Why is barely anybody talking about the fact that our planet has already entered its 6th Mass Extinction? Do you people really think "everything is going to be ok" ?!?! GeoEngineering / Climate Engineering are the main causes.

1  2018-09-11 by moeron60

The MSM is trying their best to keep this fact brushed under the rug, and the closer we get to complete biosphere collapse the harder it will be to keep covering it up.





https://www.climate.gov/news-features/understanding-climate/after-2000-era-plateau-global-methane-levels-hitting-new-highs (this article is a perfect example of blatant lies and pacification...the rising methane levels are from the planet heating up and massive methane deposits deep underground and under the oceans being released as the atmosphere and the oceans are quickly heating up)

TPTB are down-playing the severity of the situation. Using the words in Their articles like "could" "may" "might" and are trying to cover it up until the last possible moment, before it can no longer be covered up anymore.

Do some minor research, look up "mass animal die off" or "methane levels rising" or "solar radiation management"

TPTB are spraying heavy metals into our atmosphere in an attempt to temporarily cool the planet because it's heating up very quickly. A massive snow storm in any major city during the winter months will have the entire U.S. population convinced that all is well - this is but another pacification making sure it seems like business as usual as the entire ecosystem around is dying BY THE DAY. TPTB are modifying our weather systems, some of you already fully acknowledge this yet would prefer to talk about staged political theater - NEWSFLASH, Trump is just another puppet POTUS he is not on your side, the U.S.'s side or any other side that benefits the common person. His administration is taking measures to rip apart the little EPA regulations we already had (the EPA is corrupt to the core like any other department of the U.S. government) and the world is suffering exponentially worse than anyone could have thought. If anything, Trump is actually working with the DNC and once again this entire political theater is a giant show, a staged performance and if you think every POTUS going back to at least JFK was a staged puppet while simultaneously thinking Trump is somehow different, you are delusional.


But I digress, EVERYONE NEEDS TO BE THINKING ABOUT THE EARTH'S CLIMATE AND ECOSYSTEMS FIRST AND FOREMOST. Very soon, within our lifetimes (I am 28) we will start to see SEVERE 'weather whiplash' as TPTB continue to poke and prod the planet's natural weather systems with Their technologies. GeoEngineering is on the top of the list for issues we need to come together and expose or we won't have a planet to complain about politics on. THIS IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW, this is not some far-off 'thing' that you can push into the back of your mind while you watch football or go to a music festival and get high - the planet is on the brink of complete biosphere collapse. We are on track for a Runaway Greenhouse Effect, which means our planet will not be able to heal itself once inevitable (and very soon) climate collapse happens....and will essentially turn into Venus as all the methane that's beneath the arctic is no longer permafrosted. PLEASE TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY.

This is more important than ANYTHING. We are facing certain climate collapse and what are you going to do when the trucks stop delivering food to our precious grocery stores?



Hoooo boy your tinfoil hat must be big !!! Ahahah you're trying to scare people with green agenda, this is utter bullshit, man don't cause climate change, maybe we speed it a little, but hotter and colder phase are common on earth since the start !! Also, for the instinction, it's normal, but somehow, someday, a new specie will rise and will be adapted for "hotter climate" or "methanised climate" like you said !

You come to /r/conspiracy and label this guy a "conspiracy nut" congrats you're a part of the problem. No wonder we can't begin to tackle the biggest issue of our time smh

Seriously, you are in r/conspiracy and are calling me out for tin foil hats. If this isn't a shill attempt I don't know what is.

I agree with what you said about the political theater, but this is at its core an economical and by extension political problem.

What we need is all of us to come together, organize and face the problem head on. I rather pretend everything is alright.

I'm convinced that for this to happen we need to remove all borders, remove all nationalism and pool our collective talents to see if we stand a chance, or if the great filter is gonna get us.

I live in the northwest suburbs on Chicago and am making efforts to organize some awareness spreading of Geo/Climate Engineering.

Wherever you are located if you can find the courage to be a leader and try to do the same that is literally the only thing we can do to cause any positive change in this dire hour.

That's very admirable. Keep doing what you're doing.

However like I said I belive that all of these issues are economical / political at the core and environmental activist are easily labeled as "hippies" or in some cases "terrorists". Good luck man!

No, this is a spiritual problem its core...which radiates out to politics and economics. Please, join me. Educate yourself on the world literally dying by the day, stop distracting yourself with stupid political theater!! Will you join the fight to try and sound the alarm?! Or will you keep going on business as usual, pretending everything will be ok?!

This is insanity...we have people fully acknowledging this is a dire concern....yet are AFRAID of some weak label such as a hippie, and I don't even know how you got "terrorist" included in this topic.... fear fear fear.

Good luck when shit hits the fan start prepping dude. What are you going to do when the trucks stop delivering food?

