Something strange happened on 4chan last night...

1  2018-09-03 by NorthKoreanDetergent

So, a gentleman dropped by 4chan and was dropping links for an 11GB file of documents.

Some anons DL'd the file and started combing through it...and what they found was...very interesting, to say the least.

This guy says he's the son of a jeweler, and was involved in the diamond trade in DRC. At some point, an organization called the Five Point Trust got him involved in trying to recover 15 Trillion dollars. There's a ton of documents related to the CIA'S involvement in the drug trade (implicating HW Bush extensively, among others) and the banking-arm of an extensive, world-wide CIA operation. It traces an extensive banking history going back to the 1920s....Operation Hammer supposedly has to do with a hidden network of literally inconceivable amounts of money being transferred international. Shit goes back to stolen Nazi gold....there's a bunch of SWIFT transaction documents.


I looked into this gentleman, and he kinda appears to be a wacko. Aussie guy. Says he's a member of the 'galactic government' (which he just made up), cosmic disclosure, zero point energy, yada yada. I'm not super versed in that particular 'disclosure' community, but some anons are saying he sounds like some of the discredited people that exist within that community. However, he's articulate, concise, and lucid when he speaks. The concepts here are just crazy...aliens, suppressed technology, septillions of dollars, etc.


Here's one of the things from the drop....a recording of him sort of drunk-dialing the CIA and yelling at them (which is kind of hilarious on it's own). What's interesting to me is that a) the agent he speaks to seems to take him seriously, b) the agent drops full names of CIA assets (may get in trouble for that one, yah?) c) at one point another guy gets on the line and says he's family friends with the Bushes and his family has worked for the CIA for decades. They seem to know who he's referring to, who he's talking one point the guy says 'well, you know, it's all run by secret societies'.

Here's the call:

Here's the original 4chan thread where this was dropped:

Here's a current 4chan thread going discussing it:


I truly don't know what to make of this, guys. I ain't about to DL a 11GB file, but shills are out, and some of this stuff looks legit/interesting, if perhaps unbelievable in it's scope. Would love someone with a more sophisticated background to take a gander at some of the screen-shots people took on 4chan and speak to their possible validity.

This is like a conspiracy-theorist's wet dream...also seems to confirm some of the random internet chatter that something big is going on behind the scenes. I live by the motto 'if it seems too good to be true, it probably isn't', but I dunno...what do you guys make of this?


SS: A guy got on 4chan last night and dropped a huge file that contains tons of info on CIA drug trafficking, phone calls, emails, etc. I'd love to know more about it's validity, or get opinions on what this could be and mean.

Thanks for the reup. Intriguing (entertaining) but some parts hard to make out. Is there a transcript on 4chan by any chance?

the phone call sounds too much like something from a movie scene to be taken too seriously, but thank you for sharing and still looking forward to what develops.

Guy's name is Eliahi Priest. Seems like a kook, but check him out:

Claims to have a 'philosopher stone', claims all kinds of crazy shit. So, spurious source, but, like you said, 11GB of data...

He also has a "free assange" video and the title for a video says "contact zero." Some bullshit.

Man, so sad how Assange has become a villain on this sub the last two years.

How so? Relatively new

This sub used to be mostly anti establishment users. It's been infiltrated/hijacked by partisan hacks from both sides.

What's even sadder is how we'll never be certain if hes alive, dead, cloned or a hologram. What times we're living in...

Have you ever seen a comments voting stick at 1 by any chance. If I down or upvote my other comment, it just goes back down or up to 1.

The problem is the responses on the phone continue the convo, rather than just hang up on a weirdo. When they asked if he was in Melbourne they kept stalling and it seemed like they were scrambling to pull files or locate, then they started shouting out names to find connections. As soon as it went into energy developments the line cut before the agent was about to spill.


The whole thing would need to be a set up rather than just a crazy man, if you wish to remain skeptical about this.

Its important to learn how to distinguish the difference between a LARP and a psyop. Tread carefully.

That's not a problem. That's how one is able to distinguish the difference between an innocent larp and a dangerous psyop.

The upvoting of this thread in contrast to the common consensus of the community is alwo another dead giveaway.

Prime example of what fake news and disinfo really is. Tread carefully.

