A dedicated subreddit for non-political conspiracy content

1  2018-09-04 by mr_dong

The conspiracy page has seen a number of posts asking for alternative and more traditional conspiracy content over the last year or so, subjects that include cryptids, UFOs, ancient cultures and anything not relating to political conspiracy.

If these kinds of topics are of interest to you please check out /r/HighStrangeness. This is a small but growing sub that provides a more focused subreddit for fringe conspiracy and bizarre content. The page is relatively small and welcomes new contributors, self posts and comments.

The conspiracy mods have given me permission to post this in the hope of offering an alternative sub for more non political conspiracy content.

Please check out the subreddit but also please continue to also post interesting topics to the main conspiracy page as well.

/r/HighStrangeness is a dedicated space however and we want to see more contributors who enjoy reading about anything fringe and alternative!

I hope some of you enjoy the content and also have your own content to share.

Ex conspiracy mod mr_dong


Subscribed, thanks!


Subbed. Thanks, see you there.

Is that whole sub pushing project blue beam?

There are stories about elephants and a female pope near the top of the hot queue.

So, no for you?

Sheeeeeeeet: that’s right up my alley. Subscribed.

The sub doesn't really have any agenda, just somewhere with content away from politics.

If you want to post about blue beam then please do.

I'd love to filter all politics out of everything, seriously. But, so many reasons for many conspiracies root back to politics anyway. So that means in this new subreddit discussion would have to end on any conspiracy that eventually leads back to politics, protecting it. That shield works both ways.

I'd love to filter all politics out of everything

This is one of the main points of the sub, to keep away from politics. I agree that many conspiracy topics are rooted in politics but the point here is to offer something that is more condensed towards the fringe.

Whistle blower interviews, funding and things like secret government programs are all welcome on /r/HighStrangeness but we want to keep away from political fluff that at times has swamped r/conspiracy.

I hope this means no Trump Tweets on High Strangeness

Was getting kind of sick of that here.


Many conspiracies link back to governments for sure. But there is too much partisan politics leaking into our conspiracies. Especially since the 2016 election period. Trump supporters coming here as a "safe haven" where they can blast democrats/liberals. Democrats coming to try and expose Trump and republicans. In my opinion, when it comes to conspiracy discourse, if you are fighting for either political side, you've already lost. Those in power are complicit together and try to distract us plebs, just as they always have throughout history. No better way to distract than to get us to fight each other over who is fucking us over so that we never unite for the truth and actual change.

I think having a place to discuss other interesting and strange things is useful. It'd be great if it gained more popularity. Not to say stop the political discussions, as they are important. But this sub often gets overtaken with the straight political discussions and pushes out the strange topics. These days the stranger and more out there topics get pushed away as being too crazy. But I say, bring on the lizard people discussions, the inner earth societies, etc. Even if it's "crazy" it can be fun and interesting to discuss and sometimes there are things to learn even if the main ideas of the topic don't pan out into reality.

But I say, bring on the lizard people discussions, the inner earth societies, etc. Even if it's "crazy" it can be fun and interesting to discuss and sometimes there are things to learn even if the main ideas of the topic don't pan out into reality.

Pretty much exactly this. The sub doesn't take itself too seriously and we want to see alternative content and discussions.

Debunking is also fine as long as people are respectful towards each other.

The place is there to offer readers a rest from political conspiracy more than anything.

I would appreciate just not being hate trolled. Anti pedophile like myself get hate.

There was a pretty interesting post about the Tool album Lateralus yesterday.

Well thanks!

Is your username a play on the South Park episode or a play on the song Hooker With A Penis, or do you not like Tool very much?

A mix of both. Not the ladder; I'm a huge Tool fan.

I've always been fascinated with cryptids I'll give it a sub

O great. Am I already intellectually inferior? Gah.

I put a link to /r/HighStrangeness on the Conspiracy Memes sidebar.

Thank you Sir, i will add Conspiracy Memes to the page.

I'll add it to my network of sister subs as well.

Why don't we keep this for conspiracies and move political to greatawakening? Isn't that ultimately what GA is for?

Isn't GA just about Q?

Q might be a celebrity in there, but the goal of GA is to make everyone realize the NWO was never about integrating the world governments, it was to control the population by any means possible.

So it's ultimately all about politics.

No, it's about the Q larp. Just look at all the posts.


I'm always impressed with those who dismiss a source, yet always seem to know what the source says

Like Alex Jones for example

Like how many times Q has been proven to be a LARP, yet Pam is still making money of it???

