Conspiracy to make Europe islamic

1  2018-08-28 by SaxonWitch

I know all about the Kalergi plan, but this is about islam. It seems that we are stumbling open eyed into letting islam become stronger and stronger. Muslims get special treatment and you can't even say anything about it as you'll be called a racist a bigot or xenophobic. More and more are imported, mosques are build, we have whole islamic areas in every large town. Nobody is integrating, instead islam is followed strictly in secular countries. We all know they won't budge with their belief, they believe strongly. Instead we have to accommodate their belief and have absolutely no outlet to discuss this.

I can only surmise that the plan of those in power is that they want us to become muslim, after all it would be easier to lead people you can scare with the wrath on [any] god, just like in the middle ages.

I am totally against [any] religion getting special treatments!

This has nothing to do with not being accommodating, not being open minded or not wanting diversity. It has to do with literally ploughing on to make islam the main religion and nobody is allowed to complain!

It scares me. I have lived long enough to have known people from E-Germany, visit E-Germany as a teen, seeing the fall of the wall. I've seen many oppressive regimes and this is what they do. This is serious.

Fortunately I lived through the good times when we were allowed opinions and could voice our concerns. Will my post be called some kind of -ism? [Self evidence that would be].

Why is islam pushed onto us and why are we punished if we don't like it? Why? It is so obvious it hurts. I would say the same if it was christianity or any other religion being forced so blatantly onto us. What is going on?


The followers of Islam would appear to be slaves to the Imams whims - EXACTLY the situation the elites would like all around the world

Absolutely. I feel very sorry for the women especially. And when they come to the UK, these poor girls might think wrongly that going to a free country will help them, when instead idiot rules and the left side with the oppressors and hail their rules instead of putting their foot down and make it mandatory to live by our rules.

As it is we only attract hardcore islamists, because we are so weak and they know that and abuse it to their own propagation. Women in strict islamist countries are waking up now and show us how much they hate to cover their heads, yet in Europe we force them to keep wearing it in the guise of 'respecting their religion'. Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh.

The U.K. has been pussified when it comes to Islamic terrorism since the late 90s... the elites here gave them safe haven in return for not attacking us... that worked out well didn’t it? There’s a great book on the subject called Londonistan by Melanie Phillips that’s well worth reading

What left are making rules in the UK? Please tell me. All the bullshit that has happend:


The tighter controls on what we can and can't say online

The complete breakdown of a decent and effective immigration service

The introduction of new hate speech laws

Have all been introduced by our Tory party... you know, the ones pretending to be Conservatives while actually being right wing authoritarian corporate loving scumbags.

And before you start blaming the EU for our borders, under our agreement with the EU we had complete control over our borders but our immigration service was stripped to the bone by the then home secretary Theresa May.

Who was it that is insisting backdoors be put into encryption and has tried to push a fucking licence through for watching porn? That's right the fucking Tory party.

Our country is going down the shitter but it's not because of "the left" it's because of the fucking corrupt scumbags we have on the front bench tearing apart our country through fear and bullshit while enriching themselves and their corporate masters.

These cunts have been in charge now for 8 years and before that we had New Labour which was basically Tory Lite. When are they going to start taking the blame for the shit that has gone on and is going on under their rule.


I know this is completly off-topic and I hold my hands up to that. But I am sick at these fuckers getting a pass for they have done and what they are continuing to do. We never had a left vs right in the UK when I was growing up in this manner we had a working class, middle class and the Bankers/lawyers etc. Back then you think this government could get away with the shit they are doing? Fuck no because the working class stuck together... Now with this bullshit left/right nonsense coming out of the US our working class is divided and as such as no power any more, leaving these dickheads in charge...Who benefits from our working class being divided and at each others throats? Not us thats for sure.


The Tories are just as useless as the left. However the whole inviting all and sundry started with the sociopath Tony Blair. He was the 'inventor' of open borders and laying the path to a one world government. He was Labour, not Tory.

I say leftists because it is their followers that stand with their arms wide open and want to hug a refugee. You won't ever see anyone else do this.

It is lefties that want diversity at all costs and think the world is all unicorns and fairies. It doesn't matter who will be in charge, the end product for some reason is to let in more and more muslims and warm us up to islam. They all seem to want this. Something more is going on.

He was New Labour who were basicly Tory lite you can crow about how the war criminal Blair was not a Tory but nearly everything they did was perfectly in line with what the Tories did before them :/

All I hear is "But but Blair" Fuck Blair and Brown they were lying pieces of shit and Blair should of been locked up but come on man...When are the people that have been making policy for 8 fucking years going to be up for any blame? Never? Or will it allways be the "lefts" fault in your eyes.