Brodie, people are upvoting this thread because it's interesting as shit. That's why I posted this. I didn't link to the files, I'm not encouraging anyone to DL them, just asking what people make of what's shown here.

If you don't think this is interesting as shit, wtf are you doing on r/conspiracy?

The dude is a fruit loop and I've seen this getting pushed a lot lately

This is his website

We are here to give the world a free energy supply, end all war indefinitely and feed every last man, woman and child on Earth three full and healthy meals per day. Please see the facts on hunger HERE:


After six years of retirement and consolidation my agency, Contact Zero has returned to finish what it started. To hold those accountable for War Crimes and murder, to hold the CIA accountable for the covert drug trade operation that left 20 000 people murdered in Nicaragua under General Major Roberto Ferrera and the Council of 5, which included George Bush Senior.

Also, he's Australian.

Aussies go hard, bruh. You ain't know? ... I am drunk.

You'd have to be drunk to fall for this one lol drink up!

Nope. It's most definitely legit.

This subreddit is populated with gullable morons.

I want to know more about this galactic government.

Breakaway civilization?

It made it to "Galactic"! So I'll safely assume we'll have things to learn from their corruption and deceit. Unless they see us as irrelevant to galactic society and destroy us because we are too emotional.

"Galactic" is to their reach as "world series" is to baseball's

You'll never be irrelevant on a galactic scale...because you have all the naughty towels.

Your castle made of sand will come crashing into the sea.

Don't forget to dry off!

It’s the Space Force 😂

Sounds a lot like the stuff that that Swerdlow (sp?) guy talks about. He claims to have been in an mkuktra/remote viewing program at Montauk and talks about all sorts of crazy alien civilization activity and galactic governments.

Obviously this isn't the same one, but thought you might be interested in the 1st space nation that declared their independence in June of this year:

Non-Mobile link:

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 210671

Wow, that's awesome. Thanks for the link.

The thing is, if these things are true, if the major governments and intelligence agencies have constant contact with various extraterrestrial groups (from benevolent to non-benevolent/selfish), if a plenitude of underground military research facilities exist in order to reverse engineer their technology, as well as create new independent tech, if there are trillions of dollars involved in such a secret space program,...who would ever believe the witnesses coming out with their info anyway? Unless they had hard evidence, in which case they would likely immediately be eliminated (and the evidence would be labelled fake).

To most people this stuff sounds like a fairy tale, right? Although none of this is beyond the scope of actual possibility, the likelihood of something like this taking place behind the scenes seems marginal at best, right? At least most people would have this perspective, I'd say.

Yet if this is in fact true, if these various whistle-blowers, people discussing extraterrestrial involvement, exotic technologies being suppressed...if these people are telling the truth or at least a partial truth (the slice of information they even know themselves - since if this is true rare people probably know the whole story), then they could yell as loud as they can, yet nobody would ever believe them. They could bring photos, even videos and people would say its all doctored, photo-shopped.

As long as this is so unbelievable, those hiding these activities would likely have no problem with the whistleblowers, since nobody would believe them anyway even if they said something - and if any of them had an extremely incriminating video of such a facility, they would be likely be killed instantly.

I actually wonder though... even if these people presented some very hard evidence for their claims, in the form of pictures and especially videos (since there are already many pictures of extraterrestrials, yet nobody can tell you whether they are photoshopped or not, videos would be far better), would anyone actually believe this is happening? Most people would probably call it fake, no matter how much evidence is presented.

I personally do think there is something to these claims. I think even here there is a lot of misinformation and disinformation...but I'd still say that the cover-up may go deeper than we are even willing to entertain...

'The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact'

Hollywood would.

Here's some stuff on 'Operation Hammer':


There's so much financial conspiracy stuff in here.

He’s talking a lot about EuroDollars and how banks through securities lending can “rehypothecate” reserves. Like pledging 1 house for 2 mortgages. It’s not much of a conspiracy at this point and it’s impossible to track what foreign banks do with dollar denominated securities; hence why the Fed stopped publishing the M3 money supply statistic in 2006

404 on the phone call link

Hmm....really? Still works for me

Confirming 404

I'm on mobile. Probably got something to do with it.

First link is broke.

