" Someone might have been seriously hurt or even abducted, and it happened on reddit (recap post)" Crosspost for visibility.

1  2018-08-20 by Tha_Dude_Abidez

"Ok before you jump in and claim it’s fake, please try to look at the pictures, the videos and the context, and note that her last video was taken on live stream, so if it is staged, well, good job then.

So, here is what happened here (for the new comers). On Friday, a girl created a reddit account and a twitter account to seek help. She said she felt she was being observed by all corners, and had intruders all around her house and even inside. One day, she had a black out of 14 hours and woke up with a weird brand on her back.

Afterward, she tweeted records of strange sound in her house.

She was really concerned for her daughter safety, and her post didn’t seem like a marketing campaign since she doesn’t seem to know how to use twitter nor reddit really well. It looked like more a person desperately seeking help than a person seeking attention.

However, that’s where it gets scary.

As police couldn’t do anything, she started recording what was happening in her house.

In this video, you see a human shaped form running in her house, but, if you pause, if looks like it has a really long neck and a weird form, also the noise it makes while running is bothering me somehow.

Then, she was filming her daughter dancing, and if you look at the door, there is a REALLY SCARY FACE looking at her daughter, while trying to hide.

Here is the video with more brightness, and a screenshot she posted. The head movement looks really weird, as if it has a long neck, or is floating (or I HOPE a hand holding a mask).

On her twitter, another part of the video, where the head movement is really weird.

Based on recommendations, she went in a hotel and ordered cameras. Some people told her the intruders don’t mean any arms and look more interested than anything else. She asked her daughter about the intruders, she regreted instantly.

Then she came back in her house and installed the cameras,

The same evening, this video (on top) was the last she posted, on a live stream. We can hear her daughter ... suffocating? And there are weird noise similar to the one we could hear on her previous video on twitter.

Some redditors took screen shots of the intruder, IS THIS FREAKING HUMAN?

I really hope this is a prank, but what bothers me is : live stream prank, how would you do this ? She barely use social medias, and I wouldn’t post my own daughter on reddit for the sake of a prank.

So if this is real, we might have witnessed something really weird. Please let me kow what you think and please convince me it's not fucking real.

Edit: some grammar"




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I just don't get these LARPs. How is this fun for anyone involved?

Are you not entertained?


There's no game here. It's just fictional "found footage".

it's fun to pretend.. we all know its probably fake but that littttttle part of you that says 'but what if?' is where the fun comes from.

As soon as I get home I'll check these videos out and let you know what I think.


when do you get home

I would fight that creature, uppercut it off the stairs.

!remind me in 2 hours

did I do it right?

Nope. Male remind and me one word.

!remindme 2 hours

thank you

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Nope, you got it. I see the bot now.

Remindme 2 hours

The comments in the post you linked at the end make some very good points against how real this is.

Go to the pound and get the biggest scariest dog you can find, problem solved.

Almost every detail matches the stories in the film "The Fourth Kind" w/ Milla Jovovich on alien abductions. Uncertainty of sleep, awake, or dream; strange mark in shoulder blade area; feeling of somebody watching the victim; currently adult but recalls beginning of encounters as a child.

Dark Skies as well.

Not making any claim for or against OPs story, but from my understanding the 4th kind was based on the general most often scene markers of an abduction or encounter experience. So an alleged event having similarity to the film isn’t definitively evidence against its truth

Fake and

This may be complete bullshit. If so, wow. Hopefully she gets publicly shamed for using her daughter.

I see a black gloved hand with a mask


I don't.

Maybe you're right man. I don't know. Something black around the things head that looks armish. Something looks weird. Maybe it's smoking.

Weren't these videos posted about a week ago on a different account saying it's aliens?


There's the other thread on it. Same videos as on the Twitter account.

What I do possibly see is it blink which is a little weird.

looked at everything, seems fake

"I think Bigfoot is blurry, that's the problem. It's not the photographer's fault. Bigfoot is blurry, and that's extra scary to me. There's a large, out-of-focus monster roaming the countryside. Run, he's fuzzy, get out of here."

Mitch! <3

this sounds like an ARG

Why would anybody experiencing that for real rely on anonymous social media posts as their only hope..?

I’d be smoking a blunt and offer it and see what happens from there

That's all you need to know. It's a release date.

This is creepy af

Her username is Nobody061218. I'm guessing the date is the release of a horror flick or game announcement or something. After being severely disappointed by that pedo guy in Netflix's "extraordinary" I'm sceptical of footage that's too good to be true. I have no doubt alien like entities exist though.

The one that jaded me most was BadSelfEater. That guy is on my "punch list".

120618 *

Thanks, not American so remembered it differently.

Either this some crazy shit or this is the new The Sun Vanished

So it’s a movie trailer or movie campaign? For a movie called Nobody? On 12/6/18?

Woman thinks her and her child's life is in danger, goes by obscure handle "nobody061218" giving zero details just in case she's actually in danger.

"Brand" has healed possibly a week+ before hence lack of redness and unsealed flesh. "didn't know if she had that before she went to sleep"....

Says she called the police and they "looked at her like she is crazy". You periscope them too?

Has pretty clear evidence of "something" being in her house. Stays in that house with daughter.

I personally don't buy it. But it was highly entertaining to follow.

In the last video she says she is waiting for police but if she called 911 they would tell her to stay on the line.

The Blair Witch is back!

!remindme 7 hours

I don't.

Thanks, not American so remembered it differently.