I consider myself left and I don't think the world is a nice place at all. It is full of horrible people that do horrible things to each other. Maybe I could say something like "It is only the right that think every Muslim is a terrorist out to get them" But what is the fucking point, it means nothing to people that think that.

This one's gonna get downvotes but here goes anyways.

What's up with Europe might be part of a deliberate coordinated plan, or maybe not. either way, the real question isn't "who's behind it"... it should be "why is it happening?"

Here's my answer.

White people in both Europe and North and South America are not the same white people from hundreds of years ago.

Just take a look around at the average white people you see and ask yourself "How many of them could be a pioneer, how many of them would fight back against anyone who tried to push them around?"

Europeans from 500 years ago were living in a period of history where they were still actively resisting Islamic expansion from the Ottoman Empire in the east. And they'd just finished pushing the Muslim Moors out of Spain. They'd survived multiple episodes of the Black Death. They were still fighting wars with each other on a regular basis. The average person lived in relative poverty and most of them also lived under a brutally repressive religious authority (Guess who!)

Compare this with today.

We're living on the tail end of centuries of colonization. We're not the colonizers, we're their descendants. We haven't had any real competition for hundreds of years. We've had a whole century since the last real epidemics (Spanish Flu of 1918)

The last really big war ended nearly 75 years ago... a lifetime.

Today's white people are soft. Some tiny group of people have convinced we should feel sorry/guilty about who we are. We've adopted the poisonous insanity of political correctness because of mental and cultural softness (ie. decadence).

Only a decadent culture allows minorities to start calling the shots. Only a decadent culture invites foreigners to migrate into their territory in large numbers for years at a time.

So Europeans and the New World descendants have become soft and decadent. The human equivalent of Dodo birds. No natural predators for so long, they lost both their instincts and their ability to fly. Like Dodo birds, we just don't reproduce as fast as we used to either. Dodos only laid one egg at a time. Modern European birthrates are well below the replacement rate of 2.1 children per woman.

So you don't need to blame Islam or some deliberate plan to change Europe. The real reason these changes are happening is because we've become weak... and prefer to believe that weakness is actually strength (ie. multculturalism, diversity etc.)

When you get weak and believe lies instead of reality, competition will always show up and teach you a lesson.

This is the point where some people will wonder about what I've just said. And some other people (decadent and with minds poisoned by lies) will write me off as a hater. So I'll take this opportunity to point out that I haven't advocated any type of action whatsoever. No insults have been made either. But I have said a number of things that challenge established perceptions and narratives. So that's going to get some people all worked up and looking for any excuse to reject concepts that conflict with their own established views.

tldr; long term historical trends at work. We're either in, or approaching a phase of cultural decadence and social weakness. Not necessarily part of any plan. People naturally take advantage of weakness when they see it in others (at a group level as well as individuals)

I agree and have to add that I always said that violence and barbarianism will always win against tolerance and mild mannerisms. It's a shame but it has happened over and over in history. A tolerant civilisation is at is a dying civilisation.

This is true humanity

"Tribes and nations across the world and across history have cared for those injured, weaker than themselves, less fortunate.

It is only "human nature" to allow the weak to suffer if you also believe it is "human nature" to be completely selfish and isolationist in all respects. To hunt only for onesself, and to hoard their belongings like a dragon.

If you want to run off and live in the woods like a "predatory man" and die alone in the cold when you fail to succeed in hunting, or you're injured thus that you cannot hunt and feed yourself, I will still wish to feed you, to heal you, because humankind in its entirety ought to be brothers.

If you want to talk about family units, then speak of them - they help each other to survive. The same altruism extends to friends and friends of friends, and familiarity breeds fondness, which breeds a desire to protect and nurture. And thus, we have a tribal unit. Then tribes make alliances and help each other, and we have nations.

Human nature is to find other humans and protect each other, and provide for each other. To deny the human power of empathy and desire to protect is... well, frankly, ridiculous. We have artefacts and graves and remains of people throughout history showing that humans cared deeply for the "useless" members of their tribe - buried with honors, recorded with fondness, protected and supported even when they could not 'provide' for the tribe.

People help those around them, at the cost of themselves. Humans will throw themselves into floods and flames to help a stranger - often killing themselves in the process. Humans will refuse to leave the site of a cave in, refuse to rest in favor of helping to shift the rubble until everyone inside has been taken out.

Maybe the difference is that I believe humans are good, and at their cores DO want to be happy with their fellows, while you think they are inherently selfish and isolationist.

I believe we should provide safety and comfort to those without.

because THAT is human nature."