Anyone notice how the most insane secret society stuff seems accurately depicted in John Wick 2?

Those entire movies are seemingly based on one layer of secrecy in this society. Certainly not where the crazy tech could be....but definitely working behind the scenes.

There was another post on this sub today about the "illuminati insider" called the hidden hand which also aligns with those movies even though it was from about ten years ago.

Could this be files pertaining to that missing trillion from the Federal reserve coffer? Proof that it was either all embezzled or given to alphabet agencies as a black budget (nigh limitless untraceable fund used to finance their operations) which would actually explain how come they managed to pull off so much bullshit since the last 2 decades, to know they received a massive increase in funding would explain it.

All my rabbit Holes lead to Free Masonry. It makes so much sense when you really look into it, and by really look I mean without a prior bias, which is very hard for our judgemental pre-programmed minds, but still possible.

And Freemasonry is all connected to the occult schools which is luciferianism and Satanism.

its connected but not satantic, anything connected to the sacred geometry and sacred numerology that drives the forcwes of our universe can be used for good or bad, occult literally means hidden knowledge, they gave it a dirty meaning by keeping to themselves and using it for bad, watch Mark Passio, he explains it well, thats why they have to sacrifice, because they cannot channel their own good energy because they ar eno good, they cannot even use their own pineal glands if they are not "Good". Thats why they wanna keep us asleep, and thats why Q has had such great success he is channeling that Good energy awakening us. Good cannot be stopped, Their Reign is over and that is why they are crumbling so fast. keep on waking up my peeps, its going to be amazing <3


Bluebeam predictive programming isn't going to fly with me.

DMT is not the answer.

Beware unearned wisdom.


I didnt say anything about blue beam, or DMT.

Be aware of the ones who manipulate and twist words. The ones who lie and deceive.

Most importantly be aware if the Bots who are programmed with our texts, messages, User Data.

If you look Deep enough you will see the truth. They have an agenda. Our minds our the agenda.

I speak to the real people and not the automated programming.

I'm a real person, but thanks for taking the time to expound your thoughts 16 days later.

If you want more

The forces that drive the universe are Masculine and Feminine, just like any magnetic force, its as simple as that. But do we learn this in school, no, why not? well because that would get our tickers going, and they didnt want that. Why do you think they were so intrigued by our back bones, our spines? doing checks for scoliosis? no its are KUNDALINI energy! our backbones are double coiled energy centers connecting our brain to the earth force. EVERYTHING, even electrons are forces that are powered by 2 polar opposites, contrast if you will. The same thing freemasonry talks about, contrast.

sympathetic and para-sympathetic nervous system by way of your vagal nerve

All the crazy shit in movies is real. That way if someone actually tries to discuss it happening other people will tell them they are just thinking of a movie, which is fiction.

Off topic, but my town had a full blown ufo/uap sighting Saturday. Very clearly visible whitish orbs. I mention this because it was amazing how fast everyone accepted a joke discrediting the orbs being weather balloons tracked on an app as the obvious truth. This all took place on the community Facebook page and within two hours the local paper's website was mentioning the weather balloon story. Nothing to see here, problem solved, aren't we all so silly. The joke screen shot put the balloons in the wrong spot in the sky relative to the various towns where people said they also saw the unidentified aerial phenomenon.

Meanwhile, I'm fired up about my first ever sighting. These orbs must have been very high altitude as when lights from other craft that I'm assuming were "ours" showed up, I couldn't make out the outline of what I'm assuming was high altitude helicopters because they were able to hover. Our guys flanked then orbs, surrounding them, then over about 30 min, the orbs started sparkling and losing the structure of the visible outer ring as if they were being fired upon. I'm a little surprised I didn't even think any of this was weird because I've heard/read of this stuff before.

Where did this take place?


Estes Park to Ft Collins, Colorado

Damn I love ft Collins!! Easily one of my favorite towns in co.

Great, weaponized vaccine resistant Ebola in new jack Ryan series

People have been writing about weaponized Ebola since Ebola first came around. The Hot Zone, The Cobra Event, etc.

And due to proper research conducted on Marburg virus, we know all viruses in this group, Filoviridae, require the NPC-1 channel to spread between individual cells, and lets not even talk about any immunoglobulins they may have available at this point in time.

