tinfoil downvote machine

1  2018-09-05 by AI2222

Seeing lots of harmless comments get over a dozen downvotes in a matter of minutes here today. This is just a test thread to see if certain words or phrases are being targeted, since this isn't natural behavior for r/conspiracy.



btw here's my example...whether you agree with my statement or not things don't happen that quickly in this sub. not even sure how many minutes it took https://i.imgur.com/tt07is6.png

oh and also partisan politics are a charade


Ban/spam filted.

Approved, not upvoted. Good luck.


trump and clinton are friends that go way back

Putin is a glorious leader.

My example below. Went from 0 to -12 before i'd finished a simple edit. Then down to -15 before it slowly crept back up to 0 again.

Thought it might have been at the mention of Svensk Bank but it would appear not now.

Maybe its user targeted?


Same exact thing happened to mine. As you can see by the comment, it's now highly upvoted and wasn't really a comment that should get 15 downvotes within 3 minutes.


Yes a script running 15 accounts sounds like the MO that appears to be on display, in the various instances.

Both of our comments are showing up as controversial yet mine went straight from 2 to -3, yours only went to -1.

Hardly criteria for a controversial tag.

Fuckery is afoot.

Yes, it is stranger than normal here today.

It has hit some of my posts today dealing with NASA and flat earth.

Define life. Heartbeat, arms, legs, organs, moving around, hair, responsive, ect.

one believes they have a right to determine another's life and one does not.

Who has the right to end life and how is it not considered murder?

axolotl_peyotl JamesColesPardon

Could you look into this and maybe forward to Admins? There seems to be evidence not only in this thread but others as well of people getting ~15 downvotes within minutes of posts.

/u/axolotl_peyotl /u/JamesColesPardon

Could you look into this and maybe forward to Admins? There seems to be evidence not only in this thread but others as well of people getting ~15 downvotes within minutes of posts.

I noticed it especially hard today.

I'll certainly bring it up (and then pass it on).

I don't know what they are gonna do (squat) but I think it's a new test of the digital teams that are using the BK SCOTUS hearing as a demo to fine tune things.

That's my same-room view of it but admittedly I also need to distance myself and walk around and consider other perspectives.

The next thing to do is identify any trends. Is it subreddit wide? Focused on threads? Users? Kinds of threads?

Know what I mean?

Yeah I know, out of the 4 or so of us that noticed it in here and posted examples, they all seem to be from different threads and innocuous comments. Two of us have very time sensitive examples, which are now ruined by other upvotes, but the edits and timestamps should speak for themselves. We all noticed some non-organic downvotes. Especially /u/Mecanatron https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/9d8zsd/is_college_a_conspiracy/e5g4x61/ and I https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/9d949o/plane_quarantined_at_new_yorks_jfk_airport_after/e5ga1ud/ who both noticed and edited within minutes.

In my case, I posted and reopened for editing immediately.

As soon as i saved, it was already down at -12.

It crept back up to zero over the next hour or so. I think its at about 7 now.

I'm not concerned about the downvotes but it was an innocuous comment in a quiet thread, so its intriguing to say the least.

Yeah, not many people believe us but I saw it in real time and I’m convinced it was not a brigade just because of how fast it happened. I’m pretty sure I was pre-selected just because I hadn’t posted in 24 hours and replied to a post in slow thread, not a top post in an active thread. The speed of the downvotes wouldn’t be possible, even if some group was watching my profile refreshing every second for 24 hours, still doubt they’d hit -14 within 3 mins.

Oh well, they’ll believe it when it happens to them.

I only ask because I got hit with a few -10s or so today for seemingly innocuous comments so I'm just gathering info.

Thanks for the links!

It was almost like a human horde of downvotes.

You’re a Mod on a popular sub so you might get -10 on a post just because of haters. I got -12 in 2 minutes on a reply to somebody that had 8 upvotes in a 2 hour old thread with like 50 upvotes. It was not organic. I’ve never seen anything like it, even with a “controversial” post. Imagine my surprise to reply to somebody agreeing with them and get 12 downvotes within 2 mins at max.

Oh, I get it and I know what kind of comments get those kind of responses and it felt tuned up today.

I'm glad others noticed.

Sometimes I think the mods are in on this. I've never seen them take anything like decent control of things here. So many of them and just nothing worthwhile happens.

It’s not just here but other fringe subs as well

Do you value the judgement of strangers and other algorithms on temporary/irrelevant information?

nothing new really this place has been being brigaded for years.

for some reason (tinfoil abound) the reddit admins do nothing and let groups like TMOR continue to openly do it, and at times it seems like they even support the cock suckers.

basically being brigaded has become a good sign that you are on to something that they don't want getting attention.

Yeah, not many people believe us but I saw it in real time and I’m convinced it was not a brigade just because of how fast it happened. I’m pretty sure I was pre-selected just because I hadn’t posted in 24 hours and replied to a post in slow thread, not a top post in an active thread. The speed of the downvotes wouldn’t be possible, even if some group was watching my profile refreshing every second for 24 hours, still doubt they’d hit -14 within 3 mins.

Oh well, they’ll believe it when it happens to them.