Interesting piece George Orwell wrote about Flat Earth.

1  2018-08-11 by joe_jaywalker

Notice how he acknowledges that his argument rests mainly on authority. Notice how he ridicules not flat earthers, but globe believers who cannot support their position. All in all he treats the topic with respect and careful consideration, not dismissiveness and derision.


There is also a bit of a "flat earth clue" in 1984:

"But the world itself is only a speck of dust. And man is tiny- helpless! How long has he been in existence? For millions of years the earth was uninhabited."

"Nonsense. The earth is as old as we are, no older. How-could it be older? Nothing exists except through human consciousness."

"But the rocks are full of the bones of extinct animals-mammoths and mastodons and enormous reptiles which lived here long before man was ever heard of."

"Have you ever seen those bones, Winston? Of course not. Nineteenth-century biologists invented them. Before man there was nothing. After man, if he could come to an end, there would be nothing. Outside man there is nothing."

"But the whole universe is outside us. Look at the stars! Some of them are a million light-years away. They are out of our reach forever."

"What are the stars?" said O'Brien indifferently. "They are bits of fire a few kilometers away. We could reach them if we wanted to. Or we could blot them out. The earth is the center of the universe. The sun and the stars go round it."

You do realize O'Brien is literally working for the state, and is in the process of brainwashing the protagonist in that scene. It's literally the state saying they can manipulate you into believing anything they want. All up to that point, O'Brien has been lying to and manipulating Winston; he has been earning his trust just so he can capture him and program him to be a better servant of the state. O'Brien's other lines include him taunting Winston about how he's so much smarter in philosophy and how Winston shouldn't bother trying to think for himself.

You're taking the words of the villain of 1984 at face value; a villain that is about as close to a perfect representation of the oppressive state trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the common man as you can get.

Uh, yes, I do realize that. The point of this passage is obvious to all. The state can manipulate you into believing anything they want, yes. This includes the heliocentric solar system with spinny ball planets, obviously.

WTF? In the chapter you're referring to, Winston Smith is being tortured and brainwashed. O'Brien is manipulating Smith's mind, so that he will believe impossible things (as Party doctrine requires). At one point, the following occurs:

O'Brien held up the fingers of his left hand, with the thumb concealed.

'There are five fingers there. Do you see five fingers?'


And he did see them, for a fleeting instant, before the scenery of his mind changed. He saw five fingers, and there was no deformity. Then everything was normal again, and the old fear, the hatred, and the bewilderment came crowding back again. But there had been a moment -- he did not know how long, thirty seconds, perhaps -- of luminous certainty, when each new suggestion of O'Brien's had filled up a patch of emptiness and become absolute truth, and when two and two could have been three as easily as five, if that were what was needed.

Your reading of this chapter appears to be that since the Party can make Smith believe nonsensical things, then the opposite of whatever the party says must be just as ludicrous.

That, to be blunt about it, is a fucking silly conclusion.

Unless you're going to say that by convincing Smith that O'Brien has five fingers and a thumb, O'Brien was actually revealing to Smith that we do in fact have five fingers and a thumb and there's a conspiracy to cover it up!

That, to be blunt about it, is a fucking silly conclusion.

It is my believe that he doesn't research or analyze he just finds a big hammer and forces what he wants to into the wrong metaphorical hole.

Projection, much?

I was talking about the person who posted this topic, not you.

I thought you were talking about Orwell, not the person who posted this topic (or me). Apologies for the crossed wires.

No problem! (I am not all that clear some times)

He says regarding the Flat Earth theory, “I believe I could refute it.” That’s a far cry from the “science is settled!” NASA-worshipping Globeheads who act like it’s obvious that we live on a spinning ball. Sounds like some of those fanboys need to learn some humility from Orwell.

need to learn some humility from Orwell.

That is rather strange coming from you if I am being honest.


Aw diddums... are those mean "globetards" calling you names?

Fucking globetards. Parroting bullshit since birth.

He wrote this before humans went into space.

but we havent gone into space, just earth orbit

The same could be said about you and that comment.

Upvote, touché

HahahaahhaHhHHhHH you're hilarious

I have not read much from Orwell's pen besides "Nineteen Eighty-Four", which was decades ago.

This small article alone proves him a very thorough thinker, and I'm a little proud of myself that I have seemingly, unknowingly channeled his argument often in my discussions about the topic. I am, by no means, a flat earther, but I felt compelled to defend the theory whenever under attack by one of those who know the earth to be round simply by virtue of it being just the thing to be known these days and who, if confronted with sound arguments or factual observations, resort to petty ad hominems, strawmen and regurgitation of "received wisdom".

It has been said that the resurgence of FET is a psyop to ridicule those who seek the truth of 9/11. On this question, one who has never studied the arguments for a reopening of the investigation,

[...] should have to fall back on the expert much earlier, and would be less able to test [the truther's] pronouncements. And much the greater part of our knowledge is at this level. It does not rest on reasoning or on experiment, but on authority. And how can it be otherwise, when the range of knowledge is so vast that the expert himself is an ignoramous as soon as he strays away from his own speciality?

