Inter dimensional entities, parallel universes

1  2018-08-13 by hinzmo

So as the title suggests I’m just looking for any info or vids supporting the topics. Weird people popping up in strange places, real life glitches etc Just need few rabbit holes to jump down this evening



Not really what I’m looking for. More like actual things that have happened that are unexplainable. I think a lot of the Mandela effect has to do with similarities in how people remember things.

Some are, but there is a lot more to it than you might think now. And it can provide some evidence to multiple timelines/ realities/ dimensions. It is what you are looking for IMO.

In case you haven't seen it, r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix/ is pretty active, and r/paranormal as well.

Lack of neurons = Mandels effect

Mandela , f... corrector

If you're going to accuse believers in the Mandela Effect of being brain damaged, the typos don't exactly help your case. Just saying.

U look like one of them , i m sorry for you

And you still can't type. Keep digging and check the batteries in your carbon monoxide detectors, ok?

I don t have" carbon monoxide detector " , only a stupidity detectors and it is ringing loud when i m reading you

Might want to get a carbon monoxide detector then...

Strange but true is good but it is something only needing to be listened to on youtube. I watch it when I am in the mood. I can give you a few weird accounts of my own:

I have seen a similar type of man throughout my life. But this man has been a little out of order for me. For example, I have seen an older man 2 times in the past 10 years. Once while studying with a girl in 2010 or 2011 but he was asking directly about me and asked if I was still in high school since I was with a girl and studying for an actuary exam. Then, I saw him again in 2016 when I was running late to the airport and the lines were long. Interestingly he was wearing the same red apron that I remember the man wearing in 2010. This time however, he was hurrying the lines and making sure that I got on that flight. Oddly enough, when I got my boarding pass, it was before my coworkers who got theirs yesterday. Afterwards, we landed in the Denver Airport and as we left a fire department showed up with lights flashing and the ran in and just stared at us. We thought nothing about it but they commented on it. There have only been two other times that I have seen this type of man, one was when I saw Deadpool but he was a young guy but looked identical to the man and the other was a fancy dressed man the day I doubled my money in the stock market and he told me "It is a nice day." No idea what that meant or what he meant. But he was fancily dressed and his clothing was more vivid than any clothes that I gave seen.

Another weird time was that a Russian man showed up when I was on a mormon mission exclaiming "I want to be baptized by you." He exclaimed that he could only do it that day or not at all. We never met nor heard from the man again. The weirdest part of it was that he pointed to me like I was someone significant to him.

Time travel may or may not be real but there is some strange occurrences that I myself cannot explain. Coincidences that cannot be determined. I will never know what that was or if it involved me. But I do think that there is a higher power that manifests itself in strange ways.

That’s pretty interesting, thanks

You should read up on the Denver airport... Some weird stuff around it.

Literally nothing you just described sounds supernatural or strange. You just saw some guys? And then a firetruck?

I love how you obviously read the post and then chose to reduce it to a strawman.

Oh' good one, haven't seen this before.

Enjoy! And definitely go down the MKUltra rabbit hole, its very fascinating and diabolical

Mk ultra to me is one of the scariest ones because it’s all documented and true.

Those look more like possessions than mk ultra glitches to me.

They just look really high

Some are but some I cant explain.

Some of them might be glitches, but others are clearly drug-related (Gaga, Eminem, Winona Ryder...), and in one of them the woman is having a stroke (7:12). The one where the newscaster appears in a daze (7:52), you can see the text at the bottom of the screen slowed down while she is staring, then speeds right up when she looks up (in other words, it's fake). I have to say though, the one at the beginning with the weird blinking and the Al Roker one freak me out. The video would have been better with just the real glitches which can't be explained.

A couple of these are just good old opiate abuse. The lady Gaga one and two chains are both 100% on heroin or some sort of opiate.

Source: Been there done that, seen it a million times.

My immediate thought about 5 seconds into the Lady Gaga clip was, "that bitch in a K-Hole."

Some of the other clips were genuinely mysterious and creepy though.

Yeah that is what I noticed too.

Believe the unbelievable doesn t make you smarter , put a name on your sickness if you want , name it Mandela or whatever... You are lost and you contribute to all the bullshits we can read here..

Don't read then

lay off the drugs boi

Do you know which sub you’re on?

Lol I work in a city with high vagrancy and addiction.

Yesterday and the day before, two separate homeless people, at different times, different locations, but both near the time of sunset, when the sun was deep to the west, both of these men just started pointing towards the sun as I walked up and approached them.

The first guy I asked whats up buddy and he did not speak, the second guy on day two, just nodded.

Strange but not necessarily that strange in relation to other stuff and the context above I have seen where I live.

Nothing odd yet today, its nearing sunset if it happens again I will update.

You crazy 2018.

Kind of weird though for sure lol

Well the sun has set and nothing strange to report. It appears the matrix will keep being the matrix for a little while longer.

Baron Trump popped up some strange places :)

Look into Sherry Wilde. She is an alien abductee who talks about dimensional stuff every now and then.

I think we are in a Matrix universe (simulation) and what we call Aliens have something to do with this matrix. Too much weird stuff going on that cant happen if they are just aliens.

much weird stuff going on that cant happen if they are just aliens.

You've made a very definite, affirmative statement about the nature of reality with nothing backing it up. You have no idea what "aliens" are, if they exist and what weirdness they could be responsible for. You just demonstrated VERY poor reasoning. You've decided that completely all variables unknown to you personally must = 0.

