Comments from r/news (South Africa begins seizing white-owned farms)

1  2018-08-21 by aldoedy

This is modern day liberalism. The days of open and honest discussion are over if it doesn't fit the liberal narrative. Scary what we're heading towards, which is complete censorship of the internet.


Mission Statement: One of reddits most popular subs is blatantly censoring comments that go against the liberal narrative. It's been obvious since trump won that there is a concerted effort to push liberal propaganda while censoring conservative and common sense ideas. We are heading towards complete censorship. Scary shit my friends.

We are heading towards complete censorship. Scary shit my friends.

yup, they got Alex Jones, and most are like, "Meh" while the left paints him as Satan and when you ask for source videos of what he said wrong, they got nothing.

This is it, the SJW censorship has started. Now we create an Alt Internet completely decentralized that these pieces of shit can't touch, and expose them all.

S.A. is fucked. If I could, I'd go out there and fight alongside the Farmers, but the Gov is arming the hordes to start the white genocide

IMO Alex didn't get censored for the Sandy Hook nonsense. Its because he's a staunch trump supporter and anti globalist. The changes to youtube and reddit in the last couples years have been scary. Just pumping anti conservative, anti white, anti christian propaganda.. Theres literally 50 subs on this dedicated to liberal propaganda.

anti christian propaganda.

I have one of the top alt-christian/alt-religion discussion, debate, breakdown channels on YouTube and now I'm basically downloading everything to backup and upload on an alt platform.

Fuck these satanists

Revelation 2:9

It's all make-believe.

Don't you find it a bit ironic that you hate propaganda against your religion but support propaganda against someone else's?

You probably don't even realize you do it.


It's all make-believe.

No one knows until its over. We can't even solve potholes in my city and we think we are going to solve God.

Don't you find it a bit ironic that you hate propaganda against your religion but support propaganda against someone else's?

That's how religions work.

It's all make-believe.

No one knows until its over. We can't even solve potholes in my city and we think we are going to solve God.

Don't you find it a bit ironic that you hate propaganda against your religion but support propaganda against someone else's?

That's how religions work.

I agree with the alt internet.

I’ve literally had premonitions of it... or, y’know, educated hypothesis daydreams?

Digital democracy or death.

Most people probably don't realize that David Brock (founder of Media Matters, Correct the Record, and ShareBlue) and James Alefantis ("just some pizza guy?") are lovers; Google image 'David Brock and James Alefantis.'. There is more to Alefantis, than meets the eye. That is a team of sharks, waiting for their moment.

Link to the original post so we can use ceddit and see what was deleted ourselves?

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We lost the information Reddit around 2014.

All the top subs are narrative farms completely manipulated with no opposition view allowed.

Welcome to Reddit :-)

Now use Ceddit and see all those removed comments. (just replace the 'r' in Reddit with a 'c')

The site doesn't load for me in Firefox. But it does load in Chrome if you have that problem.

Simple. Before, I would regularely give a bit to the starving africans.

Now? I cancelled all donnations to help the starving africans, effective immediatelly, and will try to get my friends on board, untill those farms have been returned to their rightfull boer owners.

Regarding the cancellation and the comment deletion... Are you actually surprised?

It's not like those Africans were seeing that money anyway.

Be honest, were you really donating anything?

Africa is a continent, South Africa is a country. Any donations you were making were probably not going to anyone in South Africa. South Africa is a second world country at worst (in some places). So to do this, you aren't affecting the situation at all. So you would stop aiding people who have no clue about the situation in South Africa, and have probably never been there? On top of this, that money isn't feeding anyone. If it does, it's only handing out very little food once in a while. It isn't creating a steady food source. For all the money donated, farms and food production could have been manufactured decades ago.

Reddit hovers around the 7th-8th most popular site on the internet. This gives r/news and r/worldnews an insane reach bigger than most internet news websites. That is why many of the mods are employed by third party think tanks and not just normal volunteers trying to do a good job and keep everything civil. These think tanks find it profitable to have those mods on the payroll because that in turn gives them a huge audience for a pretty cheap price. The Reddit admins know all of this and many of them support the idea.

if anyone here thinks the mods of these huge subs aren't compromised, raise your hand.

The top article I found on Newsweek only mentions whiteness as an afterthought. It doesn’t make the nature of the conflict clear, it is bad reporting. Any liberal who asked for proof (any liberal in the US) would not find proof in the article I found.