...for example, a mechanical engineer is unfit to make a statement, because a building is a static thing; and likewise, the civil engineer's expert opinion is worthless because it was moving when it fell!

Not a thing has changed; it has even become worse: the burden of knowledge has led to widespread gullibility.

Thank you for sharing!

if confronted with sound arguments or factual observations

When I'm confronted with either of those from a flat earther, I'll give it some thought.

What I actually get is retarded morons who can't understand simple concepts such as gravity and perspective.

retarded morons

Wonderful demonstration of what I mean. From zero to namecalling in just a single iteration. Well done, and thank you!

What do you really know about gravity besides what you've been told?

Even black science man said nobody knows what it is.

Oh? I thought the science was settled because all these knowledgeable people are schooling the flat earth earthers on what they've heard?


the resurgence of FET is a psyop to ridicule those who seek the truth of 9/11.

nope, its connected to NASA mostly. the stoned astronauts on the ISS, the hairspray hairdos of the brides of frankesteins (suddenly they all get cropped hair after people notice and ridicule)

So are the people who take video of the ISS from Earth lying about it?


Even the flat Earthers who have videoed it?

i saw the iss with my naked eyes as it flew over. it was just a tiny dot w/o any detail tho..

You have very good eye sight! If you use a zoom camera you can see some detail.

actually, it was easy to see compared to other, smaller sats, which look really like a faint star,. but the iss really stood out

I don't think it's that. Listen to patience by Damian Marley.

More likely its to show how we believe what we are told, without any true evidence to ourselves.

None of us can truly claim that it's fact or fiction. Well, unless one of you fuckers is an astronaut.

Don't think it's about a flat earth, more of compliance to anything we are told, which I fully agree with.

I bet he calls Flat Earthers retarded idiots and talks about Eratosthanes, right???

"It will be seen that my reasons for thinking that the earth is round are rather precarious ones."


Powerful George

So what?

Is that some sort of appeal to authority? Who gives a fuck what Orwell thought about it?

Certainly makes all the people who parade their tired and debunked talking points around and assert that the earth is "obviously round" and "obviously spinning" look pretty arrogant and dumb.

All modern science and evidence is wrong but hey this person wrote something in a book of fiction so it must be true. If only he played basketball then we would have 100% undeniable proof....

Until flat Earthers explain how the world works under their model they will have nothing. Hell they don't even have a map that works.

the globe theorists have yet to explain their model. nothing about it works. hell they don't even have a map that works.

hell they don't even have a map that works.

Except that we tend to not get lost all that often and the maps of the Earth we have are used for all sorts of productive and/or profitable things.

But I have to ask what about modern science hasn't been explained?

sorry but "modern science" has never proven that earth spins. they say earth spins, it doesn't. get real lol

What does a laser gyro, which shows 15 degrees per hour rotation, showing then?

It's rather hard to put objects in geosynchronous orbit if the Earth isn't spinning as well. So how do they do that?

lol what are you talking about!! they DON'T do that. laser gyro? does not show 15 degrees per hour rotation what are you even saying

Yes the do. Even the flat Earthers Bob and Jeran from globebusters admitted the laser gyro they tested showed that rotation rate.

i wouldn't care if "bob & jeran" raised abraham lincoln & albert einstein from the dead to tell me about laser gyros. i'm talking about earth. it doesn't spin. allow me to rewind here: the current heliocentric model of the cosmos as we know it, has not been scientifically proven, does not work & once investigated actually turns out to be ridiculous. even a paltry half-assed shred of an investigation exposes the heliocentric model as insane & absurd. i have no idea why everyone keeps the globe lie going on day after day. i don't know why YOU would lie about something SO big. i wish everyone would cut the shit!! :)

You haven't had even a high school physics class have you?

high school physics proves the earth is a spinning ball? you are out of control lol have you even ever been to school once? have you ever tied a shoe? get a new act

Insults. Well I guess if you don't have facts.

all the facts in the world won't make earth spin. glad u caught on that i was trying to insult you lol

So do you think satellites are real?

i used to think they were real, my whole life i did. then i tried to prove they are real & i couldn't.

What steps / experiments did you do to try to prove they are real?

i started trying to talk to the people who launch satellites & manufacture satellites for all the different companies that supposedly are dependent on satellites for their technology to function! i started trying to call them on the phone & talk to them. no one, no where to be found. not even a stray "oh my uncle makes satellites in north carolina" meanwhile there are no photographs of any satellites in space whatsoever. any photo you can find of a satellite will most certainly look like a cartoon. after a few months of looking for satellites i figured if they were real i would have found one or two satellites by now.

meanwhile there are no photographs of any satellites in space whatsoever

Lots of people have taking videos and images on the ISS...

You can also, with a SDR, decode images directly from satellites.

