Q Anon communities get banned with blanket censorship and bullshit allegations. Meanwhile, literal brigading subs like Top Minds of Reddit continue to operate unimpeded. Hmmmm.

1  2018-09-13 by Spiritual_War

It's almost like this website is controlled, manipulated, and toyed with.

When we have a documented, hate sub, that incites violence and encourages brigading and harrassing other users, not even get banned, it is obvious what is really going on with this shitty social platform.

Reddit is dying the death of a million shills, fake gate keepers, and paid discourse. What a shame this platform has become. Literally banning communities that preached peace and unity, only to become banned and blanket wiped. Meanwhile TMOR is untouched. Speaks volumes. Really does. Fuck you /u/spez and the shitty admins of this defunct dying website. You all have no spines and do not belong in America. Anerica has become a political battleground that is filled with censorship and divide and conquer. Dark days ahead of us. The storm is now here.


Also fuck you if youre against the people of great awakening

This sub circle jerks itself over divide and conquer yet you all talk shit about people of great awakening and talk shit about Q as if you are above them and know it all.

That is the definition of ignorance and divide and conquer. So way to go, you hypocritical tools. Keep dividing yourselves further and further, it's what the deep state loves watching you do. You really think they wouldnt ban GA if it wasnt starting to generate change and free thinking? If you applaud Reddits decision then youre a piece of shit and are not a truth seeker in any capacity, just another useful idiot for the global "elite". Insert typical cliche "wake the fuck up" comment here.

Really winning over the audience with that motivational speaking there OP, top work.

Yea ill talk shit against those guys because i find them to be reactionary and the whole group mentality is awful. I checked their voat and its full of racism and anti semetism. They do brigading of there own on this Reddit and bitch about how capitalism is perfect, and then when a company does what it's allowed to do and ban you in order to increase revenues, it's all of a sudden a censorship. A bunch of politicized incels.

Whatever makes you feel woke lmao

I applaud your comment Patriot.

I think we need a prayer for our brave Patriots. We must stand tall in the storm! Please post a prayer for light below!

Removed. Rule 10.

I don’t agree with the censorship, but I think the Q crowd is being led on by a psyop.

Q turned a bunch on non partisan conspiracy theorists into hardcore trump supporters. It also pacifies peoples into waiting for the next drop.

Personally I think it’s ridiculous.

Thats all fine to have that opinion, even though I strongly disagree.

Did you ever spend any time on that board? I did, and that's coming from a die hard /r/conspiracy user for years.

It didnt pacify anyone. All I saw were actual patriots sharing news, researching drops and what they mean, and most importantly, it brought so much unity. Let me ask you this. If it all were a big conspiracy and Q were a larp, why so much attention from the MSM? Why did it get banned by Reddit admins? If something were a larp or were not dangerous, wouldnt it be left alone? Look at the donald and conspiracy. So much shilling and astroturfing takes place here yet GA gets banned? For a sub of critical thinkers, there are too many here defending Reddit and there are too many glossing over the massive unity that was happening on that sub, something this sub prays and dreams for. The mods did a great job too.

Actual patriots lol

^ Go back to sleep

Chill. Not everybody here is on the trump train or believes Q.

Yeah, alot of you side with the Deep State Cabal/Pedophiles

You’ve been brain washed

haha...shouldn't you be playing video games

Actually later I might. Doesn’t change the fact you’re brainwashed lol

How so, what do I believe that makes me brainwashed?

Anyone who isn’t on team trump or Q supports pedos or cannibals

They actually believe this shit too.

If you aren't helping us get rid of them, you're in the way and hurting the movement.

You can't take a stand for good? You can't help us get rid of the pedophile and organ harvesting networks?


That's what I see from my point of view.

So “either you’re with us, or you’re with the terrorists” kind of thinking?

Not everybody subscribes to your little psyop. Especially in this sub where were skeptical of disinformation and rat holes.

Are you for or against legalized pedophilia?

Are you for or against human trafficking?

Are you for or against trafficking body parts?

What has this Q movement done to stop any of what you listed? Like actual done besides claiming credit for long term intelligence operations coming to their intended conclusions as far as human trafficking goes. No of any importance is trying to “legalize pedophelia”. Trafficking body parts has and will always happen, but your basically at someone stole my kidney level memeing.

There's that projection!

There it is! We don’t believe in some bullshit Q theory so me must be rooting for the pedophiles!

This country has been absolutely divided and you’re the sheep. Wake up and wipe the shit out of your eyes. Trump is part of the problem not the answer.

So you slag him for dividing the country and then say that Trump is the problem... You literally contradicted yourself before you finished your sentence...

Yeah, alot of you side with the Deep State Cabal/Pedophiles

Ok so because we don’t buy into Q, we support Pedophile?

Great logic. Not uncommon for the Q folks..

Do you even read the Q drops?

The early ones I followed. After everybody was claiming Hillary and Podesta were in Guantanamo bay I jumped ship Because it reeked of disinfo.

You didn't read them very closely then. Do you understand what a 'fluid situation's refers to?

Before trying to talk about Q, you should find out if the other person accepts that it may be a LARP or a psy-op. If they don't (i.e. they 100% believe that Q is legitimate) then it's a waste of time talking about it with them. The worst of the true believers are almost as bad as hardcore followers of religions with blasphemy rules and derogatory names for non believers (kaffir / pedo supporter) etc.

That's the same accusatory logic and bigotry used by people suffering from anti-Trump syndrome to anyone who doesn't agree with their extremist partisan views.

extremist partisan views.

You kinda just described the Q community.

not really. we don't pretend you're all pedophiles.

Yeah, alot of you side with the Deep State Cabal/Pedophiles

Who here is siding with Trump?

Over the target for sure. If it was really a larp it would have been left alone.

I personally think if it IS a psyop (which I believe it is), banning it worked great on all the Q users because they are now totally convinced it’s real. The engineers behind it now have an even more highly motivated and convinced userbase.

It’s like reverse psychology. When your parents would say to you as a kid, “don’t get into this closet here”, it made you think there was something really cool in there, and odds are you went into it.

Why would Reddit feed the Q conspiracy? That makes no sense. The people who you say are running a larp also have Reddit authority? Are they the same people banning Q on other platforms? Is this the same group that deplatformed Jones? this is much bigger than Reddit and r/thegreatawakening, there is a movement to ban conservative viewpoints from social media, plain and simple. It’s all about influencing the elections.

. It’s all about influencing the elections.

And let me guess, you think conservatives/Republicans are “under attack”?

Why would these phony puppet show elections matter that much to the “deep state” and ruling class, that created the 2 party system in the first place?

The shit they shuffle around every few years is meaningless. Everybody is rallying around the conservative ideology now, not because they agree ideologically, but simply because they’re “under attack”. To me, that’s ridiculous.

If you don’t see it, you aren’t paying attention.

This is an irrelevant point, because they were bending over backwards to convince themselves it was real regardless.

Have you ever Considered the “drops” were disinformation? Or at least some of them were?

Has Trump ever come out and publicly acknowledged Q vocally in any way? Or any of his staff?

It sounds like a fun and time consuming little “puzzle”, but ultimately I think it’s just providing false hope to desperate people.

Even worse, like I said above, it’s merging you all with support for the current administration and their authoritarianism.

Any bad thing trump and his company do like bomb Syria or sign a multi billion dollar arms deal, Q is magically there to tell you how it’s some 4D chess move. It’s irresponsible IMO.

There have been proofs that appear to be confirmation from Trump directly. Things like Q posting "sea to shining sea". Hours later, Trump goes to an event where the song is playing and when that verse drops, Trump makes circular motions with his hands. Could it coincidence? Could it be absolutely nothing? Sure. However, there have been multiple things of this nature.

That said, it absolutely could be a psyop that Trump is involved in for all of the reasons you mentioned. If we can accept that Q is close to Trump and it's all coordinated with him, it would still be healthy discussion to analyze whether or not it's a complete psyop.

The only way well ever get true confirmation is if arrests are made. If nothing ever happens to the people Q has claimed are traitors and criminals, well know it was one giant bullshit psyop.

Top minds of reddit right here

Unfortunately for you, I have some self confidence so I don't care what you and your pathetic friends have to say about what I think.

You spend your time on the internet harassing and trolling people who don't think the way you do. Congratulations, I'm sure outside of the internet you're a real hit.

Good on you. Q mostly has caused people to do independent research into topics he 'drops' or hints about. So those that claim it's violent - it's mostly Christians praying for things - or Disinfo - Q hints at topics that are independently investigated by multiple people who then present the findings and discuss them.

It's obviously not a LARP, could be a PSYOP but either way it's telling that some Anon asking questions about things is causing this much animosity in the Deep State and those that can't see through the veil.

Agreed. As the movement reached a larger audience, I noticed a segment of people who latched onto the satanic aspect in some of the drops and are now expecting some type of inquisition-esque event. I want justice, not lynch mobs.

I agree that it isn't a LARP. I've seen too many things, which makes it beyond coincidence at this point. It's been a positive movement so far in that it's woken up many people. However, if it's a giant psyop designed simply to ensure Trump's reelection, that would be extremely trivial and disappointing.

You can find coincidences anywhere if you look hard enough.

Furthermore, thats a shit coincidence, since Trump plays the same music at every rally, and it isn't really a stretch to think America the Beautiful would be played at a Trump rally regardless.

healthy discussion to analyze whether or not it's a complete psyop.

It's okay guys, its only diet psyops.

There are others. This one is recent

I'm not a coder though, so I don't know if it's possible to write a script to pull something off like this.

Q Timestamp: 15:35.16 Trump timestamp from twitter: 2018-09-10T19:35:40.000Z

Q just posted the same minute as Trump, then just posted after the fact when he saw trump tweeted as well. If he predicted the 0:00 before the messages it would actually mean something. but once again, its just a reaction to a coincidence.

Not the groundbreaking evidence you might think it is seeing how there are 350,000 tweets every minute. There's a good chance you are going to tweet at the same time as someone else given enough time.

The entire event was requested by someone on 8chan: that's what 0 Delta is. Trump hadn't tweeted yet that day. Regardless, I understand how it could be done.

Oh, I completely misread that.

That would give it more credence, especially so if my timestamp for Trump was correct. Since it meant that Q posted before Trump.

I went to double check to make sure of it before posting this. Unfortunately i just selected the first thing that had datetime and it turns out that goes to the first response instead. So I was wrong and I apologize for that.

going by your image, Trump posted at 2:35:06, and Q posted 10 seconds later. Definitely within the possibility of it being a scripted response or coordinated.

That said, I'm still not convinced. This is like /r/againstpedohate saying that they worked with /r/againsthatesubreddits to get great awaking banned after the fact.

If you want to convince me, Q should be posting before Trump, not doing a reactionary message.

I agree. It'd be nice to have a Q post followed by a Trump tweet that leaves no question. For example, a word for word copy. I can't be sure, but maybe that's too blatant and would cause major problems if Trump could be directly linked to the Q posts.

The 0 delta was at the direct request of someone on 8chan. Apparently, they attempted a true 0 delta, but failed. This was Q's response to someone pointing out the 10 second difference:


[2] devices used.

[1] Carrier.

Pushed [exactly] at same time.

[0:10 sec variance]

Device lag or feeder site delay.

Request fulfilled.


Could be absolute bullshit. I'd just also like to point out that Trump, in his tweet, incorrectly capitalized the word "Storm". From the beginning, a phrase within the Q movement has been "the calm before the storm". In fact, it was the name of the subreddit that was banned before GA was started.

It is absolute bullshit. in 10 seconds I found an autoresponder script which can do exactly what Q wants, except doing a POST request to 8chan instead of a twitter message in response.

Once again, its only proof if he is able to predict a 0 delta, not create one on his own. "attempting a true 0 delta" is a bs story to try and handwave it away.

I'd just also like to point out that Trump, in his tweet, incorrectly capitalized the word "Storm".

Trump incorrectly capitalizes everything, hardly a tell. and Q doesn't interact with Reddit, only on 8chan so referencing a single word out of context to another single word of the old subreddit title is a silly thing to do.

I can't be sure, but maybe that's too blatant and would cause major problems if Trump could be directly linked to the Q posts.

This is the key issue. Q can explain away everything that goes against his credibility by just saying "It'll cause major problems if Trump is directly linked to me." While simultaneously trying to directly link Trump to him. It's illogical.

Lastly, lets talk about the "proof" which was proven to be a complete fabrication. The picture Q "took" on Air Force One. It was a picture of the back of an iphone X which was reflecting an image of the background of an Obama Era Air Force One picture.

People just seem to ignore this fact..

All fair criticisms. The only one I will argue with is that Trump has directly stated he intentionally capitalizes words that otherwise would not be.


I don't know if Q is legit or not. It seems you've done your research and have made up your mind. There are many examples of things like this. It could be a very sophisticated LARP or psyop. It also could be real. Just because it's possible this could have been done with a script, doesn't mean it was. I remain intrigued.

Trump likes to state that he never makes any mistakes, so obviously its not an error.

My theory: He is probably just fat fingering period button which I tend to do as well when holding iPhones and reaching across the screen.

Alternatively, he is copy and pasting stuff he has already written and doesn't want to rewrite it, I do this a lot as well, sometimes I also have random capitalization from when something was at the beginning of a sentence and no longer is.

But once again, there is no way to prove it either way. I'm sure if you analyze the previous letter that come before the ones that are capitalized there might be some commonality. But thats :effort:.

That being said, If you believe that the capitalization of "storm" was intentional, do you also think that cofefe was not a typo?

Just because it's possible this could have been done with a script, doesn't mean it was.

I'm not proving/disproving the possibility of it being a script. Honestly you could just do it in 10 seconds if you were watching twitter hard enough. The issue I have is that it isn't a Prediction of a 0 delta, since he posted after Trump.

The "cofvefe" thing... honestly, who knows? Probably just a typo.

I agree with the 0 delta bit. It doesn't prove much unless Q posted before Trump.

There are more of these things here though: https://www.qproofs.com/twitter.html

Clicked through a lot of them. Every 0 delta has Trump posting before Q.

Other proofs are either stupid far fetched coincidences

For example: This can be easily explained "Just a tip" was a reference to how he was giving more info about the location of whatever place is in VA. Then someone who got responded to by trump 2 days later either had or changed their picture to an iceberg, then pointed it out.

hardly good proof.

J C - Random p at the end, look up JPC and find a hit, thats not proof. Furthermore, he posted after Trump already did, and waited for someone to find a retarded connection.

J C can stand for pretty much anything. For example, It probably would have been better to have said that J C is the acronym used for "job code" on DoJ hiring postings, and the show that there are no more justice department jobs being posted that are related. Or could be Justice Court, and post to a random decision that it has been made. or could be anything that has a J and C in it.. he just waits for someone to make a match and pings it as proof. No matter how far fetched the matches are.

What is A and E suppose to mean? Pleasantly forgotten about.

Most of these things are him cold reading and other people finding the connection and saying "YES THATS IT." I have yet to find one that has been a hard prediction before trump has said soemthing.

Can't argue with anything you are saying. It definitely takes a leap of faith.

So a 8-10 second delay is untenable with device lag, network lag, and whatever else might get in the way?

I often watch my wife make posts to social media and it takes 10-15 seconds to show up on my feed even if I'm constantly refreshing. 1-2 seconds really assumes the best conditions.

no, an 8-10 second delay is not untenable. It could very well be scripted, and probably was.

However, the issue I have with it is that there is no required involvement from Trump's side. Its the same as Elon Musk bitcoin scam tweets that respond right after elon tweets.

Elon isn't coordinating with those scammers, the scammers are simply listening for elon to post, and then immedately respond on their accounts.

This is probably why there is an 8-10 second delay, not because of network lag, but because it can only be done as a reaction to Trump's tweet with Q being the only party.

but then why isn't it consistent? the 0 delta was provided in response to a call for it. Also, a LARP that goes on for nearly 10 months without giving themselves up or dirtying the waters is pretty impressive - are you saying you think this is a psy-op or disinfo coming from Trump?

For it to come from somewhere else doesn't really make sense... why would Trump's enemies drag themselves through the mud? and if this is all a psy-op by Trump, what is the purpose? What's the end game here? Are you really going so far as to imply that Trump will ride off into the sunset at the end of this after having fooled us all and that's somehow going to work out?

I have always been extremely skeptical of QAnon, but as somebody watching back in October, they (Q) has proven themselves along the way. If you want to look at this so pedantically as to think that the QAnon board wasn't going to be used for disinformation at times, then I can see why people might get upset or give up on it, but Q has mentioned multiple times that there are multiple audiences they speak to over the 8chan board, including their enemies. Are some of Q's message meant to provoke them? Are some of Q's messages actual direct communications to them? Will those comms make sense to us if they exist?

What QAnon really achieves is establishing a back-channel communication between whoever is behind 'Q' and the mainstream media. We have seen what the mainstream media does to Trump's communications every day - twisting and turning them into the worst version of reality on a daily basis. By speaking through Q and using AI learning techniques to disseminate information, they are cutting out our modern form of information delivery and putting it in the hands of the public directly. To control and mobilize 'the autists' is no easy feat, but by planting clues and giving hints, it's quite amazing at what these people have found just by digging.

Believe me, the second that I am asked to give $5 to something or buy some stupid product or even to support some entity over another, I will be out on QAnon. However, to this point, I have not seem themselves screw up, nor have I see them compromise themselves. I have seen a LOT of LARPs in real time, but nothing like this. It doesn't makes sense that this is a LARP - its too much work and it's too clean. If it's a psy-op, I don't understand the end game, nor do I understand why the military intelligence people would allow it. If you think that Trump can do whatever he wants, you don't understand how government works....

I don't think its psy-op at all. I was just making a joke about the psyops vs diet psyops.

I think it's a troll on 8chan. Which explains literally everything about it.

It's all cold reading bullshit which people see as predictions & reactions to events. Furthermore, whenever he is wrong people just handwave it away.

I can predict that there is going to be weather around your house each day and be right. I can also predict right now that it'll snow on december 28th. However, its completely meaningless because I am not risking anything by saying these things.

It's all cold reading bullshit which people see as predictions & reactions to events. Furthermore, whenever he is wrong people just handwave it away.

I can't accept that - this person has way too much foreknowledge to have everything connect. Do you really think somebody can pull off nearly 2200 troll posts without somebody catching on?

Also, this person is claiming to speak for Trump. If this were purely a troll and they have MASSES of people showing up in Q shirts/signs/etc., don't you think they would speak towards it and tell people the president is not involved with it? They have even gone as far as confiscating Q signs at certain rallies - why interact in that way but not make a statement?

