The Q movement is just another tactic used by said "Deep State" to once again pacify the public into not actually doing anything.

1  2018-09-13 by moeron60

What hear me out on this one... the Q movement is nothing but just another tactic used by said Deep State in order to control and pacify the part of the population who is actually awake and realizes that not all is at it seems, specifically pertaining to government and state matters. How many people passionately believe in this Q movement? A large amount of people. Some might even consider it a new religion in a way where there is absolute faith built upon complete conjecture.

That large amount people now think there are 'good guys' in our government battling the Deep State, causing them to relax just a bit, just enough to not actually rise up and do anything themselves because they think somebody is already inside, doing it for them. Social Engineering at its finest.

Is that possible?


You should really look into it for yourself:

What exactly am I looking into though?

This has all the red flags of a classic CIA psychological operation lol. Ok, I will look into it, but only because I believe in true open-mindedness.

That's all anyone could expect.

You have any links to comparable classic cia ops

Do you get paid to plug that link?

This, haha.

No... you guys get paid? Wtf, where's my money!

Run along now, maybe try T_D.

Negative, that place is controlled opposition.

So was GreatAwakening.

I'm sorry you feel upset about Q. Someday you'll be ready. Hopefully.


Rule 10.

I don’t know about all that, but it’s certainly convinced a lot of people that censoring the opposition is a good idea. Seems like a way bigger win to me.

I don’t know...every time I think that this lead us by the nose through vague posts is just more BS, the 51K indictments scream at me.

But yesterday, the shit show POTUS speech was so disappointing that I wanted to throw in the towel on it anyway. Are we supposed to be spreading what we feel is the truth or perpetuating the same bullshit lie?

If nothing happens by 2019 then I’ll accept that I’ve been “had” and I’m done with the political realm of nonsense. This is/was a last glimmer of hope.

Why are you waiting until 2019? This is exactly my point!

You are waiting, like everyone else who believes in this movement, always waiting on Q for the next 'drop' and when at least half of the stuff comes true, you BELIEVE even more. This is class psychological operations!

Because there isn’t anything that I can do about the evil in the world other than spread awareness. What exactly is expected of us? We voted POTUS in, we will vote his recommendations in November...I’m waiting for indictments to become unsealed and for arrests to be made.

The evil that is being exposed isn’t anything that can be fought outside of spiritual warfare. I know enough about how the law works to understand that until those indictments slow down from the average of 5K per month no arrests will be made.

Just keep waiting, then.

Spiritual warfare...?

It seems to be just as effective of a psyop that the CIA has used starting in the 40s against us. Why not use their techniques against them to rid a butt load of hurt they have put on humanity. So maybe sites like this slowly fade away.... until we go to sleep again and start this all over again sheesh

Agree 100%. I actually just posted a similar thread to this as you commented in it.

Do people not understand that there are these things called “rat holes”? Fake contrived conspiracy puzzles and false rabbit holes that they try to lead you down. This is what Q is. These followers are totally under the control of the people behind this campaign (intelligence agencies or someone in the Trumo admin), and they have pledged total allegiance to Trump as some sort of “savior”. It’s dangerous.

The Hero Card.

Strength 8
Charisma 19
Agility 9
Endurance 16
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 14

Intelligence 18 Wisdom 14

Nah, bro. Those are 3's at best.

Are they?

Here we go again, classic Trump bashing. Ummmm.....did he successfully sway an entire mass of people to vote for him...acting the way he does? And you're going to tell me they are 3's at best?

Do you even play D&D?

He swayed a minority of people to vote for him. Won on a technicality that he attacked the week before.

Anyway you slice it, no more than 40% of voters support Trump. That's not good leadership.

And clearly I play dnd when I know that 3 is the lowest possible stat roll. I roll D20s all day.

this guy agrees so purely on that premise I gotta say no.

the idea of Q as a pacifying psy-op is tempting HOWEVER recent events show the opposite.

This was one of few movements that could actually MOBILIZE REAL CITIZENS: the Q crowd made its debut to the public when those people wore the shirts and held the signs at that trump rally and the media immediately moved to debunk it while also not taking it seriously

GA itself was showing another image of dozens of students gathered in a big Q+ formation

This is why it was taken down. People are mobilizing around this cause IN REAL LIFE. The internet is just making this truth viral; a meme if you will.


To what ends? Mobilize us, radicalize us, and steer us anyway they want to.

All whilst infusing a pro-Trump/republican bias. How are you not seeing the dangers of this?

This is a community based on distrust and skepticism of power. No way should be thrust support behind some unverifiable anonymous false prophet.

They're radicalizing people to wear Tshirts and hold signs? Damn, that's where it started with those hippies!

What's wrong with a pro-republican bias? This is my opinion so take it however you want: this country was founded on ideals detailed by the constitution. Those fundamentals are conservative in nature.

Tl;Dr - support the constitution, you support conservative values

If that was the case Trump would denounce them.

Not if trump is also just another part of the political theater

I think it was planned along with Alex Jones and the like. Gives them more mystery that people will buy into harder.

Then why stop it?

Infiltrators you are indeed.

Not if trump is also just another part of the political theater