BTW who did you call?

the ghostbusters lol

So you aren't going to actually respond to the content in question. You don't want to know the truth you are apparently happy assuming.

wow just wow. the website you sent me did not inspire any confidence in the existence of satellites whatsoever. i'm not apparently happy anything you're the one who is projecting all of your feelings on to me. you're the one who believes in satellites not me lol

I sent you to multiple websites however I anticipated you would only click the first link which is why I included it. Your statement makes it look like you didn't read the second one which tells you how to get signals from satellites.

I question your research ability.

i question your critical thinking skills. just because there's a bunch of nonsense on a website about how we receive signals from satellites doesn't mean they're up there. it's like you're a priest in church ffs knock it off

So if I do the procedures listed on that site I will not receive anything?

you could follow the procedures on that site & receive a package from the north pole from santa clause & it wouldn't prove that satellites were constantly falling/floating around the earth

So the doppler shift in the signals is faked?

oh because the satellite is orbiting at like 17000 miles per hour around earth in temperatures that would melt it in seconds? yes i'm not saying the shifts and the signals aren't legit, just that their source is not from a satellite bc they are fairy tales

What is the density of the region at which satellites are said to orbit and what impact would that have on the transference of heat energy into the satellites.

What impact would radiative heat have on the satellites?

How are they Doppler shifted if they aren't moving quickly?

none no densityy no impact no radiative heat jfc what a wild goose chase omg you're right i concede the argument satellites are real there are definitely over 15,000 items circling earth rn, at unimaginable speeds, from defunct/inoperable satellites to just minor space junk & they're all tanning in the radiative heat wow you really got me this time! i can't believe the sheer lunacy of my prior position thanks u really solved it i'm cured

Grow up.

maybe you could tell me about radiative heat transference for their alloys at that altitude. sorry no maybe you could tell me the stability protocols on the terrathermal stabilizers flying through a vacuum at mach 1 no scratch that make that mach 22 thanks

It isn't like you would listen. In just a few weeks you could teach yourself almost all of this so why don't you do that? Get some books and learn it.

this isn't about learning, this is about whether man made objects are capable of orbiting the earth at that speed, this is about whether or not orbiting earth is even possible. in just a few weeks you might be able to understand what this discussion was about if you would just teach yourself & learn it, why don't you do that??

The air isn't very dense up there so why couldn't they orbit? You don't know much about this but you appear to be afraid to look into it for yourself.

What is the average density at the altitude of any satellite you want to pick?

i don't know why don't you go there & find out? oh your books don't go that high

They do actually.

See Standard Jacchia Reference Atmosphere. When you make claims, like you did, you should be able to back them up.

& you're backing them up with, documents & reports? this Jacchia was the first person to relate solar wind & atmosphere? these reports were published in the 1970s. i have no proof Jacchia went up there themselves. again you have given me documents to look at on a computer that might or might not have any basis in physical reality. why are you like this

What mechanism would stop the atmosphere from getting less dense as distance from the surface of the Earth increase?

i was never disputing that the atmosphere gets less dense as distance from the earth increases. wow i wish you would get less dense lol what mechanism keeps the atmosphere from being sucked out into the vacuum of space? at what point/at what height do heavy objects FLOAT instead of FALL? come on. you're a catholic you should know these things

Why do you think that vacuums have any power at all? Do you think they attract things?

i don't think that. did i say i did? at what point is an object "in orbit" instead of "falls back down" at what magical altitude does the density of the stratosphere or whatever become soooo lackadaisical that we just float our giant 4 billion year old spherical earth in space? do you have any photos or videos of people assembling the ISS? any photos of any parts of it before we "sent it all up" on a rocket?

i don't think that. did i say i did?

what mechanism keeps the atmosphere from being sucked out into the vacuum of space

Yes you did.

that's a question, not a statement.

Stop playing stupid games.

Yeah.... sounds like bullshit. If you can time stamp to the episode of Globebusters where this "admission" takes place we can see the context for ourselves.

I would also like to point out that rigging up a electromagnet and bombarding the laser gyro with random undocumented magnetic fields of unknown strength isn't scientific.

As of now Bob has refused to release the raw data from his experiment despite promises to do so. He bans people who ask him for it.

for thousands of years, cartographers knew the world was flat & never got lost. sailors didn't get lost when people believed the earth was flat. nothing about sailing has changed whatsoever in thousands of years. maps & navigation worked regardless. come on!

never got lost.

You either haven't studied sailing at all or you are trolling.

took the words right out of my mouth


meaning you're the one in this conversation who is lying to me about knowing an inch about sailing!

You literally said that no one ever got lost on the oceans in the past 2000 years. Can't you see how that is false?

your screen name literally says you're a catholic & you're not

Moving the goal posts? Are you out of ideas already?

if you memorize the stars you can't be lost. got any more brainbusters for me?

if you memorize the stars you can't be lost. got any more brainbusters for me?

And again you move the goal posts.

i don't have any goal posts. science has never prove the globe, its motion, or any of this crab nebula bullshit. please

People not getting lost... sure buddy.

