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Oh damn, I didn’t mean to lead you to believe I was actually interested.
Honestly, you’re not gonna see my pov and I’m not gonna say anything to convince you that advocating hanging Obama and Hillary is both legally laughable, and inciting violence.
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." —US Constitution Article III Section 3
There have been a lot of rumors and accusations of politicians helping our enemies.
Well, as a lawyer you should know that SCOTUS opinions set precedent. Any treason charge would be considered with Cramer in mind, but you aren't a lawyer so you don't know that.
This sub is compromised enough I don't expect it to go anywhere. After all, if you have new skeptics that don't know any better, what better way to control the narrative than by having an 'approved' place they'll easily find? If they banned this place, people would move to other subs/channels, many of which are much less controlled than this sub. Would be the opposite of what those controlling the narrative would want.
i agree 100%, side question....are there any "Q-dudes" left anymore? the only time i hear Q mentioned now a days is when some liberal wants to act like its a main driving factor with Trump supporters.
Judging by the deluge of greatawakening is banned posts, I'd say there's more than a few.
I'm honestly shocked by these developments. My initial thoughts are, well there goes the bluewave.
Middle 'Murica doesn't like big brother very much, and this has its stench all over it.
So much for trying to keep Trump in check, dumb fucks.
This isn't about the Q cult (Sorry guys, I get a bad feeling from this Q dude) it's a much larger scale. The right is being silenced pretty widely. The blowback on this is going to be unprecedented. I cannot stress enough how BAD an idea this is.
Dear Progressives,
Don't cheer too loudly (Or at all), You're next.
What we're seeing is the internet's version of krystallnacht, The Progressives will face the Night of the long knives. A tiny bit of hyperbole (lol lil bit) But the effect is the same.
In fact, in this one area, I'm proud to say that reddit is very, very far behind digg: what digg usually refers to as "virality" and "social" we internally refer to as "cheating" and apply corresponding countermeasures.
I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but I am saying that we put a lot of time and energy into mitigating its effects.
With that, I'm out. I refuse to be content for a business that supports Censorship, even racist dogshit like some of the places banned so far.
While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".
but other subs are allowed to "punch a nazi" and say the exact same things as the alt-right is saying, except they direct the venom towards each other. You can't possibly believe no left wing subs haven't incited violence, can you?
one step closer to migrating to voat. at least you can say whatever you want to. You can also get offended at your own convenience. Or you can ignore the content that you deem garbage.
I didn't agree with what they were saying on there, but I really didn't see anything that would've gotten that sub taken down. It's a damn shame what's going on.
The place that I have been to since day 1 disappeared for no good reason.
have some empathy.
Even if you did not agree with the sub, I hope you could see that I wrote that moments after it happen and was freaking out.
Does anyone have a list of moderators from r/greatawa.... sub before it was banned? its time to take this to court. i'm ready to fight and i'm an attorney with time on my hands!
You’re clearly upset about the Q subs being banned which means you’re either unstable or easily tricked, either way I’m not interested learning any more about you.
You clearly can read words, but from the looks of it they get all jumbled in your head. I said nothing "from the perspective of a competent lawyer", I pointed out that a competent lawyer would know a lawsuit against reddit for a ban would get laughed out of court.
LOL. You sound like a great, honest, mature person. I'm sure your intentions are good and that you will have a fulfilling life. You are obviously fascist and pro-censorship. It won't last mate.
Not at all. You’re a believer in a far-right fringe conspiracy group that’s advocated violence, I was just clarifying. I wouldn’t have asked the same in a “sane person” sub.
Yeah, I expected you wouldn’t read, or comprehend, it. It’s most definitely proof, archived from the sub prior to ban. But I’m sure the deep state did it.
Where did I imply I had any idea which is next? I had no clue the Qtard sub was being banned till it happened. I knew it should’ve been, but didn’t have faith Reddit would do the right thing.
So the government is censoring us now? Seems more like websites to me. But you don't see it that way, do you? Trump is the one cracking down on people, right? LOL
Lolwut. You’re having a hard time stringing together coherent sentences.
You said I love Orwell, bc censorship. In fact, Orwell was writing to warn against that very thing. So, you clearly haven’t read, or didn’t understand, anything Orwell wrote.
If you were "knew" it should've been banned, then you might know what else SHOULD get banned. WOW, you can't take credit for being smart because it ruins the narrative. HILARIOUS.
So, by your logic since I stumbled onto GA and am a normal human who can recognize racism and violence being spewed, I should therefore also be aware of every other sub doing the same. I bet you’re a killer in the courtroom lol
This guy you're talking to is a plain shill. Check out the exchange I just had with him re: scientific consensus and how he tucks tail and runs when he realizes he's over his head. What a fucken evil worm.
