Re: This is some categorical fuckery.

1  2018-08-17 by ichoosejif

Yuuup. So, we have to explain to the general public that parasitic corporations, including fed state county and city/towns are tyrranical. Second to child abuse, and before water privatization, Electro magnetic fields are top urgency. The trees are dying from the pulsing microwave currents from 5g. See those dystopian towers? They are cooking us. Smart meters + cells,iPads laptops + 5g + leds + chemtrails = control and genocide. Only psychopathic profiteer eugenists want this. If we can dumb it down, empower people, provide effective solutions, we can stop it. MIC runs this shit show of a country. Justice system is abusing power v. Due Process. We, the people are slaves. I want others working together- seeking solutions, and/educating the public. I can’t stand by. Thoughts?

To/dr: I want to die trying to educate people, and believe we can. Interested in your thoughts.


Quick question: if any of that were true why are life spans longer than they have ever been? And how can radiation be frying our brains if the amount of heat it imparts is hundreds of times smaller than our natural body heat? Is this conspiracy run by the same people who conspired to keep trump out of office yet forgot to do the thing they were conspiring to do? What would corporations have to gain from having less living customers? Why am I supposed to scared exactly?

Quick question: Why are you bringing up Trump? This post has literally nothing to do with him.

I brought it up because it’s another example of an alleged conspiracy where the conspirators apparently forgot to do the thing they were conspiring to do.

Feeling relevant.


A doctor friend said to me that we are not living longer, as we were int h70's, we are now dying more slowly. As in we are not healthier longer. My research has me fearing for my youngers. I will be gone before the real effects are realized. Smoking was good for you at one time. See the vid I posted below this comment and tell me you trust that guy.

Smoking was indeed once thought of as good, but guess what changed that? Science, being the self correcting system that it is, corrected it’s self. Do you know what else is true? People believe that disease preventing vaccines are bad and that genetically modified crops which could solve world hunger are bad.

It's gonna happen fast. Dafaq do regular people think? In for real land? Fucktardism xl? Im shit at toning myself down, so I need guidance of spokespeople. My vision was to reach out to competent, well respected people, and ask them to educate. I'll write the campaign. I'd definitely involve art, music and dancing. But FFS we must have conversations that matter. There are solutions. That's why the haterade hijacked my thread. I'm here concerned for humanity, and trolls. Which is more discouraging.

Edit: looking to engage local people, and encouraging others to do the same. At least understand, choose. This is more corporations preying on us. It's stops with sustained effort. Momentum. I can't sit and keep everyone in their comfort zone. Our rivers are ducking up bc trees are dying and blocking rivers and streams. Fuuuuck. But if people act locally, it will stop.

infant mortality was much higher in the past, but once you reached adulthood you would live just as long as people live today, into the 80s, 90s. you are mislead by statistics that use infant mortality to calculate lifespans.

What is "the past"? Before the existence of technology? So before writing or?

i would guesstimate, agricultural society, but probably there were always centenarians who managed to take good care of themselves. its human genetics.

And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died. gen.5.5

Do you have the mortality rates with infant mortality subtracted out for these two periods?

In the 1800’s life expectancy was 58 years if you start the measurement at age 10 to exclude infant mortality. Compare that to the 83 year life expectancies we’re seeing in the US right now which doesn’t exclude infant mortality.

Infertility skyrocketed. I can't explain the problems, I want to redirect to OP. I'm ashamed of people who don't open their eyes. Cowards don't consider actionable solutions. Thank fk, its natural selection.

The things he’s talking about are recent roll outs which we haven’t even begun to see the effects of. 5G is barely even on the grid yet, and smart phones have only been around the decade. So yeah, give it a little time before you start talking about living longer.

5g is in a small band of microwaves that can easily pass through the atmosphere, that is why that frequency is useful and also why it’s a frequency we are already bombarded with from the Sun. That is the reason why I’m not worried in the slightest.

You have absolutely no grounds for that comment. I hope you're trolling. Not just totally misinformed.

No, I am dead serious. It’s not hard to find an atmospheric transparency chart. Note the dip half way between 1cm and 1mm, on a logarithmic scale like that it’s position is 3mm which converts into 100GHz. That is the frequency another commenter’s video referenced as the frequency of 5G, which makes perfect sense because the fact that air is transparent at that wavelength is the exact reason why that wavelength is useful for broadcasting signals through the air.