There isn't a working FE model that make any relevant predictions, let alone be used for navigation around the world. The globe can do that easily.

Sun rises/sets are more than enough to debunk the FE and prove our globe.

relevant predictions? the globe makes prophecies? the globe is USED for navigation around the world? what are you even saying!! lol zap rat tap, you are out of your damn mind!

Yes, predictions about reality. Like how the Sun behaves at the equinox:

Do you honestly think that the Sun's behaviour can be modeled on a FE?

people make predictions, not globes. & yes i do think that the sun's behavior can be modeled on a flat earth! sue me!! much easier on an FE model in fact, seeing as how currently the sun is supposed to be hurtling through the galaxy at half a million miles per hour. you can't have it both ways. how are we supposed to monitor the sun's behavior if it is 93 million miles away & 6,000x larger than the size of earth? it's much easier to monitor the sun's behavior since it lives in our sky & does the exact same thing every damn day. are you really trying to make me look like i'm being unreasonable here? how are you supposed to measure miles in space? how are we supposed to observe the behavior of something 93 million miles away? lol i'm gonna tell you righ now, if a ball of light was 93 million miles away from me, i wouldnt be able to see it! get real

Yes, people do make predictions about reality and all of those confirm the globe model, such as the celestial poles appearing at an angle equal to your latitude, or the Sun angles at the equinox.

Much "easier" on a flat earth.... lmao. If that were true, you wouldn't have given me a rant that boils down to incredulity and instead would've given me a FE model. Don't worry, no other flat earther is capable of doing that.

Every single flat earther has told me that that the Sun is "close" . If the Sun is supposed to be close in the flat earth "model" while going in circles over it, then why doesn't it change in angular size or angular speed over the course of a day when viewed through a solar filter?

This only gets worse when you take into account the equinox Sun rises and Sun sets. On those days, the Sun will rise due east and set due west regardless of your latitude.

And then we could also include Sun angles. An experiment has already been performed on the equinox with over 20+ participants. The results support the globe earth and matched predictions for the model, while it made no sense on a flat earth whatsoever. Unless you believe that there are multiple magical Suns at the same time. Flat Earth is broken to the point that a Sun rise/set isp all that's needed to debunk it.

where is your proof the earth spins, where is your proof the sun is 93 million miles away. don't worry no one else has ever proved it. really can't believe you're trying to make me the bad guy here lol ancient civilizations made so many accurate celestial predictions under their flat earth models it would make you so wet if you would just pay attention!

Weight changing with latitude:

The Eötvös Effect:

Sun distance:

Still, thanks for running away from clear evidence that shows how a basic Sun rise/set is ridiculous on a FE.

If those models that they used were so accurate, then why is it that flatties like you aren't using their methods to predict future events or improve the models themselves? Hint: Those "models' only worked on a local area and the accuracy of the predictions aren't comparable to the ones today in any way. Seriously, go ahead and TRY to predict the next eclipses with the methods that the ancients used for all locations on Earth :)

Who knows, maybe you'll be the first flat earther to model both celestial poles and the equinox? Until then you, like all other flatties, don't have a working model, map or any relevant predictive power.

wow youtube videos that don't prove anything nice watching these is like being at a jr. high science fair thanks for the effort

They do prove what they're claiming. You can continue to deny if you want to.

Flatties still have no model, no map, and no relevant predictive power.

"flatties" aren't the ones claiming they have a model, map, or predictive power.

the heliocentric model is ludicrous. every part of it.

"globies" can never decide on their map projections - there are dozens.

all our current "predictive power" is older than the globe theory.

so far, proofs of the globe are flimsy & laughable.

u need to take a look at the man in the mirror. here's hoping u can make the change

"flatties" aren't the ones claiming they have a model, map, or predictive power.

Some flatties beg otherwise.Though objectively speaking you'll never have any of those things. It's impossible to make a FE work, and you know it.

the heliocentric model is ludicrous. every part of it.

Sure, buddy.

"globies" can never decide on their map projections - there are dozens.

No shit, clown 😂. There are dozens because it's impossible to make a 2d map without distortions due to the Earth being a globe. That's why we have models such as wgs84. What's your opinion on the fact that the most popular FE map, the northern AE map, is a projection of the globe?

all our current "predictive power" is older than the globe theory.

Sure, buddy. Go ahead and predict and model the behaviour of the equinox, as well as its Sun angles, without using a globe.

so far, proofs of the globe are flimsy & laughable.

Because you say so, of course. I don't expect anything fron the guy said that modeling the Sun would be easier on a flat earth.

u need to take a look at the man in the mirror. here's hoping u can make the change

Sweet irony.

You can continue to deny as much as you'd like. You'll never see flat earthers produce anything that works.

hello buddy. it is you who are mistaken. denial is not just a river in egypt. you clearly know very little about the flat earth claims. all flatties are familiar with the old guard globe nonsense. i myself was a die hard globe type for over 3 decades, ready to make fun of anyone who would believe earth was flat . well look at me now, buddy

I've already seen this "I used to be like you" rant, buddy.

all flatties are familiar with the old guard globe nonsense

No, you're not familiar with the globe in any way. Otherwise you wouldn't have made dumb statements such as us not deciding on map projections, the statement that you wouldn't be able to see the Sun on the heliocentric model, or claiming that the Sun would be easier to model on a FE.

