Survivor - whistle-blower - CIA satanic ritual abuse - details are shocking

1  2018-09-05 by ichoosejif

This courageous human is suffering from the unimaginable effects of being sexually abused, mk ultra victim, trafficked, forced to perform in snuff films, I won't spoil it by discussing the details she provides. It's intense. Trigger warning sra *snuff *mkultra *sacrifice *violence *torturehi level government officials*underground. Link in comments below.


Whoa, cray

Yeah, thanks for watching. Sorry about the content, but gahd dam we gotta find a way out of this. It cant be beyond our control. We have to do better. For the kids.

Upvoted for the algorithm and your insightful brevity.

I mean: "Word, brah."

The beginning was believable and then it just got harder to believe because she started sounding fake and acting.

Nope. No one makes this up. She has a bunch of other videos and is a champion among sra survivors. If you think she's acting, you may not understand her condition.

Yeah i guss not

Yup. No one seems to understand there's literally nothing positive to be gained by saying shit like this publicly. And once you realizes there's TONS of people like this out there, making videos like this....all with the same stories, sharing their experiences, being completely dismissed by everyone because they'd rather live in a world where this shit isn't true....

As another posted, this shit is, indeed, quite cray.

>there's literally nothing positive to be gained by saying shit like this publicly

Christians swarm to these people like flies to a turd? The moment she starts asking for "monetary aid in her fight against evil", it'll come flying.

You're wrong. There's tons of people on youtube that are just telling their stories and haven't asked for anything in return....'doing it for attention' is just about the lamest thing I've ever heard; that's the stuff you type of people say to dismiss rape victims, right?

I understand not wanting to accept this stuff is true and happens, but it's been happening for a very long time. But by all means, don't believe it. Don't make no difference to me, champ.


Champ. You da real MVP.

She has actually posted a video saying she will not be monetizing her channel and will not ask for or accept donations because she does not want that to affect her credibility. She had also spoken about now donating to organizations that supposedly help with trafficking either. She has only ever asked for help in finding a good therapist, and not a free one.

I don't think she's acting. To say and listen to this is incredibly difficult.

Ok, for arguments sake lets say she just wants attention and is acting, which I don't believe that she is.

There is TONS of evidence that these kinds of these are happening, and have been happening, for a very long time. Read "The Franklin Cover Up". Whether or not she personally was acting doesn't change the fact that these despicable acts are happening, right under our noses, and that we are complicit in them if we aren't actively fighting to expose them. So whether or not you believe her specifically, children are being trafficked and raped and killed around the world. By the elites, for the elites. 5000 government employees found with child porn. Hundreds of catholic priests found to be rapists in Penn. No charges filed, no one in jail, and everybody marginalizing the issue just because they can't believe the source that brings the info to light at any given time.

WAKE.THE.FUCK.UP, before its your kids or family.

I find it hard to believe this post is organically so unpopular. Feel free to disagree in the comments. Dv isnt contributing to the discussion.

Dv isnt contributing to the discussion.

Devil's advocate here, but downvoting is part of the system you're using to post this on the internet. If you don't like it, go somewhere where there are no votes.. :/

I just wonder who dv something like this. I dgaf about points, but I do about posts getting buried.

This person is incredible. Listen and spread. Assuming that her particular position and history is true, she's in a unique place to speak about this and still be alive. I can't find any clues in what she says or how she says it to doubt her.

I agree 100% I am shocked by the content of her testimony. Compelling. Even verifies the underground aspect. Where is this place in TX?.....hmmmmm

Under that big metal phalus that was on the front page a couple days ago?

Whoah. Good one. Worth a look. 45 min from Austin did she say?

She did indeed.

The real conspiracy is whether or not the cia is allowing her to do all this to further another agenda

I can't imagine, although it's possible. So you're speculating that she's a limited hangout, or essentially a useful idiot?

No idea. But I wouldn’t be surprised. Sounds a lot like our good ol boys at the cia to be scumming around in the dark

You're losing me. Are you speculating that they know she made this?

Are you speculating that they don’t?

Still trying to process your comment. I'm sure they could know, be ordering her suicided as we speak.

Can not imagine they want this anywhere.

I feel him. I think he's I'm is this being allowed to exist on the open internet?

If the people doing this are military, NSA, CIA connected, you'd think they'd be able to stop things like this from being hosted on a medium like youtube.

It's not that she's a 'useful idiot' per se....more that she has to be being 'allowed' on some level to post this. Just like we're being 'allowed' to see it.

May have just slipped through the cracks. IDK.

Society of the Spectacle by Guy Debord. They keep us going to the Colosseum while they rape and pillage, literally. Tv's in every home, mind programming everywhere. They don't have to take it down or kill her, they just have to keep us distracted. Thanks for doing your part and posting brotha! When we hit critical mass of those who are in the know, they start world war 3. Its the shock doctrine. Prepare for that moment while you spread light on their sick little satanic club.

I’m a sister, but thanks for the kind words. I found her testimony nearly irrefutable.

sorry for the assumption!

No problem. It’s common. Cheers.

Thats part of their game, and yes they probably know and allow it. They don't worry about it because they know we are all distracted by Hollywood, the trump news cycle, and the rest of the spectacle. The Franklin Cover Up is in print and yet most people are going to continue watching TV and going to the movies instead of closing their bank accounts and giving up their precious entertainment.

It doesnt make her story any less legitimate. It just shows they are confident that they can marginalize her by making the whole thing seem like a conspiracy.

