Just to clear things up, there was a couple threads made about a woman who was being harassed by Aliens. It started with a video of her daughter dancing and an alien peering in the window behind her. She admitted an hour ago it was fake after someone threatening to go to the police etc.

1  2018-08-23 by Tha_Dude_Abidez

This is one of my posts about it which was a cross post:

"Ok before you jump in and claim it’s fake, please try to look at the pictures, the videos and the context, and note that her last video was taken on live stream, so if it is staged, well, good job then.

So, here is what happened here (for the new comers). On Friday, a girl created a reddit account and a twitter account to seek help. She said she felt she was being observed by all corners, and had intruders all around her house and even inside. One day, she had a black out of 14 hours and woke up with a weird brand on her back.

Afterward, she tweeted records of strange sound in her house.

She was really concerned for her daughter safety, and her post didn’t seem like a marketing campaign since she doesn’t seem to know how to use twitter nor reddit really well. It looked like more a person desperately seeking help than a person seeking attention.

However, that’s where it gets scary.

As police couldn’t do anything, she started recording what was happening in her house.

In this video, you see a human shaped form running in her house, but, if you pause, if looks like it has a really long neck and a weird form, also the noise it makes while running is bothering me somehow.

Then, she was filming her daughter dancing, and if you look at the door, there is a REALLY SCARY FACE looking at her daughter, while trying to hide.

Here is the video with more brightness, and a screenshot she posted. The head movement looks really weird, as if it has a long neck, or is floating (or I HOPE a hand holding a mask).

On her twitter, another part of the video, where the head movement is really weird.

Based on recommendations, she went in a hotel and ordered cameras. Some people told her the intruders don’t mean any arms and look more interested than anything else. She asked her daughter about the intruders, she regreted instantly.

Then she came back in her house and installed the cameras,

The same evening, this video (on top) was the last she posted, on a live stream. We can hear her daughter ... suffocating? And there are weird noise similar to the one we could hear on her previous video on twitter.

Some redditors took screen shots of the intruder, IS THIS FREAKING HUMAN?

I really hope this is a prank, but what bothers me is : live stream prank, how would you do this ? She barely use social medias, and I wouldn’t post my own daughter on reddit for the sake of a prank.

So if this is real, we might have witnessed something really weird. Please let me kow what you think and please convince me it's not fucking real.

Edit: some grammar"



This is what drove her to admitting the truth:


And here is her Twitter admission:


Just wanted to clear it all up for anyone who was still curious, like myself.


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Police wouldn't have investigated an alien video. Mayve got them to respond to a peeping Tom call but then they would've charged the caller when they saw the tape.

There were alot of people thought she was genuinely being harassed by someone, not an alien. She released a video with her screaming and a split second of visible footage with what looked like a tall man. She buckled with the threat regardless, and admitted the hoax.

Lmao wow.

Shocker it was BS...

I have an idea why don't we make a shitpost thread about a shitpost that shouldn't of even been on this sub two days ago?

Who the fuck is upvoting this BS?

I kind of wondered if it was a movie thing. Hyping a movie that was coming out soon. Her name does have a December 2018 date in it. I thought maybe the movie was titled "Nobody" and was coming out in December of this year.

I'd almost bet it was something like this. The date in her Username was very suspect.

That is probably it! Well I hope her outing ruined it. I wasted too much time on her bullshit.


Because this project is categorized as in development, the data is only available on IMDbPro and is subject to change.

Now, anyone have imdb pro?

The description says “man stops to help woman..” (or something to that effect) and then is cut off by the paywall. I really want someone with IMDbpro to check it out.

Yeah, I was wondering if anyone had imdb pro too.

Remember that Bigfoot sheriff dude from a few years ago? Why do people do this shit? Are they that desperate for attention?

I do and that was just as frustrating as this. I don't know why they do it. It drives me crazy though and muddies the waters for anything real that comes down the pipe. It also causes researchers to grow weary.

I think it's more meant for an audience that likes these kinds of ARGs. Kind of like The Sun Vanished, another good ARG.

She should of put in no sleep. And it would of made more since.

It would have been a lot more sensible there, it being fake.

Yea you get to pretend and believe it as real. Lol a few are some badass stories but fake. She could of had a series going there.

It would have been (can be) a great LARP/ARG... but once you claim this is “real” and include a child, I think that’s where a lot of people may draw the line. IF her kid was a professional actor, like she claims, I doubt she would want to be debuted on twitter and the aliens subreddit.

Yes, this exactly.

Bad publicity > no publicity

I thought it was kind of obvious that it was all an ARG. I got wrapped up in it, but it became fairly easy to tell after the video of the alien peeping through the window. TBH, I kind of enjoyed it once I knew it was fake.

do you have achieved of any of this?

some of those links are getting deleted by the user

I like ARGs very much but stuff like this is annoying. If you start making people think a crime is happening, your story has kind of failed.

That's just what aliens would say if they kidnapped her

Isn't it pretty easy to identify it as fake? I mean why would an alien with super technology be peering in a window like some kind of goddamned retarded peeping Tom from 1940? If it was real, then the aliens have a very good sense of humor, which is a good sign if you ask me.

There were alot of people thought she was genuinely being harassed by someone, not an alien. She released a video with her screaming and a split second of visible footage with what looked like a tall man. She buckled with the threat regardless, and admitted the hoax.

Yes, this exactly.

Bad publicity > no publicity