The Sun’s light is pretty darn close approximation of a blackbody curve, besides the tiny absorption lines in the spectrum it blasts out electromagnetic radiation of every wavelength including the microwave range. Most of it is blocked by the atmosphere but not light in the 100GHz range. Along with radio waves and visible light it’s able to go through the atmosphere like it’s nothing.

Correction. There's 5g in many (most) cities and states. Maine, Portland rolled it out in 2015. York's been working on it since 2012. They aren't asking. Smart meters and vertical flight depend on 5g. Cmon...

Ignorance, if you're asking. I don't think we could find a common language. But, thanks for your comment.

What question are you answering? I’m pretty sure the only one of my questions the answer “ignorance” works with is “Why should I be scared exactly?”, in which case I agree.

I have a bookmark folder with over 150 articles,vids and studies. If you know how I can send them to you, if you want, let me know.

This is my redpill fave.

I hate to be that guy, but 100 ghz isn’t exactly ionizing radiation. That falls in the microwave spectrum, I did the math and 4g photons have about 300 times less energy than the infrared radiation being emitted by your body as a result of body heat.

You might be thinking “oh shit, microwaves are the same thing used to cook food!” and you’d be right but only technically. Microwaves used to cook food use a very specific wavelength that interacts with water and blasts it into a Faraday cage. The entire microwave spectrum is actually fairly wide and the wavelength used by 5G is very far from the wavelength used to warm your nachos.

In fact, the type of radiation being used is a type that the Sun emits as well and that easily passes through the atmosphere. If you are going to be concerned perhaps the thing to be worried about is the giant ball of plasma blasting us all with radiation.

This was a great seemingly informed and experienced testimony of his reality.Not sure why it's gone but don't remember anything 3rd party other than maybe the truths about said 3rd party. Wish you could watch it.

It says the video was removed for copyright infringement.

This sub needs a lot more of THAT guy...

gotta love coherent, well thought out ideas being presented in a factual way

Yeah, 5G is harmless....please continue with building them a block from each other...there is no danger. All the other source info. on them being really dangerous should be ignored. Just buy sunblock and you'll be fine.

Yeah, who needs math when you can use feelings as your facts?

If it were dangerous we’d already be dead thanks to that huge ball of plasma in the sky. Microwaves are only dangerous if they have enough power and are at the right frequency to cause physical burns. Thanks to the inverse square law you’d be hard pressed to even measure the heat from a 5G tower let alone get burned by it, and that’s assuming it’s at the right frequency to interact with water molecules which it isn’t. It’s even further from ionizing radiation than visible light. Seriously, what dangers even exist here?

Here's the thing. Research it before you speak on it. You're wrong.

What part of my wall of text is wrong? Please, be more specific.

It's not 100 ghz. It's 800 mhz.

Even worse for your argument, because that falls squarely within the radio window. In the radio wave part of the spectrum there is a huge range of frequencies that can pass through air even easier than visible light.

Right. Which is worse. It's pulsating and out of control.

Right. Which is worse. It's pulsating and out of control.

True, but all that does is induce a small AC electrical current in strait wires with a length of exactly 1/2 the wavelength of the radio waves. It’s an electrical current that even if your body could could pick it up is dwarfed by the static charge you get from walking in carpet wearing socks.

Your information contradicts the science.

What about it contradicts science? I’ve studied radio communications in college, I know a thing or two about how they work.

Watch 'take back your power' then you will understand.

You know how I said that I studied wireless communications in college? Well, that was as a part of my full major which was information security.

That being said, I do agree that smart meters represent a security risk from an IT standpoint just like all smart devices because smart devices rarely if ever have security patches released. In fact they generally do seem like a terrible idea. However, just because using them for surveillance is possible doesn’t necessarily mean it’s currently being done.

However, that has nothing to do with radio waves and weather they are dangerous. They aren’t.

Sir, first of all, information security (online) is an illusion. Second, you obviously do not understand the short pulse micro wave radio frequency I speak of. 5g is RF.

