Why doesn't Conspiracy have a chat function?

1  2018-08-29 by NewAccountVersion3

Just wondering. It would be chaos of course. But I like me some good chaos.


Just any way to have off topic discussions with the community is good with me. Even an off topic thread.

Yeah man free speech and all that. I still think it will devolve into a sh*tshow but I think it would be fun.

I would join such a thing. Seriously, the amount of you who teach me things far outweigh the amount of you who don't!

Okay, don't overdo it.

Of course not, knowledge should be gained through effort

I'm just saying don't put the sub on a pedestal.

Nor am I. Knowledge should be earned not gained.

So why haven't you?

I haven't seen a direct method to join, plus I enjoy the banter here. I feel there 8s more a chance of awakening left/right zealots than those who choose to remain to stay slumbering

Check the sidebar.

I shall, thank you for the illumination of my path!

"You're a shill."

"No, you're a shill."

Could be fun.

Sounds like a shill. Lock him up boys!

The reality is it's more like:


... 2 hours later


500 thousand subscribers and dead chat? Sounds like a good sub.

Not many people know it's there. Even OP claims it doesn't exist after "double checking" the sidebar.

I always forget it exists because the only real way to browse r/con is with a bunch of tabs researching something. I dont have much interest in talking about my personal life or how I made my pork chops for dinner.

I love pork chops.

Iā€™m in šŸ˜Ž

because a chat function would bypass shadow bans and keyword censorship.

What's keyword censorship?

What do you mean? How does chat bypass all that jazz?

Bruh, /r/con chat already exists, check the sidebar

(I'm deliberately not linking to it, to see if people can actually find it themselves)

Why are you being down voted? It's right smack in your face on the sidebar. People never even looked.

Next Roundtable suggestion: A week-long conspiracy chat room pyramid scheme for the Chan's benefit only

...... It does. It has had one for years, just look at the sidebar.

Not my sidebar.

/r/ Conspiracy IRC Chatroom

Is how its listed on the right.

Thanks for the link I couldn't find it. A link is all I ever wanted.

Least I can do!

Why would a different browser or VPN change this subs sidebar?

I've had different browsers display different download options/ads and I was wondering if that made a difference. Not super internet savvy mind you. I was just curious.

Not internet savvy but you're using a VPN?

Ye ok

What, is a vpn that complicated? I'm somewhat internet savvy if that makes a difference. I'm just not sure how the reddit sidebars function.

Someone make it

... Someone already did, years ago . . . . . . .

It's on the sidebar.

Not my sidebar.

... Someone already did, years ago . . . . . . .

It's on the sidebar.