I think you missed my point. I'm just saying to fix this issue we gotta fix economics and politics. That's how we can save the environment.

And isn't it common knowledge that environmental activists are often labeled domestic terrorists by the FBI?

And you clearly missed the part where I said "fear fear fear"

Look, I'm not trying to argue with you. I love you because you're a human (I am assuming at least) and we both collectively face a massive threat. Hiding behind your screen pretending you are doing something to discuss the political theater is a false hope Action must be taken, the reason nothing really changes for the better is because everybody is all talk.

I will gladly be labeled some sort of domestic terrorist if it means trying to fight for our PLANET, not our COUNTRY. Fuck the FBI, I understand I stand little chance against a force such as the FBI, but if we all stood together, then it's a different story. We need to fix spirituality and if we can accomplish that, the politics/economics will follow. You have to pull the weed out from the ground, not just keep cutting the top off as you mow the lawn, otherwise it keeps growing back.

What do you mean with spirituality? What's the problem?

Our leadership is corrupt to the core. Trying to vote more corrupt criminals in is not going to solve anything. Believe it or not, as soon as you cast your vote in the form of a ballot you have just surrendered 100% of your potential power into someone in the HOPES that they do something about, so you don't have to, so you can keep watching your sports, getting high, watching countless mindless forms of entertainment - and feel like 'you did your part.'

U.S. "democracy" is a complete scam, entirely. It does not work for us. Wake the fuck up already.

What I mean by it being a spiritual core problem is that our leaders are clinically insane and have no idea how to actually solve problems that They themselves have created. They have lost touch with the planet and the very thing which gives us life, to try and get rich/powerful over Their fellow man. If you have no positive spirituality with mother nature in mind you are completely lost because mother nature is what even allows us to be talking on Reddit right now, or complain about stupid politics. If we all get together on a local level and make immediate change in our local communities, it will eventually spread outwards to the federal level and that's when you start seeing change.

The entire planet needs to get back to what it once had - a religion that worships Mother Nature, not some made up, debt-based God of fear and "or else" mentality. THEN, we will see change politically and economically.

Yes we need to regulate companies that are huge contributors to the issue of carbon increasing in the atmoshphere which is a major cause of this extinction, corporations are the biggest culprits not geoengineering

If you take the time to do some real research, all scientific evidence points to Co2 emissions actually are not the cause for global warming.

If you take the time to do some real research, all scientific evidence points to Co2 emissions actually are not the cause for global warming.

Want to show us that research because the actual science shows the opposite.

Open the Bible. God created this Earth and the means to create power.if we weren't meant to burn fossil fuels, why did he put them there? He was just begging for it. /S

Open the Bible.

Had me going for a sec...

Hahaha I'm Texan. I hear it from my friends all the time if we start arguing about politics. I like to sarcastically say that because it sounds a lot like the rape defence where the victim was "begging for it". Those people use the Bible as their defence and have zero self control unless the Bible explicitly calls for it.

I've become so far removed from my youth in the South I forget about people leaning on the bible and god for things.

In in my early 20s. Some friends are very religious and argue that everything in this world has an agenda against god and that the government has to fix it. They believe Disney and Hollywood is evil and shit. Idk. Something you don't want to go against on this sub, but you can't really on God for everything

Well, I sure feel like an asshole.

I think the gravest threat we face right now is corruption that is rampant throughout the world. It's the sole reason as to why we can't face our other issues. Even if we came together and agreed to work towards a solution to combat carbon emissions we would need the whole world to part take in the action. It simply is unfeasible. Without a new technology to sustain energy production.

As others have stated as well, climate change is something that happens often in the terms of Earth's life span. The thing we need to focus on is adapting to the coming weather. Try to root out the corruption in society and work together to create a better future. Even if we were to reduce all carbon emissions.

The weather anomalies occuring also could be due to cosmic influences, the earths poles may be shifting. The truth of the matter is that it is likely a combination of things altering the earth's environment. Our best bet is to prepare, for the inevitable. It will happen at one time or another.

I agree with you. Although I'm not sure if tptb are trying to mask the problem or if they are the ones CREATiNG the global warming event. One thing is sure, the weather that's changed in the last 10 years and is more unpredictable than ever and the extremes are big

Remember, they are going to weaponize our food. We will be allotted, a specific number of calories, all cooked up according to a chart, not grown, harvested and processed, we will be served chemical based food.

This article says they will evaluate our genetics and pre what we are to eat accordingly.


You are not realizing that there is a very good chance society will completely collapse before we even get to 2028, according to the data we currently have regarding the 6th Mass Extinction that is currently underway.

When do you think the 5th mass extinction happened?

