Question regarding trees dying...

1  2018-09-12 by ichoosejif

My moms house is on 4 acres with a river between the yard and the highway. I’ve been working and helping her since May. In June, I noticed several trees down in the yard. 48 hrs later, 20% of trees were down. We have raw land as well down the street a few miles, 40% of the trees have died in June alone. Last night, I went out back, and 90% of the trees are down. I’m speculating that the trees are dying from EMFs coming off the highway. Is there another plausible explanation? It’s all over town near rivers, trees are dying and falling across waterways, damming them up causing mold and mosquitoes. I think 5g kills trees bc they clear cut around them so people don’t notice. Any other reason why trees would suddenly die like that? How could people not notice? Is this happening elsewhere?Im freaked out. TIA.


I've been noticing the same thing with a lot of the trees in my neighborhood. I live close to a major airport and have been speculating about the high levels of emf activity in this area.

I'm in Northeast.

If this is solar related, location really means nothing unless you are on another planet...

Was it suggested solar was cause? I suspected emf's.

No, not suggested but what I meant that if we were going through a solar flare or solar storm nothing else would matter much. We have had some freaky solar stuff going on. Sorry for not being clear on my reply though.

No worries. I have to assume solar is involved because that's part of the program. Maybe a tree person would know.

No, not suggested but what I meant that if we were going through a solar flare or solar storm nothing else would matter much. We have had some freaky solar stuff going on. Sorry for not being clear on my reply though.

I'm in Northeast.

Guess it would also depend on your location here in texas I got a shedding pecan tree and 4 giant oaks dropping limbs it looks to me the pecan got cooked and the oaks have live branches along with dead ones it's odd. Just wish 3 of these trees weren't over my house. They're huuuge huge not exaggerating lol good luck!

Expect the worst.

I am haha trust me I am

May want to pre emptively avert harm.

Workin on that too lol

This is exceptionally fucked up though. Birch bark all splayed, rotting from the base, a bunch are 6' and broken in half, a bunch tipped at roots, live trees, dead trees, in weeks.. Almost the entire area. Would you talk to neighbors?

Always good to talk with your neighbors about stuff like this.


Texas resident here, dude cut those pecans near your hous down before they drop a branch and damage your property. I've cut down 4 and still have 3 to take down. Look in my post and you'll see how dangerous they are.

I totally know now after looking into it. Especially after the flooding with Harvey I believe that did them in and they're slowly dying. My thing is my landlord and that complicated situation. I'm just keeping an eye on the trees and hoping for the best till I can finally move lol really all I can do right now unfortunately

Something's wrong with the trees. Something's wrong with the birds. Something's wrong with the clouds. Something's wrong with the sun. Something's fuckin wrong.


Something's wrong with reddit reddit.

Not sure about the cause but if true, that's highly unusual. Geo graphic location? No need to be specific if you don't want.

S. Maine

Buy a cheap meter to test your area. If the trees are dying, what about you and your neighbours? What is happening to the trees> Drying out? Losing leaves?

This may sound crazy. but if you know where the waves are coming from try putting up a metal blocking wall in front of one tree to see if it stops the dying. 5G waves are smaller and more able to penetrate things/us.

Whenever I think about trusting the safety of 5G this guy comes to mind.

Wanna hang out? 🤔 what type of metal would be effective and conclusive. I will do it first thing tomorrow. I suspect, bc state have transmitters receivers on poles in highway. It's also those pardon, FUCKING ex ray drive through toll booths, which is inconveniently nearby , pulsing to the transformer in front of the house and hitting the smart meter taboot.

I'm aware it's killing us all. Painfully aware. FFS, the dystopian towers, elite psychopaths, smart grid, cancer, pharma Monsanto, Chemtrails, wireless design.

Fuuuuck yew evil sucktards. Probably burn longer for killing the light workers like myself. I'm in white, affluent, baby boomer vacuum of ignorance. Programmed.

So, do I ask my neighbors if they noticed anything, oris that too fringe? Not close relationship with neighbors.

Also blocking waterways screams forced vax. They should offer a shotgun so we can take our own lives. Fuuuuuck. What to do? Prepare, I guess. Build a posse. Deep.

Do you have a new tower close by? I think that by watching some emf meter vids you can discover how to test your own space.Inside wifi, microwave, smart meter, etc. And outside towers. Once you know the levels you can compare to ok levels.

With the plants it could be a water, heat or soil nutrients as well.

This guy. I barely got through once. Ugh.

If interested, some moved here.

Are they ash trees? If so it could be the emerald ash borer.

OTOH I have seen trees growing near power lines that seem to thrive and appear unaffected by the large electromagnetic field nearby.

No, it's all the trees. Also out front where transformer is. Wtaf? I'm trying to sell this house and luckily there are enough trees to not be noticeable, and out back I'll say I cut it.

Fuuuuuck. This is blowing my mind. I've been sick since I got here, and the rate at which they're dying is absolutely terrifying. Somebody say something comforting or solid advice, please.

it's all the trees

Better identity of the distressed trees is imperative. Trees are fairly easy to ID, you need to find out what kind of trees they are.

Also, if there is some kind of widespread tree disease in your area plenty of other people have noticed it too, including your local/state agricultural or environmental agencies. Find them on the internet and look at their website[s].

Call your local/state plant and agricultural offices. In a large scale tree die off, other people noticed it long before you did and there is information available if you look for it.

They are birch, maple, pine, hemlock and oak.

There is almost nothing in common between these types of trees.

Can you post photos of the tree damage on these species in your area, the leaves and bark?

Of course you know it is now autumn and seasonal trees are losing their luster and going dormant for the winter.

Good photos, both close-ups of the observed damage and the whole tree would be very helpful.

Why tf are all comments doubled? Red flag.

Have you dug up any of the roots to see what they look like? Granted big trees equals large root systems. But, you can tell a lot about what is going on with any plant by looking at its root system and the ground around it.

We have problems with poison ivy here in the Midwest. Then, people use Roundup to kill it. Funny thing - spray that mega-poison on the ivy, and it kills all the trees in the vicinity. Those that don’t die immediately die over 2-3 years, a slow and ugly decline. Do you have poison ivy around there, and had someone helped your mom out with Roundup to get rid of it?

No, but excellent point.

All kinds of trees are falling/dying/dead from unexplained causes in Toronto area too. Glad to see somebody tallking honestly about it. Might be that soil has lost the nutrients it carries essential for the trees.

S. Maine

This is exceptionally fucked up though. Birch bark all splayed, rotting from the base, a bunch are 6' and broken in half, a bunch tipped at roots, live trees, dead trees, in weeks.. Almost the entire area. Would you talk to neighbors?