You and your ilk deserve nothing better than name calling. You're nothing but evil, lying pieces of shit, none of you are interested in rational discourse at all, why should I bother trying to pursue it?
You're a fraud, all discussion with you is pointless because you only seek to confuse and distract, ignore the plainly visible facts, etc.
You're a fucking lowlife. Everyone else doing what you do online, is a fucking lowlife. You are trash within.
I don't need to. My only goal at this moment is to remind you that you are a piece of shit, subhuman degenerate, evil, soulless, selling your fellow man out with endless lies. Fuck you, from the bottom of my soul, fuck you.
Boldfaced lying about overwhelmingly accepted scientific consensus in an effort to confuse and distract people from the reality we are in. That's a crime against humanity in my books, considering those who are unaware will be blindsided by the coming changes.
Show me my "lies" mate. I went to grad school for chemistry, so I'm a scientist probably more than you. LOL Even worked at NIST.
And calling me names doesn't do jack. Don't care, world isn't ending in a "couple of decades". But feel free to subscribe to that belief. Get ur bunker ready.
So like, do you have contact info or what? Can I ask for back pay if I send them this epic comment thread? Would you mind if I listed you as a reference?
No, I don't because it doesn't make sense. I linked you to a greatawakening thread inciting violence, which is precisely what we're discussing here. What does any other sub have to do with anything?
Or, are you confusing "sub" and "thread"? Maybe you're the shill!
Right, but again, we're in a thread discussing /r/greatawakening not other subs. Try to stay on point here, I shouldn't have to reminding you...unless you're a shill and commenting in multiple subs with multiple accounts and you're getting confused. #MEDIAMATTERS
In a thread asking why GA was banned you said they never incited violence. I provide evidence they indeed did. You deflect by saying other banned subs didn't.
You seeing where the logic train went off the rails here?
You're either lying or the single dumbest attorney in the history of the profession.
I've told you multiple times it's specifically evidence of GA inciting violence, nothing more. I don't run Reddit. It's not incumbent upon me to curate evidence, I just happen to have that one handy since it's on topic.
It's sort of a hot topic at the moment and there are thousands of users who've archived and shared similar instances. So yeah, handy, but not by chance.
Yeah, if by that you mean: on purpose I saved a link to an archived instance of GA inciting violence to have at the ready for just this type of interaction where some dummy tried to say it never happened.
Yes, Forrest, I know that. What does me not having proof of a private sub inciting violence have to do with anything? Are you saying you're a member of a private sub that indeed incites violence? You realize those subs are not "private" correct? Reddit admins see it all.
lololol yeah, I call you slow because of comments like this where you clearly didn't comprehend the conversation properly. Can I speak to your supervisor, shill?
1) you know zero lawyers, aren't in the profession, and that's pretty evident.
2) getting paid to reddit is literally my dream job. You have no idea how much they pay, since you're totally not a shill, so how do you know it's a shit job?
Yes, reading on the internet is proof someone is a shill. Yet you could not find the job on your own after five years of Reddit. Somehow, that doesn't fly logically.
Yes, reading on the internet is proof someone is a shill.
Exactly. You just admitted it. Concrete evidence.
YOU (the shill) "read it on the internet" (likely story) and ME (100% not the shill) had to learn it all from YOU (the definite shill, see evidence above). It's all fitting together now. I'll stay tuned for the next drop.
Or your mental gymnastics are now lame and boring (your boss is gonna be mad), and I'm going to bed.
And no, frivolous lawsuits like the one imagined by reddit lawyers here are not won by pressure. No respectable attorney would put their name and bar no on a suit like that.
I'm sure you are REAL into conspiracy theories. Talking them down every chance you get. For fun. What a life. And a lawyer too. What a waste of talent.
Paranoid side-view, Q has been losing lots of followers lately, most thinking it’s controlled opposition. Could this ban be to essentially, “legitimize” Q again?
Yes, Forrest, I know that. What does me not having proof of a private sub inciting violence have to do with anything? Are you saying you're a member of a private sub that indeed incites violence? You realize those subs are not "private" correct? Reddit admins see it all.
1 AutoModerator 2018-09-12
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1 Rayfloyd 2018-09-12
All for a LARP eh?
1 odd-meter 2018-09-12
Only the msm and your politicians are allowed to larp
1 HGpennypacker 2018-09-12
Nah, mainly the calls of Obama and Clinton to be publicly executed.
1 sun-usta-be-yellow 2018-09-12
What is the punishment for treason?
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Properly define treason and you’ll understand why that’s utterly moronic.
1 sun-usta-be-yellow 2018-09-12
We are at war with ISIS, no?
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Literally no lolol
1 sun-usta-be-yellow 2018-09-12
But we have been engaging them with military force?
