Anyone calling MDE or the great awakening racist doesn't know what they are talking about. Freedom of speech includes the freedom to offend.

1  2018-09-13 by RMFN

Just because you think something is gross or bad doesn't make it a thing. Just because you think something is racist doesn't mean it is.

I mean find the Bible extriemly bigoted but Christian subs aren't banned. Why arent my views respected?

You see morals are relative and you don't get to decide what's racist. Just because something offends you doesn't mean it's evil. That just life.

Free speech is offensive speech. The Supreme Court even decided that hate speech is free speech. We must impose our American values of freedom of expression on the internet. We must take back what is ours.

If those subs are racist why is /r/israel still up? A sub dedicated to a literal right wing fascist ethnostate is allowed to be up but Europeans even suggesting they deserve an ethnostate gets a forum removed for hate?

Why isn't Israel equal? Why isn't Israel held to the same standards as fictional white ethnostates?


I'm not American. So fuck off.

I'm not American. So fuck off.

Okay then, why are you speaking English?

I would kindly ask that you not appropriate my ancestors culture. Especially if you aren't going to respect their values.

You can speak to me in your native tongue. English coming from you offends me. Cultural appropriation offends me.

I'm Australian mate not just America spreckens ze english. Now bring your tongue here and tongue punch my fart box.

Damnable Australians!!!! Your Ruining America with your disgusting words and probable satanic values!!! SMH Deep State Loser

My boyfriend doesn't let me toss strangers salad, so imma have to respectfully decline.

Good. Didn't want no racist's tongue in my taint anyway.

Good. Didn't want no racist's tongue in my taint anyway.

What makes you think I'm a "racist"? Are you attempting to smear my good name? I don't take kindly to libel on defamation.

you should try a little harder with your bait, its too obvious.

Ah, so you just go around calling people racist with no proof. What a sad life you must live.

where did I call anyone racist?

just calling you out on your obvious bait.

Sorry, I mistook you for rainkaos.

Not really sure if you are being serious or not maybe there’s an inside joke I’ve missed. I speak English and I’m not American not sure how this could offend you.

These things are relative, I can be offended by literally whatever I want. It's a free country. Even if it's not a free internet.

That really doesn’t make any sense but ok. Be offended that my ancestry spoke English before yours and we continue to speak it better than most Americans do. Hence the term English. Not American my friend

At least my ancestors weren't degenerates and criminals.

Ha you’re good. I nearly took the bait then I thought can anyone be that uneducated. Good 1. 10/10

Honestly, he's one of the more slippery tools around here. He always ends up just resorting to meaningless circular arguments, you can see his brain failing throughout this thread with his half baked ideas trying to crowbar free speech into qAnon subs being banned.

Very entertaining!

Why are left wing subs allowed to exist?

Don't you value diversity of opinion?

Don't you value equality?

I am not privvy to reddit admins reasoning behind banning qAnon subs.

I think if you want to use reddit you better follow reddit rules. However even if no rules are broken reddit can terminate any users use of the website at any time for any reason.

And you think that's a good thing?

I'm not making any statement on the right or wrong of the action.

I'm explaining why the action isn't an infringement of your 1st amendment.

You seem to be defending it pretty hard.

Having a hard time getting your bullshit to stick there friend? Just cuddle with your bf it's OK 🆗 👌

At least I have someone who loves me. Not so sure someone as toxic as yourself could say the same.

Aww have I hurt your feewings?

I can't say I'm sorry my free speech has hurt your feelings. You don't have a right to not be offended after all.

This post is literally on the right to offend people. Did you read it correctly?

Did you just assume my reading ability?

Well when you go around misrepresenting someone's argument comprehension is in question. Either you can't read properly or you are commenting in bad faith and intentionally misrepresenting people.

commenting in bad faith


*my sides*

So you admit to it?

Why are you so vehemently defending the destruction of diversity?

I'm not I'm defending the right of a private website to ban users or subreddits they don't want on their platform.

I'm not I'm defending the right of a private website to ban users or subreddits they don't want on their platform.

So you don't value equality? Ah.

Your words are meaningless.

Equality is meaningless? Lol. Wow. You really are un-American.

Your posts are meaningless.

Then why do you insist on commenting?

