Elon Musk JRE Podcast

1  2018-09-07 by KarmaPolice777

So I finished watching bits and pieces of this podcast and I can't help but feel a sense of hope. Elon is a billionaire and arguably one of the most powerful men in the world as far as influence goes. He just went on the record stating the "Love is the answer."

As Joe pointed out, that is a very vulnerable thing to say as someone in that position as it requires the person strip off their facades and speak from the heart. I'm also incredibly proud of Joe for how he well he responded to that in a sincere and honest way. That was a moving moment for me.

If you believe in this sort of thing, Elon Musk is a man with a destiny and perhaps one that is closely tied to the destiny of the human race as a whole. Not to mention that in my opinion, I believe Joe is also a "somebody" that is living up to his destiny of being the greatest podcaster in the world. It's really fascinating to see the two worlds colliding and perhaps witnessing the universe manifesting its great plan.

Here's the clip.


I feel like you're going to get bombarded by the anti Rogan and Musk people here but I had a similar experience with the podcast. I think Musk genuinely means to do good, and it is nice to see someone with that type of position in life who still wants good for humanity.

Elon and even Joe in some sense is our version of a modern day hero. At least I think so.

Some of it seemed genuine, and I liked the end part, but his answer to AI is neuralink, which is certainly not any better.

I agree. People are already persuaded by what they see in media. Wait until an AI network connected to your brain takes over.

What are you on about with an AI network connected to your brain? And there are legitimate good reasons why we should replace certain things with AI.

Neuralink is an AI system integrated with your brain

Depending on how you interpret reality or the sinulation argument, your brain is already connected to an AI system anyway.

Nah as long as I see a billionaire saying “Love is the answer” on a fucking Joe Rogan podcast while he unsuccessfully takes a hit of a blunt, then I’m convinced there’s hope in this world.


The only thing the billionaire Musk cares about is making his pockets bigger. The only thing billionaire multinational company Nike care about is making their pockets bigger. The second you try convince yourself these billionaires are trying to do good, and not just appear that way for PR/profit, you’ve fallen victim to TPTB and Late Stage Capitalism...

If musk only cared about getting richer he wouldn't have started a rocket company. Or a electric car company that is losing money. Or working so hard he loses his mind almost. He would have just invested in other people. If you want to attack the rich elite, Musk is not a good target.

> Or a electric car company that is losing money

So you're implying he wants to lose money, and thus is not concerned with profits, like any normal business owner would be?


> Or working so hard he loses his mind almost

Abusing ambien and mixing it with other drugs (like alcohol) will do that to you.


> If you want to attack the rich elite, Musk is not a good target

I think he's the perfect target :)


Ofcourse i'm not implying he doesnt want to make profit. Its just not as high on the list as with other billionaires.

Right, you know Elon so well don't you?

no i dont, do you?

Just as much as you’d be able to know... I’ve backed up my points with numerous pieces of evidence and your point is that you ‘feel’ he’s doing everything out of love... we can agree to disagree lmao

You are putting words in my mouth. I never said that. You are just implying that because I don't agree he is worthy of ridicule because others are way more evil. You just like to focus on him because he is in the public eye.

Concerning hitting that joint, he did the sensible thing. He knows pot and has tried it seldomly. He doesn't know the mj/tobacco mix thing, nor the strength of whatever Joe smokes every day. You can see him smell and sample it, which given the prime whiskey he's also drinking, seems like sane caution in the situation. What do you want, Tesla stock already dropped 6 pct in the fallout from that blunt?

Dude, holy damn relax, that was not a serious point of mine. Take your tears back to /r/Futurology pls

Did Tesla hurt your feelings? Why so butthurt? Do you get this agro about trump or Clintons?

I'm literally laughing at all the white knights coming to defend their hero's honour.


He doesn't know the mj/tobacco mix thing, nor the strength of whatever Joe smokes every day


You can see him smell and sample it, which given the prime whiskey he's also drinking, seems like sane caution in the situation


What do you want, Tesla stock already dropped 6 pct in the fallout from that blunt?


You can't make this shit up haha.


That's my post. What are you on about?

It already took over. How many of us spend all of our available free time staring into electric screens?

i think this is the approach thats safer, AI will happen, if its a neuralink or lattice then at least its tied to us in some way and we might just manage to keep one hand on the steering wheel...

are you insane? Last thing I am ever doing while still alive is voluntarily hooking up my brain to any program run by the government. This of course would be a moot point if my brain is already connected to some type of network I am unaware of.

Your phone

That's fair but I can still throw my phone away if I want. Can't quite disconnect the ol noggin

But you won’t. No one does as it’s almost impossible to function in the modern world without one.

Industrial Society and Its Future

You must be the only person who hasnt had to go a couples days phone less

Most people would give up a leg or a hand before their cell phone

I went off grid for about 2 weeks with no internet and phone and i really enjoyed it. Made me realize other than GPS for driving i don't need this technology the way people are addicted to it. Growing up without internet for half my life might be why but seriously life is fun without being connected everyday

when i drive i barely open my eyes any more, not that I would drive when theres uber

Your practically a cave man. Even amish use cell phones

Sorry you've got an addiction problem. Admitting you have an addiction is the first step to regaining your life back

Im trying to be a writer so i need to have it to make notes all the time or i forget stuff. Contrary to common belief its your most unique ideas that are hard to remember. The ideas you think are good but are common are the only was you remember later

But im also curious in general and google stuff all day long

Also i need to fight with strangers/acquaintances on reddit/Facebook all day

Yeah you need help kid

Big difference between an external object being used and one being implanted within the human brain.

I draw the line at my skin.

At least for Gen1 - there's gonna be bugs and I'm not beta testing that.

Mark of the Beast will be required by law.

What if I told you that the carbon within your body is made up of 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons?

You were born by the mark.

Can you explain please?

Well, we happen to be carbon based lifeforms. Carbon has 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons.

From what I've gathered, the "mark of the beast" relates either to its name or number - the latter of which being 666.

So this idea of the Beast is at the very foundation of what we are. I'm not saying it should be worshiped, but it's not something we should repress or be fearful of, either. Either extreme would only lend more power to it.

The Beast should be understood and tamed. From within the individual. Only on this level can we sort out the chaos and create order.

well you are on reddit, which is a primitive version of that basically, how about facebook? do you use google? siri/alexa?

AI is creeping in around us from every side, its going to become as common as cellphones after a few years.

i think the safest scenario is when everyone has one as opposed to there being 1 or 2 military based ones built and used by governments.

In the podcast you can hear him say basically he warned everyone and no one listened. He couldn't stop the change and adoption and since that failed, he sought to find a way that we can "merge" with AI rather being supplanted by it.

His point of view we are already a cybernetic organism in symbiosis with AI, and our thumbs/fingers are the interface with that electronic "consciousness". He argues at least with Neural Link we and the AI are on a more level playing field or at minimum rely on one another to exist.