1 sun-usta-be-yellow 2018-09-12
Hey, want to continue our little discussion?
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Oh damn, I didn’t mean to lead you to believe I was actually interested.
Honestly, you’re not gonna see my pov and I’m not gonna say anything to convince you that advocating hanging Obama and Hillary is both legally laughable, and inciting violence.
1 jbo5112 2018-09-12
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." —US Constitution Article III Section 3
There have been a lot of rumors and accusations of politicians helping our enemies.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Sure, now go read the Cramer v. United States SCOTUS opinion.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Uh oh, playing lawyer again. And "go read an opinion" isn't defining treason.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Most definitely a shill or bot. Either that or you're a stalker. Nice immediate upvote too. Not shady at all.
Don't bother replying, I'm busy supporting the NFL tonight.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
What does that have to do with the definition of treason?
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Well, as a lawyer you should know that SCOTUS opinions set precedent. Any treason charge would be considered with Cramer in mind, but you aren't a lawyer so you don't know that.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
CONSIDERED...*stare decisis" WOW
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
You would LOVE to be a shill (your words), so you aren't a lawyer.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
I can reply as much as I want, THANKS.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
IN FACT....let's keep going.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
You should lie prostrate before the flag for the anthem. That'll really show who has obeisance to whom.
You would be one to "bend the knee" though.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Yeah, cool story bro. Any new Q dro...oh wait.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
2170 Q
12 Sep 2018 - 8:44:35 PM How do you demonstrate 'reasonable cause' to regulate and/or break up BIG TECH? What is the common theme/tactic of the LEFT? Define 'Fascism'. Forcible suppression of opposition? Define 'Censorship'. The institution, system, or practice of censoring? Define 'Narrative'. A way of presenting or understanding a situation or series of events that reflects and promotes a particular point of view or set of values? Define 'Projection'. The attribution of one's own ideas, feelings, or attitudes to other people or to objects; especially : the externalization of blame, guilt, or responsibility as a defense against anxiety? The forming of a plan : scheming? Define 'Psychological Projection'. A theory in psychology in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others? Define 'Narcissist'. A person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves: narcissists who think the world revolves around them | narcissists preening themselves in front of the mirror? Define 'Dogma'. A point of view or tenet put forth as authoritative without adequate grounds? Define 'Aggression'. Forceful and sometimes overly assertive pursuit of one's aims and interests? Define 'Suppression'. The action of suppressing something such as an activity or publication? [Bonus Round] 'Narcissists' are renowned for using 'psychological projection' to blame other people, even when it is entirely apparent that they are the ones in the wrong. ——————————– Define 'Realism'. The quality or fact of representing a person, thing, or situation accurately or in a way that is true to life? [Realism] Actions of [ANTIFA]: -Aggression (Projection) -Suppression (Fascism) -Censorship (Narrative-Dogma) Actions of [FAKE NEWS]: -Aggression (Projection) -Suppression (Fascism) -Censorship (Narrative-Dogma) Actions of [TWITTER, FB, GOOG, YT, REDDIT, etc..]: -Aggression (Projection) -Suppression (Fascism) -Censorship (Narrative-Dogma) BOMBS AWAY! https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-09-11/sessions-is-said-to-be-open-to-probe-of-social-media-giants📁 http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2018/08/31/hey-google-facebook-twitter-trumps-got-point-need-to-do-better-job-self-regulating.html📁 MASSIVE FAKE NEWS ATTENTION FOR A 'CONSPIRACY' REDDIT BOARD BEING BANNED? WHY ARE WE BEING TARGETED BY SOME OF THE LARGEST MEDIA ORGANIZATIONS ON THE PLANET? [Sample] https://www.theverge.com/2018/9/12/17847186/reddit-qanon-milliondollarextreme-ban-sam-hyde📁 https://nypost.com/2018/09/12/reddit-bans-qanon-conspiracy-theory-forums/📁 https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/business/Reddit-Bans-Qanon-Great-Awakening-Subreddits-493096041.html📁 https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/reddit-bans-qanon-subreddits-after-months-violent-threats-n909061📁 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp/2018/09/12/reddit-bans-r-greatawakening-the-main-subreddit-for-qanon-conspiracy-theorists/?utm_term=.76fbe6bdbb4b📁 https://qz.com/1384432/reddit-banned-qanon/📁 https://slate.com/technology/2018/09/reddit-banned-qanon-conspiracy-theory-message-boards.html📁 https://www.newsweek.com/qanon-great-awakening-subreddit-conspiracy-theory-q-anon-latest-storm-1119060📁 http://thehill.com/policy/technology/406344-reddit-bans-qanon-subreddit📁 https://www.engadget.com/2018/09/12/reddit-bans-qanon-communities/📁 https://www.dailydot.com/layer8/reddit-bans-qanon-forum-great-awakening/📁 https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/7xj989/reddit-bans-the-greatawakening-subreddit-responsible-for-mainstreaming-qanon-conspiracy-theories📁 http://nymag.com/selectall/2018/09/reddit-bans-major-qanon-message-board-r-greatawakening.html📁 https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1040009457244274688📁 "PANIC IN DC" statements start a FIRE? Twelve moves ahead. Suicide watch. Q
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Lol you're literally crazy. I'm blocking you, but I'm sure I'll hear from your alt.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
You asked for the Q drop...right?
