Do police departments stage crimes?

1  2018-08-17 by DPerman1983

I was listening to the Sword and Scale podcast last week and in the episode it focused on a case involving someone hiring a hitman. In short, the Houston police department was undercover and staged 2 murder scenes in order to catch and be able to charge people in connection with this hitman. The episode described the staging as very accurate and detailed in order to be convincing enough that the murders were actually carried out. It got me thinking that what if this is a normal practice within our police departments? Crime staging. Get it some media coverage. Create a whole narrative. There are lots of real crimes that happen every day that get little to no media coverage, then there are others that seem artificially blown up by local and sometimes national media. What if some of those with lots of coverage weren’t even actual events and they were staged? It gets the masses riled up then politicians get involved and before you know it we have more laws, and fewer freedoms. Personally, I think every time there’s a story about some dead couple that overdosed from heroin inside their car and there were kids inside, I’m usually skeptical to the whole thing. I’m not saying that doesn’t happen, but it seems like something that can easily be staged and get a big reaction. I also watch LivePD regularly and sometimes I wonder if some of the encounters they’re filming are mixed with actual police calls and some that are staged for tv. It just seems we are manipulated a lot more than we think.


That would not surprise me in the slightest. If I lied and manipulated people as much as the media and official administrations do, no one would want to even associated with me. But add a badge, title, or television station? And I can do all those things and more, and the masses will believe every word I say.

That's why I tell people anymore; it's not my fault I don't believe any official words coming from official authority figures. News, media, government or otherwise.

It makes me crazy how people buy whatever narrative they’re being sold by mass media, their politicians, pop culture etc. You can’t even have a meaningful conversation with a lot of people anymore because if you veer off slightly from official narratives, then they look at you like you’re insane. And how dare you question those in power?!

This. Please send help

I believe they do at times. For example, I believe the Mollie Tibbitts disappearance case is redolent of To Catch a Predator, they might be using Mollie as virtual bait for someone or some class of persons. In such a scenario, they would be studying a class of individuals' behavior online, possibly for the purposes of catching them preemptively in an unrelated but superficially similar crime. They would want to spur them to commit relatively minor crimes at their subtle instigation, as they have done with FBI-terrorist patsies; in order to, at the very least, have cause to preemptively incorporate them into the judicial system: create criminal records for them, etc.

I would look into the possibility that the Mollie Tibbetts case is a form of "triangulation" involving LE/authorities, the kidnapped-Mollie-persona, and the wider public and perhaps even targeted individuals within that public.

Can you please tell me more on your theory? Sounds very interesting

The map is the territory when the mapper becomes the mapped and vice versa ad infinitum.

Yes, this is standard procedure.
It is how they're garnering support for their military invasions and police state expansion.
It's usually the CIA and FBI that does the staging though.
Local police are usually pulled off the investigation by the FBI to keep the police from discovering that it was staged.
The Las Vegas shooting appears to be a case in which the PTB had to abandon the staged event (stop media coverage for it) because local police (who by chance weren't thoroughly corrupt) discovered that something very fishy was going on.

Read the book Programmed to Kill by, David McGowan

I have.


I mean yea, police officers do illegal shit to justify their bogus arrests everyday. A perfect example is police discretion, most cops cannot think for themselves. mixed this with their favorite phase “stop resisting” and that’s how they get a lot of people

Reminds me of the movie Body Of Lies.

Also the FBI literally target people using assets who will spend months building relationships with people and then eventually talk them into breaking the law, sometimes the assets are women who the targets have developed feelings for and sometimes they are rich businessman who offer the targets more money than they have ever seen in their lives.

The FBI comes up with the plans, supplies the weapons, organizes the entire thing and the assets just walk them through it until the last second when the FBI jump out and arrest them.

Now, the FBI will of course inform the news they stopped a terrorist attack, they will take credit for it all, even in the court hearings they don't let anyone know theyre involved, they've been caught doing this multiple times, how many have they gotten away with?

Also cops have been caught targeting a mentally slow kid and convincing him to sell Marijuana, providing it to him, and then arresting him for it....

Or don't stop at the last minute... Such as the 93 World Trade Center bombing.

Yep. This is exactly what happened with the shooting at the "Draw Muhammad" contest in Garland Texas.

FBI befriended the shooter and talked him into the shooting. Texts were discovered on his phone that included "Tear up Texas"

and also an FBI agent fled the scene as soon as the shooter was shot dead. Local police chased and arrested him, iirc. But of course they covered it up and seeped it under the rug. Barely anyone know these facts around here and I'm literally 30 miles down the hwy from Garland.

Apparently 50% of all FBI counter terrorism arrests involve contact with FBI assets. 30% of arrests are sting operations with the assets being directly involved in the plannimg and execution of the crimes.

The worst part is that when they get caught doing something wrong they redact the files, refuse to comply with FOIA requests and classify everything....

The FBI should not even have the right to redact or classify, they aren't military.

I drove through that. The security guard who got shot in the ankle was suing the FBI last year since it was their scheme.

It gets juicier. Did you also know that the shooters purchased their guns from the same exact fucking store that the ATF was running their Operation Fast & Furious scam?

Did you also know that the shooters FAILED their background check to buy the weapons, only to have the block LIFTED seven days later?


Woah that last bit is new to me ! What other proof would anyone else need and on top of everything else it's an obvious false flag/sting op.

It's my favorite spooky campfire story, seems to make folks real uncomfortable. Plus I was there for both F&F and Garland so it's one of those 'isn't the universe wacky' things for me haha.

Does your shit stink?

Yeah, I don't understand how this is an actual post on r/conspiracy in 2018.

A family member who was a police chief, straight up told my father(and I) that a cop will plant evidence and that they have no qualms about doing so.

During the Ferguson riots, I watched Police delivering certain radical anarchists a block away from the city hall.

Hegelian Dialectic

Manufactured Problem

Manufactured Reaction

Manufactured Solution

i've got friends who work production for Live PD in Utah. I can vouch that it's organic here. Can't say anything about other states.

Hahaha...of course the do