There are too many loose ends. I think what you are claiming is even more unbelievable than Trump being the ultimate good guy.... That's just from watching the chans and this website for almost 8-10 years pretty closely.

I can predict that there is going to be weather around your house each day and be right. I can also predict right now that it'll snow on december 28th. However, its completely meaningless because I am not risking anything by saying these things.

You have not looked at this close enough. No judgement, but you clearly havent' really engaged that deeply with it, which is cool. It's not for everyone. But I respectfully think you are being ignorant here - Q's communications are not generalized platitudes like you are implying here. I will say this though - if you are not willing to be a bit of an 'autist' yourself, you will not understand Q. It rewards those who dig, and is unfriendly to those who rely on others. Just my 2 cents.

Have a good one. Thanks for the discussion.

I can't accept that - this person has way too much foreknowledge to have everything connect. Do you really think somebody can pull off nearly 2200 troll posts without making a mistake or somebody catching on? and to what end?

When writing coded messages, its not that hard. Once again its throw shit at a wall and see what sticks. Also, he has made mistakes which I have pointed out to you twice. Both times you have completely ignored those points. This is why it is still working.

e are talking about a LOT of energy being expended, with 8chan autists constantly challenging you. Do you spend any time on 4chan or 8chan?

Yes to both. I started visiting imageboards in high school, so probably back in 2005 or 2006-ish. I spend more time on 4chan rather than 8chan because It does have better moderation when it comes to shit I really don't want to see, like child porn and animal abuse. I also tend to stick to boards other than just /b/, although I do also look at it.

If this were purely a troll and they have MASSES of people showing up in Q shirts/signs/etc., don't you think they would speak towards it and tell people the president is not involved with it?

No because they are trolling people, and that's exactly what they want them to think. Most posters don't believe it, and just ignore it. But tell me the average age of a board user and the average age of a q supporter? I would put money down that they are a couple decades off.

it may come from 8chan, but the ones who are most consumed by Q are no 8chan users, its the secondary sources like facebook/reddit which really fuel it, and thats were you have the 60 year old dudes who are eating it up. They aren't visiting 8chan themselves.

I think what you are claiming is even more unbelievable than Trump being the ultimate good guy....

That theres a political troll on a board full of trolls? I think someone forgot Poe's Law.

They have even gone as far as confiscating Q signs at certain rallies - why interact in that way but not make a statement?

because some Q people are certifiable and probably disruptive.

We are talking about a LOT of energy being expended, with 8chan autists constantly challenging you. Do you spend any time on 4chan or 8chan?

The whole reason why troll posts on boards are so good is because they put a lot of effort into it.

You have not looked at this close enough. No judgement, but you clearly havent' really engaged that deeply with it, which is cool.

Believe me I have. I am a skeptic about everything. Just because I'm not drinking the cool-aid doesn't mean I havent done any research. How come you keep on ignoring when i bring up mistakes that he has made in the past? A reflection of an Obama air force picture on the back of an iPhoneX is not proof you are on air force one in 2018. It's the exact opposite.

Also, he has made mistakes which I have pointed out to you twice.

Which mistakes? You are getting caught up on semantics if you took the Podesta/Hillary in Gitmo as gospel. Things are very fluid and we are getting peppered with good info and bad from Q - it's not all one way because Q uses their comms for multiple reasons. Q has said some messages are not for 'the autists', but for other Q members and their enemies who watch as well. Are you saying it's impossible that you might be missing some context in those 'mistakes' you bring up? I can only remember the one you brought up tho... i'm willing to talk them out with you if you want.

Quick question tho - do you really think that things are concrete as this plays out. Do you not give any wiggle room for things to change if Q is actually actively fighting the deep state?

Yes to both. I started visiting imageboards in high school, so probably back in 2005 or 2006-ish. I spend more time on 4chan rather than 8chan because It does have better moderation when it comes to shit I really don't want to see, like child porn and animal abuse. I also tend to stick to boards other than just /b/, although I do also look at it.

agreed, 8chan sucks until you get the filters in place, and even then its pretty harsh if you're updating in real-time... i like things to get ahead of me so they can remove that shit before I have to worry about it myself, so I totally hear ya on this.

No because they are trolling people

Wait, so now Trump and Sarah Sanders are trolling people about Q? I thought you said Q was the troll....

But tell me the average age of a board user and the average age of a q supporter?

I have no idea how you would find those figures....

it may come from 8chan, but the ones who are most consumed by Q are no 8chan users, its the secondary sources like facebook/reddit which really fuel it, and thats were you have the 60 year old dudes who are eating it up. They aren't visiting 8chan themselves.

I can tell you don't spend much time in the qresearch threads... I'm just gonna respectfully disagree with you on this one. Maybe that is true in terms of how reddit interacted with Q, but that is definitely not true on 8chan. Also, Q started with 4chan but it was compromised very quickly. Don't know if you knew that.

That theres a political troll on a board full of trolls? I think someone forgot Poe's Law.

No, that a political troll could put up so much content and so much information, and not even the famed autists of 4ch/8ch could catch them after 10 months and nearly 2200 posts. Zero mistakes? Impossible. The only 'mistakes' you can bring up are predictions that were misunderstood, or predictions that changed as they played out. If you understand that we are not dealing with 100% truth, these are acceptable things. The only way they are not is if you think Q has to be 100% correct all the time, but is that a reasonable viewpoint to begin with?

because some Q people are certifiable and probably disruptive.

If that's the case, then why not call them out and let true Trump supporters know that they are investing into a psy-op? Are you saying that Trump doesn't care about his supporters? That' doesn't make much sense....

The whole reason why troll posts on boards are so good is because they put a lot of effort into it.

At what point does it become too much effort? Is that possible or do you just believe in the power of wasted energy that much?

Believe me I have. I am a skeptic about everything.

You admitted that you fell off when Hillary/Podesta didn't go to Gitmo, which was literally more than half a year ago... if you haven't paid attention since, you are still working with old information and you have preconceived conclusions.

Seriously, it is all good. Q is not for everybody, and many people will not find it compelling or interesting. You will find out whether it's real or not when the MSM tells you, and that is fine. No point in putting attention or energy into something you don't resonate with.

With that said, you are really taking the intellectually lazy conclusion here. Your opinion is perfectly valid, but I would argue you are ignoring some pretty huge red flags. Look into Gitmo expansion and training, as well as sealed indictments (still a few K per month pretty consistently), and look at how much energy the MSM is putting into discrediting this movement. For myself, I see a LOT of smoke, but I can appreciate that the fire is not yet exposed, so I understand how you shake out on it.

Ultimately, we will see. In terms of the timeline, we should know a lot by the midterms, so the next couple months should be interesting.

Are you saying it's impossible that you might be missing some context in those 'mistakes' you bring up?

Please address the reflected air force one picture and how it is not a mistake. If you concede that it is a mistaken, then please stop saying that he has never made a mistake.

chan stuff


Wait, so now Trump and Sarah Sanders are trolling people about Q? I thought you said Q was the troll....

Sorry, I meant that Q was trolling. I misinterpreted what you said. Trump and Sanders don't want to be associated with Q because he is potentially harmful to the Trump brand, thats why Q stuff is usually removed.

No, that a political troll could put up so much content and so much information, and not even the famed autists of 4ch/8ch could catch them after 10 months and nearly 2200 posts. Zero mistakes? Impossible.

Once again, how is an Obama era picture through the reflection of the back of an iPhone X not a mistake? Its not a misunderstanding, its not a prediction that changed as it played out. It was a picture of an obama era air force one through the reflection of the back of an iPhoneX.

Since then, he has been much more cautious about real proof and went back to the cold reading -> acknowledgement shit, and never posted "proof" like that again because it can be debunked (and was).

Please explain that it wasn't a mistake.

If that's the case, then why not call them out and let true Trump supporters know that they are investing into a psy-op? Are you saying that Trump doesn't care about his supporters? That' doesn't make much sense....

Because its better to just have plausible deniability since they are still supporting trump rather than ostracizing them and potentially losing voters.

Using your logic, Trump should be embracing and wholeheartedly supporting the Mueller investigation because it will exonerate him from any wrong doing.

At what point does it become too much effort? Is that possible or do you just believe in the power of wasted energy that much?

It doesn't, its for the lulz and it'll continue until there are no more lulz. I definitely believe in the power of wasted energy because I have been on the boards long enough to see people are truly like that. Remember how long Denko lasted? It was over a year before people truely called him out as a troll.

You admitted that you fell off when Hillary/Podesta didn't go to Gitmo, which was literally more than half a year ago... if you haven't paid attention since, you are still working with old information and you have preconceived conclusions.

No I didn't, perhaps you are confusing me with another person? I honestly didn't pay much attention to Q until a bit after that point. Until then I just thought he was a lovable troll who people didn't really believe.

With that said, you are really taking the intellectually lazy conclusion here. Your opinion is perfectly valid, but I would argue you are ignoring some pretty huge red flags.

I think you are confusing me with someone else.

look at how much energy the MSM is putting into discrediting this movement.

I have no faith in the MSM, I refuse to even let my fiance watch shit like Rachel Madow/MSNBC because its just as bad as fox news.

Ultimately, we will see. In terms of the timeline, we should know a lot by the midterms, so the next couple months should be interesting.

There will always be smoke around everything, midterms won't create a breeze to remove the fog, it'll be here to stay indefinitely. Hell, we are still talking about JFK after all.

Please address the reflected air force one picture and how it is not a mistake. If you concede that it is a mistaken, then please stop saying that he has never made a mistake.

I'm not aware of any AF1 reflection mistake. I think the meaning of that post is encoded and wasn't necessarily for us 'autists'. What 'mistake' are you referencing more specifically?

Trump and Sanders don't want to be associated with Q because he is potentially harmful to the Trump brand, thats why Q stuff is usually removed.

Doesn't make any sense. Why would you allow your 'movement' or followers to be led astray?

It was a picture of an obama era air force one through the reflection of the back of an iPhoneX.

Why do you assume you know the meaning and context to that post??? Q says they use their comms for 3 purposes - comm with the autists, comm with Q team, and comm with their enemies who are watching the board. Could it be that this message was for them and the meaning is in the symbols or components within? Or are you saying that is impossible because it has to be logical from the surface view or else its false?

Using your logic, Trump should be embracing and wholeheartedly supporting the Mueller investigation because it will exonerate him from any wrong doing.

Who hired Mueller in the first place?

Remember how long Denko lasted?

Not even remotely comparable in scope or in detail of knowledge. Whoever 'Q' is knows Washington DC and the mechanisms of politics in and out. Predicting news cycles and bringing up names weeks before they actually show up in the media cycle notwithstanding...

There will always be smoke around everything, midterms won't create a breeze to remove the fog, it'll be here to stay indefinitely.

this statement is exactly how I know you haven't paid too close attention to this, and again, that is perfectly valid. Not everyone has the patience or even the ability to dig for themselves.

If things don't start majorly shifting before the midterms, then Q will die shortly after. The narrative can only be spun for so long if this is all a big joke. My advice is just don't be proud if you end up wrong - I will happily wipe the egg of my face the same if it goes the other way. We're all in this together, whether you like Trump or hate him.

I'm not aware of any AF1 reflection mistake. I think the meaning of that post is encoded and wasn't necessarily for us 'autists'. What 'mistake' are you referencing more specifically?

Bro he already showed you the mistake multiple times and you are engaging in the hand waving that he said Q Anon people do. If you are trying to get people on your side then this is a bad way of doing it. I read this whole discourse.

BTW the sealed indictments claim was debunked by Qult Headquarters.


No hand waving, if you think things are 100% one way or another in anything in life, you are ignorant. We can't have a discussion if you refuse to acknowledge any nuance to what im saying - very simply, if you are not the intended recipient of a message, is it strange that you might not understand all of it's meaning? Additionally, you are refusing to acknowledge that disinformation can also be used against their enemies... Have there been misleading drops designed to make bad actors act out?

You don't give a shit about those questions, which is why you don't understand. You dont want to do the work - you just want to tell people how right you are

This clearly isn't for you. Go back to your interests.

the original picture is from a picture of the office when obama was president circa 2013.

Before I can answer properly, what are you referring to here?

you're saying the Apple/Lamp photo was published in 2013? Or are you saying that the room decor matches Obama's office but not Trumps?

doing a little more research because i just took the first source's description of it being a stock photo from 2013. Lets give you the benefit of the doubt that it is a picture that came from 2018. It is still a picture being reflected, in particular, this one.

Even if its not from the obama era is regardless. How did he manage to get literally the same lighting, items in the same place, etc in his reflection? There is no way that the room was in the same exact situation as it was before.

Why did he even take a picture of the iphone X's back, rather than a picture of the room? it would literally be even more work to do that, and be far harder to get away with, since he would be lining up two phones within inches of eachother, while holding both, to take the picture. Thats less sneaky than just snapping a random picture.

The answer is that he wasn't on airforce one, that he found the stock photo online, and tried to obfuscate it by reflecting the image off another phone. 8chan users were smart enough to figure this out and show it.

There is no way that the room was in the same exact situation as it was before.

No, I think you are wrong here. There was a series of Q posts where this was fleshed out.

Apparently the President's office and quarters are extremely closely monitored. Inventory of the room is very strict and everything must stay in its place for security purposes.

I can't remember if it was before or after these posts, but Q also posted a picture where the mug holder was either moved or removed from the picture. This was taken as a proof that Q has access because one would have to be in the room somewhat alone to move the coffee mug holder, take a picture, and then put it back to where it would need to be.

If the stock and tracking of the President's office is that strict, it is not impossible that the interior of AF1 has not been changed since Obama. I don't think it's impossible that the interior is EXACTLY the same because it's an extremely controlled environment with huge impact on security, so momentum would be important in terms of recognizing anything out of sorts.

So to get back to this specific post, there was some context to the reflection and apple logo as well. The reflection likely has to do with 'Think Mirror', which is a phrase Q likes to use quite often. When this drop was coming out, the news stories around Trump and Q were very much centered around NK and all that... also, Q was mentioning servers quite often - both the DNC server, Hilary's server, and the other two.

For myself, the photo above had 3 messages in it from what I can tell (maybe more?).

First, the picture from within AF1 was a proof of Q's distance to/from the president.

Second, the reflection links us to 'think mirror'.

Third, the Apple logo is self-explanatory, but when combined with 'think mirror', I think about cloud services. Could it be that they have cloud servers which had sensitive information mirrored onto it by the cloud?

So ultimately, I think the picture above is different things to different groups. To us regular 'anons', it is proof that Q is in Trumps inner circle and has ultimate access to him. To Q's enemies, the picture was a tip that they have the mirrored servers and all activities performed on Apple products are in their possession. Remember that Hilary's IT guy was caught on reddit asking how to bleachbit a server, so we shouldn't assume they hire people who are excellent at what they do. If they used a shitty IT guy, he may have left up mirror services without them realizing it, and this might be why Q continually tells us 'these people are stupid'.

Anyways, dont' take the above as me saying 'this is for sure what it means'. I dont' know - i'm just trying to parse it out. Regardless, the photo will make no sense without the context of what Q was speaking of at the time, as well as what was in the media cycle at the time. Or at least that's my take on it... let me know if I can clarify anything.

If the stock and tracking of the President's office is that strict, it is not impossible that the interior of AF1 has not been changed since Obama. I don't think it's impossible that the interior is EXACTLY the same because it's an extremely controlled environment with huge impact on security, so momentum would be important in terms of recognizing anything out of sorts.

The curtains having the same exact folds in the same exact place is not something that would persist for years, months, or even a single flight.

The lighting is not something that would persist after a couple of minutes, even if the airplane never moved at all and no one was allowed in.

The chair facing exactly the same direction is another thing that is off.

Not to mention that he took the picture from the same exact height and distance.

Those are what I am saying makes it fake, not the objects in the room. The sure the objects can be moved around and moved back, but you can't ever reproduce the same exact picture like he did no matter how hard you tried.

Are you saying he was able to enter this highly secured room, spend hours adjusting the curtains to be exactly the same as another image, stood in the same exact position, put the iphone X in the same exact position as the original focal point of the stock image, and then took a picture of that?

Step back and take a look at how ridiculous that sounds. Then let me know if you still believe that he took that picture while on Air Force One.

Those are what I am saying makes it fake, not the objects in the room. The sure the objects can be moved around and moved back, but you can't ever reproduce the same exact picture like he did no matter how hard you tried.

does it matter if it's real or fake? i would say the answer depends on who the intended recipient is?

What if that photo wasn't taken by Q but lifted off of somebody's phone? What if that photo was meant to say 'we have your data'?

I don't mean to divert like that, but this is what i'm saying is confusing regarding the multiple recipients. If the point of the photo is NOT to demonstrate how close Q is to the president, then maybe the photo holds different meaning.

Are you saying he was able to enter this highly secured room, spend hours adjusting the curtains to be exactly the same as another image, stood in the same exact position, put the iphone X in the same exact position as the original focal point of the stock image, and then took a picture of that?

I think you are being a little bit overly skeptical here. There are only so many pleats on a curtain and they are measured, so it's really not that strange that they would look the exact same. I doubt the materials are shitty, and i'd assume maintenance is top notch.

Also, look at the photo closely. The lamp is not the same width between the two pictures - the lamp is clearly skinnier due to the reflection on the Apple photo. So they aren't the same picture at all - can you provide proof of that?

Really, your whole problem comes down to that fact - who told you or proved to you that this photo is from 2013? Are you using a 3rd party photo to make that connection?

does it matter if it's real or fake? i would say the answer depends on who the intended recipient is?

it does matter because it was a proof that he was on Air Force One.

What if that photo wasn't taken by Q but lifted off of somebody's phone? What if that photo was meant to say 'we have your data'?

Then he wasn't on air force one and didnt have access to it like you said he did. Furthermore, why would someone else make this image?

I don't mean to divert like that, but this is what i'm saying is confusing regarding the multiple recipients. If the point of the photo is NOT to demonstrate how close Q is to the president, then maybe the photo holds different meaning.

There this isn't proof that he is close to the president like your originally insinuated.

I think you are being a little bit overly skeptical here.

Thats rich, we're on /r/conspiracy, thats the point. He is using this as "proof" he has access to AF1, this has now been thoroughly debunked.

Also, look at the photo closely. The lamp is not the same width between the two pictures - the lamp is clearly skinnier due to the reflection on the Apple photo. So they aren't the same picture at all - can you provide proof that they are?

This is due to the curvature of the iphone X's back and the distortion from it being reflected. You can further un-distort this, but theres really no reason to make it even more accurate when you can see the obvious similarities between the two images that cannot be explained away by "its a highly secure environment"

Really, your whole problem comes down to that fact - who told you or proved to you that this photo is from 2013? Are you using a 3rd party photo to make that connection? Or are you just saying that in your opinion, it is impossible that the AF1 interior is EXACTLY the same as 5 years ago?