By all means, keep denying as much as you'd like. A basic Sun rise/set is still more than enough to debunk the FE.

the AE map was made by al biruni like over a thousand years ago. it is not originally a globe projection

& it is you who look silly saying things like "a basic sunrise/set" is "more than enough to debunk FE." it's not. you keeeep saying that & it doesn't make any sense just so you know. u suffer from a failure of imagination.

every claim globe people make just further puts nails in the coffin of a totally dead cosmology. nothing to see here folks thanks for your time buddy

Sure he did, buddy. Why haven't flatties like you try to improve it, or use it for navigation? :D

It is a fact that a Sun rise/set is more than enough to debunk the FE. There's not been a single flat earther who has attempted to model a "close/local Sun" on a FE as all attempts to do so have ended in failure. The Sun doesn't change in angular size or speed over the course of a day. The equinox and Sun angles just drive to nail further into the dead horse.

Seriously, think. The only thing that you're giving me is excuses just like all other flat earthers. Thanks to that more, more and more are realizing that the only thing that flatties are capable of is making up conjecture to handwave away why reality exhibits properties that we would expect from a sphere.

there is nothing sphere like about our experience here. you are tripping hard. yes, the sun changes size throughout the day. are you blind?? it sounds to me like you have never looked at the sun in your life, it sounds like you have never seen a sunset. you talk with such authority but it's empty because the things you say about the sun are wrong lol like really disappointing. you say FE models fail but the real failure is the spinning globe model with a giant sun because it's the stupidest thing anyone has heard of in their lives & you love it. sorry

No, it doesn't change in size over the course of a day. Yet another dumb statement.

Do you think that the Sun's glare is its true angular size? Watch the Sun through a solar filter and you'll see that it doesn't change in either angular size or speed over the course of a day.

If you include the equinox, where the Sun will rise due east and set due west regardless of your latitude, then it becomes much worse for flatties like you.

The only thing you have at this point is incredulity, buddy. Sorry, but you still have no model, no map and no relevant predictive power. By all means, keep denying the evidence shown.

listen buddy. the sunsets & sunrises are the clearest obvious proof of the earth being flat. the sun's light changes the atmosphere so gradually, it appears local. sorry that's just how it appears. there is a gradient of color in the sky, buddy, from light to dark, dark to light, every single sunset & sunrise. twice a day. sometimes there are clouds more intensely lit up than others. sometimes the clouds appear above or behind the sun, buddy. at this point, all you have is repeating your whole sunset/sunrise game. the sun is clearly local, it's warmest at noon & cool at night. how does heat travel 93 million miles , how does an axis of 23.3 degrees change our temperatures so drastically for the seasons? you & the way you see things are certifiably, drastically insane to me, buddy. nothing about the spinning ball cosmology makes sense whatsoever. your whole shit is cracked off buddy

Nice. I destroyed your claim regarding the Sun "shrinking" and the only thing that you're capable of is more incredulity :)

Sun rises/sets are the simplest proof that Earth isn't flat. Other subjects such as the south celestial pole are even more ridiculous on a FE.

It's a fact that the behavior of the Sun doesn't match any FE model, and it never will. Otherwise you would have shown me a model that works. Again, don't worry, no flattie is capable of doing such a thing.

And to nobodies surprise, nothing that you've said is proof of a flat earth, nor inconsistent on a globe. Hell, even this statement:

sometimes the clouds appear above or behind the sun

Is quite possibly the dumbest statement I've ever heard. Can you show proof of this? I wouldn't be surprised if you fell for a video with an overexposed Sun.

Sorry, but globbies have a model that works. You don't, and never will. More, more and more are realizing this and there's nothing that you can do about it but continue to deny evidence.

By all means, continue.

lol you keep talking about models. as if coming up with models that work is paramount. it isn't. & there is more than enough proof that the sun is small, there are more than enough filmed sunrises & sunsets to show me that the sun is small & often shrinks , i don't need a solar filter. all of your claims are errant & quite frankly, wild. have fun with your models buddy! no sphere will ever be able to hold water.

If the Earth were flat, making a model would be easy. Surprise, surprise, FE is broken to the point that Sun rises/sets are impossible to model. You talk about me making wild statements, yet you were the one who said that the Sun would be easier to model on a FE.

There are no videos that demonstrate a close Sun, nor is there any measurement that proves a close Sun. Sun doesn't change in either angular size or speed over the course of a day when viewed through a solar filter. Include the equinox and the problem gets worse for you. Sorry, buddy, but that's a fact.