Please, this is a place for critical thought and honest discussion in good faith. "Its too weird for it to be aliens" is a complete inversion of logic.

It's still his view on the issue. Making comments like these, as opposed to asking for more information, is counterproductive to discussion. This is a place of discussion, whether you agree with the views being expressed or not.

"What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence".

Either you agree with that statement in some form or you believe all ideas are equal and should be debated vigorously. If I tell you I'm 9 feet tall you have to believe that I'm probably a giant or admit that some ideas can be dismissed without a full scale debate/investigation.

If I tell you I'm 9 feet tall you have to believe that I'm probably a giant or admit that some ideas can be dismissed without a full scale debate/investigation.

I would be curious and ask you to show me. Then the fact that you're not nine feet tall would become clear. So your claim made without evidence will be rebuked with evidence. Dismissing evidence without evidence of your own is like trying to say that your opinion is wrong because my opinion is right.

Opinions can exist without facts. You cannot refute an opinion with an opinion. Only facts trump opinion.

He's trolling; ignore this poster.

Just to let you know. Condescending comments like this make you seems like an asshole.

Ya'll are here talking 100% seriously about interdimensional beings as FACT. Not as an interesting idea, not as something to talk about critically, but as an obvious and already proven fact.

This forum needs help. A lot of help and it isn't just more people upvoting bad opinions they agree with. And there are such a thing as bad opinions. Anytime your belief is not weighted in proportion to the evidence, you have an opinion that isn't fit for public discourse. Anytime your feelings are stronger than the evidence, you've given up truth seeking and become a sycophant or straight up raving lunatic.

Ya, an asshole ain't the worst thing on this thread.

Rich people are making a lot of money of death, destruction and suffering, but sure you're doing real work here on your discovery of the great Gazoo.

As a wise man once said, "Toodle-loo, dum-dums."

If this is such an uninteresting conversation that is obviously below you, then why are you even here in the first place?

Of course, because you HAVE to say something because it is so important to you. Do you feel better now? Was it really that important to comment on a topic that seems so ridiculous to you?


We are in essence, in a struggle between human EMPATHS, and alien hybridized humans and extra-dimensional aliens that are NON-EMPATHS.

Well-said. Human beings have compassion and empathy. Sure, a small percentage of us have gotten so fucked up that that's no longer true- rapists and warmongers- but most of us still have it. The "archons," these dark energy aliens who are trying to sabotage us, completely lack empathy and come from some other source.

There are stories from forest guards that tell about strange disappearances where the person appears (sometimes dead) in far unreachable places, or where there are strange stairs in the middle of a forest that are setup as a bait for humans and the fact that some of those who reappeared alive talk about a kind of trance provoked by non-human intelligent beings.

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That's creepypasta (fiction)

From the sidebar "NoSleep is a place for authors to share their original horror stories."

Sorry mate

Have you looked into the missing 411 stories

look into DMT experience stories

Finally a real conspiracy thread now the constant political garbage that gets passed around the front page.

Could this have anything to do with the disappearance of Mollie Tibbets?

Excuse my ignorance, but who?

No clue man, I'm just thinking with portals.

You ever smoked dmt brother?

Nope, very hard to get from what I can tell, haven’t really educated myself on extraction yet.

If you are interested in some hardcore profound weirdness and amazement it is worth it. I think 100$ worth of bark will make you about 3-5 grams of dmt which is more than a life time supply for some

Oh wow, like I said extraction is something I just haven’t had the time to look into. As far as I can see though, that’s about the only way I’ll ever have any to experiment with. It’s just not something you run into it seems.

As others had Mentioned look up DMT experiences. It’s all too strange that people report seeing very similar entities and places (without ever other hearing trip experiences that would influence theirs)

The logical side of me wants to say it’s just a hallucination produced by drugs. But can you even define what reality really is?

It's not a hallucination; it's the most real experience you can have. I've had it myself, and the evidence in the stories and studies is overwhelming. I really encourage everyone to have the experience themselves sometime in this lifetime.

OP, I've been researching it for years, and it's clear we live in a world teeming with higher intelligence and many different sorts. There are good aliens interested in our evolution, hence the existence of psychedelic drugs, as well as very evil creatures often called Archons, who are a predatory force on humanity. A great book about the ancient Gnostic mythology around Archons is "Not in HIS Image" by John Lash. Another great one is "Supernatural" by Graham Hancock. But the single most clear lense for understanding the reality of transdimensional higher intelligence is the DMT phenomenon, as other shave mentioned. I've broken through on DMT to alien land myself, and have encountered, with zero doubt, a benevolent separate higher intelligence. So many people do that I've started to collect stories. Here are justa few; I actually have hundreds saved. Some of them are reddit threads, and they're really worth checking out.

Terence McKenna:

Dennis McKenna's story of being taught photosynthesis in an ayahuasca trip:

“Entities of vast intelligence flowing through the walls and ceiling”

Story of life-altering entity contact:

Redditor claims he meets our creator and learns about frequencies

DMT aliens clean redditor’s third eye

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This is one of my main interests. Dmt is hard to come by in my area and I’m not up to speed on doing an extraction just yet. I’ve been devouring Terence’s and Graham’s lectures now for a good while now, so I’m well aware of the unique qualities of this compound. Thanks for the suggestions!

Check out DMT. It will all show itself to you. Good luck understanding it.

Don't read then

lay off the drugs boi

Do you know which sub you’re on?