The one I found just complains that white took the land when the all white government had control. And that the minority whites own 72% of the land. Curious how true it is or if the land was distributed fairly and they are just playing victim?

This 72% stat is false. I will try find some sources for you. The biggest land owners in South Africa are the black run Government and the various traditional leaders. The only way they could have got to 72% is if they only counted land that is currently being farmed but even then this would be a stretch. As you can see in this article only 33% of land in South Africa is owned by individuals so it is impossible for white people to own 72%.

Now we looked at the data, we looked at the data, and what we found surprised us. What we found, right there, what we found was that culture is a sewer. We’ve got lewd media. We’ve got nasty bedroom things on TV. And they’re sexualizing young girls, and it’s getting to the point where even I have a problem with it. And that, it shouldn’t be that way.

He was spot on with a lot of things, but 2070 was too far in the future. Clown world is here.

Are you really taking land when no one is living there? The Bantu tribes are claiming land that they never owned. If a group were to be able to claim much of south africa as their ancestral home it'd be the Khoisan people who over the past 3-4 centuries have been brutally exterminated by the Bantu tribes, but the white man is evil.

Concur, if the land belongs to anybody, it's the Khoisan people (that's a compound word for the Khoi and San peoples, two slightly different peoples. Both "original man" near as I can tell). The Bantu came from the north of South Africa, iirc their homeland is the Great Lakes region.

The Boers don't have much more claim to the land than the Bantu, squatter's rights basically.


expanding on that, the Khoisan have been living rather peacefully with the Boers for centuries, and have vowed to an alliance when shit hits the fan

and it's gonna hit the fan as we can all see

Oh, I did not know that! Ancient enmity with the Bantus? Or based on peaceful pastoral living?

The Brits used the Bantu as mercenaries during the Boer War. The Boers, and much of the rest of the world, found this move... distasteful.

The Bantu's aren't native to that region as you've said, they hail from east Africa close to the great lakes.

While the Boers and Khoisan have had animosity in the past, including wars, they have been living peacefully together for a long while now and the Khoisan see the Bantus as the only and true invader.

The Bantus have been invading much of Africa in the last 50 years and are, for lack of better terms, a "disease" that they know they have to deal with, together or not at all. There is no other option but to fight.

-Mark my words- As soon as the Boer start fighting back, the MSM will portray them as the villians, racists, and will call it a "race-war" while in reality it's only a race-war from one side, the racist Bantus who want to kill the evil devil called the white man.

The Khoisan know better.

*I am not an expert on South Africa by any means but I have several relatives living there so this is where I get most of my information.

Awesome stuff, thank you. I have zero on-the-ground SA info, but do read about ancient peoples. I appreciate your edit about the Bantu-invasion timeline. They've been at it for a while, interesting to hear that locals think they've increased the intensity lately. I wonder if the Bantu are useful idiots for Chinese or Western powers.

The western powers have abandoned the whites in Africa for a long time now.

Hell, they've abandoned much of their own native citizens in Europe too.

Not all Boers have been wanting to fight, and many have applied for asylum in every single western country but kept getting denied.

It tells a hell of a lot that Russia is the only western nation that has started to accept them. Russia, the so called enemy of the free western world according to everything they've been shoving down our throats since birth.

The western powers have long abandoned their own.

Time to buckle up, the world isn't getting any sweeter. I foresee the civil war in South Africa as the first real snowball that'll roll into a giant ball of chaos that will sweep over much of the western world in the years to come.

A lot of Boers believe heavily in the words of their "prophet", Siener van Rensburg. He predicted that Europe would be overrun, predicted the coming "racial" war in South Africa etc. Very interesting.

I foresee the civil war in South Africa as the first real snowball

That makes a lotta sense. Also thanks for the prophet name, I'll look up his works.

The only claim boer would have is that they developed the land for 300-400 years which is about the same as any settler nation.

This genocide must be prevented.

Communism is never the answer.

If anyone tries to say that this land needs to be given back to blacks because they were there first... the group of people in power who are taking the land from whites came AFTER the whites already settled there. Different tribal group.

Oh, I did not know that! Ancient enmity with the Bantus? Or based on peaceful pastoral living?

The Brits used the Bantu as mercenaries during the Boer War. The Boers, and much of the rest of the world, found this move... distasteful.