fourth in the racial hierarchy of IQ, whereas the US is filled with ~32% hispanics, with an avg IQ of 89, and 13% black people, with an average IQ of 75-85, depending on study.
It's funny how many people cling to the narrative that Jews are successful and overrepresented in positions of influence due to being highly intelligent per capita, when even if that were true, given their small population, there would still be a great many more 130+ IQ white people than Jews, thus rendering the "they're just smart" narrative moot, without even taking into consideration the fact that Jews have never taken an honest IQ study of their own, and the fact that Israel's average IQ is so low, compared to the national IQ of the US.
I see this meme idea being thrown around quite a lot, and so I figure you guys should be aware that it's provably false.
1 Shibbian 2018-08-11
So you're trying to claim that a white dude who points out that the physiologically assigned statistics detailing the intellectual capacities of every other ethnicity/race are "factually" inferior to the arbitrary numbers designated to his own ethnicity/race is providing some sort of intelligent or moral service or something? Where is the intelligence in any of this information? What intelligence is being applied in claiming one's own superiority on the basis of other races being less intelligent?
1 GrimTiding 2018-08-11
lol nah just that Jews cheated on their IQ testing and that's publically available info. Go find a double-blind study, or even a study wherein they randomly sampled Ashkenazi. Spoiler: you can't.
1 Shibbian 2018-08-11
oh shit my bad haha. but wait why does the IQ scores of ethnic groups matter? i am totally clueless about this
1 GrimTiding 2018-08-11
Well IQ is the single greatest predictor of success, and it's a measure of ability to solve problems, so those with the highest IQ tend to do better in all things. Higher IQ=being able to ask yourself "what should I do" and have a qualitatively better answer the higher you go. It's not the end all be all of everything, but it's a huge factor.
1 Loose-ends 2018-08-11
Yes indeed, and that intelligence can just as easily be applied to being a success at criminal activities and in evading the law or the police because "hard work" after all, is for dummies as many of the kind of "smart people" you're talking about see it.
You could say it's also a predictor for that crimnal behavior considering that jailbirds on average are smarter than the rest of the population but you don't want to go there, now do you?
Your contention is patently false. Ambition, diligence, and perseverance are a far greater measure of anyone's personal or business success while the vast amount of money in a few hands is no indication of how inteligent the holder is. By and large the wealth of the elites is inherited and they hire people who are smarter than them to figure out what to do with it.
1 wutangalbum 2018-08-11
If you look at SAT/GPA scores by race you can see the obviously difference in the distributions. Pretending it doesn't exist won't make it go away.
1 TrueNameAmended 2018-08-11
Ashkenazi Jews are the closest thing to modern-day Neanderthals, so of course it’s a myth.
Jews are inherently dishonest, wholly averse to telling the truth in any regard, so I’m not sure why anyone would think this would be any different.
1 Sabremesh 2018-08-11
Rule 1
1 Raven9nine9 2018-08-11
I think people should be asking what is the relationship between Hitler's Nazis and the AshkeNAZI Jews. Its not as though "nazi" is a common prefix.
1 GrimTiding 2018-08-11
It seems like there would be some connection, but it's actually just National Socialist for Na-Zi, and Ashkenazi are (not really but supposedly) descended from the son of Japesh, Ashkenaz. They're actually Khazarians larping as biblical Jews to make their claim to Israel seem legit. Even though using the bible as an excuse to genocide a people for their land is dumb af in the modern era to begin with, but even then they're lying, yet again. 23andme linked them genetically to the Khazars and they threw a huge hissy fit until they recanted and were like "sorry DNA is anti-semitic, our mistake".
1 soup_feedback 2018-08-11
1 BanzaiTree 2018-08-11
I did Ashkenazi that coming.
1 Loose-ends 2018-08-11
It's a spurious and specious argument from the outset and people need to realize that genuine human intelligence is displayed in a wide variety of different ways besides any purely "academic pursuits" or applying the so-called "intellectual knowledge" obtained from them to solve various hypothetical problems to determine how presumably smart they are compared to everyone else.
A test that has been designed from what is basically a western academic perspective by western academics using themselves and what they know, teach, and have learned better than others as the criteria for measuring everyone else's intellectual capabilities against their own and the leaders in own their various subjects.