If you're so annoyed by me, block me, be my guest.

I'm not annoyed by you I think you're one of the most entertaining users on this sub.

Please continue chucking shit at the wall like a reanimated Harambe.

Did you just compare me to an ape?

What the fuck.

That's the most racist thing I've ever seen!

What value does comparing me to a gorilla add to the community?

Did you just assume the meaning of my words?

Harambe is the Kenyan tradition of working together I thought that would be obvious.

Now you're backpedaling on your blatant dog whistling? Absolutely Talmudic.

I'm not peddling anything are you trying to defame me? Absolutely Koranic.

Oh, also muh free speech.

Free speech implies you're going to say something.

I've yet to see anything constructive from you.


then why are you speaking english?

You cant be serious with that response. You just cut he legs out from under any kind of benefit of the doubt people may have given you with that comment.

Websites are under no duty to allow you free speech.

Basically reddit or YouTube or Facebook can ban whoever they like.

Hence the need to establish an internet bill of rights. We must make these companies that are located in America, promote Americans values.

Ah yes more government regulation of the internet. I'm sure reddit would flourish with suitable government oversight.

You're not an American? Where are you from?

To you, in your culture, "freedom of speech" is backward?

I'm British.

I understand your freedom of speech is protected in the constitution. However that only protects your speech from government interference. Reddit isn't the government so they have no duty to protect or otherwise support your speech.

Not true. Not since the 1964 civil rights act. Open a business here and refuse to serve a African American, see what happens.

The protections on speech also extend to any extension of the government, meaning any company that is a government contractor. Ever heard of Alphabet? Yep they receive billions in government subsidies making them a special classification of business.

Race is a protected class and a buisness serves the public so can't discriminate on those grounds.

People who like to say kike/coon/wop etc aren't a protected class, in fact most people think they're morons which is why Nazis and racists tend to get their asses kicked if they open their mouths.

You just said those words, should your comment be removed?

You aren't clever mate. Quite the opposite.

Mate? Are you giving me some kind of cutsie nickname?

No my loving Irish red setter wouldn't take kindly to me flirting with others.

Did you just call me a dog? That's extremely offensive.

You call women you meet in Australia dogs?

I'm Australian mate.

Ah you're the British Arab then?


Sikh then?


Party affiliation isn't a protected class.

But religion is. My religion is freedom and veneration of the founding fathers. George Washington is our Masonic god, Hail to the, 33.

Does reddit have the Right to infringe upon my religious expression?


Might want to reread the 1964 civil rights act.

It and the Supreme Court cases that go along with it basically say that you can't just make up a religion for yourself and have it be protected.

You do know in the US private businesses cannot infringe on your free speech?

Look into it. It's especially illegal in California where the statue originates.

Yes they can

Oh. Ok arm chair legal expert.

Take your own advice. You have no clue what you are talking about

The First Amendment only applies to government actors. Corporations and private citizens are free to censor speech taking place on their property.

Not too mention a little thing you agree to on every site you use called the TOS.

That is settled law.

You think companies that take government funding can infringe on the freedom of speech of its patrons?

After looking at your history i am not sure you participate in any discussion in good faith.

I am also not sure you are over 18.

Does that turn you on?

Not sure why you think that ruling applies to reddit.

That case concerns removing someone from the mall for having a consensual private conversation.

Mde and the GreatAwakening were different how?

The website and the mall are under no obligation to provide you with a public forum.

The mall clearly is. Reddit, not yet. But soon.

And you think that's okay? To allow some people a platform but not all?

And you think that's okay? To allow some people a platform but not all?


Ah, so you don't value equality?

Equality is great and I thoroughly support it.

That's not true a business can kick you out if you start talking about Trump or JFK or whatever.

In fact wasn't there a recent case that buisness could refuse service to people simply wearing red hats?

Yes, there was.

I can't really believe I know about your speech rights than you, a native American!

This case might help. Because it proves you wrong.

Surprised the American knows more about the American legal system? I'm not.

You should actually read that because it's quite interesting, it does not however apply to websites. In fact it only applies to communal areas in California malls.

Accordingly, based on the Snatchko ruling, it seems advisable to carefully review common area rules so as to ensure that the rules permit spontaneous free speech regarding any and all topics between strangers who mutually agree to converse and who cause no disturbance or otherwise interfere with the operation or enjoyment of the shopping center.

