What’s a good conspiracy documentary?

1  2018-08-17 by Snail736

I’m looking for a good conspiracy documentary , or even a good YouTube channel to subscribe to, I’ve seen loose change, the four horsemen, everything is a rich mans trick , and all the zeitgeist documentaries, but I’m looking for something else that’s pretty good, but somewhat similar to the ones I’ve listed. Even if it isn’t similar, does anyone have any recommendations?


The greatest story never told!


Is this the one about Hitler?

Yeah, and I've been vilified for watching it - but..... Fuck em!

why would you be "vilified" for watching it? is it pro-Hitler?

Essentially yes. It paints a very different story of ww2 - basically showing Adolf as a great man battling a terrible evil (the western world/jewry/nwo)

The truth will never be known history is always written from the winning side. What’s left is parts of truth mixed with conspiracy to create fake news and the cog keeps turning. Modern slavery. Rich get rich poor get poorer.

This seems sadly to be the case...

Without the holocaust, do you believe Israel would have ever been established?

No, I think the foundations were laid much earlier - Russian revolution, WW1, Balfour Declaration etc.

Oh, absolutely, they were ready to move in (Balfour Declaration certainly gets ya thinking). But I think there would be a hell of a lot more reluctance if the Jews hadn't suffered such persecution in Europe. I think the holocaust was the nail in the coffin. I personally am not sure a Jewish state would be accepted in the modern world if not for an attempted genocide.

I think that could well be true and it's illegal in 33 countries to even discuss it! I think the figures were inflated after the war as well to suit a political agenda.

Here in the UK at the minute, the anti-semitism flag is flying high. You can't be discussing things like that in public, everyone is scared of it. I've had a couple of guys on the UK sub, snooping through my comment history in order to have a go at me - crazy times..!

Go straight to the source. Watch "conspiracy of silence" or Ryan Dawson's, "War by Deception" showing US and Israeli complicity in 9/11... Cheers

+1 for Conspiracy of Silence,

Honorable mentions: Everything is A Rich Man's Trick, The Four Horsemen, Money Masters

This documentary from David Cole, a young Jewish man that visits Auschwitz and gets one of the only interviews ever from the head Curator there. Truly fascinating piece of history.

It's considered quite "off limits"... hence the trigger warning YouTube makes you agree too before watching.

Very informative. I like the way he presents his argument. Thanks for sharing!

If you liked that, you’ll probably also like Cole’s “banned speech” from 1994. A lot of people really don’t like this guy because of the things he says.

I can imagine. He also sounds like the Jew kid from Family Guy who always has a crush on Meg.

Great range of topics.

You really should read up on the first one as the real conspiracy is all the fraud and lies that went into making the documentary and it's contents.

Yeah dude. NASA fraud and lies are the basis of that entire documentary. Thanks for explicitly pointing it out. I’m glad we’re in agreement!

No thanks.

Thanks for showing that you don't actually care about research / testing your ideas /u/dystopian_love

I just don't understand accepting what others tell you as if you are a sponge never questioning just accepting what others tell you as absolute fact.

Why would I waste time watching a clip of someone trying to explain away the film when I already know that NASA are a bunch of liars? That makes no logical sense. I've already put in a decade of time testing the beliefs I had as a result of my public-schooling. That's why I'm trying to share my findings with others on this sub; I'm the one testing ideas of those who never question. Nice attempt at framing me as the closed-minded person, though.

Why would I waste time watching a clip of someone trying to explain away the film when I already know that NASA are a bunch of liars?

Because you would learn something.

I've already put in a decade of time testing the beliefs I had as a result of my public-schooling.

I'm the one testing ideas of those who never question.

Then tell me how GPS works.

Nice attempt at framing me as the closed-minded person, though.

Your entire response was No thanks. What other impression would you expect someone to take from that?

NASA LIES 🧙🏻‍♂️👹🤟🚀🛰💸

I am shocked that you can't tell me how GPS works. One would think that in 10 years of research you would have at least looked into it.

It’s sad that you think you’ve got me in a corner by asking me to explain GPS. That doesn’t prove anything about the earth and the fact that you keep pushing it as your go-to tactic tells me you’re not arguing in good faith. A coordinate positioning system can work without satellites. Just because they tell you it needs satellites doesn’t mean it does. It just means, like you said earlier, you’re one of those people who believes what they hear without question.

A coordinate positioning system can work without satellites.

Given that distance to the transmitter is a major part of how GPS works by what method do you think they fake it?


The balloons are moving 2+ km a second and at 300+ km altitude?

What kind of life do you live that you spend so much time browsing this sub trying to convince others in discussion replies that their nonconvential ideas are erroneously held? Why even bother? What are you personally getting out of it?

Please answer the questions I have asked.

As to why? Flat Earth is easily disprovable with even a basic level of understanding of science and just a few experiments and I get some enjoyment out of pointing that out. You will not that I only get involved in this fashion with ideas that deny basic scientific principles.

Do conspiracies exist? Yes. However thinks like flat Earth, space denial, and nuclear energy denial simply distract and make us look willfully ignorant to most people.

My man. Me and you already came to agreement that the Earth is not flat a month ago. What are you doing arguing with someone else now?

I'm not getting my research from a guy calling himself greater sapien

Why not? Should your posts be disregarded because of your user name?

You realize one of his biggest sources in Mythbusters, don’t you?

Also... why have we never been back? Over 50 years later, and a human being has never left LEO since. Curious, no?

You realize one of his biggest sources in Mythbusters, don’t you?

Telling that you don't actually address what he says.

Fund NASA at the rate they used to be funded and we could go back. There are missions planned BTW but you would not know this if all your sources are flat Earth youtubers.

Surprised you had more of a problem with the first one and not the third one honestly.

