I know it sounds ridiculous, but I believe Google can somehow read brainwaves..

1  2018-09-14 by Charlie_Heslin

A post on here a few weeks back speculated this topic, and at the time I laughed it off as a sci-fi conspiracy born out of the paranoia of having Facebook/Google being caught listening to users via microphone etc.

But I just experienced it myself, in such a mundane way, I really can't explain it any other way.

I was sitting here the past 20 mins debating(in my head) whether or not I wanted to get up and make food. I had a weird craving for corn, and knowing that we had ears of corn in the fridge, I started to debate whether I should get up to boil an ear.

So I went onto my phone and began to Google the question and after only typing 'How long' Google autofilled the rest with "How long to boil an ear of corn?" How the fuck does that happen?!

I used to believe that the autofill feature was based on either the most common searched phrases of all users, or possibly based on your search history, but neither of those possibilities explain why Google autofilled 'How long' with the exact phrase I was thinking, especially being as mundane and random as the boiling time for an ear of corn.

TLDR: I dont know how or why but I am convinced that Google is able to read your brainwaves or thoughts due to a ridiculous autofill experience that seems inexplicable.


To be honest, I feel like this happens to me too.

I dont expect to get much attention on here especially due to the time I posted, but it just happened and I am seriously at a loss for a rational reason behind this happening..

Its not like I search for the boiling time of corn frequently, or if we are being real, ever. Wtf caused that autofill?

another option: maybe you mentioned corn at some point and your phone recorded it.

I mean, its possible I guess.. But then again who the fuck just talks about corn?

The last time I thought of corn was when I wondered how long to boil it.. I dont find myself engaging in corn related conversations often.

To be honest there is tech that reads brain signals. Maybe they found a way this happens to.

Harvest time, popular question at this time? Just spit balling.

You said youve talked about it before and therefore google may have heard you. It is a common search, not due to brainwaves. Think of the most logical answer first.
I just typed in how long and it autofilled to boil corn. It is a common search and if these thoughts about brain wave monitoring continue please go see someone because its a sign of paranoia

I just typed "how long" and the "to boil corn" is literally the second option. Seems people search it a lot.

Can confirm. I typed "how long", and the 3rd autofill option is "to grill corn", and the 4th option is "to boil corn"

I typed how long and google auto filled “is my tiny penis”

Get off my laptop!

Just tried it in DuckDuckGo too... how long to boil corn is the first result.

My first three results are how long to 'walk 1M steps'(I've googled this before), 'to boil corn', 'to bake salmon'.

Ok I don't doubt that Google has some way to read brainwaves, but the fact that it's being used to even trace average folks like us 24/7? That is ridiculous, sorry. It more likely has to do with past searches, cookies, linked Google accounts, and what info they can gather from your phone.

My 4th option is "how long do snails sleep" i can tell u right now ive never thought about that or googled that so....

But you only did that after checking OP's post. Nothing is disproven.

About the only way to test is to leave all personal e-devices at home, walk up to a total stranger in an area without surveillance cameras, and hand them written instructions asking them to open up google on their smart phone, then type in "how long" and see what pops up.

What if it reads his brain waves fam

Mail the instructions to a random stra... ng... er...

lol. i've got a petty cash budget for minor items like postage. i haven't touched it in months. i can fudge 20$ for science.

I'm going to print out instructions for this, mail them to 40 random people and ask them to post the results here on r/conspiracy.

To be completely fair, I just tried it. Corn was one of the first results. Then I thought about peppers and google did not read my mind. Sounds just like a coincidence to me with the corn thing

following a hunch, i just opened a new tab and it auto-filled "peppers" instead of corn.

I opened reddit and typed “I” and this comment wrote itself

got em

Go to a library, open up a private browsing tab and then see what the search terms recommendations are.

Yeah, but you were just thinking about coming corn, weren't you?

Clearly Google is reading your brainwaves...

I have never searched corn in google.

I JUST typed how long...


Calm down chink

If it was mind-reading tech, wouldn't they need to work with the hardware producers? And no one noticed in the designs, patents, etc.?

Also, given that people are constantly monitoring app network traffic to reverse engineer APIs for bugs and security holes, nobody noticed their own thoughts showing up in the wireshark logs?

Shit dudes me too kinda. Like exactly what you described.