Is reddit a "common area"? These rules can easily be applied online.

Why do you oppose the freedom of others to express themselves?

Don't you value a diversity of opinion?Don't you value equality?

Reddit is a private business in the "common area" of the internet.

"private business" so they can refuse African American's from making accounts?

No, I already explained to you race is a protected class.

You should read the 1st amendment wiki page because it would clear a lot of these erroneous thoughts you have up.

No, I already explained to you race is a protected class.

You should read the 1st amendment wiki page because it would clear a lot of these erroneous thoughts you have up.

Okay then why is it okay to censor white subs?

Yes because those subs broke the rules.

Like I said before you aren't clever and you aren't tying me I'm a knot here.

Reddit can't ban black people from signing up. Reddit can ban what you refer to as "white subs" because those subs broke the rules. They're not being banned for being white it's just a coincidence that retarded racists on reddit tend to be white.

So if I make a troll account and promote violence in /r/sandersforpresident that is basis for removing the entire forum?

Definitely sounds reasonable.

I didn't say that, you created that fantasy in your head. I have no views on your fantasy.

Explain how my scenario is different from what happened?

You can prove the people posting racism and violence weren't trolls?

I'm not explaining your fantasy you just created to you. Why don't you explain it to me. I want at least one pie chart in the presentation.

Trolls post racism and violence then squeal to admins to get the forum removed. It's pretty simple. And I'm pretty sure drshillgood and others at tmor openly talk about that tactic.

0 pie charts.


You deny that tactic exists?

I'm not engaging with your fantasy chat.

Please, I have a boyfriend. That's flattering, but I'll have to decline your invitation to a "fantasy chat"..

You're the one who called me cute babe

You're missing some punctuation there smart fella.

Ah the predictable descent to grammar corrections. The true realm of the genius.

Das righ.

Feigning ignorance now? How cute.

I told you, I'm spoken for.

I'd like your opinion.

Why do you oppose the freedom of others to express themselves?

Don't you value a diversity of opinion?Don't you value equality?

I'm not feeding you. I'll answer whatever I choose.

Ah, you're opinion is "feeding me"?

Why are you afraid of answering a few simple questions?

Why do you oppose the freedom of others to express themselves?

Don't you value a diversity of opinion?Don't you value equality?

located in America

OH well that's an easy loophole.

We bombed democracy into most of the world. What's wrong with bringing a little freedom of expression?

I don't think you're promoting american values.

Oh? Freedom of expression, liberty, and equality aren't American values?

If liberals get subs why don't conservatives? Isn't Equality an American value?

You can say those things, but you're not promoting them.

How so? Care to explain your claim?

Ah, baseless claims as the usual. I expect better form you Rocky.


Going to back up your claim?

yes, i view anything that on the web that is accessible by a click of a button public domain and in the USA you are allowed to exercise you constitutional rights in public including freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, and freedom of press. reddit banning certain subreddits and facebook banning groups is a violation of people's freedom of assembly and freedom of speech. this can be a stepping stone. before you know it the government subsidizes all forms of communication to private companies, then the private companies have the power to ban what ever they want. in the world owned and controlled by the corporations and to say that the constitution only applies to the government , then the 1st amendment doesn't mean shit then.

Fuck yes! Very good points all around! i made some comments here on this trend and these mods are really acting like this is great. for some reason they believe that the great awakening was promoting violence. but i know that isn't true at all. i just can't believe people will believe anything these days and i know that is a problem. but when the MSM is tell lies and discussion groups on the internet, that are telling the truth, are banned, then these people are going to believe the lies. just because it is on tv and a good looking women tells you something, that doesn't mean its true. the information they are given you might be a fact but listen very closely and you can hear when they lie. they will start talking in hypotheticals, asking questions and using experts their opions. that is the lie. because technically if they are talking in a hypothetical manner then they can infer what ever they want. news in the past never did this. the news just reported the straight facts and you decided for yourself. maybe its me, but i think people don't understand this. maybe we have a nation of adult/children that have grown up on the internet and they never learned to think as an individual.

Just because Target let's me walk inside their private property that doesn't suddenly make it not their private property, nor does it cause Target to act as the State.