I'm not saying it doesn't make her story any less legitimate. See my other comments in this post. Was just trying to articulate another gentleman's point, as he didn't seem to be doing a good of it himself.

I get you brotha, was just making a counter point, no conflict intended.

I appreciate your comment.

This is a clearer version of what I was trying to say

10/10 would consider adjusting to society


The agency allows them to speak out. The sad thing is this person will not be taken seriously by any one in a position to take legal action. Maybe thats cynical, I really hope some one would bring this shit to the attention of the general public and the courts. I think the subject matter is so horrendous most people dont even want to entertain it as a real thing.

Right. The judiciary is how we got here. Judges are complicit.

August 11th '18: Due to some rather ignorant comments people have made since this video got a sudden influx of attention two days ago, I'd like to inform anyone who sees this that I did not read off a script in the normal sense of the word. Dissociated parts of my system collaborated extensively with one another inside in order to outline how best to present our story to the general public in under ten minutes, but a lot of it was unplanned and we never wrote anything down. If it looks like I am reading from a script, it is because I am accessing a partially formed eidetic script, so to speak, of things my system and I agreed to say. While I'm not saying we were programmed to say what we said, it is a function of us having been programmed that we can read our own pre-planned thoughts like that. Eidetic memory and other such abnormal abilities are common for survivors of MK and something we have experienced since we were very small. If I had not at least mentally outlined what I was going to say before I said it, I would have gotten lost in my trauma and gone off on unnecessary tangents. I wanted to give the clearest, most potent message possible that would reach the most people possible, so I thought about what I was going to say before I recorded this, but I never wrote anything down, nor was everything I said pre-planned. Thank you to anyone who reads this and considers what I've said and thank you to everyone who has shown me support. It means more to us than we can convey. ~Original description~ This video contains graphic descriptions of violence against children. Please scroll down for an in-depth trigger warning below. I was born in Central Texas in 1996 into a CIA child snuff ring known as Uncle Sam's Snuff Factory, aka The Genocide Factory due to its participation in the systematic extermination of children of color that the United States military has been perpetrating for many, many years. There, alongside many others, I suffered Hell on Earth and while I have escaped, my life is still in flames. Most people, including mental health professionals, are oblivious to the world in which we survivors live and react out of violence, not compassion, when confronted with the deepest aspects of human suffering. The cognitive dissonance is overwhelming for them, so they reject the victims with the crimes. And the crimes continue. If you are a survivor, I applaud you for your strength and will to live. If you are an ally, I thank you from the deepest place in my heart. And if this information is new to you, or you have yet to open your heart, I ask of you only one thing: to look and have compassion. If millions of children have the strength to endure these horrors, then perhaps you at least have the strength to listen when one of us survives to speak about it. Links to my testimonies about Exponential Fragmentation: Exponentially Fragmented & Fractalline Dissociative Identity Disorder (1/2): Exponentially Fragmented & Fractalline Dissociative Identity Disorder (2/2): Integration from Exponential Fragmentation Pt 1 - Splitting Factories: Integration from Exponential Fragmentation Pt 2 - Gridlocking: Trigger warning: CIA child snuff trafficking, MK ULTRA / Monarch mind control (torture, drugging, dissociation), cultural disbelief, Deep Underground Military Bases, genocide, institutional white supremacy, propaganda, Generational Organized Crime, implied forced perpetration, PTSD, Polyfragmented DID, Exponential Fragmentation, grief, rescuing trafficked children, threat of human extinction outside of the underground and the rise of the NWO, graphic descriptions of violence against children involving cannibalism, torture and murder

A penny for your thoughts.

i blindly trusted becki percy. never again.

how can we tell she is telling the truth. opinions of body language analysts doesnt count, they were wrong before. i fart in their general direction.

I kinda felt that except she is desperate to save the others.

I'm not familiar with this becki percy thing, but I took a glance at that site....first article I read was a guy claiming 'hoax' because she didn't go to the police?

Anyone that's looked into these sort of things knows these networks go to the highest levels. Police ain't gonna do shit, and many times are probably complicit. Police exist to protect the wealthy and business classes...they ain't 'brave men and women who get to the bottom of crimes'.

I'll look into it more, but 'they didn't report it to the police so it's bogus' doesn't really work in these types of situations. Police aren't equipped to deal with shit like this.

That being said, I have considered that all these similar stories are part of some super elaborate psy-op....although, I think it'd probably be more like 'get people to believe there's a satanic cabal and then you'll all be behind it when Trump locks up his political enemies'. MANY of these people support trump....that's actually why I'm interested in this Katy Groves character....she makes a video saying she doesn't think Trump is a 'good guy savior' like everyone seems to believe (which I agree with).

BUT, this satan shit runs deep. Also, a lot of these people have been saying this shit for years before Trump ever stepped into the political arena. There's been documented evidence of things exactly like this happening over the centuries:

I think it could be likely we're all just sort of waking up to this fact because of the vast explosion of information provided by the internet, and how that's enabled people to have a voice where they never had the opportunity before.

Big thanks for all who contributed to this conversation.

The only thing holding me back here is if this is 100% true, there's definitely someone involved that would have her murdered for talking. Can anyone explain that?

I can only assume they will.

I can't imagine, although it's possible. So you're speculating that she's a limited hangout, or essentially a useful idiot?


>there's literally nothing positive to be gained by saying shit like this publicly

Christians swarm to these people like flies to a turd? The moment she starts asking for "monetary aid in her fight against evil", it'll come flying.

A penny for your thoughts.

I just wonder who dv something like this. I dgaf about points, but I do about posts getting buried.

No problem. It’s common. Cheers.