He says the line, if you can beat them (he believes we can't keep up with a singularity once it exists) then join them (prevent the singularity by becoming a singularity).

Exactly - that's what I heard as well. He seems to be aiming for a best possible outcome.

Tbh I think neuralink is a great idea. I understand the hesitation with it, but here's my way of looking at it: currently there is research being done on cellular computers - computers that run off of chemical reactions of cells rather than electrical signals. They work the same as regular computers, except the input and output signals are in the form of chemical reactions rather than electricity. Just like we may one day be able to create an AI robot from a computer, you theoretically should be able to do the same thing with a cellular computer. And that is what we are - AI that runs on a cellular computer rather than an electrical computer.

So my line of reasoning is: it would be totally reasonable for a robot to upgrade its software if it were able to, so why not for us?

Do you like your free will? Do you like being alone in your own mind? Or would you like to be connected to the hive mind of humanity? BCIs are dangerous things. They can be hacked and you'd practically become a robot. They can be used to telepathically connect, or for that matter to have your thoughts read. As Joe was saying, there is no privacy once neuralink is installed because we get access to what's in eachothers' brains. This isn't a software update, it's a hardware update. I like being part of my own consciousness, not a physically augmented collective consciousness.

The plot of Deus Ex: HR involves a tech billionaire hacking everyone's brain implants to send them on blind killing rampages in order to thin the population and show the danger of augmentations.


Here's Alex Jones explaining on JRE.

Lmao jeez he bases a lot of the first 60 seconds on ignorant understandings of physicists theories. I think the 12 dimensions thing was an attempt to explain away the newly emerging quantum physics theories in favor of string theory. Einstein refused to believe in many quantum theories, even so far as to call the idea of quantum entanglement (which we now know for a fact is real and observable) "spooky action at a distance".

And the dark matter thing, also just a theory that there is matter between galaxies because of the way galaxies move. The idea is that there has to be an outside force affecting galaxies in order to make them behave the way they do. But it's not extra-dimensional or gravity bleeding nonsense, the theory is just that there's no light being reflected off the matter and therefore to us it's "dark".

Even anti-matter is just particles with a spin opposite its counterpart, not some sort of magic. We use anti-electrons in brain mapping, more widely known as positrons.

Also studies show we don't actually have free will, our brains perform automatically like our other organs, and consciousness only emerges to us as a perpetual retrospective analysis. If I were to live my life over again, without any knowledge of the events to come, I would still make all the same choices that led me to where I am now.

Not really the part I was talking about. I meant starting with "google believes the first AI will be a supercomputer based on the hive mind of hive mind of humanity"

Yeah idk about that either. I think the first superintelligent AI will be some sort of global surveillance program gone self aware. China's skynet perhaps.

The way our brains work is incredible, but their speed only reaches to about 28 hertz. A modern PC is capable of over 5.0 gigahertz, so as soon as the singularity happens, shit is going to take off and change at at least 5 billion times the speed we think in.

Yeah, I wouldnt call Neuralink or other BCIs Artificial Intelligence at all. Though they would likely operate in conjunction with AI, I'd use a term like Intelligence Augmentation or Amplification. But I think they are still a cause for concern.

I don't think it's ridiculous to assume that once some people start getting them, there will be a threshold population percentage, (maybe 51%) where when a certain amount of people augment their intelligence, those with "natural" intelligence will simply have to give in or fall behind society. We see this today with phones and internet access. You pretty much need a phone and internet access in some capacity to carry a job or go to school.

Navy Lieutenant Carl Governale wrote in his white paper on BCIs: "connecting BCIs to a network will pose ethical, health, and operational risks. If a BCI becomes a two-way street, then anti-tamper, spoofing, intercept, and brain control are all considerations that must be incorporated in the performance parameters". That to me is a reason to take a big step back and ask if that's something we really want to be getting ourselves into in the first place. But at the end of the day I understand the answer to that will always be "then someone else will do it."

Look up the quantized inertia theory by Mike McCulloch. Explains away dark matter, as well as many other unknown physical phenomena. Most things I see like this are ridiculous, but as a physics BS I seriously think quantized inertia could be a big discovery.

An overview as I remember it: in order to preserve conservation of energy, where a inertial observer would see empty space, an accelerating observer would see EM radiation coming from the same spot. This is called Unruh radiation. But an accelerating observer also forms what is called a Rindler Event Horizon, because since he is accelerating there is a spot behind him where light will never reach him. And there is also a horizon in front of him, of the Hubble scope. The Unruh radiation from behind him must fit perfectly within the event horizons, because if they extended beyond it then it would not be a horizon. So since the event horizon behind him is shorter than in front of him, less wavelengths of EM radiation are able to fit behind him than in front of him. This difference in density of Unruh radiation can then be calculated to impose an effect equal to that of inertia.

For small accelerations (~10-10m/s2), the Rindler event horizon approaches the Hubble horizon. Then, since the amount of EM wavelengths that can fit between the horizons are integer amounts, it leads to inertia being quantized for very small accelerations.

Using the value of inertia given by this for the small accelerations of the galaxies on the outer edge, rather than the regular equation for inertia, then outputs the correct rotations of galaxies without the need for dark matter. Galaxies spin too fast, so scientists tried to add more matter to make it work, but the theory also works if you decrease inertia, as is done here.

Your delusional

He's a fucking nut job and that pedo shit he pulled with that rescue diver was the last straw.

Oh shit the last straw!!??!

Now what?

Not gonna drool over his cars anymore

worst is the media, the stock holders, the investors are trying to bury the guy for smoking a blunt, "hitting it" once, and not even inhaling . The acid shit and the tweet stuff if true is understandable but this... is a joke


Sounds like musks PR stunt to smoke weed and talk to Joe Rohan worked!

I like and respect both of them, warts and all. Being genuine is #1 in my book, and they've got it in spades.

Wtf? No they don’t. They have none of that. What the fuck are you basing that on?

some talk of altruism. that was nice for sure. my favorite part was when elon was emphasizing that we are a just an ego serving our limbic system, not the other way around.

Everything they discuss during the first hour had me on the edge of my seat. It was an absurdly entertaining podcast. Musk talking about when he realized he wasn’t normal towards the end was also fascinating.

Sat through the whole thing in one go. It was so fascinating.

The first ~30 minutes were pretty slow for my taste with musk barely talking but yeah definitely a great pod overall got me through the first half of work today.

the internet as 'limbic resonance' was fascinating

I thought so too.

I thought it was boring threading old ground.

“An evening with the shills”

Accurate. I love how there's a disclaimer comment upvoted to the top, to write off anybody who thinks Rogan is controlled opposition. We can think what we want here.

Musk is a space-fraud-perpetrating scumbag and Joey is a moronic shill who once openly admitted he would lie to his own mother and ridicule any theory if the government told him about UFO’s and paid him.

Did he say that on his podcast. Wouldn't mind seeing that clip, because thats fucked.

