The "the only power that truly scares the establishment" post is the dumbest post of all time, explained.

1  2018-08-25 by joe_jaywalker

As I've said before, the only posts which are allowed to reach prominence on this subreddit are either disinformation, or bland, harmless, uncontroversial pablum.

A recent post that has dwelled near the top of the front page for at least the last 24 hours features a section about "black power" and "white power" then shows a stock photo of a black hand shaking a white hand and indicates that this "power" is the only power which "truly scares the establishment."

The idea that "black guy teaming up with white guy" is some kind of revolutionary "threat" to any establishment is laughable, because it is a meme that has been handed to us by the establishment, and absolutely brainwashed and drilled into our heads since we were young children.

Everyone already knows this, but let's go over some examples.

List of 10 mainstream black guy/ white guy buddy cop movies. We can all name many, many, many more movies and television shows which feature a black guy and a white guy teaming up, or a main character with a benevolent black friend, etc.

Google's "diversity" doodle. Google is the establishment and here they are promoting a meme that some idiots claim frightens the establishment.

I made the comment that the meme (I thought memes weren't allowed, by the way) looked suitable for a 3rd grade classroom poster. There are plenty of posters about diversity and multiculturism, many featuring different races of people holding hands!

Don't forget the "World Day for Cultural Diversity". This is a holiday sanctioned by the UN! Think they're shaking in their boots in fear of "diversity?"

Canda also has a "Multiculturalism Day".

As I was called a racist for pointing this out several times in the original thread, we will look at the concept of racism and how it relates to the "power that truly scares the establishment."

If "black guy teaming up with white guy" is the power that "truly scares" the establishment, and "racism" is the opposite of this concept, then racism must be something that is heavily promoted by the establishment right? Right?

Of course it's fucking not. In fact, a "racist" is the worst thing you could possibly be known as in modern Homo-ZOG America.

So if it were true that "black guy teaming up with white guy meme" is a threat to the establishment, then the concept of anti-racism should also be a threat to the establishment. Yet we see anti-racism promoted everywhere from elementary school classrooms to Hollywood to television to politics. Do I even need to find examples? Is there really anyone who doesn't realize this?

So what's wrong with "black guy teaming up with white guy?" Well, not much. But it's certainly not a revolutionary concept, certainly not front-page conspiracy forum material. There's not even a conspiracy involved there.

And, unfortunately the concept of "diversity" is merely code language for the dissolution of white populations and group cohesion by outside forces. Don't believe me? Go look at many of the comments of the post I'm discussing. See how many of them are something to the effect of "I'm white but white power scares me." And how many commenters are saying that "black power" somehow means "equality and peace" while "white power" means "KKK Nazis and white supremacist terror attacks."

I will take the time to analyze several anti-white comments from this post and show that they come from non-contributing users who have no business being in this forum in the first place, but are using the "black guy teaming up with white guy meme" post simply to sow anti-white sentiments.

In a previous post I have outlined the mythical "Reddit user" and how you can tell who is here to confuse and discredit by looking at their post history. If they have many posts to random various subreddits, but not this one, yet are trying to control the conversation or discredit a conspiracy theory, they are likely some kind of co-opted account or shill. This technique of evaluating post history is so simple yet I fear many do not take the time to do it, and thus many interlopers are free to spread their disinformation and negativity.

  1. To a user (correctly) pointing out to someone kvetching about "white supremacists" that the group is actually almost non-existent and very fringe, but is promoted by the media using fear tactics, this user with a 6 year old account and 0 conspiracy posts replies "nonexistent but in the white house?" (implying the White House contains white supremacists) and gets 26 upvotes. Anyone think those upvotes are organic? If they are, shoot me.

  2. "white power scares me and i am white." from a user with a 7 year old account and 0 conspiracy posts. This received 80 upvotes. Again, if 80 users actually upvoted this, shoot me.

  3. "black power is an equality movement, white power is a superiority movement". Three year old account, 0 conspiracy posts, received 33 upvotes for this comment. Would the 33 people who upvoted this comment please come forward and identify yourselves? I don't think they exist, honestly.

There are plenty more examples of people with "randumb Reddit user" post histories making anti-white comments and receiving ridiculous amounts of upvotes for their vapid quips.

I don't have to convince anyone that "diversity" is a Bolshevik, anti-white concept. The actual "establishment" promoting this concept openly admit it. George Soros has flat-out said, multiculturalism benefits Jews. We are all familiar with Barbara Lerner Spectre's comments. Jews play a leading role in promoting multiculturalism and anti-racism so that they can avoid standing out as an "outsider" in the communities they take hold in.

So, white shitlibs, as you signal about how you hate your own people, and their enfranchisement and freedom of association "scares" you, just know that you are not threatening the establishment. You are instead parroting your brainwashing, virtue-signaling in the perfect safety of the mainstream.

I'll play us out with some quotes from the "establishment" or should I say the (((establishment:)))

The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals."

  • Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, founder of Paneuropean Union

Islam belongs in Europe's present and future.

  • Frederica Mogherini, High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

For me, the new Germany exists only in order to ensure the existence of the state of Israel and the Jewish people.

  • Martin Schultz, Social Democratic Party of Germany

There is not going to be, even in the remotest places of this planet, a nation that will not see diversity in its future.

  • Frans Timmermans, vice-president of European Commission

[We should] make it illegal to hold racist views.

  • Viatcheslav Moshe Kantor, President of European Jewish Congress and the European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation

I'm not a racist but I am a separatist

Is all i got out of this wall of none sense.

None sense?