Obviously anyone who's background, history, or personal interests and inclinations lay outside of that western academic perspective or don't place a great deal of stock in it are more likely than not to come up short by comparison.
They are also less likely to care about it or feel that they are really at any kind of a disadvantage because of it and generally speaking they aren't.
There is a great deal of truth to that old cliché that success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration or that if you want something bad enough and are willing to put every effort into getting it then you'll eventually succeed.
1 GrimTiding 2018-08-11
Man I generally like the stuff you put down, but... Come on.. Iq tests are the single greatest predictor of success. You can say "da tests r raycis because they were invented by whypipo", but they've accounted for every variable possible, including designing tests without language at all, and it still shows the same thing. It's almost like you guys think that IQ tests are a measure of knowledge in western history, but it's just. a. way. to. gauge. ability. to. solve. problems. Can't believe you feel for this meme, tbh.
People who refuse to accept reality as can be measured are always taking issue with anything that measures any multiple groups of people, because they fetishize equality rather than celebrating diversity, yet for every "no the data is racist because of ____" objection, there is a study that accounts for it and finds, yet again, reality is reality is reality.
If success were 99% perspiration then we'd expect brutes to rise to the top, when in reality it's the exact opposite. You can try to do the same thing and expect different results until you're dripping sweat, or, if you're intelligent, you can see what needs to be fixed, fix it, and move on.
It is absolutely shocking how they've managed to fool so many idiots into believing that intelligence is meaningless. I weap for future generations. Imagine how your kids will turn out once you tell them these sorts of things. shudder
1 Loose-ends 2018-08-11
I said "intelligence" is expressed in a wide variety of different ways that aren't readily apparent and not measurable by any tests.
Does it take intelligence to compose a beautiful piece of music? Or write a great story or poem, or paint or sculpt a great work of art? Does it take intelligence to be creative, for instance?
If so, then why aren't the high scorers on the IQ tests more creative or accomplished in any of those areas than those who actually are but are but are only of ordinary intelligence according to IQ tests?
And what pray tell is your definition of "success", anyway? A pile of money, a mansion, a yacht and a chauffeur driven limousine, maybe?
Do you really think that the most intelligent people crave any of those things or desire to be successful in those terms?
Do the most successful people you see in terms of material wealth and success as society defines it strike you as being more intelligent than everyone else?
I didn't say that intelligence is meaningless, I'm just trying to point out that human beings express their intelligence in wide variety of different ways and in many cases some very intelligent people work at very ordinary things that they happen to enjoy doing and that intelligence of theirs isn't' "for sale" simply for more dollars and doing something they'd rather not do even if they're far smarter than the people wo actually do it and make far more than they do.
That's actually a form of true success, whether, you believe it or not. An intelligent person is their own person and they pass up most of the trappings of so called success because there's too many strings attached and compromises that offend their sense of integrity in a dog eat dog rat race that's what?
That is run by the most intelligent people who are the most successful at it? I suggest you think about that just a little more thoroughly.
1 GrimTiding 2018-08-11
Generally yes.
Generally yes. Again IQ is a measure of ability so solve problems. If you task someone with a high IQ to answer the question of "what makes a great ____", you would get a much better answer than if you asked someone with an IQ of 90.
It is a measure of ability to follow through. You'll notice that a prince succeeds a king. Words always have a very specific meaning, and you're right, only very unintelligent people use them as imprecisely as "success=money".
Yes, most do, and they find it easier to obtain than others, but money =/= success.
Of course, and there is a wealth of data to support that most basic and obvious of observations.
Nor did I say you did?
Yeah that's true, for sure. I dunno why you're doubting the validity of IQ, is all. lol It's obvious that it is a thing, and helps with virtually anything a person undertakes, as is proven time and time again. It's funny how you do see intelligence as valuable, but reject the obvious simultaneously. It's almost as if there are political reasons for doing so lol
Yes, it is. Again success and succeed are closely related. Being able to do what you set out to do and do it well is what IQ tests are great at predicting ability in.
1 wutangalbum 2018-08-11
I could care less about so-called IQ tests, simply take a look at people's GPAs, SAT scores and net worth/ over time and the profession they ended up in.