It's a stock photo that was released to the media during obama's presidency. You can see that in the white house media kit.

it is impossible that the AF1 interior is EXACTLY the same as 5 years ago?

Yes, it is.

Is the lighting from your windows exactly how it was 2 hours ago? No, it wasn't. So how can that persist 5 years?

Is your chair in exactly the same position and rotation right now that it was before you sat down? Is it the same position and rotation as yesterday? last week? last month? last year? 5 years ago? No it wasn't, you used it and moved it since then.

Even the air conditioning would be enough to move the curtains, it might even be enough to move the chair, let alone someone actually sitting in it.

Even if the photo is from this year, the fact is that it is the same image as the stock photo. Same height, same focal point, same distance. This is impossible to duplicate.

You can say that it was all just a meme to spew the "read deeper" message, but thats not what the original intention was when he posted it. It was posted as proof he was on air force one. This is further proven by what you said in your last point, that he then "took another picture" with objects moved to prove he moved those objects.

No matter how much you try to say that this was "just suppose to be a message about xyz" it doesn't change the fact the original intention was to provide proof he was on air force one, and then tried to double down with the second image.

This is cold hard evidence that he was wrong and made a mistake. Something you said as "if he was a troll, he has never done."

He is using this as "proof" he has access to AF1

How do you know that? Why are you pretending like you know all the variables here?

this has now been thoroughly debunked.

whoa whoa you can't even provide me the original photo... like i said, the width of the lamp is totally different. arguing that Q took an old photo and photoshopped the warp and reflections does not pass occam's razor, even considering how few people have access to AF1. you are getting WAY ahead of yourself, nothing has been 'thoroughly debunked'. you haven't debunked anything other than being skeptical that AF1 is kept immaculately well kept (which I don't think is crazy at all).

when you can see the obvious similarities between the two images that cannot be explained away by "its a highly secure environment"

'obvious similarities'? it's the same exact place. Of course there are going to be obvious similarities... again, you have no proof behind your claim. You're being ignorant of the limits of your own ability to know things - you haven't proven ANYTHING in this sub other than saying you are skeptical of a single proof.

This is due to the curvature of the iphone X's back and the distortion from it being reflected.

So now you're saying its been doctored and distorted and isn't the same photo from 2013?

It's a stock photo that was released to the media during obama's presidency.

But it's not the same photo - you are arguing that it's a stock photo that has been manipulated, and quite elaborately at that. Your only reasoning for them being the same is that the blinds look the same? lighting would be consistent because there is no outside sources of light except the windows, and we don't know what kind of coverings/applications they have applied to them either.

Is the lighting from your windows exactly how it was 2 hours ago?

How do you know those windows haven't been treated so that light doesn't affect the President's ability to work on the plane? Why do you assume so much?

Even the air conditioning would be enough to move the curtains, it might even be enough to move the chair, let alone someone actually sitting in it.

Do you know about the AF1 air conditioning system? if there isn't a direct vent nearby, the air conditioning wouldn't move shit. Also, for all you know there is person who has been maintaining AF1 for 30+ years and makes it impeccable each and every time. Very possible considering the job and the pride involved.

Even if the photo is from this year, the fact is that it is the same image as the stock photo. Same height, same focal point, same distance. This is impossible to duplicate.

what if somebody took a photo from the exact same spot? AF1 is not a large space, is it really that impossible to take a picture very close to another if it's a controlled environment? I think you're being a little purposely daft here... I mean, on top of the points i just made - the photo has been doctored. The pleats lamp is warped - so are the pleats. If the photo was a straight rip, I could see your point, but it's not, so why do you assume they are the same when it's been photoshopped to hell and back if it is the 2013 image?

You can say that it was all just a meme to spew the "read deeper" message, but thats not what the original intention was when he posted it. It was posted as proof he was on air force one. This is further proven by what you said in your last post, that he then "took another picture" with objects moved to prove he moved those objects.

again why are you trying to speak for Q here? how do you know what Q meant by that message? Are you Q? C'mon man... you're being pretty biased here. Every single point you make is an assumption and not even a logically sound one....

No matter how much you try to say that this was "just suppose to be a message about xyz" it doesn't change the fact the original intention was to provide proof he was on air force one, and then tried to double down with the second image.

you refuse to acknowledge that Q's messages might not all be for you. this is why you are not being honest in this conversation, despite trying really hard to come off like you're reasonable.

This is cold hard evidence that he was wrong and made a mistake.

No, it is not. It is your opinion, which is misinformed but it is your right. You may think what you want to think, but you have presented ZERO hard evidence of anything here other than what you think (which doesn't even make logical sense). Have a good weekend bro.

Things like Q posting "sea to shining sea". Hours later, Trump goes to an event where the song is playing and when that verse drops, Trump makes circular motions with his hands.

This is laughably flimsy

Plenty more you can look at as well so you can make your own mind up.

Do they include Q making references to patriotic songs that are commonly played at political rallies? Because if so I don't think they'll change my mind

Not all of them - drop the snarky attitude and take a look for yourself. The GA sub didn't have 70,000+ followers for no reason.

r/politics has at least 5x that amount of followers

Username checks out into dp and atm.

Not when it was done repeatedly.

whether q is real or not isnt really the discussion here. the issue is with the sub being censored.

Things like Q posting "sea to shining sea". Hours later, Trump goes to an event where the song is playing and when that verse drops, Trump makes circular motions with his hands.



The Deep State Cabal hates Trump...That's all one needs to see he's MAGA.

I've followed Q since 2017 and this ban only proves he and us patriots are right on target.


The Deep State Cabal hates Trump..

Lol, They are in his cabinet. Trump has Bilderberg members and Goldman Sachs in his cabinet.


He also has a former Rothschild banker in There, a guy named Wilbur Ross.


I’m sure they told him to bomb Syria twice, continue drone strikes, refuse to investigate 9/11, sign the multi billion dollar arms deal with the Saudis, and continue to support Israel.

All I see is another puppet.

For sure.

Also I find it even more reinforcing that Q drop sites are/have been attacked. Even qanon.pub was redirecting to qanon.app because former got attacked and taken offline.

All of this for a LARP? Over target, boys. Keep it going until this deep state illuminati is disabled and imprisoned.

How does the cabal hate trump? You make these bullshit claims with little evidence and if you actually look at the people around trump, that he appointed, you’ll see that they’re all deepstate fucks.

He’s just like every other president, just a lot shittier.

Dude. Hate to break it to you, but these “drops” are BS used to attract flies like yourself

So do you think the 50k indictments are for trump supporters. Do you think Chris Stevens deserved this as HRC and BO repeatedly had given stand down orders to marines who would have protected them. Why? https://twitter.com/Thatmikefella/status/1039678191621824514?s=19

Whatever you're linking to no longer exists.

The burden isn’t on me to prove a negative. The burden of proof is on the Qult.

There's no negative in the fact that we have 50x the number of sealed indictments than normal. What is your explanation of that truth?

....except when you guys use PACER you fail to recognize that a tiny fraction of those are criminal indictments. Do you have any background in law?

those same indictments are included in the typical numbers - there are still an inordinate amount of indictments compared to normal.

You have once again side-stepped the question by trying to deflect a small point away from it. you're not fooling anybody here - you don't know shit like the rest of us but you're pretending to be the smartest guy in the room.

That's the best thing about people like you - you want to insult and denigrate others yet you do not realize you are just as ignorant as anybody else. Do you really think the people reading this don't know that???


Try reading both sides every now and then—you might just learn something, buddy.

your article agrees with me - there are that many indictments, but writer - Mr. Rothschild (interesting last name there) - claims they are just regular sealed indictments and they do not mean that they are all for heinous crimes.

the problem is that I never said all 55K+ indictments were for serious and heinous crimes, so you are speaking to nobody and once again just trying to confuse the issue.

1) From the time the article you quoted (which is not from a reputable website either, btw) to now, there have been an additional 30,000 sealed indictments filed. Whether they are severe in nature or not is immaterial to the issue at hand - they exist and it is not normal that we have so many.

2) the majority of the 55K+ sealed indictments are probably just as Mr. Rothschild points out - smaller infractions that were kit and parcel to the larger ones. If you have somebody at the top of an agency who is criminal but nobody below them does the correct thing in reporting them, they become implicated as well.

This really isn't that hard to figure out. You are being purposefully daft.

Can you tell me how many sealed proceedings were unsealed last month?

I want something like "July had X, Y were unsealed in August and Z new ones added, so the new number is X+something.

I ask because pacer does NOT have away to see unsealments.

This ^


This kid likes to provide zero evidence and state his own opinion as fact. It’s actually pretty sad

Read your POS article attempting to muddy the waters, a favorite tactic amongst tptb!

It fails to correct Q Anon’s narrative and lacks any answers while it begs the question: why have sealed matters (whatever they are...wiretaps or indictments) increased by 94%??!!?!????? From 1500 to 25,000??!?!! Hello, something is up! Stop w/the pointless gaslighting now, this is a sub of independent and critical thinkers. We see through these tactics.

so that's a no on any legal background huh? just parroting shit some dummy told you?

why do i need to have a legal background? do you? or dakid1?

just parroting shit some dummy told you?

No, I read the article and commented on it directly, like a good critical thinker does. I will read and entertain all viewpoints, but I will also test their mettle. What are you doing right now?

There aren't 50k indictments, so start there.


The 50k indictment claim is bullshit, there have been numerous sources debunking it. And of course Benghazi gets brought up for some reason, that's a real crowd favorite.

Give me the sources. If a man is raped tortured prodded and burnt to death, you don't think it matters to find the truth? Especially as his commanders consistently refused him help

Even if not all sealed criminal cases are indictments, doesn’t a massive uptick in sealed cases mean a massive uptick in sealed indictments?

It doesn’t, because routine court matters in district courts are usually handled by lower-level magistrate judges. And the FLC report found over 15,000 sealed magistrate judge cases, with many others not in the Electronic Court Filing system that feeds into PACER.

A random sampling of these files showed 83 percent of sealed magistrate cases to be warrant applications or tracking devices. They are NOT indictments, but #QAnon’s number includes them anyway. We know this from their own methodology.

A five-page PDF called “Search for Sealed Indictments on Pacer.gov” purports to train “researchers” in how to find sealed indictments. It includes not only all sealed cases, but cases clearly being handled by magistrates that are clearly NOT indictments.

Obviously, without access, it’s impossible to know what’s an indictment and what’s a routine document. And it’s possible that the government IS sealing more indictments, given the Trump administration’s ramping up of gang, drug, gun, and immigration prosecutions, a response to the “American carnage” Trump spoke of in his inauguration speech.

But we do know, at the very least, that the massive numbers of “sealed indictments” being thrown around by #QAnon believers is inaccurate, and isn’t being compared to previous years correctly.

If a man is raped tortured prodded and burnt to death, you don't think it matters to find the truth?

Or course it matters, but was there not an extensive investigation into the attack? Didn't Hillary spend hours testifying in front of Congress?

Where are the email servers

Is this related to Benghazi?

Yes, because it's where the proof is of the gun running etc what % of her emails did the fbi release, it's been in the news the last 2 weeks

The location and tactical travel plans of Ambassador Stevens was leaked from Hillary's private email server. This is a fact.
One of the drops lead to Huma sending that information to he Muslim Brotherhood. This we can't verify.

Why are you an authority on anything? Why should anyone listen to you?

I just prefer conspiracies that rely on evidence rather than confirmation bias.

Didn't answer a single question or articulate anything more than "NOT UH!"

It’s a bad sign when you’re getting downvoted to hell in this sub for touting a “conspiracy”...probably because the Qult has shifted narratives so many times and has yet to put a single point on the board. Or maybe it’s the deep state coming after autists lmao

Again, you provide nothing of value and expect us to take you seriously? Implying that you are better than someone else doesn't make it true ...

Has trump ever verified or acknowledged the existence of Q directly and verbally?

Why does that matter? If Q were a LARP, would the president allow this to get to this point. There have been probably close to 50+ MSM articles written about Q or the Q movement over the last month - why would Trump not pour water on this if it were just a LARP?

What is your argument for why Trump would directly or verbally acknowledge Q? I can see the benefit if Q were a LARP, but if Q is actually in Trump's back pocket, it's much better for him to play coy with it. Would you argue differently?

If Q were a LARP, would the president allow this to get to this point. There have been probably close to 50+ MSM articles written about Q or the Q movement over the last month - why would Trump not pour water on this if it were just a LARP?

So unless something is publicly denied it becomes true?

Obama never publicly denied he wasn't a reptilian overlord, does that mean he is one?

No, I am making the assumption that Trump cares about his followers and wants to keep them in the fold.

What if Q was indeed a psy-op meant to collect Trump followers so they can manipulate them? Would Trump allow for that to happen? We KNOW he knows about QAnon, but he refuses to comment on it. If QAnon were dangerous to his administration, he would comment on it and kill it immediately. All it takes to destroy Q is having Trump say it's bullshit - it would be instantly over. You can ignore that, or you can take something from that.

Have you considered that he literally just doesn't give a fuck?

If you count the Q drops that included verbage from upcoming speeches then yes.
That would be impossible to fake unless they hacked the speech writers laptops.

You need people to take you seriously. No one needs to you take others seriously.

Why so much attn from the MSM?

Cause Q started up in the background of Trumps campaign events. It was not a lot of attention, most MSM moved on pretty soon, and there hasn't been any new articles since August.

Why did it get banned?

They say it was inciting violence. Probably due to the Breitbart report about google. Based on what I've seen of the people who regularly post there, I believe it easily.

Wouldn't it be left alone?

not if its inciting violence. Just because to the majority of people it was a joke, doesn't mean that the people who posted there though it was. That sort of zealousness in the face of overwhelming evidence against them is dangerous.

It got banned, nothing of value was lost.


not if its inciting violence.

Who is inciting violence? and why?

For 'Q supporters', their guy is already winning. Their guy is the president. Why any need for violence? It's all fake news - a ruse. There is no violence or else we'd be having it paraded in front of our faces 24/7 right now.

It got banned, nothing of value was lost.

So you dont' believe that people have a right to congregate and organize? Isn't there something in the constitution about that???

Luckily, this is a private website and they can do whatever they want more-or-less. That is the issue here - the 'owners' of this company had their toes stepped on. How is it that 5 separate subreddits get banned all at once? One of those subs was more or less a bible study centered around Q and prayer groups... you're saying they were inciting violence?

Why hasn't reddit released the smoking gun on this decision? Why do they need to hide the actions that led to the ban? You really aren't thinking very critically here... you are just confirming your assumptions about Q because the reddit admins turned on them for whatever reason...

Lots of users did. If you didnt see it then I suppose you're blind. Someone on the main thread already listed some search history already. Feel free to go browse it.

See.. lemme clue you in on something - your guy ... he's not winning. Sure he's president, but he's despised, he's hated, no one respects him, he's this sad little man who desperately wanted respect, and never got it. And all his followers have to try to reconcile it. You won the presidency. Congrats, everyone despises you.

So ... what do you do? You make up this elaborate little revenge fantasy. Its this huge complicated fantasy where you guys are privy to the inner workings of the 'genius' president. This guy who is one step ahead of everyone. Where everyone who is against you is going to pay! Ooooo they're going to pay! And you all... you all... are secretly being told all about it by some anonymous guy who is probably playing you.

Why hasn't reddit released the smoking gun on this decision?

Why do they have to? What do you think its some grand conspiracy? As you point out its a privately owned company. They are under zero obligation to provide you with any reason, but if you want to see them, again someone on the main topic posted a large list.

You really aren't thinking very critically here

I'm sorry but I have to laugh, coming from a person who thinks that an anonymous internet user with supposed high level government clearance would post to 4-chan to clue people in on the secret war against pedophiles and satanists at the behest of his 'genius' boss ... well ... lets just say I don't really take you all that seriously. Nor do I care what you think of my ability to think.

Why any need for violence?

Because the traitors have not been brought to justice.

and how would violence change that? who exactly are all the 'traitors'?

This isn't some flippant thing you can pull off whenever you want...

I think that’s a ridiculous take considering there’s nothing in your comment that suggests the drops are bullshit. I don’t think people understand the vast scope of corruption that’s occurring throughout the world. We’ve been told North Korea was/is a nuclear threat for our whole lives yet Trump meets and comes to an agreement with them over denuclearization. And it was foretold in some of these BS drops

NK still is a nuclear threat. They continue to advance their nuclear program as we speak. Funny how Q speaks in an autistic Nostradamus format rather than direct and specific...I wonder why....

Maybe because he’s speaking about classified information?

Dump it anonymously to a source like Wikileaks or something like literally every other whistle blower—this is an obvious psy-op. You got fooled.

It’s from the military so that’s clearly not an option


Not sure why you’re so dismissive. There’s literally nothing to “debunk” Q with

You’re right—there was a deep state coup resulting in missiles being fired at AF1

Lol ok there’s that hard evidence of yours

...I love how you guys keep asking people to prove a negative. Prove to me that there aren’t little green men five miles under the moon’s surface.

You’re so dismissive is all I’m saying. Which makes no sense considering you have no evidence...lol

I’m dismissive because Q supporters have zero evidence other than their own interpretation of autistic Nostradamus and their own confirmation bias.

We’ve been told North Korea was/is a nuclear threat for our whole lives yet Trump meets and comes to an agreement with them over denuclearization.

Can you tell me in exact terms what the agreement is and what you mean by denuclearization?

SA and NK? Nothingburgers right?

What are you on about

Saudi Arabia and North Korea.

You talking about SA bombing civilians with our bombs? Or NK continuing to string trump along while continuing their nuke and icbm programs?

Yeah, THAT'S what's happening.


Yeah, bin Talal is TOTALLY not under wraps.

Lmfao you fucking dolt

That's not a suitable response. Is he NOT?

Answer the question I asked first, then I’ll give you the “suitable response” you feel entitled to

And Moonves? 60 Minutes? Wow...peeps dropping like flies.

I don't give a crap about ANY of your responses chief.

Ah it shows—just keep replying, little guy.

I love how sessions revised himself like a little bitch and how the president didn’t even know he would

Who cares about Sessions?

revcused himself like a little bitch

Is that supposed to make sense?