I have just noticed a dramatic change in tone from him lately. And I don't know how I feel about Elon, but he is a part of the ruling class.


Start at like 1:40 in this vid. He did a 180 on the moon landing hoax and now defers to Scientific authorities like Musk and Neil Tyson.

Shit you weren't kidding..

This should be its own post.

If I can find the clip alone perhaps. Or if you find it, go ahead.

This whole Joe Rogan was approached by the cia/FBI is all a joke that was laid out by his friend Joey Diaz when he called Joe's best friend Eddie Bravo and told him Joe was questioned to duck with him. The last podcast Joey Diaz and joe Rogan did together Joey dias admits as much.

This guy. We are going to be friends.

I used to think Elon was another government stooge being used to usher in govt-controlled e-cars, e-banking, solar power, space lies, and mind control via neuralinkTM..

But now that he's said love is the answer I'm starting to think twice. /s

I used to think Elon was another government stooge being used to usher in govt-controlled e-cars, e-banking, solar power, space lies, and mind control via neuralinkTM..

But now that he's said love is the answer I'm starting to think twice. /s

I don't want to shit on Rogan or Musk and I do think that they aren't bad people at all, but saying love is the answer isn't enough, you have to show it with your actions. Musk has been surrounded with controversies about not treating his employees at Tesla nearly as well as they have the right to be treated (+ there have been a few more instances where he acted in an unsavoury manner) - let us hope he can change that and follow through with his actions as well.

I do have a feeling he is good at heart and not a psychopath like the rest of them. I could always be wrong, but that is simply my feeling for Musk (as well as Rogan).

Kinda seems like he appreciates the influence he has but that it wasn't what he was aiming for.

literally every company he has started has been out of his love for humanity and wanting to improve our standing.

He started tesla to get us on electric vehicles and off fossil fuels, he's been working on solar for years, and space x is about moving mankind beyond earth in an act of sustainability.

There are issues at his companies, but it's not like he is everywhere at once. Companies are hard to run and require trust, infrastructure and multiple people and this isn't something that just comes together instantly.

He basically started tesla with his own money and it wasn't to make more money. I think he is a great example of what hard work, intelligence, and love can do for the world.

I think he is a great example of what hard work, intelligence, and love can do for the world.

Faking space missions is certainly inspiring to gullible sycophants.

Faking them using our fucking tax dollars no less. Such a great man, for humanity he will waste our tax dollars!

What a bunch of fucking suckers.

You people that think people spend billions to "fake shit", its hilarious.

But there's so much to gain!

I do not “think” Musk is faking space missions; it’s a certainty. Any simpleton can realize it’s cheaper to make a studio production than to go to “space.”

I do not “think” Musk is faking space missions; it’s a certainty.

You know this how? Since you refuse to actually do experiments / test your ideas you can't possibly know that.

Your apparent only source for "research" is YouTube.

Ok, devise an “experiment” that can “test” whether Space X missions are real or fake. Oh wait, everything you spend your time following me around to defend is unfalsifiable and relies solely on authority figures and faith in concepts you haven’t even shown signs of understanding yourself.

is unfalsifiable and relies solely on authority figures and faith in concepts you haven’t even shown signs of understanding yourself.

Doppler shift and distance based of speed of light aren't hard concepts to understand. Do you honestly think they are?

Doppler shift is something taught in PHYS 101 or 102.

Let’s make a deal: show your work, and how you have confirmed whatever Doppler shift you keep alluding to, or you’re not allowed to use it for the existence of orbiting satellites or whatever you are fond of spamming but never actually explain.

You’re not going to agree to that deal, because whatever data you’re claiming exists, is coming from an authority.

Let’s make a deal: show your work, and how you have confirmed whatever Doppler shift you keep alluding to, or you’re not allowed to use it for the existence of orbiting satellites or whatever you are fond of spamming but never actually explain.

No. You never show your work nor would you accept mine so you run the tests yourself. Spend the 80 dollars required and see for yourself.

You’re not going to agree to that deal, because whatever data you’re claiming exists, is coming from an authority.

No it is coming from experiment I have performed myself multiple times.

Doppler shift is something taught in PHYS 101 or 102.

No Doppler shift is taught in middle school science classes. Not College level physics.

Why are you so incapable of looking up anything before you speak about it? You just assume things then proceeded as if you are an expert in the field.

Side note - you always do this you make demands upon others, ignore what they say yet without fail do not apply the same standards to yourself.

Ok, well now that you have admitted you’re not going to ether show your work, give any hint of knowing what you’re talking about, or do anything except continue your parasitic echolalia, you can stop spamming this and every thread with non sequitur references that mean nothing to anyone unfortunate enough to witness your bizarre obsession with my every comment.

All you can do is say “spend 80 dollars;” no jackass, I’m not going to spend 80 dollars because my NASA loving stalker said to.

And yes, the Doppler effect is taught in college physics.... should I link you a video lecture, PowerPoint presentation, or just speak from experience when I myself learned about it in college physics class? There’s a difference between telling a middle school student “hear the way a car horn gets higher as the car approaches and lower as it passes you? That’s the Doppler effect” and a college physics class learning about mechanical waves. But then again, all you require to consider yourself an expert is to be able to regurgitate a few words.

Again, there’s a reason I haven’t blocked you despite the fact that you annoyingly and repetitively reply to almost every comment I make in this subreddit no matter what thread (and do not post yourself): it’s because you’re so dumb.

Gee another edited comment...

You haven't blocked me because then you will not know what I am saying. You should block me then I would still be able to respond to you and you would not know. It would save me time.

And yes, the Doppler effect is taught in college physics.... should I link you a video lecture, PowerPoint presentation, or just speak from experience when I myself learned about it in college physics class?

Never said it wasn't taught in college physics did I. You strongly implied it was a college level subject to which I corrected you.

Ok, well now that you have admitted you’re not going to ether show your work, give any hint of knowing what you’re talking about, or do anything except continue your parasitic echolalia, you can stop spamming this and every thread with non sequitur references that mean nothing to anyone unfortunate enough to witness your bizarre obsession with my every comment.

Funny you never show your work. You honestly want me to post my GPS coordinates so people like you can know my physical address???

There’s a difference between telling a middle school student “hear the way a car horn gets higher as the car approaches and lower as it passes you? That’s the Doppler effect” and a college physics class learning about mechanical waves. But then again, all you require to consider yourself an expert is to be able to regurgitate a few words.

Since when are EM waves "mechanical waves"? The Aether isn't real you know.

All you can do is say “spend 80 dollars;” no jackass, I’m not going to spend 80 dollars because my NASA loving stalker said to.

You won't even do simple geometry experiments that require zero money. You basically appear to not have done any experiments at all.

All you have are feelings.

Claim to have done an experiment “many times:” can’t even prove you did it once.