It happened to me yesterday, never googled mushrooms, and the other day my GMA was picking mushrooms out of the yard, so I googled what kind.....and it came up what kind of mushrooms are poisonous

I feel the same! Actually wish I could think of a way to test this

It seems so farfetched and fringe that if this wouldn't have happened I doubt I would really take anyone serious who claimed this, but seriously how the fuck does Google automatically know I am wondering how long to boil corn for after only typing "how long" ?!

Well perhaps you can? Try and set up a case study of your own and try to figure out some variables for you experiment, and record your findings. I guess it’s up to you how long you do it for but I guess the longer you do it, the more results you may find.

Try thinking of something to buy. See if you start seeing ads for it. We play a game of talking about buying something and see how long it takes for ads to start popping up. I know it's different than thinking about it, but they're very sensitive to consumerism and getting that $$.

Good to know we aren't the only ones who play this game. Needs a catchy name and a sleek product box.

Google it. It's here. If they're telling us about it it's already being used. But you knew I was going to say that, right? :)

They have the technology to read thoughts and put it into text. Look at some YouTube videos. That’s just what they display for us too, I’m sure they’re much more advanced! Welcome to 1984!

And they're using it for auto complete searches on corn? Come on.

I just assume that nothing is impossible with technology nowadays. Who knows what they have behind closed doors.

Who knows what's really on your cell phone?

A microphone that the NSA can listen to even when the phone is off (unless the battery is physically removed), a botnet that tracks every key you press, every search you make, Google utilizes a system that "learns" who you are, you take your phone places, you connect, it logs that into the system, even if you turn off your location settings, they still know where you are, where you go, when you go there and even learn your daily/weekly routines. When you visit stores, watch YouTube videos and the like, it all takes this into account to form a profile on you. If you are too careless with your personal information, you will end up like the OP, with Google knowing what you need before you even ask it.

In the future, this monopoly of a social media giant will have integrated itself within your home in the form of "smart homes", basic things that needlessly connect to your phone, your Google account. Eventually they will control every aspect of your home, and maybe, if you don't think the way they want you to, they may just decide that you shouldn't leave the house, they will insist you are in no shape, but Google won't let you leave your house, then it will block your fridge from opening, saying you are too sick to eat. Then it'll drop the temperature to the absolute lowest, insisting that you are "burning up".

This is the future that lies ahead. Wrongthinkers beware....

Yeah; there is safety and then there is safety. Seriously, we don't need babysitters.

I like to think that's strictly between God and me.

Back in the 70s the cia had already patented a microwave induced voice-to-skull technology. I have no doubt at all that in the last 50 years that's been flipped so that the technology can pick up brainwaves and translate it to language.

This is what this sub is all about!

Im glad at least someone else appreciates the sentiment.

I tried this myself just now.

Google came back with two things I had Googled in the past.

And the ear of corn.

: /

My results were:

How to boil How to boil an egg How to boil corn on the cob.

Did you search before or after browsing this list about how to boil corn?


He wrote 'how long'

My girlfriend experienced this the other day... we were discussing this woman at work that was hitting on me, and she made a joke about marking her territory, and just a few minutes later and ad for a sweater that had "sorry I'm taken" on it popped up on her fb newsfeed

I got how looking did snails sleep... I wonder what I was thinking about...

I have the exact thought, like many people on here, apparently. One time I was thinking about some random B-list actor's age. I type in 'How old is', and it just pops up there. Freaks me out.

I downgraded my smartphone to one of these. Because fuck Google, fuck Apple, fuck Microsoft.

Probably a rare coincidence. I do wonder though if Google listens to conversations. Many a time a search comes up first when I have just been discussing the topic. Friends say the same thing happens to them.

Oh it is pretty much a give in that they do. I just wonder if they have the abilities to somehow moniter conscious thought

Thoughts are waves, so you're not wrong. But our phones having the ability to read, interpret and relay our thoughts is a different story.

Thoughts can be read, and images even created from them, I'm just not sure our phones can do it (yet).

Well that’s weird. I am watching a UK house hunting TV show and the presenter said I have to tell you that they used to slaughter pit ponies in the now converted building. I Googled “why dud they skaughter”, yes fat finger misspelling as well and the first search that appeared was “why did they slaughter pit ponies”. So Google listens to TV it seems.