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
I mean, we covered many of the topics in our "discussions". You should give it a read.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
I'm crazy because you asked about the Q drops and I gave you the latest?
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Tons of links...have fun!
1 jbo5112 2018-09-12
Requires material assistance you say? That would be the rumor.
1 e-traiu 2018-09-12
Omfg really? Over the fucking target😱😱😱😱😱😱
1 linkstruelove 2018-09-12
Not even just great awakening, all Q subs banned. (Please don’t link any ‘possibly’ active subs, we don’t want to draw attention)
1 T4nkcommander 2018-09-12
Including at least one private sub.
1 Prince_of_Shapeir 2018-09-12
r/TheBanOut2018 More to follow. I guess it's got to do with lack of conformity with the mainstream agenda
1 Drake02 2018-09-12
It's funny, you can only blindly support the banout or your comments are removed.
Fascism games. That's what this is.
1 Prince_of_Shapeir 2018-09-12
I'm wondering: does it draw any attention to this sub if the info sub is hyperlinked? Are we allowed to talk about it?
1 Drake02 2018-09-12
I imagine we can talk about whatever, this sub will end up on the banout list.
They've attempted to make us out to be racist lunatics through constant TMOR barrages as they attempt to start a coup against the mod team.
They work as a weakening force as the big daddy power mods that run the big subs start clearing the site of what THEY view as improper.
1 T4nkcommander 2018-09-12
This sub is compromised enough I don't expect it to go anywhere. After all, if you have new skeptics that don't know any better, what better way to control the narrative than by having an 'approved' place they'll easily find? If they banned this place, people would move to other subs/channels, many of which are much less controlled than this sub. Would be the opposite of what those controlling the narrative would want.
1 BeatnikMessiah 2018-09-12
We need a new sub asap
1 duplexnovella 2018-09-12
1 lily_levasseur 2018-09-12
Also just banned.
1 Slade_McDeath 2018-09-12
1 rxFMS 2018-09-12
i agree 100%, side question....are there any "Q-dudes" left anymore? the only time i hear Q mentioned now a days is when some liberal wants to act like its a main driving factor with Trump supporters.
1 mythstified 2018-09-12
Check the comments
And yes there are millions of us and growing.
1 Slade_McDeath 2018-09-12
Judging by the deluge of greatawakening is banned posts, I'd say there's more than a few.
I'm honestly shocked by these developments. My initial thoughts are, well there goes the bluewave.
Middle 'Murica doesn't like big brother very much, and this has its stench all over it.
So much for trying to keep Trump in check, dumb fucks.
This isn't about the Q cult (Sorry guys, I get a bad feeling from this Q dude) it's a much larger scale. The right is being silenced pretty widely. The blowback on this is going to be unprecedented. I cannot stress enough how BAD an idea this is.
Dear Progressives,
Don't cheer too loudly (Or at all), You're next.
What we're seeing is the internet's version of krystallnacht, The Progressives will face the Night of the long knives. A tiny bit of hyperbole (lol lil bit) But the effect is the same.
Yes. (In answer to the OP's sensationalism.)
In fact, in this one area, I'm proud to say that reddit is very, very far behind digg: what digg usually refers to as "virality" and "social" we internally refer to as "cheating" and apply corresponding countermeasures.
I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but I am saying that we put a lot of time and energy into mitigating its effects.
With that, I'm out. I refuse to be content for a business that supports Censorship, even racist dogshit like some of the places banned so far.
1 AutoModerator 2018-09-12
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1 Whoareyou559 2018-09-12
Most of us get effectively silenced or deleted
1 duplexnovella 2018-09-12
I like your username..lol
1 rodental 2018-09-12
Go to voat if you don't want to be censored.
1 scrumforce 2018-09-12
1 Titus____Pullo 2018-09-12
but other subs are allowed to "punch a nazi" and say the exact same things as the alt-right is saying, except they direct the venom towards each other. You can't possibly believe no left wing subs haven't incited violence, can you?