Like how many times Q has been proven to be a LARP,

got one of those snopes links?

yet Pam is still making money of it???

who is Pam, and how does he make money off it?

I haven’t used snopes since I found out how it was run back in 2012. I see you’re a believer, so I’m not going to waste anyone’s time trying to argue semantics. I am VERY surprised that a well-informed individual such as yourself doesn’t know who Pamphlet/Pamphletanon is. As one saying goes, “follow the money”; he is the one who is profiting from this.

Honestly, I really wanted to believe Q was real. I remember the excitement we felt when he was posting pics from the White House Xmas party(plus many, many other times). There’s been way too many inaccuracies since he began posting for me to hang on his every word. I would’ve loved to see Hillary in Cuba at the end of last October, like we were promised...

Why do you assume I'm a "very" well informed person?

On what do you base this assessment?

Also, please elaborate on Pamphlet/Pamphletanon

You have my attention

You want me to force feed you all the info? How do you know what I’m telling you is the truth? I’ve given you some scraps so maybe you can put the breadcrumbs together. Just check out the linkage between Microchip, Pamphlet and Q. Maybe that’ll open up some doors for you...

Excellent! Thanks, looking forward to this sub.

Ahh... reminds me of how this place used to be

Full of crockpot Pandora’s box type shit?

Naw, I mean this sub used to understand that partisan politics are a complete charade

Unfortunately many conspiracies involve political corruption.

lol how did my comment get -13 in 20 minutes is beyond me...

you're right they sure do but the parties are two sides of the same coin.

Political corruption, yes. Defending partisan politica and politicians... that's a different story.

Does that mean that we should not cover political conspiracies?

No...there is much more to politics than blue versus red.

Non-polictical is not the same as non-partisan.

that is correct...

Please encourage users there to crosspost that material here. Thank you.

Please encourage users there to crosspost that material here. Thank you.

Subscribed! And many thanks! I joined r/conspiracy right as the sub was flooded. I look forward to delving back into real conspiracy

Moneyed interests influencing geopolitics through government subversion, propaganda, media censorship, secret wars, currency manipulation and lies = “not real conspiracy”

Ghosts and aliens and Bigfoots (oh my!) = “real conspiracy”

Im sick of political subs. Ill take ghosts, alien and bigfoot over r/politics lite

Fair enough.

I was commenting about “real” conspiracy not arguing if politics or ghosts are “better.”

It is simply that there is no conspiracy about ghosts. They may be a mystery but no one is covering them up or using them to covert ends.

Wow your downvotes are exactly why I hate this sub now. As if all of the world phenomenon are not interrelated. Why not just watch Bigfoot hunters on Discovery or something?

I subbed to your sub a bit ago and just wanna say thanks for having it.

It's nice to find a quiet refuge from the "normal" reddit noise.

I can't think of a conspiracy worth my time that can't be directly connected to politics.

That's what I thought while reading over there. Ah, pesticides is the second post. That's totally connected to government regulation. UFOs - a government coverup or government vehicles. Again, totally political.

Dogmen terrorize campers are they sighted strange lights in the sky, totally political!

If the Dogmen are MKUltra subjects gone mad it is. And that's the theory I want to push.

the discussion would be about the how, what, and why. the who is irrelevant in this context

How to get it to stop (if bad) would be my focus though.

so then post it here

Perhaps OP should have said it was "non partisan" since it's partisan politics that really make this place suck.

you can discuss chemtrails being real and what the purpose of them is without focusing on the politics behind running them

I doubt I would be able to.

try thinking

Thanks, just subscribed

Also guys, check out /r/ConspiracyII for similar content.


I’d love this. I remember the days when this sub was all about Aliens and MKUltra.

This is backwards!

Political stuff should go someplace... oh, I don't know... Maybe there is a specific sub for that? Waddayakno? r/politics

Current non-political events ought to have a place too I think... let me check.... ... ... OH! Look: /r/news

Well I'll be damned! There are appropriate subreddits for political and current events, and they also have millions upon millions of users.

But NAH. Let's kick conspiracy thinkers out of r/conspiracy That'll make so much more sense! Nobody will call us out on it either!


This is one of the only subs that actually allow for posts about political thinking outside of the mainstream norm.

I dare you to try and make a thread talking about vaccines in a way that is anything less than the perfect medicine given to us by the angels themselves and even daring to question if they could potentially do anything more than give a small fever is enough to warrant your thread being deleted and getting you banned.