This has happened to me multiple times

A friend of mine told me the following story this week: someone they know passed away, so him and his wife were discussing flights to another city in order to attend the funeral. When he looked at Google, he was served an ad for a flight for two adults and one child to the exact city they were talking about. They have one child, so it's 100% accurate. He never searched for it or anything, it just showed up.

Why would they secretly employ this technology as a convenient search feature? They do collect a lot of data, they possibly connected dots by another means or it was just a freaky coincidence.

I mean freaky coincidence seems possible I guess.. but it just felt so uncanny.

Well I mean it wouldn't be just applied to their search feature.

It would literally be tracking our thought processes. This would just be an example of that being applied by taking this data from our 'file'.

But they would have still made their search function hook into what the user is currently thinking, there’s no one file that all services pull from. That would be a very careless use of a world changing, sci fi technology that hasn’t been announced and is presumably top secret.

I imagine most people wouldnt think twice about this happening. Maybe that is the point. Idk. Maybe Im nuts and offbase, but it seemed ridiculously odd and synchronicitous.

It is odd, but I think this would be a far odder appearance of a technology that as far as we know is impossible. People would definitely notice their very specific thoughts appearing as the top suggestion, the traffic of people googling very specific and strange things alone is insane.

If anything they would use it for advertising, and if they were to do that they wouldn’t want people knowing it.

I dug a little more on this.

My results for "how long does it take" looked like this (and in this order):

How long did Tim Grover coach MJ - I googled this a couple months ago.

How long have chip manufacturers been adding nitrogen to bags - As you can see I am chock full of sophisticated concerns. Googled that one last week.

How long does it take to boil an ear of corn -. I have never googled this.

Google trending searches shows the popularity of boiling corn over a 12 month period looks like [this.](How long does it take to boil corn https://imgur.com/gallery/OFEcf6T)

If you look at the top related queries associated with "how long does it take," boiling corn does not even make the [list of 25.](How long does it take https://imgur.com/gallery/piodm0w)

I don't think you're crazy. I have no good explanation, but fully support your "this is weird" post.

Maybe the algorithm is looking at a bigger picture. Like at us specifically as users. Maybe for me it guessed boiling corn because I'm a woman who recently googled purses which their stats show is the action of a person likely to boil corn? I have no idea, but I can imagine an algorithm so complex that it feels like they're reading minds.

Oh my God thank you. This thread was making me feel like I was taking crazy pills.

This guy is exactly right. You think if they had this tech they'd expose it by saving you a couple of words worth of typing, and potentially blow their secret?

Can you replicate this in any way? I've tried the search on a few different machines at work with unrelated profiles. How long auto completes to the search you made.

It's not really a remarkable coincidence. Obviously the most common phrase after those two words is about boiling corn. That's why it's the first result. Therefore someone typing the most common phrase is most likely to encounter this apparent, but not actual, mind reading.

"obvious". Please help me understand how you got to that conclusion

For the exact same reason OP posted this thread. It’s pretty apparent when you’re thinking something quite specific and it pops up as the first suggested. Even more obvious when that keeps happening.

That was my exact reply to another poster asking why they would waste such powerful technology on this. It may not be the primary purpose of it, but it could be applied to countless industries including advertising and search optimization.

Happened to me also like this. I was debating whether or not to go to the store and buy chocolate, and literally an hour later I get an ad on youtube for the exact same brand of chocolate I was thinking about.

Reading brainwaves is too much of a job to make your search 0.5 sec faster though


But what if the primary function was not to optimize the search engine, this just happened to be a secondary function.

I would think the purpose right now (assuming this technology exists and is in use, for the purpose of this discussion) is not for increasing the speed of search, but simply more effective advertising. Maybe Godiva is paying top dollar for this new secret GoogleAdWaves type of service, you know?

Have you considered wearing a tin foil hat? It may help.

Nah. I was gonna wrap the corn in foil before cooking if I didnt boil it so that would be of no use you horse fucker.

The moment you mentioned corn out loud infront of a smartphone or computer with chrome/facebook open, google knew what you were planning to do.


They don't need to read minds when they can just read lips through our multiple hot mic'd devices

I didnt mention it out loud.. thats the point. I was laying in bed, debating in my head whether or not to get up and make corn, wondering how long it would take.

You could have mentioned it any time in the previous days, so what? Isn't the fact that private companies hot mic all our devices conspiracy enough?