1 GrimTiding 2018-08-11
lol the placement of people on a curve of success when plotted using GPA, SAT, or IQ, are all virtually identical, because, I mean, of course, they all have to do with ability to solve problems. It honestly makes me laugh to see people saying "muh IQ tests are racist and they're not even real tests" when in all actuality, again, IQ is the single greatest predictor of success. Stuff like that is like when they did a mirror test study broken down by race, and it turned out black kids couldn't recognize their reflection was them until disconcertingly late in life, they said "well mirrors are racist probably" :'D ---- for the curious
1 wutangalbum 2018-08-11
I would prefer to use data over time over just a single data point though. I don't disagree with your point, there are differences in the intelligence distribution curve between the races and ignoring them won't make them go away.
1 GrimTiding 2018-08-11
lol wut
Exceptions to rules only prove the rules, my friend.
I think you're reaching for any possibility that IQ scores might not be true. Is there a personal reason, by chance?
1 wutangalbum 2018-08-11
Simple, you have different data points over time and plot them...You know the basic stuff you learn in elementary school?
1 grndzro4645 2018-08-11
It isn't a myth. They are more intelligent but that comes at a price.
And that is a 25% higher chance of mental illness, and decreased empathy.
Asians are 110 average IQ, only 5 less than Jewish.
1 Loose-ends 2018-08-11
It's been said often enough that there is a fine line between genius and insanity and the higher up the ladder you go beyond the range of "normalcy" the more "abnormal" in both good and bad tendencies the individual becomes.
There are also a substantial numbers of criminals behind bars who are well above average intelligence while psychopaths, taken as a group, have a disproportionate number of above average individuals compared to the general population.
1 GrimTiding 2018-08-11
How do you explain that the incredibly high incidence of mental genetic diseases comes with an equally incredibly high incidence of physical genetic disease? Why is the incredibly high incidence of mental genetic disease not found in Asians? Why is there also an equally enormous incidence of physical genetic diseases among Ashkenazi as well?
Oh man the lengths some people go to preserve their myths :'D
1 Loose-ends 2018-08-11
The size of the gene pool is what makes the difference between the number of defects and recessive traits that are likely to be expressed within any particular group.
Any relatively small group of people that holds itself apart and rarely intermixes with others will definitely have more genetic defects over time with a greater incidence of recessive traits as a result. A few more geniuses and a few more idiots as well.
You speak of "Asians" as if they were a similarly small and homogenous group when instead they number in the billions and have an extremely wide range of origins, cultures and backgrounds all brought together and mixed and remixed through a long series of dynastic empires over thousands of years.
A very big and diverse gene pool which produces healthier specimens all round with very few recessive traits being seen.
1 GrimTiding 2018-08-11
Yeah it's a myth, and I explained how. You can go and prove it yourself. Go look up the study they always reference, look at the methodology.
1.) They didn't do a random sampling; they only testes college grad students
2.) When asked, they have denied an invitation to undertake a double-blind test. Why? Because they know they've fudged their numbers to create a narrative, as they do so often with so much.
3.) Israel's national IQ is in the low 90s.
Also the reason that they have so very many mental and genetic diseases is due to their breeding patterns over the last couple thousand years. They have, by their own histories, lived among the outcasts of good societies for 1000s of years, in populations too small to prevent inbreeding, and so they have bred with said outcasts nearly exclusively. Intelligence manifests with an increase in anxiety, and sometimes other mental illnesses, but not at the incidence of Ashkenazi, which is proven by your Asian example itself. You cannot wave your hand and say "the reason that Ashkenazi have so many genetic diseases is... is... they're super smort!", either lol
1 grndzro4645 2018-08-11
Go look up "project talent" from the 60's
1 GrimTiding 2018-08-11
Sure, will do. That doesn't mean that the following are not true:
1.) They didn't do a random sampling; they only testes college grad students
2.) When asked, they have denied an invitation to undertake a double-blind test. Why? Because they know they've fudged their numbers to create a narrative, as they do so often with so much.
3.) Israel's national IQ is in the low 90s.
lol riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight
1 grndzro4645 2018-08-11
Go look up NS revisionism.
The studies I mentioned were on high school students. Overall they are a lot better resource for understanding the whole topic.
1 GrimTiding 2018-08-11
Guess you probs didn't see my edit, so here you go
Funny because the study you linked didn't say that at all lol
I think you're playing tricks here, bud.
1 Sabremesh 2018-08-11
Rule 1