How’s r/greatawakening doing

Big Tech Censorship Will Lead to Their Breakup (Antitrust Regulations) 2170 Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 12 Sep 2018 - 8:44:35 PM How do you demonstrate 'reasonable cause' to regulate and/or break up BIG TECH? What is the common theme/tactic of the LEFT? Define 'Fascism'. Forcible suppression of opposition? Define 'Censorship'. The institution, system, or practice of censoring? Define 'Narrative'. A way of presenting or understanding a situation or series of events that reflects and promotes a particular point of view or set of values? Define 'Projection'. The attribution of one's own ideas, feelings, or attitudes to other people or to objects; especially : the externalization of blame, guilt, or responsibility as a defense against anxiety? The forming of a plan : scheming? Define 'Psychological Projection'. A theory in psychology in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others? Define 'Narcissist'. A person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves: narcissists who think the world revolves around them | narcissists preening themselves in front of the mirror? Define 'Dogma'. A point of view or tenet put forth as authoritative without adequate grounds? Define 'Aggression'. Forceful and sometimes overly assertive pursuit of one's aims and interests? Define 'Suppression'. The action of suppressing something such as an activity or publication? [Bonus Round] 'Narcissists' are renowned for using 'psychological projection' to blame other people, even when it is entirely apparent that they are the ones in the wrong. ——————————– Define 'Realism'. The quality or fact of representing a person, thing, or situation accurately or in a way that is true to life? [Realism] Actions of [ANTIFA]: -Aggression (Projection) -Suppression (Fascism) -Censorship (Narrative-Dogma) Actions of [FAKE NEWS]: -Aggression (Projection) -Suppression (Fascism) -Censorship (Narrative-Dogma) Actions of [TWITTER, FB, GOOG, YT, REDDIT, etc..]: -Aggression (Projection) -Suppression (Fascism) -Censorship (Narrative-Dogma) BOMBS AWAY! https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-09-11/sessions-is-said-to-be-open-to-probe-of-social-media-giants📁 http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2018/08/31/hey-google-facebook-twitter-trumps-got-point-need-to-do-better-job-self-regulating.html📁 MASSIVE FAKE NEWS ATTENTION FOR A 'CONSPIRACY' REDDIT BOARD BEING BANNED? WHY ARE WE BEING TARGETED BY SOME OF THE LARGEST MEDIA ORGANIZATIONS ON THE PLANET? [Sample] https://www.theverge.com/2018/9/12/17847186/reddit-qanon-milliondollarextreme-ban-sam-hyde📁 https://nypost.com/2018/09/12/reddit-bans-qanon-conspiracy-theory-forums/📁 https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/business/Reddit-Bans-Qanon-Great-Awakening-Subreddits-493096041.html📁 https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/reddit-bans-qanon-subreddits-after-months-violent-threats-n909061📁 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp/2018/09/12/reddit-bans-r-greatawakening-the-main-subreddit-for-qanon-conspiracy-theorists/?utm_term=.76fbe6bdbb4b📁 https://qz.com/1384432/reddit-banned-qanon/📁 https://slate.com/technology/2018/09/reddit-banned-qanon-conspiracy-theory-message-boards.html📁 https://www.newsweek.com/qanon-great-awakening-subreddit-conspiracy-theory-q-anon-latest-storm-1119060📁 http://thehill.com/policy/technology/406344-reddit-bans-qanon-subreddit📁 https://www.engadget.com/2018/09/12/reddit-bans-qanon-communities/📁 https://www.dailydot.com/layer8/reddit-bans-qanon-forum-great-awakening/📁 https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/7xj989/reddit-bans-the-greatawakening-subreddit-responsible-for-mainstreaming-qanon-conspiracy-theories📁 http://nymag.com/selectall/2018/09/reddit-bans-major-qanon-message-board-r-greatawakening.html📁 https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1040009457244274688📁 "PANIC IN DC" statements start a FIRE? Twelve moves ahead. Suicide watch. Q


Lmao keep going—no one is reading it

And now you are literally SPAMMING subreddits. WOW

First amendment...you may have heard of it

Manafort stole $15million from american tax payers through not reporting income. He just forfeited $46 million to the government, which pays for this investigation several times over. Seems like good news to me.


Manafort stole $15million from american tax payers through not reporting income. He just forfeited $46 million to the government, which pays for this investigation several times over. Seems like good news to me.

Manafort stole $15million from american tax payers through not reporting income. He just forfeited $46 million to the government, which pays for this investigation several times over. Seems like good news to me.

Al-Waleed was released from detention on 27 January 2018, following a financial settlement of some kind, after nearly three months in detention.[18][19] In March 2018 he dropped out from the World's Billionaires's list.[20]


That board was the most rabid bunch of trump apologists I have seen on reddit.

There is almost no MSM interest in Q... I would hazard a guess that virtually 85% of Reddit has no fucking clue what Q is. It just seems like it’s larger than it is when you spend all day, every day in an echo chamber.

The mods were snowflakes; anything that even vaguely questioned “the plan” was met with a ban. Know what got me banned (and my post erased)? This:

“How will you feel if six months from now, nothing has happened?”

Lifetime ban from the sub. Fuck that. All this bitterness smacks a little of irony, no?

Critical thinkers? This is a sub that was crowing a few weeks back about how their glorious leader “took down” a bunch of top secret spy satellites and CIA super computers in some bizarre internal war between the super patriots on the Q team, and the “deep state”. Obviously this was completely unverifiable. They also crowed about McCain’s death being an execution, or, at the very least, a suicide because he had been sentenced to life in Gitmo. Because that’s far more reasonable than an 82 year old who just stopped cancer treatment actually succumbing to his illness? This is what you call critical thinking?

Want to know why the sub was likely banned? It’s purely a liability issue for the parent company. It is only a matter of time before some Q follower snaps like a twig and causes some serious damage. A legal case could be made that by providing the platform that enabled the “radicalization” of the (hypothetical) individual.

Let me ask you this. If it all were a big conspiracy and Q were a larp, why so much attention from the MSM?

This logic makes literally zero sense

That's not true.

Most were already Trump supporters

Just like flat earth. They started doxing people, that’s a line you don’t cross.

That community never doxxed anyone, you are straight up lying, and it shows.

Did you miss the s8n debacle? They doxxed and harassed the fuck out of that dude

But was it really the Q community that did the doxxing, or could it have been done by people deliberately so that there would be a reason to shut down the sub?

Could have been an agent or a shill they sent in, Yea.

Could have been an agent or a shill they sent in, Yea.

Ok, then by this same pants on head logic all of TMOR is Trump shills.

They’re entire operation is built in reverse psychology.

What operation?

What agenda do you think they have? I literally see nothing but shit talking and satire on that sub.

Not everything is a false flag... when I hear hoof beats, I generally think horses... sometimes I think zebras. Those guys? It was unicorns every time...

this one is pretty obviously one though

The mods were keeping the doxx and calls of violence against him up while deleting his comments when he asked them to stop and leave him alone.

and THIS is the reason they were banned ^

do you believe everything that easily?

That's entirely false.

I've seen the imgur screenshots. Were those manufactured ?

You need to be aware that the sub was infiltrated about six months ago and the banning of the sub was planned.

share the screen shots, i have yet to find anyone that has them


No. We don't ban /r/Christianity when a Christian bombs an abortion clinic.

I can attest that I wasn't really a true Q believer until recently and I was on GA for a far longer time. I just migrated to greatawakening when r/cbs_stream was banned. The Q stuff cane after.

where is the proof

Like, all 70k users or what? I have loaded greatawakening rabidly every day since I was user 8000 or something and I never saw doxing, brigading, or calls/incitements of violence beyond the basic "corrupt politicians should be hanged" type of stuff.

Not saying it never happened but the response certainly seems disproportional.

I have loaded greatawakening rabidly every day

I really wouldn't brag about that fucking gullible.

You're the one that is gullible for lapping up the MSM true enemy of the people /s

  1. Not bragging whatsoever, just checking in to give perspective from someone who actually visited the sub on the regular as opposed to tons of people who know of the sub from a million other sources EXCEPT the sub itself.

  2. Regardless of Q's authenticity, the entire phenomena is fucking fascinating, and it is affecting the world. It exists.

  3. Q is the most unique conspiracy theory of our time and a literal real world laughing man scenario. I find it well worth following.

None of that is true. But it's adorable that you think it's unique or original.

You smugness is adorable.

Gullible is when you watch CNN/ABC/CBS/NBC/PBS and think its news.

Begone troll

no calls for violence

beyond the basic "corrupt politicians should be hanged" type of stuff

pick one.


Are people that say pedophiles should be executed calling for violence? Or are they suggesting that the most severe form of judicial punishment be meted out? I tend to think it is the latter; there is no difference between that and saying politicians should be hung.

I am sorry if you have trouble abstracting legitimate, targeted calls to action: re violence from generic high level sentiments.

To be clear, there really wasn't any "go out and punch a nazi", "get in their faces" or encouragement to confront people with anything more than words.

Execution is the punishment for treason.

thats a call for justice, not violence. learn the law

How is the 8th grade going?

says the guy who doesn't know middle school history

Specific calls to violence against specific politicans and others were allowed daily. This happened on that subreddit and it also happens on politics and TD . I would like to see this rule enforced on politics as well.

It is a tough line to draw but at the very least, it should be enforced equally.

That's bullshit. The dude got some shitty DMs on Twitter and blamed it on /r/GreatAwakening. When the moderators asked for screenshots so they could investigate, he couldn't produce a shred of evidence the harassment was coming from /r/GreatAwakening.

They doxxed. They doxxed so good they got banned.

Keep up.

That was an orchestrated lie ... keep up.


^ Go back to sleep

So woke XDDDD

Name one person who was doxxed.

@s8tan or whatever their twitter handle is. The kept posting some blog with all his personal info and the mods were actively deleting his comments when he came to the subreddit and asked them to stop harassing him.

The fuck are you talking about? I was there every day and i literally haven't a clue who you mean. NOBODY was ever doxxed

just cause you didn't notice it doesn't mean it didn't happen. but i'd like to see more concrete reasons for the ban. i read about s8n but didn't see screenshots or anything

ok, so if he didnt notice it that means the mods took care of it. why would the sub get shut down for something like that? it wasnt the sub that orchestrated any doxxing. this "dox" on s8n was a false flag used to kill the sub. it will be hard to convince me otherwise, but im open to it

why would that mean the mods took care of it if he didn't notice. you can be on a sub everyday and miss a lot of shit. especially there, there was tons of info to wade through. i doubt they were in every thread. i'm not trying to convince you otherwise though. there's not enough concrete info for me to think the ban was warranted. I was on that sub and would often see violent language, mostly aimed at hillary or obama, or more vague revolution shit.

No it didn't happen. If such a thing happened it would have been blabbed constantly all over that Langley asset run mess. Believe me.

The /r/GreatAwakening mods contacted him and apologized for any harassment and asked him for screenshots so they could investigate who was responsible. He couldn't provide a shred of evidence that it was coming from /r/GreatAwakening.

the 'you'll hang' memes sent to him were directed to Hillary, Huma et al.

It's a reference to military tribunals + triumph over the DS, with assumption s8n was one of those bad actors.

If you believe that story I have a bridge to sell you.

Flat Earth is weird to me. I've noticed if anyone brings it up it isn't met with a "get a load of this guy" attitude it's more of a "what the fuck did you just say you motherfucker?" And heated vitirol. It's like, I don't believe the Earth is flat but if someone else does so be it. Why attack them?

Saying it's a psyop is attacking them? ok

It's mostly because they completely ignore every argument that proves them wrong over and over and over and over and over and over and over. It gets old.

It's kind of like this:

"Hey, the moon is a triangle!"

"No it's not, look!"

"No it's totally a triangle you just haven't done enough research."

The spamming isn't as bad now, but for a couple-few years, they were nonstop spamming crusaders who would not (still don't) engage in reasonable discussion. They'd receive a talking point for the week, and spam several posts per hour about it. So I think most of the hostility comes from when their budget was really juiced up.

Nowadays, they don't get nearly as many orders for astroturfing, except at the tail end of other "big" events, like a mass shooting, for example. Budget surplus for AstroTurf campaigns have to be spent somewhere, right? Might as well throw the flatheads a bone.

It requires a severe departure from any logic or reasoning. Nearly all the flat earth truths are debunked if you think or research for more than five minutes.

It angers me because there's a group of YouTubers (growing) that are spreading these lies and mistruths and unfortunately being very persuading about it. They opine that you should trust your own senses and don't listen to authority, but the entire movement relies on people trusting random YouTube videos blindly.

When they say the sun disappears behind the horizon due to ~perspective~, the masses say "yes, makes perfect sense!" even though that's where the theory and the explanation ends. No science or evidence to support it. Just an idea and nothing else. The same people say that gravity makes no sense.

As someone who considers themselves moderately level-headed and intelligent, and as someone who has a close relative who has been indoctrinated by these YouTube hucksters... well, it angers me I guess. Believe whatever shit you want, but don't spread your shit to other people. The deception is so deep that any proof "against" the flat earth has been designed that way, to be confusing. He believes there's a fucking machine hidden in front of the sun that is making it hotter because you can see hexagonal lens flares.

It's a cult based on rejecting authority, and then immediately having blind faith in the authority of YouTubers and the bible. It's a hypocritical and dangerous spread of bullshit facts that is dumbing down dumb people all over the globe.

How do you know what you’re saying is true? No one could know that the group was a bunch of “non partisan conspiracy theorists”....That’s impossible to ascertain with any certainty, yet you say it as if it’s clear undisputed fact.

You’re operating from a false premise when you dismiss waiting as pacification. Read the Art of War for some insights into how to dispute, engage and win. Patience is a virtue. It works in real life, too.

“Trust but verify” is a working model in the Q movement. We’re all given a lot of information that we can apply reason to and work it out for ourselves. We all learn how to ignore the noise and find the gems. They’re there.

You’re entitled to your opinion that it’s ridiculous. But I’d be more cautious with my “is” statements if you like to stay in the bandwidth of truth.

Preach Patriot :)

All Q asks you to do is think for yourself and research. A Conspiracy sub that doesnt believe in a deep state. How sad.

We believe in a “deep state”.

We don’t believe Q is the solution or an accurate source.

That’s rhetorical, right? And who is this “we” you’re talking about. Thats Brockbot speak.

Man did you hit the nail on the head. I found it interesting that by the time it was done, /greatawakening/ was almost indistinguishable from /the_donald/.

It just scares me how ducking gullible some of these people are.

I think itf we've learned anything from all this, it's that it's astonishingly easy to convince a good chunk of the population to get onboard with whatever quackery you want. There are people that will believe anything as long as the majority believe something else.

I think a lot of it has to do with people who just want to feel smart and superior... but then you get nitjobs that are just so swept up in it that they show up to a pizza shop with a rifle.

It's long-term overstimulation of the dopaminergic response.

Everyone's tweaked out on meth, cocaine, Adderall, and social media.

You know what people are like when they get strung out on coke... That's everyone who uses social media daily.

Fuck that noise. They moved the traffic camera right before this “totally legit shooting at a pizza parlor where one computer hard drive was critically injured”. You’re in the conspiracy subreddit. That’s like saying that Muslims were so upset with America that they flew jetliners perfectly into 3 of America’s landmarks unimpeded.

sub is full o [clowns]

its gotten baaaaah

Just FYI, the computer was shot while in the closet, but there's no indication the hard drive was shot/damaged.

Okay. My bad he “critically injured a computer”


oh no my CPU, IT Hertz!

This is you doing exactly what he said. You want to feel smart and superior, most likely because of an unsatisfactory social life, and without being actually smart and the accomplishments that come with that you go for dumb conspiracy theories. Not every fucking thing that ever happens is a conspiracy and you’re not any smarter for thinking it is

My social life is just fine and I am plenty well accomplished. Thanks though.

Meanwhile on /r/worldnews they'll believe some anonymously sourced statement that's debunked the next day.

Wow, there’s idiots on both sides. Who would have thunk it?

Some day someone will surely figure out how to transmute mild retardation into energy.

4chan already figured out how to use it. Meme magic

Lol... Kek doth bring abundance. ; )

That’s an old meme... for you...

This is the real take-home. You can brute force change 90% of people's opinions.

Or, if you're wrong enough, loud enough, long enough, you'll eventually be right.

I think itf we've learned anything from all this, it's that it's astonishingly easy to convince a good chunk of the population to get onboard with whatever quackery you want.

Bingo. Major takeaway for a lot of people I think these last few years.

First off Trump is crazy and I want him out. Most of his followers make no sense.

That being said, if you say to yourself "Those people are so gullible" and not think "We as people are so gullible" then you are no better than they are. We are so easily influenced it boggles the mind, and the easiest people to influence are the ones who think they are not easily influenced.

I'll take my downvotes off line now.

I think Trump is a very stable genius and look forward to 6 more years, but I upvoted you because you are exactly right on the rest of what you said 😁

Shit... a Trump fan agreed with me? Let the down votes rain from above. Time to do some damage control. BERNIE 2020!!!

Haha, we'd get along great over a beer

See, this is what people are constantly trying to do... you can’t just try and put everything on equal footing. Yes, people who think some super-secret 4chan cabal with direct access to the POTUS are exponentially more gullible than the average persons

The hardcore believers in Qanon are definitely gullible, I'm with you on that.

Massive banning sweeps of subreddits under the guise of stopping hate speech is not anything like your analogy though.

They aren’t just going to let greatawakening move to one of their shell subs to start calling for murder, civil war, and doxxing again. Kinda defeats the purpose of banning the sub in the first place. They didn’t even ban the users as far as I can tell.

I haven't seen much of the mass calls for murder and doxxing from qanons that you speak of, are there any good pieces of evidence that you have on hand?

Every single thread has had screenshots posted. Do some of your own research.

Every single thread in what subreddit?

I don't exactly spend a lot of time in q-related subreddits nor on tmor, and I'd appreciate a link to mega threads posted from either side of this ordeal.

Every thread on this topic. Just scroll down. The 2nd top comment in this very thread is a huge collection of comments from GA

From the examples I was able to find (besides your "everything" example), most of them are just people wishing xyz politican was hung, and there does not seem to be a serious amount of doxxing compared to the average political subreddit.

If a few hundred sentences of random users saying and doing stuff like this warrants entire subreddits getting shut down instead of individual bans, then there are surely thousands of subreddits that "need to be shut down".

This may be an unpopular observation, but hey, I don't raid subreddits for karma and politically charged reasons, so whatever.

How is he crazy?

Really? This is the first time you've heard someone say this? You might not agree with it but you know why people say he's crazy.

I'm with you. We are all psychologically built to be gullible. To normalize repeated information, even if it has no basis in fact, into acceptance is our survival mechanism to adapt to environmental pressure being exploited against us.

