Questions I have for everyone/normal people

1  2018-09-08 by noob3_flowers

When's the last time you relied on a public source for news/information? Oh? Most of all of your news and information comes from privately owned social media, websites and broadcasting stations? How do you know it's free of bias and uncensored? Private corporations dont have to honor the first amendment and might and can censor information we receive. Even select, public news like NPR can withhold information or publish a biased story, because public is in the name does not mean they dont have an agenda to push. Will there even be a Conspiracy subreddit in 10, 20 years? Can other countries freely browse conspiracy theories?..

How unhappy do you feel if you're unable to buy something you want and are you happy when your needs are met? Do you think you need to upgrade something that is currently functioning as intended? Do you dream of luxury items or feel like you could have a bigger house or better things? Why does it seem that feeling discontent is tied in with our media outlets? Everyone is happy at their core, yet we continually are told otherwise. Silly, isnt it? Can you really live a wretched life with a warm bed and full belly, friends and family in tow and healthy? But why do so many of you seem to focus on the rich, and how toiling away, meeting your needs and living your life is so.. unfulfilling?

Why do so many people think like this? It's all connected, obviously media and advertising, but there is something more sinister at play. Almost as if a ghostly hand is lording over us, and not at a deep state or illuminati level either; it is fairly plain to see how we are being manipulated. It's right in front of us. This is why conspiracy theorists are sometimes labeled crazy, unstable or paranoid.

Because there's no conspiracy. This isnt even getting into the medical field, this isnt getting into our education or prison system. There are people influencing my whole country to be unhappy when happiness is at every human's core.

8) thanks for readinv


Yes as I get downvoted and before I delete this, there are conspiracies at play but do not let them be a distraction from what is so obviously happening right in front of us and so plain to see. Cheers.

Don't delete it. It's a good post.

I come from corners of the internet that have been completely scrubbed, so I'm quite use to deleting my writings as more and more safe havens are collapsed.

There is no “delete”. Never forget that.

Ha, good point. Burying things does make them harder to find, yes?.. If someone really needs to find deleted files or text, more power to them. Would be a much greater concern for those with ill-intent, however, not a big deal for a post like this.

Infowars and prison planet huh?

I think something happened there. Around the time we had the massive swine flu outbreak back around 2010 I believe it coincided with President obamas trip to Mexico city which was ground zero for the outbreak. Prison Planet ran a lot of stories tracking the out break and degrees of mutation of the strains then all of a sudden it just dropped everything.

I really want to know why they just walked away from what seemed like a huge story.

It looked like they were on the path to proving the initial outbreak was man made before it mutated to a less lethal version.

:) not really those websites

Swine Flu didnt really turn out to be anything, I dont think, it just sounded scary x_x right?

Watch how to get down voted :)

I was an npr listener and supporter for about 8-10 years as I felt it was an excellent source of news and information. This was about the time foxnews and CNN went all propaganda.

I know Npr always had a liberal bias but during the last election they become full blown anti Trump pro Hillary. I was kind of surprised at how blatantly bias their reports and programs become and have not listened since.

I take a healthy dose of BBC world and BBC America then try to find the truth somewhere in the middle.

Most shooters are white, arnt they?.. We've had a few Arab shooters?.. pretty sure Pulse shooter was arab.. but also a closeted homosexual, supposedly?

I'd like to elaborate that I really like this reply, and even as a Clinton supporter I too kind of quit trusting NPR a bit earlier than this because of this article:

When they followed the media trend of Trump bashing, like every other liberal media outlet, pathetic distraction, a ploy for more donations from righteous, brain washed leftists?..still not as nefarious or suprising as blatant disinformation pretaining to your health, lol n_n;;

I'd like to elaborate that I really like this reply, and even as a Clinton supporter I too kind of quit trusting NPR a bit earlier than this because of this article:

When they followed the media trend of Trump bashing, like every other liberal media outlet, pathetic distraction, a ploy for more donations from righteous, brain washed leftists?..still not as nefarious or suprising as blatant disinformation pretaining to your health, lol n_n;;

Yes as I get downvoted and before I delete this

Too slow...

Is everything on reddit archived like this?..

I archived the link as a friendly jest... just ribbing you... :-)

But yes, EVERYTHING on Reddit is permanently archived by Reddit (and elsewhere -- many elsewheres)

Everything on the net is archived somewhere... by Three Letter Agencies or whatever.

That's that.

Questions I have for everyone/normal people

Why would you come here to try to address that audience?

Watch it, fella.. I'm gonna have employment in like three months..

Guess it depends on their definition of "everyone/normal" lol ;P

Originally this started out as a FB rant, but was way too crazy so I dropped it here instead

Probably could've just deleted it just seems like mouth diarrhea

Yea, that's what I thought too but people liked it so, idk. I'm glad there's someone on my level, atleast

Family and Friends. Two of the, if not the most important things in this short Life we are given within the almost inconceivable age of our Universe. What else matters? Money? Fame? All those things eventually fall away and die. But our blood, and those we consciously choose to include within our life? Those create the foundations for which the ripple effects of our existence in this Universe echo outwards.

