Is calcification of the pineal gland a real thing? Is it really caused by fluoride?

1  2018-09-09 by g9g9g9g9

I want the truth. The more scientific the answers the better.

Is calcification of the pineal gland a real thing? Is it caused by fluoride they put in the water? If so, is it reversible?


I do not think you can calculus the penial with floriade. Just study a little harder you'll get it.

This was so unfunny

Harmonics and frequencies can just as easily hack back into it if yours is particularly calcified. Listen to some TOOL, you'll be just fine.

Solid advice

Heh, heh, yep tool is the tool.đź’©

Purely scientific answer.


This is only true after reversing the polarity of the neutron flow.

Any other suggestions? Just interested

And here's u/harbinger707 with the weather!

Absolutely. I experiment with different vitamins on a regular basis, and have found that some will temporarily de calcify the Pineal Gland. This allows for Lucid Dreaming/Astral Travel and interaction within the Astral Afterlife holding area.

What vitamins decalcify it?


Interesting. I've been taking iodine on occasion. Haven't noticed any changes personally

I find myself having very lucid dreams.

Give it 2 years. Also, Iodine's not enough, but I'm sure y'all know that.

What else

There's a thousand things with high fluoride that you can find to cut out of your life on google. Pretty much everything you eat is fluoridated so I chose a more relaxed approach to the topic and simply try to use clean water as often as I can, with an iodine supplement and some fluoride free toothpaste.

Best trick I have is switching to a dominantly bean-based diet. Dried beans are easy/cheap/nutritious and you can cook them with clean water.

However, I don't know if dried beans will have any significantly less fluoride than any supermarket vegetable... The beans are still irrigated with fluoridated water during growth, so does the fluoride evaporate away when the beans are dried or does the fluoride just solidify inside the bean? I don't know, but I wouldn't doubt it if the beans were no better.

But really, if you're trying to de-fluoridate to open your third eye, well, I'm afraid just the fluoride probably won't cut it. There's only one really high-probability method for this that I know of and that is... you have to suffer some kind of extreme trauma.

oh god...

How can you tell if it's calcified?

Did your spirit animal tell you this or do you have evidence to back it up?

It is a real thing. Not caused by fluoride. Caused by calcium buildup over a lifetime. Your arteries do the same thing. I'm a vascular surgical technologist.

If one wanted to, Is there any way to prevent/lessen the buildup?

I believe it's mostly genetic but I'm guessing eating healthy and exercising would be the best way to minimize it. But again, you can't stop genetics so if you are predisposed to it there's not really anything you can do.

Drinking “hard” water is a cause?

Not that I know of

Sea kelp, Iodine, aloe vera, plant based diet.

I'm no expert, but putting 2 and 2 together, we are the only species on the planet that consumes milk into adulthood.

Yeah very good point

Also the only species to drive cars, fly planes, set up huge power structures that corrupt and rape the following generations, all because we weren't of some original bloodline.

We do a lot that other species don't do, so I really hate that argument against consuming milk. I'm not gonna get into all of it here, but Milk is probably better than super fluoridated water, assuming all other aspects of diet are covered for.

Milk, especially how processed ours is, is absolutely horrible for you, and while I doubt it has something to do with calcification, to pretend otherwise is ignoring facts.

I never once said it wasn't horrible. I said that it's better than hyper fluoridated water, assuming all other areas of diet are in check. And I stand by that statement.

I also said that it's bad logic to say "we are the only species to do blank." because it is bad logic, list nearly anything you do on a daily basis, and I'm sure they'll mostly be human-only activities. Doesn't mean it has its place in a calcification discussion. Unless new evidence has came out to calcification from dairy, which I haven't seen yet.

Also, not to mention, milk isn't great for you, yeah. But let's not go throughing bullshit stones, either. Milk is better than soda, most caffeinated (sp? Lol) beverages, alcohol, some fermented drinks, and probably most water out there. Really, if your diet is SO optimized that removal of any animals milk does that much for you, kudos, as you're much better than most people.

Not to mention, you're thinking too large scale. Nutrition is far to differential from person to person. I have crohns, IBS, and EPS, yet I handle milk perfectly fine, and is actually one of the few things I can drink in a flair up to get any calories. Even with hardcore exclusion diets I didn't feel better removing it like I did removing carbs in general, and reintroducing dairy did nothing bad for me.