I do not what is going on in your life, that makes you fear people who look different than you, eat different foods, and live differently than you. I don't know what propaganda bullshit that brainwashed you, or if you were raised with such toxic beliefs. You said you remember East Germany, East Germany happened in part because of your ideology. Fearing the other, and not wanting to celebrate or learn from those who are different. Is that what you want? Because a dictatorship is exactly what you are describing you want. Kick out those who are different, rather than try learning from them. I love you

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This is true humanity

"Tribes and nations across the world and across history have cared for those injured, weaker than themselves, less fortunate.

It is only "human nature" to allow the weak to suffer if you also believe it is "human nature" to be completely selfish and isolationist in all respects. To hunt only for onesself, and to hoard their belongings like a dragon.

If you want to run off and live in the woods like a "predatory man" and die alone in the cold when you fail to succeed in hunting, or you're injured thus that you cannot hunt and feed yourself, I will still wish to feed you, to heal you, because humankind in its entirety ought to be brothers.

If you want to talk about family units, then speak of them - they help each other to survive. The same altruism extends to friends and friends of friends, and familiarity breeds fondness, which breeds a desire to protect and nurture. And thus, we have a tribal unit. Then tribes make alliances and help each other, and we have nations.

Human nature is to find other humans and protect each other, and provide for each other. To deny the human power of empathy and desire to protect is... well, frankly, ridiculous. We have artefacts and graves and remains of people throughout history showing that humans cared deeply for the "useless" members of their tribe - buried with honors, recorded with fondness, protected and supported even when they could not 'provide' for the tribe.

People help those around them, at the cost of themselves. Humans will throw themselves into floods and flames to help a stranger - often killing themselves in the process. Humans will refuse to leave the site of a cave in, refuse to rest in favor of helping to shift the rubble until everyone inside has been taken out.

Maybe the difference is that I believe humans are good, and at their cores DO want to be happy with their fellows, while you think they are inherently selfish and isolationist.

I believe we should provide safety and comfort to those without.

because THAT is human nature."

This is our true nature. We learn from those who are different. It is Ironic that you have the same mentality of the Europeans from 500 years ago, and look at what state they lived in.

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I believe we should provide safety and comfort to those without.

because THAT is human nature."

I'll cede you one point. That is that people are capable of cooperative behavior... but only under the right conditions.

  • They care for family first

  • Close friends second

  • When resources are relatively plentiful

  • Uncrowded living conditions.

In the modern world, we've got a lot more crowding, less resources and 99.99% of all people are total strangers.

Just wait and see what happens when the population outstrips the food supply.

It is Ironic that you have the same mentality of the Europeans from 500 years ago, and look at what state they lived in.

You simple have no clue what people are really like. If you recall what I said about human Dodo birds that have lost their instincts... you're a good example.

People are only marginally OK living in crowded, competitive conditions. When you introduce strangers who don't assimilate well and create even more crowding, that's just asking for trouble.

Maybe the difference is that I believe humans are good, and at their cores DO want to be happy with their fellows,

Here's a great example of people who want to be happy with their fellows

If you're right about human nature, why do people get out of control so easy? Why does every city in the world have a large police force to ensure law and order?

Interesting perspective, thanks for sharing

(by calling an entire group of people weak may be perceived as an islult, just saying)

When I said 'weak' I mean obviously generally speaking. It is very hard and unnecessary for me to add every time ['there are plenty of non-weak individuals also living in these countries'].

Plus as long as the stronger ones stay hidden, I am afraid that as a whole, the country is still weak.

I would welcome the strong ones and the common sense ones to rise. I would really welcome that, until then our leaders are taking the piss with our opinions by ignoring them.

Couldn't agree more

I don't know anything about this "plan" just some vague claims. I've been unable to find any actual source for this "plan".

Can you help, please?

That's what I mean. He made some predictions about the future of Europe but he didn't formulate a plan, none of his writings mention such a plan and nobody can provide anything that looks like a plan.

This alleged "plan" looks like a complete fantasy to me.

In that case:

My post isn't about the Kalergi plan. I merely mentioned that I am aware of it so that I don't get answers including this! I don't really care if it's true or not. The Frankfurt school and their ideas are real enough to believe there could be a plan of sorts.

Or do you really think extreme leftist are just eating flowers? I don't think so, they have a plan. I don't know exactly what it is but something is being done on purpose.

And THAT's the basis of my post. Please don't nit-pick on something that is really unimportant in what I have to say. You are derailing the thread by trying to start a discussion on the validity of said 'plan'.

Forget about it alright! Just ignore it if you must, the truth is that right now, Europe is being deliberately flooded with muslims who have a completely different view of life and who are incompatible with the free west.

It is happening with or without a written plan. Please try and answer my question as to why!

To me it seems deliberate and I gave an example as to why it may happen. I don't want a Kalergi plan discussion! It doesn't matter.

Allright, what makes you think that Islam is being pushed on us? If anything, there is more and more pushback against it, even in the media.