It's a tiny bit ironic to read this comment on /r/conspiracy/, since I think the majority of people would say that about just about anyone that believes in a fraction of what this sub does. But at the same time, I totally agree with you. Conspiracies, at least I've noticed most the major ones on this forum, have a considerable amount of evidence (granted, some that can straddle the line between empirical or conjecture) that accompanies it. This whole Q thing, as well as the Pizzagate thing, can be traced down to just people reading shit on 4Chan and choose to believe it. All the rest of the "evidence" is put together by the users, creating this vast network of information that is essentially just subjective interpretation. Besides for Q Drops, there's simply not a single ounce of objective, verifiable anything that would indicate that Q is nothing more than the far right's wet dream fantasy. Even if Q has provided proofs of sort, that says he runs within the President's inner circle, still doesn't validate Q's claims, since it could be easily deduced that it was just a disinformation campaign from the start. And in my humble opinion, that's really what it was and somewhat of a smart move. As you said, it brought the conspiracy fringe to a place where they suddenly became Trump supporters. Rather convenient and useful, if you are already barely holding onto the majority of popular opinion. Why not use these's people's gullibility and gain their trust/pacify, instead of leaving them on the sidelines to potentially harm you later?

I think “conspiracy” lends itself to these people so well because there is a lot more tolerance in that community for subjective interpretation as opposed to actual evidence.

It definitely predates Trump, but obviously meshed with his campaign perfectly. I was curious about conspiracy stuff from a young age just from snooping around the internet. I remember stumbling onto a site called GodLikeProductions, and would read threads there from time to time. I learned quickly that most of the people there weren’t even really discussions actual conspiracies and a lot of it just ended up being about pushing far-right politics... lots of fundies and racist/Nazi ideology. I feel like these types are attracted to the conspiracy element because their beliefs don’t stand up to any scrutiny without subverting reality to an extent.

I feel like these types are attracted to the conspiracy element because their beliefs don’t stand up to any scrutiny without subverting reality to an extent

So unbelievably well said. And the most insane part of it, is that the more you push against that idea, the more you're just a part of the "deep state", Illuminati or whatever massively power (yet stupid) secretive organization (that exposes itself openly). But that's how self fulfilling prophecy works. On that note, that's the other group I've seen overrunning those forums these subs, is the biblical rapturists that think the 'end is nigh' any moment now.

Yeah, cause "nothing" happened in NK and SA. LOL

And if the same "nothing" happened under Obama, it would be further proof of the NWO working in tandem. It's just convenient when it's your guy.

Oh, I don't give a crap about Obama. This goes back to the Bushes and beyond.

Guess I need you to elaborate... I'm not following. :(

Nah, you're account is SO bogus, I'd rather talk to someone else. Later!

Nice cop-out! Try not to step on your own tail as you run away.

Yeah, I'm sure you keenly observe history.

But feel free to go around calling people morons and such...have you ever looked at the pedo swirl on Interscope Records, Collective Soul albums and art, and even the Spin Doctors (appropriate name)? George Soros' favorite band is Collective Soul. LOL

Have a great day!

I actually think it's you all that are the Pedos, trying so hard to see it everywhere. You people are sick!

trying so hard to see it everywhere

Who ever said ANYONE did that?

And Interscope Records is MIGHTY interesting.

You people said it. You're all a bunch pedophile obsessed freaks, pushing your twisted views onto a world where it doesn't exist

Uh huh. Too bad all Interscope artists suck.

"you people" LOL

Rule 10.

Rule 10.

Well said! This kinda made me realize racism, the belief that anyone is inherently bad or worse based on race, is a conspiracy theory by itself...

PizzaGate had evidence of pedo-symphasizing. The pedo symbols were all over their website and in their menu until it got popular then they changed the website but forgot about the .pdf menu for a while longer.

If they weren't pedo symbols why did they react/panic and remove them?

You mean so the morons who still thought they were pedo symbols just used that as further evidence and "proof" that they were, indeed, pedo symbols? It wouldn't matter what happened or how it happened, these people already made up their mind, so every outcome will just vindicate them further.

And the only thing Trump is coming for is another Big Mac and his phone to post another senseless and delusional tweet. Once the sensationalism wears off (which it's already begun), he'll fade into obscurity, leaving all the Q-ueers left holding the drama bag with no payoff. If anybody views this guy as a threat, they sure haven't made any outward appearance of that. Just like the recent Op-Ed at the NYT published, at this point, I doubt the people who hold the authority to arrest anybody would even listen to his orders. He's become irrelevant and seemingly powerless, outside the drama he creates (which he will continue to use to distract from that idea).

Because they didn’t know they were pedo symbols until people starting calling them pedos. If I thought a swastika was a symbol of divinity and was wearing it around, and someone told me I was a Nazi for wearing it... yeah I’d stop wearing it,

Great analogy. Especially poignant because the swastika does have more benign roots.

Folks unfamiliar with Q focus on predictions, but much of Q is focussing people on open source info about shady shit the establishment's verifiably done.

Well, their mistake of that's the case. But there's enough movement and focus around those ideas that doesn't involve their batshit crazy theory to wrap around it.

I still crack up at the jfk jr. angle. Like he somehow didn't die and has been hibernating --waiting for donnie of all people to go on a massive secret crusade. That sounds totally believable lol.

That part bothered me. I honestly thought it'd be a different crowd but it slowly built into undue patriotism and bible verse quotes.

No. No. No.

  1. Q Anon was post election. So the idea this was about Trump support is revisionist. In fact Q Anon coincided with the liberal brigade of this particular sub.

  2. Q Anon is a government patio, an attempt to placate the far right in places like 4 Chan which generated hardcore Trump support.

It’s entirely designed to limit right wing outrage on various issues by telling people “X is happening”. As I stated elsewhere Q is the reason Sessions still is employed.

Thats false to say the sub had a significant amount of non-Trump supporters. It was mostly boomers who aren’t aware of what a psy-op is and were duped. But you are right to say they’re misled. It was meant to keep them complacent for the midterms, thinking that all the problems would be solved by forces beyond them and they wouldn’t have to worry about midterms.

At the heart of it, it has nothing to do with Q. What if next time they decide to silence a large part of Reddit it's something you do believe in? That is the overall issue here. Reddit is allowing one group of people break all the rules while punishing another group for what they believe.

Look at the list on the BanOut, a handful of people decide what is acceptable and what is not.

No one, on either side of the game should be ok with this.

That's what I don't get when I read some of these comments saying well haha they deserved it, bunch of idiots congregating in a forum. They're missing the fucking point.

If you go on that bullshit BanOut sub, every comment is deleted, yet a comment that doesn't follow their own rule stays undeleted because it went something along the lines of- make that shithole of t_d next! The bias and purposes is so clear it's pathetic.

It’s disturbing but not surprising at all. I don’t understand how any business minded person can allow this to happen under their watch. I don’t understand how any rational adult can think this is the right thing to do, under any circumstances. But I guess they are taking their orders just like the rest of social media and shutting down any voice they deem wrong.

I fully believe this will come back to bite them all in the ass. Might not happen overnight, but it will happen. And that will lay on the heads of those in charge. Failure of epic proportions.

Shills exist.

I think another aspect that is negative is that it can create division where one side believes they are right and all others wrong.

Instead of creating the idea of - commit a crime - face the time. It can’t be one side is right and the other wrong. We need justice for all.

^ Q predicted this

You’re not wrong at all.

Q turned a bunch on non partisan conspiracy theorists into hardcore trump supporters.

I somehow doubt that.

i saw it happen in real time

Q tells people to vote, get their opinions out, and make memes. Hardly a passivity op.

TopAshhatsofReddit is an anal wart that is only bothersome when you wipe hard

Too bad spez encourages their growth seeing as they operate unimpeded and unreprimanded.

Its more akin to a cancer

Only, the host is willing to have the cancer, and uses the cancer for its own selfish motives. It's like double cancer.

lol Cancer does not want to be associated with that cesspool. They battled with me and the r/911Truth crew for years. They have staying power but limited engagement with the truth. Over time I learned to use their negative energy to do deeper research. We battle on

Aaron Swartz died for this.

There are other really large subreddits in which the mods allow and support violence, harrassment, and hatred towards Republican voters and officials they have elected. Could these same strategies highlighted in this article theoretically culminate in the banning of /r/ which pose real world threats to right leaning officials, rather than left leaning officials? Does this discrepancy indicate admin complicity? Should admin be investigated and/or summoned to testify in DC?

Politics is filled with outright hatred and threats of violence

Hmmmm .... elected republicans; please investigate Reddit

.. seriously, a poster on a conspiracy forum is asking for government censorship?

This world has really gone nutso when the outcasts are begging for their own enslavement.

Elected officials should investigate Reddit admin; reddit admin are censoring because they're too big to fail

1) they're really not. Eventually people will get sick of it being overrun with bots and shills and a better platform will pop up and it will be abandoned like Digg and Myspace (pretty much) and AOL chat

2) wtf are you even talking about?

an admin fucker playing dumb folks...don't b mad

It's humourous that every complaint a right leaning member puts out is met with comments like yours.

Even though, you have to be aware that the Republican party has no represented normal right-leaning citizens for a long long time

You're correct; we should ALL expatriate the oligarchic USA...but until then the Republican playbook is the best yet published for political victory

I myself have noticed this. I read, browse, and peruse both liberal and conservative subs, and notice both sides sometimes voice the same negative sentiments towards the other sides' politicians and supporters, yet Reddit seems very obviously one-sided on banning certain subs, which hey, is great if you're on the side not getting banned. But the unevenness and inconsistencies in banning are not surprising, given human nature of political and ideological biases which seem more prevalent now than ever, and we are seeing this all play out on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc.

So if this happens on reddit it needs to be regulated and censored by the government. If it happens on voat or gab its a "free speech haven" that should be left alone by the government and countered with your own speech. Partisan hacks like you are laughable and are the furthest thing from conspiracy theorists.

You said "regulated and censored"...you're the infiltrator putting buzzwords in other people's context.

“Saving Israel for last” my ass. You are all being led on to conform to a Zionist agenda

True. Meant to keep people complacent for the midterms by sitting back and thinking that some mysterious secret force would take care of their problems so they don’t worry about the midterms.

Agreed- just sit back don't do anything and let us "government insiders" handle everything fucking ridicoulous

It's almost like this website is controlled, manipulated, and toyed with.

Not to seem like ass, but no shit Sherlock. What website do you know with high volume that is NOT being manipulated one way or another, especially for political gain?


Or every way by every one. Like pretty much every thing. That's the weak spot in many conspiracy theories, is that they focus on one villainous motive, ruling out the far greater possibility of many contributing factors.

The thing with all this bullshit is, whether you like these subs or not - we are all fuelling this by using the website. We feel like reddit is "ours" because we produce the content but it's been owned by a media conglomerate for some time now. It's not a secret nor is the solution - stop visiting reddit. I won't because those subs were shit and I don't care but the furore over "free speech" and equality of opinion is completely irrelevant as far as I'm concerned. You choose to use reddit and by doing so reddit uses you, this is the transactional nature of the site. If you do not like it, do not come to the website.

You choose to use reddit and by doing so reddit uses you, this is the transactional nature of the site.

I think we all understand this agreement when it comes to making money on us through advertisements. What we should not accept, however, are moves that have absolutely nothing to do with corporate profit and everything to do with a dangerous ideology of censorship and control.

If you do not like it, do not come to the website.

Yes - a lot of us are already frequenting this site way less, and are spending time on other forums and boards on the internet. This will continue to happen, and it is going to destroy Reddit.

I just don't think reddit is a serious factor in opinion forming. People come here to argue how they're right about everything, everyone reads headlines and has only a cursory grasp of complex issues. It's not reddit job to let diaper clad teenagers shit all over the site with a spidersweb of shekelsformoscow subs.

Since USENET existed right wing extremists (and pedos and others) have been banned from feeds, forums and everything in between. No one has the right to be a hateful prick on a website just because it's successful.

1) I have had many opinions formed on this site. What you think Reddit is, is what it is becoming.

2) People have the "right" to be hateful if it is necessary for a free exchange of ideas. By censoring things like "Q Anon", Reddit is proving the cancer that forms once an organization begins to entertain the idea that they can dictate what kinds of things are and are not allowed to be said.

Reddit has no duty to allow hateful people to spew their diatribes.

Let's all hold hands, smile and sing the song of our utopian dystopia.

Wow so dramatic. Reddit a private company causes your utopian dystopia.

That's unrelated. Altough i see the logic in what you're saying you should also be able to see why it's not okay that certain groups are censored, no matter how outlandish their beliefs are. As long as noone act upon them they should be allowed and if someone does act upon them the individual or the instigator should be punished, not free speech.

I don't get why moderators are allowed full reign of censorship but not the owners of the free public website they own and monetize.

They aren't, the moderators might take the blame but they aren't responsible.

And you are not hateful?

And you are following me around now?

You are not hateful?

No, I'm a beacon of light and love.

REALLY? You attack people nonstop it seems.

You have literally had a full night's sleep and your first action on checking reddit is... Harassing me and accusing me of things because I told you Anthony weiners laptop isn't being investigated.

It's very funny how hurt you are by me not agreeing with you.

Yes, "hurt". Ow.

It's OK, put some savlon on it.

SO you don't attack and provoke people, correct?


"I'm not annoyed by you I think you're one of the most entertaining users on this sub.

Please continue chucking shit at the wall like a reanimated Harambe"

You called another user an ape.

Why do you think you are infallible? Seems to be a common thing amongst some people.

Him "spewing diatribes" makes me infallible? LOL

Aww why don't you get reddit to ban me!

Like you don't "spew" diatribes. Insulting is your FIRST inclination.

I'm sorry that I have lodged myself in your brain because I didn't agree with you.

Please block me if you are afraid of my posts.

I ain't blocking anything pal. It's not an "agreement" issue either. You know exactly what it is. Later!

Uh.. OK?

afraid of my posts.


What we should not accept, however, are moves that have absolutely nothing to do with corporate profit and everything to do with a dangerous ideology of censorship and control.

But corporate profit and ideology complement one another. Both collude with one another to censor and control, for mutual benefit.

Such is the nature of the military-industrial complex, and their perpetual proving ground-- every country in proximity of Israel.

Do you think these latest acts or censorship are good for Reddit's bottom line? I am highly skeptical of that -- and think they are only likely to lose users after this (and gain none).

What is reddit's bottom line? Where does their money come from? Certainly not ads.

They have hardly any ads to begin with. And they're only viewable on the desktop site

most major companies don't bother buying ads. They just Brigade organic post to the top

But corporate profit and ideology complement one another

Benito Mussolini also made a unity of economy and ideology and called it fascism.

How do you cite people?

It is entirely based on corporate profit. Reddit wants to cash out, it’s harder to do that when your site looks like it’s populated by nutjobs. To think they would do anything for political ideology is naive.

Just look at the 20th century if you doubt that people can be motivated to do incredibly things based on ideology. Even if Reddit wanted to sell, an investor would prefer high number of users and activity over politically correct opinions.

If you do not like it, do not come to the website.

Fuck that. I come here to be a thorn in the side of the people trying to censor it and weed out voices like mine.

They make money off your patronage

They make money off of clowns that buy Reddit Gold.

Not to be an ass-- and more power to you if that's your shtick-- but the above comment is still probably correct.

Whether it's more eyes on advertisements, truth-bombs people show up to digest or make fun of, or the company's ability to market its number of users to gather investors, you're still feeding the beast.

I guess it sort of comes down to: Are you enough of a thorn in their side that they haven't already accounted for your demographic and figured out how to monetize you?

Whether it's more eyes on advertisements ... Are you enough of a thorn in their side that they haven't already accounted for your demographic and figured out how to monetize you?

They don't make sufficient money on advertisements so anyone who doesn't literally give them money, via gold, is a cost sink.

It's like Twitter

It's proven that a majority of their accounts are bots but they won't bam them because it boosts their user numbers and the owner of said bots probably pay Twitter to keep them safe.

Fuck it took Twitter forever and a half to just delete straight up pedophile accounts that posted CP blatantly.

Yet if it's not with the agenda it'll get taken down the same day the report was filed.

Not me. I come for the memes.

People should go back to usenet.

You sound like a Microsoft employee. Are you looking forward to anti-trust against these big often CIA created platforms? We are. I was on GA since the 1st day, there was no violence that I saw. And it is literally impossible to stop infiltrators from posting hate, screenshoting it, then banning.

Congrats for defending tyranny in the name of capitalism. But it‘s private...

Ok dude, good luck "suing the CIA" because your subreddit got banned.

CIA is being broken up, notice new leadership? JFK's dream is now becoming reality.

And we will be anti-trusting big social media, that was started by the CIA, not is the CIA. You guys love to split hairs when it serves your purpose. Censorship is occurring EVERYWHERE. Have you not seen the AG news re Sessions looking into big social media and anti-trust? No chance something is not done.

ps - Nice how you skip over most everything I wrote and just post on what serves you.

pss - Julian Assange is a HERO.

pss - For now - https://voat.co/v/theawakening/

JFKs dream was to have the woman who oversaw the torture of suspected terrorists in black sites become head of the CIA after destroying the video evidence of that torture?


And yes I did gloss over most of your reply because I didn't want to insult you. Enjoy voat I guess and the commensurate fantasy you have constructed in your mind to make all this seem real to you.

Things, like the new CIA director, are often not what they appear, as you know (all to well I'm afraid), that our government has been deeply infiltrated. But we have been removing them, even MSM indirectly confirms that. ;-)

You should research Q. Not the superficial, but the deeper comms. Unless you are not being sincere.

I suggest on Youtube:Praying Medic


ps - JFK Jr. is alive. 11/11


Cognitive Dissonance is normal at this stage. Just go with it...

You believe a fairytale written by teenagers and you think I have cognitive dissonance? Well you're entertaining I'll give you that.

Simple questions considering Trump see's all the Q shirts at his rallies. He has pointed at a couple of them.

1- Why doesn't he discount them?

2-Why doesn't MSM ask him?

Re JFK Jr. the facial characteristics of a few behind Trump at 1 rally and at other places has been confirmed to match that of JFK JR. (and his wife.) At least look at those, easily found.

Nothing to lose...

The answer to both questions is because it's stupid.

JFK Jr is dead.

lol, MSM doesn't ask him cause it is stupid? lol

Hurry, turn on CNN and check...

Enjoy your online fantasy role play.

It is all a role play. Have you never realized that?

I am the batman.

Everything is one. Fun game batman.

Said It

Said what?

Yeah, let's all give our email addresses and passwords to magnora7 or whoever it is that made that clone.

I'm sure that's not going to come back to haunt anyone.

Erm, you’ve already done that to reddit.
Stay anonymous by using different usernames and passwords across sites

I trust reddit not to steal my credentials. Not sure about saidit.

Trust neither. Treat every online interaction that the other side has an agenda and stay safe friend. Good luck with the embassy stuff too!