Really, my point was, his point had no place in this discussion, and it seemed misguided or at least misinformed

Processed milk is healthier than unprocessed.

We do a lot that other species don't do

I agree and I do not have strong feelings on this subject, but at the same time none of the things you mentioned have to do with calcium.

Also the government pushes milk. Milk is the only beverage the government has active promotion campaigns for that I know of.

It's not calcium that's inherently the issue though, it's the fluoride stopping the process of using it properly. A commenter below me posted a link to it.

And I agree, there are sketchy happenings at the government level with the dairy industry. But they're not pushing goat milk either. And you said "milk" so I assumed all, not just cow.

Also, the government has active campaigns with everything. There is no facet their slippery tendrils do not reach. But specifically for beverages, I can recall multiple campaigns for alcohol, soda, pharmaceutical liquids, etc etc.

It's not calcium that's inherently the issue though, it's the fluoride stopping the process of using it properly.

I have never heard that aspect before. I'll have to look into it. There is obviously something nefarious about fluoride IMO.

Not everything the government does it awful. Maybe milk is just milk. Not everything is a conspiracy.

apple cider vinegar

Fluoride is still a RETARDENT and the idea came from the nazis who were looking for a way to well, cause mental retardation in people over lengths of time.

^ Never posted here before, and the pineal gland has literally nothing to do with vacillate surgeries and is not a blood vessel.

Just pointing this out before you mindlessly upvote someone because they claim to have some insight that they couldn’t possibly have. You wouldn’t do that would you?

I'm just saying I know how calcium works in the body, so, not irrelevant.

do you have any pictues of a "calcified pineal gland".

can you describe the physiological mechanisms tat "calcify" a pineal gland?


too bad

well, the calcium builds up due to the dysregulation caused by fluoride.


Look at the paper linked in the topmost comment.

Ding ding ding

Just look up halogen class elements (that aren't iodine) effect on the endocrine system, you're welcome.

Too lazy to link but Harvard medical published an article in a national health magazine proving a link between lowered iq in children and fluoride consumption. I’ve read that fluoride does calcify the pineal gland, thatit is magnetically attracted to it.

Don’t be lazy as that’s not what the article says.

It was high doses of fluoride and not the amounts we receive in our water supply.

It builds up in time, add toothpaste fluoride too

No it doesn't. You have to ingest a large quantity in a short time frame.

If you want the truth then all you have to do is go looking for it, it's easy:

The first one is free.

Holy shit

This doesn't say what you think it says. It is a method of measurement, not a cause.

Pineal calcification is correlated with pineal fluoride. More fluoride, more calcification.

Meme shitter answers for a serious questions.

"because the risks associated with children having to undergo general anaesthesia to remove teeth is orders of magnitude higher than the nonexistent risks of water fluoridation."

Wow, very dishonest set of arguments.

This is an answer I typed up for a previous fluoride thread in this sub awhile back:

SO... most drinking water in the U.S. and Canada is fluoridated. This is because it is scientifically proven to significantly strengthen tool enamel against acid erosion, which would otherwise lead to massive pain and suffering and huge economic costs. This fact is not up for debate. Within a certain concentration range, there are no known negative effects. Western medicine does not see pineal gland calcification as harmful, in fact it doesn't seem to do anything really, and other structures calcify in the brain with age as well. BUT... is tooth decay the only reason water is fluoridated? It really, truly does help people's dental health... but this is where I put my tinfoil hat on... I suspect that this is the perfect cover. I suspect that the powers-that-be are aware of the potential for genuine mystical experiences somehow associated with the pineal gland. I suspect that the public shitstorm of ignorance on both sides of the heated water fluoridation debate is deliberately concocted to distract the masses from the true issue. I suspect that the masses are being drugged en mass to cut them off from genuine encounters with spirit. I've googled around for "pineal gland decalcification" methods but end up buried under mountains of woo. Can recommend a method based on real science and experimental evidence?

The conspiracy likely isn't even that complicated or out there. The chemicals used in the US/Canada to fluoridate water are waste products from various industrial processes. Anytime you have an industrial waste product that is not immediately harmful in small concentrations you have not a waste product, but just a new product to sell.

