Something big on the horizon?

1  2018-09-04 by tiberius_regulus

The "users here" count is currently at 9,477. This is a lot for Sunday at this time on this sub. Something big inbound?


Many people have Labor Day off. Suspicious.

6,863 and dropping now. Curious. I'm thinking someone activated a massive botnet. I wonder if something big is inbound.

There were 9500+ about 15 mins ago.

Yup. Not sure how high it got which is a shame. If it was over 10,000 then that would be massive. Last time I remember it getting that high was when the whole Ellen Pao censorship debacle was going down.

Las Vegas spikes were at 13,000 from what I remember.

I'm talking about in relativity to the normal amount and the massive increase. During that time 1,000 was high so if it got over 10,000 it was massive. I should've probably clarified my point better.

It's a hootenanny!

Hell up until as late as last October there were average nights of only about 500-800 users here. Anything over 2k is usually the shills and botnets flooding the place (and we're usually over that number anyways).

I remember that vividly. I just saw it over 9,000 and was like whoa.

For me, right now, it says about 6,000 users.

Same. About a minute after my post, it dropped to 8,500.

Now it is down to 5,000. I wonder what was going on? There had to be some reason we had a surge of an extra 3,000 users. ???

I think someone activated a botnet for one reason or another. The number is continuously dropping minute by minute. It'll be interesting to see where it stops.

Oh, okay. I'm not knowledgeable about bots.

What makes you think it was a botnet?

10,000+ people here on a Monday night. I've been here for years. That's unheard of.

I've been here for years.

3 month old account?

I've been on this planet for years!

In the context of your post you're saying you've been on /r/conspiracy for years. No?

That's just you assuming.

How would the number of years you've spent on this planet inform your belief that 10,000 users on a Monday night is 'unheard of', when your account is only 3 months old?

Any specific reason you think it’s a botnet, or is it just the increase in users and day of the week?

How else would you explain the discrepancy?

No clue, but what you’re doing here is noticing a discrepancy and automatically attributing it to something that fits your narrative with no real reason.

It’s like if you saw lightning and said it must be Thor the god of thunder, ya know?


...because nothing you’ve said has anything to do with bots. There was an increase in active users, that’s it. It could have been anything. Instead of exploring possible causes you’ve jumped straight to assuming it was a botnet.

Maybe check the top posts and see if one of them is more active than usual, or use a script to analyze comment activity and see if it conforms to bot patterns. Anything would be useful. What you have here is confirmation bias, and not much else.

It was an American holiday, more people are off work, more people are online, more people visited this subreddit when you "" coincidentally"" visited... Are you the bot master? Or are you just another person with nothing better to do.

Bots on a downvote spree for questionable topics maybe?

23 minutes later, we’re down to 4,768.

Seems to have "balanced out" at 4,500 - 5,000. Give or take.

I swear it has to be something with this brodie:

unredacted FBI files that implicate HW Bush and co in running the global drug trade for the CIA.

Interesting and good eye! Maybe?

I'd say this is the correct reason. If this is legit, it's nuts. And there's too much data released for it to be bullshit.

730pm I'm seeing almost 11k. This has got me thinking....

Holy shit! Up to 11,469 for me. What is going on!?

......might be that whole day off from work/school thing, but that is not near delusional enough.

From a dude who enjoys conspiracy theories...sometimes it’s not a conspiracy.

Nothing to see here, move along. No thanks bub.

Hmmm.....well, we all still waiting for that magic sure to let us know when it doesn’t happen again!

Hopefully before your school begins tomorrow morning?

I graduated college in the 90's. Nice try at a personal attack though. Why are you even here?

Was actually giving you the benefit of the doubt.

You are just stupid.


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From a dude who enjoys conspiracy theories

how do you do, fellow kids?

There IS a reason people don’t take such persons seriously....hilarious, snarky, condescension may have a little to do with it 😂

Reddit allows folks to view news, jokes, conspiracy theories, nude photos of celebrities/your mom, all the attempting to one-up one another. It’s as if NO ONE’S parents gave them enough attention, and it’s a high school like battle for self respect within snobbery.

As if any one here actually matters in their own real world.

Kid? No, dumb ass. Appreciating the inept social banality of the stupid fucks proliferating r/conspiracy? On occasion. Regarding how it was nothing special that a few people happened upon your subreddit?

Musta been something was going to happen....or a lazy American holiday. It is a whole lot more fun when it seems scary, like a conspiracy!

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How would people know to come here to view the post?

Seems your theory needs some logic adjustments