How would reddit steal your credentials for reddit?


4chan not being manipulated? Hahahaha. I hope you're not that oblivious.

I suspect that manipulating 4chan would be like hearding cats, but I have nothing to base this on.

It might not be like reddit where you know who you are talking to with a upvote/downvote system, but you can still have a trail of comments that all support one day essentially from one user. Id also argue 4chan has a lot more younger more easily influenced minds who fall for that dumb edgy shit.

Especially a website that is privately owned and kept afloat by advertisers. Why would any privately owned company allow hate speech to flourish on their domains when it could damage the value? It's a smart move on their part tbh.

What is “hate” speech? Who defines it and regulates it? Are those in that position of power biased or neutral? Can anyone ever be truly neutral? What hate speech did Q Anon reddit espouse that got them banned?

Its not really about hate speech. That's simply a ruse to keep the truth from coming out.

What is the censorship really for? To stop this linked news from coming out. Yes, the US/Israel have been behind the terrorists all along.

Direct Terrorist Collusion: Over One Dozen Videos Capture White Helmets Working Side-By-Side With Terrorist Groups in Syria


Yes, 100% agreed.

I honestly hate this place now drowning in shills. Genuine r/conspiracy users who LOVE tptb’s censorship?!? Yeah, okay, nothing to see here, totally legit users! 🙄

Don't get mad at capitalism. From what I hear, that's what most American's want. When the government starts limiting free speech, that's when you should get worried. Not like there is anything you could do about it anyway except protest and vote.

When the government starts limiting free speech, that's when you should get worried

Big social colluding as a cartel to limit public discourse is a rational reason to get alarmed and is why regulation will stop their efforts to covertly influence politics.

Wait, so now all the Trump supporters are for regulation? He did destroy the Republican party.

Wait, so now all the Trump supporters are for regulation

Trump supporters are nationalists, not laissez faire idealists. If large corporations are acting as a cartel to manipulate public political dialogue then that's a national security issue.

Manipulate political dialogue? Wtf? Are you serious right now? I. Can't. Even. How is that a national security issue anyways? Who's gonna die?

Manipulate political dialogue? Wtf? Are you serious right now?

Did you miss the Cambridge Analytica scandal somehow?

Is a coup not a national security issue in your mind? Colluding private interests that manipulate an election amounts to a soft coup.

Wait, are we talking about FB now?

FB/Cambridge Analytics is the most widely known example of political influence via social media.

Colluding private interests that manipulate an election in a decisive way amounts to a soft coup.

I don't see anyone manipulating elections except for the GOP and Russia.

Corporate media brainwashing tends to limit what people see, yes.

Capitalism? Lol! That’s cute! This isn’t capitalism, don’t be retarded or do you really have no clue how it works here?

It is capitalism. No, I'm not "being" retarded. That's not even possible unless you are mentally challenged. And it's fucking disrespectful to them to use as an insult. Shows your character, though.

You are a total fucking retard if you think what we’ve got is capitalism!!

Why would a smart person like myself bother trying to have a rational discussion with an obvious retard? It’s kinda pointless. So since I’m a highly intelligent person and not a total retard like yourself, I’m going to do the smart thing and disengage with someone whose IQ is so low that it makes it impossible to comprehend the words I’m using.

Removed. Rule 4. I am bored.

Why would any privately owned company allow hate speech to flourish on their domains when it could damage the value?

GA wasn't hate speech by any stretch. This was political censorship justified by people planting comments they could then report:


No hate speech? I saw that sub. GA was banned for breaking Reddit's rules, but even if Reddit was trying to politically censor it's content, it's still not illegal. Get over it and start your own damn domain forum already.

Still helps to say it over and over and over again while the censorship algorithms still let us.

They will always let you, but that's where it ends.

You continue to say it, over and over, repeating it thinking something will eventually change.

But you know what you don't Do? Take any direct action towards resolving it. Just repeating your same shit on loop thinking you're making a difference when in actuality you're falling even more into "their" scheme. But go ahead and keep reposting this same shit on every website/thread/forum and let me know when the problem is fixed.

Im closing this shithole account. Fuck you sensors.

PS guys, account still active a day later.

It’s not even for political gain in this case. Have you read any of that bat shit crazy bullshit that Q Anon is all about? No kidding those fucking lunatics ended up devolving to race hatred memes in between their hits of vomit inducing “truths”. Also Reddit isn’t just here for political gain. You could subscribe to tons of stuff with no political tint whatsoever and have a great non political experience. You see what you subscribe to.

I’m pretty sure that was sarcasm.

Q followers “incite violence”. antifa? Not so much.


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No upvotes or downvotes? Hmmm

TMOR is a straight up troll/brigading/harassing sub. They incite attacking other users. They even post pictures of users and attack single comments of users directly. Of all subs, THEY should be banned.

Q isn't a larp, though, which is one of the reasons, other than uncomfortable subject matter, that they were banned.

I agree TMOR fucks with this sub. Whether they’re feds or paid infiltrators is up for debate, but they do have a strategy and a controlled thing going on there that we need to crack.

That being said I still maintain Q is a psyop to funnel conspiracy theorists into the alt-right style of thought and inject a political bias into the culture.

The community can be manipulated, but the Q stuff really has been picking up a lot of steam recently.

Q is a psyop to funnel conspiracy theorists into the alt-right style of thought and inject a political bias into the culture.

This plus discredit all "conspiracy theorists" as deranged Trump supporters, or to discredit Trump supporters as "conspiracy theorists".

Alex Jones did a good job of this too. Honestly I think Q started out as a LARP (There were so many "FBIAnon" and other "political insider" posts around that time) and then was co-opted into a psyop. When I see those pics of families at rallies with "Q" t-shirts on I fucking cringe.

Q is the ultimate boomer conspiracy theory. It requires no actual work, other than to "sit and wait" "wait and see" etc. and makes people feel like they are "in the know" about something that others aren't.

Couldn’t agree more dude. Have an upvote.

kinda goes for most conspiracy theories tho. despite how fun they are.

Well said.

As much as I think Q is a psyop to pacify people, I feel like it's also woken up a lot of people to the truth of our corrupt existence

It was meant to pacify them until Trumps presidency is legitimately threatened, and then they won'r be so pacified when they think God's messenger is under attack from Satan. THAT is the entire point behind Q. They are awaiting "activation"

I do see that. The only thing that gives me even a slight pause are these supposed "sealed indictments" at the DOJ. Because if 1000/yr on average is the norm, 40,000 over the course of 8-9 months is something. Idk what it portends, but it's definitely indication that there's more going on behind the scenes than we think

Realistically if a white hat group wanted to communicate with people, a board like 4chan that's just purely uncensored chaos is the type of place you'd go. Nothing in this world is black and white, as we know. But there's a huge push by one spectrum of the truth community to paint the Q movement in broad strokes of black and white. To say that there's no gray reeks of something I can't put my finger on.

I for one, have decided that it would be ignorant of me to completely disregard an entire movement. This is exactly the same type of gatekeeping we all rally against. And I'm disappointed in myself for being a gatekeeper of sorts in my own mind now. I think if we research what these Q followers are so worked up about, we're likely to find some breadcrumbs here and there that paints a different picture than what we have in our minds

It could all be completely real. That doesn't mean its good. The Antichrist is suppose to go to war with the world. If the world is already under Satan's control, why would he have to go to war with it? It's all a show so Trump can come in and pretend to be the hero that takes down the evil deep state when he's really going to be the catalyst to the one world government Antichrist system. It's all a giant trick, part of the powerful delusion talked about in 2 Thessalonians 2. If you don't believe in the Bible or God (I have my own theories and beliefs), you need to at least be familiar with it because that is the game plan and blueprint the real rulers are using. It's evil's playbook and there are real truths told about what's going to happen as well as lies.

Saying they're all indictments is a bit of a stretch, they're sealed court documents. Of course some are, hell they all could be, but none of us actually know when what type of documents these are.

And that number is just growing because as more sealed documents are added, their tally goes up (but never goes down when sealed documents are unsealed). There was a pretty good write-up here about it last month.

the sealed indictments things is bullshit though, it's one of the key things stringing them along, thinking that's how big the pedo conspiracy is. It's going to perpetually grow because they aren't counting the documents that have been unsealed.

How? By leading them to believe that Trump has been sent by god to save America? That Obama will flee to Kenya to escape Mueller's secret investigation? That McCain was put to death?

Lmao you can't be serious. Just opening people's minds to the idea that there's more going on behind the scenes will have lead several people to research further and find out stuff about the federal reserve, triple crown control, psy ops etc

You start off with feeding people lies and they suddenly aren't going to start seeking out the truth.

I think you underestimate how awakening people works.

I think you underestimate how awakening people works. Once you start down a rabbit hole you're gonna keep digging around find the big one

this isn't a movie and these aren't heroes... just deluded cultists repeating what they are told.

by worshipping a piss king steeped in corruption? charming.

Actually—the corruption of the trump administration and his congressional lackies seems to be waking up the left and no one else. When republicans lose the house and senate, things are going to get nasty.

If you think TMOR is bad you should have a look at


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Curiously enough, it's the same moderators as TMOR who also control that sub:

**Tokkul_75000, DanglyW, duckvimes_, Br00ce**

Thank you very much, I appreciate this info

Oh yeah, the place that is against racism and doxxing

Literally banning communities that preached peace and unity

Here's a sample of some comments made on greatawakening containing certain phrases that could be considered violent.

I'm not saying they're representative of the entire community, I'm just showing examples to those who said they've never seen them.

You can find comments like these in many subreddits. I believe what gets a sub banned is if the moderators ignore or approve the posts after being warned by admins.

search: "should be hung"


  • "Godspeed to you. Your govt and police should be publicly hung. Ours (Aus) is the same. We just have less people so it's taking longer. I'd be so tempted to drive my 4wd through the streets they close for prayer. Easy targets." (emphasis mine)

  • The CIA and big banksters should be hung from lamppost’s on every street for this

  • "This f@cking traitor should have been publicly hung in front of the US capitol building with Trump giving the order [...]"

  • "They should ALL be hung and dumped in a pit.... No marker..."

  • " [...] These sickos should be hung from light poles for real"

  • "Why should we house and feed him until he naturally dies? He should be hung!"

  • "Fucking Bitch should be hung from a tree"

  • " [...] These ppl r ALL Traitors should be hung or death by firing squad after speedy military tribunal. Imo"

"should be hanged"

  • "Both should be hanged. Actually, all 3 of em. (Include Bill.)"

  • "Hillary and her crime syndicate should be hanged by the neck for treason on live TV. "

  • "Obama should be hanged and HRC burned at the stake like the witch she is."

"should be shot"

  • "He let the terrorist free. He should be shot for treason. "

  • "Absolutely..but traitors should be shot! "

  • "Yep we raped and ate your kids to do you a solid. We have to be awful to you so you can ascend. This is what we are going to here. All these people should be shot in the face."

  • "Rioters should be shot on sight."

"should be executed"

  • "Everyone on this graphic should be executed for treason snd seditious conspiracy"

  • "I firmly believe HRC should be executed, if found guilty. Some people just need "killin'", someone once said"

  • "These people should be executed their decisions cost lives why should they live when they love money and power and hate peoples.We should as tax payers not have to support them even in jail., or prison."

  • "This MF should be executed immediately!!"

"public execution"

  • "Treasonous bastards one and all ... public execution is the ONLY remedy that's sure to restore the faith of the people.!.!.!."

  • "There should be a mandatory death sentence for this, and a public execution."

  • "Pay-per-View public execution of her with the $ going to help the families of those who have been destroyed and/or have lost love ones because of the diabolic nature of this individual."

"day of the rope"

  • "The day of the rope will need a new national holiday."
  • "day of the rope for subhuman commies when? "
  • "The Day of the Rope cannot come soon enough."
  • "When the video of her mother drops none of them will be able to walk down the street. The day of the rope is looming."
  • "If this is proven true(I don't doubt) then they won't be safe walking down the street, no matter how much security they have. Stand for them and you die too. The day of the rope is coming near." (emphasis mine)

"end of a rope"

  • " [...] I hope Hillary rots at the end of a rope for what she did and didn't do."

  • "I for one don't want that! She needs to be feted on 9/11, Trump's 8th year, so she can have the last dance with Q - at the end of a rope! Hopefully a very public feting!"

  • "I cannot wait until these fucks are swinging from the long end of a rope."

  • "After all these years, I would still smile ear to ear to see her heels kicking at the end of a rope."

"kill them all"

  • "Make no mistake, and mods, I dare you to remove this. We. Will. Kill them all. No deals. No mercy. No "muh Christian forgiveness". None of it. If nobody else wants to do the honors, then allow me. I'm not the killing man, I'm the killing man's son. But I'll do the killing, until the killing man comes."

  • "I think of The Boondock Saints. Someone should just go and kill all these fuckers.... kill them all."

"be lynched"

  • "Got removed :/ but yes. She will be lynched hopefully"
  • "After everything is done and finalized ... Soros will prefer to be behind the bars , because that will be the only relatively safe place to him not to be lynched ."
  • "BOOM!!! They have it all!!! How stupid to think it would not come out. Release all the information and as Q said, they will not be able to walk down the street. IMHO they should each be lynched."
  • "That is fucking gross as fucking all hell. This person should be fired and arrested with accomplice to child prostitution. I support PP, but holy fuck is this god damn awful. This person should be lynched in the street."
  • "They would be lynched in the streets."

what is this supposed to prove?

Give me 1 million € from any political influenza group and I'll put together a group,

who gets r/aww or r/sweet_kitten banned

You can find comments like these in many subreddits. I believe what gets a sub banned is if the moderators ignore or approve the posts after being warned by admins.

I have visited r/GreatAwakening/new every day and have seen hundreds and hundreds of contributions disappear before my eyes.

The impression you want to convey here is simply wrong.

These data you present here are incredibly easy to create, and don't say anything about how long they were on the site.

And if you have pages like r/AgainstHateSubreddits/ that do a witch hunt it is only a question of time until a sub is closed.



Pack up, let’s go to voat

Pack up, let’s go to voat


I already am!

But I'm not done with Reddit yet... and the terms of service make it incredibly easy to use their rules against them... and that's what I'm going to do in the future until they feel it in their wallets.


Are you aware that they think that disagreement must be fought like a virus?


The way Reddit approaches the problem internally is a bit more engaged, according to a source within the company familiar with the process. After a subreddit is banned for violating Reddit’s content policy, site admins can follow where the banned users go. And if another like-minded subreddit decides to host the fleeing community, admins ban those communities, too. Earlier this week, an official Reddit spokesperson told The Verge that “as of September 10th, r/milliondollarextreme and associate subreddits have been banned for violating our violent content rules,” which suggests that those associate subreddits, r/BillionShekelSupreme and r/ChadRight, were where the newly banned MDE community went next. The same thing appears to have happened to users of r/greatawakening and r/The_GreatAwakening.

It’s an effective strategy for making sure the site’s most toxic users don’t replicate the behaviors that got them banned in other subreddits. It’s also a smart way to figure out which subreddits are hosting similar kinds of content. Think of it in terms of viral replication: viruses spread inside an organism by taking over the host cell’s machinery in order to replicate millions of copies of themselves; afterward, they trigger their host into bursting, and those copies flood the rest of the organism looking for more cells to infect.


I have decided to be Reddit's own HIV virus, let them close healthy sub until the host is dead.

Didn't you guys complain about vote manipulation and brigading in your sub?

Correct if you turn "Healthy subs" into "literal cancer"

So you're complaining about other subs brigading...and your solution is to brigade.

Ohh, not anymore.

I played by the rules, and was f*cked by Mandigo´s 35cm black meat, that has now an end.

I feel like someone who cared enough could use that to report you and have your IP banned. But fuck it it's your life.

I'm a little bit horrified, but is your knowledge of the internal really so insufficient that you think it's possible to ban someone on the basis of their ip?

Reddit admins do shadowban, but I guess if you really have nothing better to do you can circumvent it by making a new account by only using reddit on a proxy. LIke I said, it's your life.

Anyways, unlike garbage subs like r/thegreatawakening, the mods of the subs you want to brigade actually do their jobs so the admins don't have punish the subs for shitty racist content, so you really should just let it go and find a hobby.

Nah. Your buddies were vicious shits who wanted to murder their political enemies. You were in it too deep and didn't realize how fucking weird that all sounded.

What is the punishment for treason?

I live in Germany.

We have no death penalty, but if I remember correctly there are those in America in the normal jurisdiction and also in the military court, which means to talk about whether someone has deserved to die for his actions is totally ok.

I' m not saying that I welcome the death penalty but it is part of the American legal system, and therefore open for discussion.

I think in Germany we would have a different situation because we would not be debating within the framework of the laws.



Not political enemies, proven traitors. Turns out, there is a difference and I believe there is still a legal penalty for treason, no?

Wait... proven by whom in what court?

Lol! Am I in r/conspiracy right now or r/politics?

This place has been a clown fest for months now. The votes are fake, the comments are fake. The name of the sub is accurate though.

Literally banning communities that preached peace and unity

That this is 100% false? lol

You should make this a post, tbh.

It's good to know that there was a liberal subreddit dedicated to playing these kinds of comments:


You know what the legal sentence for treason is, right?

Let's see, didn't the pope try to change the rules about that recently?

He sure did. Pedos of a feather flock together.

Would using opposition research to obtain a FISA warrant on an American citizen in an effort to influence Presidential election count as treason?

No it wouldn't.
But sending the tactical location of a US ambassador to a violent foreign organization would.

It certainly would when its now a matter of subverting a legitimate presidency using illegally gotten warrants with partisan and foreign backing.

Wait, there’s no legal penalty for treason anymore?!??? TIL!

I'm missing something. Where is there a discussion of legal penalties for treason? Some home these people seem to have skipped the part of official charges of treason, trials, and guilty verdicts. Sure, the system is far from universally just, but it is way better than lynch mobs.

Public execution is the penalty for treason, exactly what these "violent comments" are about. They were calling for the corrupt and treasonous to be put to death as a sentence, not calling for senseless violence.

Lol! Am I in r/conspiracy?!!???? I love the corrupt DOJ, FBI, IC, MIC, CIA, don’t you? Yes, we should totally trust them 100%!!! Hahahaha!

Of course, all those things should and will take place when all the cancerous members of the DOJ, IC, FBI, CIA, lawless activist judges, etc, have been removed/fired. We are a Constitutional Republic after all! Jesus Christ, that I have to explain this. Obama’s admin, Bush admin, Clinton admin. Bush Sr. Etc were lawless and committed many crimes right out in the open right in front of us. . Why haven’t they been investigated properly and without many suicides of witnesses? Why no prosecutions?? Everybody knows they’re guilty. But justice is coming. :D

There was an influx of new accounts that were making anti-semetic statements and using "hate speech", "harassment", and "calls for violence". I'm willing to wager that these accounts were nothing more than proxies of /r/TheBanout2018 used to initiate the ban.