I mean that is a conspiracy itself.. But I can promise you I have not mentioned trying to boil or make corn in the past several weeks. This was a random craving type deal, which is why the autofill freaked me out so much.

Anyway, the important part is that google knows what you're talking about, also probably knows what you're buying with your credit cards so they're pretty much in your head.

In no way do I have anything to back this up, it's just a thought. 4g has capability to reads minds? But 5g can implants thoughts?

DUDE, I literally thought this weeks ago, I don't know how I sometimes get recommendations for some type of problems, like I never ever saw or searched for anything related with dental problems, and Instagram is showing me posts about brackets (that's exactly what I need) or posts about bad acne (another problem I have) but I never talked about it, mentioned, or even searched that on Instagram, I mean why should I even search for that there... and it only appeared hours/several days after I thought and WORIED about it.

I have noticed that as well many times.....

What kind of food do most people boil? Come on dude not hard. Go to any computer and Google or even try bing.

Idk pasta? Try and tell me more people boil corn than pasta.

Ill wait.

There's conspirists and conspiritards. I literally told you what do to for you to see the truth. Yet, here are. Feel good wasting time?

Lean to critically think

It’s much more complex than that. Google algorithms are crazy, but essentially I think you’re right.

When say thanksgiving comes around I’d bet money ‘how long’ auto fills to ‘do you cook a turkey’. And not just these seasonal things, but like others say the rest of your history (purchases, conversations, etc...).

It's really not in this case, did you try it yourself? Why even respond without double checking first.

I did, but mine was ‘how to’ which auto filled to ‘cut watermelon’ which I just bought.

You can’t tell me the most googled how to is to cut watermelon, that’s ridiculous.

Search incognito, obviously it will have algro with users search records but corn is one of the defaults

I’ve never googled watermelon so there’s no search records and can manage to cut one without assistance like most I’m sure so it’s not a default.

I use DuckDuckGo, but gave google a shot for this little experiment.

Alternatively, you're an unwitting test subject, and they implanted the desire for corn in your head by voice-to-skull tech, which I believe has been admitted to exist. I find this slightly more plausible than them reading your mind at a distance, but only just. And ever since I realised the secret space program was real, I've accepted that most of us live in total ignorance as to the true state of technology and our relationship to it.

I’m usually on board with this but I just googled “how to cook.” And corn in the cob was number two so I’m thinking this one was a big coincidence lol. But I definitely know what you mean. Google is a creep

All I typed was how long.. Id agree if I typed cook or boil and corn autofilled, but I didnt even type anything to do with food at all, just how long.

Weird corn is still the #1 answer. Still creepy though. I wouldn’t doubt if google had some weird way to know what you’re thinking.

All I type into google is "how l" and it autofills "how long to boil an ear of corn".

Though the correct answer is eat it raw, so long as it is fresh. I just started doing it recently, and man is it delicious!

There's no way it's a popular search option because it's corn season, it's GOOGLE CAN READ YOUR BRAIN!!!!!

Google and it's ai are getting good it seems

Google is a botnet disguised as a private enterprise. It may have started off as just a search engine and advert company, but it has evolved into so much more. Google along with Amazon form an inescapable 24/7 spying network that is impractical to escape from.

I'm really glad to see someone else talk about this because I've noticed it happening a few times and just wrote it off as coincidence the first couple of times...but it keeps happening.

So yeah, just to be clear, I guess we all know that our phone's mic is picking up on everything we say out loud and potentially feeding it into search results...but, like the OP, these were times when I had only thought about something and had not typed it or even spoken it. Just in my head.

I can't think of any examples now but I'll definitely be monitoring it more closely from now on!

I think it's more likely that they know you bought corn, if you paid for it by card.

And they’re contacting Mexico to have more corn shipped in.

Google were active participants in helping Obama win in 2012. Their data collection and analysis allowed Obama's team to target "likely Obama voters" who were "non-political" in "key battleground states". No matter what the media tells you that election was within a few hundred thousand votes across 4-5 states.

Obama's team used that data to harass those apolitical people with their neighbors to "get them out to vote". It was pretty successful.

There is no doubt that Google is a far left hole . They are helping China limit information to their people and are actively contributing to their Artificial Intelligence meanwhile they told the DoD in the US to fuck off. Do Evil is the Google slogan.

This is definitely related to OP's post.