The main vaccine sub actually has a rule saying no anti-vaccine threads allowed, it's not a free thinking board, they stick their heads up their ass and preach "science" but the moment that science speaks out against them it's "crazy" and "dangerous", the same goes for politics and science and any other main boards you could possibly post in, it's censorship.

This board actually allows for this high level of critical thinking, I'm sure it has it's problems but it promotes diversity by allowing differing thoughts rather than saying "if you don't believe what we do you're crazy and dangerous and should be removed from society", which many other boards promote this cult like mindset.

have pretend gold .. we articulated

Oh boy... let me start by saying it again: They are asking/promoting the exodus of conspiracy people to a much much smaller sub, and keeping political and current event junk.

This is the very epitome of a conspiracy.

First the sub was flooded with political junk.

The the message was; but current politics is conspiracy (it's not).

NOW, it's said that actual bonafide conspiracy talk shouldn't be posted to r/conspiracy and instead we should fuck off to some incoherently named mini-sub.

Fuck off with that!

Nice to see comments like this.

After for un tagged edit .. fk you .. upvote to down vote

This was sorely needed. I look forward to contributing :)


I agree, conspiracy needs to keep it's identity but ad many readers have pointed out, political conspiracy and corruption is the staple of the page now and no bad thing.

r/HighStrangeness is there to offer more unusual content.

Much respect to you, Mr_Dong! I made that comment in hast and am only being slightly farcical. I'm not in disagreement with a specific place to get strange with it, and the conspiracies most become familiar with are notably political, of topics pertaining to FFs, FiatCurrency(hopefully), government corruption and collusion with crony corps, ect ... However, the disciplinary scope of this subreddit should be wide because of how if one looks hard enough, conspiracy can be found in every mainstream perspective on topics of spirit, psyche, energy and physics, esoteric knowledge and wisdom, and plethora of controlled knowledge (ALIENS?) that keep us locked in a socio-economic paradigm, where we focus on our two main pillars of the Throne and the Altar, while a spiritual war goes on around us and the spelling we do with the very words we use in our language established long ago. The weird conspiracies regarding the technologies we have access to, or getting into the darkest commentary of certain magick circles who perform rituals (read:blackmail) to also spiritually grant themselves assistance by dark forces beyond even the three-dimentional socio-political paradigm often discussed here. Honestly ask why the major religions all have esoteric, occult ideologies, and further how their elite members display grotesque behavior and abuse to unfortunate children. This subreddit should look at the qualitative or spiritual reasons of why these evil mfers keep taking our liberty and instigating their saturn-focused, moloch worshiping ritual hootenanny while they somehow transfer that demonic energy into Policy.

Anyway, much, much respect to you, Sir, and the figure you have been to this community. To be honest, had I read your user name before reading the post, I probably wouldn't have commented what I did.

Anyway, if this sub is going to be political, it should be politically active with regards to planning political events, supporting watchdog and activist organizations which spread the truth and keep their ears to the ground. This sub needs to understand that COLLAPSE is very possible, and that we remain diligent in being the change we want to see in our communities.

Again, thanks for posting this! I will be participating in the weirdness, but I also will be supporting weird shit in this sub as well!! :)

As a longtime reader and lover of r/highstrageness this is an awful idea. It’s like seeing a riot in an urban area and inviting half the participants to come to your deep woods campsite. Not only will it bring in a new bent away from the fringe content I love on HS, but the bots and trolls will follow.

Politics - "the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power."




How you can remove this from a conspiracy subreddit is far beyond me.

This is great. Good job mods. So tired of hearing people complain about political posts.

Omg thank you!!

Yesss I am subscribed already. Please keep the political trolls out.

There is something that would aleviate a stricter conspiracy sub... Exclude current events. Can't post something or a publication that relates to partisan news within the last month.

This sub is latestagecapitalism

in addition, how about a conspiracy subreddit that removes downvotes and requires posts/comments to stick to a strict anti "two party paradox"??

ie. posts must equally shit on both parties (which I believe most normal free thinkers here are able to do).

I'd love to filter all politics out of everything, seriously. But, so many reasons for many conspiracies root back to politics anyway. So that means in this new subreddit discussion would have to end on any conspiracy that eventually leads back to politics, protecting it. That shield works both ways.

Thank you Sir, i will add Conspiracy Memes to the page.

O great. Am I already intellectually inferior? Gah.


I'm always impressed with those who dismiss a source, yet always seem to know what the source says

Like Alex Jones for example