It's pretty simple really.

The way the banning works:

  1. Gather powermods

  2. Determine which subs you want eradicated.

  3. Find a bunch of (potentially fake) subs with alt-right content.

  4. Infiltrate the subs and post content that can be deemed "hate speech, calls for violence, etc" while simultaneously using bots to mass flag posts.

  5. The sub gets banned and the Banout rolls on to the next one.

During the process all subreddits associated with the bans are now viewed as "hateful" as are their users. The intent is to not only ban all these subs, but to also get the users banned from conversing on as many subs as possible.

About six months ago the GA sub was over-run with bot accounts.
They move into a sub, make a bunch of post upvoting each other saying crap like "Good point!" "Thanks!" et. al. getting ~20 upvotes on each post.
Then they start making bullshit concern-troll threads trying to drift the sub to darker areas. Then they start editting old post to inject forbidden content and report it to the reddit admins.
Reddit admin look and go "zomg bannable content; either bring in more moderators or we'll have to shut your sub down." If a sub picks 'new mods' most of them end up moles.

That happened to this sub as well.

there was a sticky in the GA sub looking for new mods right before they were taken down too

r/inceltears used the same tactics to get r/incels banned as well. The whole creating fake accounts to make the sub look like its violent thing

Ah, ye olde no true Scotsman approach?

There’s no way Q supporters could be violent - it’s probably those violent leftists and their Soros shekels!

You are being intentionally dense. It's called accelerationism.

Did you see the Democrat that tried to kill a Republican Congress candidate with. Switchblade in CA?

The Bernie supporter who tried to kill many Republicans on the baseball field?

Q supporters aren't violent. Meanwhile /r/antifa and /r/militant exist on Reddit... subs for violent ideology, but somehow totally cool to have on Reddit.

Go on VOAT right now and read threads in the GA community. Here's the headline from one thread:

Can one of you voaters who would consider themselves a Charles Manson in the making, please kill this son of a b****?

And a comment from in the thread:

It's nice to finally make a death to ****** post which doesn't get removed after 5 minutes

Comments from other threads:

Jiggaboo fagni****.

I haven't gassed any jews this week and, that makes me sad. I roasted a couple of sand nig**** with their stupid fu***** koran books but it just isn't the same.

Shut the fu** up you ni**** fa****. Jews did 9/11.

(My censoring.)

I dont think the problem is fake agents.

Q supporters and GA was NEVER LIKE THAT.

I've been a supporter. I was banned for making this comment.

Maybe Q is a psy op to identify possible crazies. When nothing Q says happens. Those crazies are ready for civil war. Just what the deep state wants.

I only trust God's Plan.

I too only love my bed and my mama, I'm sorry.

About six months ago the GA sub was over-run with bot accounts.
They move into a sub, make a bunch of post upvoting each other saying crap like "Good point!" "Thanks!" et. al. getting ~20 upvotes on each post.
Then they start making bullshit concern-troll threads trying to drift the sub to darker areas. Then they start editting old post to inject forbidden content and report it to the reddit admins.
Reddit admin look and go "zomg bannable content; either bring in more moderators or we'll have to shut your sub down." If a sub picks 'new mods' most of them end up moles.

That happened to this sub as well.

It's truth

I just checked it out and a self-described "granny" was asking how Voat worked. Someone replied and said "don't take it personal if you're called a ni****fa****, that's how we celebrate free speech", and another told her "to gargle cum, you old bat." The granny then said thanks for the replies and that she has a thick skin and just wants to talk Q.


So now you have a bunch of boomers with disposable income, free time, and some level of social skills using the user-friendly version of the internet hate machine and a large section will radicalize past the /pol/ basement dwellers.


Keep on with your cat gifs and whatever flavor "gone wild" you like, though, Reddit hivemind.

They're getting trolled by Voat regulars who are pissed that they censor racist content.

Well your'e talking about VOAT! Disgusting site!

Wow, that's even more insane than I originally thought. I assumed users were going to these subs and inviting violence to get other sub members to react in a violent manner, when in fact it makes much more sense to create burner accounts to do the dirty work.

Can search any sub and you'll find some bag eggs. Including this one.

They're right ya know

You can find comments like these in many subreddits. I believe what gets a sub banned is if the moderators ignore or approve the posts after being warned by admins.

Come on, the whole Q movement was about peace and searching for truth. It was harmless and repeatedly warned members that 'they' would be looking for reasons to ban.

They believed in Q, therefore they thought they had already won to some extend. Forgive the excitement, top posts were generally in agreement Q was about thinking for yourself, going outside the mainstream - and ultimately a peaceful movement.

The 'they'll hang!' posts are just excitement about the deep state reaching their demise and ending injustice. Via military tribunals or sentencing.

The post against @s8n were directed assuming he was one of these elite's cosplaying satan to threaten the pres. ect.

Come on boys, even if they are deranged - they're far nicer than the hatred and genuine threats you find on other subs

the whole Q movement was about peace and searching for truth

Hmmm, don't they make fun of Islam for claiming the same thing? Because they believe it's actually a religion of violent extremists that should be purged from the planet?

I'm not sure what level of irony this is on.

That's basically an ironic feedback loop.

the mods over at GA were very adamant about following the rules to protect their sub. they were false flagged and wiped out. I wonder why? who were they bothering?

Or maybe you’re just literally incapable of seeing any reality that doesn’t align with you politically

maybe you’re just literally incapable of seeing any reality that doesn’t align with you politically

this has nothing to do with politics but funny thats what you jumped to. feels good to believe the GA sub was doing bad things, right? feels so good you're willing to throw rationale out the window.

Theres literally nothing supporting the official reasoning for why the sub was censored outside of people repeating rumors from people who are also repeating rumors.

There are links in this very thread to their members calling for violence

Hahahahaha every time I wandered over there for a guilty pleasure I found someone calling for a firing squad, hanging, or purge. Literally every single time. Their behavior mirrored that of extremist religious groups

do you know the law? believe it or not hanging is the actual punishment for treason here in the US.

Those quotes you're talking about are calls for justice

So you were calling for death of politicians based on LARPing missives from a mysterious man?

Im not a Q follower so I wasnt, but if anyone has committed treason then yes they deserve to be punished to the full extent - being hanged.

It doesn't matter if Q is a larp or not. If someone commits treason they need to be hanged. Agree or disagree?

Disagree, but that's not the point and completely unrelated. They weren't calling for traitors to be executed. They were calling for politicians to be executed because they LARPed the politicians as traitors.


what is a fair punishment for betraying your country?

but that's not the point and completely unrelated.

its only point

the sub was banned for calling for violence...but there were only calls for justice. the "doxing" story is not true

They weren't calling for traitors to be executed.

yes they were ..

They were calling for specific politicians to be executed because they LARPed the politicians as traitors.

you think Q is a larp and thats fine. Some people dont and that's also fine. hopefully you realize that your assumptions arent any more valid than anyone elses.

Now the fact of the matter is that the people calling for justice believe the ones theyre calling it on are traitors.

Whether they actually are or not doesnt change that they're calling for justice on who they believe are traitors which is 100% acceptable. its also why those calling for trump to be hanged in other subs havent got those subs banned

They were fabricating and twisting information to justify their calls for executions.

that doesnt matter

So you don't see anything wrong with a movement labeling people at their own discretion then calling for death based on those labels?

no...them calling for military tribunals and a guilty sentence is harmless

Treason has become a buzzword used to describe politicians who made decisions someone doesn’t like.

Only 12 people have been convicted of treason in the history of the United States, the last being in 1952. It’s a crime that is less extreme than murder but more extreme than many others and falls into a weird place in the legal system.

Also of those 12 people convicted for treason only 3 were hung. The rest were paroled/pardoned or served life in jail.

still harmless to call for justice though

100% acceptable annnd legal.

Downvotes for the only big picture post in the thread.

They weren't, though. Moderators were constantly removing comments and posts that did that.

In the case of S8N, they deleted the posts from a guy who was begging the subreddit to stop doxxing and threatening him. Huh.

How conveniently unverifiable.

Hopefully soon. We need to break up the trump cult and whoever is using them as useful idiots. Reddit can do what ever the fuck it wants. It's a company and it has more rights than you. All you trump freedom fuckers can use the free market to build you own website, for thespreading of vile anti-american propaganda.

You are part of the problem here.

You made a post 7 days ago that was a picture of someone in MAGA gear, and then some of the comments were talking about kicking this guy’s ass (only because he’s of slim stature).

Your post

People commenting about how tough they are

Calls for violence? Or just “cult” management?

You knew exactly what you were accomplishing with that post. You wanted your own liberal cult to back you up, praise you, and agree with your opinion of a picture.

But please, continue talking about Trump cults and spreading of anti-American propaganda. You’re doing WONDERS for “your side”.

Go have a fucking aneurism mega retard

Since you seem willfully ignorant the punishment for treason is execution, classically carried out by hanging.

Reread those comments above. What court would sentence the hanging to take place from a tree, or from lampposts? Or what about sentencing to burn at the stake? Or shooting rioters on sight? These are not discussions of legal punishments, or of anything that any civilized justice system would allow, let alone commit.

Also, hanging is not the punishment for treason in the US. First, the law specifies possible punishments of "death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000". And in practice, the last execution for treason in the US was in 1862 - all convictions since then have either been for lesser sentences or the convicted received a pardon before execution. Further, even if convicted of treason and sentenced to death, under current law the case would have to be tried in either Delaware, New Hampshire, or Washington state for hanging to even be an option as a method of execution.

It's pretty obvious those comments above are not just discussions of possible sentences - it's murder porn written but angry and obsessed individuals.

the last execution for treason in the US was in 1862


You shouldn't believe everything you find on Wikipedia!

The last execution for treason was in 1953.



I knew you were wrong because Lindsay Graham and Brett Kavanaugh said it at the hearing.




The Rosenbergs were convicted of and executed for espionage, not treason. Different crimes. (And relevant to the discussion: they were executed via electricution, not hanging.)

There was a conviction for treason in 1952, but Kawakita was not executed (and especially not by hanging) - Eisenhower commuted his sentence to life in prison a year later and JFK released him on the condition he leave the US.

The last execution for treason was in 1953.

Yeah, I was sloppy there. It wasn't treason but espionage .

But why do you think it makes a difference in this context, or is important for this discussion?

espionage , not treason. Different crimes. (And relevant to the discussion

I understand your point that there are different penalties for different crimes and that hanging is no longer done, but you could ask a convicted after the execution if it made a difference for him.

but unlike my sloppy mistake, which I wrote in 1953 and not 1942, I can only state that I was more right than you.

After all, you have made a complete 80 years mistake, and so you wanted to bury executions for treason in a long past time.

It wasn't treason but espionage . But why do you think it makes a difference in this context, or is important for this discussion?

Because the topic of the discussion is the punishment for treason, specifically whether or not the punishment is hanging.

but unlike my sloppy mistake, that I wrote 1953 and not 1942, I can only state that I was more right than you.

1942? Are you talking about Operation Pastorius? Because that was espionage, again. Also, not a hanging, again. And it was a military court, not a civilian court (where a charge of treason would be brought). And the bulk of them not being US citizens (and therefore not capable of committing treason against the US) but also not officially foreign agents/military was a big part of it being used as precedent for using military tribunals "in the War on Terror".

The last execution for treason in the US was in 1862. The US Federal Government and military have both executed people for various crimes since 1862 including desertion, espionage, kidnapping, and murder. But this discussion is about treason.

I have to go to sleep it's another day where I live.

But I am glad that you obviously know more about law than these two gentlemen in this video.


I wish you a good night.

You know what word isn't used even once in that video? 'Treason'.


I don't care about that. What you are doing is just a straw man around, you have no interest in a discussion.

If I am not mistaken, it is also called gas-lighting .

PSA: It's always hang/hanged when you're talking about a person and not a coat.

you're missing a huge portion of the context in the majority of those posts...also there's not even any proof that they're real quotes

anyway the sentence for treason is hanging, when anyone mentions "they should be hanged" they're basically saying they believe these people to be traitors and they want justice. Not exactly the same thing as "calling for violence"

This sub is just like every other political based sub. Bullshit artist everywhere. They act like they’re smarter and more informed while ignoring everything that contradicts their narrative.

1) People talk about wanting Trump offed all the time.

2) There's nothing stopping shills from making these comments as a pretext to get the sub shut down.

Again... waking my up when subs relating to explicitly violent subcultures, like /r/antifa and /r/militant, get banned.

Now do this with the most popular subs and watch the same results roll in...

So what are you referencing, Today in r_politics?

No, see, it's ok if they add "in Minecraft" at the end


I want to be hung...

I never read on this sub about peace and unity? wtf? But I have said things too if taken out of context would sound violent. Especially regarding fucking pedos! However I guess I don't comment enough ( or i'm saying in my head lol) to get banned.

Most of those things are completely legal in the western world. We still execute people for thought crimes


Par for the course when dealing with high treason.

Stop does that mean that since you posted stll of those vile statements that this sub reddit should be banned, I believe that is the case you can't have it both ways

So does that mean that since you posted all of those vile statements, that this sub reddit should be banned, I think that should be the case, you can't have it both ways

The funny thing is how the entire comment section of that r/news article didnt mention banout 2018 at all. Only focused on these alleged threats.

Whether or not I'm a person who follows a subreddit.....the ideas espoused are an American right. Not a fucking privilege. Only those who offer a place for ideas to live (Reddit) are the ones who kill them. The banned subreddits creator is not to blame here. Walk Away just got banned on FB....here we go....

Here's a fucking TMOR thought....................... Did you really believe all these social media platforms would remain? The very act of censorship on a free social media site, save organizational rules, is laughable. This slope will only get steeper. Wisdom is being able to entertain a different perspective without emotion. Censorship is immature and I think Reddit needs to grow the fuck up.

so start your own company that provides a harbor for violent hate speech and deranged Trump cultists. power of the free market!

The ignorance astounds me.

Place is full of entitled children. Good luck with that.

Check out this shit-show:



Ran it through Ceddit and of course, got the truth.


While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Voat exist.


Well,reddit is gross but we got used to it.

i'd honestly love to move somewhere like voat if it were possible to read the front page without throwing up in my mouth. until then...

go 4chan b or pol for a week,voat will be picnic

i'll take your word for it ;)

voat is 4chan before 4cuck became reddit

Looking at that topminds sub I fail to see how it is remotely similar to the Q subs....

Reddit has no obligation to provide a platform to lunatics pushing violence.

They once posted one of my comments on r/european there mocking me because I said there were global jewish organisations, which is odd because all the other subs are required to censor usernames otherwise they are banned for bullying. I politely linked the wikipedia article for the world jewish congress and they banned me with an angry message filled with nonsense.

I think that's the saddest place of reddit.

You’re dumbass is only saying that because you hate trump. It’s literally never any subreddit on the left that gets censored it’s Always the right. I’ve voted liberal my entire life but never again because it’s the party of the real racist and fascist and brainwashing mk ultraist propagandist. Pizzagate and great awakening being taken down just shows that they want to silence all oppositions and there is real truth, otherwise why ban? Only to silence the truth. Hope you wake up one day. And top minds isn’t a bunch of dicks their a bunch of neck beard dumbasses who think their smarter than everyone else in their own echo chamber they can’t see.

Way to sound like a stereotype bud.

Grow up and educate yourself, you look pathetic.

You do realize no one believes you, right?

I'm pretty sure /r/coontown had like 0 subs on it before it got taken down. Don't quote me on that, but point is a sub doesn't have to be big to break rules. There used to be a bunch of My Little Pony hate subs that were minuscule that got taken down.

Been looking at the "violent leftist subs" folks have been threatening will be removed next like topminds and antifa but they are so tame it's kinda sad and the most aggressive posts are rando's coming by just to say everyone in those subs is a cuck sheep lol

I'll bet Q is behind this censorship. He is all seeing, how wise.

trust the plan. the ban is part of the plan. trust the ban.

Head over to r/QAnonAnonymous

Can nobody write an app for truthsearchers?

Reddit has turned themselves into a PUBLISHER. They are making it CLEAR that THEY are the ARBITERS of all content on Reddit.

That makes every single post a liable liability. Someone posts something false about another person or company REDDIT CAN BE SUED. And eventually they will. This will be the thing that backs off all social media from censorship.

Dear god, the salt runneth over

There’s a subreddit called “Top Minds of Reddit?”

Lmao. Talk about patting yourself on the back. They should make a group called “narcissistic douchebags with small dicks”

The qresesrch is strong with this one.

The names making fun of people they link thinking they’re smart...

Hey guys, looks like the Qult are coming crawling back to this sub.

Isn't anyone worried that things are just going to get worse and that a containment sub was better than nothing ? I'm not a Q person but I did browse the forum for entertainment and I'm pretty sure that I saw tons of posts with Q "predicting" de-platforming literally a week before it happened. This is just going to serve as confirmation bias (correct term ? ) and further radicalize these people right ?

People said that would happen when FatPeopleHate got banned, that shitlords would be in every sub calling out fatties now, but it didn't.

Yeah they just voted for Trump instead. No real world consequences at all.

time to leave reddit behind.

From latest Q post:

Forcible suppression of opposition? Define 'Censorship'. The institution, system, or practice of censoring? Define 'Narrative'. A way of presenting or understanding a situation or series of events that reflects and promotes a particular point of view or set of values? Define 'Projection'. The attribution of one's own ideas, feelings, or attitudes to other people or to objects; especially : the externalization of blame, guilt, or responsibility as a defense against anxiety? The forming of a plan : scheming? Define 'Psychological Projection'. A theory in psychology in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others? Define 'Narcissist'. A person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves: narcissists who think the world revolves around them | narcissists preening themselves in front of the mirror? Define 'Dogma'. A point of view or tenet put forth as authoritative without adequate grounds? Define 'Aggression'. Forceful and sometimes overly assertive pursuit of one's aims and interests? Define 'Suppression'. The action of suppressing something such as an activity or publication? [Bonus Round] 'Narcissists' are renowned for using 'psychological projection' to blame other people, even when it is entirely apparent that they are the ones in the wrong.

Top Minds says in the rules NOT to brigade or vote on linked subs. Not saying that people don't but if they're caught they're banned.

lol you don't believe that do you

I try not to downvote the top minds. It is challenging.

If that absolves them of wrongdoing, r/greatawakening did the exact same. Just saying.

If Reddit is stifling you, why not find a more "open minded" site?

because social media has been monopolized

Then make your own!