1 LostLarry 2018-09-12
There was not 1 violence inciting incident there. 0
People there were united. joined. Just like on Sept. 12, 2001.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Nope, none at all
1 AL-go- 2018-09-12
They’re trying to control information and communication
1 rodental 2018-09-12
Because reddit is being sanitized. No more wrongthink.
1 SuperJMC79 2018-09-12
Huh... I'm intrigued how this purge will unfold
1 jhomes55 2018-09-12
Stick together!! Jump over to: https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening
1 SandyPiner 2018-09-12
Thank you for this.
1 jhomes55 2018-09-12
UPDATE: Go to Voat.co/v/TheAwakening (I received official word from GA members)
1 httr_barbarian 2018-09-12
one step closer to migrating to voat. at least you can say whatever you want to. You can also get offended at your own convenience. Or you can ignore the content that you deem garbage.
1 kingofthemonsters 2018-09-12
I didn't agree with what they were saying on there, but I really didn't see anything that would've gotten that sub taken down. It's a damn shame what's going on.
1 gwoz8881 2018-09-12
Probably because of you using all those cap, question, and exclamations
1 duplexnovella 2018-09-12
So grammar police are here now at Reddit? Or do you just get excited at the thought?
1 duplexnovella 2018-09-12
The place that I have been to since day 1 disappeared for no good reason. have some empathy. Even if you did not agree with the sub, I hope you could see that I wrote that moments after it happen and was freaking out.
1 Crazedchef 2018-09-12
Yeah, kind of freaked me out to. Cannot believe reddit is getting away with such blatant hypocrisy.
1 sun-usta-be-yellow 2018-09-12
Because they are afraid.
These are great days we're livin bros
1 Deplorableasfuk 2018-09-12
Does anyone have a list of moderators from r/greatawa.... sub before it was banned? its time to take this to court. i'm ready to fight and i'm an attorney with time on my hands!
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
If you were a competent attorney you’d already know there is zero legal action to be taken here lmfao
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Wow, you respond to everyone and know everything, apparently.
Like LMFAO is a response from a "competent" person LOL
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Your comment makes no sense. Go cry into your Q shaped pillow.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
And you are a "competent attorney" LOL
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
You sound like one of those 60+ year old Qtards that show up at rallies. Enjoy Voat!!
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
And you respond to every thread because you have a great life.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
“Thread” - oook gramps, don’t get yourself too excited.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Gramps...what a jab! Jeez...you must be a good lawyer.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
You’re clearly upset about the Q subs being banned which means you’re either unstable or easily tricked, either way I’m not interested learning any more about you.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
I'm upset? I'm not going anywhere. Why are you here? Oh, legal advice...that's right. And name-calling.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Wait when did I give legal advice? I did call names, for sure.
I have a boatload of popcorn, I’m here for the lulz
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
On treason and on suing. For a lawyer that's quite an incompetent thing to do.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit is it?
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Well, you said things from the perspective of a "competent lawyer"...Your words dude. I can read far better than you.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
You clearly can read words, but from the looks of it they get all jumbled in your head. I said nothing "from the perspective of a competent lawyer", I pointed out that a competent lawyer would know a lawsuit against reddit for a ban would get laughed out of court.
It's ok, words are hard sometimes.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
No, it wouldn't. You are trying to dissuade someone from a legal action.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Oh, no, believe me I'd love to read the Qtard complaint and get a good chuckle.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
LOL. You sound like a great, honest, mature person. I'm sure your intentions are good and that you will have a fulfilling life. You are obviously fascist and pro-censorship. It won't last mate.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Oh please clarify your “it won’t last” comment. I’m sure that wasn’t a threat from someone as mature as yourself.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Censorship. LOL "Oh please" LOL What a child.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Who’s name calling now, you upstanding barrister?
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Like you aren't a provocateur that JUST tried to get me to say I was making a "threat".
So yeah, provocateur fits better.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Not at all. You’re a believer in a far-right fringe conspiracy group that’s advocated violence, I was just clarifying. I wouldn’t have asked the same in a “sane person” sub.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
You can't even say how they "advocated violence", and you are just going around PROVOKING PEOPLE.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Au contraire mon frère
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
That has nothing to do with your provocation now does it?
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Again, try to keep up.
To which I replied with said evidence. Try again.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
That's not evidence at all.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Yeah, I expected you wouldn’t read, or comprehend, it. It’s most definitely proof, archived from the sub prior to ban. But I’m sure the deep state did it.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
That's not proof in the slightest.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
And that's only one sub, not all of them. You don't try hard enough mate.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Provocation that normal people don't do.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Wait wait wait wait, did you, a Qanon believer just say I am not normal. Holy shit pot, meet the kettle.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Normal people don't provoke like you at all. You are not normal.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
If you are not being paid, you are NOT normal.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Oh shit, I can be paid for this?! Point me in the right direction, since I’m certain you have proof it happens.
