What group (corporate, state, or otherwise) do you think has the most comprehensive control right now?

1  2018-09-01 by PantsGrenades

Additional info is welcome, but preferably not in the form of a youtube video on the history of the bilderberg group or something.


Corporations for sure , they have the money and power to control political puppets.

Who would be your primary suspects?

Follow the money, so banks.

Friendly reminder: /r/NoCorporations exists!

The post war Nazi International State that has infiltrated every major power in the world. They never went away, they never lost the war.

Look into the work of Joseph P Farrell and Peter Levenda

I consider Joseph P. Farrell to be one of their tools and I don 't know who Levenda is.

You know the sellers of shit but coated in chocolate, like a site called the conversation and dozens of other seemingly, nice, sites.

When they are as toxic as the sites openly promoting violent oppression of anyone not white.

Fair enough.

Have you ever given Joseph P. Farrell an honest listen? He has hours and hours of audio files on The Byte Show's website...as well as all of his 20+ books. He truly is the best in the 'alternative research' field.

Please take the time to explain to me why you think Joseph Farrell is one of Their tools. I am all ears. Because he is my favorite and inspires me the most, so I need to be open to other people being critical of him. Please, explain.

Well, I don't necessarily think he's a shill, but some possible reasons: he sells a product, if he was really saying anything too bad he'd be offed or something along those lines, or he would have a legitimate dead man's switch but he hasn't mentioned anything like it. Also, if they were allowed to get famous at all, it's probably not true

You are throwing many assumptions out there, in regards to "if x, then y..."

Have you taken the time to listen to his audio files or read a couple of his books? The dots he has connected is pretty damn solid. His research into alternative physics/history, Nazis and ancient technologies (presumably) is very profound.

No I haven't - that's why I said I don't necessarily think he is a gatekeeper. I just gave obvious reasons as to why a skeptic would at first question the claims. I didn't make too many assumptions really. We have seen it time and time again, a journalist gets too close to the real story and gets killed. What makes this man so special that he can say everything TPTB don't want us to know, yet remain alive? Again, I'm not saying he's a shill, but that question needs answering.

Yes, him selling books is a problem. It makes it seem less about disclosure and more about a paycheck. He could've blogged this his entire life. I agree, it doesn't inherently make him a shill, but it doesn't help for accusations. Look at Greer, Cameron, icke, or any other person. One of their biggest complaints is that they SELL this info to us.

You got very defensive at me when I was only trying to show you why someone would maybe find the man sketchy.

So..we're allowed to talk about anything but the Bilderberg group. Got it.

Talk about that too, I just meant I didn't want to go on an overly specific youtube jaunt.

What's your answer?

Honestly..I think there are schisms right now that are affecting many things that were formerly agreed on by TPTB.

As of right now I think the group that has made climate change its most important priority is the most powerful faction on a global scale. So, to boil it all down..the coastal elites on a world wide scale. They have the most to lose.

My vote's on Bilderburg, especially since their first leader was an SS officer.

Bilderburg and throw CFR in the mix too.

Yep. Agreed.

Reticulan Illuminati

Could you explain further please?

There is a branch of the Illuminati based in the Reticuli-Zeta binary system. They have the most comprehensive control right now.

nefesh hayaa

First, what do you see as the differences between the two or 3 or 4 major idea groups who are busy fighting for control of the earth, its resources and the people?

What are the major differences?

Go up high enough and there's a few specific things you don't see people scrutinizing nearly as much as one would expect, and even rather overt negative feedback.

Imagine all these ideas and ideologies as a heatmap and look for the dark spots. There you'll find what those with influence care about or will care about, and in turn you can make reasonable assumptions about who has the most ability to sway events.

the folks with time travel (in this mutable timespace cube), amongst which there is a struggle for control.

The bourgeoisie.

I would say the black nobility. Why do you think business moguls are trying to amass as much money as possible. They are the ones to overthrow. I'm honestly surprised no one has tried to get rid of them. The power struggle would cease if they were gone. They're the only real competition.

Are you saying scumbag corporations are trying to overthrow scumbag black nobility? Also, don't they have corporations of their own too?

Yes, but the black nobility don't have the open power those scumbag corporations have. They operate in secret, having people like the Rothschilds do their bidding and using gangs like MS-13 and Mexican cartels to collect profits from drugs and human trafficking. If the corporations simply took them out, they would have not only the most resources, but the most open power. No one could oppose them.

I mean look at China. China gives no fucks about what they do. They just do it. Openly, with full transparency. Why? Because no one can stop them.

It doesn't sound like pure competition though. Just scumbags sticking together with a little healthy competition here and there while giving zero shits about the people. :/

It seems like no one is coming to save us.....except ourselves.

Black nobility.

Wtf is black nobility?

Cover all for ancient Roman and Venetian royalty.

High up Jews, Jesuits, illuminati, Vatican but I have no idea who is at the very top

Transnational mafia.

You are throwing many assumptions out there, in regards to "if x, then y..."

Have you taken the time to listen to his audio files or read a couple of his books? The dots he has connected is pretty damn solid. His research into alternative physics/history, Nazis and ancient technologies (presumably) is very profound.