By all means, continue to deny evidence.

evidence? fact? you have shown me neither. by all means keep talking about models. i'll supply the glue. u certainly seem like you might enjoy the fumes buddy

Of course I have. You ran away from the equinox Sun angles which support the globe earth and matched predictions for the model, while it made no sense on a flat earth whatsoever. You even ran away from evidence that the Sun doesn't change in size over the course of a day. I've even had flatties admit that what I've shown is "currently" not possible on a FE :)

By all means, continue. Your "nu uh" answers are hilarious.

nothing about this dialogue is hilarious. am i in the twilight zone? just because people make a model does not mean there is consensus among the scientific community that the model "works" or even represents anything outside of the model. equinoxes & solstices, eclipses & all that were predicted accurately long before anyone had a "globe model" i don't run away from things you say, i just spare you again & again from acknowledging how foolish the things you say really are. just because i make a model of a castle, does that mean i live in a castle? you are out of control

The globe does work, and models reality to an incredible accuracy. FE is pathetic to the point that that the Sun is impossible to model on it.

Do I have to repeat myself? Wake up, buddy, if those models that ancients used were so accurate, then why is it that flatties like you aren't using their methods to predict future events or improve the models themselves? Hint: Those "models' only worked on a local area and the accuracy of the predictions aren't comparable to the ones today in any way. Seriously, go ahead and TRY to predict the next eclipses with the methods that the ancients used for all locations on Earth. Who knows you could be the first flattie to do such a thing? :D

If your model of a castle matches reality, then you could have a point that you do live in a castle. Be honest, can you honestly make such a thing work? Get real, it's just as impossible to make a FE to work. You're hilarious.

Though, it's still great to see you slowly realizing that your claim that modeling the Sun's behavior would be "easier" on a FE is dumb. By all means, continue.

the globe does not work. did you yourself personally make a model of the globe that works? or are you just parroting what other people say?

there are MANY reasons the globe fails. all you can talk about are sunsets & equinoxes etc. when it is proven that we spin, when i see a curve, & explain why gravity is so magically selective: maybe MAYBE i'll entertain these insane hypotheses. until then you just keep talking about models. we don't spin, there is no curve & gravity is horse shit.

i'm glad to see you slowly realize that you are just another lemming repeating what other people tell you, desperate to hold on to any illusion that makes you feel safe. never stop playing ball buddy!

It absolutely does work. Here's the equinox Sun angles experiment that I was talking about with 20 + participants. The results support the globe earth and matched predictions for the model, while it made no sense on a flat earth whatsoever. Unless you believe that there are multiple magical Suns at the same time. Flat Earth is broken to the point that a Sun rise/set is all that's needed to debunk it.

Again, Sun rises/sets are the simplest proof that Earth isn't flat which is why I'm referencing them. Other subjects such as the south celestial pole are far more ridiculous on a FE.

Buddy, I've already shown evidence for the Earth's rotation and the only thing that you were capable was to say "nu uh". Oh well, here. Do the same with the curve:

I destroyed your claim that the Sun would be "easier" to model on a FE and your only response was to insult me. Again, you're hilarious.

Buddy, why are you calling me a parrot when the only things that you've told me so far came from someone else? Though, I am planning to participate on yet another experiment on the equinox. What will you do?

i will live my life in the real world while you do your bumbling experiments that prove nothing more than that you did an experiment. have fun living in candyland buddy

Will prove that I did an experiment, as well as the globe matches reality and FE does not. Enjoy your fairy tale... or do you want to continue and deny what's obvious?

that depends. do you want to take me on a trip to mars?

D you honestly believe that the Sun easier to model on a FE?

you have yet to "destroy" my claim that it isn't. you think things can only work the way you think they work. in reality, things can "work" MANY ways, a myriad of explanations that you have yet to think of might do a superior job of explaining what you think is happening, but you refuse to look at those possibilities. If you think your "model" (for lack of a better word) is possible, then there are many more models that can fit the bill. especially if we're talking about models. do you honestly believe we are spinning at 1,000 miles an hour, hurtling around the sun at 36,000 miles an hour whilst following the sun in its 500,000mph journey through nothing? if so, i can sell you a bridge to mars.

you have yet to "destroy" my claim that it isn't.

Yes, I did destroy your claim that the Sun is impossible to model on a FE. Remember, I presented evidence such as the Sun not changing in angular size or angular speed over the course of a day when viewed through a solar filter, as well as the equinox and the Sun angles. Your reply to all of that? "Nu uh". You've presented nothing no rebuttal.

There are other models that fit the bill? Demonstrate. Don't assert, buddy.

You can have all the time in the world. Nobody, either in the past or present, has been capable to make a FE model work. If there are a "myriad of explanations" then why is it that none of you clowns are trying to make a FE model work? Be honest, who is trying to make the equinox work on a FE?

The main objective for you and the rest should be that. Until you do such a thing, the only thing that you will be capable of is making up conjecture to handwave away why reality exhibits properties that we would expect from a sphere.