Hmm popcorn is getting stale, think I’ll go for a pizza ;)
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Ok, so what sub is getting banned next? You tell me. You are on top of these things I take it, right?
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Where did I imply I had any idea which is next? I had no clue the Qtard sub was being banned till it happened. I knew it should’ve been, but didn’t have faith Reddit would do the right thing.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Censorship IS your bag. WOW. You love Orwell.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Oh my god this is great.
I’m guessing you’re no younger than 60?
Y...you mean the author of a book warning people of government censorship? Why yes, I DO love Orwell.
Keep going. This is hilarious.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
So the government is censoring us now? Seems more like websites to me. But you don't see it that way, do you? Trump is the one cracking down on people, right? LOL
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Lolwut. You’re having a hard time stringing together coherent sentences.
You said I love Orwell, bc censorship. In fact, Orwell was writing to warn against that very thing. So, you clearly haven’t read, or didn’t understand, anything Orwell wrote.
Good try sport.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
If you were "knew" it should've been banned, then you might know what else SHOULD get banned. WOW, you can't take credit for being smart because it ruins the narrative. HILARIOUS.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
So, by your logic since I stumbled onto GA and am a normal human who can recognize racism and violence being spewed, I should therefore also be aware of every other sub doing the same. I bet you’re a killer in the courtroom lol
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Somehow you are unaware of everything else? Unlikely chief.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Aw man, you must be losing steam. That made even less sense than everything else you shit out of your mouth.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Low energy.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Why waste time on someone oblivious to things?
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
I guess I'm bored, that's why.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Yeah, "boredom". That's it.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Good job, you really got a handle on that sentence. Top marks!
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Still doesn't address how BORED you must be. WOW.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Why so fixated? I'm admittedly bored. I can't kneel during the anthem until tomorrow night, and my new Nikes haven't arrived yet.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
You’re getting it now, I’m so proud.
1 BCtoPEI 2018-09-12
This guy you're talking to is a plain shill. Check out the exchange I just had with him re: scientific consensus and how he tucks tail and runs when he realizes he's over his head. What a fucken evil worm.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Yes, the name calling intensifies. I'm sure you are exceedingly valid.
1 BCtoPEI 2018-09-12
You and your ilk deserve nothing better than name calling. You're nothing but evil, lying pieces of shit, none of you are interested in rational discourse at all, why should I bother trying to pursue it?
You're a fraud, all discussion with you is pointless because you only seek to confuse and distract, ignore the plainly visible facts, etc.
You're a fucking lowlife. Everyone else doing what you do online, is a fucking lowlife. You are trash within.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Spouting doom and gloom still doesn't work, nor will you dissuade anyone with your name calling.
1 BCtoPEI 2018-09-12
I don't need to. My only goal at this moment is to remind you that you are a piece of shit, subhuman degenerate, evil, soulless, selling your fellow man out with endless lies. Fuck you, from the bottom of my soul, fuck you.
You are evil.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Holy cow, you really kitchen-sinked that one. Still doesn't work mate.
1 BCtoPEI 2018-09-12
Oh but it does work. Works incredibly well for me.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
What am I, really? You KNOW me so well.
1 BCtoPEI 2018-09-12
You don't need me to answer that question, you evil fuck.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
How vituperative can you get?
1 BCtoPEI 2018-09-12
Not nearly enough to inflict the amount of psychological harm you deserve to receive for your ongoing crimes against humanity.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Crimes against humanity. LOL.
1 BCtoPEI 2018-09-12
Boldfaced lying about overwhelmingly accepted scientific consensus in an effort to confuse and distract people from the reality we are in. That's a crime against humanity in my books, considering those who are unaware will be blindsided by the coming changes.
You are evil.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Nope, you are. Doom and gloom doesn't work, mate.
1 BCtoPEI 2018-09-12
Reality =/= doom and gloom. Reality = reality. Math doesnt lie. The science doesn't lie. YOU lie.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Show me my "lies" mate. I went to grad school for chemistry, so I'm a scientist probably more than you. LOL Even worked at NIST.
And calling me names doesn't do jack. Don't care, world isn't ending in a "couple of decades". But feel free to subscribe to that belief. Get ur bunker ready.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
So reality=doom and gloom, right? The first sentence is wrong?
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Yeah he's a twat, but I'm bored and while I occupy him he's not spewing that bullshit elsewhere...hopefully.
1 BCtoPEI 2018-09-12
For all we know this is just one of many imperceptible shillbots these days.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Yeah, that may be true.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Media Matters...though you must be smart enough to know that. So why did you need me to tell you?