Tell me a “simple geometry experiment” I should do and why the fuck I’m doing it. Go ahead:

Tell me a “simple geometry experiment” I should do and why the fuck I’m doing it. Go ahead:

See here. Raw data / info / setup until around 7:00 IIRC

These are the results of a group project which took place during the September Equinox 2017. 23 participants in 9 different countries conducted a simple scientific experiment similar to that of Eratosthenes over 2000 years ago.

The test is simple. Using the Latitude of each participant (as Longitude will be either 180° or 0°) The sun's elevation angle was measured during Solar Noon. These angles were then placed across both a Flat Plane and a Sphere to see which model the angles correspond to.

You will ignore the above and attack most likely. You know you can't risk actually doing experiments because you appear to be incapable of admitting you are wrong about something.

And this from someone who just earlier today told me “it seems your only source of research is YouTube.”

Sound familiar? That video is retarded of course; shows literally no math other than labeling a simple 45 degree isosceles triangle at the very beginning.

I had a good laugh watching that, thinking of how a montage of pictures of rulers and protractors followed by some computer animations is enough to make some people feel smart. And of course the comment section is full of shills (like Reds Rhetoric), circlejerking about how “FE IS ANNIHILATED HURR DURR” where all refutations and observations like mine have been removed.

It’s really funny how empty all of your comments are, devoid of any argument whatsoever. Hey, at least this thread is on the front page so you can enjoy a few artificial upvotes and at least tell yourself that you’re making a difference for NASA.

And this from someone who just earlier today told me “it seems your only source of research is YouTube.”

Sound familiar? That video is retarded of course; shows literally no math other than labeling a simple 45 degree isosceles triangle at the very beginning.

I had a good laugh watching that, thinking of how a montage of pictures of rulers and protractors followed by some computer animations is enough to make some people feel smart. And of course the comment section is full of shills (like Reds Rhetoric), circlejerking about how “FE IS ANNIHILATED HURR DURR” where all refutations and observations like mine have been removed.

It’s really funny how empty all of your comments are, devoid of any argument whatsoever. Hey, at least this thread is on the front page so you can enjoy a few artificial upvotes and at least tell yourself that you’re making a difference for NASA.

What does the word only mean?

That video is retarded of course; shows literally no math other than labeling a simple 45 degree isosceles triangle at the very beginning.

Is your maths education so deficient you can't figure it out for yourself? The data is there for you to use.

The rest of your comment appears to be you speaking to yourself about how you really feel about yourself using me as a proxy.

Yeah, I have a deficient maths education. Show me how the numbers briefly flashed on a screen amid some computer animations proves the distance of the sun and the sphericity of earth.

Yeah, I have a deficient maths education. Show me how the numbers briefly flashed on a screen amid some computer animations proves the distance of the sun and the sphericity of earth.

No because you will not listen. Visit kahn academy and take the basic geometry course or politely ask Sly Sparkane for more information.

I will definitely listen. I will only stop you when you skip a step, I have a question, or when I need you to clarify something. Go ahead, explain how the experiment proves the ball earth and distant sun, in your own words:

I will definitely listen. I will only stop you when you skip a step, I have a question, or when I need you to clarify something. Go ahead, explain how the experiment proves the ball earth and distant sun, in your own words:

Go ahead, explain how the experiment proves the ball earth and distant sun, in your own words:

No. You aren't honest when you say such things and you play these childish games. You have been given multiple ways to prove this for yourself but you refuse to try.

Childish games like asking you to prove your claims...... hahahahahahaa.

What a joke.

Childish games like asking you to prove your claims...... hahahahahahaa.

What a joke.

You act like I haven't been asking you for nearly 2 weeks to prove your claims which you ignore or refuse to do each and every time.

Again why apply requirements to me that you don't even apply to yourself?

What the fuck claim do you think I’m making that you’ve asked me to prove?

What the fuck claim do you think I’m making that you’ve asked me to prove?

Ask is a polite fashion and I will answer.

It’s ironic that you’re the opposite of a Catholic.

You can't even adult for 5 minutes can you?

Ok, devise an “experiment” that can “test” whether Space X missions are real or fake.

Go watch one launch and see where they go. Gather data and see if it agrees with real world physics.

Check to see if the payloads they say they are putting into orbit actually go into the correct orbit by any number of means.

I find it strange that you demand experiments from others when you haven't, apparently, done any yourself.

Come to Florida and you can watch them launch, even from hundreds of miles away. It's pretty neat.

No shit they launch. They’re not going to space.

So you think they're just flying around, inside the atmosphere, visible to the naked eye, for no reason? And no aerospace engineer (or dude with a telescope) has figured this out?

If you have enough thrust to fly around aimlessly in the atmosphere for that period of time why not just point her up and escape the atmosphere? At that point they would not be going into space out of spite.

What do they do with the payloads, dump them into the ocean? The companies who contract them never figure out their satellites aren't really out there?

Since we can figure out how fast satellites are they would have to moving so fast they would light the sky up in the IR region but, strangely enough, this doesn't happen. Anyone with FLIR can test for themselves and see.

You know you can see some satellites with the naked eye, right?

Is your contention that no manmade satellites exist or... ?

Check my posting history...:) Not a flat Earther.

However I evidently can't respond to the correct post that was meant to be a response to joe.

No worries buddy, take care 😊

Show how you have figured out “how fast satellites are:”

Not a link to a chart, not a video of someone else’s work... show how you yourself have done this, the data you obtained, and how you interpreted it.

SDR, opensource software, decode time stamp, computer travel time for said time stamp.

SDR, openouse software, detect Doppler shift in GPS signals, work out what speed is required for that sort of Doppler shift.

What have you done to look into how GPS works? It appears to most everyone reading this that you haven't done any research about GPS what so ever.

Not that I’m at all surprised, but obviously you have failed to show how you have done any of this and are incapable of anything but gibberish. Fail.

Not that I’m at all surprised, but obviously you have failed to show how you have done any of this and are incapable of anything but gibberish. Fail.

What part is gibberish?

All of it. I’ve specifically asked you numerous times now to show your work in gathering this data, explaining the steps of how you obtain, process, and interpret it, showing any math you use. It’s not that hard to upload a photograph of some math problems or equipment and write your username on something in the corner. This is an easy way you could back your claim that you’ve done this experiment “many times.” Make a YouTube video. Post it to a space fan boy or Scientism fanboy subreddit. But no, you can give no evidence that you even understand the sentence fragments above, let alone that you have performed the experimentation which you claim.

All of it. I’ve specifically asked you numerous times now to show your work in gathering this data, explaining the steps of how you obtain, process, and interpret it, showing any math you use. It’s not that hard to upload a photograph of some math problems or equipment and write your username on something in the corner. This is an easy way you could back your claim that you’ve done this experiment “many times.” Make a YouTube video. Post it to a space fan boy or Scientism fanboy subreddit. But no, you can give no evidence that you even understand the sentence fragments above, let alone that you have performed the experimentation which you claim.

Funny you ignored all the times I asked you for your work in the past but suddenly it is critical that I give you my location?

It’s not that hard to upload a photograph of some math problems or equipment and write your username on something in the corner.

