Hawaii is about to be hit by a major hurricane, yet I’ve literally seen nothing on reddit about it?

1  2018-08-23 by mvpnick11


Yes I have

Everybody is on Instagram taking selfies, so they don't care.

A world of narcissistic drones.

FYI, the good sir u/Tha_Dude_Abidez had a post last night which highlighted this news... So good on him, and yourself... This news needs to get out just incase anyone on the islands aren't aware.

They are aware. And much of the local west coast news organizations have been reporting on it as well.

You should have been able to tell that ANY popular website where some of the creators become famous celebrities, and others get harassed into suicide by the government, to be as fake as Facebook.

There were pet goat 2 rumors about "the storm" being the second flood and great disaster. I wouldn't be surprised if Hawaii was their testbed on how much damage they can conceal.

I agree to the general public aspect, but there are various subreddits dedicated to specific topics. Which is why they are sub reddits. You had up until your last point, of which I only have slight disagreement.

Thanks so much! I was happy the mods left it up, good on them too!

Oh no what a conspiracy

It's been on CNN for a couple days now as well as Foxnews, so both sides of the political spectrum. Are you saying that there's a conspiracy that reddit itself has no posts about it? or just /r/Conspiracy has none

Bs it was on Imgur yesterday which means it was on here. It hasnt even hit yet. What do you want wall to wall coverage or is the hurricane shaddowbanned?

Friend says people are freaking out on Oahu, buying up all the water

That always happens. Water will be bought up and gas stations will run out. It's normal for this type of event because people stock up for the days without power.

I haven’t heard about it, so obviously Big Weather is trying to hide it from us. /s

If it's not on the front page of Reddit, it's gotta be a cover-up

There was a post on this sub a few hours ago...put the tinfoil DOWN

I live here. No one's talking about it because it's not a big deal. It'll miss like it always does except for some rain.

Famous last words?

I dunno I live here also and some people are talking about it, and buying up all the water, gas, and emergency Spam from all the stores!!! 😂

The deep state is hiding the existence of Hurricane Lane obviously because Hurricane Lane not only blows hard... it also molests children!

We received a call at work warning us about the hurricane and to ask for accountability for any members of our work or family that maybe in Hawaii to stay somewhere safe.

I was thinking the same thing. If a Katrina sized storm was heading to the states it would be on the news 24/7

Oh good, maybe it’ll put out that volcano!

Oh how the days have changed, some years ago we analyzed the fearmongering of mainstream media, now a readily upvoted topic is fearmongering when the media has other things to focus on.

There is no hurricane. It's a typhoon.

This type of event used to be discussed in r/news but the ONLY important thing to discuss anymore (on reddit) is Trump.

I hope the hurricane dissipates quickly before landfall. I hope the volcano dies out soon.

Seems like a scary set of circumstances. A bunch of rain dumping on an active volcano creates huge steam eruptions.

It just doesn't seem very relevant to anyone that isn't in or going to Hawaii. Looks like it has been discussed in news, hawaii, tropical weather, and some space subs.


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Visit r/tropicalweather for all the info about it you could ever want.

Kerala floodig also not much