We know how to treat ebola, and does NOT have a high mutation right, even if artificially manufactured ebola wouldn't be nearly as bad as some of the influenzas that have been made in laboratories.

So far refugees have taken genital eating STDs to Britain and disease-ridden tropical ticks to Germany. You know ebola is an inevitability.

Movies do stuff like this all the time.

For example, Captain America Winter Soldier is an allegory about the CIA having been taken over by Nazis. Like, that's literally the plot of the movie, the CIA stand-in called SHIELD is revealed to have been infiltrated and effectively taken over by HYDRA, a Nazi group from a previous Captain America movie.

Looking at the guy who has created this dramas website, he may have been inspired by that movie.

We are here to give the world a free energy supply, end all war indefinitely and feed every last man, woman and child on Earth three full and healthy meals per day. Please see the facts on hunger HERE:

After six years of retirement and consolidation my agency, Contact Zero has returned to finish what it started. To hold those accountable for War Crimes and murder, to hold the CIA accountable for the covert drug trade operation that left 20 000 people murdered in Nicaragua under General Major Roberto Ferrera and the Council of 5, which included George Bush Senior.

I have been avoiding watching another terrible movie. Could you summarize the relevant parts?

Basically it's a society of elite with an organization of rule and customs fully independent of public government and laws, such as murder is bad.

Same thing with Batman The Dark Night.

4chan is bait

If you click it the worm starts to wind in your synapses, beware! Awaiting further instructions...

Masters at it, if you will.

Thank you for paying attention for us! Even if this is a nothingburger, I still found it tasty. Thanks Chef!

Operation Hammer might be connected to C.I.A.-connected international business billionaire Armand Hammer?

multi-gb drops are almost certain to be deliberate time sinks and disinfo.

galactic government? :-))

'disclosure' is another psyop and con for the gullible

seriously guys...

The 15 trillion figure stands out as pure fantasy, might as well be talking about wizards and space pirates. That's almost the entire US GDP, only those completely ignorant of the real world would keep reading after that.

Maybe it's deliberate, the same reason why some scam mail deliberately includes typos and dead giveaways. Anyone with a clue will immediately dismiss it, so any bites they do get will be easy marks.

Great anaology.

15 trillion isn't all unreasonable. The DoD and Federal Reserve have trillions missing from their budgets.

There have been many rumors to the rothschilds family fortune being around $5T and thats just them.

Also, wealth is a weird measure at conspiratorial levels that this story would be talking bout.

Assume you do have a secret massive breakaway civilization or even just a completely other level of society that the common reality people are unaware of. What does human wealth get you? Pretty much only seems to be able to buy things in this realm of economic reality...

I would assume that there is a massive breeding of slaves required to maintain some ridiculously massive secret civilization...

But if there is not some civilization like this, then the mumdane depressing truth may just simply be that humans are inherantly selfish hoarders of resources and we do have just a few extremely rish and powerful people ruling all the worlds resources - and it just a crazy game played by them at that level, but if youre ingenious enough to figure out how to get onto the playing field, you can have your go for a time. Bezos and zuck are two relatively recent entrants... but given their paper wealth is what we talk about, and thats single digit percentages of the rothschilds supposed fortune, they arent a threat to the upper levels, they are just fresh opponents in the game.

21 Trillion is unaccounted for. Which yes, is almost exactly how much the U.S is in debt. Coincidence?

Federal Debt

​Money Unaccounted For

Better than the slow drip snowden style

Much love and Peace!

Possible for someone to be this ignorant, or paid to be this ignorant? I can never tell.

an organization called the Five Point Trust got him involved in trying to recover 15 Trillion dollars....

Since the total amount of US dollar bills and coins in global circulation is about $1.67 trillion dollars, this should tell you that you are reading, courtesy of 4chan, a Congolese variant of a Nigerian 419 scam.

Read the 'Operation Hammer' stuff. Apparently it's just making money up out of thin air (not that that's super different from what the federal reserve does)....the 'nether world' of money and 'black' gold (gold that's not officially in any reserves). Started by an army guy from banking family with ties to Knights of Malta.