You will just say it is Photoshopped. Well you will probably type photoshop because proper nouns are difficult.

But no, you can give no evidence that you even understand the sentence fragments above, let alone that you have performed the experimentation which you claim.

You never give any evidence at all. BTW I have, in the past, given exactly that description to a 7th grader and they figured out how to replicated the GPS experiments.

Yeah yeah. In the past, I have boxed with a kangaroo on a volcano. You aren’t ever going to show anything — and you’re the one making claims, not me. I haven’t claimed to do experiments to prove satellites do not exist. You claim that you have “many times” experimentally proven the existence of satellites which in your dim mind also means you live on a spinning ball.

I’m thinking about making a post inviting you once and for all to show your work that proves the existence of satellites. But you wouldn’t, of course, even though if your claims were true you could easily share your results and put the debate to rest — without giving your location, obviously.

Yeah yeah. In the past, I have boxed with a kangaroo on a volcano. You aren’t ever going to show anything — and you’re the one making claims, not me. I haven’t claimed to do experiments to prove satellites do not exist. You claim that you have “many times” experimentally proven the existence of satellites which in your dim mind also means you live on a spinning ball.

I’m thinking about making a post inviting you once and for all to show your work that proves the existence of satellites. But you wouldn’t, of course, even though if your claims were true you could easily share your results and put the debate to rest — without giving your location, obviously.

I haven’t claimed to do experiments to prove satellites do not exist.

Yet you claim they don't exist? So I was right when I said it was just based on your feelings.

I’m thinking about making a post inviting you once and for all to show your work that proves the existence of satellites. But you wouldn’t, of course, even though if your claims were true you could easily share your results and put the debate to rest — without giving your location, obviously.

Given the location can be derived from the GPS signals that is an incorrect statement now isn't it?

Do you really believe the earth is flat?

Do you really believe the earth is flat?

If one is near the launch site, one can watch an entire spacex mission from launch to orbit with a pair of binoculars. Is that fake too?

No rockets can be seen going to “orbit;” all rockets level off and begin a parabolic trajectory until out of sight.

If by parabolic you mean elliptical, then sure.

No, I say what I mean and the rockets are coming back down.

I can wrap my mind around NASA don't some kind of fuckery, but what's in it for a private company? SpaceX has a staff of 7000 with testing manufacturing and launch facilities in CA TX and FL. Why would someone waste half of their fortune on such an endeavor for zero gain?

They clearly aren't getting paid by other companies and nations to launch satellites since there's no space to go to, so they're definitely not making money with all the employees facilities and fakery that they have to support. It'd definitely be easier to just never exist. So what do all that they do?

To trick me? Why?

Not sure I understand something you said. If you say there’s no space to go to, you mean there’s no going to what we call “outer space?” Because if that’s what you think, then that answers your own question — of course it’s to trick you and others.

I'm just using your line of thought. I personally accept that outer space is real.

I'm asking why a rich private individual would waste his money of fakery? What in it for Mr. Musk? It seems like a poor business model to launch fake rockets with no income anyone launching actual satellites.

We don’t see all the money that flows under the table here. Not that money is the most important thing to psychopaths, but surely you agree that even the “world’s richest people” we are told about are not the actual richest people in the world, who control things and purchase governments and enterprises behind the scenes for their own means.

You may know that Werner Von Braun’s 1952 book The Mars Project featured a character named Elon in a leadership role. Musk is playing his part in a deception that’s been going on for generations.

Joe doesn't think that space is real.

It was out of love when he started a company? Really, not for profit, for love? Damn, ignorance truly is bliss...

Was it out of love when he accused a hero of being a pedophile without a shred of evidence? Was it out of love when he refused to apologise for the initial statement and eventually double downed and called him a pedo again? Was it out of love when he TRIPLE DOWNED and called the man a child rapist, and questioned why the accused hadn’t sued him yet if he was in fact innocent, WHEN ain reality, he was actually being sued by the same man.

So constant lying to the public and defamation of others in order to protect his own brand, is out of love? Gotcha.

Didn’t that guy start the whole thing by telling Musk to stick his submarine up his ass?

I agree that Musk, considering his position, should have been more measured in his response but I believe Musk was trying to do a good thing and that guy shit on it so it was open season as far as Musk was concerned.

He didn’t just randomly pick the guy out of a crowd and attack him.

No, Musk started everything when he did a PR stunt and acted like he was the next Messiah. He promptly went on to not contribute a single thing towards the actual rescue efforts, and still tried to take credit and act like he was the Chosen One.

The person leading the rescue mission stated that Musk doesn't understand how small some of the passages/entrances are to the caves (some as small as 60cm) and that his sub was completely unfeasible. He labeled it a blatant PR stunt (which it was), and yes, said on record that Musk could stick the sub where it hurts.

If that's grounds for a billionaire to start throwing false accusations so his cult fan base can have an excuse to run with instead of facing the actual truth, then I guess, we can agree to disagree lol.

The leader of the rescue mission stated they were going through with their plan, and if unsuccessful, they would 'consider' Musk's. He basically implied they didn't give a shit about Musk's sub, which of course, rubbed Musk the wrong way because he wants to put his brand name in the middle of everything, which then led him to make another false accusation that the man was exaggerating his position (he wasn't, he was literally the leader of the rescue mission and had close to 20 years of experience navigating that exact cave system that the children were stuck in).

So we have 3 false accusations from Musk, to divert attention from his obvious PR stunt... also, whilst Musk was trying to defend his sub, he said he would fly to cave itself and record a video of his sub working successfully! You might've guessed it, we're still waiting on that video...

"He added Musk was 'asked to leave very quickly' after he turned up at the cave entrance." That's your innovative hero? Got asked to leave very quickly lmao.


https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Pedo1.png?w=960 - claiming he will video the submarine successfully descending down the cave


https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/sorry.png?w=960 - apologised for his earlier accusations that you're now defending lmao... what do we call that again, when you're famous and you say something in the heat of the moment, and then apologise later to the public... a PR move?


https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/elon2.png?w=960 - Elon triple downing on the pedo accusation after the apology, and questioning why he isn't being sued if the man really is innocent... when in fact, he is being sued LOL #staywokesheeple

tl;dr "I dont like Elon Musk"

No shit. I skipped to the bottom after the first 3 paragraphs.

This guy hates Elon Musk like it’s his job.

He spends most of his time doing actual engineering. He's a highly skilled engineer. It was never about moving money around for him and still isn't.

No he doesn't LOL, god you've just revealed how uninformed you are... Musk is an excellent businessman (questionable decisions lately, but nonetheless) but he isn't involved in the complex engineering of Tesla and SpaceX. He hires excellent engineers and scientists for that lmao...

He said in the latest rogan interview he spends 80-90% of his time actually coding, doing electrical engineering etc for his business. So he lied?

And so what if he hires other engineers, doesn't stop him from designing systems and participating, he's a qualified engineer.

