If Alex Jones testifies in front of the Senate tomorrow, it will be the biggest story in the history of conspiracy

1  2018-09-05 by AwJebus

Never has a conspiracy theorist been given such an official platform to plead his case. The censorship by Big Tech is the biggest case of election interference in US history. The highly coordinated, monopolistic (and evil) actions of Big Tech will make Russian Collusion look like high school drama. Multi-trillions in market value (and 90% of web traffic) vs 12 Russian businessmen, like come on...

Alex Jones will set off a redpill avalanche, if he testifies. There is no way the Senators will be as well prepared as Alex, he’ll walk circles around them.

https://www.infowars.com/alex-jones-to-testify-before-congress-over-censorship/Alex Jones to Testify Before Congress Over Censorship?

PS I know this post will get brigaded because it refers to Alex Jones. But every grassroots conspiracy theorist/fan knows how big of a deal this is.


I'm excited

That will be interesting, hope he doesn't talk over the top of people and get too excited ;).

Could you imagine if he called a Senator a globalist?

I hope he does. I'd wish he'd single out all the dual citizens in Congress but he won't.

"May testify before a congressional committee" is hardly 'testifying in front of Congress.'

But if he gets a camera and some attention cool.

We are all still being fucked, by the minute, by GeoEngineering and Climate Control programs which has led us into our 6th Mass Extinction. But hey, cool, Alex Jones and stuff lol

It would be great if Alex goes before them and presents a very articulate argument stating previous precedents about free speech, in a normal voice. It would be interesting to say the least. He def has the intellectual aptitude to go head to head with any sitting senator

i can't see alex jones being or doing anything that you suggest.

He's no Frank Zappa, but....

"You're a baby eating vampire, sir!"

My God, this is going to be fucking amazing.

And here I though it was going to be the quick destruction of the uni-party leading up to the midterms.

Now this, oh god.. this.


My body is ready. Break the conditioning!

ooh, god!

pounds chest aaarrrrgggghhhhh

I feel.like this guy gets way to much airtime to be legit. Ron Paul was blocked from every msm outlet possible and Alex Jones gets on 60 min? I feel like tptb want the public to see him to discredit conspiracy theories as nutjobs.

How many other people were blocked online that aren't going to Washington? Who picked this guy to represent something so much larger?


Exactly. He is slowly becoming their puppet and he doesn't even know it yet...

Are you so sure that he doesn't know? ;)

Ron Paul is legitimate though and has a more sensible voice of reason, while <90% of what Alex Jones talks about is absolutely bat shit “typical conspiracy theorist” crazy. He’ll hate this, but msm use him as a strawman to an otherwise possibly more leggit opposition.

He's controlled. He has covered nearly every conspiracy except the banks and Israel. He's controlled dissent to control the narrative. He'll get close but still keep everyone off the scent and make everyone that questions anything look insane.

This is the play. AND he will get people begging for regulation of the internet/free speech.

Alex has had plenty of chances to reach into the mainstream, but he always goes off the rails. It's sad because when he wants to he can speak very eloquently.

That's the point of him, to make us look absurd

now, tell me about low standards?

Do you really want him to be your representative?

He will go off the rails and make every idea he espouses look retarded.

Thats his M.O.

Just being set up to fail. Expect a huge media storm making light of it and turning him into more of a laughing stock than he already is.