I think you are right when you say that at last more and more people dare to speak out. I really hope so. I have seen the momentum start not too long ago.

Maybe there is hope and we claim back our history and culture and demand of those suing our freedoms to further their own agendas to accept ours if they want to live here. I have lived in 3 European countries for years and have always adapted. I don't hang out with other Germans when I'm in another country. I always learn the language pretty quick and literally live the life they live in order to appreciate it.

However our invaders are not here for appreciation, they are here for easy money without much disruption of their previous life. They neither care nor know about Britain. They don't get gooey feelings looking over the fields in East Anglia or the castles or a cottage on an autumn evening. They don't want that, they don't care about it and they certainly don't want to live it.

Yet there are still so called refugees taken in, jumping on lorries at calais and generally sneaking in via family ties. If you ask them who or what they are, they'll answer 'a muslim first'. There is no alliance with any countries, like in our culture because nothing matters but to be a 'good muslim' first.

Yet we take people with such a mindset in. That's what I mean by 'being pushed on us'.

Also being insulted and called 'far right' or worse for wanting to discuss this means 'being pushed on us'.

Seeing a muslim women with religious hair cover on my bank's 'contact us' page whilst proudly declaring that they have UK call centers] means 'being pushed on us'.

Walking through Peterboro' shopping centre being hassled by clearly orthodox musim men with beards handing out free korans and telling everyone to join.

Making schooltrips to mosques and have kids prey but not to churches.

Changing names of places or other words because they offend muslims.

Forcing halal meat onto everyone just because there are a handful of muslims [school, supermarkets, restaurants etc].

Not daring to go through certain areas.

Hijab days.

Changes to schools because of ramadan.

...and thousands of other micro changes.

Good if there is resistance because if there isn't, we'll be muslim in less than 20 years.

we'll be muslim in less than 20 years.

I've heard that 20 years ago.

Not holding my breath.

There is no "plan"! Just a guy who is afraid of those who are different.

Yeah, I figured that

You are unaware of what is happening.

What do all these refugees lacking that everyone in Europe already has? Debt. Need new debt, need fresh meat.

Maybe. Interesting point.

I think it is fulfilling Biblical prophecy in the end times -
"And all who will not worship The Beast shall be killed."

"And I saw the souls of those beheaded for the witness of JESUS who would not worship the beast and receive his mark on their right hand and forhead." (Rev:20:4)

Yeah, the 'beast' has always been manmade religion. Sprituality seeks the growth of the mind to expand it and seek new truths and religion is a one way track to a dead end nobody is allowed to criticise. The beast. religion. Especially islam as it hails violence and opression as virtues.

There is only one religion that calls for you to convert or be beheaded.

This is true humanity

"Tribes and nations across the world and across history have cared for those injured, weaker than themselves, less fortunate.

It is only "human nature" to allow the weak to suffer if you also believe it is "human nature" to be completely selfish and isolationist in all respects. To hunt only for onesself, and to hoard their belongings like a dragon.

If you want to run off and live in the woods like a "predatory man" and die alone in the cold when you fail to succeed in hunting, or you're injured thus that you cannot hunt and feed yourself, I will still wish to feed you, to heal you, because humankind in its entirety ought to be brothers.

If you want to talk about family units, then speak of them - they help each other to survive. The same altruism extends to friends and friends of friends, and familiarity breeds fondness, which breeds a desire to protect and nurture. And thus, we have a tribal unit. Then tribes make alliances and help each other, and we have nations.

Human nature is to find other humans and protect each other, and provide for each other. To deny the human power of empathy and desire to protect is... well, frankly, ridiculous. We have artefacts and graves and remains of people throughout history showing that humans cared deeply for the "useless" members of their tribe - buried with honors, recorded with fondness, protected and supported even when they could not 'provide' for the tribe.

People help those around them, at the cost of themselves. Humans will throw themselves into floods and flames to help a stranger - often killing themselves in the process. Humans will refuse to leave the site of a cave in, refuse to rest in favor of helping to shift the rubble until everyone inside has been taken out.

Maybe the difference is that I believe humans are good, and at their cores DO want to be happy with their fellows, while you think they are inherently selfish and isolationist.

I believe we should provide safety and comfort to those without.

because THAT is human nature."

I do not what is going on in your life, that makes you fear people who look different than you, eat different foods, and live differently than you. I don't know what propaganda bullshit that brainwashed you, or if you were raised with such toxic beliefs. You said you remember East Germany, East Germany happened in part because of your ideology. Fearing the other, and not wanting to celebrate or learn from those who are different. Is that what you want? Because a dictatorship is exactly what you are describing you want. Kick out those who are different, rather than try learning from them. I love you