So he lied?

Yep, also, Santa's not real...


he's a qualified engineer

He's got an undergrad/Bachelor's in Physics and Economics. He's a 'self taught' engineer.

Ya, with tesla specifically it was out of his desire to see electric vehicles come to fruition imho. Profit would've been a side-benefit, not his primary motive.

Think about it. If he wanted to make money there are million other companies he could've purchased. Maybe he was thinking in some extremely maniacal, long-term plan where he is successful and everyone is driving his cars, and then he has control like the current oil industry and makes a lot of money, but instead, he's invested his own money time and time again and almost saw the company fail.

He was then the sole investor in their $40M Series E round in mid-2008, during the financial crisis, and arranged a $40M bridge loan in late 2008, saving the company from bankruptcy; and took the reigns as CEO. Musk put so much of his own wealth into Tesla, that in 2009 he was living off of personal loans from friends.

I dunno... there's a lot of bullshit in politics and the media, and I see Musk as something different. He would be a better president than Trump, no doubt, and imho, would be better than Obama. What about 'president of the world?' Would you even trust anyone for that job? Hard question, I'd probably so no... but there is some merit to the argument. At this point, I feel like it'd be a smart move making Musk President of the world just to get us out of this shit hole we've dug ourselves into.

maybe that is me being ignorantly optimistic

That is you being ignorantly optimistic. Trust me, I’ve been there, it’s easier to live in this world if you convince yourself a billionaire has YOUR best interests as his first priority over his own... you would have to be incredibly dense to continue to support that notion.

At this point, I feel like it’d be a smart move making Musk President of the world

Okay, honestly, please take this circlejerk back to /r/Futurology LOL. I am rationally analysing Musk’s actions while supporting evidence to claims of his lies and deception, while people tell me their ‘feelings’ on how they think Musk should be a global dictator... reality truly is stranger than fiction.

Elon pays more in alimony and child support in a month than most people make in their entire lives.

I don’t think the guy is motivated by money.

What about paypal?

He didn't 'start' Tesla, he bought Tesla.

This is true, but it's not like the Tesla we have today. He put a lot into it, and it was probably smarter for him to buy a company than start one completely from scratch.

Elon Musk became CEO of Tesla by virtue of (a) being the best candidate for the job, (b) co-founding the company, (c) financing the company, (d) bailing out the company during the 2008 financial crisis, and (e) fighting for the job.

Elon Musk is considered a co-founder of the company. The company was incorporated in July 2003. Elon joined as Chairman of the Board in February 2004, investing in their Series A. He participated in their Series A (2004), Series B (2005), Series C (2006), Series D (2007), and Series E (2008).

In 2007 he converted 8 million preferred shares into common in order to control enough votes to remove Martin Eberhard as CEO, and then also participated in a bridge loan to avoid an attempt by Vantage Partners to dilute him with a new round.

He was then the sole investor in their $40M Series E round in mid-2008, during the financial crisis, and arranged a $40M bridge loan in late 2008, saving the company from bankruptcy; and took the reigns as CEO.

Musk put so much of his own wealth into Tesla, that in 2009 he was living off of personal loans from friends.


He spoke a bit about how stupid it was to go hard into tesla in 2007-2008 in hindsight towards the end of the podcast.

There is no such thing as space, the Earth is flat. And its not a simulation either, thats a deception. Once you realize this you see that the Bible is the truth

I just can't believe the flat earth theory. It makes no sense to me from what I personally understand from the physics I've observed on the world around me.

I believe in the theory that space is a vacuum, and it's fairly simple to understand why objects in a vacuum naturally form a spherical shape. It's the shape with the highest face area to volume ratio and is the "easiest" shape to form (no edges)... it's why bubbles are spheres instead of any other shape.

I've only seen one thing that could potentially disprove the flat earth theory. and I've done a lot of research on it in the past. I guess the issue is your view that the Earth is flat with space surrounding it. Thats not the actual view of the flat Earth model, its that theres the Earth, which is circular, and Antarctica is on the outer rim of the circle. Then there is essentially a dome covering it, called the Firmament in the Bible, and the Heavens above that. Stars aren't actual astronomical bodies as we know it, instead they're smaller objects (or even living things as described in the first book of Enoch, the only trustworthy one imo) on or close to the firmament.

Thanks for the clarification. Is that all that exists? What is beyond the heavens or this firmament?

I tend to take issue with such an egotistical, humanistic type of view in that we are the center of everything. It just doesn't make sense from any perspective that I look at it from.

How was this flat disc thing made? By a god?

Everything was made by God, just like the Bible says. The heavens mean actual Heaven like the Bible says, where God and the Angels reside. Thats all that exists according to the theory.

The only other worldview of some flat Earthers is that everything is a simulation. However that has no actual substantive evidence to back it up, and it drives people away from the Bible. I guess another thing that got me believing in the Biblical flat Earth view was the stuff on nephilim and the (1st) Book of Enoch.

Interesting, thanks for explaining your pov.

LOL, a business that is constantly on the verge of bankruptcy does not have the luxury to spoil their employees.

What grinds my gears is that a man smoking pot gets federal funding at the same time as pot being illegal. Also, speed the video to 1.5 for a coherent conversation.

Good podcast if you're having trouble sleeping as nothing fucking happens

Joe's past his prime unless he gets AJ back on without the flatearth clown interupting

I agree with you. I was excited to just experience him in longform, and while he definitely exhibits that high genius aloofness, look at what he is doing. He has an altruistic big picture vision and he is moving forward with that vision at blazingly fast speeds.

I wanted him to be more emotional, engaged, and laid-back, but that is just not his style. He is NOT a PR guy, and nor should he be. That type of mind just keeps innovating until there is nothing more to improve. I'm kind of suprised he's being 'allowed' to progress as far as he has by shadow elements, giving the nature of his goals. Maybe he cracked a deal with them? I don't know, but if he means what he says, I think ultimately we as a species will be better for it.

I also definitely think that Joe's had a 'talkin to'. Years ago, he would have been digging at N. Tesla conspiracies and that interview of Ol' Musky's where he kinda downplays Nikola's AC current, we wouldn't be where we are today without it, so it begs the question of what he really thinks about Tesla in terms of the fringey-conspiritorial side of things. I've been a big fan of the renewable energy push, as he puts it, there is a fuckin giant nuclear reactor in the sky that can power everything we do 100x over, if we just harness it.

There's things to dislike/hate about anybody. I disagree with the employee treatment for sure. I just don't think its sinister or malicious by nature, revolutions are not often peaceful in nature, and if it takes some sacrifice to get to a better and more proficient level of sustainability, I'm for it. The human species is not scaling up economies, and we are exponentially increasing in population. At some point, we will come to resource choke points, then resource wars. The types of innovation he is bringing to the collective table are the types that might actually put a dent in the aforementioned issues of fast growing population and an ever shrinking resource pool. We just might have a chance, but its a precarious ledge we rest upon.