Yea I know I am a shill / denier because I ask the simple question "why don't they actually sample the chemtrails"...

I’ve seen the last 2, I like “what in the world are they spraying” that one was good.

JFK To 911 - Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick. YouTube put up a specialized warning on the video due to how "controversial" it is and disabled a bunch of features like comments. I don't think I've ever seen any other video on the site with that kind of content warning on it. Been a while since I saw it, but I was thinking about it recently and I recall finding it very interesting.


Atlantis: Time to wake up

Truman show

On a serious note, The Matrix of power by Jordan maxwell. Its where the movie matrix came from

Nice effort but that shit needs some formatting and descriptions man.

Haha right

No it doesn't.

uh, just take a look, it clearly does. all they mean is tidy the formatting, no need to change anything else. hit enter twice for new paragraph or whatevz.

Someone can simply click on my links if they are interested. Whether or not I ad a "name" to the links I shared is no different then an empty link. You are going to need to click on it and view before deciding whether or not it is something you want to take away from the request made.

okay, but about that formatting? you can't deny that was messy lol

You can click on each link one a time. I provided a space between each one. I wouldn't call that messy just because I didn't put names beside them.

No, no, no. Bill Cooper's Hour of The Time is the absolute mandatory red pill.

Aka Mystery Babylon

My man!


I just said I’ve seen all the zeitgeist movies

I've watched the first two. What were your thoughts on them?

I enjoyed the first thoroughly though I have heard some of the Jesus stuff was fabricated.

The second was good but the end portion about basically building a new Atlantis was a little off for me.

I like them, but I liked the first one more than all the others.

I'm rereading your post and you definitely said you already watched Zeitgeist. Sorry about. In terms of YouTube channels how far down the rabbit hole would you like to go?

Oh man I’ve already been about as deep as it goes haha. Just looking for something new. I currently follow David icke, the crow House, crow777 and that’s about it.

If you like David Icke (who I followed for years I'm a big fan) you should check out Simon Parkes.

I think one of the deepest rabbit holes I've found is courtesy of Aug Telez. His YouTube channel is the same as his name. He's pretty good. His story is he was used as a child in MiLabs and his memory returned to him. Pretty intense stuff.

Yeah I like David icke a lot never heard of the other guys. Will have to check them out.

Aug Telez is great for the holographic universe stuff.

Simon Parkes is more on reptilians.

an anti-zeitgeist movie?

Aquarius - The Age of Evil (Full Movie) https://www.bitchute.com/video/LXwuPmJvamFy/

this mkultra doc is also pretty good:

MK-Ultra Documentary: Techniques, Celebrities & more! https://www.bitchute.com/video/oCK4J8oMdJQl/

That Radio waves are being used to reduce the Birth rate in the US Population as a means of control.

September 11 - The New Pearl Harbor
I know of no better conspiracy documentary.

"9/11 The Great American Psy-Opera" is also a good one.

Century of the Self is a must-watch

Also the power of nightmares

The New Pearl Harbor (9/11)

i can't remember the name but if somebody could help me find it too, it was on youtube, between 5 and 7 hours long. bad quality but very informative. cant remember the name at all but it was the absolute best for me. ps its not zeitgeist

The greatest story never told? It’s 6 hours long and kinda bad quality

no hitler wasnt the main subject, it was talking about everything, religion, war, money, corruption, history etc... but its not zeitgeist lol

Everything is a Rich Man's Trick?

I found it wau back in my comment history, its The ring of power.

Id say 70% of it is really good info. When he talks about the “real people” in the bible i let go tho.

Thanks for sharing. I’ll check it out!

Watch Sicko documentary about our health care system. It’s been completely censored on YouTube but a quick google search will allow you to watch it.

The Empire Unmasked. I bought it for 20 bucks or so and I've watched it multiple times. It's 5 hours long and information packed.

https://vimeo.com/ondemand/theempireunmasked/222771045?autoplay=1 - trailer

https://vimeo.com/ondemand/theempireunmasked/222047667 - link to film purchase


The Illuminati Exposed by Muammar Gaddafi: https://youtu.be/THlaMUq6MKU

Truth and lies of 9/11

Cia and drug running

some REALLY good suggestions so far, even a couple I havent seen! (WTF?!) Here's a few GREAT ones I havent seen anyone bring up yet: "Secrets in Plain Sight" (Scott Onstott) "Everything You Know Is Wrong" (Lloyd Pye) Any of Trey Smith's works *may change perspective re: Christianity "The Secret of Oz" (Bill Still) "The Bombing of West Philly" "The Golden Web pt.1" Dayz of Noah's "How Media Influenced the Culture" (i think is the title-ANYTHING Dayz does is ON POINT)

THIS is the only list you will ever need.

Century of Self is all about how the corporations mind control us and do it pretty effectively.

Zeitgeist is one of the best

Jfk to 9/11 everything is a rich mans trick also one of the best

Watch both of those

I said in the description, that I’ve seen both of those...lol.

Oh hahaha my bad dident read the whole thing just read the title

You really should read up on the first one as the real conspiracy is all the fraud and lies that went into making the documentary and it's contents.

Yeah dude. NASA fraud and lies are the basis of that entire documentary. Thanks for explicitly pointing it out. I’m glad we’re in agreement!

I am shocked that you can't tell me how GPS works. One would think that in 10 years of research you would have at least looked into it.

Surprised you had more of a problem with the first one and not the third one honestly.

You realize one of his biggest sources in Mythbusters, don’t you?

Telling that you don't actually address what he says.

Fund NASA at the rate they used to be funded and we could go back. There are missions planned BTW but you would not know this if all your sources are flat Earth youtubers.

Aka Mystery Babylon