Accidental Truth on TV

1  2018-08-14 by Gaaforsausage

Does anyone have any clips of accidental truth on television? Either reporters, politicians, or entertainers misspeaking and stating some hidden truth? Like the male reporter reporting from the field in Pennsylvania stating it didn’t even look like a plane accident- things along those lines.


Does accidental soon to be true count. BBC reporting WTC7 had collapsed and it's standing in background of cam shot. Demolished 20 mins later.

Video please

ok, lets start this again. I watched that video, (i dont know the layout of new york so am taking it at face value that building in question is the building in question) But if its building 7, and ......... i cant work out how to finish that sentence, seriously im confused. None of that makes any sense.

basically thats my afternoon fucked up! i cant get my head around what i think i have just seen. There are lots of things on the internet that can make you go WOOOOO and what did i just watch. But that, thats... yep again no words.

How long you think til YouTube removes that video for being "hate speech"?

thats a good question

I just watched this. Wanted to dig more after hearing some valid doubts.

thats interesting, would want to see some more details about the actual case, but on face value this makes no sense. I mean its really not making sense, if this is "true" why has nobody followed it up, ok i kinda know the answer to that.

But right now i dont really even know what questions to start asking.

I of course intend to do no research on this, am going to put it down to naughty Russians playing tricks on my internet, this lets me go back to being a happy little worker drone.

If you want to learn more go to r/conspiracy and search WTC7. When done try WTC6.

Did you know that 3 buildings collapsed that day? If not how do you feel after learning it.

Yeah I know its a giant conspiracy already don't worry, I just want as many videos as I can to convince others. At the very least the media is lying about the footage being live which raises a red flag for people.

I’m all about the conspiracy, except, knowing how TV works, this one doesn’t hold up.

That shot was b-roll, probably taken hours before, then broadcast on a green screen behind the reporter as she read it out live on air. It’s one of the least insidious parts of the whole shebang.

So the Beeb didn't have any reporters in NYC that day and had to mock something up in the studio? Mmm... not buying it. Also, I believe it is documented that they reported it before it happened.

wrong .. that was broadcast before it happened

Found this after your doubt input. thanks btw. I obviously don't know what happened but...

I love how they (BBC main desk) loses the feed & she goes to static just after she 'reports' Bldg 7 had already came down.

What are the chances?

Pretty good. Technical difficulties seem more likely to happen with exposure difficulties.

Bill Clinton Admits No Plane Hit the Pentagon on 911

Similarly, GWB slips and almost calls 9/11 a conspiracy.

(Although, he wouldn't be wrong by saying that... just bad optics I guess)

This one is legendary too: it's famous because Bush admits Iraq had nothing to do with 911, but the most comical IMO is how "hope" was brought back to the Middle-East, following years of "resentment", thanks to his "freedom agenda".

And just in case that "freedom agenda" isn't self-explanatory:

good stuff

Check out a documentary called Spin.

Larry Silverstein "pull it".

I dont have a link because i'm at work but my all time favorite is when Obama said "my muslim faith" before the interviewer interjected to correct him with "your christian faith"


Obama had a Freudian slip by saying that they were speeding up the training of ISIL/S forces.


John Kerry on Larry King Live the evening of either Sep. 11 or 12, 2001...while listing terror attacks committed against the United States mentions the embassy bombings in Africa, the barracks attack in Lebanon and, lastly, TWA Flight 800. No one seems to catch it (certainly no one called him on it) and he never skips a beat. The video is easily found on YouTube.