Seth Rich Murder Round Up.

1  2018-08-22 by Orangutan

4chan linked Podesta Brothers to Seth Rich's doctor who oversaw Seth during his death in the DC hospital! Also, AnonDoc says Seth was isolated in the hospital, was given "treatment" that wasn't needed, and should have SURVIVED his wounds....but wound up dying.

Well, well, well, looky here! DNC LIES: Feds & FAA Records Show Brazile was in DC on Day of Seth Rich Murder – True Pundit

Internet Buzzing After Julian Assange's Mother Implicates Seth Rich In DNC Leak | Zero Hedge

It's NOT about "WHO SHOT SETH RICH".....It's about "WHAT HAPPENED AFTER he was shot?"


SS: I don't think Submission Statement are necessary on self posts. This is a good run down on the latest Seth Rich murder news. Feel free to add to it if necessary and spread if desired.

They are only necessary for links.

" They're " gonna downvoted u sooooo hard on this post." I stand with u tho. I pray everyday that God releases the smoking gun to finally implicate that Hillary's goons killed Rich

A smoking gun would not be necessary. It's time to move on, but moving on requires the russian hysteria to die down first. So all we require is Assange's testimony in court.

As long as the US and its allies have sanctions against Russia's billionaires, the hysteria won't die down.

Get ready for the flood

Got all the animals loaded up there, Noah?

did AnonDoc show a badge? if not, i'd assume it's bs disinfo.

also, Julian's mommy did not mention Setch, she just said a disgruntled DNC employee

Lol... Julians mother?

Wikileaks have distanced themselves from the Seth Rich murder because they got exposed communicating with guccifer 2.0, eiger stone, Donald junior etc etc

Anyway, Wikileaks official statement in Seth :

Seth didn't leak shit. He was killed by Russian assassins to provide cover for the DNC and DCCC hacks.

Anyway, Wikileaks official statement on Seth also says it wasn't him

Read that statement again. It neither confirms nor denies it. They simply retain their policy of not outing leakers.

Killed by a Russian assassin would be a definite possibility, though it begs some questions. A big one is how the assassin got to him twice (once on the street, once in the hospital). Another one is the question on why it really mattered, given how the hackers in question forgot their VPN. If it really was the Russians, it was clearly some new interns botching just about everything that could be botched.

The vpn error was by one of the GRU agents representing themself as guccifer 2.0. It was not the vpn error which exposed the DNC/podesta hacks which were committed by the cozy/fancy bear units within the GRU.

Accordin to crowdstrike.


Reddit knows their work quite well. (Were practically their consultants)!

Anything useful to add there?

A guy came here for help in using bleach bit for Hillary.

Stone tear did not come to /r/conspiracy and he was not asking about bleach bit.

If you're going to try and bamboozle people get your facts straight.

I didn't say he came to conspiracy. I said he came "here" with here being Reddit.

Please correct the record if you want to claim he didn't need help with Bleach Bit.

Happy to correct the fake news peddled by some Conservative wing nuts, it seems to have confused many unfortunate gullables.

Here is the post Paul made on reddit.

Please direct me to the mention of bleach bit, in fact point me to where be asked about deleting any emails at all.

... That is actually much more damning than just asking for help with Bleach Bit.

So let me get this straight: Paul Combetta asked Reddit how to hide and replace the shown email addresses the day before they agreed to hand information (presumably these emails) to the Benghazi committee. After this, Paul Combetta was granted immunity into the Clinton Email investigation.

Nah, nothing to see guys. Thanks for correcting me.

Yeah I'm pretty sure redacting personal email addresses is normal.

And you're welcome!

I have to disagree when we are talking about the personal emails being redacted are likely to be the personal email addresses that classified information went through.

That would be obstruction of justice.

You're wrong. Look at the emails submitted to the committee they're all redacted.

Sure thing, bud.

That's some next level shit.

So you're not only saying this all happened, but Russia killed Seth Rich?

I feel like this is the next news cycle.

With the evidence we have now it's looking more and more likely. Remember fox news/Rod Wheeler/Sean Spicer coordinated a fake story about Seth. There are emails showing this conspiracy coming straight from the top.

Russia has nothing to lose and everything to gain, after CrowdStrike exposed them they were scrambling for a defence... RIP Seth.

Have the Q folks now latched on to the Seth Rich murder now? Fantastic, another LARP to further alienate their family and friends.

This is how you can tell it was a really bad day for Donald Trump

A guy came here for help in using bleach bit for Hillary.