Isnt it great to delve into our ancestry? Wouldnt our greatest of grandfathers think we were a little bit spooky now?.. or awestruck at their sprawling lineages? Kinda weird to think we're just the combination of the combination of our parent's parents etc.. and yet it is all meaningless if we continue to pilfer away our planet for frivolous luxuries and other excess.

I honestly don't know if this is sincere or ancient propaganda along the lines of, "blessed are the poor," and if you are poor now it is because you were a bad human in your earlier reincarnations.

Because we are quite deliberately being driven into a politically powerless property and wealth free mass of very dissatisfied poor.

How is that going to work out for the, there must be a profit from every human need, people at the top of the heap? Everyone is going to be very poor, but being told to buy happiness when they are too poor to buy any. Is it called social unrest?

And do they believe that this technology will purchase the necessary controls to achieve that without great violence?

Ancient propaganda? Were not blessed because were poor, we are blessed to be the most intelligent and resilient creature in our known Galaxy. Money or not, we are truly marvels of nature. What do extra coins or trinkets have to do with anything?..

Tell that to the parent of a child who needs medical care but can't pay?

In America you can get any sort of treatment in the ER and be billed later. Other countries I am not so sure of, but yes, food and medicine are very important certainly - but that is an exception.

Medicine is a rabbit hole I'd rather not post about on here anyway :p

That isn't true. ERs only have to preserve life. What you are saying about the poor being allowed to receive treatment for anything but emergencies has not been true for years. Since the county hospitals were closed and replaced with for profit hospitals. Some rural counties don't have a hospital.

Ok, there's no hope! You win! Life is misery, thanks a lot for your insight. Totally sarcastic but you are one happy person, Haha :) feel free to wallow in misery and fucking die sick, you pathetic waste.

The hospital emergency rooms are only required by law to do that, intervene to prevent death, of course they can just stall around until death occurs and there are no consequences.

Sorry I have to reread your post, but my point was that the people at the top of the heap are not any happier, and violence is never for the greater good just more examples of terrible power, greed and unrest

No one knows what happiness is but the ones at the top do live much longer than the ones at the bottom.

Source? Arnt the oldest living people typically from weird asian countries with low standards of living and nutrition dense, low calorie diets?

Do you have a source for your suggestion that people with low standards of living live longer?

I think pretty much 2/3rds of those articles are brainwash to just make you work harder for more money. The other article goes into education=healthier choices, less prominent addiction rates etc. Which is a valid point, but rich does not always=more educated.

I think pretty much 2/3rdd of those articles mention, a lifetime of better than average nutrition and health care and lack of total despair.
Stress is a real killer, and it is real stressful to not know where your next meal will come from, or having to work for an abusive boss, or never receive even minimum health care.

Double posting but what do you mean noone knows what happiness is? Have you yourself not felt or known happiness? This is a silly question, a silly reply to a silly comment.

Happiness as a short term event, sure and about equal to sadness events.

Are we not speaking of lifetimes and how much time is spent in fear, real and imagined; holding grievances, real and imagined; seeking or dreaming or retribution and justice; versus time spent feeling satisfied and content,

is that what you mean as happiness, those times of comfort, satisfaction and contentment?

Happiness as a short term event, sure and about equal to sadness events.

Are we not speaking of lifetimes and how much time is spent in fear, real and imagined; holding grievances, real and imagined; seeking or dreaming or retribution and justice; versus time spent feeling satisfied and content,

is that what you mean as happiness, those times of comfort, satisfaction and contentment?

there is no conspiracy of the 1%. there is a conspiracy of the .0001% . There is a group of a few thousand individuals that control this entire planet. And they get their marching orders from an even smaller cabal.

But sure, let's go with the kumbaya, "happiness is all" delusion. That certainly doesn't mirror the life of a farm animal bread for slaughter at all.

Wow, interesting. Can you tell me more about the individuals that controls the planet? Who are they?

If we were bread to be slaughtered, we wouldn't know any different, we wouldn't even have basic language skills unless we received a formal education until whatever age humans would be, uh, edible at? So yes, it would be wretched, obviously, and obviously the meat industry plays a big part in resource destruction and heart disease.

Happiness=contentment not happiness=hippies singing Kumbaya. Another excellent example of how someone has forfeited their own emotion to a media stereotype of happiness, feel free to PM me if you need any guidance.

happiness is found in leading a purposeful existence.

as for the "slaughter animals", you have problems grasping metaphors, feel free to PM if you need them explained.

I was taking it literally, literally. I will PM you though, thanks a lot ;) <3

Well if the people at the top aren't happy, they can start by reversing their parasitic bullshit system. Maybe it's archons or maybe they're just psychopaths. What point is there in an NWO? Satanic garbage.

