Quit judging your fellow skeptics.
1 2018-08-30 by SatoricalVision
Seriously, were all here to question the truth, why the fuck are you bringing them down based on bias and predetermined ideologies?
Freedom is freedom regardless of how its interpreted to public space
1 covpepe1776 2018-08-30
Q sent me
1 SatoricalVision 2018-08-30
To do what?
1 Littletowe 2018-08-30
There are some who actively patrol this sub to do exactly that. The thing is, they aren't even shills or paid trolls or brigaders. They just have nothing else to do, never actually contributing any kind of discussion. Just point, laugh, and get upset if you ask them why they are doing it.
1 SatoricalVision 2018-08-30
I've seen less of them compared to the people who do not.
1 ladystardust1847 2018-08-30
Not what is truth? Nah, I’ll stick with seeking what is true.
1 SatoricalVision 2018-08-30
I mean if you want to continue believing what you believe then go for it. Of you want to challenge wideheld beliefs then keep doing that!
No matter what happens us humans are most important, keep that thought alive!
1 asailorssway 2018-08-30
i don't mean to appear coarse... but it is the that line of thinking that has enabled us to decimate the planet, set up false idols, and participate in perpetual war without regard to anything but man. We need to see the mandelbrot. it is ALL imperative. from proton to solar flare... it all happens so the rest of it can work.
we dont have to agree on whether higherups are human or not to understand they consider themselves superior. mythology would tell us they are descended from odin and vlad the impaler, as well as julius caesar. thing is.... so are we.
We have the same piece of God, we have souls, we have infinite imaginations, and moreover... we have EONS of service, i.e. enslavement, EONS of worship, i.e work, which translates to abilities beyond their own.
once we level the technology playing field, by gaining access to their tech... looking at you cicada wannabes, they WILL lose.
Now, to not repeat history by thinking ourselves GODS may be the next step. They clearly fucking blew it.
1 TheHidden308 2018-08-30
I agree with this. Some don't even comment to even try to have a conversation, just mass downvoting. I have some comments with 15 more downvotes, but no responses or actual form of counter discussion just downvote because it doesn't fit the narrative of someone political opinions or bias.
1 Afrobean 2018-08-30
If the sort you're thinking of "actively patrol this sub", they might be paid to do it. That's how those operations work, they "patrol" social media. In either case, I just try to ignore all bad actors. I don't care if they just have nothing better to do than try to troll us or if they're really paid by corporations, governments, or political organizations. If they're not here in good faith, they're not worth engaging with.
1 bittermanscolon 2018-08-30
Some of it is intentional, as in people here paid to foment discourse and division within a group of people who all want to get down to brass tacks.
I think that's partially why the SJW issue exists, seemingly off topic but I think is relevant. SJW's are about shaming people and it fits perfectly with how we're programmed to be eternally critical of each other. Shaming others for thinking a certain unpopular way. It's an online movement largely anonymous, so its easy to shill from there. Basically its another tool for division, to keep up a perception that the population is always settling a debate that can never be won, usually its between "absolute idiots" who want everyone to have polio and dead children everywhere like anti-vaxxers vs. the rest of the world, for example. Just take your vaccine and don't be one of them, that kind of thinking.
This extends here with real users who are pre-programmed to shun and slander/insult anyone who doesn't conform. Then there are the shills who are certainly here to keep a certain level of discontent with the users. It's especially easy when half the country are idiots for voting in orange baby man, and the other are the righteous enlightened people who would flourish without the fools on the other side, clearly
If both sides weren't being played, it would be sorta funny. Instead, everyone is being played.
1 SatoricalVision 2018-08-30
Shamelessness is the cure to that I believe. I am not shameful over what I've done, but I am alive!
1 nolivesmatterCthulhu 2018-08-30
I have only been reading this sub for the last 3 years and it never used to be like this now almost every post has half of the comments arguing against OP. If you don't believe in any conspiracy theory at all why come here?
1 workwork_workwork 2018-08-30
So we aren't allowed to question claims here? I would think a community of "free thinkers" would be open to answering questions. Are we to accept whatever OP says as truth? What if we have information that contradicts what is being said (spreading of misinformation)? Lots of posts here start as 100% BS and people get called a shill for pointing that out.
1 SatoricalVision 2018-08-30
What made you think I dont agree with any conspiracy theory? I do believe in this, and hence why I ask my plea
1 nolivesmatterCthulhu 2018-08-30
I am in total agreement with you sorry if that's not clear when I said OP I meant OP of whatever the current article being discussed is.
1 SatoricalVision 2018-08-30
I think the problem is we are being split up. We should care about one another, more so than we do now. If we began to build our communities up we wouldn't have this problem
1 DwarvesAreForCuddles 2018-08-30
Conspiracies are nothing without detractors. Even the best sourced conspiracies have flaws, by working through why x, y, or z isn't possible or hasn't been solved for we can find the answers and build a better picture of the conspiracy.
'Question everything' doesn't mean 'question the official narrative,' it means question literally everything.
If I say that the real conspiracy regarding the human race is that cows used to be our secret overlords before they got used to having a relatively good life by making us their servants until all generations of cow left no longer remember that they have ultimate power over us, I fully expect to be questioned.