You don't even post here. You don't contribute. What are you doing perusing the /new thread?

you don't even post here. You don't contribute.

Just say you're upset I disagree with you, you don't need to fancy it up and pretend it's some privilege to comment on Reddit.

Secondly, you had a decent start until you started going into all that "Wtf is with supporting multiculturalism" shit.

Why is it even a big deal to have different cultures around you?

How does this effect your quality of life at all?

You mean on a personal level, from my own experience, or the quantifiable data which show that increased ethnic diversity is correlated with populations which are generally less healthy, happy, wealthy, and productive?

Source please

I’m a regular poster and I think you’re being a divisive shitheel. Good enough for you?

Yeah, a regular anti-Trumping politics-spammer. Thank you for your efforts at making this subreddit as shitty and boring as possible.

Nice shifting of the goal posts 👌 like the other guy said, you don’t seem to take disagreement well.

You want credit for your endless Trump shitposts?

You think Sandy Hook was a real school shooting; you're not a conspiracy theorist.

I didn’t realize were only allowed to talk about certain things or be more interested in some than others. Yes I talk mostly politics but I wouldn’t say it’s the only thing/endless.

And yes I believe it was a real shooting. What’s the easier way to get something done: make the alternative unbearable. What’s more unbearable than dead children? Why fake something when it’s easier to encourage or just let it happen?

You’re he one creating artificial barriers to participation then changing the criteria when someone meets it that you don’t like.

This is a person who asks for proof the earth is not flat and then, when you deliver proof/ explanation which contains "gravity", "refraction" or other physical phenomena, he just goes "prove that gravity/ refraction, etc exists."

So yeah, he is good in this shit.

You want credit for your endless Trump shitposts?

Says the one with endless amounts of "there is no space"/ flatearth posts.

90% of your posts are either about flattard shit or complaining about what other users do on this subreddit.

But who am I to criticize you, since I have no posts and therfore I'm not allowed to comment either, as you the gatekeeper lord of reddit dictates!?

And to your post. The government does NOT want us to work together. They promote multiculturism in the media as you pointed out, but at the same time they ARE trying to devide us by other means. They want us to welcome other cultures in "our boat" and then they make us fighting so the boat sinks.

So it's not that the multicultural societies are by their nature dissolute and prone to collapse, it's just that we don't work hard enough to achieve this diverse utopia... Come on, that's dumb.

your efforts at making this subreddit as shitty and boring as possible.

Considering your post history, he should take that as a compliment.

We can only conquer after we divide ourselves.

Cool racist screed. Oh no I called you racist I must be a shill!

Actually I said shills were identifiable by their post histories. Let's look at yours....

I’m a liberal who loves conspiracy theories, podcasts and ufos. I shit on Q and talk about podcasts and books mostly. Enjoy your reading.

loves conspiracy theories

one conspiracy post (in the past 10 days and total shitpost)

Removed. Rule 10.


Just admit it, you're white and worried about fully white populations dwindling. You think Hollywood is TPTB? Wake the fuck up. Our government has literally subsidized murder of specific racial/ethnic groups, and over the years racist ideplogies have just become more covert, not disappeared. To combat that, not thinking your black neighbor is a lazy welfare collector or that your Mexican neighbor is an illegal immigrant rapist/murder will stop the disillusion spread by racist government actors (be it politicians,police, PACs etc).

Why wouldn't I be worried about white populations dwindling?

Hollywood is the "entertainment" mind-control messaging branch of TPTB, yes I think that. If you don't think that, you're wrong.

They brainwash white people to not want children, as if having a child is some horrible thing. "Oh no, my life is over. My future is gone" Horseshit.

Then once our population drops, they tell you we must import third world workers to fill the jobs. This is happening and it's NOT by accident.

Who gives a fuck what skin color evolves? Ethnicities can live on even if your kids are darker than your ideal shade chart. The government has more money and power than Hollywood, period. Hollywood is more free to be diverse because all you need is camera equipment and actors rather than rigging elections, so I'm agreeing with you to an extent as I assume you're too dense to understand. Hollywood doesn't draft legislation or set global policies. Read some history books and you'll realize how ridiculous you're sounding. You're falling straight into the tribalistic trap of racism and using Hollywood movies as justification for your inner racist ideologies and fear of your supreme race being washed away.

What race are you?

And you wonder why you get called racist. I was correct in my assumption that you're dense. The white race is declining and there's nothing you can do about, HA-HA. Even if i told you my race you'd call me a liar or ask for proof, its a winless circlejerk.

the white race is declining and there's nothing you can do about, HA-HA.

Sounds kind of.... racist?

Its more of me having fun with you as you obviously can't garner enough brain power to reply with more than one sentence at a time. Even being 100% serious with that statement, its a fact.unless you're gonna go slay some serious Tang or commit mass genocide.

I was correct in my assumption that you're dense.

This guy is also a flat earther.

Your guess that this guy is "dense" is a massive over estimation.

I need to start looking at post histories

No matter how you dance around it:

Unity > Division

I didn’t see this poster you’re talking about, but I think I agree with the message it’s trying to send. I really think we are all fighting amongst ourselves far too much.

It’s hard to determine when things went south, but I think I see more promotion of racial opposition these days (us and them) rather than cooperation, and I’m all for any image that promotes racial unity and cooperation.

Can’t we all just get along?

I can entertain this idea. Can you give an example of "promotion of racial opposition?" I think there actually are examples.

You want credit for your endless Trump shitposts?

You think Sandy Hook was a real school shooting; you're not a conspiracy theorist.