I worked with a chinese guy that was shocked that obama was in office. He said it's not good!

He kept saying american needs a rich old white guy.

I was dealing with customers that were losing their homes, businesses and families it was horrible.


I regularly search for 'cooking instructions _____ ' -- if I had search history turned on, it would probably suggest my favorite frozen meals (in order!) every time I started typing 'cooking.'

Equally as terrifying.

They probably do know, but this isn't really a convincing explanation.

If they're gathering enough data on people to know when they're buying corn, then they clearly have plenty of other data on people's lives and habits; this only makes it seem that much less likely that this auto-suggestion would have come up based on the starting keywords.

"How long..." is pretty vague, and there is nothing in that phrase that suggests food cooking times in particular.

Time of day? Just guessing

If Google really has mind reading tech I highly doubt they would use it to sell you corn.

On second thought, knowing Google, this is probably exactly what they'd use it for.

I just thought really hard about pineapple for 2 minutes (I never search for pineapple. I hate pineapple) then I typed “How to cut...”

Google results?

  1. Your own hair.
  2. A fringe.
  3. Pineapple.

Well telepathy is real. And electronic telepathy is something they're definitely developing. It's more likely they're transmitting messages to you subliminally, then vice versa.

Nah they are just telling you what to think. Not the other way around

Congrats for making it to /r/TopMindsOfReddit .


Ita an honor.

We are very predictable creatures. The amount of data Google has makes these predictions easier.

This is what is happening. They have endless data on what hundreds of millions of people search, buy, listen to, who you call, your best friends, where you live, your income etc (and they have all this data about everyone on a timeline, they know when these decisions and actions were made in order).

They can "predict the future" and "read your mind" because they know that 90% of the time when someone has taken the same actions as you in a similar time frame, you will search for something specific.

They're probably getting to the level where they can predict the age you will likely get married, when you will have kids, where you will live, what kind of car you will buy, etc. Eventually they might be able to even determine more granular things like who your spouse will be or when you will make a new friend.

YES! Very well said.

I think this too. I had a bladder infection a few weeks ago and kept thinking about how I needed to get some AZO pills. Then I started seeing ads for AZO all over the internet. Never talked about it, or googled it. Was just thinking about how I needed to get some.

There is zero evidence that's true and its irresponsible to make conclusions like that. It seems obvious that the probability of a rare instance of auto-complete being related to a previous thought is much more likely than google developing one of the most advanced technologies in the history of man kind without anyone knowing.

Think about all the times that you had a thought, then searched google, and your auto-complete was not related to what you were thinking. Add those instances up over a week and you'll have hundreds, maybe thousands of examples where google didn't read your mind.

Does google PR pay well?

Your fucking kidding me, right?

That's exactly what a mind reading robot would say.

Eric Schmidt, Google's CEO: "I actually think most people don't want Google to answer their questions. They want Google to tell them what they should be doing next."

Google, the AI overlord of the future. The next-gen mind-control of the masses. It's already happening people!


Also, how the fuck does Eric Schmidt actually know what people really want? That's some sinister shit right there.

It does sound crazy but it happens to me too

Could it just be that corn is seasonal thing in your area that people cook lots of corn this time of year? I dunno..we dont have corn where we are from, but I've seen the suggested queries change depending on season..(christmas, summer etc...)

I was thinking this. A lot of the Midwest has their corn festivals at the end of August / early Sept.

Yeah I really doubt they are reading brain waves but I believe it’s possible. I don’t think you’re being ridiculous at all.

after typing, 'how long to', 'how long to boil corn on the cob' showed as the fourth highest option

You’re not alone.

I'm surprised I haven't seen mention of psychotronic or ELF (extremely low frequency) weapons. The capability to do this most certainly exists. It's not necessarily top secret, or a conspiracy theory, many of these devices are openly patented over the decades since MK Ultra. I feel like this has happened to me in the past, but as soon as I typed how long into Google corn came up for me as well. Seems like that is just a common question people have.


Here's a video on the subject of radio frequency weapons someone just sent me. Haven't seen the whole thing yet but looks informative

TTW a group of reddit users discovered the #1 Google search result for, "how long..." was "how long to boil corn. "

My friend showed me a video on her phone and the same artist came ubder recomended on my phone a day after.