If you stood in Wal-Mart shouting about how the Walton are terrible people, do you think they would not have the legal right to eject you from their properties? Do you think they would be required to respect your free speech and allow you to rant as long as you want? Do you think you'd be entitled to sue either Wal-Mart of the Federal govt for infringing on your rights?

Websites are under no duty to allow you free speech.

And you like it that way?

To quote you,

'That's just life.'

Stating facts doesn't mean you agree with them.

But god forbid they refuse to bake a hay wedding cake, right?

How is forcing someone to make something specific the same as refusing to let someone speak?

A bakery isn't a newspaper.

You think you can hire a Jewish artist and force them to draw the holocaust in a good light? That's backwards.

How is censoring free legal speech similar to wanting something specific from a store that they do not have?

Newspaper and bakery are both private companies and not government. They ha e that in common at least.

Publishing companies and public squares are held to the same legal standard as a small business?

Public vs private. 1st amendment protects people from government not private corporation. I see you have a hard time understanding that on all your comments. Media does have other laws as do bakeries that pertain to their industry. Their used to be standards requiring fair reporting but Reagan I believe repealed it. The right who wants equality and fair reporting repealed the law requiring that. The left wants the exact same. They don't want fair reporting. Quit falling for divide and conquer tactics.

Non-Mobile link:

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 211649

The supreme Court ruled the bakers didn't have to bake the cake.

So yeah kinds like that.

Because that would be equvalent to making a Jewish artist render the holocaust in a positive light.

You don't think that's the same as preventing someone from speaking, do you?

I think he was responding to the public backlash rather than the legal decision.

You're absolutely right that they can ban whoever they want legally, but he was talking about the hypocrisy of how everyone freaked out when the gay cake people did just that.

Thanks. I'm at work and just saw there was a reply.

No answer?

What was the question again? I thought I was supporting your statement

Oh no the Q subs all got banned now where will you ever find memes about Hillary being a pedophile oh noooo

You don't value equality? Plenty of lib subs still up squealing about Drumph...

So I know what Q was about (not enough to know both sides of "why it was banned" but whatever) but what the hell was MDE and why are subreddits terrified of refugees from that sub (like r/drama)

Should /r/pissgate be banned too?

The newest post on that sub is over a year and a half old. Get a grip.

Doesn't make it any less offensive.

You should know all about “offensive,” buddy. But yeah, go ahead and petition to ban a dead sub. It’s a more productive use of your time than licking the Q ball.

And freedom of commerce means the freedom for owners to deny service to customers/users who offend them.

Isn't this exactly what the right was fighting for with the whole Masterpiece Cakeshop controversy? Welcome to the world you fought for.

Maybe the right shouldn't have fight so hard to empower businesses to the point that they could infringe on individual liberty to a greater extent than governments can? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

How is forcing someone to make something specific the same as refusing to let someone speak?

A bakery isn't a newspaper.

You think you can hire a Jewish artist and force them to draw the holocaust in a good light? That's backwards.

How is censoring free legal speech similar to wanting something specific from a store that they do not have?

Legal doesn't always mean ethical.

Why is this guy allowed to troll this subreddit?

For the last time. Read the first amendment before you go spouting off that ignorant drivel. No one gives a fuck if you are American. Pompous as all hell too.

Read the first amendment.

Because you don't agree with me I'm a troll?

My aren't you tolerant!

Oh suddenly someone is offended by free speech.

You're trolling when you say ignorant shit like "WHY ARE YOU SPEAKING ENGLISH YOU'RE NOT AMERICAN REEEE"

So much for the tolerant right eh?

You clearly understand satire..

It's not satire. You are just trolling. And you get offended easily by words.

Read the first amendment. If you can.

It's my right to be offended. You don't See Me lobbying to have you removed off of the forum because we disagree. Lol that's what liberals do.

I'm 100% certain you try to get many people who disagree with you banned. This post seems like a honeypot for it.

By the way. According to your post you have no right to be offended.

Citation needed.

Trolling you are.

Can you prove that?

Yes. Everyone can see you trolling.

That's not proof. A baseless claim is just that. Baseless.

You are trolling. Denial is just that. Denial.

If you don't like me you could always block me. It's pretty simple.