IF I was running a CIA diamond/jewel smuggling op, I’d have an agent cook up a lot of bullshit similar to this and drop it on the chans. I’d include aliens, fake numbers and assets, all sorts of crap.

This way anyone who cares has a nice slice of misdirection, and my media lap dogs (if it ever leaks) have planety of wacko conspiracy stuff (inter dimentional glactic empire!) stuff to link it back to. Anyone credible would be dissuaded from investigating, since nobody wants to lose their credibility.

I feel ya. Still curious to get eyes on some of these docs and see what everyone thinks. Read through and lmk!

I liked this video

Found an interview that he gave!

Much love and peace!

Thank you!

Are you CIA? 🤔😂

The thing is, if these things are true, if the major governments and intelligence agencies have constant contact with various extraterrestrial groups (from benevolent to non-benevolent/selfish), if a plenitude of underground military research facilities exist in order to reverse engineer their technology, as well as create new independent tech, if there are trillions of dollars involved in such a secret space program,...who would ever believe the witnesses coming out with their info anyway? Unless they had hard evidence, in which case they would likely immediately be eliminated (and the evidence would be labelled fake).

To most people this stuff sounds like a fairy tale, right? Although none of this is beyond the scope of actual possibility, the likelihood of something like this taking place behind the scenes seems marginal at best, right? At least most people would have this perspective, I'd say.

Yet if this is in fact true, if these various whistle-blowers, people discussing extraterrestrial involvement, exotic technologies being suppressed...if these people are telling the truth or at least a partial truth (the slice of information they even know themselves - since if this is true rare people probably know the whole story), then they could yell as loud as they can, yet nobody would ever believe them. They could bring photos, even videos and people would say its all doctored, photo-shopped.

As long as this is so unbelievable, those hiding these activities would likely have no problem with the whistleblowers, since nobody would believe them anyway even if they said something - and if any of them had an extremely incriminating video of such a facility, they would be likely be killed instantly.

I actually wonder though... even if these people presented some very hard evidence for their claims, in the form of pictures and especially videos (since there are already many pictures of extraterrestrials, yet nobody can tell you whether they are photoshopped or not, videos would be far better), would anyone actually believe this is happening? Most people would probably call it fake, no matter how much evidence is presented.

I personally do think there is something to these claims. I think even here there is a lot of misinformation and disinformation...but I'd still say that the cover-up may go deeper than we are even willing to entertain...

I certainly believe other life exists in the galaxy. Idk if that life is intelligent or has the means to travel here... or has ever been here. I’ve never seen conclusive evidence.

What I HATE is hoaxers... There are so many hoaxers it makes any real investigation super difficult.

I propose that if any alien life has been here it is in very low quantities, mostly I find it unlikely life is super common in our back yard and no one has showed up in significant numbers.

Take the primitive villagers on islands, even though they are totally isolated from the modern world they’ve still had random sailers and explorers show up (and attacked them). They certainly know other people exist, even if they can’t comprehend our technology.

With earth, if there were trillions of aliens zooming around in space that all reasonably had a means to get here I feel like we’d get a few outlaws/explorers to show up and say hello... even if whatever authority exists says it’s illegal. So:

-I think it’s most likely that we’re the only intelligent life in our solarsystem in any large numbers.

-Other planets might have microbial life due to panspermia, but likely earth-originating

-Other hyper-advanced species could have their version of “voyager” monitoring us, but this is impossible to know.

-if advanced life has visited us, it’s probably extra-solar, outside our local cluster, and has only come in very very small numbers due to the extreme cost of travel or distances involved.

-the above lends support to the idea that our government has not made official contact, or if they have that it is minimal. If we were regularly trading with them then it must be reasonably easy to get here for them... and therefore a political dissident or outlier would likely visit us on the whitehouse lawn.

Dimensional travel? Time Travel? Simulation theory? So many more possibilities than simple “deep space” aliens.

There is a functional model for the existence of other life.

We know life exists here, and it follows that similar life could exist in other places.

-There is zero evidence for higher spatial dimensions that humans can meaningfully interact with, and that can interact with us. Literally all we have is some math where higher dimensions make the equations nicer... nothing concrete.