You have to pay to clean up industrial waste - but if you capture and resell the waste as a product, people pay you. The main conspiracy is that despite practically every government abandoning the 'public tooth health' nonsense cover, someone is still paying the US government to push that information so that that particular waste product is still profitable (compared to paying to dispose of it.)

youre exactly right .. the "fluoride is good for you you need it on your water" only became a thing in the literally week or two following laws prohibiting them from dumping the fluoride waste in the environment .. then all of a sudden it became imperitive for our health .. what a bust

This has been my theory, for the source of many food additives and preservatives.

Why pay to dump something, when you can water it down with food, and have the FDA tell you how many ppm you can get away with "safely".

So you're pretty much spot on. There are two places in the human body where crystals are produced, the inner ear (Otoliths) and in the pineal gland. What's interesting about the pineal ones is that they show strong birefringence and are piezoelectric, imo the perfect organ for an electromagnetic inner ear if you will...

As to specifics, I think this method might be helpful in all manners of neurodegenerative things, but it's very new and none has even tried it with humans but its basically just a flashing blue led at a specific frequency (gamma wave frequency)

What about uric acid crystals in the joints (gout). Or nephrolithiases formed from calcium oxalate crystals (kidney stones).

I should've specified as non pathological

Glad we here in north america can have strong tools, but what about our pineal glands? (/s @ typo)

In order to get the benefits you must swish the watwr in your mouth. People don't do that when drinking. Theres zero reason to have fluoride in the water

Agreed. The topical effect is what makes it work. Ideally, all persons eating a modern western diet would use mildly fluoridated toothpaste twice a day and get topical fluoride gel or varnish from a dental professional once or twice a year. But unfortunately, this will most likely NEVER happen, and millions of people will suffer painful and debilitating consequences from a completely preventable disease (dental caries aka tooth decay). The supposed reason to have it in the water is it's better than nothing for all these people without knowledge or access to proper dental care, and it really does seem to make a significant difference in prevention of decay. But of course, this assumes pineal calcification is nothing to worry about...

there is a war against spiritual encounters, the war on drugs is just one example among many. including water flouradation.

I first got interested in the subject when I moves to a non flourished water area and noticed how genuinely concerned and active the populous there was in comparison to other areas I lived.

I have personally experienced such encounters. If they were widespread and taken seriously, it would be very inconvenient for TPTB and not good for business.

Any idea how to reliably de-calcify?

If it were real, someone would have run a study and proven it, and someone else would be selling a pill to cure it by now.

I kind of agree with you but that really is lazy thinking. You can hand wave anything away with that kind of thinking.

How is it lazy though? We know how corrupt and money hungry the world is. If something like this existed, wouldn’t someone out there have researched it, come up with a treatment, patented it, and promoted it by now? Calling it a hand wave seems like a bit of a hand wave tbh.

What if it ain't a flaw in the design, but a feature desired by some?

There’s a whole scientific community, including students as well as researchers from other countries. This isn’t exactly a secret idea either. For example, if you were a researcher, who would be stopping you from studying this? It just seems to me like someone would have been able to figure it out by now. There are probably hundreds of thousands of pages written online about calcification of the pineal gland, and yet out of all that effort, none was put towards actually proving it? People prove things all the time, including things that go against TPTB. So where’s the research?

Here is an other research paper that might surprise you:

Some are starting to sell treatments, certain products like spirulina and cholerella can help detoxing your body. But it looks like if a researcher or doctor gets too much influence they can encounter some difficulties in their Life...

Can't you see the links between everything that is done to keep things secret and Humanity seperated and in misery?

I mean we've had electric cars for over a hundred years, and there are several patents for gas engines that get over a hundred miles to the gallon, and they aren't on the roads.

MSM helps dissolve calcium buildup.

can we just take a second to giggle at the word pineal.

9 m7

From Wikipedia:

"Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluoride will in time reduce an individual's power to resist domination by slowly poisoning and narcotising a certain area of the brain and will thus make him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him ... Both the Germans and the Russians added sodium fluoride to the drinking water of prisoners of war to make them stupid and docile."

They follow that by saying that it's a conspiracy theorist's trope that has been debunked.

Imagine that.

That's someone's quotation on wikipedia... not actual information.

If you're right why be deceptive?

"We report significant associations between NaF uptake and aging as well as HU in the calcified choroid plexus and epithalamus. " Am I reading this right? We are aging faster /more due to this calcification?