I cant, social media has been monopolized...

Monopoly of the people? Yes, most people would not no to a conspiracy site. Or do you mean they'll kill you if you try and make one? Buy servers? Set up databases?

they'll stop you from being able to compete


so you see the problem then

Is it possible to create something as popular as reddit with zero budget?

It seems a little bit foolish to just claim people can create what this was supposed to be without some kind of support system.

Well, don't complain when no one wants you around then. That should tell you something is wrong. If you say you are surrounded by assholes... Usually you are the ass.

Leave Reddit. Stop coming here stop using this garbage website

Pro-violence subs like /r/militant and /r/antifa exist here as on most social media. It's only topics that the establishment declared taboo that get banned (for completely bullshit reasons, of course).

The state's going to have to deal with the big social cartel's attempts to manipulate the political landscape. There are acting like publishers, yet aren't legally liable like publishers.

Again, they arnt tolerant of peoples humble opinions, and feel they have a right to censor.

Well not that they care of my humble opinion, I feel they have become a Bunch of pompous cock suckin ass bitches. Bravo Reddit, you made it clear your somebodys bitch.

Bravo Reddit, you made it clear your somebodys bitch.



Those banned communities weren't banned for brigading, rather for direct calls for violence against public figures.

The thing is: The deletion of those subs legitimizes Q anon. And that might be precisely what the creators of the Q larp/psyop want. Because now, obviously, Q anon appears legitimate even to "conspiratards" who previously sat on the fence, and to those who were somewhat skeptical.

I followed TGA sub because I needed something to laugh at, and the fantasies of Q believers are truly a sight to behold. I'm not going to follow the corresponding sub(s) on Voat, since I can't stand kids using the n-word in every single sentence. (I've had a look at Voat, and it's infected with kids and incels who think it's "cool" to be a racist online.)

From another redditer

There was an influx of new accounts that were making anti-semetic statements and using "hate speech", "harassment", and "calls for violence". I'm willing to wager that these accounts were nothing more than proxies of /r/TheBanout2018 used to initiate the ban.

It's pretty simple really.

The way the banning works:

  1. Gather powermods

  2. Determine which subs you want eradicated.

  3. Find a bunch of (potentially fake) subs with alt-right content.

  4. Infiltrate the subs and post content that can be deemed "hate speech, calls for violence, etc" while simultaneously using bots to mass flag posts.

  5. The sub gets banned and the Banout rolls on to the next one.

During the process all subreddits associated with the bans are now viewed as "hateful" as are their users. The intent is to not only ban all these subs, but to also get the users banned from conversing on as many subs as possible.

I love conspiracies, but the conspiracy community has the biggest victim complex I’ve ever seen. Like, yeah, sure, SJWs love to be victims, but nowhere near the level as this community, which is kind of a bummer.

Censorship is arguably a bigger deal than a baker baking a cake

I'm kinda surprised this post wasn't deleted.

I'm sure it's all a coincidence /s

Q crowd or not we e need to all be against this kind of censorship. This is how it starts... it only gets worse from here. Vote to protect your rights.

yeah. it is a biased shit show. i am sure there is also an antifa subbreddit and a BLM subbreddit and others liek it that poromote hate and violence. But you know. god forbid you be pro trump and #walkaway or like Q stated. no violence is to be had for its citizens.

It was bound to happen, with the way facebook turned out, along with twitter and instagram, reddit was almost too good to be true. I thought it was just a place to share random stuff, until I found subs like this where you can have pretty in depth discussions. Crazy time we live in maneeee

jews don't like free speech.

Jews don’t like free speech because it allows people to call them out on their bullshit. With Jews in charge, you’re not allowed to have an opinion that differs from them.

And then this subreddit has obviously been taken over considering literally half the comments are now different variations of “PRYVITT CUMPANY BROOOO THEY CAN BAN WHO THEY WANT IT JUST SO HAPPENS ALL THE PLACES THEIR BANNING HAVE THE SAME POLITICAL VIEWS ITS JUST A COINCIDENCE.”

I personally can’t wait for the civil war.

Seriously it took you this long to figure this out? We've here have known this for YEARS.

Maybe you should actually look at the reason they were banned. Their prophet "Q" posted a link to a specific Twitter account, calling the user a pedohile. This led to the user receiving death threats and harassment. The subreddit was removed for being directly involved in sending someone death threats.

I wish there was an option other than reddit.

The Q app. On Android

If I wanted to discuss q.anon over private messenger would that become a problem? What if it was a group chat? I wouldn't be able to get any input from the outside world and I'd be stuck in my own bubble. At what point will communications be censored..

Barrel Role them. Don't let them get a word in. I'm going. No other reason for me to have reddit. Kick me off. I've got 12 other emails to use. lol. FUCK UUUUU REDDIT

Right before midterms. . Just saying people dont want to be exsposed, but its really quite stupid.. how many other plat forms are there? And not to mention Nothing is ever truely erased from the internet. :) .. but agreed op.

Its beyond obvious. They are dumb, why ban anything if its not a threat? ?

i find a lot of conspiracies interesting, but this Qanon shit? its fucking bullshit, its some guy trying to gain points by spinning all the horrible shit the current administration is doing and putting it in a good light. Qanon is just bullshit, and i know most of the people here are smarter than that. I don't think the guy saw it going this far, he's been wrong most of the time but people keep giving him attention.

Banning text forums is imo a bad way to go.

Go after shit-talking users not [a whole] sub(s)

Otherwise anything someone wasbts shut down can just be brigaded and astroturfed to self-censorship death


Cuz reddit is Cucked af. Ban me idgaf.

There is a whole sub, now made private, that is dedicating itself to getting stuff shut down. r/TheBanout2018 has a hitlist of subs they are banning, just for the fun of it from what I could see earlier today. It was only made private within the last few hours.

This thread in r/outoftheloop talks about it. https://np.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/9fbvev/what_were_rmilliondollarextreme/?st=jm19hyfm&sh=5f93bae8

I don't know, I feel like subs like the ones banned tend to throw a lot more hate around than TMOR. I'm not even a huge fan of tmor but I don't get the same hostility and trumpy anger as the qanon folks. Even this sub is really bad lately. When t_d started leaking everything went downhill.

Is fine if you wanna downvote me to oblivion, that's kinda how this works now but that's my God honest opinion.

r/conspiracy will be next... Unfortunately so many brain dead lefties just cannot understand why censorship of any type is terrible.

donnie doesn't seem to agree with you.

Honestly, I thought Q was bullshit until he was given legitimacy by being censored.

Streisand Effect in action! Woo!

So if reddit bans r hillaryclinton ll u vote for her?

No, but if the MSM spent the prior year trying to convince me that Hillary Clinton was fake and then all of the subs related to her were banned, I might pay attention to her.

Head over to r/QAnonAnonymous

As someone who usually leans to the left. I think the right wing pages are being scrutinized and targeted. The “news” you read here is heavy influenced by left wing ideology.

The president is on the front page every day getting bashed. and never a word about something bad a Democrat did, they are not saints. They have to make mistakes, but we don’t read about it. When Obama was president there was nothing but praise day in and out. He wasn’t perfect. He introduced us to drone strikes which killed thousands, just as an example.

End of rant, putting aluminum foil hat back on.

If you want to see the bad things that Democrats do you're not going to find it in the left-wing subs

Bush started the drone program.

Sorry yes bush started it. Obama has more kills by far.

and trump has more civilian kills than bush and obama put together. and the supposedly liberal media never mentions it.


I actually sent an email to the site basically saying this exactly right here.

"The Top Minds of Reddit" probably don't like the prospect of getting a job and their parents are supporting them in the basement while they struggle wondering what job to get with their gender studies degree.

It's really easy for a generation of arrested development keyboard warriors to get passionate about what they "believe" in the information age.

Next time you see a male in his twenties stranded on the side of the road with a flat, don't stop. You are only preventing social darwinism from taking it's logical course.

Those guys were all assholes anyway! Good!

Didn't you guys decide to teach us all a lesson by leaving Reddit forever? What's the deal, do you need help packing or something?

Or people like feeling like they belong to a group? There's not always some shadowy figure wringing their hands in a dark, smoky room.



It's shilly in here...

More proof of your point O.P would be that that tmor troll sub devoted to Q r/qult_headquarters did not get banned. Despite now openly brigading voat and being an actual Q hatesub.

SPEZ is a Trump supporter.

Yes. This sub doesn't allow talk of civil war and hangings.

Minds is my favorite alternative to Reddit, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. Because Minds does not censor you, and its software code is owned by a not-for-profit community, instead of a for-profit corporation. Try Minds at https://www.minds.com/register;referrer=Francewhoa


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We need to stop fueling their bottom line. LEAVE. $$ is the only pain they feel. Try MeWe.com. Just joined with other Trump supporters and is way better than Gab, etc. I'll be deactivating by 9/20. Already lost twitter acct, Reddit won't control me, and FB is deleting pages and jailing my friends. I'm going to make someone else rich who believes in freedom of speech. Hope to see you there.

So to close a reddit: make alt accounts, say stupid stuff in the sub, regardless of the subject matter apparently because Q advocates no violence, then make a collage of violent comments, and ban.

Just scroll down the "politics" page and you will see the same agenda over and over again.

r/the_donald hasnt been banned but they ban any word of desent



TMoR is not a brigading sub though. All it is is people posting links to (most of the time) stupid things people have said.

Why are u surprised? TMOR is a sub of faithful lefties that follow the word of obama in the hope they will make it to obama heaven. And they will, except for those poor souls who happen to have white skin, for having white skin is the only unreemable sin that bars u from obama heaven

I personally think if it IS a psyop (which I believe it is), banning it worked great on all the Q users because they are now totally convinced it’s real. The engineers behind it now have an even more highly motivated and convinced userbase.

It’s like reverse psychology. When your parents would say to you as a kid, “don’t get into this closet here”, it made you think there was something really cool in there, and odds are you went into it.

So do you think the 50k indictments are for trump supporters. Do you think Chris Stevens deserved this as HRC and BO repeatedly had given stand down orders to marines who would have protected them. Why? https://twitter.com/Thatmikefella/status/1039678191621824514?s=19

Really winning over the audience with that motivational speaking there OP, top work.

Yea ill talk shit against those guys because i find them to be reactionary and the whole group mentality is awful. I checked their voat and its full of racism and anti semetism. They do brigading of there own on this Reddit and bitch about how capitalism is perfect, and then when a company does what it's allowed to do and ban you in order to increase revenues, it's all of a sudden a censorship. A bunch of politicized incels.

Why are you an authority on anything? Why should anyone listen to you?

Didn't answer a single question or articulate anything more than "NOT UH!"

Whatever makes you feel woke lmao

I applaud your comment Patriot.

We believe in a “deep state”.

We don’t believe Q is the solution or an accurate source.

Where are the email servers

Is this related to Benghazi?

I agree. It'd be nice to have a Q post followed by a Trump tweet that leaves no question. For example, a word for word copy. I can't be sure, but maybe that's too blatant and would cause major problems if Trump could be directly linked to the Q posts.

The 0 delta was at the direct request of someone on 8chan. Apparently, they attempted a true 0 delta, but failed. This was Q's response to someone pointing out the 10 second difference:


[2] devices used.

[1] Carrier.

Pushed [exactly] at same time.

[0:10 sec variance]

Device lag or feeder site delay.

Request fulfilled.


Could be absolute bullshit. I'd just also like to point out that Trump, in his tweet, incorrectly capitalized the word "Storm". From the beginning, a phrase within the Q movement has been "the calm before the storm". In fact, it was the name of the subreddit that was banned before GA was started.

It is absolute bullshit. in 10 seconds I found an autoresponder script which can do exactly what Q wants, except doing a POST request to 8chan instead of a twitter message in response.

Once again, its only proof if he is able to predict a 0 delta, not create one on his own. "attempting a true 0 delta" is a bs story to try and handwave it away.

I'd just also like to point out that Trump, in his tweet, incorrectly capitalized the word "Storm".

Trump incorrectly capitalizes everything, hardly a tell. and Q doesn't interact with Reddit, only on 8chan so referencing a single word out of context to another single word of the old subreddit title is a silly thing to do.

I can't be sure, but maybe that's too blatant and would cause major problems if Trump could be directly linked to the Q posts.

This is the key issue. Q can explain away everything that goes against his credibility by just saying "It'll cause major problems if Trump is directly linked to me." While simultaneously trying to directly link Trump to him. It's illogical.

Lastly, lets talk about the "proof" which was proven to be a complete fabrication. The picture Q "took" on Air Force One. It was a picture of the back of an iphone X which was reflecting an image of the background of an Obama Era Air Force One picture.

People just seem to ignore this fact..

I don't think its psy-op at all. I was just making a joke about the psyops vs diet psyops.

I think it's a troll on 8chan. Which explains literally everything about it.

It's all cold reading bullshit which people see as predictions & reactions to events. Furthermore, whenever he is wrong people just handwave it away.

I can predict that there is going to be weather around your house each day and be right. I can also predict right now that it'll snow on december 28th. However, its completely meaningless because I am not risking anything by saying these things.

Removed. Rule 10.

Trump likes to state that he never makes any mistakes, so obviously its not an error.

My theory: He is probably just fat fingering period button which I tend to do as well when holding iPhones and reaching across the screen.

Alternatively, he is copy and pasting stuff he has already written and doesn't want to rewrite it, I do this a lot as well, sometimes I also have random capitalization from when something was at the beginning of a sentence and no longer is.

But once again, there is no way to prove it either way. I'm sure if you analyze the previous letter that come before the ones that are capitalized there might be some commonality. But thats :effort:.

That being said, If you believe that the capitalization of "storm" was intentional, do you also think that cofefe was not a typo?

Just because it's possible this could have been done with a script, doesn't mean it was.

I'm not proving/disproving the possibility of it being a script. Honestly you could just do it in 10 seconds if you were watching twitter hard enough. The issue I have is that it isn't a Prediction of a 0 delta, since he posted after Trump.

I have visited r/GreatAwakening/new every day and have seen hundreds and hundreds of contributions disappear before my eyes.

The impression you want to convey here is simply wrong.

These data you present here are incredibly easy to create, and don't say anything about how long they were on the site.

And if you have pages like r/AgainstHateSubreddits/ that do a witch hunt it is only a question of time until a sub is closed.



You choose to use reddit and by doing so reddit uses you, this is the transactional nature of the site.

I think we all understand this agreement when it comes to making money on us through advertisements. What we should not accept, however, are moves that have absolutely nothing to do with corporate profit and everything to do with a dangerous ideology of censorship and control.

If you do not like it, do not come to the website.

Yes - a lot of us are already frequenting this site way less, and are spending time on other forums and boards on the internet. This will continue to happen, and it is going to destroy Reddit.

not if its inciting violence.

Who is inciting violence? and why?

For 'Q supporters', their guy is already winning. Their guy is the president. Why any need for violence? It's all fake news - a ruse. There is no violence or else we'd be having it paraded in front of our faces 24/7 right now.

It got banned, nothing of value was lost.

So you dont' believe that people have a right to congregate and organize? Isn't there something in the constitution about that???

Luckily, this is a private website and they can do whatever they want more-or-less. That is the issue here - the 'owners' of this company had their toes stepped on. How is it that 5 separate subreddits get banned all at once? One of those subs was more or less a bible study centered around Q and prayer groups... you're saying they were inciting violence?

Why hasn't reddit released the smoking gun on this decision? Why do they need to hide the actions that led to the ban? You really aren't thinking very critically here... you are just confirming your assumptions about Q because the reddit admins turned on them for whatever reason...

I think that’s a ridiculous take considering there’s nothing in your comment that suggests the drops are bullshit. I don’t think people understand the vast scope of corruption that’s occurring throughout the world. We’ve been told North Korea was/is a nuclear threat for our whole lives yet Trump meets and comes to an agreement with them over denuclearization. And it was foretold in some of these BS drops

Could have been an agent or a shill they sent in, Yea.

Ok, then by this same pants on head logic all of TMOR is Trump shills.

Can't argue with anything you are saying. It definitely takes a leap of faith.

@s8tan or whatever their twitter handle is. The kept posting some blog with all his personal info and the mods were actively deleting his comments when he came to the subreddit and asked them to stop harassing him.

1) I have had many opinions formed on this site. What you think Reddit is, is what it is becoming.

2) People have the "right" to be hateful if it is necessary for a free exchange of ideas. By censoring things like "Q Anon", Reddit is proving the cancer that forms once an organization begins to entertain the idea that they can dictate what kinds of things are and are not allowed to be said.

If you do not like it, do not come to the website.

Fuck that. I come here to be a thorn in the side of the people trying to censor it and weed out voices like mine.

People should go back to usenet.

why would that mean the mods took care of it if he didn't notice. you can be on a sub everyday and miss a lot of shit. especially there, there was tons of info to wade through. i doubt they were in every thread. i'm not trying to convince you otherwise though. there's not enough concrete info for me to think the ban was warranted. I was on that sub and would often see violent language, mostly aimed at hillary or obama, or more vague revolution shit.

Every single thread in what subreddit?

I don't exactly spend a lot of time in q-related subreddits nor on tmor, and I'd appreciate a link to mega threads posted from either side of this ordeal.

Whether it's more eyes on advertisements ... Are you enough of a thorn in their side that they haven't already accounted for your demographic and figured out how to monetize you?

They don't make sufficient money on advertisements so anyone who doesn't literally give them money, via gold, is a cost sink.

SA and NK? Nothingburgers right?

Well, their mistake of that's the case. But there's enough movement and focus around those ideas that doesn't involve their batshit crazy theory to wrap around it.

Saudi Arabia and North Korea.

It's like Twitter

It's proven that a majority of their accounts are bots but they won't bam them because it boosts their user numbers and the owner of said bots probably pay Twitter to keep them safe.

Fuck it took Twitter forever and a half to just delete straight up pedophile accounts that posted CP blatantly.

Yet if it's not with the agenda it'll get taken down the same day the report was filed.

You sound like a Microsoft employee. Are you looking forward to anti-trust against these big often CIA created platforms? We are. I was on GA since the 1st day, there was no violence that I saw. And it is literally impossible to stop infiltrators from posting hate, screenshoting it, then banning.

Congrats for defending tyranny in the name of capitalism. But it‘s private...

Lol! Am I in r/conspiracy right now or r/politics?

Said It

Like you don't "spew" diatribes. Insulting is your FIRST inclination.

You are not hateful?

It's OK, put some savlon on it.

Nice cop-out! Try not to step on your own tail as you run away.

Ah it shows—just keep replying, little guy.

I love how sessions revised himself like a little bitch and how the president didn’t even know he would