Man Who's Totally Baked Says Love is The Answer, this news coming up at 11.

You may be confusing the effects of alcohol with the effects of cannabis.

Not totally baked. He didn’t even inhale, just puffed it like a cigar.

Thanks for proving you didn't even watch the podcast but came here to shitpost u/Klarser

Reddit’s gonna run with those Tesla Easter eggs right?

" Tesla Easter eggs "? eggsplain please!

He said there’s some hidden things the car can do that can be google searched, but others haven’t been found yet

thanks man!

This might be his turning point. Legit if he has to go to trial over his tweets about the "bath house" guy the board will remove him thus causing his "green goblin" like evil villian turn. I'm only half joking dudes got the money an ablity.

Elon Musk is the only vestige of hope I have for USA in over a decade. Hes the only man putting his name on anything good and happy and ground breaking.

I don't think it's "groundbreaking", I think it's Tesla's breaking, amirite? Hehe

Bummer, and Im downvoted with no replies! I cant think of something that fights the falcon shuttles, though I am open to the retards downvoting me citing something as equal.

I dont mean to be rude but Elon seemed abit lost during the interview maybe its because of the weed Rogan gave him.

That's not being derogatory. It's one of the main effects of weed and I guarantee you Rogan wasn't sharing schwag with freaking Elon Musk.

Ur a shart

Elon didn't even take a real hit, he did a cigar puff and even said he felt no effect afterwards. He's just socially awkward, was kind of difficult for him and Joe to connect.

Elon didn't even take a real hit, he did a cigar puff and even said he felt no effect afterwards. He's just socially awkward, was kind of difficult for him and Joe to connect.

Elon didn't even take a real hit, he did a cigar puff and even said he felt no effect afterwards. He's just socially awkward, was kind of difficult for him and Joe to connect.

He didnt even inhale.. how about the whiskey he was drinking the whole time?

I just sat and watched the whole thing. Fascinating guy, not at all what I expected him to be. I am now anxiously awaiting whatever that "order of magnitude leap" is that he hinted at from NeuralLink or whatever it was called. He constantly was referring to the bandwidth of our connection to our technology, which in stupid-speak is essentially how fast can we give and receive information through our phones/computers/etc. Though he did not specify I believe he's got people working on making typing obsolete, a.k.a. some sort of direct brain link to the internet where we can transmit our thoughts into typed format.

Yes, that was such a beautiful way to end it.

Do people Employed by Elon Musk and the many companies he does own submit their employees to a drug test before being hired, and if so is Elon exempt and yes I know they where in California, but something is just not square with me on that...... thoughts?

Elon seemed so off in that video. His eyes kept farting back and forth and he took forever to make his point. Just a really weird dude to be supposedly the head of all these projects.

I hate when my eyes are farting back and forth.

Really clears out a room.

I'm twenty minutes in and the way he answered the question after a long pause freaked me out. I know this he is a robot warning us about the future.. Hopefully I feel the same sense of hope by the end of if!

Elon is depressed.

Elon didn't even know (or want to talk) about graviton based propulsion, what a fucking normie.



Elon didn't even know, or want to talk about graviton based propulsion what a fucking normie.


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As a day one listener of the pod, Ive come to really despise Joe.

Musk came off great, Joe came off creepy, desperate and manipulative...feigning humility. Elon is the real deal.

As a day one listener of the pod, Ive come to really despise Joe.

Musk came off great, Joe came off creepy, desperate and manipulative...feigning humility. Elon is the real deal.

I got a feeling he was putting on a little bit of an act. There are videos of him from the past and he wasn't acting like this textbook "aloof genius" straight from central casting that he appears to be playing here.

Even Rogan said one of his first answers felt like a scene out of a movie.

Finally, all of his answers were the same as you would get if you just asked random people about robots are AI. I've watched podcasts with philosophers or futurists who had more insight.

Dude......where do you get your weed from?

Joe Rogan

What the fuck did I just read

Says “love is the answer” while hoarding resources and people are dying for it.

You folks buy it.

Jesus fuck

Not buying it. He's an actor, and not very good at it.

Then you’re one of the attentive ones, good on you friend.

Correct me if I'm wrong. Elon Musk has the same ideas most, if not all, of us have from time to time. Only difference is he has the money to pay people to make it happen. Is this an inaccurate description?

I would just like to understand the worship of Elon Musk and how great he would be considered without money.

Yeah everyone glosses over that. I just found out that Elon wasn't even a founder or original engineer involved with Tesla. And he took millions from George Soros.

And he launches goddamn NSA satellites so the Feds can spy on us even harder.

Without money, you're a delusional day-dreaming person. With money, you're a good-will hunting visionary

Gigantic fuck you to everyone who ever made fun of the ending of Interstellar.

Wow r/conspiracy has gone downhill. Is it all just neo-nazis and people asskissing billionaires now?

How about this he recently committed felony fraud and stock manipulation to stroke his own massive ego. He is a fucking dick not a great guy and should be in prison. So sad to see his cult of personality has spread even here.

Haven’t watched it yet but does Joe ask him any questions regarding the genocide of white boers in South Africa?

How do you guys feel about Elon launching classified spy shit for the Feds and using George Soros money to keep Tesla afloat?

Elon wasn't "stripping off his facades"... he seems to be a genuine guy all the time. He's incredibly intelligent as you can always see his mind working but it's not a cheesy thing to say either, it's undeniably true. People who spread hate and speak poorly of others are the scum of the Earth and some of the most stupid people in the world, because hate achieves nothing whereas love is very progressive.

What does his shit say? "Occupy _______"?



Love is the answer to what? What does that statement mean substantively? What does saying it *actually* do?

It was good to see this side of Musk

I had the same feeling. Elon is on a mission to make this world a lot better. And Rogan is helping with that.

Musk insanely interesting this was an awesome podcast

Why is this on conspiracy?

Stop shilling. Elon is so full of shit and Rogan is openly hostile to conspiracy theories.

Ding ding

Yea dude. Companies like Tesla and Spacex will be taught about in history as companies that changed the way we did cars and rockets. I hope he is ok mentally he seems like he is struggling.

Fuck that guy elon and joe , 2 corporate shills


applies tongue to underside of boot


Did anyone else think that whilst Elon was talking about AI and human emotions, that he KINDA came off as an AI trying to blend in with humans? I felt it so hard. Lol.

Best podcast ever

Just one big PR move by Elon to cover for the times he let people see his real face.

Just a month ago


This was on the front page of reddit and everyone agreed that Elon is human filth who treads his employees like shit!

But today he's the Messiah for reddit against because he smoked weed. Never mind that he said he didn't even liked it and wouldn't recommend it...

2020 do it.

I firmly believe Elon Musk is a very rare type of person. I think he's a once in several hundred year type of person that changes the world.

  There's something special about him. His soul shines brighter, his mind is more clear.

  I'm agnostic but... Thank God we have him.

You sound like a fanatical believer.