I'm convinced it can also. I told my girlfriend last week I used to have a crush on a certain catalog model. By typing "Fre" into the search bar, I got Frederique Van Der Wahl.

Not Free Willy, not Fresh vegetables, not Fred effin Flintstones, no.

It came up with very the Dutch fashion model from the 90's and early 2 grands I was thinking about.

Ya, that's how that works

Did you say the full name around your phone?

That's a weird one, but I've definitely seen it happen for things said around phones.

I hadn't actually. But you are totally correct about search results being affected by conversations held around phones. Those things listen - all the time

Truly bizarre.

I've had similar experiences though so I'd have to say I believe you.

Type one letter and the full text auto populates...

DARPA done deal, your right.

I get that things you searched for before can be more likely to appear. Or if you spoke about something with your phone nearby ot might hear you and tailor results accordingly.

But there have legit been times when I have just thought about something and appears when i search.

I think "how long to boil corn" is actually more common than you think, especially when it is in season. I just googled the same thing a few days ago because ears of corn are a dozen for $4 right now.

You need to start sleeping with your head wrapped in aluminum foil and cover your windows with aluminum foil. It's the only way THEY can be stopped.

I typed "How long" and my first autfill response was "to boil corn" I guess no one knows how to boil corn 😅

I once started typing "are fud" and google autocompleted it to "are fudgesicles gluten free?"

I was going to type "are fudgesicles gluten free?" HOW THE FUCK did it know that?

I recently started playing WoW again (Lok'Tar Ogar!) and the amount of times Google autofills the exact quest I'm working on is strange.

It's possible it just "reads" what I'm doing in the background (not brainwaves) in this case, but I have definitely had it happen with many other things.

I dunno OP. I kinda think they can too :/ ... or they have REALLY good data parsing algorithms.

This is completely ridiculous.

...why would you boil corn?

Because you eat yours raw?


I was making a sarcastic comment because there other far better ways to cook corn. Sorry if it went in one ear and out the other.

Sick pun

It's also possible their AI is just excellent at predictive behavior.

I just typed how long and got to boil corn also

It happens to me all the time, but I usually say the word at some point throughout the day. In one way, yes its super creepy and the other its helpful.

I think what's far more likely is that their usual algorithm is just getting really fucking good at guessing what you want (Google probably knows that you recently bought corn, and that you eat at that time in the day maybe).

Also, confirmation bias is huge. You're more likely to remember the times google gets it right than if it auro corrected to anything else.

I love conspiracy theories, but I just did your "how long" search

What an.asshole

right at this moment I typed in "how long" and "how long to boil corn" was literally the third entry behind something I had just searched and how long is incredibles 2 (no idea why).

However, i guess since I was just reading your post maybe they are simply reading my mind? (or maybe other tabs I have open)

I just did the same test in an incognito window and how long to boil corn is still the 2nd top result, so honestly, I think that was just a coincidence.

I wonder how many people around the world are searching up how to boil corn at this exact moment.

I've experienced this too.

Damn you're fucking retarded.

My buddy was arrested for sleeping on a beach around the time of the occupy movement. He mouthed off to the cop that google was reading his brainwaves.... and got a 72 hour psychiatric hold. In retrospect it belongs in /r/funnyandsad

smart dust

piezoelectric crystals

Were all tagged.

One of my coworkers had a mini travel coffee mug in a meeting and I thought to myself, “oh that’s cute I should get one.” That night it came up as a recommended item on amazon. The exact thing. I’m sure our phones “talked” to each other or something but we work in a place where we can’t have our phones at all.

I've noticed this happening to me as well and have had the same thoughts about this. Some unexplainable suggestions get tossed at me weekly or almost daily

I definitely think you're on to something. There's always tech that they don't want us to know about for various reasons. But the biggest and worst reason, is when the tech is so dangerous. The most dangerous tech is tech that can control people's brains...

This is called a synchronicity and we are going to be getting a LOT more of them in the coming months. Keep your eyes peeled. It is one of the ways that the spirit world speaks to us. Yes Google is tuned in to that realm and is using it in their AI... and they are not the good guys! They are wanting to develop synthetic god-level awareness and they will fail.

Other things to watch for are coded messages found in spelling "errors", the names assigned to things, the timing of things. And especially look for double entendres - when someone speaks in the literal sense (eg "there's a storm coming") always look for the figurative meaning to be taking place as well.