-Similarly, there is evidence for time dialation... none for travel. Outside of exotic “infinite energy” scenarios there’s not even a conceptual way in any known physics to do it.

-Simulation theory seems more philosophical than anything else. Without a way to prove or test it it seems pointless.

-Simulation theory seems more philosophical than anything else. Without a way to prove or test it it seems pointless

There's lots of research currently being done that is going to help narrow down the possible explanations for subjective experience. If there are really hard spatiotemporal constraints on the way that matter needs to be arranged for subjective experience to emerge, then it means that a simulation won't have subjective experience unless it's running on computer hardware that for all intents and purposes is just another brain. This dependence on physical matter forbids the sort of multi-layered simulation-within-simulation-within-simulation that is an assumption in Bostrom's simulation hypothesis. The most you could ever do is a brain-in-a-jar simulated reality via hijacking the sensory input to the brain, ala the original Matrix movie.

The jury is still out. The alternative, if all you need is some minimally complex abstract system to generate subjective experience, then the implications are a bit horrifying, but they're also so absurd that I doubt this is the case. People taking the extreme functionalist position wind up arguing that a brain simulated with paper and pencil by hand would have some sort of experience.

Some may say that people are undergoing their own manufactured realities in their little social media bubbles.

In that case what's cheaper, full on complex hyper real simulations or social engineering that can be copy pasted trivially?

that's a good point. I think the idea of aliens visiting is ridiculous. What are the odds that there is an alien race that not only visits us, but is only a little more advanced than us? Because really, they would have to be a little more advanced. If they 5 billion years more advanced than us, we wouldn't even know they were here. We wouldn't even be able to comprehend it. And if they were less advanced than us, then obviously they wouldn't be able to travel here. Even if they were 1 million years more advanced than us (a tiny amount in the big scheme of things) we still wouldn't have any idea they were here. So the whole idea is predicated on the ridiculous notion assumption that in a universe billions of years old, there's an alien race who not only took exists, and not only took an interest in us, but is in a nearly identical point in evolution and intelligence as us. How fucking convenient. Talk about 1 in a trillion.


But something like time travel is very believable to me. IF there are "aliens" here, they are really humans doing some type of dimensional travel, I'm 100% convinced.

But something like time travel is very believable to me.

Why? Because you’ve seen it in movies?

Outside of hollywood there is basically no evidence for anything being able to traverse time. There’s not even any theoretical physics that suggests it’s possible once we get xyz.

That said, there is no experimental evidence for faster than light travel either. However at least with FTL there is a fundamental way to do it in existing physics... we just lack the energy/exotic matter.

There is however experimental evidence life exists, and in great number and diversity. It is logical to assume if so much life exists here it must exist elsewhere on the hundreds of billions of planets in our galaxy. And like you said, any intelligent life just a few million years ahead of us would be crazy advanced.

magick is unfound science. your world is more wonderful than you give it credit for, it is our observations that are lacking.

-Other hyper-advanced species could have their version of “voyager” monitoring us, but this is impossible to know.

It's orders of magnitude more likely that we would be visited by some sort of probe than by any squishy aliens. There's not just the difficulties with transporting bodies in space, there's also the possibility that any species on its way to developing interstellar travel gets overrun by the AI it develops.

I really like the idea of the Black Knight; been a while since I've read about it but I've never found the evidence convincing.

Absolutely. Alien drones would likely find us long before aliens themselves showed up. It just makes sense that intelligent life would use robots.

There is nothing new under the sun. We knew this was coming since the dawn of time, but just like you said, the crazier this world gets, the harder and harder it is to believe.

Wait until all that AI stuff is widespread and easily accessible by criminals (and by criminals I mean the elite) we're going to be completely fucked. People are sitting around thinking all the spying infrastructure being set up right now is no big deal and it's just for "advertising". It's worse than 1984, Orwell didn't even imagine that computers could impersonate people and alter perception, and that one network could track and datamine practically everything on the planet. We need laws to stop the spying and planned mind control. It's literally mind control.

I never trusted my eyes.

But would it be extensive?

Redditor for 3 months, 10,000 comment karma. Yeah, sure.

Is it that high? Wow. I don’t really lay pay attention.

I usually delete every 3-4 months. This one’s getting long in the tooth anyways.