Yes! Until they reveal a strategy to benefit the greater good, satanic is an excellent choice of label :)

we now live in a world where, at least for me, there isnt a single source of news or information i trust completely

You can trust me when I tell you that fiber mixes with water in your gut to pull toxins out of your blood into your excrement. Ascorbic acid is very important for your immune system, as are the macronutrients for your energy and strength... you can freeze to death, humans need shelter; Sunlight is good, but not too much. If a pretty human is nice to you and advances on you, sexually, you can copulate and maybe even replicate yourself, imperfect but strangely even better..!which you get to feed and shelter until they make more replicants :)

What more is there to know?Devastation? Terror? Unrest? Good things will find you in time, just like anything bad might.. :) be careful of distractions, good of you to not trust what is being broadcast anyway. Pointless information, pointless thoughts, pointless existence.

You can trust me when I tell you that fiber mixes with water in your gut to pull toxins out of your blood into your excrement. Ascorbic acid is very important for your immune system, as are the macronutrients for your energy and strength... you can freeze to death, humans need shelter; Sunlight is good, but not too much. If a pretty human is nice to you and advances on you, sexually, you can copulate and maybe even replicate yourself, imperfect but strangely even better..!which you get to feed and shelter until they make more replicants :)

What more is there to know?Devastation? Terror? Unrest? Good things will find you in time, just like anything bad might.. :) be careful of distractions, good of you to not trust what is being broadcast anyway. Pointless information, pointless thoughts, pointless existence.

What more is there to know?Devastation? Terror? Unrest? Division? Death? Good things will find you in time, just like anything bad might.. :) be careful of distractions, good of you to not trust anyway. Pointless information, pointless thoughts, pointless existence.

To be honest, I go to Reddit. I am generally a liberal, so I have never been fond of Fox News. However, I don't believe CNN either. I work two jobs to support my family, so I'm not watching or listening to anything. I browse Reddit on my phone when I take breaks. I get the usual biased news from r/world, r/politics, etc, but then I feel like being subscribed to subs like r/conspiracy helps to keep it balanced.

they want us to worship their money, and have created materialism. the solution to that is minimalism. if you need very little to be happy its easier to be happy.

I couldn't agree more. I'm single and don't have people over very often.

I have 2 of each silverware a couple plates and 4-5 glasses . I go over to a friends house who is also single yet he has a set of 10 of's ridiculous. Less is more to keep my life in order...

Clutter and useless shit just take up space. I'm in the process of saving up for a mid size RV. I've always wanted to visit all 50 states and am tired of the rat race.

The first time I realized just how special our country is was camping in the Smoky Mountains. I spent 3 days on each side (TN-NC) and I had a religious experience.

I highly recommend taking a trip by yourself. There is something about walking through the streams, hiking new trails and encountering bears, deer and other wildlife by yourself its invigorating and special.

One thing to take seriously if you are going to venture out by yourself is to bring along a GPS and let people know where you are going and when you expect to be back. Make a waypoint for each mile traveled and send it off to a designated friend every so often so if you happen to have your scalp ripped off by a mother bear they know where to send help.

Peace and love y'all.

Love you!

Excellent. Thank you, brother.

When the majority of human lives in this world are consumed by simply trying satisfy their most basic needs and the pain and suffering of privation interferes with all the simple joys and pleasures they too should be able to have, while ours only come from being only slightly better off by working for a system that allows an elite of less than 10% of the population to own and hoard over 2/3rds of all the wealth and property there is on the planet and be the only ones who truly benefit from it, then I'd say that's basically the underlying reason for our general discontent, wouldn't you?

We only work indirectly and peripherally to actually help one another in any real way while we focus all of our attention and efforts into working directly to help that 10% acquire even more wealth and property, which is another reason for our nagging discontent and general lack of satisfaction with even those simple joys we do manage to get out of life.

I totally feel where you're coming from. Today I thought "if I could cruise on my skateboard for the rest of my life, I probably wouldn't mind". That's where I truly feel happy tbh. Status. Status is what makes people discontent. We're always seeing people with better things, seeing people steal from one another, everywhere. In the end everybody dies so, I'm just gonna do whatever till then haha.

Freedom is not knowing what you don't have

No, that is ignorance! Freedom is being fuckin free!

I cannot figure out what it is you are actually trying to say.

In the last 60 years technology has changed dramatically. The internet has completely changed the world. It has created a fast pace world and everyone seems to be playing the rat race. Trying to be rich and powerful. But I don't want more money. That means more things, which means more problems, creating more stress. Stress is a killer and I don't want to spread myself to thin. The media is mostly a twisted transcript pushing a political agenda, some form or another. I trust my local news network but it is obvious the national news is at least said in a way that pushes a political view point. Social media is crap. I suggest staying away from that. This website is obviously push a political view point too. But all in all you have to make the decision in what you believe and you can be on the fence about something. And Fuck what other people think. Say what you want to. Words don't matter but actions do. I mostly second guess everything. I trying to view things in different perspectives and try and see both arguments. If I feel confident about oneside of and argument I stick to that, but It's never cut and dry.