I just googled "how long" and got boil corn as the 4th option. False alarm, boys.

Your camera does check where on your screen your eyes are focused, and your pupil dilations. So don't look at anything.

I don't think Google controls it, I believe it's something that merely uses technology for its own ends. The Google stuff was unknowingly designed to help it imo.

Think of it more as a buddy trying to help you.

AI will get to a point where every scenario and decision will have been thought of a possibility in the machine, and it will look like the forecast of the future but it is really infinite amount of points in your everyday life that leads to a specific decision being made. They will essentially predict the future.

This happens to me far more often than simple coincidence would apply. Just last night, my girlfriend and I were looking up at the sky and I mentioned the fact that I saw 3 airplanes in a relatively small amount of airspace (we live near John Glenn International Airport). I made a comment about how I didn't realize how busy the airport was, and I said I wonder what the top 10 busiest airports in the country are? Whipped out my phone, start typing "what are the top...." and amazingly, "what are the top 10 busiest airports?" was suggested. If they aren't reading brain waves, they are definitely always listening.

It's just computer-based mentalist on steroids.

Typed in "how long" into google via my work's VPN; "to boil corn" is the top result. The next are "is incredibles 2", "do cats live" and "to bake chicken".

Not just google. Lets just assume the government can read our thoughts.

Yeah I know exactly what you mean. Too many times Google has predicted what I was going to type, to a TEE with only have a few letters in, sometimes not even an entire word before it suggests an entire specific search term.

I have no evidence for it actually happening but it happens enough that I have started to notice it's more than just picking up what I'm talking about around the phone. Whether that be my brain waves or it tracking other weird metrics, it is weird.

I tested this and typed, "How long" and had the same result. I have no interest in boiling corn my friend. It'sxa coincidence

"I can't explain it any other way." Therefore, Google can read your brainwaves? Your lack of creativity and knowledge does not give Google amazing super powers.

This is why people believe in miracles. "He got shot in the head and lived. I can't think of any other way that could happen than that God exists and he suspended the laws of physics for my buddy over here."

My auto fill also has "how long to boil corn" after only typing "how l..." Followed by "bake salmon" & "boil crab". I'm a vegetarian who has no corn so the theory is looking suspect...

I dont eat corn, think about corn, or even look at corn. Saw this post and went to see what came up for me, it was "how long to boil corn." I just think a lot of people don't know how to cook corn

Weird, corn for me is like number 5... and number one is "how long were the japanese planes in flight before they reach oahu" lol wtf

The world is a dream and demons are whispering their knowledge about you into Google's machine brain.

Internet is black magic turned into technology. (Black) magic is just very advanced science.

Reading tip of the week: Dean Radin - Real Magic

Their AI is so advanced in reading your searches and making a profile of you that it's very advanced in predicting your next searches. I don't think it's reading your mind literally but it does make quite accurate predictions into what you might search next. Happens ALL the time. I saw an interview somewhere by a google employee talking about their search AI and how it's specifically made to do this. As time goes on it get's better and better at predicting.

That happens to me often, and it JUST happened. I’ve been thinking about visiting a different night club on Saturday night, different from the one I usually go to. So I thought to myself “Maybe I could go to Henke & Pillot this Saturday” that was last night. I opened IG and there it was! The sponsored ads for H&P Saturday night.

No I haven’t said that out loud. No, I haven’t mentioned I want to go to another club, I just thought about it and voila. Technology freaks me out, man.

On a side note, have you ever tried raw corn? Pull it out of the fridge, cut it off the cob, and toss it in a salad. I never went back to cooking my corn. There is so much juice and flavor in the raw kernels.

Is it possible that we all have sensory implants unbenknownst to us?

I have this happen with homework assignments a lot

I just googled it myself, and it happens to be the most common hit...

#1 result on google and #2 result on bing for "how long to" is about corn. For me, just now.


I think this one can be put to rest.

I think the answer might be more distrurbing than that especially if you like the idea that of freedom of thought.

Google collects an awesome number of datapoints about you - from obvious things like what you type into Gmail, to who-knows-what more subtle things. Perhaps the way you swirl a mouse around is recorded. Maybe your your gait is measured by the phone's acceleration sensor. Google knows the differences between your web browsing habits early and late in the day. Every bit of information they have about you is combined and processed through near-magic algorithms designed by the most expensive statisticians and psychologists money can buy, and out of it comes a prediction of your mental state. Ready to impress you with a perfect search engine response, or maybe to nudge you towards a Google advertiser.