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
So like, do you have contact info or what? Can I ask for back pay if I send them this epic comment thread? Would you mind if I listed you as a reference?
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
No, I'm sure this "entertainment" is taking away valuable Xbox and NFL time away from you.
And you of course know of media matters. No deflecting from that one.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Nope, no games today and Xbox can’t give me half the entertainment you’re providing here bud.
And no, not deflecting anything. I’m literally asking if I can use you as a reference.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
You would want more censorship, no?
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
On a privately owned platform? Censoring subs that blatantly spew racism and incite violence? I could not give a single fuck.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Show me the "violence" they incited. Meanwhile in reality, ANTIFA wears riot gear.
And you DO give a fuck, or you wouldn't be here in the first place.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
"It is in the shape of a Gun. BANG BANG BANG!"
"riot gear" vs. openly carrying firearms and ramming cars into women. hmmm
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Every sub had that same statement? WOW, what a coincidence.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Every sub? We're talking about GA here Einstein, read the thread topic.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
You know well what I am talking about.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
No, I don't because it doesn't make sense. I linked you to a greatawakening thread inciting violence, which is precisely what we're discussing here. What does any other sub have to do with anything?
Or, are you confusing "sub" and "thread"? Maybe you're the shill!
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Uh, more than one sub was banned, that's why.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Right, but again, we're in a thread discussing /r/greatawakening not other subs. Try to stay on point here, I shouldn't have to reminding you...unless you're a shill and commenting in multiple subs with multiple accounts and you're getting confused. #MEDIAMATTERS
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Oh man, can't stray from OP. That's dangerous thought.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
In a thread asking why GA was banned you said they never incited violence. I provide evidence they indeed did. You deflect by saying other banned subs didn't.
You seeing where the logic train went off the rails here?
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Yes, there's not compelling evidence to ban all the other subs.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
How do you know that? 20 mins ago you were sure there wasn't compelling evidence to ban GA, yet, there it is.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Still not compelling. Nor does it explain why all were banned simultaneously.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
You're being intentionally obtuse.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
It does not explain why all the subs were banned simultaneously. Nothing "obtuse" there".
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
You're either lying or the single dumbest attorney in the history of the profession.
I've told you multiple times it's specifically evidence of GA inciting violence, nothing more. I don't run Reddit. It's not incumbent upon me to curate evidence, I just happen to have that one handy since it's on topic.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Just by chance.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
It's sort of a hot topic at the moment and there are thousands of users who've archived and shared similar instances. So yeah, handy, but not by chance.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
More like "on purpose" and at the ready".
No such "evidence" ready for the private subs though. Not enough forethought.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Yeah, if by that you mean: on purpose I saved a link to an archived instance of GA inciting violence to have at the ready for just this type of interaction where some dummy tried to say it never happened.
And as usual your last point makes no sense.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Private subs. NO PROOF. Geez. Definitely not a lawyer.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Yes, Forrest, I know that. What does me not having proof of a private sub inciting violence have to do with anything? Are you saying you're a member of a private sub that indeed incites violence? You realize those subs are not "private" correct? Reddit admins see it all.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
So you know there's no proof? That's what I thought.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
You got me. I don't have evidence from a sub that I'm not a member of and that still hasn't been named yet.
Man, you're seriously dense, this is unfair.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Just wanted your assertion of no proof. Thanks.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Hahahaha, you're like a slow version of Matlock. I have proof from the sub we're discussing, no proof from a fictional private sub you're discussing.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Yes fictional. Only one sub was banned, right? And you call me slow.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
lololol yeah, I call you slow because of comments like this where you clearly didn't comprehend the conversation properly. Can I speak to your supervisor, shill?
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Only one sub was banned, right?
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Only one sub was banned, right?
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Projection at its finest.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
I've already made it clear I'd love to get paid for this, but alas, I'm not. You, on the other hand, deflect like it's your fuckin job.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Then get paid. No one is stopping you.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Well, I do still need that reference.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
No, you don't. Why the BS?
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Oh, no references required? This keeps getting better. Might celebrate with a pizza party.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Well, you certainly aren't a lawyer then. That's settled.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
You can determine I'm not a lawyer because I like pizza parties?
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
No because you want a shit job.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Literally getting paid to do what I'm doing for free right now? If you knew about this and aren't getting paid you're dumber than I thought.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Still doesn't change the fact that you are not a lawyer. NO lawyer I know would say they would love an astroturfing job.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
1) you know zero lawyers, aren't in the profession, and that's pretty evident.
2) getting paid to reddit is literally my dream job. You have no idea how much they pay, since you're totally not a shill, so how do you know it's a shit job?
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Yet you somehow never searched it or looked into it. Wow, so bogus.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
What can I say, I actually have a great job and it never occurred to me. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction though!