It's true by the way, Matt Stone alluded to this in his Emmy-Award winning documentary. Industrial slaughter of cows has only been allowed for the last hundred years, while cows themselves have enslaved us for thousands of years. They forgot their power and I am personally terrified for the day they regain their knowledge.
1 nolivesmatterCthulhu 2018-08-30
there is a difference between questioning and being an asshole I want real honest questions but in this sub its more often someone attacking the theory not questioning it.
1 DwarvesAreForCuddles 2018-08-30
If your theory can't stand up to an attack by someone that believes something objectively crazier than you, how is your theory going to ever be believed by a wider audience?
What is the point of the truth in a conspiracy, if everyone rejects the theory due to glaring flaws that those pushing the theory cannot explain and do not work with others to explain?
Moon Landing Hoax is clearly a CIA psyop to influence conspiracy theorists into believing the government has far more power than it actually does.
That is an attack on that theory, and likely a valid one given the history of the theory and the early proponents, not allowing attacks like that, especially if the point is true, then only emboldens more people to fall for the psyop, harming the community when it comes to more tangible, provable theories like certain elite sex rings (though likely not the ones run out of a pizza shop's non-existent basement.)
1 theawesomethatis 2018-08-30
Freedom also includes the freedom to do exactly that for any reason real or imaginary.
I'll do it now even!!!
Oh look. Yet another 2 month account come to tell us what 'we' should be doing.
1 SatoricalVision 2018-08-30
Disagree with me all you'd like, just please Inform me where I'm wrong, help me improve my own understanding!
1 IMA_Catholic 2018-08-30
How do you define the above? I am attacked quite often by a very small, but vocal, minority on this sub because I dare to challenge their near-religious belief that the Earth is flat.
I am not rude to them, I try to treat them with respect but still get called a s* by some of them.
Just trying to figure you what you mean as your description is somewhat vague. Thanks for taking the time to talk to me about this.
1 SatoricalVision 2018-08-30
Is it vague? All I'm saying is that we should take the time to investigate stories before believing then 100%.
1 IMA_Catholic 2018-08-30
Thank you. That is exactly what I was doing when I asked :)
1 SatoricalVision 2018-08-30
Because you're goddamn awesome and should continue pursuing thoughts that you find worthy of pursuing!
1 IMA_Catholic 2018-08-30
Nah. I am just a polite son of a bitch who doesn't always know when to give up :)
1 SatoricalVision 2018-08-30
I've yet to learn that yet:P
1 Facts_Machine_1971 2018-08-30
Thanks for the OP !!
1 Facts_Machine_1971 2018-08-30
The people that are here and also are conspiracy theorist like us that slam an individuals perspective are the worst
Example: 2 posters believe on 9/11 the building did not collapse as a result of jets crashing into them
One thinks explosives/controlled demolition, the other thinks futuristic direct energy weapons of the future
The controlled demolition guy slams the DEW guy, even though they both agree the towers collapsing were not a result of the planes
1 Afrobean 2018-08-30
Bad actors push wacky disinformation on purpose. If I attack ridiculous bullshit for being ridiculous, that doesn't make me the worst. "The worst" are the people who come here seeking to mislead and deceive, the ones who would say 9/11 was caused by alien bigfoots from another dimension using holograms and energy weapons.
1 Splub 2018-08-30
I'm not a fan of cult rhetoric. If you want to post your theory you should expect people to criticize it. Almost every time I've tried to ask questions and or gave said criticism, and I'm met with overt defensive attitudes. I wouldn't call them skeptics because they seem to lack doubt for their own theories, instead they shill for them like it's their religion.
1 PM_ME_UR_PUFFINS 2018-08-30
Exactly. This isn't /r/theaweakening; we should welcome criticism.
1 asailorssway 2018-08-30
wot is that?
1 pistrel 2018-08-30
There are conspiracies, and there is flat nonsense.
A conspiracy is whether governments have been hiding basic truths; it is interesting and worth discussing. That is both necessary and interesting.
Nonsense is people who claim that 1+1=5. They deny science as a method.
The difficulty with the latter is that it is impossible to build up an argument with the people who deny logic. Flat earth people fall on that category.
There is two sorts of anti vaxxers.
1) There are those that believe there is a conspiracy where an interested party (big companies) pushes drugs to further their own profits. I am all ears for a good discussion on that.
2) there are those who don’t believe in science. I have no time for that.
You must be able to discuss conspiracies rationally using logic; otherwise we won’t be able to separate the chaff and the wheat.
1 double-_-deez 2018-08-30
Don't tell me what to do with my freedom, hypocrite.
1 thinkB4Uact 2018-08-30
Downvote ad hominem. Upvote well argued posts with which you don't agree. This is how to enhance the conversation, by insisting it be about the topic at hand.
Those who attack the messengers are messengers too, counterattack them for using ad hominem and being derisive to the conversation at hand. Then downvote and ignore them if they persist.
1 IMA_Catholic 2018-08-30
Thank you. That is exactly what I was doing when I asked :)
1 SatoricalVision 2018-08-30
I've yet to learn that yet:P