This comment gave me cancer.

That sounds like something that someone running a CIA diamond/jewel smuggling op would say.

So this, Insigniagate, is screaming real validity to me, the money trails make sense and the reaction to it also does.

There was a thread here that got buried to all hell earlier.

Something is tugging at my intuition that this is all real...

I'd like to see it at least examined more. Seems like people are glancing at it and making determinations without checking out some of the actual documents.

Here's an unredacted FBI report detailing how the CIA put together a 5-person team to take over the entire drug game:


Haven't seen any of this stuff before. That report alone deserves some investigation.

Scanned a few pages. I'm not so quick to dismiss.

For example, there have been many rumors of Bush Sr and Bill Clinton running drugs out of Mena, Arkansas.

I thought it was hogwash when I first heard it.

But the dang rumors just won't go away.

Then when you realize our government has been run by a criminal syndicate since at least Bush Sr, with either a Clinton or a Bush in the White House since Reagan's days, well it makes you wonder.

It's like this: Bush -Bush-Bush, Clinton-Clinton, Bush-Bush, Obama (Clinton) - Obama (Clinton). And it would have been Clinton-Clinton again.

In a way, it really was her turn: her turn as a member of the crime syndicate to have a turn at presidency.

And would go far toward explaining why certain people were so upset Trump won: he vowed to drain the swamp.

They were the swamp.


Why does it seem valid? His website is rambling nonsense

What makes it valid is the narrative backing the pile of documents. Its verifiable and has names left and right.

If you want to talk about that, that's what the intuition is based on.

Not "feelings" about what "seems" valid, try to uncouple the feelings from the reality in front of you.

Looks like a load of bullshit to me.

High level critical thinking shown above ladies and gents, take notes.

11gigs of emotion just downloaded into my sphincter.

Labor Day weekend + need for time sink to keep the solitary ones occupied/distracted from real research = Labor Day Time Sink

Five Star Trust

a recording of him sort of drunk-dialing the CIA and yelling at them (which is kind of hilarious on it's own).

What makes you think the other person on the line is actually from the CIA?

You're right. But they drop names. Many things that would be verifiable, I'd assume. Haven't bothered to try and verify myself. He put the 'chris' guy from that call's full name up on his twitter (don't wanna dox)

So has someone googled any names he dropped? Or have you googled the Chris guy's full name? Obviously google isn't the answer to all of this but it might help clarify a few things?

This just dropped last night. I think everyone is still digging through it and verifying. Feel free to contribute with your own research! Or just wait for the autists on 4chan to do their thing and check back in a few days.

agent Clancy?

Like Tom Clancy?


Requesting a TLDR/ELI5

MF are you illiterate? Read the post.

Some dude dropped a shit-ton of unredacted files that implicate the CIA and HW Bush in essentially controlling the global illegal drug market trade to create a literally insane slush fund for black ops, among other things.

Elaborate shill attempt.

I don't believe it for a second.

Geo-political interests and actual carnage and economics is enough evidence for me that if zero-point energy was discovered it would be immediately monetized.

Some would say the best way to make money is war, that lesson was taught during WWII.

So the question becomes, if ZPF was real, would it be monetized for war or selling to people?

Does it make sense to make your best tech public in war?

Found an interview with the main guy i found!

Much Love and Peace!

The "redacted FBI document" mentions the "Departments of the Navy, Army, and Marine Corps".

There has never been a department of the Marine Corp. The third entity is the Department of the Air Force. The FBI would obviously know that.

Underrated comment.


Fulford's post today mentioned shooting down CIA satellites as well

fulford has been spouting verifiable nonsense for a long time now

If somebody is actively DJing or has a band, please throw this audio clip in there..


FBI docs are fake as fuck if you've ever read even one FBI doc in your life, and CIA don't call themselves agents. CIA employees are called officers. Agents are those who they recruit in the outside world, also called assets. This "agent" fallacy that everyone is used to is because of TV and movies which have always gotten the nomenclature all wrong.

Damn, you solved it, I guess.

Pack it up guys, this was a huge waste of time. Quibus figured it out; all we had to do was look at the CIA's twitter the whole time to know this was all BS.

I apologize to everyone for wasting your time.