Firstly, I do understand how short pulse radio and microwave communications work because working with wireless communication systems is something I’m trained to do. I got my information from a college class, not some conspiracy video. You are yet to describe how radio waves regardless of how fast they pulse can do any harm to humans whatsoever.

Secondly, information security is clearly real enough that companies are willing to pay people like me $150,000 - $200,000 a year to manage. I agree that nothing is truly unhackable but it’s possible to be very close to unhackable. A good network administrator is the difference between a network that can be compromised by a script kitty running an open source WEP cracker, and a network that will catch unsuccessful hackers while only being vulnerable to things like day zero attacks, and social engineering.

Most people seem to have this conception that computers are magic, which is why Hollywood can get away with super inaccurate hacker fight scenes. When you study them enough though it becomes clear that a computer is just a machine like any other, not the result of a wizard spluffing in a box.

I don’t know what exactly you mean by information security being “an illusion”, but I can spend over an hour explaining the entire path this message takes from me to you including things like the 7 OSI layers it goes through before leaving my phone, the border gateway protocol used to get the message to the right geographic location, much of what goes on within Reddit’s servers, and so on. This post is long enough as is though, so I’m just going to ask you to be a bit more specific.

The frequency is specific to water molecules and pulsates every. 04 seconds. 164,000 times a day. This frequency penetrates the blood/brain barrier, causes serious harm when paired with wireless phones and smart meters. The smart grid is real. See the dystopian towers everywhere? Every 500 ft to be exact. Not a physisicst.

5G uses two ranges of signals. One of them is 0.6-6 GHz and the other is 24-86 GHz. The resonant frequency of water is 22 GHz which is not included in that range.

Also, the blood brain barrier is a chemical barrier that keeps toxins and pathogens in your blood away from your brain, it has absolutely nothing to do with protecting your brain from radiation so radiation penetrating it has nothing to do with how harmful it is. It would make sense of you had radioactive isotopes in your blood which do a lot of damage of they can cross the brain blood barrier, but last I checked injecting myself with plutonium was not a step in connecting my phone to a cellular network.

You are still yet to explain why a pulsating signal is any less harmless than a constant signal.

I don’t get why you keep insisting that cell towers are “dystopian” in any way. You’ve been reading too much fiction dude. They’re just communication towers, nothing dystopian about them.

Yeah, you have a degree. You figure it out.

That assumes you’re right in a debate where the thing being debated is weather you’re right.

I can’t tell exactly what part you’re replying to but I suspect it’s the part asking you to explain how a radio wave damages a brain. If you’re going to reply at least tell me what interactions take place to make the brain get damaged. Is it heat? Is it damage to DNA? Does it excite a particular chemical to make it more reactive? Give me specifics, otherwise I might as well be arguing with a brick wall.

I’ll piggy back on this. Everything around you has radiation in it naturally. Even building materials. It is just part of living.

Going in now. Thanks. 🙏

I don't like this for several reasons. I like evidence based research. This psychopathic disaster is the but for the CNN porn lovers. They listen with different ears. "They" won't let anything nefarious happen. Jesus, they, are corporations. Poisoning, abusing and enslaving us. I'll get my computer and throw you some links. Can you post your file for public access? If not, pm me.




I hate to be that guy, but 100 ghz isn’t exactly ionizing radiation. That falls in the microwave spectrum, I did the math and 4g photons have about 300 times less energy than the infrared radiation being emitted by your body as a result of body heat.

You might be thinking “oh shit, microwaves are the same thing used to cook food!” and you’d be right but only technically. Microwaves used to cook food use a very specific wavelength that interacts with water and blasts it into a Faraday cage. The entire microwave spectrum is actually fairly wide and the wavelength used by 5G is very far from the wavelength used to warm your nachos.

In fact, the type of radiation being used is a type that the Sun emits as well and that easily passes through the atmosphere. If you are going to be concerned perhaps the thing to be worried about is the giant ball of plasma blasting us all with radiation.

And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died. gen.5.5

Going in now. Thanks. 🙏

I don't like this for several reasons. I like evidence based research. This psychopathic disaster is the but for the CNN porn lovers. They listen with different ears. "They" won't let anything nefarious happen. Jesus, they, are corporations. Poisoning, abusing and enslaving us. I'll get my computer and throw you some links. Can you post your file for public access? If not, pm me.