Or you could not get offended by words while post baiting about racism not being offensive.

You could always block me eh?

Are you offended by the racism in the old testament? What about the racism Somalian immigrants to Germany portray toward their host? Does that offend you?

You do realize you aren't the moral authority on what's racist.

Is watermelon and fried chicken racist? Is reading the Talmud, racist?

I don't know. Is it? How pretentious can one be to say that others aren't the moral authority then goes off pontificating claiming they are?

Read the first amendment. If you can.

And did I ever say I was tolerant? Lol. Why would I want to be tolerant?

Deranged man comments over and over in rage after getting offended.

It makes you feel good about yourself to call people names?

Does it make you feel good to be fascist and try to get the government to overtake an online forum?

Wanting regulations to enforce freedom and equality is fascism to you?

Are you misrepresenting my argument on purpose?

Sounds like communist fascism to me, yeah.

Are you trolling on purpose? Why are you allowed to troll.

Read the first amendment then understand that this conspiracy sub doesn't want government to take over social media.

Because my opinions are different from yours I'm "trolling"?

Yeah typical. You can't argue using truth or facts so you have to smear and call your opponents names.

That's just childish.

I already said you were trolling when you were talking about how you are American and other shit.

You have made your arguments quite clear. You support fascism.

You lie.

I already said you were trolling when you were talking about how you are American and other shit.

You have made your arguments quite clear. You support fascism.

Wahhhhhhhhh I disagree with you, that makes you a fascist!

Daddy daddy, this mean old fascist wants the freedom to express themselves. They want to have opinions.. Daddy I'm scared. They don't really think they are allowed to have opinions, do they?

You're in a conspiracy sub begging for a government to let you be racist and for racism to not be offensive because you said so.

No one is arresting you for expressing yourself but you are not allowed to harass people with racism.

Yorw welcome to go to a different website. Or you you need a big liberal website to spew your hate to an audience?

That's just the thing. Who made you the boss of what's racist?

Who made you the boss?

Did I say I was?

You misrepresenting people's arguments on accident? Or you're just that thick?

Nice insults. I guess that means I win. Have fun promoting fascist government.

I think it's really funny you won't read the first amendment. Being some great American after all who knows so much.

Yeah change the subject.

Lol that's a fun reply. I was trying to comment like you.

You would rather any subject that the actual text of the first amendment. You're so far gone you have interpreted the constitution wrong and have created your own definition.

What does the text of the first amendment have to do with free speech?

All of the real law comes from Supreme Court decisions that come far later than the president set by the constitution.

What does the text of the first amendment have to do with free speech?

I don't know what does the text of the first amendment have to do with free speech?

You tell me my smart Aussie.

I'm not Australian. You got some real problems there mate. You are just trying to insult people by calling them Aussie.

Must have mixed you up with the other one... Sorry, where are you from again? Tel Aviv?

That would be your hometown.

Please I've had enough problems with people trying to doxx me here.

Okay? Can't imagine why.

I don't get it. Like, is he just lonely? Lmao this thread really made my afternoon at work fly past.

You know he's having a bad day when he goes on his "multiple replies to the same commet" shit.

Transparent agitator is transparent and not very good at agitating.

It's ducking deranged to say "Why would I want to be tolerant" in a post he is literally in tears about people not being tolerant of racism. The hypocrisy is incredible. Do you know why this guy is constantly allowed to troll?

I don't know I think he's a mod at /r/c_s_t he was banned here recently I don't know the meta drama that goes with it. He obviously has a purpose here... Or he thinks he does lol

His purpose is to troll I guess. I just want to know why it's allowed when others get banned for way less. I guess cst controls this sub?

Because my opinions are different from yours I'm "trolling"?

That seems pretty bigoted to me.

You need a dictionary before you start typin words. What does the first amendment say?


You're the one that needs a dictionary, honey.

A dictionary for leaving out the g. Lol. Guess I won hard.

My purpose is to spread the light of truth.

There's a bit of shit stuck to your torch.

No need for bad language. If you can't say something nice why say anything at all?

Fucked if I know.

I’m just reading all of your responses to this clown and giggling. Keep up the good work

Hey, if you can throw pies at the clown what's the point? Cheers!

This thread here is what's called consensus building.

