Deleting my account tonight, check this before I get rid of it. I promise you its information is correct and important👌

1  2018-09-03 by olund94


SS: Deleting my account tonight but I will be back in a bigger way. Read this and the linked thread then watch out tonight.

Yeah, I really hope you're not going to shoot up anyone.

Wow that fact you even thought that was an option is worrying.

You are being vague and... well that's it, don't be vague. I was also joking a bit.

Haha true true this mindset is actually related to what I’m gonna post tonight, I don’t wanna sound like a dick or pretentious or anything but I really feel like I’ve hit something quite tangible and just hope people listen. Catch you tonight hopefully 👌

So what are you revealing tonight? Just looks like a bit of an autism bomb!

With every comment and post I fear appearing more and more mentally unstable but fuck it, I just want to know what’s going on. From a young age I’ve just had a gut feeling that this universe is way more interesting and fantastical than we are led to believe.

I know this isn’t too much of a mind blower upon first hearing this as we are making new technological advancements all the time but it’s easy to forget in the current climate.

I’m a normal guy, 23 years old just finished university so I’m not claiming to have some high level sources or have communicated with Molach and this is what he told me to say but I think with all the information out there it is possible to form a rational mindset that can carry your through life instead of making you seem unhinged to everyone you know. I only want to talk about this because over the past 5 years I have changed a lot as person, I’ve lost over 8st in weight, changed the people I associate with and answered a lot of questions I had since I was young.

So I guess this eve I’m just gonna tell people my story and hope somebody gets something from it because I know this board and this type of research can be detrimental to a positive mindset.

Hope that makes some sense 👌

Yeah it makes sense and tbh I think the same about the universe, I don’t know what it is or why I think it but there’s something mind blowing that is going on right under our noses.

I find it funny that people are arrogant enough to think they know it all and tell us what we should and shouldn’t believe.


This seems pretty big. Check out the MEGA link in the description.

This is nothing to do with me but seems interesting I’ll have a look tonight


Lol you’re not the first college kid to eat some shrooms or acid and have a little epiphany. Grow up.

Jesus Christ with the hostility, like I said I don’t think I’m special and I never said I’d done hallucinogenic drugs either. I think talking like his like we are actually in a room is way more productive than just posting clickbait headlines and berating each other. Surely that’s more of a threat to the establishment, organising in a organised and complimentary way?

The way we go about this right now is embarrassing.

'I don’t think I’m special"

Why d you think anyone cares if you delete your account? at all?

its a form of clickbait, as you know no one cares what ever you post and you will get no upvotes (useless sense of worth) so you make a lackluster show of bla bla bla you bore me now.....

Autism bomb <---------------------------Perfect.

Well the guy that said my post sounded like an autism bomb at least engaged in real conversation after that comment, and I just thought I had collected some good links with some content and that’s why people might like to see it before I make a new account. I love reading some of the more rambling posts on here because they feel real unlike post of the click baity headlines we normally get on the front page. The round tables are great but wouldn’t it be wicked if all the content was of that quality. If you really are against what I’m saying then downvote me and move on I guess?

Why would I dowenvote? you are deleting your account, nothing you post maters as you have no conviction.

You have some type of paranoia most likely in the schizophrenic spectrum, as you feel "they" are on to you so you must make a info dump under a new account so "they" wont find you???????

You do not want a real conversation with me.

And I don't want to melt your mind.

I was just offering you options as you don’t seem satisfied with where your currently at.

You have made that assumption, I have foolishly used some personal information on this account (which is obvious now I’ve pointed it out)so I’m just making a new account to start fresh.

And who the fuck do you think you are? Try me...

I'm not in to dudes.

....alright, well y’know I’m just mopping the floor at work and this is keeping me entertained so thanks for that I guess

And this I don’t know what to respond with.

We talk a lot on here about Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Illuminati ect and what do all these mystery schools actually do?

They serve as forums for like minded individuals to share concepts and ideas and then make them a reality. We could be like that. We are barely managing to share concepts and ideas without bots and general hostile attitudes soiling any chance at organised discussion.

Amen! So refreshing to hear. We forgot we had the ability to discuss concepts and compromise.

Somebody forgot to take their meds

Why are you scared?

Not scared intrigued actually I love conspiracy stuff but the way your presenting yourself you sound like a whacko no offense

I guess it’d be good to know which bit made me sound crazy?

But I appreciate your intrigue, do you not feel like this subreddit has the potential to be a really powerful discussion tool?

Sometimes it is and as I said above there’s enough information across here, r/C_S_T, r/UFOS r/occult and Above Top Secret to really bring everyone up to speed as to what is happening on this planet.

It’s just really difficult to know what is correct and what is nonsense, and not to sound like I have achieved something or I think I am special but I think it’s actually easier to put the pieces together than one thinks. I think a timeline of phenomena we do not understand needs to be established.

I enjoy CST being included.

I just spent an hour in there and I think I'll be in there daily moving forward. What a lovely place for my mind.

Oh, I wish I could switch places with you and have 4 years of blue links to click through.

Gratitude accepted. Gratitude returned. Have a wonderful day.

/r/C_S_T is already leaking ;)


I guess it’d be good to know which bit made me sound crazy?

But I appreciate your intrigue, do you not feel like this subreddit has the potential to be a really powerful discussion tool?

Sometimes it is and as I said above there’s enough information across here, r/C-S-T , r/UFOS r/occult and Above Top Secret to really bring everyone up to speed as to what is happening on this planet.

It’s just really difficult to know what is correct and what is nonsense, and not to sound like I have achieved something or I think I am special but I think it’s actually easier to put the pieces together than one thinks. I think a timeline of phenomena we do not understand needs to be established.

Hey OP. Thanks for posting. I appreciate your effort but I think you have left out the piece of the puzzle that is they key to our existence.

Natural Law. Which, simply put, is the law that man is born free and is limited only by that which would harm others. You could also call it the Golden Rule, God's Rule, etc. Unless we all start discussing what real freedom is, and how to achieve it - we might as well just call ourselves feudal debt slaves.

Lets hear it

What's with the 👌 (666) sign? He/she's a satanist! Grab yer pitchforks, He/she's a satanist!

We are Yahweh.

They are Satan.

There is no evil going on here, just, trying to teach a horse standing in-front of a pristine lake to drink for the first time, the horse has no idea what the fuck your trying to tell it, and doesn't understand your intent, you find it annoying, controlling, etc.

Not gone yet. Been a day.

Yeah, I really hope you're not going to shoot up anyone.

So what are you revealing tonight? Just looks like a bit of an autism bomb!

I guess it’d be good to know which bit made me sound crazy?

But I appreciate your intrigue, do you not feel like this subreddit has the potential to be a really powerful discussion tool?

Sometimes it is and as I said above there’s enough information across here, r/C_S_T, r/UFOS r/occult and Above Top Secret to really bring everyone up to speed as to what is happening on this planet.

It’s just really difficult to know what is correct and what is nonsense, and not to sound like I have achieved something or I think I am special but I think it’s actually easier to put the pieces together than one thinks. I think a timeline of phenomena we do not understand needs to be established.