Being mindless about the Earth - in general. Of course, we are taught this destructive behavior by our financial masters undoubtedly. But this will cause certain geological disaster due to greenhouse gases, as well as GeoEngineering and Climate Engineering. Look into "solar radiation management" and you will see that 'chemtrails ' are not just some silly conspiracy theory.

I am referring to the 5th Mass Extinction according to the scientific data/theory consensus - the Permian mass extinction which took out the dinosaurs.

I think the last mass extinction was 10-12K years ago that seems to have wiped out an advanced civilization and is speculated to have been a object hitting the northern ice packs in particular in N. America but caused a global event as well.

I don't think what you fear, a human caused mass extinction is impossible or entirely unlikely.

Please look into the facts.

Research "mass animal die off" and "mass plant die off" and "methane levels rising"

Then take that information and correlate it to the models in which popular science has theorized which killed off the dinosaurs 65 million years ago - it comes down to methane levels. The permafrost in the arctic region is no longer permanently frozen....releasing massive amounts of methane.

Please have the courage to seriously look into this DO NOT just pass this up as some other conspiracy theory, this is extremely important it concerns our entire planet and biosphere. We are on the brink of complete omnicide.

Why you believe I don't know about it and don't consider it a critical issue. I have and do and do what I can, reduce, recycle, reuse, and learn about political candidate's positions before I vote.

Please, receive this apology.

I get super passionate about it and you're right - I should not imply with my wording that you don't know about or care about it as much as I do. I am sorry.

But shit, is that enough? We need to try our best to preach this to everyone...this isn't like your standard political/religious preaching this is about Mother Nature....about our planet!! This is providing people with heavy, real and empirical facts to try and wake them up to the chaos happening around them but they can't see it because they are too busy on their iPhones or watching sports, or watching entertainment (I am not exempt from this).

Please look up "mass animal die off" or "plankton levels dropping" or "methane levels increasing" or "arctic ice melting" and connect the dots and realize, all these factors add up to a very disturbing and grim look NEAR FUTURE. We need to sound the alarm.

We talk about it in policy, international development, aid, sustainable dev, environmental work, biology, etc. but yes, outside of specific related fields it isn’t talked about at length.

Whatever changes the US makes won't help at all. 95% of pollution comes from Asia and Africa and those countries don't give two fucks about the environment.

BOOM!!! TRUTH is finally spoken. The main cou.tries causing the contamination and pollution of our planet are not doing shit.about it and are not being forced to do so. Japan and Chi.a use the oceans as a fucking dumpster without repreive while in Africa they burn coal and charcoal 24/7. Then they have the nerve to.demand I pay for cli.ate change because of their fucked behaviors?! Not in this lifetime.

we in the West use charcoal for outdoor recreational cooking. (guilty here)

gas grills are more environmentally friendly with emissions, then theres the denudation of trees for charcoal.

I use it also. But there is a difference in using it a couple nights a week and keeping a fire lit 24/7. Also, here in America, replanting forests is mandated so we dont worry so much about depleating the resource. My main problem is with the full out ignorance of trash and littering. If these people do not/cannot underetand the impacts their populous creates then they should not be allowed to have products that contaminate the environment. Yes, I am talking aout them being forced to not have any plastics, glass, or metwl thwt they just use and throw into the ocean or river. The rest of the CIVILIZED world has progrqms and plans on dealing with these issues, but it seems like lsome countries flagrently ignore them as if its not their problem.

I use it also. But there is a difference in using it a couple nights a week and keeping a fire lit 24/7. Also, here in America, replanting forests is mandated so we dont worry so much about depleating the resource. My main problem is with the full out ignorance of trash and littering. If these people do not/cannot underetand the impacts their populous creates then they should not be allowed to have products that contaminate the environment. Yes, I am talking aout them being forced to not have any plastics, glass, or metwl thwt they just use and throw into the ocean or river. The rest of the CIVILIZED world has progrqms and plans on dealing with these issues, but it seems like lsome countries flagrently ignore them as if its not their problem.

So we can compel them with our military to do any goddamn thing we want in the pursuit of American hegemony but when it comes to pollution we have no leverage? Is that what you're selling?

I raise you one geological Holocene period.

its inevitable.

In in my early 20s. Some friends are very religious and argue that everything in this world has an agenda against god and that the government has to fix it. They believe Disney and Hollywood is evil and shit. Idk. Something you don't want to go against on this sub, but you can't really on God for everything

Being mindless about the Earth - in general. Of course, we are taught this destructive behavior by our financial masters undoubtedly. But this will cause certain geological disaster due to greenhouse gases, as well as GeoEngineering and Climate Engineering. Look into "solar radiation management" and you will see that 'chemtrails ' are not just some silly conspiracy theory.

I am referring to the 5th Mass Extinction according to the scientific data/theory consensus - the Permian mass extinction which took out the dinosaurs.