By all means, continue.

by whatever means necessary i will continue. it is you who makes claims. i am just the unlucky person who says hey buddy, you have no business claiming this because in reality you don't know. in theory, you have your precious "model" but in reality you have nothing. no evidence. your demonstrations & experiments inspire 0 confidence whatsoever. if my answers disappoint you, it is because YOU have failed to demonstrate to ME that our earth is an oblate spheroid wobbling through "space" all you do is repeat your equinox rubbish & if it was as strong as you think i would be convinced already! but i am not. so your "model" is weak to me. sorry. convince me that our sun is giant & 93 million miles away! we'll go together. we can each take an odometer & sync them up. we'll be sun buddies

Again, buddy, you ran away from the equinox Sun angles which support the globe earth and matched predictions for the model, while it made no sense on a flat earth whatsoever. Sorry, but that's proof that our world is a globe. You can't do anything other than to say "Nu uh".

because in reality you don't know.

More excuses. Stop asserting, and start demonstrating. Again, Sun rises/sets are the simplest proof that Earth isn't flat which is why I'm referencing them. Other subjects such as the south celestial pole are far more ridiculous on a FE.

Buddy, I lost all hope on you the instant you said the Sun would be easier to model on a FE 😂. Funny thing is that I've already seen some flatties admit that the experiment disproves a flat earth. Some have told me that they're trying to "solve" it yet every time I ask which methods they're using, the only thing I get is silence and insults.

By all means, continue. You're hilarious. Flatties don't have a single working model, and more realizing that they never will.

pretty sure that no flatties give a shit about producing a model. you're the only person i've talked to so far who gives a shit about models. at this point i don't believe you've had a single conversation about flat earth. all you want to talk about is equinox angles & it's extremely odd, buddy. you haven't demonstrated anything. despite your certainty that the equinox sun angles support the globe, let's say they do. great so you have one support. one flying buttress does not make a cathedral. you still have to support the rest of the sphere that happens to be 24,000 miles in circumfrence, "careening through space". so you & your scientist buddies have a lot of work to do to support the rest of the globe.

Of course you don't care about producing a model. It's impossible to make a working FE model. I'm only referencing the Sun and the equinox because it's pretty obvious that's the only thing I need to destroy the FE and prove the globe. Here's the evidence again:

Every single flat earther has told me that that the Sun is "close" . If the Sun is supposed to be close in the flat earth "model" while going in circles over it, then why doesn't it change in angular size or angular speed over the course of a day when viewed through a solar filter?

This only gets worse when you take into account the equinox Sun rises and Sun sets. On those days, the Sun will rise due east and set due west regardless of your latitude.

And then we could also include Sun angles. An experiment has already been performed on the equinox with over 20+ participants. The results support the globe earth and matched predictions for the model, while it made no sense on a flat earth whatsoever. Unless you believe that there are multiple magical Suns at the same time. Flat Earth is broken to the point that a Sun rise/set is all that's needed to debunk it.

Buddy, I've also presented evidence for Earth's rotation and curvature. Your only reply to that was insults and that it didn't prove anything... because you say so. Let's talk about the celestial poles, then. Why do the celestial poles appear at an angle equal to your latitude?

By all means, keep replying.

i am still completely amazed that any of this is convincing enough for you to come to your conclusions! keep up the good work. you're saving the globe you hero

Do you honestly believe that the Sun is possible model on a FE?

No one has anything to gain by convincing anyone that the Earth is an oblate spheroid. You are deluding yourself into thinking this is how you are being tricked, and it is distracting you from the real conspiracies. Have you traveled the world? I have. Have you seen a rocket launch? I have watched rockets ascend to space and enter orbit. You are putting all your energy into something worth of ridicule, and I guarantee you that somewhere, someone with a sinister agenda is laughing at you because of it.

what energy lol what are you talking about. you are living in a fantasy

Flat earthers and models don't go well. The angry reactions that I get just for asking how the south celestial pole works on their reality makes me wonder if they honestly care about the truth. Seriously, It's hilarious that the most popular "FE map" is still a projection of the globe.

Anyone else having that weird reddit bug where when you post responses to some people they immediately get downvoted? For example it appears to happen really often when I post polite responses to /u/joe_jaywalker.

Has anyone else experienced this? Should I fill a reddit bug report?

That reminds me of that weird glitch where you and KiwiBattler, despite being non-conspiracy theorists, follow me around and somehow show up in any anti-NASA post around, generally cluck around in a badly scripted pro-NASA charade, and it's kind of weird because the only way you would see half of these posts is by trolling around in the /new thread. Which seems kind of bizarre since you're not conspiracy theorists, but what do I know.

At least I upvote your submissions...

And it isn't anti-NASA, that isn't what you do. You do anti-evidence, anti-science, anti-testing, anti-scientific method. You, as far as I know, appear to be working under the model of what ever you think is true is.

BTW any updates on how GPS works under your model?

I've already answered the stupid GPS question probably a half dozen times; if GPS is why you believe you're on a 4 billion year old spinning ball, it's extremely tenuous.

Don't you say it uses ground based towers? Which is impossible given how GPS works.