No, Musk started everything when he did a PR stunt and acted like he was the next Messiah. He promptly went on to not contribute a single thing towards the actual rescue efforts, and still tried to take credit and act like he was the Chosen One.

The person leading the rescue mission stated that Musk doesn't understand how small some of the passages/entrances are to the caves (some as small as 60cm) and that his sub was completely unfeasible. He labeled it a blatant PR stunt (which it was), and yes, said on record that Musk could stick the sub where it hurts.

If that's grounds for a billionaire to start throwing false accusations so his cult fan base can have an excuse to run with instead of facing the actual truth, then I guess, we can agree to disagree lol.

The leader of the rescue mission stated they were going through with their plan, and if unsuccessful, they would 'consider' Musk's. He basically implied they didn't give a shit about Musk's sub, which of course, rubbed Musk the wrong way because he wants to put his brand name in the middle of everything, which then led him to make another false accusation that the man was exaggerating his position (he wasn't, he was literally the leader of the rescue mission and had close to 20 years of experience navigating that exact cave system that the children were stuck in).

So we have 3 false accusations from Musk, to divert attention from his obvious PR stunt... also, whilst Musk was trying to defend his sub, he said he would fly to cave itself and record a video of his sub working successfully! You might've guessed it, we're still waiting on that video...

"He added Musk was 'asked to leave very quickly' after he turned up at the cave entrance." That's your innovative hero? Got asked to leave very quickly lmao.


https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Pedo1.png?w=960 - claiming he will video the submarine successfully descending down the cave


https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/sorry.png?w=960 - apologised for his earlier accusations that you're now defending lmao... what do we call that again, when you're famous and you say something in the heat of the moment, and then apologise later to the public... a PR move?


https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/elon2.png?w=960 - Elon triple downing on the pedo accusation after the apology, and questioning why he isn't being sued if the man really is innocent... when in fact, he is being sued LOL #staywokesheeple

No shit. I skipped to the bottom after the first 3 paragraphs.

This guy hates Elon Musk like it’s his job.

Gee another edited comment...

You haven't blocked me because then you will not know what I am saying. You should block me then I would still be able to respond to you and you would not know. It would save me time.

And yes, the Doppler effect is taught in college physics.... should I link you a video lecture, PowerPoint presentation, or just speak from experience when I myself learned about it in college physics class?

Never said it wasn't taught in college physics did I. You strongly implied it was a college level subject to which I corrected you.

Ok, well now that you have admitted you’re not going to ether show your work, give any hint of knowing what you’re talking about, or do anything except continue your parasitic echolalia, you can stop spamming this and every thread with non sequitur references that mean nothing to anyone unfortunate enough to witness your bizarre obsession with my every comment.

Funny you never show your work. You honestly want me to post my GPS coordinates so people like you can know my physical address???

There’s a difference between telling a middle school student “hear the way a car horn gets higher as the car approaches and lower as it passes you? That’s the Doppler effect” and a college physics class learning about mechanical waves. But then again, all you require to consider yourself an expert is to be able to regurgitate a few words.

Since when are EM waves "mechanical waves"? The Aether isn't real you know.

All you can do is say “spend 80 dollars;” no jackass, I’m not going to spend 80 dollars because my NASA loving stalker said to.

You won't even do simple geometry experiments that require zero money. You basically appear to not have done any experiments at all.

All you have are feelings.

Check my posting history...:) Not a flat Earther.

However I evidently can't respond to the correct post that was meant to be a response to joe.

Yeah, I wouldnt call Neuralink or other BCIs Artificial Intelligence at all. Though they would likely operate in conjunction with AI, I'd use a term like Intelligence Augmentation or Amplification. But I think they are still a cause for concern.

I don't think it's ridiculous to assume that once some people start getting them, there will be a threshold population percentage, (maybe 51%) where when a certain amount of people augment their intelligence, those with "natural" intelligence will simply have to give in or fall behind society. We see this today with phones and internet access. You pretty much need a phone and internet access in some capacity to carry a job or go to school.

Navy Lieutenant Carl Governale wrote in his white paper on BCIs: "connecting BCIs to a network will pose ethical, health, and operational risks. If a BCI becomes a two-way street, then anti-tamper, spoofing, intercept, and brain control are all considerations that must be incorporated in the performance parameters". That to me is a reason to take a big step back and ask if that's something we really want to be getting ourselves into in the first place. But at the end of the day I understand the answer to that will always be "then someone else will do it."

All of it. I’ve specifically asked you numerous times now to show your work in gathering this data, explaining the steps of how you obtain, process, and interpret it, showing any math you use. It’s not that hard to upload a photograph of some math problems or equipment and write your username on something in the corner. This is an easy way you could back your claim that you’ve done this experiment “many times.” Make a YouTube video. Post it to a space fan boy or Scientism fanboy subreddit. But no, you can give no evidence that you even understand the sentence fragments above, let alone that you have performed the experimentation which you claim.

Funny you ignored all the times I asked you for your work in the past but suddenly it is critical that I give you my location?

It’s not that hard to upload a photograph of some math problems or equipment and write your username on something in the corner.

You will just say it is Photoshopped. Well you will probably type photoshop because proper nouns are difficult.

But no, you can give no evidence that you even understand the sentence fragments above, let alone that you have performed the experimentation which you claim.

You never give any evidence at all. BTW I have, in the past, given exactly that description to a 7th grader and they figured out how to replicated the GPS experiments.

Childish games like asking you to prove your claims...... hahahahahahaa.

What a joke.

You act like I haven't been asking you for nearly 2 weeks to prove your claims which you ignore or refuse to do each and every time.

Again why apply requirements to me that you don't even apply to yourself?

I just can't believe the flat earth theory. It makes no sense to me from what I personally understand from the physics I've observed on the world around me.

I believe in the theory that space is a vacuum, and it's fairly simple to understand why objects in a vacuum naturally form a spherical shape. It's the shape with the highest face area to volume ratio and is the "easiest" shape to form (no edges)... it's why bubbles are spheres instead of any other shape.

I've only seen one thing that could potentially disprove the flat earth theory. and I've done a lot of research on it in the past. I guess the issue is your view that the Earth is flat with space surrounding it. Thats not the actual view of the flat Earth model, its that theres the Earth, which is circular, and Antarctica is on the outer rim of the circle. Then there is essentially a dome covering it, called the Firmament in the Bible, and the Heavens above that. Stars aren't actual astronomical bodies as we know it, instead they're smaller objects (or even living things as described in the first book of Enoch, the only trustworthy one imo) on or close to the firmament.

Everything was made by God, just like the Bible says. The heavens mean actual Heaven like the Bible says, where God and the Angels reside. Thats all that exists according to the theory.

The only other worldview of some flat Earthers is that everything is a simulation. However that has no actual substantive evidence to back it up, and it drives people away from the Bible. I guess another thing that got me believing in the Biblical flat Earth view was the stuff on nephilim and the (1st) Book of Enoch.