Ya, that, or read real books on the CIA over the last 60+ years. Details like that are CIA 101 son.

No, like I said, you're totally right.

Nothing more to see here. You solved it bro. Wish I had read more books about the CIA over the past 60 years....I would've seen it myself. The 'agent' vs. 'officer' distinction totally discredits all of the information posted.

Thanks, bud!

Well, otherwise you'd choke on that 11 gigs of "galactic government" scholarly info.

Like I said, appreciate your help in clarifying all this!

<3 <3 <3 <3

Love you homie! All the best

Not sure why people feel the need to act like that when they haven't even seen the source material.

In order to validate an internal reality, it's easier than having to contend with rejiggering your understanding

Thank you for realising it.

Perhaps delete the post? I think it's all a big scam to drive traffic to his bullshit website

Fosho imma delete it right now.


Hey, you ever thought about what it would be like if we could make a device that would allow dogs to talk?


Do you think it'd be like this:

or more like this:



I'd hope it'd be the latter.

I don't use YouTube sorry. Nice pic though!

What do you mean you don't 'use' youtube?

ole square-ass motherfucker can't even watch a pixar clip about dogs...

How do you expect anyone to take you seriously?

Sorry its just a personal choice. YouTube removed some wow videos of mine years ago and the censorship has only got worse since then so I don't give them my buisness

If the video is on any other site I would view it happily, cheers

That's a YouTube link.

I don't know what you think this will achieve so I will simply big you farewell my love!

I thought they called themselves "accountants"? Thats what my girls dad did when he was a letter person anyway heehee. She always thought her dad was a boring nerd with a mainstream job. He was not.

What's amazing about the latest CIA tweets is the following admission:

CIA officers work as scientists, support staff, engineers, economists, linguists, mathematicians, secretaries, accountants, inventors, cartographers, architects, psychologists, police officers, editors, graphic designers, auto mechanics, historians, museum curators, & more!

Letter carriers seem like an obvious choice omitted. Also the most glaring omission is that they intentionally left out one particular occupation: Journalists. I put money on Anderson Cooper being an agent, and Wolf Blitzer being a bonafide officer.

I saw that tweet...It may be the only time that the CIA has been honest everrrr haha.

My guess is that it's a throw. I think a lot of (genuine) things are coming to light, including the rogue CIA satellite network in partnership with North Korea, trafficking, coups, arms deals, etc. Adding in a bunch of BS like 'galactic government' makes the whole thing smell like garbage and compel a lot of people to throw the baby out with the bath water.

Basically, exactly as /u/Typ_calTr_cks has said.

How did you verify that the call to the CIA was authentic?

A virus coated in conspiracy data drop bait for idiots waiting to get pwned.

Chan wasn't dumb enough to take enough bait so they moved it to Reddit.

Thanks for the reup. Intriguing (entertaining) but some parts hard to make out. Is there a transcript on 4chan by any chance?

the phone call sounds too much like something from a movie scene to be taken too seriously, but thank you for sharing and still looking forward to what develops.

Found an interview that he gave!

Much love and peace!

The dude is a fruit loop and I've seen this getting pushed a lot lately

This is his website

We are here to give the world a free energy supply, end all war indefinitely and feed every last man, woman and child on Earth three full and healthy meals per day. Please see the facts on hunger HERE:


After six years of retirement and consolidation my agency, Contact Zero has returned to finish what it started. To hold those accountable for War Crimes and murder, to hold the CIA accountable for the covert drug trade operation that left 20 000 people murdered in Nicaragua under General Major Roberto Ferrera and the Council of 5, which included George Bush Senior.

Also, he's Australian.

You'd have to be drunk to fall for this one lol drink up!

What's amazing about the latest CIA tweets is the following admission:

CIA officers work as scientists, support staff, engineers, economists, linguists, mathematicians, secretaries, accountants, inventors, cartographers, architects, psychologists, police officers, editors, graphic designers, auto mechanics, historians, museum curators, & more!

Letter carriers seem like an obvious choice omitted. Also the most glaring omission is that they intentionally left out one particular occupation: Journalists. I put money on Anderson Cooper being an agent, and Wolf Blitzer being a bonafide officer.

This subreddit is populated with gullable morons.