You may think it was a random impulse to need to know how to cook corn but Google saw it coming. They threw together all the bits of information and found links and patterns no normal human would guess at but can be coaxed out of a dataset of countless millions of people. Your supposedly random human thoughts are more predictable than you want to think, and Google is sitting there constantly predicting them.

I had the random desire to listen to a song I haven't heard in AGES. I had only typed in the letters:

Be And then auto fill does its magic =

Been Caught Stealing Jane's Addiction...


People upvoted this, holy fuck.

I would think this is a little crazy myself, except that it happened to me. And it was really, really weird.

Mentioned this on Reddit before but once had a need for an NSAID in the middle of the night due to knee pain from running. Found some out of date Naproxen (think that's its name) that was prescribed to another family member. Was in the AM so hadn't spoken to anybody about taking anything, but when I typed 'Is it safe' into Google it autocompleted my search for the drug I was contemplating taking! Spooked me right out!

Hive minds have to create the ai somehow...

The other day I was home alone heating some food up on the stove- a black glass top stove. As I was cooking, I was staring at a stain on one of the burner that I could never get off from a bit of melted tin foil. I started thinking about how much it would cost to fix because I was getting ready to move soon. I like to fix things myself so I started looking to see if it was even possible to replace only the glass and how much it would cost yada yada yada. I have to admit I was a little upset/worried about the cost. So I sit down to eat dinner, open up Pinterest and before I even touch the screen to scroll down, there is an add for the exact same black glass top stove. Brand and all. This all happened within a few minutes. I never spoke to anyone about it or searched anything like a stove on my phone.

Hive mind has to create the ai somehow


My theory:

Imagine that you go out into a field on a windy day, and shoot a water gun straight up. That stream of water is guaranteed to hit some patch of grass. But, the odds of it hitting a particular patch of grass are extremely low. From that grass patch's perspective, holy shit, what are the odds! It can't be a coincidence!

So if "how long to boil corn" wasn't Google's top result, but if it was rather "how long to grill chicken", then we wouldn't have u/Charlie_Heslin posting here, because he would have needed to type out the whole phrase "how long to boil an ear of corn" without autocomplete and therefore not noticed anything of interest. But rather, we'd have some other redditor who had just gotten up to grill chicken wondering if Google was reading his mind.

Did you use a "rewards/discount" card when you purchased the corn?

I also get (how long) "to boil corn" from google auto suggest.

Try being paranoid about something else.

Nah. Thanks though dan.

I had this happen twice in the past few days, you are not alone.

It was in a kuch different context, and unrelated to recent purchases, there was no way for an algorithm to determine what I was searching for before it popped up.

A microphone that the NSA can listen to even when the phone is off (unless the battery is physically removed), a botnet that tracks every key you press, every search you make, Google utilizes a system that "learns" who you are, you take your phone places, you connect, it logs that into the system, even if you turn off your location settings, they still know where you are, where you go, when you go there and even learn your daily/weekly routines. When you visit stores, watch YouTube videos and the like, it all takes this into account to form a profile on you. If you are too careless with your personal information, you will end up like the OP, with Google knowing what you need before you even ask it.

In the future, this monopoly of a social media giant will have integrated itself within your home in the form of "smart homes", basic things that needlessly connect to your phone, your Google account. Eventually they will control every aspect of your home, and maybe, if you don't think the way they want you to, they may just decide that you shouldn't leave the house, they will insist you are in no shape, but Google won't let you leave your house, then it will block your fridge from opening, saying you are too sick to eat. Then it'll drop the temperature to the absolute lowest, insisting that you are "burning up".

This is the future that lies ahead. Wrongthinkers beware....

It's really not in this case, did you try it yourself? Why even respond without double checking first.

To be completely fair, I just tried it. Corn was one of the first results. Then I thought about peppers and google did not read my mind. Sounds just like a coincidence to me with the corn thing

I like to think that's strictly between God and me.

YES! Very well said.

I opened reddit and typed “I” and this comment wrote itself

Google, the AI overlord of the future. The next-gen mind-control of the masses. It's already happening people!


Also, how the fuck does Eric Schmidt actually know what people really want? That's some sinister shit right there.