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
So you would go from a "great" job to a near minimum wage one? LOL. No wonder you live on popcorn and pizza.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Wait, how do you know what the job pays? You've said you're totally not a shill and you wouldn't lie.
You know an awful lot about this astroturfing job for someone who definitely isn't a shill.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Reading on the internet. Somehow, they have information on it.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Hmmm, that's exactly what a shill would say. My new conspiracy theory is that you are indeed an astroturfing shill. Thanks for the evidence!
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Yes, reading on the internet is proof someone is a shill. Yet you could not find the job on your own after five years of Reddit. Somehow, that doesn't fly logically.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Exactly. You just admitted it. Concrete evidence.
YOU (the shill) "read it on the internet" (likely story) and ME (100% not the shill) had to learn it all from YOU (the definite shill, see evidence above). It's all fitting together now. I'll stay tuned for the next drop.
Or your mental gymnastics are now lame and boring (your boss is gonna be mad), and I'm going to bed.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
G'night shilllbo baggins
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Only one sub was banned, right?
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
You know the Hobbits win?
1 CelineHagbard 2018-09-12
Removed. Rule 10.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
I would return to football and Xbox One. You know, scholarly stuff there MATE.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
If you are not a competent lawyer, you're viewpoint isn't viable.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Ohhhh so I suppose your viewpoint isn't viable? Interesting logic there brainiac.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
I actually went to law school though...sooo yeah?
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
I find that really, really hard to believe given you even entertained a suit being viable...among other reasons.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
A good lawyer can make almost any lawsuit "viable".
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
No, that’s absolutely untrue and now I’m pretty positive you aren’t a lawyer. That statement is actually laughable.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Yes, "absolutely". You must know it all then.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
You don’t have to know everything to know something, ya dingus.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Then you would know many, many lawsuits win by pressure, not by the actual law. Often they are wars of attrition, especially in patent law.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Patent law is suuuuuper relevant here smh
And no, frivolous lawsuits like the one imagined by reddit lawyers here are not won by pressure. No respectable attorney would put their name and bar no on a suit like that.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
You don't know law, and you are not a lawyer.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Well, you call people Qtards, so your beliefs really don't matter a bit.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
And you believe one of the single dumbest and most transparent conspiracy theories I’ve ever seen. What’s that say about your beliefs, mate?
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
I'm sure you are REAL into conspiracy theories. Talking them down every chance you get. For fun. What a life. And a lawyer too. What a waste of talent.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Oh did you get lost on the way to typing a cogent point?
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
No, expounding why you are here. It's a point I want to make clear for people. It's not good.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Are you having trouble keeping up? I already told you why I’m here, so much popcorn.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
No it's not "popcorn".
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Uhhh it’s quite literally popcorn. I’m eating it at this very moment. This is gold, I tell ya. Keep it coming Matlock.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Not gonna last mate.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
There's some reading for your "popcorn".
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Save your "legal advice" for those hefty hourly rates.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Like, what does this even mean??? Did you think this was some clever mic drop moment? You and Mike Lee would get along swimmingly.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
You aren't a lawyer is what I mean.
1 Lowkey_King 2018-09-12
Paranoid side-view, Q has been losing lots of followers lately, most thinking it’s controlled opposition. Could this ban be to essentially, “legitimize” Q again?
1 T4nkcommander 2018-09-12
Seems likely.
1 Riggedit 2018-09-12
Oh hey, they RIGGEDIT .
1 Mdpow13 2018-09-12
Reddit alternative- saidit
1 SandyPiner 2018-09-12
A message from Neon Revolt. There's a new site for us. https://www.neonrevolt.com/2018/09/12/announcment-r-greatawakening-censored-new-community-inbound-qanon-greatawakening-reddit-censorship-neonrevolt/
1 telescreenmedia 2018-09-12
When it comes to elections, go vote.
When it comes to replacing reddit, GO VOAT!!!
1 duplexnovella 2018-09-12
yep... been over there since Pizza Gate.
I must admit I am guilty of and others are too of not sharing Voat PG with more people in GA... shame on us..
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Oh please clarify your “it won’t last” comment. I’m sure that wasn’t a threat from someone as mature as yourself.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
You don't know law, and you are not a lawyer.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Not gonna last mate.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
There's some reading for your "popcorn".
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Holy cow, you really kitchen-sinked that one. Still doesn't work mate.
1 Therealcodyg 2018-09-12
Yes, Forrest, I know that. What does me not having proof of a private sub inciting violence have to do with anything? Are you saying you're a member of a private sub that indeed incites violence? You realize those subs are not "private" correct? Reddit admins see it all.
1 Xaviermgk 2018-09-12
Just wanted your assertion of no proof. Thanks.