That is the point that you typically stop responding because you can't answer how it actually works.


LORAN uses triangulation. GPS does not use triangulation.

I am curious what drives people to say they know how GPS works without having researched it before they speak.

You have no way of knowing how your GPS is operating when you use it. You don't see a digital map on the screen, or hear the voice telling you which way to turn, and think, that's coming from a satellite; no way is this triangulation. You wouldn't know the difference... at all.

You have no way of knowing how your GPS is operating when you use it.

Except I have build GPS units out of software defined radios which sort of shows that to be an incorrect statement.

I await your retraction.

Oh ok, if you say so. Personally, I build Ferraris. I drive them all the time, I have about 3 in the driveway right now.

All you have to do is get a SDR and antenna from Amazon and do it yourself.

Seams weird to me that you insult instead of asking how you could replicate my experiment. I thought you valued truth and evidence?

We can all build shit out of other people’s black boxes. Lego isn’t hard to assemble either.

Instead, explain precisely how the underlying software works, in technical detail.

If you can do that you are among a couple of hundred GPS “engineers” worldwide, and I’m being quite generous.

Instead, explain precisely how the underlying software works, in technical detail.

If you can do that you are among a couple of hundred GPS “engineers” worldwide, and I’m being quite generous.

Would love to see how you arrived at that number.

Yeah. I can use google too.

Explain how you did it.

Explain how you did it.

By using the above code and analyzing it. Now you explain why you think only a few hundred people can do it.

You are an absolute charlatan. Provide evidence that you have any understanding of the protocols and methods or GTFO.

So I have to prove that I am correct and you, despite being against all of modern science and evidence, don't have to give evidence of your beliefs?

All you have to do is look at the code and show me where it doesn't work like you say.

As always, you dance around the subject and deflect, reverse the question.

What you don’t do is back up your own claims, ever.

What you don’t do is back up your own claims, ever.

I literally gave you everything you need to verify it yourself other than buy you an SDR. I honestly don't know what you expect.

If I asked you to prove you understood carpentry, would you send me an Ikea instruction manual?

Perhaps a colouring book, to prove your knowledge of fine art?

A Spirograph to demonstrate your knowledge of geometry?

You called GPS a black box. I showed you the code and how to verify for yourself that it isn't.

Do you actually do that? No you start a string of insults.

The question is why?

You really do not seem to comprehend the request. This is a common theme in all your conspiracy comments. Do you have learning difficulties?

I did not ask you to show me someone else’s code toolbox. I asked you to explain how GPS works and to prove that you understand it.

To do so requires knowing how and why each function in the code works in order to demonstrate how the underlying math and signal processing can verify the claimed radio sources, i.e. satellites.

Instead of doing that, or admitting that it is too hard, you pointed back at the consumer grade code modules and said “it’s all over there”.

Except, of course, it isn’t. That’s just circular reasoning born from ignorance.

To put it another way, even if you can prove the code produces expected data points from known inputs—and that part is relatively trivial—that does not by itself prove the signals came from satellites.

As you’ve yet to prove you’ve even examined someone else’s code in detail, let alone built a working receiver from it, there’s no point in continuing to entertain your banal anecdotal distractions.

that does not by itself prove the signals came from satellites.

The Doppler shifts in the signals shows it is coming from very fast moving objects, the distance calculations give us the distance. Put the two together and would conclusion can you draw?

For fun, reply with the stated range of “Doppler Shift” for GPS and then, without laughing, explain how consumer grade radio receivers can reliably detect such a minuscule threshold.

~5khm max when the satellite is moving directly at/away from the receiver. There is also a Doppler offset of, IIRC, 1.4Hz per kmh of the receiver.

Just search around 20 kHz of the expected frequency and you shall find it. This is easily within the capabilities of

Look out, you've upset the gatekeeper...

Look up tidal bulge

Just Google image'd. All the pics are cartoons. Not sure I understand why I'm doing this.

Don't you define every image you don't like as CGI / a cartoon? If not what sort of image would fit your requirements such that you would accept it as evidence?

Well if there's a tidal bulge and the earth is pear-shaped as Black Science Man says, we would like to see a genuine photo of Earth from space which shows this.

What would you accept as a "genuine photo of Earth"?

A selfie of Elon Musk from his SpaceX ship


This should be stickied!

How does anyone really know anything about anything for sure?

Did we read the same article?

So are the people who take video of the ISS from Earth lying about it?

took the words right out of my mouth

meaning you're the one in this conversation who is lying to me about knowing an inch about sailing!

You literally said that no one ever got lost on the oceans in the past 2000 years. Can't you see how that is false?

What steps / experiments did you do to try to prove they are real?

you could follow the procedures on that site & receive a package from the north pole from santa clause & it wouldn't prove that satellites were constantly falling/floating around the earth

What is the density of the region at which satellites are said to orbit and what impact would that have on the transference of heat energy into the satellites.

What impact would radiative heat have on the satellites?

How are they Doppler shifted if they aren't moving quickly?

that's a question, not a statement.