Yeah I get that. Consensus for fascism and calling for government regulation of a website.

Mandating free speech and expression is fascism?

Okay, lol. What a sad argument...

The Supreme Court even decided that hate speech is free speech

your country is lost...

Please, stay away if that's how you feel.


You hate American values yet desire freedom of speech?


sorry if you think U.S have exclusive rights over it it...

Just for laughs, where do you live?

away from you

So you can't share where you live?

it is not hidden. i just don't want to share with you.

You can speak freely without fear I take it.

it is not hidden. i just don't want to share the information with you.

Brazil is a nice place for a holiday.

not to live... believe me.

Tourist countries seldom are.

we are not, it is not even 3% of the gdp. is the gini that fuck us.

I'm not trying to diminish a nation. It is a beautiful country. Has freedom of speech.

yeah, this is at least truth... but our problem is the ownership of ALL media in the country is in the hands of 4...5 families. so it is easy for them to undermine any concurring narrative.

Welcome to the Americas. I share the frustration.

Tel Aviv is beautiful!

well, probably. but i am not curious about.

Just because you have the freedom to say something racist doesn't mean it isn't racist.

Define "racist".

If I'm offended by it is it racist?

I go by the definition you can find when googling the word. And no, not necessarily. It's just that the way you framed it made it sound like just because certain speech should be allows means it isn't racist.

Freedom of speech does mean you can say whatever you believe (and others can) and I honestly believe anyone should be able to say what they want as that’s the only path to discourse. They should also be ready to accept the consequences. However when you use parentheses around someone’s name to say they’re Jewish, you’re absolutely signaling out a race, and then when you build those people up as the ultimate enemies of mankind, you’re being racist. Like real racist. When there’s posts mocking or denigrating races of people, you’re being racist. The great awakening was racist as fuck. It’s kinda telling when an entire group of people supporting a racist ideology (and bending over backwards to make it work) also tend to be racist. And again i think everyone should be allowed to be as stupid and racist as they’d like, but there will be consequences. So maybe, stop trying to offend, be yourself and say what you actually believe. Then listen with an open mind to what others say and stop being a child who just “wants to do it for the lolz”


They are a bunch of pricks. Someone needs to get TMoR banned. They constantly break the rules with all their brigading and shilling.

They are absolute bigots against anyone that doesn't think like them.

Yes they are. The hive mind at work on that sub.

MDE is hilarious as fuuuuck.

This guy is spamming r/conspiracy with qAnon bullshit. It's always about race, religion and his stormfront garbage.

Race is one of the biggest conspiracies.

gender too, I assume you believe based on your post.

Yes, the two genders.

Which is totally in line with r/consipracy . Toe the line of russiaBot

Kindly, go straw man yourself.

Good evasion. Won't admit anything, won't deny anything. Classic stooge

Is stooge the new """shill"""?

Hence the need to establish an internet bill of rights. We must make these companies that are located in America, promote Americans values.

Good. Didn't want no racist's tongue in my taint anyway.

What makes you think I'm a "racist"? Are you attempting to smear my good name? I don't take kindly to libel on defamation.

Race is a protected class and a buisness serves the public so can't discriminate on those grounds.

People who like to say kike/coon/wop etc aren't a protected class, in fact most people think they're morons which is why Nazis and racists tend to get their asses kicked if they open their mouths.

Websites are under no duty to allow you free speech.

And you like it that way?

No my loving Irish red setter wouldn't take kindly to me flirting with others.

Party affiliation isn't a protected class.

But god forbid they refuse to bake a hay wedding cake, right?

"private business" so they can refuse African American's from making accounts?

The mall clearly is. Reddit, not yet. But soon.

And you think that's okay? To allow some people a platform but not all?

I'd like your opinion.

Why do you oppose the freedom of others to express themselves?

Don't you value a diversity of opinion?Don't you value equality?

I'm 100% certain you try to get many people who disagree with you banned. This post seems like a honeypot for it.

By the way. According to your post you have no right to be offended.

Please, stay away if that's how you feel.

0 pie charts.


Okay? Can't imagine why.

I go by the definition you can find when googling the word. And no, not necessarily. It's just that the way you framed it made it sound like just because certain speech should be allows means it isn't racist.